Yeah, so one of those guys was a Naruto character, but who were the others? I kinda feel dumb now...:confused:
Month 5 (August): Nasuverse (Fate/Grand Chaos), London: Stage 1 (1)
As I reached the combat zone, I saw two people fighting.

One was a famed 'saber face' clad in a light pink uwagi and a purple hakama, wielding a katana with great skill. If I'm not mistaken, that's Okita Souji. Who's somehow a girl. Because reasons.

With great will I tried to ignore that tibit before looking at her opponent.

You could say he was her polar opposite. While she was petite, female, cute and pale skinned he instead was tall man, strong, ruggedly handsome and sported a healthy tan.

He also had an awesome beard that was trimmed into a square goatee that reached past his neck. On his head he wore a simple bronze headband, his long hair set in several small braids on his back.

"Someone dares to intrude in our fight", said a voice that almost resonated to my soul, "appear, worm!"

It was only because I was wearing the noble phantasm grade Slider Drive that allowed me to resist his command. Instead I simply looked down omniously on them.

"Don't look away from our f-UGH!"

As Okita Souji tried to say her piece, she started to cough violently, falling to her knees.

"I can finish you off first then", he said before lunging towards her, a quick stab towards her head.

In an instant both me and Okita were in a different part of the building, as I had teleported both myself and her away from his attack. The unknown Servant glared at me, pointing his spear at me. "Who dares steal my prey?"

As I looked on the man, I brought all my courage to meet his gaze without flinching. "I'm just a passing through traveler." I said while I felt Okita eyes on me. "Remember that."

He lunged towards me, but I was somehow faster.

"Henshin!" I uttered the activation phrase of the Noble Phantasm. A shield of energy deflected his attack, sending him back several dozen meters before the energy field brought down towards me, forming into the super advanced power armor.

It resembled in a sense a knight armor, except the visor looked closer to that found in a typical Kamen Rider with it's large eyes, which housed incredibly advanced sensors. The armor covered all my vitals properly, with a special mesh on the joints that would hold up to an absurd amount of force usually rated to spaceship combat.

I was made aware of all capabilities of the armor, and sadly several of them returned error messages, most of them related to uses of the Kaleidoscope, no doubt the restrictions placed on Caster by the grail.

Still, I was plenty strong right now, enough so that I could deal with a Servant.

I was still feeling the gaze of Okita on my back.

[ ]"Can you still keep up?"
[ ]"Don't worry, I got this."

Looking at my enemy, I readied myself.

[ ]Fight offensively (+30% attack bonus, -40% defense bonus)
[ ]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
[ ]Neutral stance (+0% attack and defense bonus)

Combat Plan
[ ]Write In Combat Plan
[ ]Trust in the GM dice.

Name: Andre Inami (Living)
Class: None (Caster, Saber, Rider, Grand Caster)

HP: 5000/5000
MP: 3000/3000 (+100/turn)
Attribute: Star (+25% vs non star)

Strength C+ (60)
Agility C (30)
Endurance A (50)
Mana C (30)
Luck A (50)

Eye of the Mind (False) B: Combat prediction algorithm enhance combat skills. +20% Defense rolls.

Monstrous Strength A: Special synthetic muscles enhance strength. STR rank up, stackable.

Mana Burst B: Energy coating on fists and legs enhance striking damage and provide protection. STR or AGI rank up, 300 MP/turn while active, 600 MP/turn if both STR and AGI rank up.

Magic Resistance C: Special energy shields protects against reality interference. Cancels up to three lines chant magecraft, can't defend against high thaumaturgy.

ERROR ERROR ERROR: Further systems sealed while transformed.

