[X] Plan Classics -[X] Your Attribute Specialty --[X] Dark: Gentle element and hungry in nature. -[X] Starting Skills (Choose 5) --[X] Drain Life: Restore wounds by draining another through a touch of negative energy. --[X] Detect Life: Cast a burst of negative energy to sense available lifeforce and the lack of it around the area. Cause a feeling of discomfort to others within range. --[X] Reanimate Corpse: Channel a stream of negative energy to a corpse and raise it as a wild Undead. --[X] Command Undead: Force your mana and will to a wild Undead to put them under your control. --[X] Fleshcrafter: Shape and control flesh using your mana to be used as weapons and Undead's upgrade. -[X] Advantage --[X] Soul Sight: A trait allowing you to see the nature and inner working of a soul. -10 STAR -[X] Disadvantage --[X] Haunted: A vengeful wraith stronger than you had took an interest in you and not in a good way. You can fight the spirit off better than most using your Necromantic skills, but your current level of strength are still not strong enough to properly end it for good. +3 STAR --[X] Weak: You had never been the most physically inclined person in your life, and your recent commitment to the studies of Undead seems to just reinforced it. Receive -5 in Martial until you had trained your body back to top health. +2 STAR
[X] Definitely a non-suspicious artifactor. -[X] Your Attribute Specialty --[X] Dark: Gentle element and hungry in nature. -[X] Starting Skills (Choose 5) --[X] Reanimate Corpse: Channel a stream of negative energy to a corpse and raise it as a wild Undead. --[X] Command Undead: Force your mana and will to a wild Undead to put them under your control.
--[X] Possess Undead: Transfer your consciousness to the body of an Undead under your control.
--[X] Negative Reinforcement: Coat your body with a shield made by negative energy to make two units worth of barrier and temporary raising your Martial by 2.
--[X] Fear Aura: Enhance your Negative Presence to cause Fear to other who caught sight of you. Raise your Diplomacy by 2 using intimidation.
-[X] Drawback.
--[X] Pale: Your features had become pale as a corpse and appears to be sick. Not an obvious signs telling you as a Necromancer, but those who made contact with negative energy one way or another usually has similar complexion. +1 STAR --[X] Weak: You had never been the most physically inclined person in your life, and your recent commitment to the studies of Undead seems to just reinforced it. Receive -5 in Martial until you had trained your body back to top health. +2 STAR -[X] Advantage
--[X] Novice Artificier: A trait that translate how you are someone who had become proficient in the first stage of artificing which can create Lower Class magical items. +3 Learning. -3 STAR
--[X] Novice Sorceror: A trait that translate how you are someone who had become proficient in the first stage of sorcery which can create an unfocused wide ranged and long lasting magical phenomenon. +3 Magic. -3 STAR
--[X] Safe House: A hideout where you can conduct your research away from prying eyes. If not chosen you will be living in a graveyard. -2 STAR