Order from Chaos (aka Gacha your way through to live)

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A man appeared in a new universe since his life and existence were erased by a ROB. Luckily, another one decided to drop him off to have a new life...in a universe of constant fighting. At least he has something with him. Now he just needs good luck to get through the chaos of his gift.
Chapter 1.01: Arrival and Settling Down.
Order from Chaos

Chapter 1.01: Arrival and Settling Down.
Edited: 11/26/23

"Where the hell am I?" A young voice asked into the vast world.

If one were looking in this snow-covered plain, one would see a teenager dressed in an orange overall with safety equipment on his belt to the man in question.

Inside that mind of said man was this one statement. 'I'm freezing my butt off.'

"Shit," I shouted, "gotta find me some shelter." I hope my cursing will keep me warm with rage. I wore my work gloves and ski mask and ran to the nearest object around me—a large rock formation.

After escaping the freezing winds, I took a moment to observe my surroundings. However, I didn't recognize the terrain or the stars. I was confused and wondered how I had ended up there. I frantically searched for my coms and prayed that I was still in the same dimension as my family.

The small iPhone-like device suddenly expanded into a larger screen but displayed no connection. "Well, ROB, damn it. Did some other omniscient being grab me from my family?"

"What the heck does 'Pull X 10' mean?"I said while scratching my head. "What the ever living hell?

"This seems familiar. Didn't Pa use to say that he played games on his coms that were based on chance?" I asked before deciding to press the prompt. But, of course, this wouldn't be his first time doing something like this. The last time he had played a game on his coms, he had nearly caused Knight's Town to crash into an asteroid.

The image on his coms' holo screen changed until ten different colored chests appeared with a message above them. Then, the unit began playing the recording.

"Welcome, Leonardo Chen," The feminine voice spoke with some familiarity. "I'm sorry for the abrupt abduction, but my uncle had forceable sent your parents back to their home dimension at their original time and space when he ROB them. This means you and your siblings wouldn't have been born. It went against the rules, so I grabbed you and sent you here with this system."

I was pissed at what the ROB did to my parents and siblings but held my rage to listen to the message continue. "Since your birth was wiped from those dimensions, I sent you to one where we ROBs can't affect it too much. So have fun and make your own life here with the system to assist your survival."

I felt hollow from that message. The ROB that abducted my parents had wiped out my siblings and mine's existence. So, do I really exist since no one knows who I am? Can I really call myself a Chen if no one knows it? Anger flooded me once more.

"Thank you, but god damn your uncle," I shouted into the sky, thinking she would hear me. That is when I noticed the world was grey but slowly returning to the white landscape. My anger was replaced by worry as the biggest middle finger I could give that being would be surviving. I had felt that I wasn't cold anymore, but that could easily change. I tapped on the screen again to open the chest up.

The first one was a yellow one that revealed a set of clothing. It was called: The R-Snowquill armor set (BOTW). The item description suddenly burnt into my mind and made me yell in pain. This set of clothes magically keeps people from freezing to death in a world called Hyrule.

I opened my eyes and saw clothes scattered around me as the grey world faded. I picked them up and put on the strange green clothes over my overalls before everything returned to freezing. But then, I realized that it wasn't cold anymore.

As I patted myself down, I realized that the skills Pa and Ma had taught us were coming in handy. While I wouldn't use magic like some of my family, I could recognize these clothes' supernatural nature.

That brought my mind to the wrong place as I remembered how I ended up here. Despite feeling depressed about the fact that my siblings and I had been forgotten, I reminded myself that they were likely safe and sound in their own adventures.

As I tapped the next chest, I muttered to myself, "Let's see what else I got." The chest was of a burning orange-red color, revealing another set of items. The new items appeared to be an SSR-Medabot set, precisely a female set. I braced myself for the pain that I knew was coming, but to my surprise, it wasn't as bad as the last time as the items crashed around me.

Suddenly, I felt something on my wrist. When I looked down, I saw a white wristwatch with an oversized body, which I somehow knew was a Medawatch. With this watch, I could issue commands to my robot companion. I then looked at the robotic red Tinpet and the KBT-55 armor beside it. But I couldn't find the medal.

I looked around for the soul of the Metabot before checking the Medawatch to see it nesting inside. I closed the watch as the information on what a beetle medal was appeared in my mind.

This was the soul of the bot that specialized in shooting and didn't have limiters. Oh, the three laws were changed for my use. Scary, but I lived my life on a warship with Haro helpers. It wouldn't matter if I suddenly had combat robots again.

"I'm going to name you Vedalia," I said and saw the Medawatch register the name into the medal. "Now, let's get you built before I continue opening these gifts of chance."

Assembling the robot was a quick process. I inserted the armor parts and inspected the ammunition feeds for Vedalia's weapons. The robot was surprisingly light when I stood it up. Next, I removed the medal from the medawatch and placed it in the Tinpet's slot.

I stepped back and waited since the medal would take some time to recognize its new body. So I walked back into the cover of the rock formation. While I didn't feel the cold, the wind was still blinding as snow sometimes hit my eyes.

Within the cover of the rock formation, I decided to click on the next chest, a gray one. It wasn't enjoyable, but it was a necessary item. C-MRE x 10 (USA Standard). The next one was the same, except it was from a different location. C-MRE x 10 (South Korea Standard).

"Master Leo," called a female mechanical voice. I looked up from the two food boxes to see a charcoal medabot approaching. "How may I assist you today?"

I responded quickly, "How far can your sensor pick up electronic signals?" If there was any life on this planet, there would be civilization with electricity. Hopefully, it will be a friendly bunch of people, not man-hating aliens or bandits.

"Scanning," she replied, but then started patrolling around me. "It may take some time, Master Leo. How about opening the rest of your gacha?"

"Ah, thank you for the suggestion, Vedalia," I replied as I went for the next gray chest. It revealed another survival item. C-Heavy environment tent.

This item was a lifesaver, as its description said it was designed for arctic temperatures in the hot rain forest of the Amazons. While I have never been to the latter, I have been to Antarctica. If this were the same tent, I would survive easily with Vedalia guarding me.

I glanced at the patrolling medabot before tapping on the next chest. It was a gray that opened up to reveal. Really? C-Toliet paper (Charming Ultra strength).

"Hmm," I hummed as my mind formulated a theory. It was on the chest colors. Gray gave me necessities, such as everyday stuff, that could be found everywhere. The yellow chest contains magical or unique items for me, but I am probably familiar with where it comes from. Finally, the burning orange-red gave me something beneficial. In this case, a companion and protector.

Now I know something is missing between all of this as C probably meant common while R quickly means rare. So SSR must be Supreme Super Rare. So there had to be an Uncommon and Super Rare chance here. I looked at the remaining four chests and wanted to cry. They were all gray.

