Pathfinder/RWBY: You Call That a God? A Summoner in Remnant Quest

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A young god caller of Sarkoris finds themselves far from home, with only their god for guidance.
Intro (Part 1)


Erratic Aussie
Melbourne, Australia
The ancient art of god calling, a unique mix of religious devotion and magical theory, has long been practiced by the clans of Sarkoris. Though the spirits summoned by these ancient rituals were bound to their summoner and unable to manifest without them, they were worshipped as living gods. So long as the secrets to their summoning were passed down the same spirit could be called again and again, to serve as a living link to the clan's past and a powerful protector.

When the Worldwound opened and Sarkoris was destroyed by demons countless gods were lost. Their summoners were slain, their clans shattered and scattered across Avistan. Your clan was no exception. But not all was lost. Now that the planar rift at the heart of the Worldwound has been closed and the land has begun to heal, new gods have begun to emerge. Those that have returned to reclaim their ancestral home and those who have come to study what remains have rediscovered the art of summoning many of the gods. And some managed to retain their ancestral knowledge even as they were turned into refugees, benefiting from the wisdom of their god even as they made a new home for themselves.

By Absalom Reckoning it is the year 4723. You are a 17 year old who recently bonded with a Sarkorian spirit, becoming a God-Caller gifted with potent primal magic. You and your eidolon believe that you will spend most of your life in Sarkoris, fighting to reclaim it from the remnants of the Abyss. But fate has other plans.

But first, where did you grow up?
[ ] The Crusader City of Kenabres
For over a century Kenabres stood on the border of the Worldwound and the nation of Mendev, serving as a heavily fortified base of operations for the crusaders fighting against the seemingly endless hordes of demons. Though it almost fell when the Wardstone was tainted and the demon-lord Deskari manifested, its defenders proved mightier than any expected, kicking the demons out of their city and starting the Fifth and Final Mendevian Crusade. You almost died a dozen times in that mess, surviving due to luck and the sacrifices of others, but survive you did. You may be more of a Mendevian than a Sarkorian, but you will honour the sacrifices others made for you and the god you have bonded with.
[ ] The Ruined Town of Gundrun
Once a simple fishing community on the border of Sarkoris and Ustalav, the opening of the Worldwound turned Gundrun first into a refugee town when Ustalav refused to allow any entry into their lands, second into a ghost town when the refugees and locals turned on each other as Abyssal corruption killed off the wildlife and dried up the river. When a group of returning Sarkorians sought to a base to strike against the demons from, they resettled Gundrun as a ramshackle community of wandering traders, refugees, nomads and sellswords with few remaining in the area for longer than a decade. It was in this loose community you grew up and even though Gundrun has become a thriving centre of the Reclamation now, you remain ready to pack up and move on the moment something goes wrong.
[ ] The Village of Lies, Wintersun
Seemingly a village of indomitable Sarkorian warriors capable of fighting off any demonic assault, the truth of Wintersun is far darker. Their glorious Lady of the Sun was not a noble protector, but a demon that had turned their home into something of a holiday destination for demons. Her illusions meant the townsfolk would see demons as holy angels and mighty spirits and any crusaders, refugees or other outsiders that came too close would be seen as the demons that threatened their home. Your childhood curiosity turned into suspicion as you grew and you would've been killed for it had the Knight-Commander not arrived to shatter the illusions and free your people. You are better of than many of your kinfolk, but still feel a need to repent for your sins and a deep suspicion of authority.
[ ] The Tainted Land of the Thunder Steppes
When the Worldwound opened your ancestors fled west, finding safety in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords by joining with one of their sister clans. But such safety didn't last. The western border of the Worldwound wasn't guarded by the Wardstones and the steppes that the Kellids roamed with their mammoth herds were slowly but surely corrupted by Abyssal energies. Though most clans left to seek a new home, yours chose to stay and fight. Their struggles were great, but when the Worldwound closed they were one of the first to return to their ancestral land. You are not a child of what most would consider civilisation. You have spent your life on the move, always seeking wholesome water and plants for your herds to eat. Until now, when you seek your true purpose.

