[x] What do you choose to bring with you?
-[X] Weapons
--[X] Bow
-[X] Small Pouch (3/3)
--[X] Currency, accounting for what Bestla will need
--[X] The Comb
-[X] Ration Pouch (8/8)
--[X] Filled up to 8 meals worth of food.
-[X] Our Person (5/5)
--[X] Quiver w/24 Arrows
--[X] Carving Axe
--[X] Whetstone
-[X] On Olfossa (6/6)
--[X] Tent
--[X] Bedroll
--[X] Spare Shield
--[X] Rope
-[X] Saddlebags
--[X] Linen Undertunic
--[X] Linen Underpants
--[X] Spare Cloak
--[X] Woolen Socks
--[X] Sewing Kit and Supplies
--[X] Personal Hygiene Kit (soap, if nothing else)
--[X] Medical Supplies (Bandages and Herbs)
--[X] As much spices as two inventory slot can carry, aiming for valuable ones for trade
--[X] 6 meals worth of additional food
[x] Next Steps
-[x] Carve a wooden comb for Bestla to remember us by
-[X] Promise to do his best to reunite with Bestla
-[x] Visit Modolfr and demand he tell you what he knows.
[x] What do you choose to bring with you?
-[x] A selection of those spices, including salt, with real value for trade or bribery
-[x] Currency, accounting for what Bestla will need
-[x] Enough food for at least seven days - including flour and other ingredients to cook, and implements for cooking
-[x] Several water-skins, with water
-[x] A warm cloak
-[x] Bedding for sleeping rough
-[x] A change in clothes
-[x] A seax
-[x] A hatchet
-[x] A means of starting a fire
-[x] A bow or several javelins, depending on Barki's preference
-[x] The comb
-[x] Any gambeson or armor we might have
-[x] Rope