Okay... why did you call it albino, then? Or did I just misread what the context of the argument you said this within was?
Someone else said it was albino. I mentioned that albino animals are not generally considered 'beautiful' due to various related defects and nonviability.
On a practical level, yeah, a slider which requires jointed wood would be difficult to create with stone tools. Hinges, though, are small enough that carving them would be practical on an artisanal level. Or at least as practical as creating a door is. I'm debating the necessity of metal for creation, not application on the agricultural version of an industrial scale. I.e. I'm being pedantic and have ceased to care other than wanting to be right, which is unhelpful.
The thing with hinges is you're doing small, fine work, with not at all fine tools. Hinges made out of wood would require being able to reliably cut a hole the same size and shape as a dowel, which is far harder than it sounds without the use of a rasp or file. I believe the typical method of doing it is to burn and chip at the wood.

Its the sort of thing I could see a Xohyssiri artisan inventing for a noble, but the Ymaryn would consider something like that a frivolity and not worth further development for a fair while yet.

And personally I don't care much about being right other than as a "give your best effort" thing. If I'm wrong then it's at least made in good faith.
There is some rowdiness popping up.
@Academia Nut

Is there some distinction in the rowdiness caused by overflow on Quality of It's Own compared to base Martial? Because it seems to me that due to how we spend Econ, we'd be dipping in and out of the stress point basically at random over the turn.

Hmm, would that be considered a stress point for evolving the trait?
I'm not sure why you think that. The provinces don't have a history for snagging weird new technologies until after we develop it at a national level first.
Actually they do:
-Redshore expanded the snails more on their own than we did.
-Northshore figure out watchtowers on their own after seeing Redshore do snail towers.
-Sacred Forest adopted the bluestone quarry despite the central government forgetting about it entirely.

I think it's safe to say that we'd be getting a vineyard in the next 2 turns. Next turn by province, or the turn after manually.
Hm. I'm no geologist, but from what I'm reading the 'cubes' in the gypsum are probably galena. Which is basically lead, and sometimes associated with smaller amounts of silver and zinc.
Here is a helpful mineral identification site. A little dense on the jargon but hey.

Mineral Identification Key IB

I agree that it's probably galena.

It might be Enargite which is a arsenic bronze ore with sulfur.
It might be Tetrahedrite. Which is copper and iron. If it tarnishes black over time then that is a good sign it is. Nope actually. Wrong shape.
It might be Sphalerite. Which is a zinc and sulfur ore. Might be useful. I really doubt this one, from the description the shapes probably don't match.
It might be Manganite. Which is a Magnesium oxide. And magnesium has useful properties when alloyed with iron in steels. Nope again. Wrong shape. Manganite is a long rectangular or cylindrical, not cubic.
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[X] Improve Annual Festival (-2 Econ, +1 Stability, +1 Art chance for additional effects)
[X] Breed it
[X] Kick them out of Southshore (War Mission)
[X] Yes (Trade step farming for chinampas)
Can we build boats, and then go punch the fishermen in the face in the same turn? Synergy bonus, or something like that.
If our soldiers are getting rowdy, they need construction projects to work on.
I think we need them to keep riots under control. Or that was the case a few turns ago.
Pretty much this. The value of any agricultural tech is compounded by our other agricultural, land management, forestry, and water management techniques. Chinampas tech is far more valuable to us than our thousand year old step farm tech will be to them.
I don't care about the advantage to the XS.
They are city-states.
That's a good point.
Someone else said it was albino. I mentioned that albino animals are not generally considered 'beautiful' due to various related defects and nonviability.
True. Their red eyes would probably label them demons.
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Actually they do:
-Redshore expanded the snails more on their own than we did.
-Northshore figure out watchtowers on their own after seeing Redshore do snail towers.
-Sacred Forest adopted the bluestone quarry despite the central government forgetting about it entirely.
No. None of this was ever new development without our input. We started snail production ages ago. It was an extant tech that they expanded themselves.

The watchtowers were an idea that popped up randomly like all the techs do. It wasn't specifically chosen by northshore as an action until after we decided to prioritize them.

Sacred Forest needed a place to expand. That was the only spot. It wasn't exactly a tech innovation.
They are city-states.

On another note, take a look at the gypsum usage subsection in the wiki. You can even use it to enrich soil or combat salty soil. Very useful stuff.
Dude. I think this is the most important part.
  • Tests have shown that gypsum can be used to remove pollutants such as lead[25] or arsenic[26][27] from contaminated waters.

Seeing as those toxins are our biggest byproduct from mining and smelting of any major metal ore.
Dude. I think this is the most important part.
  • Tests have shown that gypsum can be used to remove pollutants such as lead[25] or arsenic[26][27] from contaminated waters.