To those not of Sarkoris you are a summoner and your god is an eidolon, but you know that you are bonded to a god and that you have a sacred duty to them that shall not end until you die. How did you come to first summon your god?
[ ] Discovered - Your eidolon is one of the spirits that have emerged after the Worldwound was closed and you are their first summoner.Perhaps the honour and legacy is lesser, but your eidolon is overflowing with potential.
[ ] Freed - Your eidolon was sealed away long ago. Perhaps it was trapped by demon cultists, or it was the loser of a clan war. Whatever the case, you found its prison and freed it
[ ] Inherited - Your eidolon has been summoned by members of your clans for centuries and you are proud to have inherited this sacred duty from your grandparent.
[ ] Sent - Your eidolon was sent to you by a greater god by a purpose unknown to you. As a result you have hewed closer to the duties of a more traditional priest as well as those of a god-caller, still unsure of what you are meant to do.

The spirits summoned by god-callers were almost always worshipped as gods of the Clan or the region, but many had other aspects as well. What is your eidolon a god of?
[ ] Fire
[ ] Journeys
[ ] Leadership
[ ] Survival
[ ] Winter

AN: This is a new evolution of an idea that's lived in my head ever since I properly delved into the setting of Pathfinder. A magical adventurer and their god in a world that sorely needs the wonder of magic and some divine aid.

For anyone who remembers my old quest of To Live in Magical Times I'm sorry, but despite my best effort I couldn't be happy with any further updates to it. This is a refinement of the base idea behind that quest and I hope an improvement in terms of longevity and writing.

If you have any questions about the setting or the later stages of character creation feel free to ask. I'm only separating them so I'm not giving a tribal nomad the option of being a learned scribe and similar things that could happen.
Looks interesting! I'm all for this!

[X] The Village of Lies, Wintersun
[X] Discovered
[X] Journeys
[X] The Tainted Land of the Thunder Steppes
[X] Inherited
[X] Survival

Gimme that Barbarian energy baby!
Squints at the votes

I'm going to need to add a dinosaur option to your eidolon's appearance aren't I?

[X] The Tainted Land of the Thunder Steppes
[X] Inherited
[X] Survival

Gimme that Barbarian energy baby!
Just remember that you're primarily a spellcaster. Even if you're going around in furs that barely cover your body and carry a bone spear.
Intro (Part 2)
-The Tainted Land of the Thunder Steppes
When the Worldwound opened your ancestors fled west, finding safety in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords by joining with one of their sister clans. But such safety didn't last. The western border of the Worldwound wasn't guarded by the Wardstones and the steppes that the Kellids roamed with their mammoth herds were slowly but surely corrupted by Abyssal energies. Though most clans left to seek a new home, yours chose to stay and fight. Their struggles were great, but when the Worldwound closed they were one of the first to return to their ancestral land. You are not a child of what most would consider civilisation. You have spent your life on the move, always seeking wholesome water and plants for your herds to eat. Until now, when you seek your true purpose.
- Freed - Your eidolon was sealed away long ago. Perhaps it was trapped by demon cultists, or it was the loser of a clan war. Whatever the case, you found its prison and freed it
- Survival

Ah the Thunder Steppes. Even as the land turned blighted and barren and most sought greener lands across the Tusk Mountains the following of the Watching Wolf remain, determined to hold their ancestral lands and fight any invading demons. Even now that the Worldwound has closed and new growth has returned to your home, the Thunder Steppes are still teeming with corrupted beasts and demonic remnants.

You found your eidolon on the ancient border of Sarkoris and the Thunder Steppes, imprisoned within an ancient ring of stony trees for some unknown crime. Recognising them as a god of Sarkoris you shattered the seal and forged a bond that will endure beyond your lifetime.

What is your Ancestry?
[ ] Human - Whether your blood is ulfen, kellid or some other people, you are human. Adaptable, open minded and ambitious, it is humanity that dominates your home land.
[ ] Changeling - Your father was human, though he died before you ever met him. Your mother is a hag, a loathsome fey that delight in spreading discord and despair to humans. You have eyes of two different colours and dread the day your mother will call you home, for you don't know if you will ignore it, or go to her with spell and steel.
[ ] Half-Orc - The orcs of the Belkzen Hold are your southern neighbours and they are both worthy foes and noble allies. As a result orcs and half-orcs are the second most common ancestry on the Thunder Steppes and you are truly proud of both sides of your heritage.
[ ] Pitborn Tiefling - Though your parents were human, you were tainted by the energies of the Abyss and were born a tiefling. Though you were fortunate enough to look mostly human, you retain the asymmetrical mutations and endless well of rage common to all pitborn tieflings.

