Parahuman Response Team: Taskforce 63 [Worm] [Interest Check]



June 24, 2015
It's been two years after Scion's multidimensional attack, and the first anniversary of Earth Aleph's Protectorate.

Ever since the Golden Morning, Parahumans have been regarded with both fear and pride, their numbers growing rapidly. The Protectorate has been steadily filled by Heroes and Wards, while gangs run amok with their own Villains, terrorizing the populace of less fortunate cities. Despite the somewhat even numbers, Heroes are still unable to protect every city, leaving meager PRT forces to hold the line.

The face of crime and justice is changing, and the PRT must adapt in kind.

In this RP, you will be playing as a PRT Taskforce member stationed in Anchorage, Alaska.
Anchorage is known as a villain hotspot, with several competing gangs and independent parties fighting over control of it.

The reason for the conflict embroiling the area is simple. Mere weeks ago, a message was released post-mortem by a Tinker, telling of a device of great power and value somewhere in Anchorage. No organization is willing to devote all their resources to finding what may be nothing more than false lead, but if the device is truly present, no one is willing to take the risk of leaving it in the hands of other parties.

This is where the PRT and by extent, you, come in. Because of the fledgling state of the PRT on Earth Aleph and your remote location, you and your team will have to combat and subdue Villains, often times without Hero assistance.

Teamwork and tactics will be essential. Your starting equipment and funds are limited, though you may supply your local tinker, Armory, with materials for additional equipment, wait for supplies from the mainland, or find some other way to get what you need.

All you need to do to join is to read the rules, fill out a template from below, check the mechanics to fill out some numbers, and finally post it in this thread.
To begin, we will only need 3 players or more , with a soft cap of 6 to 8 characters active. For rules and mechanics, see the Rules and Mechanics threadmarks, respectively.

Registration Template In Next Post
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Recruitment and Rules: READ FIRST

  • Follow all usual site rules and regulations. For reference, they are here.
  • You are expected to have a decent amount of writing ability. This RP will not always provide situations where long posts are possible, but when you can, you should post at least 2-3 paragraphs. The GM may ask for an example of your writing skill before accepting you.
  • This RP will be using a largely freeform system, though there is still stat distribution.
  • God-modding and Cheating will not be tolerated. If you do anything to warrant Staff action, you will be kicked from the RP. You will be warned for misbehavior, but only a few times at most before you are kicked.
  • Do not take control of another player's character under any circumstance without asking them or a GM for permission first.
  • Do not assert anything not directly provided by a GM Post or from a GM, be it information about the area you're in, what you see, or other knowledge.
  • Continued: More precisely, do not state unverified information in your post (e.g. seeing, hearing, or finding something, etc.), unless your character has successfully gained that information IC via GM Post or GM assertion. You may still guess and discuss OOC, but characters are usually not allowed to guess and figure things out IC without passing checks. If there is something that your character should have noticed but was not provided, ask about it OOC or via PM.
  • If you have read the rules, hide the word "Anchorage" in a spoiler somewhere in your character sheet.
  • Be polite, civil, and reasonable to other people. Refusal to do so may result in a kick from the RP.
  • If you wish to leave the RP or will be unavailable for an extended period of time, please notify a GM or you may be kicked from the RP.


Please post your character sheet in this thread.
Character Name:
Optional Image (Spoiler):

Description (At least 1 Paragraph):

Personality (At least 1 Paragraph):

Background (At least 2 Paragraphs):

Former Employment (Pick One): Law Enforcement (General, Narcotics, Homicide, Sheriff), Military (Infantry, Combat Engineer, Medic), FBI

STATS (30 Points to Distribute. Maximum of 13 in any Stat to begin, and Minimum of 4):

Strength (Physical Power):
Constitution (Physical Condition):
Dexterity (Agility):
Will (Mental Strength):
Charisma (Charm):

Skills (Reserved):

Traits (Reserved):

Status (Reserved):
Health (See Mechanics): -/-
Injuries (See Mechanics): [][][][]
Experience: 0
Rank: Recruit

Weapons: N/A
Ammunition: N/A
Armor: N/A
Inventory (Reserved):
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Mechanics and Map
Mechanics (In Progress)