Instead, I sucked it up and opened the next chest. It opened and revealed its reward. C-Hiking backpack and sleeping bag. There was no description, as there was a manual for it sticking out of the front pouch. I took a step back as it crashed into the snow before me.

"Master Leo!" I heard Vedalia shout, causing me to look away from the hiking set. The medabot waved her left arm in a direction where the wind was blowing. "I picked up faint radio waves in that direction. Based on its strength, the source is about 100 kilometers in the general area."

"Thank you, Vedalia," I said before my sense blared a warning, and I dove to the side, barely holding onto my comms. Thankfully, I dodged another chest item that crashed into the snow. My mind registered it as a C-Steel long sword and a defender (Runescape).

"Well, melee weapons, but not the kinds I need," I muttered as Vedalia helped me up from my prone position. "I wonder why I got some old medieval weapon…." I trailed off as the description entered my mind.

"I get superpower from training with those?" I shouted in surprise, which startled Vedalia. Luckily, she didn't drop me but did ask. "Those swords can give you supernatural powers?"

I took several deep breaths before replying, "No. Not directly. They give me access to empowered fighting techniques of the adventures of a place known as Gielinor. Only the melee ones." I can finally be like Pa, I scream internally but look back at its rarity.

"Why is this common?" I asked out loud and felt Vedalia shrug her shoulders.

"Master Leo," She said after letting me go as I stood. She went over to the hiking equipment and picked it up before continuing. "I hypothesize that the techniques are powerful but require stronger weapons to show their full potential. So you are limited to how much damage you can do with steel."

I wracked my memories if there was such a place or game that had this when an old conversation with my Ma appeared. "Your Pa always played this old game on his laptop when we lived in our homeland. It was one of those fantasy games that weapon could determine if someone won their battle despite the skill level."

Those memories triggered something in the description of those steel swords. I pulled the longer one up to see that it stated someone needed the average strength of an adult male to use. It's the same with the basket-hilted off-hand weapon that gave a magical boost to blocking attacks.

On the weapons, there were clips on the sheathes that matched the ones used on my tool belt. So, I attached them to where I used to keep the wrench and tape measure. Then I looked back on the screen to see the last two gray chests. I let Vedalia tap them open as it felt like the right thing to do.

"Hey, Vedalia," I called out as she finished packing away the tent and other items into the hiking backpack and rack. I showed here my comms screen. "Want to try your luck with these last two? Maybe they will give you a better item than me."

"Master Leo," Vedalia said with a tone of gentleness. "That is a gacha system that you have already pulled. It would not matter if I opened the chest, but thank you for the gesture." She then pressed the second to last chest on the screen.

There was a flash of light before another common item dropped in front of them. Again, the information appeared in my mind. C-Fire starter kit (Boy Scout). It's perfect for these snowy lands if I can find something to burn.

I gave Vedalia a deadpan look as she sheepishly rubbed her armored head. "Master Leo, that was just chance." She replied before reaching for the last chest. As the container began to glow, for some reason, I asked the medabot.

"How do you know about the gacha system? Were you just born less than an hour ago?"

She paused before replying, "I don't know, Master Leo. I do know some rules behind the system for some reason. Like you will have chances to earn pull and that some chest can…look, sir!"

Vedalia pointed at the screen as the chest finally stopped glowing and changed from gray to blue. I glance at my companion before gesturing for her to try again. So her metal finger tapped it again, and it began glowing again.

"Sorry, Master Leo," Vedalia shyly said as she covered her eyes with both hands. The chest had changed to a yellow color and cracked open this time. This time, I could sense what it was, and it opened to reveal another backpack. This one was much smaller than the hiker one, but this was supposed to be a rare item, so I waited for the description to hit me.

"We hit the jackpot, Vedalia," I said as the information informed me of what the item was for. It gave me a headache, but I ignored it with sheer excitement for what we got. The R-Adventurer pack (Runescape) could magically hold twenty-eight items and has been enchanted to stack items of the same type within its slots. It didn't matter if it was living, dead, a weapon, food, or waste. If you wanted in there, it would fit and stack.

"This thing will be our secret storage unit. Here," I pulled out the information on what it did from the bag. "This is what it does. Destroy that note after you read it."

I ensured my weapon was ready to draw despite having no dual-wield sword experience. My flashlight was in my hand to help with the coming darkness from the sunset. I heard the sound of a single energy weapon shot from where Vedalia stood and saw a small flame before it burnt out.

"Let's head out to the signal source," I said, turning to the direction Vedalia had pointed. "This is the beginning of a new life. Let us try and live it out."


AN: Well, dang. I did write this story out, after all. I'm using an OC-insert style of a character that I created for my first story that never had a chance to show up.

Here is a gacha system story set in a universe that some people will be familiar with. Just wait until chapter two for what fandom he is in.
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It sounds like his parents had something like the Built in the Heavens and got sent home. I wouldn't think that their kids and achievements got wiped from existence.

It might work better if they all died. His parents got their memories sent right back when they were taken from so wild dream of a new life together. That would mean his siblings were still dead, but up for grabs by any passing ROB that needs an isekai soul.

So feeling sorry that they can't be returned to their parents, the ROB gives them basic growth cheats and sends them on.
It sounds like his parents had something like the Built in the Heavens and got sent home. I wouldn't think that their kids and achievements got wiped from existence.

It might work better if they all died. His parents got their memories sent right back when they were taken from so wild dream of a new life together. That would mean his siblings were still dead, but up for grabs by any passing ROB that needs an isekai soul.

So feeling sorry that they can't be returned to their parents, the ROB gives them basic growth cheats and sends them on.

Wow, I didn't even know that Built in the Heavens existed. I was going to use characters I had made for my first-ever story on SV and SB that never got used since I abandoned it for a reason mentioned earlier.

But yeah, you actually don't need to know much about that story and just have this guy as your average anime mechanic that happens to appear here with a gacha system.

If you are wondering why there wasn't more emotion for learning such a thing (including denial), it will be mentioned a bit later in the next chapter after they get out of the snow covered lands.
If you are wondering why there wasn't more emotion for learning such a thing (including denial), it will be mentioned a bit later in the next chapter after they get out of the snow covered lands.

Sounds like he grew up knowing all about ROBs and all that and in a scifi/space setting of some sort. That's why I'd suggest that they all die for whatever reason, and it's just an entirely new life. Nothing to be upset about as it wasn't the ROBs fault that they ran into old enemies or even just local wildlife and ended up dead. Death happens to everyone.

It's more that the family has experience with ROB or has been marked. Maybe his parents weren't the first in the family this sort of thing happened to.