What do you look like?
Though most inhabitants of the Thunder Steppes are the kellids with prominent tattoos, you could easily be a pale skinned ulfen, a dark skinned erutaki, a white haired jadwiga, a tien that ventured over the Wall of Heaven and the Crown of the World or a dark skinned vudrani or garundi who's parents travelled north. Describe or link a picture.
[ ] QM Choice
[ ] Write In

What is your name?
The Sarkorians used the normal first name last name structure with the addition of their clan name, while other kellids and ulfens go by a first name and a byname describing their accomplishments.
[ ] QM Choice
[ ] Write In

Perks (pick 3 or more)

You may pick up to three (3) perks from the list below with no conditions. Each additional perk must be taken alongside a flaw from the list below it. You may have a maximum of two flaws, or one double down flaw. For any option (except "luck of the draw") you may double down on a choice, which makes it counts as two picks in its category and will double or amplify its effect as appropriate. To do so, add "DD" to the end of the option(s) you wish to double down on.

[ ] Ancient Relic - When you became a god caller the elders of the following granted you an ancient relic of vast and mysterious magical powers
[ ] Eidolon Aspect - You can use a minor magic working to take on some of the physical characteristics of your eidolon - from claws and fangs to eyes and nose
[ ] Martial Might - Surviving in the Thunder Steppes forced you be strong but you went further, training with weapons so you could excel at hunting anything - from mammoths and deer to demons
[ ] Monstrous Trophy - You recently took part in the hunt of a might beast and landed the killing blow. As a result you carry a trophy of that hunt, a potent crafting material or spell component
[ ] Orcish Warmask - You have learned how to make and apply the sacred paints that form an Orcish Warmask, both making you terrifying in battle and granting you a mystical edge.
[ ] Pathfinder Support - When your following ventured into the Sarkoris Scar to lend their aid to the victorious crusade they made contact with the Pathfinder Society, a band of explorers and adventurers that granted your people much aid in return for nothing more than the ancient wisdom of your eidolon.
[ ] Talent for Summons - All summoners have an easier time with summoning magic but you've taken that ease and natural talent and become a prodigy at the art. Whether you're calling on your eidolon, the beasts around you or a mighty outsider you can do so with ease.
[ ] Talent for Crafting - You've always had a gift for making things and since becoming a god caller you've found that extends to imbuing your creations with magic.
[ ] Talent for Elements - As a god caller you have found yourself wielding primal magic and found those spells that evoke the elements are easier to cast and far more potent.
[ ] Talent for Rituals - A ritual is an esoteric and complex spell that needs multiple casters, but even those without spellcasting may participate. Even before becoming a god caller you were an eager participant in the rituals of your people and you know many rituals, even if you haven't cast most of them.

[ ] Blackfire Brand - When planar borders become thin and torn you can find blackfire burning. This cursed flame burned you when you freed your eidolon and has left its mark on your spells.
[ ] Cursed - Your eidolon wasn't just sealed away. For freeing and bonding with them you have become the target of an ancient and powerful curse that always strikes at the worst possible moment.
[ ] Illiterate - You don't know how to read or write
[ ] Magical Klutz - Your spells have a habit of backfiring, especially when you're trying to learn a new one.
[ ] Suspicion of Ozpin - Ozpin, whoever that is, and his followers will be suspicious of you upon your arrival.
[ ] Suspicion of Salem - Salem, whoever that is, and her followers will be suspicious of you upon your arrival.
[ ] Tainted - Prolonged exposure to Abyssal energies has left its mark on your soul and your body.

Eidolon Name:
[ ] QM Choice
[ ] Write In

Eidolon Form:
The god-eidolons and spirit guides of Sarkoris take the form of natural animals with a notable magical trait. Examples include a fox with horns, a bear with a feathered mane, a wolf with starry fur, an eagle with dragon scales and hybrid creatures like vulturebears and rabbithounds. In the magical land of Golarion natural animals include creatures like owlbears, manticores, griffons and more. It doesn't include dragons because of their intense magical nature, though your eidolon can have draconic traits.
What does your eidolon look like?
[ ] An Eagle with the mighty legs of an ostrich
[ ] An Elk with branching antlers of living wood and a coat entwined with vines
[ ] A Griffon with eyes eyes and wings that reflect the night sky
[ ] A Mammoth with iron tusks and a fire breathing trunk
[ ] A Remorhaz with a forked tail and molten scales
[ ] A Smilodon with gleaming silver spots and eyes
[ ] A Tyrannosaurus with a thick coat of white feathers and freezing breath
[ ] A two headed Wolf with crimson fur and smoking eyes
[ ] Write In

A/N: I highly encourage plan voting here but I won't require it.
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[X] Plan: Living Faerie Tale
-[X] Changeling - Your father was human, though he died before you ever met him. Your mother is a hag, a loathsome fey that delight in spreading discord and despair to humans. You have eyes of two different colours and dread the day your mother will call you home, for you don't know if you will ignore it, or go to her with spell and steel.