  • Each player character has 5 characteristics: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Will, and Charisma. A characteristic affects applicable rolls differently, and usually directly modify it. For further information, see Rolls.
  • Each character has Health and Injuries.
  • A player character's Health is determined by their Constitution added to half their Strength.
  • A player character has Injuries, which are represented by brackets([]) on their sheet. A character has injuries equal to their Constitution + 4 by default.
  • Characteristics are either Mediocre (1-5), Above Average (6-10), Proficient (11-15), or Excellent (16-20).
  • You may pick one of the following Builds for your Characteristics, which will grant you a few extra stat points overall. If you choose to use a build, place it's name next to the 'Stats' section of your application.
Balanced (+1) 7 6 6 6 6
Focused (+1) 8 8 5 5 5
Specialized (-1) (+Skill Bonus) 6 6 6 6 6

  • Rolls are determined by the GM and will always be 1d100, but you will be deciding what you will do. Depending on whether you succeed or fail, the GM will approve actions to be posted. Rolls will either have a TN (Target Number) OR an opposing roll you need to reach in order to succeed, depending on what the GM requests. Generally, flat TN's are provided for actions involving the environment and the character ONLY (climbing, running, etc.) while opposing rolls occur against enemies (shooting, dodging, hiding, etc.)
  • Due to the how this RP is run, every separate action must be rolled for, no matter what it is, especially during combat. The only exceptions to this are actions your character cannot fail at all.
  • You can request to INSPECT a situation in most cases, which depends on your current status and certain Skills.
STAT/Skill Check = 1d100+(5 * STAT or 1 * Skill %), TN is up to 100. Used for common actions, usually modified by situation.

= Standard roll with modifiers, but TN depends on an opposing roll. Sometimes used when acting against someone.

  • Before combat, players are briefed, get their equipment, choose a squad leader, and figure out a plan.
  • During the preparation phase, players prepare their initial actions, ask about rolls, and get their actions approved. This occurs when they are at the combat area.
  • During the engagement phase, the players will post their approved actions, and the GM will post the results and responses to those actions.
  • During the combat phase, the players quickly plan additional actions and request rolls for the next engagement phase. Common actions include relaying information, planning the next attack, or preparing to perform action.
  • Not all players will have their phases occur at the same time.

  • Characters also have Skills, which are determined after their character creation by the GM.
  • Skills are applied directly to applicable rolls, making it easier to succeed.

Weapons, Armor, and Items
  • Weapons, Armor, and Items are found at the bottom of a character sheet.
  • At the start, players will be issued basic equipment depending on their backgrounds and/or previous employment.
  • Additional equipment can only be obtained by either bringing materials to Armory, the local Protectorate Tinker, salvaging equipment from gangs, or requesting supplies from the mainland, though the last option is hardly reliable.
  • Weapons are formatted below the Weapons section of a sheet like this: WEAPON (Modifications) [Damage Roll, +Roll Modifications, +# Stat Modifications]
  • Items currently equipped are formatted below the Weapons sections like this: ITEM [1/1] [Specifics]
  • Armor is formatted below the Armor section of a sheet like this: ARMOR (Specifications) [Protection Roll(s), +Roll Modifications, +# Stat Modifications]
  • Your Ammunition section shows how much ammo you have in your equipped weapons, and the maximum rounds a type of clip can hold.
  • Armor grants protection in 2 forms. First, every attack against you is reduced by an opposing roll as per the Armor's specifications. Additionally, Armor provides a 'buffer' that can take some damage before the character does, as well as a flat damage reduction for some.
  • Your inventory will contain items and equipment not shown above, including spare clips.
  • Equipment in an inventory is formatted just like if they were in the Weapons or Armor slots if they are weapons or armor, but other equipment is formatted like one of the following:
  • Applicable Guns (AMMO TYPE): [Rounds/Max] [Rounds/Max] (Total Clips)
  • Item: [Items/Max] [Items/Max] (Total Items)
  • You may only use equipment shown in the Weapons slot on your turn, or spend a turn retrieving equipment from your bags/pockets. This includes reloading, so keep spare clips on hand.

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Character and Player List

  • Username: @Simpli
    Character Name: Sarah Flandry
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Optional Image:

    Sarah is a tall black haired woman, who stands 5'8 feet tall even without her boots.
    Her body is fit and athletic thanks to her time in the army and even her hair, which might seem impractical at the first glance, can be pulled back and secured quite easily to allow her to slip into her helmet. Her eyes are dark blue and often staring impassively at people, her mind automatically starting to gauge their health and readiness in the case of an emergency. Her eyebrows are thin but most often the most expressive part of her facial features, contrasting easily with her fair skin tone.
    She has a trained body, slim shoulders and toned arms, lithe and agile she has always been quite good at running or courses. Long, slender fingers are her primary tool, easily able to check, prod and use whatever she needs to manipulate with them. Her figure is most often hidden nearly totally by her armor, but if they opt for the light gear she can still retain her professional and confident pose, even if she is decidedly female. Her thighs, just as her arms are toned and too, continuing downwards on a pair of long legs and feet that are used to run and jump when she needs them to.