At the moment, he'd be in survival mode anyway. He is in some artic/polar ice land. It's like being dropped in North Canada. Civilization might exist elsewhere on the planet, but you'd be very lucky to just walk there. That's assuming baseline earth and not a monster-filled death world of various flavors.

What gets me is that he'd have some knowledge of the gacha items. He might not have grown up in a setting with our media sources. Having your parents tell you about one or two games, anime, or manga is one thing, but that doesn't remotely cover what it could be drawing from. It'd be a surprise each time.

Heck being told about Alice in Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz doesn't mean that they got everything right. There are tons of settings gachas could be pulling from. We could google to find out, but he can't.
What gets me is that he'd have some knowledge of the gacha items. He might not have grown up in a setting with our media sources. Having your parents tell you about one or two games, anime, or manga is one thing, but that doesn't remotely cover what it could be drawing from. It'd be a surprise each time.

Heck being told about Alice in Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz doesn't mean that they got everything right. There are tons of settings gachas could be pulling from. We could google to find out, but he can't.

That is actually why I mention the medabot knowing about the system despite being 'born' at the moment. Just say it like Pick Me Up mawha. Where random people and things from all universes are picked up and used by a gacha player. Everyone of a certain rarity knows some of the game mechanics and why they were summoned (or in my story, they know about the gacha and the changes done to them).

The biggest surprise will be once the MC here learns what universe he is in. He will recognize it but won't know the history, lore and general other things of it. All he remembers will be revealed in the next chapter.

Edit: Lol just re-read your comments again and forgot to mention that the information of certain items would hit the MC when pulling something that isn't just obvious in it use. Kinda like a examine button for certain games expect it uncontrollable and can backfire.
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I know the answer to the question I was about to ask is "Because it came from the gacha, therefore pre-installed with knowledge of it", but that's just lazy. Can't you add a little passage? Something like him talking about the gacha and it asking what it is?

I might do that in the next chapter. Right now the guy is in survival mode and only asking minimum questions as I did make his background as someone who has deal with ROB somewhat.

I think I need to make the effect better and later in on the story. I trying to hint that anything magical or with abilities outside of sci-fi would give the MC massive headaches as some of the history, ability and lore of the item hit him. Can risk stunning the man of done at a bad time.

Mechanical stuff won't hurt as bad as the Max background will show up in the next chapter. Oh and obvious things like MRE and the tent is self explanatory. He will ask questions to the one person or in this case bot that has some knowledge.
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Chapter 1.02
Chapter 1.02 (edited: 12/15/23)

Amidst an uncharted planet's expansive and frigid snow-covered terrain, two figures stood in unison, embarking on a journey toward a mysterious radio signal. The fate of their existence hinged upon the outcome of this perilous expedition.

"Master Leo," Vedalia cut in. "I thought you said you would not narrate our journey yesterday after you ate the last MRE?" My alien bot companion pointed ahead. "After all, we are only a few kilometers from our destination."

"All right then," I muttered before opening my communicator screen to check how long it had been. I had been determining the planet's timeline, which follows close to the standard twenty-hour day. So I had to set my clock to it.

"Vedalia," I called out as I shifted my body to conceal my medieval weapons, "what is our ETA to the signal now that we are so close?"

The medabot didn't stop scanning the horizon before replaying, "Master Leo. We should see the settlement ahead in an hour if the weather doesn't become a blizzard again. I still don't know why your communicator can't pick up the signal."

I sighed before telling her why I couldn't use my communicator as a radio. "It's because of the gacha that I can't use this damn thing as a communicator." I shook the device in my hand. It was annoying, but I would work around it.

"The gacha system took over the entire comms unit and prevented me from doing anything else but pull gacha, keep track of time, and make journal entries. In return, I get a description of everything we pull, the time for the next free draw, and the currency to do one. Oh, and this is still in its beta stage." I muttered while slightly angry over the fact it was not without bugs.

I still didn't understand why over a hundred slots were in the currency section. What the hell was a Talents or Skulls? Was that money denomination for a single pull? I even noticed a task menu for a one-time draw.

Today will be the first task completed if we have the time. Still, I best explained the rest to Vedalia despite her telling me some things about gacha.

"Still, the function is helpful," I said, gesturing to the two magical steel weapons. "Like the scanning allowed me to find out, these swords here will never dull, can not be melted down, and both can be hit with a magic spell native to their location to be turned into some gold coins. Something tradable for our future adventures."

She nodded before asking, "What other function of your gacha system is there?"

I momentarily considered it as I compared her explanation a week ago to what I had now.

"Well, besides the scanning function and that large amount of currency for pulls," I shifted the menus to show the next one beside the inventory image that appeared when I put the magic bag next to the former communicator. "Any items we pull can be stored directly in the magical backpack. However, that is a new function."

What was left unsaid was that I had to keep the unit safe, as if it got destroyed, I would lose my gacha system. At least that was hinted at. So, I went to the task system and began explaining it.

"This here seems to be a daily task system," I said while showing her the list. "It refreshes every day and gives a pull per completion. Well, except for this one." I pointed at the one saying weekly. "That mission will give us a ten-draw ticket and is the only one we can do as the rest ask for combat or gathering plants."

"Master Leo," Vedalia spoke while looking at the task list. "Is there a reason we couldn't do some daily tasks for more chances?"

I sighed before replying while showing the list again. "Most of the tasks couldn't be done due to those blizzards we ran into for the past three days. Also, most require this." I pointed at the first one, which said, "Kill something," before repeating what it said out loud.

I gestured all around us, and she seemed to realize why we hadn't done some tasks. However, Vedalia did point to the one that was almost complete. "What about the weekly one that you almost finished? I can't see the task, but it's almost done."

"Hmm," I hummed before asking. "Think we got time for another journal log? If we make one more before we reach civilization, we get a chance at the gacha again. Maybe we can pull some trading material or another friend to back us up. That the task, making entries."

"Master Leo," Vedalia spoke with a tone of hopefulness. "You should make one now, as it is around the same time as your regular one."

I smiled before switching my former communicator to log mode.

"Journal Log, Day seven," I said as we passed a sign with illegible words. So we are getting closer to somewhere.

"This is the former Chief Engineer of Knight's Town, Leonardo Chen. I have finally located a civilization of some sort, and I hope they are hospitable. I will add to this after lunch. Log stop and await new input." I had hoped that counted enough to get that free pull. The ding from my former communicator showed that it had. However, I ignored it for now as I looked at my destination.

I gazed at the horizon and saw faint artificial structures. I asked my companion, "Can you understand them?"

Vedalia paused for a moment before shaking her head. "Master Leo, I don't comprehend their language, but I can sense that it's a human language containing a blend of Spanish and French. I will start translating protocols. However, there could be some inaccuracies since my databanks classify these languages as incomplete."

