Your first action felt natural, predestined. You didn't know better at the time, and that was a good thing.
When you took a deep breath, everything exploded into pain.
Worse, you kept on doing it.
Your chest rose and fell, and you let out your first noise, a whining cry that made it all seem worse.
You're throat felt like it was on fire, and you barely noticed being grabbed up by a thing.
Fear. The world was big, and there were scary things all around you.
The sensation of moving was enough to make your eyes snap half open, utter surprise enveloping your senses, making your entire body jerk slightly. You only marvel for a short time at the new sensations, and your natural reactions. You cry out as was becoming common and subconsciously noticed that you were making something.
What was it? What was different...
It was all around you.
And you were making it too.
Undecipherable, booming, terrifying sound was all around you. It wasn't as strong as the pain, or the feeling of your body, but it was there! And you were amazed.
And you wanted to cry, but this crying was different, this crying was good.
This was a world of sound.
And you were adding to it.
You were here. This was the thing. This was the world.
This was life.
You were alive.
Pain made you alive. Feeling made you alive. Fear, surprise, wonder made you alive. Sounds, hearing, participating, it all made you alive.
All was still uncomfortable, but a stray though that could be summed up to 'wha?' urged you to do something else.
[ ] See.
[ ] Sleep.
[ ] Dream.
[ ] Move.
[ ] Cry.
[ ] Smile.
Welcome to this mortal coil, Lincoln Loud.
May you live a good life.