Original fabricator Gundam/giant robot idea

This is an idea I've been kicking around for about a year or so, and I'm kinda stuck with actually getting much done with it. So I thought it might be a good idea to just get this out there. And it does still need work, so I'm willing to hear suggestions.

It is set in the future where mankind has further explored the solar system and has colonies outside of Earth. There are various factions, and the solar system is close to war. There are mechs in a way, and they see most usage in construction or for PR purposes. In battle their main usage is as a more versatile tank that only needs one pilot. Out side of that, they are not very worth while en mass.

Production and fabrication tech has also advanced quite a bit. To the point where limited fabricators are given to infantry to better supply them with basic equipment. Though most are only used to keep guns in good condition, produce ammunition, and make simple tools.

The Gundam or main mech of this all is supposed to be the first of a new type of mech. One that would actually be worthwhile in using in large numbers, alongside new fabrication tech to stretch supply lines even further or reinforce them to even greater degrees. The mech itself is not an especially well designed suit for combat, it's more designed for PR and to test out everything necessary to then make a full production model that is affordable, not overly difficult to build, and worth using in combat or support positions.
what I have for the factions of note
The UN: In this future the UN is still around in a different incarnation, same as a large number of the nations that are a part of it. And while technically the largest and most powerful faction together, all the nations part of it are still their own independent nations with their own goals. Some are in conflict while others are allies, either way this is the faction with the largest numbers of people and industry. Though some of the effective colonies and separate nations outside of Earth are also part of the organization. Though this incarnation of the UN is more effective in coming to non violent solutions when possible, and maintaining peace.

The Assembly of Artificial nations: A group of artificial habitats either on Earth or in space, who have strong belief that no landmasses should be used by humans. The assembly is in strong opposition to the UN, believing that the organization and the nations that make it up are old and rotten to the core and must leave any land that is used immediately. Though that is the major official view of the group, unofficially there are multiple sentiments of all manner of differing view. Even if their number are few and contradict each other enough that any attempts to remove the current ruling ideas would only be a slaughter. While the industry of the assembly pales in comparison to the UN, it's made up with sheer efficiency and ability to draw every last bit out of what they have.

Independent colonies: Exactly what it says, the various independent colonies that were either done independently or achieved independence from the group that founded them. Most independent colonies are on mars and some moons. Though there are a few space station colonies that have achieved independence from their founders, even if those founders were corporations. The industry of these various colonies can be as varied as they all are from one another, some have very decent industry and are mostly self sufficient. Others are heavily reliant on imports from their neighbors or allied nations.

The Martian League: A group of colonies on mars who are not only independent of any Earth groups or the UN, but are also nigh on completely self sufficient. While at odds with the UN on a number of things, the Assembly is a group that are practically despised wholesale in the League. With most of the terraforming done in League territory after more than a century so far along, being practically forced at gun point to drop all of that and leave has not sat well with any members of the League. Which has lead to a great deal of military buildup and industrialization, leading to the League having some of the most durable tech of any other faction. The League is also the one group that most focuses on mech usage, with needing generally one or two pilots and having as much if not more fire power than a tank, the league uses them to make up for the limitations on people and limited versatility in their tanks.

Swarmers: A self given name for the various people who choose to live in space ships wholesale, and occasionally will form connect large groups of their ships for one big habitat. Mostly nomadic and independent of the other factions, the Swarmers have possibly the largest fleet and next to no industry to spare.
I'll post more setting stuff when I have more of it anywhere close to ready.
I'm not so sure about the "no landmasses should not be used by humans". I don't see how they plan to transport tens of billions of people to artificial habitats -- or kill them all, if the Assembly are the bad guys in the setting.
I'm not so sure about the "no landmasses should not be used by humans". I don't see how they plan to transport tens of billions of people to artificial habitats -- or kill them all, if the Assembly are the bad guys in the setting.
Well it's more the leaders of the assembly are supposed to have too much power and a not always realistic view on how things actually, plus it's part of why the various factions are close to war. It's a problem of leaders with too much power and not enough sense of reality following ideas and concepts that were followed a bit over zealously for over a century with no good opposition.