    Personality :

    One would not really call her cold, but Sarah has become a little bit detached from the suffering of others, a useful trait if under pressure and having to choose who to prioritize, but a hindrance if trying to become part of new units or trying to get into the civilian sector once more. She is not a pendant when it comes to rules, but she still sees it as only natural to obey ones superiors, making her a bit apathetic, when it comes to questioning orders. What does excite her, no matter how apathetic she sometimes appears, is the ability to help her comrades and of course her tendency to disappear in libraries and bookstores never to be seen again~.


    For Sarah her enlisting in the Military had been means to an end: allowing her to start a medical schooling, which would financially not been possible for her before, while also giving her credibility that would help a fair amount on the free market. It would have been a rather risk free and fun time to her, but all of that came to an end two years ago in the after effects of the Golden Morning. With the rising amounts of Parahumans in its aftermath, it hadn't been too long until one particular bad trigger happened close to her Garrison and she had been part of the team, that was send out to help the victims and tidy up the aftermath. It had been bad and it had only been a few more weeks till Sarah's contract had expired, letting her return back into civilian life. When she came home, she had to see how powerless the police force was against the new Parahuman villains, , who laughed at the states monopoly on force and were simply something the police along couldn't handle.
    Coupling this with a tentative job market, brought her back to the military and from there to the steadily growing PRT. And that's how she ended up in
    Former Employment : Military Medic.

    STATS (30 Points to Distribute. Maximum of 13 in any Stat to begin, and Minimum of 4:
    Strength (Physical Power): 4
    Constitution (Physical Condition): 5
    Dexterity (Agility): 6
    Will (Mental Strength): 8
    Charisma (Charm): 7

    Skills (Reserved):

    Inventory (Reserved):

    Status (Reserved):
    Health: 7/7

    Weapon: N/A
    Armor: N/A
    Ammunition: N/A

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Username: Simpli
Character Name: Sarah Flandry
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Optional Image:


Sarah is a tall black haired woman, who stands 5'8 feet tall even without her boots.
Her body is fit and athletic thanks to her time in the army and even her hair, which might seem impractical at the first glance, can be pulled back and secured quite easily to allow her to slip into her helmet. Her eyes are dark blue and often staring impassively at people, her mind automatically starting to gauge their health and readiness in the case of an emergency. Her eyebrows are thin but most often the most expressive part of her facial features, contrasting easily with her fair skin tone.
She has a trained body, slim shoulders and toned arms, lithe and agile she has always been quite good at running or courses. Long, slender fingers are her primary tool, easily able to check, prod and use whatever she needs to manipulate with them. Her figure is most often hidden nearly totally by her armor, but if they opt for the light gear she can still retain her professional and confident pose, even if she is decidedly female. Her thighs, just as her arms are toned and too, continuing downwards on a pair of long legs and feet that are used to run and jump when she needs them to.

Personality :

One would not really call her cold, but Sarah has become a little bit detached from the suffering of others, a useful trait if under pressure and having to choose who to prioritize, but a hindrance if trying to become part of new units or trying to get into the civilian sector once more. She is not a pendant when it comes to rules, but she still sees it as only natural to obey ones superiors, making her a bit apathetic, when it comes to questioning orders. What does excite her, no matter how apathetic she sometimes appears, is the ability to help her comrades and of course her tendency to disappear in libraries and bookstores never to be seen again~.


For Sarah her enlisting in the Military had been means to an end: allowing her to start a medical schooling, which would financially not been possible for her before, while also giving her credibility that would help a fair amount on the free market. It would have been a rather risk free and fun time to her, but all of that came to an end two years ago in the after effects of the Golden Morning. With the rising amounts of Parahumans in its aftermath, it hadn't been too long until one particular bad trigger happened close to her Garrison and she had been part of the team, that was send out to help the victims and tidy up the aftermath. It had been bad and it had only been a few more weeks till Sarah's contract had expired, letting her return back into civilian life. When she came home, she had to see how powerless the police force was against the new Parahuman villains, , who laughed at the states monopoly on force and were simply something the police along couldn't handle.
Coupling this with a tentative job market, brought her back to the military and from there to the steadily growing PRT. And that's how she ended up in

Former Employment :
Military Medic.

