Vote tally - [Pathfinder] A Trip Down Memory Lane

Adhoc vote count started by Siberys on Sep 22, 2019 at 3:32 PM, finished with 11 posts and 7 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
[Pathfinder] A Trip Down Memory Lane
Post #2
Post #12


  • [X] A half-elf.
    [X] Oracle. "Such a blasphemy, to merge the divine with one's own flesh. Spare Us your excuses, that the gods chose you. Such folly will not do you any good here. We sentence you to a fate worse than death, Oracle. Let your very existence be a reminder to all not to stray from Our sacred Way."
    [X] Summoner. "Consorting with powers beyond your understanding is a dangerous thing, Summoner. You tapped into the essence of the planes themselves, drawing from them a blasphemous guardian abhorrent to Our very sight. We remove you and it from Our presence at once."
    [X] A ratfolk.
    [x] Inquisitor. "A watchdog for the churches of the nation. Your presence is most unwelcome, Inquisitor. You sought to learn of Our activities, a violation of Our sovereignty that We cannot allow. You will be packaged elsewhere and We will likewise move, where your prying eyes and ears cannot reach Us. And so the hammer falls."
    [X] Alchemist. "You toiled within your laboratory for days on end, and for what? The chance of some grand discovery, a cheap imitation of the gods' power. You sought to steal the proverbial flame of the gods, and for that, We punish you. The elixir of immortality is not for all to drink, Alchemist. May you remember that on your journey."
    [X] Petra
    [X] Iroyra
    [X] Rino
    [x] A tiefling.
    [X] Zrenaz