OPEN - Humanity Rules The Stars | Sufficient Velocity Edition | OOC, Claims & Lore

NOW OPEN! | Humanity Rules The Stars | Sufficient Velocity Edition | OOC, Claims & Lore
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A space opera set in 2133 featuring a multitude of factions with the ability to make your own. Starting factions are present in 4 systems, and there is the opportunity to colonize new worlds.
Main Lore


🔰 • HRTS Gamemaster • Timezone: UTC+8:00
Earth, Sol System
This game will start when there are 6 claimed nations.

Humanity Rules The Stars | IC | Sufficient Velocity Edition Sci-Fi

Humanity Rules The Stars IC THREAD

Humanity Rules The Stars

In the footsteps of 1969's Apollo, 2020's Perseverance, humanity set out in the 2040s to colonize their system. Seven diverse planets with so much potential. SpaceX spearheaded human expansion into space, governing the first surface colonies on Mars and orbital colonies around Venus.

However, as SpaceX's grip on the rest of the Solar System grew, the anti-trust measures grew tighter and tighter until SpaceX couldnno longer cope. Elon Musk eventually brought SpaceX into a position into which it would never recover by passing his company down to his son.

His son deliberately mismanaged the company and attempted to politically control the governments of Earth by biased pricing. Nations with ideologies, companies he believed would threaten the company he had taken from Elon Musk, were hit with large prices while 3rd parties much more amenable to his interests recieved drastically lower prices.

In 2063, SpaceX was implicated in a string of rocket launch failures, all from nations he had charged exorbitantly for a rocket launch. SpaceX was brought down by anti-trust rulings, and the vacuum filled by 16 factions.

Elements of Earth's syndicates, such as the Sinaloa Cartel, Mara Salvatrucha, the triads and yakuza of China and Japan respectively, in a rare act, collaborated to steal rocket plans from SpaceX and build several rockets to establish a new station in Jupiter's orbit.

Following this success, the members of this group merged into the Jupiter Syndicate. SpaceX experienced a heavy loss, as Elon Musk's son grew ever more eccentric and sociopathic, eventually losing control and being forced to sell it's assets to the North American Union.

2088 would be SpaceX's saving grace when it recieved a contract to begin mass producing the first generation of FTL travel drives, the Diwata Drive, which had brought the first ship to Alpha Centauri.

Another vital discovery would be made by the scientists of Harvard in 2093, building the first dampeners to resist the first law of Newton and gravity. Dampeners revitalized deep space travel and in-atmosphere travel (aviation), leading to more colonies rising on the surface of Mars and the orbits of the other 5 planets.

Now, in 2133, the Solar System is bustling with life, not just on Earth. Massive floating habitations orbit Venus, while mining corporations have moved offworld in light of environmental protection regulations to mine asteroids.

Massive cities exist on Mars, the largest of them all being Neo-Washington
, under the dominion of the United States of America. In the space age, 16 multiplanetary/stellar nations have risen from the most powerful information age nations or groups of nations.

FTL travel is a recent discovery, with several methods of achieving these speeds available, each suited to different needs and purposes. Small ships such as fighters and freighters under the length of 60m and the height of 20m primarily use wormholes, with no fuel required to traverse one. Wormholes are mainly restricted in that it becomes prohibitively impossible to increase wormhole size to anything wider than 34 meters in diameter.

Frigate or battleship-sized ships mainly use hyperlanes as they are the most fuel-efficient and have no known size limit for a successful transit, while express shuttles, military ships, and explorers make use of the jump drive, which by far consumes the most fuel.

For sublight travel across a star system, ships make use of nuclear fission engines, ion engines, and other methods of propulsion, alongside dampeners, which serve to cancel out the gravitational fields of planets or other celestial objects that may exert a significant gravitational force on the ship.

This allows a ship to remain in a fixed point in space to easily reach stations, without the burden of calculating orbits and maneuvers. Additionally, dampeners also serve to counter Newton's first law of motion, allowing ships to stop by simply deactivating their thrusters.

Crime is at an all-time low, but the relatively untouched planet of Jupiter and it's moons, in addition to the occasional scientific research station, has a fair concentration of criminal bases and dens to facilitate various crimes.

Alpha Centauri is bustling with activity, and the first colonists are now being selected for the colonization of other star systems, such as Sirius, Altair, and other nearby stars.

Political map of Earth, 2133 CE

Map of the Core Regions, 2133 CE
(Not ready yet)

Other stuff
Since I lost the May 17th vote on Alternate History, I've been continuously working on improving the HRTS lore, lurking in the shadows of the Great Forum awaiting the next vote there.

This is a "Nation Game". For the uninitiated on SV, a nation game is AH's equivalent of a GSRPG. You roleplay a nation, not a character. Anyways, in addition to the multitudes of factions available for you to play as, you can make your own faction but you have been warned, it will have to meet stringent quality requirements to be approved.