STATS (30 Points to Distribute. Maximum of 10 in any Stat to begin, and Minimum of 3:
Strength (Physical Power): 4
Constitution (Physical Condition): 5
Dexterity (Agility): 6
Will (Mental Strength): 8
Charisma (Charm): 7

Skills (Reserved):

Inventory (Reserved):

Status (Reserved):
Health: 7

Weapon: N/A
Armor: N/A
Ammunition: N/A
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Open Registration
GM Notice:
The first versions of the character sheet template, map, and mechanics have all been finished.

Registration is now fully open. We will need at least 3 players to begin, with a soft limit of 6-8 characters active at a time. Please post your sheets in this thread.
Username: Simpli
Character Name: Sarah Flandry
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Optional Image:


Sarah is a tall black haired woman, who stands 5'8 feet tall even without her boots.
Her body is fit and athletic thanks to her time in the army and even her hair, which might seem impractical at the first glance, can be pulled back and secured quite easily to allow her to slip into her helmet. Her eyes are dark blue and often staring impassively at people, her mind automatically starting to gauge their health and readiness in the case of an emergency. Her eyebrows are thin but most often the most expressive part of her facial features, contrasting easily with her fair skin tone.
She has a trained body, slim shoulders and toned arms, lithe and agile she has always been quite good at running or courses. Long, slender fingers are her primary tool, easily able to check, prod and use whatever she needs to manipulate with them. Her figure is most often hidden nearly totally by her armor, but if they opt for the light gear she can still retain her professional and confident pose, even if she is decidedly female. Her thighs, just as her arms are toned and too, continuing downwards on a pair of long legs and feet that are used to run and jump when she needs them to.

Personality :

One would not really call her cold, but Sarah has become a little bit detached from the suffering of others, a useful trait if under pressure and having to choose who to prioritize, but a hindrance if trying to become part of new units or trying to get into the civilian sector once more. She is not a pendant when it comes to rules, but she still sees it as only natural to obey ones superiors, making her a bit apathetic, when it comes to questioning orders. What does excite her, no matter how apathetic she sometimes appears, is the ability to help her comrades and of course her tendency to disappear in libraries and bookstores never to be seen again~.


For Sarah her enlisting in the Military had been means to an end: allowing her to start a medical schooling, which would financially not been possible for her before, while also giving her credibility that would help a fair amount on the free market. It would have been a rather risk free and fun time to her, but all of that came to an end two years ago in the after effects of the Golden Morning. With the rising amounts of Parahumans in its aftermath, it hadn't been too long until one particular bad trigger happened close to her Garrison and she had been part of the team, that was send out to help the victims and tidy up the aftermath. It had been bad and it had only been a few more weeks till Sarah's contract had expired, letting her return back into civilian life. When she came home, she had to see how powerless the police force was against the new Parahuman villains, , who laughed at the states monopoly on force and were simply something the police along couldn't handle.
Coupling this with a tentative job market, brought her back to the military and from there to the steadily growing PRT.

Former Employment :
Military Medic.

STATS (30 Points to Distribute. Maximum of 10 in any Stat to begin, and Minimum of 3:
Strength (Physical Power): 4
Constitution (Physical Condition): 5
Dexterity (Agility): 6
Will (Mental Strength): 8
Charisma (Charm): 7

Skills (Reserved):

Inventory (Reserved):

Status (Reserved):

Weapon: N/A
Armor: N/A
Ammunition: N/A
Tentatively approved, but please read through the rules and mechanics before I add you to the player list.

For future applicants, please fill in the Health and Injuries slots according to your characteristics and the mechanics. For exact numbers, see the Stats section of mechanics.
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I'm so sorry, I forgot the add the little proof didn't I? Let me correct it~
Application accepted. Please read the updated Mechanics for a complete outline of how stats and skills will be used, as well as some common types of rolls used in this RP.

For skills, I'll add them in later based on your former employment and background. Still need 2 or more players to apply before we can jump right in.

For all players considering joining, do note that the mechanics that will be used are in progress and subject to change. The core system of 1d100 and GM determined rolls and TN/DC will be preserved, but the combat system may be modified as well as the specific types of rolls, modifiers, and some special actions.
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<Test-rolling for Test-Scenario>

Notice Check+ 50 = 72. TN is 75. Fail.
Simpli threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Notice Check Total: 22
22 22
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<Test-rolling for Test-Scenario>

Will Check + 25:
TN is 100 - (8*5) = 60.
Simpli threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Resist Panicking Total: 10
10 10
Simpli threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Blindly Shooting Total: 66
66 66
Simpli threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Spraying towards the enemy Total: 71
71 71
Simpli threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sprinting away from grenade Total: 4
4 4
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