I wanted to ask why she needed a complete human language database. However, I used the camera on my gacha unit to check her information settings. I could have used the Medawatch, but I wanted a precise reason.

I scrolled through her settings and skipped the parts that entered my mind when I summoned her. I ignored the details about the engine and how Vedalia produced ammo when I finally got to the part about her skills. She only had English, Japanese, and Cantonese set as spoken with a dictionary of the rest of the human language as text.

"Well, I found out why you didn't know what they were saying," I told Vedalia as we continued walking to the structures. "You only know the languages I speak and have the standard translator as your backup."

Vedalia stopped walking before collapsing on all fours. I could feel the depression coming off her as she muttered, 'I'm useless to Master,' then got back up with her digital eyes, seemingly crying. I quickly patted her shoulder before saying, "It's okay. It's not like I knew those two languages you mentioned earlier, and it's better this way."

"Master Leo," her voice sounded hopeful once more. "So it isn't my fault for not knowing?"

I thought about how my sisters acted and replied with a wistful smile. "Yes, it isn't your fault."

Her visible eyes seemed to smile, and I felt I needed to apologize. A catchy tone came from the gacha unit, and an idea formed in my head.

"Hey," I called out with my gacha unit's screen facing her. "Let's turn your frown upside down. Try your luck, and let's see what we get before we arrive at that town."

"Master Leo. Are you sure you wish for me to take this chance?" She asked, but I could see her fingers twitching to tap the screen.

I just gave her a nod, so Vedalia tapped the screen.

The area around us was blasted with a catchy tune. The sounds of ten objects slamming into the ground followed despite nothing being around us but soft snow. I waited as the screen then changed to display ten chests. One was a new color I had yet to see, green, and there were several blue ones this time.

We quickly counted four possible common grade items: four uncommon, one rare, and one green. Finally, I gazed into Vedalia's smiling eyes and said, "See, you pulled a great harvest. Now, let's see if we got anything that can give us money in this crazy cold world."

"Master Leo," She replied cheerfully. "Will you be opening them into your inventory this time?"

I tapped the first grey chest, and it opened within the inventory. It was C-Progresso Traditional Chicken and Wild Rice Soup (36x).

"Well, it looks like we won't go hungry," I replied, tapping its icon to bring one sample out. I handed it to Vedalia. "Here, scan the numbers list there and tell me if this is good for the long run."

While Vedalia was distracted, I tapped on two remaining three left. Two of the containers within the gacha unit opened and revealed nothing important. After all, the first was a C-Camping set and a C-Kitchen sponge (6x). The first was great for use out here, but the latter was trash unless I had a home or an apartment. A job as a dishwasher?

Those items had their services and almost had me open the rest of the unopened chests. Luckily, I remembered to stop myself. "Vedalia," I called out while giving her the screen again. "Go ahead and open everything up. I'll study them while they are still within the inventory."

"Are you sure, Master Leo?" She asked as I handed her the gacha device. Of course, I kept a finger on it to allow the Medabot to interact with the items. She hesitated but then tapped the screen seven more times. I watched as she was in awe and was generally happy with what she saw.

"Master Leo," Vedalia replied after tapping the screen again. "I believe we have plenty of potential wares to sell." She nodded before gesturing to look at the gacha outcomes with her left hand. I turned the screen back to me and saw better drops this time.

"Wow," I nearly shouted as the last standard drop was unexpected. "Now that is something that might be a good trading material."

It was a single bar of gold, yet it was a common rarity. I checked where it came from with the scan option on the gacha unit and sighed when it said it was from Gielinor and weighed nearly two kilograms. That would be worth a good bit of money, but it would rely on the people we were walking towards to see that as something of worth.

I switched to the four blue items and read the first one. "Oh, we got me something defensive to wear besides these magical clothes," I said as I read my first uncommon item. It was called UC-Combat Armor (Sturdy) with a helmet. The knowledge of how it was made and upgrades appeared in my head. I whistled in appreciation of its engineering. However, the stats and description of where the armor came from had me frowning.

"It might be protective, but it came from an Earth ruined by nuclear war. Thank god none of the ones my family traveled to ended up like the one this armor came from." I said while looking at Vedalia. "How is the translation going, and should I wear this now or wait?" I kept my finger over the armor as I awaited her response. I almost looked at the other three uncommon-grade items but restrained the urge.

"Master Leo," She replied with an urgency in her tone. "The radio signal I received is from a town called New Pleiades. It was about a food shortage crisis they were suffering from. Also, besides French, English is their second language, so we will not have much of a problem there."

I thought about the thirty-six cans of food and how the heck that would help solve the town's food problems. "How can those Progresso soups help with the shortage?"

My robotic companion shook her head and pointed back at the gacha machine. "No, Master Leo. The other uncommon and the super rare will solve the issue."

Super rare? I thought before realizing it might be the green chest. Still, I rechecked the uncommon list and saw three things. One was a UC-E-11 Blaster Rifle (Star Wars), another was labeled UC-Turret (deployable CnC), and the other was listed as a UC-Seed bag (various).

I would have scanned them for more data but decided to hold off as the latter gave me a headache from the basic information slammed into me. I wonder why it didn't hit earlier with the first two. Still, I could guess what the Turret was.

"I don't see how an energy weapon, a defense building, and a bag of seeds will help with the food shortage, but let's see about that super rare," I said in some pain as I skipped over the rare item for the super one. It reads as SR-Farming standard patches (Runescape), One-time setup.

The next thing I knew was darkness.


"Urrggg," I grunted as I got up. A quick look at my surroundings showed that time had passed as the sun was approaching sunset. Vedalia looked up from the cooking equipment and shouted, "Master Leo! Are you okay? You went unconscious after looking at the super rare item."

A thought hit me as I reviewed what I had looked at. It took a moment before I realized why it happened. "Well," I said, brushing off the little bit of snow that got on my rear. "I know why I keep getting severe headaches from some of the gacha items. It's probably because the gacha is still in beta."

With Vedalia's help, I finally managed to navigate to the gacha inventory screen, which had given me trouble for a while. It seemed like a maze of options and buttons the first time I went through it. Thankfully, Vedalia patiently guided me through sorting out all the items and rewards.

I felt relieved when we finally found the remaining reward, conveniently categorized under tech. Thanks to Vedalia's assistance, I managed to get to the section I wanted to review.

I waved to my friend to look at the magical section. "Everything in that section gave me a migraine because they are magical. Heck, I'm a mecha engineer of the more science-based ones. I had no talents like my sister with magic stuff. Hell, magic backlash sucks."

"I'm sorry, Master Leo," Vedalia apologized while bowing, nearly slamming the twin rocket launchers into me. "I should have realized this too and warned you beforehand."

She had done it in good humor. "No problem, but you must warn me beforehand if I pull into a stressful situation. I think I need to use the report bug section of this to hopefully get it fixed."

