Out of the Dark(RWBY+Hellsing CK2)

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Today is not your day. In order of severity there's a crime wave, rumors of new threats and a...
Introduction and starting point

Dream Logic

An offseason swallow
In transit
Today is not your day. In order of severity there's a crime wave, rumors of new threats and a potential grimm incursion. To be fair, those are actually constants in your life so it's not like your day could get any worse.

With a sigh you open your scroll and find a message of some concern, it's about...

[] Your acceptance at Beacon Academy(More involved character creation for your whole team, mini turns concerning your school experience)
[] Potential Headquarters for your company. (Standard character and company generation)

Welcome peoples. This is a super fast update to help start us off.

This is yet another ck2 styled quest. This time you're going to be leading a mercenary company as they try and make it in what is a straight up death world. One that is only about to get deadlier.

You'll start ten years before Cannon, so make some waves.
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Welcome to Beacon Miss? Mr? Person.
[X] Your acceptance at Beacon Academy

With a sigh of relief you note that the message concerns your acceptance to Beacon Academy. It's rare that they actually deny a prospective student but that was a hollow comfort while you waited for them to decide. You can't believe you made it! You mean, you can't believe you wouldn't. You are not smiling like an idiot, no sir.

As soon as you get done with your impromptu victory dance you can't help but notice there's a bit more to the message. Mostly just fancy talk but the bit at the bottom was of interest...

This will be satisfactory for now, but next time add more details. We expect much from our students.
-Glinda Goodwitch

[] Write in Name

[] Male
[] Female

[] Human
[] Faunus
-[] Write in species(Mammal only)

You wield a
[] Insert Weapon Here
-[] Insert Alternate Form Here (if it has one)

What were you before Beacon?

[] A Gladiator, known for both skill with your weapon and for working the crowds during your matches. Sadly you never seemed to have time to do anything else, then again, you might have just had a bad manager. (Strong in Martial and Diplomacy, Weak in Stewardship)
[] The Heir to a Hunter clan, you were raised to know the shadows and dark as well as your own soul. Unfortunately many find your overt formality.(Strong in Intrigue and Piety, Weak in Diplomacy)
[] A Prodigy, you even made it to Beacon a year early. You can memorize a chapter in an hour, organize a study session in a minute and ace the combat exam test(pre-curve). Though your excessive studying certainly didn't help you pick up on the subtleties of social interaction( Strong in Learning and Martial , Weak in Intrigue)
[] You were a Criminal, you're not proud but you did what you had to. You stole, you lied, you even balanced a few checkbooks. Seriously. Half of the underground doesn't trust their own people to do that. Unfortunately the constant cynicism rubbed off on you.(Strong in Intrigue and Stewardship, Weak in Piety)
[] A Civilian, you only awoke your aura recently when you were hit by a quite literal truck. Between your large aura reserves and natural wit you seem to be catching on quick, though your swordplay could use some work( Strong in Piety and Learning, Weak in Martial)
[] A Wanderer, you and your family wandered into the wilds, clearing out grimm and helping to set up the bordertowns to expand the kingdoms. Though you wish that you hadn't skipped so many days of school to do it. (Strong in Stewardship and Martial, Weak in learning)

We're back(sorry for the wait...wait was anyone really waiting? Either way this will be a bit more consistent from here on), please vote in plan format, if you have a picture then that's all good, if not I'll scrounge a few and throw in a vote on the next update.
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