Advanced Systems
Slide Dodge, Support, A: ERROR ERROR ERROR, this system has been partially sealed. Special automatic dodge feature that allows to escape certain death no matter the source. If target luck is lower than yours activate freely, otherwise perform a Luck check. Can be used only three times per 48 hours cycle. 500 MP

Final Form Rider, Support, A+: Special boost that further enhances the user. All parameters rank up, all attacks trigger critical hit. Can be used only once per engagement, lasts for ten turns. 1000 MP

Final Attack Rider, Anti-Unit/Fortress, A++: ERROR ERROR ERROR, this system has been partially sealed. A special finisher attack that deal x3 base damage, if target have only 1/4 HP can trigger an instant death attack with an opposed Luck check. If Final Form Rider is active final damage is x24 times base damage and Luck check is performed at a bonus. 2000 MP

OOC: One of them was Kurota Tetsuo from A Naruto Mook Quest. The one fighting Tetsuo was Jaune from Sage Arc while the Jaune that asked to hold his hand was from Headway Through Remnant

EDIT: I hope the Slider Drive lived up to his A++ rank designation.
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Monstrous Strength A: Special synthetic muscles enhance strength. STR rank up, stackable.

This one is very scary because he isn't saber but caster so there should be many spell to use until Str reach EX!

[X]"Can you still keep up?"
[X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
[X] Fight defensively, if Okita can still fight we will be bait while her attack if not draw him away and let her recover. Wait until we have a change to use Mana Burst to score some serious hit.

Better search for a counter attack because the enemy seem to be that archer and I will plan to other. ;)
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[X ]"Don't worry, I got this."
[X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
@Akasui and @CyanDies , both of you still need to vote on the combat plan. Either make one of your own or trust the GM dice.


I did the math, and all those stat rank up add rather quickly. That doesn't count certain bonus like eye of mind or star attribute bonus.
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[X]"Can you still keep up?"
[X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)

Combat Plan
[X] Okita in charge of offense and Inami defense.
For those that gave a like, also please vote.

If you don't want to give a detailed combat plan, you can still vote for "trust in GM dice" option.
[X]"Can you still keep up?"
[X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
[X] Fight defensively, if Okita can still fight we will be bait while her attack if not draw him away and let her recover. Wait until we have a change to use Mana Burst to score some serious hit.
[X]"Can you still keep up?"
[X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ryuan on Apr 2, 2017 at 9:12 PM, finished with 1864 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X]"Can you still keep up?"
    [X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
    [X] Fight defensively, if Okita can still fight we will be bait while her attack if not draw him away and let her recover. Wait until we have a change to use Mana Burst to score some serious hit.
    [X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
    [X]"Can you still keep up?"
    [X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
    [X] Okita in charge of offense and Inami defense.
    [X]"Can you still keep up?"
    [X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
    [X]Trust in the GM dice.
[X]"Can you still keep up?"
[X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
[X] Fight defensively, if Okita can still fight we will be bait while her attack if not draw him away and let her recover. Wait until we have a change to use Mana Burst to score some serious hit.
[X]"Can you still keep up?"
[X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
[X] Fight defensively, if Okita can still fight we will be bait while her attack if not draw him away and let her recover. Wait until we have a change to use Mana Burst to score some serious hit.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ryuan on Apr 6, 2017 at 9:05 PM, finished with 1868 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X]"Can you still keep up?"
    [X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
    [X] Fight defensively, if Okita can still fight we will be bait while her attack if not draw him away and let her recover. Wait until we have a change to use Mana Burst to score some serious hit.
    [X]Trust in the GM dice.
    [X]"Can you still keep up?"
    [X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
    [X] Okita in charge of offense and Inami defense.
    [X]"Can you still keep up?"
    [X]Fight defensively (+30% defense bonus, -40% offense bonus)
Month 5 (August): Nasuverse (Fate/Grand Chaos), London: Stage 1 (2)
"Can you keep up?" I asked the woman behind me. "I will keep him occupied, and when you see an opening strike with all you got."

"... who are you?"

"You may call me Kamen Rider Slider", I told her while keeping track of my enemy, "here he comes!"

The Servant came barreling with all his speed, leaving cracks in the building. With the improved sensors I could track down the movements of each individual piece of concrete flying on the air and it almost distracted me from my opponent.