A quick survey of the area showed that no one from the town was coming our way, so I walked over to the camping stove to see a canned soup cooking inside. Literally.

I sighed and got the can out of the boiling water using the shorter sword on my waist. I knew eating was dangerous, so I would throw it out when Vedalia asked, "Why are you throwing away food, Master Leo?"

"Well," I replied, sliding the hot soup can on a nearby rock. "It's poisonous for humans to eat something cooked within the can it contains unless it states otherwise. Most of the time, the chemicals inside the can will leak into the food and slowly poison me."

"May I have it then, Master Leo?" The medabot asked as she took the can in hand. I gave her a nod and was surprised she sipped it without any visible mouth to consume it.

"Anyways," I remember where I left off on the sectioning of gacha rewards. "I can understand how this item plus the seed bag would solve their problem and get us money." I looked at the scan results on the patches. They would grow any food at hyper speed, especially ones from Gielinor. However, there was a catch. I first had to 'level up' my farming skills to grow anything but potatoes. We had plenty of those and other easy vegetable seeds in the pack.

"However," I continued while pointing at the settlement ahead. "I need to purchase or get permission from those people to set up the magical farming land. Those…" I trailed off as I didn't know who those people were. Luckily, my companion chimed in. "The Lothians, Master Leo. Oh, and the planet's name is called Logan Prime."

I mentally remembered the name before continuing."Yes, the Lothian's permission to set up. If they did, I could quickly produce tons of food every ninety to two hundred minutes. However, that would make us a target." There was a pause before I realized something else that could be taken in the wrong direction if someone heard Vedalia speak to me. "Also, call me sir or mister if other people are around us. I think calling me Master would give people the wrong impression."

"Yes sir, Master Leo," She replied before giggling. I would never understand females at all despite my twenty years of life.

"Anyways," I said while adjusting to my new headache. Freaking magic stuff. "Do we have to give an image of strength here? I don't want to give the wrong signals before we head into that settlement."

Silence descended upon us, stretching for a while before she finally answered. "Master Leo, I recommend using the rare we just pull and equipping all the combat equipment."

I tapped on the newest rare item and smiled. Sure, it wasn't the same as a mobile suit or an Arm-slave, but it seemed like something in a similar area. I read the description for the R-Ghedo Vakka (Code Geass) and looked for its driver manual.

"Then let's suit up," I replied as the mech appeared and the suit of armor landed in front of me.

Here is a list of the inventory so far.

AN: Man, this story distracted me from my main one. Well, here we go. If anyone could guess, this is an OC insert into

Here is a list of the inventory so far.

Inside or attached to a Hiker backpack
  • C-Toliet paper (Charming Ultra) is Almost used up.
  • C-Heavy environment tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • C-Progresso Traditional Chicken and Wild Rice Soup (35x)
  • C-Camping set
  • C-Kitchen sponge (6x)
  • Gold Bar (Runescape)

Inside Adventurer pack (which fused with gacha device)

  • [1] SR-Farming standard patches (Runescape), One-time setup.
    [2] UC-Seed bag (various)
    [3] UC-Turret (deployable CnC)

  • UC-Combat Armor (Sturdy) with a helmet
  • R-Snowquill armor set (BOTW)
  • UC-E-11 Blaster Rifle (Star Wars)
  • R-Ghedo Vakka (Code Geass)
  • C-Steel long sword and a defender (Runescape)

Vedalia- Female-KBT-55 type medabot. She has twin homing missile launchers on her head. A rifle for single-shot laser fire on her right arm. Her left has a Gatling laser gun. A robot from the universe of megabits. She is capable of eating organic food to replace ammunition.
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I sighed and got the can out of the boiling water using the shorter sword on my waist. I knew eating was dangerous, so I would throw it out when Vedalia asked, "Why are you throwing away food, Master Leo?"

"Well," I replied, sliding the hot soup can on a nearby rock. "It's poisonous for humans to eat something cooked within the can it contains unless it states otherwise."

That's a rather extreme response. It's not poisonous, only mildly toxic long term.
Normally in a survival situation you wouldn't want to waste food like that, but I can understand him being confident in being able to get more. Perhaps he should mention that explicitly.
That's a rather extreme response. It's not poisonous, only mildly toxic long term.
Normally in a survival situation you wouldn't want to waste food like that, but I can understand him being confident in being able to get more. Perhaps he should mention that explicitly.

This is true. But why risk affecting your health negatively in a snow cover land scape?

However, he should have explained it more to his Medabot companion but I think I leave it as is to show that he doesn't realize she doesn't know.

At least he got 35 more cans left and can grow some food if he can get his hand on some land to do so.
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Chapter 1.03
Chapter 1.03
Man, it took hours to understand how to drive this Ghedo Vakka, but it was still easier than piloting a Tragos. It worked similarly to the Personal Troopers in that one dimension I had visited. The only difference was that I had to pay attention to four-wheel legs like a car. I did have to store the Hiking backpack and tent in the inventory as the cockpit was cramped enough with Vedalia and me in it.

Still, I moved slowly in circles to ensure I wouldn't crash into something. Then, after a few minutes of driving in circles, I asked Vedalia, "How fast do you think is reasonable speed not to make those people over their panic?"

There was a pause as my partner seemed to listen to the radio waves again. Then she spoke, "Heading at fifty kilometers per hour should be fine enough. However, they seem to have noticed us, so be careful. Can we contact them with the communication equipment?"

"Roger that. Let's see here," I replied and then noticed the sunset. We've been out here a while. I clicked on what appeared to be the comms system yet didn't pick up the radio waves and wondered if it was busted. After a moment, I did, but it wasn't all in English. So I decided to tell them of my arrival.

"To the settlement I'm heading to," I said while slowly directing the mech to what I think was the entrance. "I'm lost, but I hear you need some food. May I trade some supplies for a place to stay?"

I received no reply, and the radio chatter died instantly. I got a bit nervous from the native's action but decided I couldn't just stay out here with Vedalia. So I drove the Nightmare Frame, a metal name for a mech type, up to the settlement entrance only to freeze before the sudden welcoming committee.

"You know what, Vedalia," I said while looking at the welcoming committee that appeared as we neared the settlement entrance. "I'm starting to think the show of force might be the worse option if those APCs surrounding that tank have anything to say about it."

"Master Leo, I believe you are correct," She replied as we stared at the canon of that ridiculously light tank. Really, it was registered as twenty-five tons on the sensors, yet it looked like something twice that weight. "Should we open dialogue with them or arm the main cannons?"

I flipped a few switches for the external speakers to talk with military units before us while loading the machine guns in the legs. "Hello," I said while locking onto those rocket-carrying infantry in heavy fur coats. "As I stated earlier before you all went silent. I'm a bit lost, but I hear you have a food shortage."