What do you look like?
-[X] Write in: Like most Changelings, you take after your father, if a more paler version of him. Your skin is almost snow white and your hair is a fiery red, your left eye is green and your right eye is red.

What is your name?
-[X] Write in: Fetch

-[X] Talent for Summons - All summoners have an easier time with summoning magic but you've taken that ease and natural talent and become a prodigy at the art. Whether you're calling on your eidolon, the beasts around you or a mighty outsider you can do so with ease.

-[X] Martial Might - Surviving in the Thunder Steppes forced you be strong but you went further, training with weapons so you could excel at hunting anything - from mammoths and deer to demons

-[X] Talent for Crafting - You've always had a gift for making things and since becoming a god caller you've found that extends to imbuing your creations with magic.

-[X] Talent for Rituals - A ritual is an esoteric and complex spell that needs multiple casters, but even those without spellcasting may participate. Even before becoming a god caller you were an eager participant in the rituals of your people and you know many rituals, even if you haven't cast most of them.

-[X] Suspicion of Ozpin - Ozpin, whoever that is, and his followers will be suspicious of you upon your arrival.

Eidolon Name:
-[X] Write in: Oberon

Eidolon Form:
-[X] An Elk with branching antlers of living wood and a coat entwined with vines

I admit, I'm not too sure if Oberon is actually in Pathfinder so if he is, then we can change the name I picked
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[X] Barbarian
-[X] Human
-[X] Write In: Cadell
-[X] Martial Might
-[X] Monstrous Trophy
-[X] Talent for Crafting
-[X] Illiterate
-[X] Talent for Summons
-[X] Write In: Beast
-[X] A two headed Wolf with crimson fur and smoking eyes
[X] Plan: Living Faerie Tale
-[X] Changeling - Your father was human, though he died before you ever met him. Your mother is a hag, a loathsome fey that delight in spreading discord and despair to humans. You have eyes of two different colours and dread the day your mother will call you home, for you don't know if you will ignore it, or go to her with spell and steel.

What do you look like?
-[X] Write in: Like most Changelings, you take after your father, if a more paler version of him. Your skin is almost snow white and your hair is a fiery red, your left eye is green and your right eye is red.

What is your name?
-[X] Write in: Fetch

-[X] Martial Might - Surviving in the Thunder Steppes forced you be strong but you went further, training with weapons so you could excel at hunting anything - from mammoths and deer to demons

-[X] Talent for Crafting - You've always had a gift for making things and since becoming a god caller you've found that extends to imbuing your creations with magic.

-[X] Cursed - Your eidolon wasn't just sealed away. For freeing and bonding with them you have become the target of an ancient and powerful curse that always strikes at the worst possible moment.

-[X] Suspicion of Ozpin - Ozpin, whoever that is, and his followers will be suspicious of you upon your arrival.

Eidolon Name:
-[X] Write in: Oberon

Eidolon Form:
-[X] An Elk with branching antlers of living wood and a coat entwined with vines

I admit, I'm not too sure if Oberon is actually in Pathfinder so if he is, then we can change the name I picked
A solid concept but you misread the Perks section - you get three perks by default and get more by taking flaws. Going to restrict you guys to two flaws actually. Oberon isn't in pathfinder but even if he was, this would ahrdly be the first time someone was named after a fey lord or god.
[X] Barbarian
-[X] Human
-[X] Write In: Cadell
-[X] Martial Might
-[X] Monstrous Trophy
-[X] Talent for Crafting
-[X] Illiterate
-[X] Talent for Summons
-[X] Write In: Beast
-[X] A two headed Wolf with crimson fur and smoking eyes
I'm not going to say Beast is a bad name, but with the Sealed backstory for the wolf that means at some point they'll reveal 'my name isn't really Beast', and you'll be all like 'No shit'.

Cool art though. Where's it from?
I'm not going to say Beast is a bad name, but with the Sealed backstory for the wolf that means at some point they'll reveal 'my name isn't really Beast', and you'll be all like 'No shit'.

