[X] Plan Longstrider: Best ranger, and diplomat
-[X] Stealth: The Darkspear are known for their Shadow Hunters and are well versed in stealth. See one of their practitioners out and learn from them.
-[X] Scout Tirasgarde Keep, the humans have been patrolling recently and they might see Sen'jin's weakness as a chance to attack! Furthermore, Vark has requested your help in taking some of their larger patrols and you feel honourbound to assist a fellow warrior.
-[X] Survival: From jungle to island, and from island to coast the Darkspear know how to survive in the wild.
-[x] Meditate and try to strengthen your precognitive abilities
-[x] Search for the bandit Vok'fon. You can think of several ways of dealing with this bandit, for example by simply duelling him as you're quite a strong duellist. However, given he's reputed to be honourable perhaps you could simply persuade him to re-join the village given its current need?
-[X] Socialise with high status individuals and perhaps learn the strategic direction of the village, as well as news from the wider world that they're aware of.
[X] Plan More Training and Halping!
-[x] Train the trolls, part 3: Though several are dead, the remaining trolls who were learning to be warriors will be continuing to train alongside rebuilding the village. Offer your assistance again.
-[X] Scout Tirasgarde Keep, the humans have been patrolling recently and they might see Sen'jin's weakness as a chance to attack! Furthermore, Vark has requested your help in taking some of their larger patrols and you feel honourbound to assist a fellow warrior.
-[X] Train your skill in the sword through sparring, you're sure Vark would be happy to practice.
-[X] Train your body and try and build up your physical conditioning.
-[X] Combat: You're good with a sword, but there are trolls here who've fought in many wars that could learn from.
-[x] Further investigate the Flamebender's Tome, a book detailing some of the magical traditions of your clan.
[X] Echo Isles Expedition: The Darkspear had planned a large expedition to the Echo Isles for various purposes, and Master Gadrin suggested you join it. Scouts report that the ship that attacked the village headed in that direction, perhaps they've moored there to repair? However, is it really such a good idea to be out on the water in a Troll war canoe when you know there's a hostile cannon-armed warship about?
[X] Scout Tirasgarde Keep, the humans have been patrolling recently and they might see Sen'jin's weakness as a chance to attack! Furthermore, Vark has requested your help in taking some of their larger patrols and you feel honourbound to assist a fellow warrior.
[X] Search for the bandit Vok'fon. You can think of several ways of dealing with this bandit, for example by simply duelling him as you're quite a strong duellist. However, given he's reputed to be honourable perhaps you could simply persuade him to re-join the village given its current need?