You're better off playing the preset factions. I take my games very seriously and deeply care about the quality of such.

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Active hours
Lemuria is your Gamemaster and he lives in the Philippines. Activity is usually 4pm-9pm Philippine Standard Time but replies can be reliably expected outside of those times. Be mindful of your fellow members' timezones.
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The Factions
The ASEAN Space Republic encompasses the region of Southeast Asia on Earth, alongside asteroid mining outposts in the Inner Asteroid Belt and the island of Taiwan. Fairly low-income relative to the wealthier nations of Earth, the IA nation of Singapore initially led ASEAN in launching several loads off-world into low earth orbit.

The Philippines leads the ASEAN Space Republic in space asteroid mining and research outposts on Jupiter. The capital of the ASEAN Space Republic is the city of Manila, with a 2133 population of 43.6 million.

Total Earth population 1.2 billion

Allocated to @Slick
The PRC was affected by the MCS1022 bacterium that ravaged Tibet and Inner Mongolia. Regardless, Beijing remained unaffected and Chinese industry is stronger than ever.

Total Earth population 3.2 billion
Encompassing the IA nations of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives, the Indian Subcontinental Union is the 2nd most populous country on Earth (2133 population 1.8 billion people. Approximately 87% of the tech support scammers of the Jupiter Syndicate are Indian, which has stained the reputation of the ISU.

Total Earth population 2.1 billion

Faction has been allocated to @Traveller76
The European Union encompasses the majority of Europe hence the name, and is the 3rd most populous country by Earth population (2133 population 1.17 billion). European corporations specialize in many diverse industries, but generally lead the fields of civillian space shipbuilding, asteroid mining, and exploration. Weirdly enough, Israel, while not in Europe, has chosen to partner with the union as their ideology is fundamentally at odds with the geographically closer Arab League.
Uniquely, the 3 constituent states of the NAU, Canada, the United States, and Mexico, retain independence, but NAU offworld infastructure is under the control of a fourth nation, the NAU itself, controlled in unison by the three nations of the NAU. The nations of Latin America are mostly at the mercy of the whims and fancies of the Mexican government and are in effect, puppet states.

Allocated to @shanewallis
Total Earth population 532.2 million
The ASA encompasses all of South America per it's name. Headquartered in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the Association of South America was the first nation to engineer artificial gravity stations to allow it's outpost personnel on Jupiter and in space to play football matches, which contributed to their morale heavily.
Total Earth population 890 million
The Arab League, headquartered in Cairo, is the Islamic/Arab world's primary organization in space. They almost always never reside on the Moon, as their religion nessecitates that they pray facing towards Mecca, while not having a direct line of sight towards the Sun or the Moon. As a result of this religious requirement, the Arab League has pioneered systems to easily track the location of Earth and the other planets of the Solar System.
Total Earth population 321.7 million
Japan and South Korea unified into the JKU in 2116. The territories of the JKU on Earth are meager, and their desire for more land has mostly resulted in them spearheading the colonization of Alpha Centauri, contributing approximately 37% of the costs and colonists of the program.
Total Earth population 89.7 million
Historically exploited by European powers and increasingly by China in the Information Age, the Africans took a huge risk, when they pooled over 4% of their collective GDP into the construction of the Johannesburg Shipyard. Africa has mostly gotten over it's civil wars and differences, now taking to the stars as one continent. Notably, the nations of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Western Sahara are the only nations to be part of two alliances at once.

The African Space Empire is primarily leading the colonization of Sirius.
Total Earth population 2.7 billion
The Russian Federation is a nation in crisis, after the spread of the MCS1022 bacterium decimated it's farmland in 2088. People across Russia flocked to the Moscow Shuttle Station , as they evacuated to the massive Russia Station in low Earth Orbit. Russians that didn't make it in time were left to fend for themselves. In 2133, the entirety of the nation has increased to a point that Russia Station could no longer support their population. They now seek habitations outside of Earth and it's orbit and are initiating their first efforts to send colonists to Barnard's Star.
Total Earth population ~20,000 believed to reside in the MCS1022 Quarantine Zone
Consisting of Australia, New Zealand, and the island nations of the Pacific, the Republic of Oceania by far, exerts the most influence over the people of Venus. The Republic of Oceania is the primary exploration powerhouse of humanity, having sent probes to the Andromeda galaxy.

Total Earth population 387 million

Allocated to @Awetduck
The Altair Republic, settling in the system of Altair, seeks independence from the rest of humanity's nations. Their military strength has not gone unnoticed, with a fleet of 600-ish warships. Their economic power is immense and due to the mannerisms in which they act, the nations of the galaxy suspect them of being a front organization for the Red Dawn.