That shocked some of the infantry as several turned to shout something at the person next to them. Others seemed to have grim faces as they kept their silence. Then, the top hatch of the tank opened to reveal someone wearing a fur coat and some military hat. The person pulled out a megaphone and shouted back.

"Unidentified Mechwarrior," A feminine voice called out. "I am Force Sergeant Alison Blaze of the Logan Prime Militia. We heard your response on the comms. Our secure government frequency." Force Sergeant? What kind of rank is that? Then I realized what she had said.

I facepalmed. Of all the freaking things I did to be friendly, this god-dang mech accidentally locked onto a secure frequency instead of an open one. But wait, doesn't that mean Vedalia had hacked the same one too?

I glance at the medabot in my lap and face the same wide-eyed expression. Vedalia realized her mistake too.

"Forgive me for that," I replied, switching the machine guns off. "I thought it was an open frequency since it was the only one I picked up. My name is Leonardo Chen, and I found myself lost on this planet."

Then I remembered why I came here for. "I only happen to get into your frequency by accident. However, if you can provide me with some land, I can provide some rations. I promise a supply of more food in a few hours once I have time to settle down."

I awaited their decision while ensuring my back was clear with the rear camera.

"How much provision can you even supply?" The tank commander asked while the infantry seemed to stand down. Those machine guns on the APCs were still pointed at my mech.

I pulled out the gacha device and asked Vedalia, "How much food do we get again inside the Hiking pack?" I only had the seeds and the magic farmland I could place in the inventory.

"Master Leo. We have thirty-four cans of the soup," She said before reading the label. "According to this, we have a total of sixty-eight severing."

I glanced at the force before us and estimated how many people would be in this town before turning on my speakers. "I got enough food to feed sixty-eight people a serving of soup. If it's not enough to get me a little place to set up, I have something else to add."

"Wait a few minutes, please," I watched the woman in command duck back into her tank momentarily. At least the APCs' machine guns were now pointed away from me. I saw a few of the infantry start piling back into their armor vehicles while a few that seemed like noncommissioned officers walked in front of the tank.

My comms flared to life as the tank commander's voice came through. "Mechwarrior Chen. The mayor of the New Pleiades, Semyon LeBlanc, has agreed to let you inside our settlement, but you must pay an extra fee for the land. However, he will meet you personally on the property in question."

"Roger that, Force Sergeant Blaze," I replied, switching off the parking to drive and preparing myself. I saw those APCs drive past and follow me as the tank led the way. The entrenched to the seal dome habitat open and let us through.

A stray thought hit me as we entered. Why didn't the militia ask me to leave my Knightmare Frame?

The drive was short from the entrance as we passed several houses and hydroponic farming areas. I was getting worried as it was too easy to be let in with a giant weapon of war after all.

I noticed Force Sergeant Blaze's tank slowing down, so I connected to her comms and asked. "Is there anything I need to do before meeting Mayor LeBlanc?"

"Eh?" Her voice came through and made me realize something was up. "No, sir. Just keep your promise, and the mayor will be willing to deal with you."

"That was odd," I said after turning off the comms. "Vedalia, what do you think of the situation we are going into? Those APCs behind us have already pulled off into a motor pool."

"One moment, Master Leo," Vedalia began going through Ghedo Vakka's systems and seemed to connect to something on the network. While she did that, I observed the surrounding. The tech level of the area should be enough to produce early-stage mobile suits. However, I would hold off on trying to draw up blueprints of the Knightmare Frame I found within the mech. At least until I knew for sure whom I was dealing with.

Despite the outer appearance, this settlement had built structures similar to late twenty century cities. A similar look to some of the places I had been to before but felt more rustic.

"I'm finished, Master Leo," Vedalia replied as data appeared on the monitor panel beside me. I didn't have time to read it and asked her, "Can you give me a summary of the history of this place and why they have a food shortage? Also, call me Mister now, or you might slip up when we arrive at our destination."

"Yes sir, Mister Leo," Vedalia replied, "It seems like we have almost arrived at our destination, however."

I got an alert from the radar that picked up a mech weighing twenty tons. "Well, they have mecha units, it seems," I said while the camera zoomed in on an object standing five kilometers. It looked short for a mobile suit but was two meters or so taller than the Ghedo Vakka. I saw a visible two-tube missile rack on its left waist and a weapon in its right hand.

"Quick, give me a rundown on whom we are dealing with and their current problems," I said as the tank we were following pulled aside. My comms flared back to life as the tanker called. "The Mayor is ahead with his staff about your decision. I'll follow along in a moment, but a situation has appeared nearby that I have to deal with."

"Roger that," I replied while looking at Vedalia to see if the woman had told me the truth. The slight nod made me relieved, so I continued. "I'll see you later then."

"Have a good day, Mechwarrior," Force Sergeant Blaze replied, leading her tank away.

"Mister Leo," Vedalia spoke up. "The planet we are on is called Logan Prime in a solar system with the same name. It is one of seven of a space nation called the Lothian League. They are a nation that seems to respect freedom of choice and patriotism. However, they suffer from a lack of industry and food shortage due to raids from a Marian Hegemony. Also, they lack a faster-than-light communication method. As a result, they rely on a pony express."

"What kind of dimension did we arrive in?" I said before rushing to think of what else I could offer to make a living on the planet. It was my first time in a universe beyond the sole solar system. It was either on Earth or in another solar system without FTL.

"Hey," I said to Vedalia as I approached the bipedal mech. "Think I should offer to assist in defense of this place to get us more rep here?"

"Mister Leo, I believe it will work." She replied as my comms picked up the mech's attempt to contact me.

"Mechwarrior," An elder voice cheerfully called out. "Welcome to New Pleiades. I'm mayor Semyon LeBlanc. I hear you have some rations for trade?"

"Yes, I do, my good sir," I replied while formulating a plan. "However, I also request to purchase some land to try and help solve your food shortage issue."

There was a pause as I bet the man was laughing at me, but I would prove him wrong in a few hours. "Oh," The mayor replied, the cheerfulness noticeably lessening. "Now, I would love to see this, but what are you using to pay for this piece of land?" The mech stomps its feet in place. This should be the area I asked about.

I smiled and replied, "How about some good old sacks of vegetables and starches after I settle down, some gold I have, and my willingness to help out in defense of this settlement."

"Hmm, sound like a good deal," Mayor LeBlanc replied. "How about we shake on it? I would love to see the man willing to do much for a piece of land."

I glanced at the monitors around me and saw only a team of infantry in a building within sniping distance. I looked to Vedalia before replying, "Sure. Just let me get those rations first because no one asked me to give them to them. Sorry for making you the bagman. Vedalia."