Seeing as those toxins are our biggest byproduct from mining and smelting of any major metal ore.
*whistles* This stuff is useful. Wow.

It just synergizes so well with things we are starting to break into.
Why we would make wide aqueducts and then create Chinampas in them rather than simply make narrow channels irrigating pre-existing land.
Uh...we don't. We just need to use the aqueducts to increase the flooding levels of our fields by adding elevated containing walls.
Could also be pyrite, which would indicate that this deposite is from a volcanic vent or hot springs.

Edit: Galena also isn't cubic and not found with gypsum.
Edit2: Sorry, it can be found with gypsum.
Probably one of the two. Pyrite is another iron source, though it's not very grey(it's slightly metallic yellowish, hence the name of Fool's Gold, people often mistake it for a metal).

Galena IS grey however.
Well we could always double Main it, then I'm most certain that it would count & probably produces some really interesting effects too :p
That would be quite the sight to see. Especially with the new farm techs.
Here is a helpful mineral identification site. A little dense on the jargon but hey.

Mineral Identification Key IB

I agree that it's probably galena.

It might be Enargite which is a arsenic bronze ore with sulfur.
It might be Tetrahedrite. Which is copper and iron. If it tarnishes black over time then that is a good sign it is. Nope actually. Wrong shape.
It might be Sphalerite. Which is a zinc and sulfur ore. Might be useful. I really doubt this one, from the description the shapes probably don't match.
It might be Manganite. Which is a Magnesium oxide. And magnesium has useful properties when alloyed with iron in steels. Nope again. Wrong shape. Manganite is a long rectangular or cylindrical, not cubic.

Personally FAR more excited about the gypsum.
If it's Galena we don't want to touch it until we finish the Metal event. Lead is poisonous and relatively useless(though on the other hand, a lead ball welded into the head of an iron mace would be one heck of a cosh), so it might backfire.

But Gypsum is our route into mortar. If we build a wall in Northshore after establishing a settlement to mine the gypsum, I think we are going to discover it's use as a binding agent(though it's not water resistant so no Dam usage).
[X] Develop vineyard (-1 Econ, +???)
Tech time
[X] Develop vineyard (-1 Econ, +???)
[x] Breed it
[x] Build boats to counter them (-2 Econ, +1 Econ and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects)
[x] Yes (Trade step farming for chinampas)
[X] Develop vineyard (-1 Econ, +???)
[X] Breed it
[X] Build boats to counter them (-2 Econ, +1 Econ and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects)
[X] Yes (Trade step farming for chinampas)

Are some of you crazy? Don't get locked into a War Mission when all our actions are spoken for in order to clear the event chain.
So next turn:

We have to main a study health+Study tailings OR Study Metal
[][Main] Study Health
[][Main] Study Tailings

This will probably provide the most benefit as the tailings are extremely toxic and is where the greatest health risk exists in the process. I don't remember if the people know about lead poisoning yet. I assume no, so that could be a reason to study metal+ study Health.

Turn after that is the last 'Study' action plus a stability action and vineyards. (Yeah I ain't letting that go.)
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So next turn:

We have to main a study health+Study tailings OR Study Metal
[][Main] Study Health
[][Main] Study Tailings


[][Kick] Study Health

This will probably provide the most benefit as the tailings are extremely toxic and is where the greatest health risk exists in the process. I don't remember if the people know about lead poisoning yet. I assume no, so that could be a reason to study metal+ study Health. Kicking the study health would be immensely useful in sorting out the problems that arise from the tailings.

Turn after that is the last 'Study' action plus a stability action and vineyards. (Yeah I ain't letting that go.)
We cannot kick study actions.

Only Megaprojects and War Missions.

E: In other info, I do believe the People actually do know about leads poisons. I'll go look for it it was a really long time ago.
[X] Develop vineyard (-1 Econ, +???)
[X ] Breed it
[X ] Build boats to counter them (-2 Econ, +1 Econ and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects)
[X ] Yes (Trade step farming for chinampas)

Edit: I'm willing to risk not gaining the stability from Festival for the +???.
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[X] Improve Annual Festival (-2 Econ, +1 Stability, +1 Art chance for additional effects)
[X] Breed it
[X] Build boats to counter them (-2 Econ, +1 Econ and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects)
[X] Yes (Trade step farming for chinampas)
Actually this challenge is going to end up evolving observance right and we got the trait by doing a lot of studying right? So I wonder if finishing the challenge in one big study session will have any interesting effects on our evolved trait?
Actually this challenge is going to end up evolving observance right and we got the trait by doing a lot of studying right? So I wonder if finishing the challenge in one big study session will have any interesting effects on our evolved trait?
How could we? We have to use two turns to finish all the study actions, right?