His spear came stabbing at my head which I deflected with my fists, followed by a quick jab at my mid section which once more I blocked with my gauntlet. Unfortunately his final strike in a quick series of feints and blows managed to get past my defenses cutting my leg. I bit down a scream of pain not wanting to tell the other guy how unused I was to this kind of combat, while the armor both repaired both mine and it's own damage, still I felt it wasn't perfect and I saw the health counter drop by a small amount.

"First blood comes to me", said the man smugly before frowning, "you're not a Servant, otherwise my spear would had done a better showing than this. A living human of this age that can match a Servant? Preposterous."

"I will show you what a mere human can do!" I said and sent the command to the belt.

"Attack Rider: BURST"

I dashed towards him, faster than he charged at me, throwing punches and kicks at him with abandon trying to get used to this new speed. I held an edge with raw speed, but he showed he was clearly more experienced with combat than me by dodging or deflecting all my own attacks.

"Hah! You won't hit me with such hesitating attacks!"

It was true in a sense, I was trying to be conservative in my attacks, not overextending myself and I could see a few opportunities of attack being lost due to my unwillingness to commit fully to the assault.

He took advantage of that hesitation and returned back to his own attacks, punishing my passiveness with a quick thrust to my side making me grunt in pain before I went back to parrying his blows.

"I admit you can fight, worm", he said in between strikes, "but someone like you will never match someone of my caliber! You are nothing, do you hear me? Nothing!"

I grit my teeth and tried to retaliate, but he simply kept me away from his range, laughing maniacally as I futilely tried to land a hit on him.

At this point I wanted to do something heroic sounding, like yelling 'don't underestimate me!' or something before charging him, but I knew such acts would be severely punished. In a sense combat involved a lot of strategy, and those that lost their cool where the first to lose their heads.

He stabbed at my body once more making me block his attack, which I retaliated with a punch near him. He dodged with a half-step back, but I had seen an opening and just as he came with the follow through downward slash I managed to catch the weapon in hand, twisting myself with all my might and hitting him on the hand.

The impact was so strong I heard the bones break and the yell through gritted teeth from the man. Keeping the momentum I finished the turn with a mighty kick right into his ribs and once more I heard the cracks of the bones breaking. This time he didn't take this down and stabbed me on the gut, the tip going in a few centimeters before the force of my kick sent him back.

The armor protected from the worst of the attack and was already healing me back into fighting form, but I knew from this brief exchange that my enemy came out the worst off due to the fact that I'm significantly stronger than him, and the inherent damage of my Noble Phantasm was higher than his.

If things proceed like this I will probably win, but it will perhaps get costly in the end. I could switch to a more neutral fighting form to properly balance offense and defense, or I could go all out in offense.

From the coughs I keep hearing behind me, Okita was still out of the fight and is unlikely to come back anytime soon.

[ ]Keep fighting defensively (+30% def roll, -40% atk rolls)
[ ]Switch to fighting offensively (+30% atk roll, -40% def rolls)
[ ]Switch to fighting neutrally (+0% atk/def rolls)

[ ]Keep current plan (hold back enemy and wait for Okita to sucker punch him)
[ ]Change plan (write in)

HP: 4500/5000
MP: 2100/3000

Total damage: 1200
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Her skill have a very low chance of activating, but have severe consequences.

Simply put, she needs to make a luck check each turn to get back into action.

She have Luck E.
[X] Switch to fighting offensively (+30% atk roll, -40% def rolls)
[X] Try to give him an opening then use that launch a lethal attack

Sorry not good at plans this is the best I could come up with.
[X]Switch to fighting neutrally (+0% atk/def rolls)

[X]Keep current plan (hold back enemy and wait for Okita to sucker punch him)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ryuan on Apr 7, 2017 at 5:55 PM, finished with 1874 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Switch to fighting offensively (+30% atk roll, -40% def rolls)
    [X] Try to give him an opening then use that launch a lethal attack
    [X]Switch to fighting neutrally (+0% atk/def rolls)
    [X]Keep current plan (hold back enemy and wait for Okita to sucker punch him)