I made sure to say Vedalia's name with the comms on. "My companion will stay with the Ghedo Vakka while I hand you the rations and gold bar."

A cold chill seemed to go down my spine as I realized I hadn't told anyone about my partner. I quickly spoke before the mayor about any misunderstanding that would happen. "Sorry, but I had an extra person with me, but I wasn't sure where we had landed until we got inside. We thought it might have been a pirate settlement or someone hostile to outsiders."

"That not a problem," the mayor replied. His neutral tone made me flinch. "Just one question then. Where are you two from?"

I paused to formulate a reasonable response when Vedalia spoke up, with her mechanical nature less evident in her voice. "We are both from Terra but suffered a missed jump. We never heard of a Lothian League, so we were worried."

I froze for a moment before going over her words. Terra was a typical name change for Earth in science fiction books my father used to read me. Also, technically it wasn't a lie since I was from there. What got me confused was why she sounded like a little girl there.

"Ah, misjumps," Mayor LeBlanc's voice turned softer. "We had a signature of a ship arriving near our jump point. It must have been yours before it vanished."

"Yeah," I replied. "The next thing we knew, we landed on this planet and thought it was deserted. It took us a week to find your settlement. Heck, it's not even the right year that we remember, so we decided to start a new one here if possible."

"Ah, you have my sympathies," LeBlanc said as my sensor noticed his mech powering down. "Then you must be trying to start a new life here since that happen. Are those supplies all you managed to salvage from your ship, then?"

I thought about it briefly before replying, "Yes, sir. So can we stay here with the price I offered?" I made sure to switch off the power to the cannons. Not like it mattered, as they were ballistic weapons and would quickly warm up should things go wrong.

"You two sure can," The man replied. "Let's get out and make this deal now so we can all settle down?"

"Sure thing," I said while opening the cockpit. I could hear the mayor say, "Interesting." I quickly yanked the Hiker backpack out of the inventory with all the can food inside a while. A glance showed an elder coming out of the head of the mech.

A head cockpit? That's dangerous but easier for ejection. I thought to myself.

I slowly climbed down the Ghedo Vakka as the combat armor clanked. I'm not used to wearing it and could feel it pinching the clothes underneath.

I walked halfway to the mech before me as the mayor finished getting down with a rope ladder. He walked up to me, and I noticed that he was wearing revealing clothes and a mechanical vest on his chest.

"Howdy, young man," The mayor said while offering me a hand. I shook it and replied, "Thank you, Mayor LeBlanc." Then I handed him the backpack.

He took it and looked inside. After a moment, he replied, "No, thank you. If you can keep your promises within the next month, I'll put in a word to the planetary lord for you. Maybe you will get a chance to settle a settlement as I did."
AN: Well, finally done with the first chapter. Now time for my typical interlude and then get into the after-effects of being ROB despite being a dimensional traveler.

Also, before anyone asks why the Mayor didn't ask about the sword, short sword, and his armor? Well, he is respecting his fellow Mechwarrior while asking his men what they think in the interlude.

Oh, here are the dimensions the MC has been through before his whole background was tossed out by the previous ROB (not the current one, who can't do much now):
Gundam Wing
Gundam G Fighter
Full Metal Panic
Super Robot War (anime)
Knight and Magic

Inside Adventurer pack (which fused with gacha device) (28 slots)

[1] SR-Farming standard patches (Runescape), One-time setup.

[2] UC-Seed bag (various)

[3] UC-Turret (deployable CnC)
[4] C-Toliet paper (Charming Ultra) is Almost used up.
[5] C-Heavy environment tent
[6] C-Sleeping bag
[7] C-Camping set
[8] C-Kitchen sponge (6x)

UC-Combat Armor (Sturdy) with a helmet (Fallout 4)
R-Snowquill armor set (BOTW)
UC-E-11 Blaster Rifle (Star Wars)
R-Ghedo Vakka (Code Geass)
C-Steel long sword and a defender (Runescape)


Vedalia- Female-KBT-55 type medabot. She has twin homing missile launchers on her head. A rifle for single-shot laser fire on her right arm. Her left has a Gatling laser gun. A robot from the universe of medabots. She is capable of eating organic food to replace ammunition.
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Can I request a threadmark of items/characters with images? Or at least from what item/character and from what series they're from, at least the notable ones.
Knightmare Frame: K13B Ghedo Vakka
@Ryven Razgriz Well, as you asked. Here is the first of many informative posts about the items pulled in the gacha with BT stats. Weight and weapon comp is estimated in-universe by BT natives, but the actual data is here

Ghedo Vakka K13B

Mass: 45 tons
Chassis: Knightmare Frame
Power Plant: Yggdrasil Drive powered by Energy Filler
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
     2 Light AC/5 (estimated by damage potential and weight)
     4 Machine Gun
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: Gacha
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-D
Cost: 7,337,725 C-bills estimated

Type: Ghedo Vakka
Technology Base: Code Geass 
Tonnage: 45 (Estimated based on appearance)
Battle Value: 629

The Lothian League estimated all the below data.

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  4.5
Engine                           270 XL             7.5
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     10                      0
Gyro                                                  3
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  80                      5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            14        10    
     Center Torso (rear)               3     
     R/L Torso               11        9     
     R/L Torso (rear)                  2     
     FR/L Leg                11        9     
     RR/L Leg                11        9     

and Ammo                      Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage    
Machine Gun                     FRL        1        0       0.5   
Slash Harken                     RT        3        -       3.0   
LAC/5 Ammo (20)                  RT        1        -       1.0   
Light AC/5                       RT        2        1       5.0   
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)      RT        1        -       0.5   
Machine Gun                     RLL        1        0       0.5   
Machine Gun                     FLL        1        0       0.5   
Machine Gun Ammo (200)           LT        1        -       1.0   
Slash Harken                     LT        3        -       3.0   
LAC/5 Ammo (20)                  LT        1        -       1.0   
Light AC/5                       LT        2        1       5.0   
Factsphere Sensor                HD        1        -       0.5   
Machine Gun                     RRL        1        0       0.5
Companion: Vedalia, KBT-55 Medabot
Here is the first Companion to the MC, Vedalia

Vedalia KBT-55
Type: Blackbeetle
Manufacturer: Gacha
    Primary Factory: Medabot Corp (Medabot universe)

Tech Base: Medabots
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Light
Maximum Weight: 750 kg
Battle Value: 177
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: No/Yes/Yes/No

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass  
Chassis:                                               100 kg   
Motive System:                                                  
     Ground MP:          3                              60 kg   
     Jump MP:            0                               0 kg   
    Left Arm:            Armored Gloves                  0 kg
    Right Arm:           Armored Gloves                  0 kg
Armor:                   Crplasmium Alloy       0      200 kg   
    Armor Value:         5 (Tinpet)                            

Weapons and Equipment         Location (Capacity)   Mass
Black Ballister                  Body       2       120 kg
Ammo (4)                         Body       1       66.4 kg
Ammo (4)                         Body       1       66.4 kg
Black Blaster                  Left Arm     1       75 kg
Black Fusier                  Right Arm     1       50 kg

Special note: This is a female medabot, and it is known that she will defend Leonardo Chen with everything she has. Onlookers still can't figure out how to replenish her rocket ammo. The missiles have the same tracking and range as an LRM but the power of an SRM. Both arm weapons seemly hit as hard as a battlemech grade machine gun again BAR 10 armor. A personality trait has been noted as maid like despite her appearance.
Weapon: Uncommon rarity: E-11 Blaster
The E-11 Blaster. An interesting energy weapon that runs on gas ammo instead of power packs.

