[X]Plan: A new boss and Minions
-[X]MAXXX: ThE SOR-[[[final boss]]] of THe DEPARTMENT OF Addiction. [[[DANCES]]] WItH a WIDE varIETY tHaT is [[[MOTIVED]]] bY the [[[HAPPINESS NEEDLE]]]. Cost 20 MP.
-[X]Smoker: Ghosts and/or other former units from departments that have become these lit cigarette-headed suited beings. Using head butts and white-hot ash as attacks, they indulge in their tobacco-produced addiction. Cost 5 MP. X4= 20
-[X] Spooksmen: All things have hierarchy in Death, Inc. and ghosts are no different as their superiors are the Spooksmen. These large ghosts formed from frustration, have a method that showcases their preference over modern methods when displaying their mangement skills. Mainly through the use of violence and complete lack of subtly. Cost 15 MP. X2=30
-[X] Imposter: Another of many of the Sorrow in charge of the Addiction Departments anomalous nonsense. Imposters are those souls that had a compulsion bordering on obsession with nights out. As a result, they have been condemned to be in a box with a tightly strung mechanism, leaving them trapped and bored, so when they do, they pop out with a surprising amount of vigor, either by a boxing glove or a clown puppet. Cost 10 MP. X2=20
-[X] Flying Books: A result of what one of the employees refer to as the 'Atrocious Curse of Bitter Documentation" (ACBD for short), where books, binders, folders and the like come to life when not consulted and take out their bitterness around everyone, starting with insults before finally projectile vomiting its contents like a missile. Cost 5 MP.
-[X] Toxic River: A large river now spreads across the Layer like an open wound, filled with a toxic looking water that provides an addiction and poison to any who dare drink it. Can provide Corruption when upgrade. Cost 10 DP.
-[X] Well of Souls: A large structure where all Units go to be recycled after being killed in various manners, be it intruders or otherwise. Please note that any resemblance to Return By Death is purely coincidental and is no way an imitation of it. Death, Inc. has standards. Cost 50 DP.
-[X] Control Room: A large forge room where pipes and smelting pots and tools can be seen for miles. There lies Jacob, a forge demon in the form of a furnace, who is willing to help upgrade your weapons or just chat and maybe have a few rounds of fun like playing card games. Cost 15 MP.
-[X] The Refinery of Joy: A refinery for all the chemicals used in the Addictions Department for all their product. The chemicals are everywhere giving Units a boost and providing Intoxicate, Poison, Burn and Corruption to Intruders. Cost 20 DP.