[] [March] No, stay at home
[] [March] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[] [Caravan] Drive them away
[] [Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact
[] [Challenge] Study Metal (-1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability, improved chance of new insights)
[] [Challenge] Study Tailings (-1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability, improved chance of new insights)
[] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)

Voting template.
That far northwest location isn't great from a strategic perspective. The only threat it can defend against is the nomads, which the Stallion Tribes are already helping to cover. It might help them refocus targets to the Thunder Horse, but we'd be better served by waiting the midturn and establishing a March to the Northeast instead.

[X][Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)

Gives us potential mine locations, which are just better in terms of actions for Stability trades.
So... challenge needs to to do 3 Main, and a 2 Main Combo in 3 turns...

Possible, but pretty much tied up all our actions for 3 turns (except for 2 secondaries over 3 turns)

Best use those free action to change policy.
No, our Thunder Friends!

Omegahugger, the Thunder Speakers were growing angry enough that even you contemplated attacking them

But I didn't and now I'll never get the chance to tell them my true feelings!

Also that Mystic Crisis is going to be a bitch to solve, especially while keeping our Military below cap. That being said, we are pretty close to a Golden Age.
[X] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[X] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
[X] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[X] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
The new March... that's all the way over the sea? Right next to MW?

I'm not sure we can support them, with them that far away...

[X] No, stay at home
[X] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)

Study Metal/Tailings can be done together with Main Health as per challenge req.
[X] No, stay at home
[X] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] Study Tailings (-1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability, improved chance of new insights)
Well...we can attack the newcomers to lower our martial...heh.

Though It may or may not lower our martial enough.
[X] [Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact
That's what we always do.
[X] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
Easy choice, we need to do this at least once before we can build another mine.

Not sure about the march, will wait to hear what people more about involved in this quest think.
right, did you just read what has happened, The nomads that we have WEAKENED manage to roflstomp a civilization and force them to a marriage alliance.
The problem that should not be called upon is not whether the game is historical, but why did nomads were so commonplace is history?
You mean a civilization that isn't a "special snowflake" that has "TREES", "NEEDLES!", "All the PEOPLE" or all the "IRON". We could attack everyone right now and we'd ROLFstomp them. We're the equivalent of dropping the Romans onto early copper age Greece.
[] [March] No, stay at home
[] [March] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[X] [Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
Hmm, didn't we want NE March. Not sure we want NW instead. Still, free action, in this action starved time.
[X] [March] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[X] [Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)

We have excess martial so let's build a new march, try to recover our diplomacy with trading, and survey lands first because let's find another iron site before spending stabiliy in a process that might become dangerous. The march would help us because they have acess to new territory winch would expand our chance of finding more iron.
[X] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[X] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)

lower our martial down to a level that isn´t red.

Hmm, didn't we want NE March. Not sure we want NW instead. Still, free action, in this action starved time.

We really need to lower our martial start as it is a nice red ....