Item: E-11 Blaster
Equipment Rating: D/C-C-D/E
Armor Piercing/Base Damage: 5E/4
Range: Minimum: 100 meters Maximum: 300 meters
Amount of ammo: 500 per gas pack
Cost: 2000
Affiliation: Lothian League
Mass: 2.7 kg
Notes: A weapon from the gacha. It was later studied and managed to be mass-produced once similar parts could be handcrafted.
Damage to BAR 10 armor: 0.35
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Armor Uncommon: Combat Armor (Sturdy) with a helmet (Fallout 4)
The Combat Armor of the mysterious ration supplier. It has been proven sturdy enough to take multiple hits from a laser rifle in armored areas. The reproduction of this armor was easy. It is noted as being almost as good if not better than the FWL infantry armor set.

Equipment Rating:
Helmet: C/B-B-B/D
Suit: B/B-B-B/D
Boots: B/A-A-A/A
Arms: B/A-A-A/A
Helmet: 4/4/4/3
Suit: 5/6/4/3
Boots: 3/3/3/2
Arms: 4/4/4/3
Helmet: 275
Suit: 1500
Boots: 100
Arms: 150
Helmet: 1.8 kg
Suit: 11.3 kg
Boots: 3 kg
Arms: 6 kg

Note: Helmet come installed with a headlamp.
Clothes: Rare (magic): Snowquill armor set (BOTW)
The Snowquill clothes (but for some reason, Mechwarrior Chen keeps calling it armor) are a mystical set that protects from sub-zero cold. It is not reproducible, and the only reason anyone found out about this magical ability on these clothes was due to a childish prank by children stealing his laundry. Still, this set somehow provides as much defense protection as Combat armor, if not better.

Melee weapon: Common-Steel long sword and a defender (Runescape)
A pair of seemingly ancient weapons, these blades have some unique properties that Lothian blacksmith stress over. One is their unusual sharpness, quickly cutting through BAR 5 armor and giving light cuts on BAR 10 industrial. Their durability makes metallurgists call them 'Neo-Steel' and 'Witchcraft weapons.' However, in the modern age, who uses swords (*Combine Ronin attempts to kill the author of this segment but fails due to several bodyguards blasting them.) Nevermind.

However, there are rumors from the children who volunteer to help carry the sacks of vegetables from Mechwarrior Chen. They say the man produces an aura around his weapons when he spars with his companion. However, no military unit nor remote device captured this event. Mayor LeBlanc and the Planetary Governor have forbidden further studies should it cause us to lose a steady food supplier.

First, the longsword.

It has an interesting design with blood grove, but what metallurgists noticed the day they got to study it after a battle with raiders was that it was unbreakable by modern means. Even other steel swords made by the Marians and us could not scratch the blade and even broke upon it. Also, it was unusually light weight for a sword of it length. However, the second sword brings scientists and soldiers to view every fight the man got into afterward.

Technology: Runescape
Equipment Rating: R/R-R-R/R (R=Runescape)
Armor piercing/Base damage: 4M/4
Range: 1 meter
Cost: Gacha
Mass: 0.1 kg
BV: 0.1

The defender

Originally thought to be just like the longsword, those thoughts were put aside when an enemy soldier tried to kill Chen. The Mechwarrior inexplicably parried a bullet like it was nothing but was surprised that he did so. The Planetary Governor stopped attempts to study this from afar.

Technology: Runescape
Equipment Rating: R/R-R-R/R (R=Runescape)
Armor piercing/Base damage: 2M/2
Range: 1 meter
Cost: Gacha
Mass: 0.453 kg
BV: 0.5
Note: Has a 1/15 chance of blocking 60-95% of damage if not outright deflecting it.

AN: Now, onto the consumable big tickets.
Super Rare Consumable-Farming standard patches (Runescape), One-time setup.

The main attraction of Mechwarrior Chen is not his mechs or his robot companion or later friends. It was the mysterious farming land he set up.

A noninvasive Investigation began after the fifty sacks of potatoes were delivered over the course of a week. It took months before a rough estimation of what this farmland could do. It seemly produces enough food to feed a majority of the population of Logan Prime in a week if there are enough seeds. The growth of what type of food depends on how good of a green thumb Chen has. This was discovered as the man constantly asked the few farmers for tips. It has been noted that out of the four seemingly appearing farming plots, only two were for food, one for anti-pest flowers, and the last was a medical herb plot.

The food-producing fields seemly grow food in about ninety to one twenty minutes at first. Later, with the seeds we provided. the growth rate slew to two hours to three hours.

The herb patch seemly grows all types of medicinal herbs at a rate of two hours per harvest.

What confused observers was not only the fast-producing fields but the seemly bottomless compost bin. The request to take over the area was refused after Mechwarrior Chen provided (censored). The man's mechs and companions take down any other attempts before the submission if the odd turret bunker doesn't get them.
What confused observers was not only the fast-producing fields but the seemly bottomless compost bin. The request to take over the area was refused after Mechwarrior Chen provided (censored). The man's mechs and companions take down any other attempts before the submission if the odd turret bunker doesn't get them.
I am remembering Mechwarrior 5 missions where you koolaid man your way through farming colonies for your corporate overlords.
Uncommon-Turret (deployable CnC)
The first defense of Mechwarrior Chen's farm. It is an odd red color with 360-degree turning and a ballistic firing turret.

It appeared not long after Chen had sent in his hundred sacks of potatoes and requested other types of food seeds. There were no visible operators or known ways to supply the ammunition it used.

Some people believe the turret had infinite ammunition as no one could find the merchant that supplied it with the 105 mm AP rounds. It was later discovered that (censor-----------------------------------------------) for (Censor again lol) and (Censor again).

Even after (event deleted). The turret symbolizes the man who (censored, sorry, many spoilers here).

AN: This is the last information post until the next gacha pull in chapter 2.