Cool art though. Where's it from?
Aww~. But, I was kinda thinking since you know, this is a survival eidolon. The name makes some semblance of sense. Cause when an animal gets backed into a corner, they become a rabid Beast.

Also, I just searched "anime barbarian" and google did the rest for me. Also, the artist's name is signed onto the pic.
Aww~. But, I was kinda thinking since you know, this is a survival eidolon. The name makes some semblance of sense. Cause when an animal gets backed into a corner, they become a rabid Beast.

Also, I just searched "anime barbarian" and google did the rest for me. Also, the artist's name is signed onto the pic.
Oh I asked because pintrest is terrible and the artist deleted their twitter account so I couldn't figure out what character it was.

The thing with your eidolon is that they're at least 200. They've had multiple summoners before you and have found deep satisfaction in helping not just their summoner but also the summoner's tribe/clan/following survive everything that gets thrown at them. Then they got sealed away and got a front row seat to the Worldwound opening and Sakoris being destroyed. Maybe they do become a rabid beast when backed into a corner now. But that's a mark of how far they've fallen, as is the discarding of their name.

Maybe their old name meant Beast in Hallit, the language of the kellids. But it definitely wouldn't be Beats in Taldane, which is the Golarion equivalent of English.
A solid concept but you misread the Perks section - you get three perks by default and get more by taking flaws. Going to restrict you guys to two flaws actually. Oberon isn't in pathfinder but even if he was, this would ahrdly be the first time someone was named after a fey lord or god.
Oh in that case, let me make the adjustments
[ ] Talent for Summons - All summoners have an easier time with summoning magic but you've taken that ease and natural talent and become a prodigy at the art. Whether you're calling on your eidolon, the beasts around you or a mighty outsider you can do so with ease.
You forgot to put the X in "Talent for Summons".
Two Words : DINO RIDER

[X] Plan: Archer Dino gal
-[X] Human

-[X] Xanthe Scythia
-[X] Eidolon Aspect - You can use a minor magic working to take on some of the physical characteristics of your eidolon - from claws and fangs to eyes and nose
-[X] Martial Might - Surviving in the Thunder Steppes forced you be strong but you went further, training with weapons so you could excel at hunting anything - from mammoths and deer to demons
-[X] Talent for Crafting - You've always had a gift for making things and since becoming a god caller you've found that extends to imbuing your creations with magic.
-[X] Talent for Rituals - A ritual is an esoteric and complex spell that needs multiple casters, but even those without spellcasting may participate. Even before becoming a god caller you were an eager participant in the rituals of your people and you know many rituals, even if you haven't cast most of them.
-[X] Illiterate - You don't know how to read or write
Eidolon Name:
-[X] Drakōn
Eidolon Form:
-[X] A Tyrannosaurus with a thick coat of white feathers and freezing breath
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So, I should give it a second name? Or do I leave it to you. It would be an interesting storyline. Don't you think?
I don't mind either way, I just wanted you to know what my take would be while the votes were open.

Going to point out a few things about the options that probably aren't obvious:
  • a Talent for Rituals makes it easier to start teaching people magic
  • a Talent for the Elements and Blackfire Brand mean you'll be throwing around cursed fire
  • Eidolon Aspect is shapeshifting, which is one of the few things we know a semblance can't do
  • Even with Martial Might and Half-Orc or Pitborn Tiefling you're very much not the strongest kid in your following. It does put you in good company at Beacon though.
  • The Orcish Warmask perk means you'd get a very different idea about the purpose of the White Fang masks.
  • Eidolon Aspect is shapeshifting, which is one of the few things we know a semblance can't do

I think it's less that semblances can't do shape shifting, and more that Qrow's semblance is known, and famous in hunter circles. Also that there might be aspects of the display it causes that make it not look like a semblance, especially to other aura users, who keep in mind have sensory prowess that locked people don't.
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I think it's less that semblances can't do shape shifting, and more that Qrow's semblance is known, and famous in hunter circles. Also that there might be aspects of the display it causes that make it not look like a semblance, especially other aura users, who keep in mind have sensory prowess that locked people don't.
That all could be true, but with how few concrete limitations we have for semblances and magic in Rwby I'm not tossing away one of the few things that had the canon cast going 'that's not possible'.

Especially since a Pathfinder Spell Signature could be mistaken for something very similar to the Schnee semblance.
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