Total Altair population

(Secret, don't use this info in IC unless you RP finding out about this information: The Altair Republic is a front organization for the Red Dawn. The Altair Republic and Red Dawn are secretly allied at the start of the game.)
The Republic of Antarctica, while claiming the entire continent it is named for, in reality, has only settled Marie Byrd Land but continues to control the rest of Antarctica. A nation of approximately 720,000 people as of 2133 primarily based on a relatively minor settlement (by global 2133 standards) named McKinley Peak for the mountain of the same name where it resides, the RoA is a relatively young nation founded in 2061 after the dissolution of the Antarctic Mineral Treaty.
The largest crime syndicate in the Solar System and descended from the Information-Age "Mara Salvatrucha", "Sinaloa Cartel" mafias and the Japanese yakuza and Chinese triads, the Jupiter Syndicate is headquartered on an immense space station in the orbit of Jupiter named "Lawless", mostly constructed using stolen pieces of legitimate research stations.

The moons of Jupiter are under the control of the syndicate, and commonly kidnap legitimate researchers in the Jupiter area to get their way in the politics of the Solar System. They operate several surface bases on the moons of Jupiter.

Photographic evidence of a Jupiter Syndicate crime den on Ganymede, which was the target of a police raid by the Solar Police in 2109, ending in a decisive Jupiter Syndicate victory.
Named after where they most commonly reside, Low Earth Orbit (Leo), the Leo Confederacy is a loose confederacy of people who do not swear allegiance to any of the 10 nations or the Jupiter Syndicate.
The Ares Corporation is the only megacorporation to exist in modern times aside from the colonial era East India Trading Company. Named for the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Mars, the corporation maintains the Ares Facility, the largest subterranean infrastructure project in human history.
Founded in the Information Age by a person known as "Elon Musk", SpaceX spearheaded human colonization in the 2040s to 2070s before Elon Musk passed it down to his son, who deliberately mismanaged the company and was forced to sell it to the North American Union.

SpaceX has found new life across the Solar System by being the main manufacturer of FTL warp drives, wormholes, and hyperlane construction equipment and ships.
The Red Dawn is one of the most feared groups in the whole galaxy, having claimed responsibility for several terrorist attacks in human space such as the destruction of the ISU's Kunmari Station in 2108. Presently, it is unknown where the Red Dawn's top officials reside, but some explorers have reported seeing Red Dawn insignia in the Groombridge 34 system.

Allocated to @Math Man
In many ways descended from groups that believed in the existence of aliens, the UFO Believers Alliance is a research body based on Neo-Washington, Mars, that actively seeks out alien life. As part of their craft, the UFO Believers Alliance have mastered the fields of linguistics.
The Shanghai Triad is a crime syndicate headquartered on a station within interplanetary space between Earth and Mars. The primary competitor of the Jupiter Syndicate, the Shanghai Triad is descended from the Chinese "triad" mafia groups that refused to join the Jupiter Syndicate.
The Solar Police are in many ways, the prime law enforcement organization outside of nationally-owned space or National Lawzones. The division of Interpol managing space policing, the Solar Police is responsible for coordinating national space policing operations but has no authority to make arrests.
None yet. Interactions between humans and Trappist-7 alien nations may not occur until 2147.
lemuria threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: testing Total: 628
65 65 79 79 49 49 90 90 18 18 78 78 66 66 49 49 44 44 49 49 24 24 17 17
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Lore: FTL Travel
Across the Core Systems and beyond, therr are three primary methods of FTL travel, tried and tested, which are wormholes, hyperlanes, or jump drives. Ships often alternate between these 3 methods based on what they need, or what is most necessary to achieve their intentions.

Wormholes are mostly the preferred method for smaller ships (width and height below 31m) and consume almost no fuel. When wormholes are created, they remain fixed unless moved by a Wormhole Manipulation Ship or reconfigured.

While restrictions definitely exist on the width and height of such a ship, there is no known restriction on the length of a ship. Taking advantage of this is the Ares Corporation's unique Baroque-class Modular Freighter and accompanying Baroque Freight Modules.

Resembling terrestrial trains, Baroque-class MFs have off-center engines, the center, both fromt and back, instead has a docking port which allows for the coupling of more MFs or FMs, depending on the nature of the freight.

Travel speed from Sol to Alpha Centauri on an empty Darien-class Freighter yielded a speed of 9,557c or 2,863,235,478,816 km per minute.

Jump Drives
Jump drives were what the Republuc of Oceania's Andromeda probes used to visit the Andromeda galaxy. Jump Drives are extremely fuel-inefficient, therefore they are used only in emergencies. Jump drives are continually being improved, meaning a warp jump in 2133 costs half the fuel cost of a warp jump in 2106.

Hyperlanes are the most fuel-efficient of FTL travel methods, and there is no known limit on the width and height of a ship traversinf hyperlanes. Slower than wormholes (approx. 14.2 seconds travel time, Sol to Alpha Centauri), a Sol-Alpha Centauri trip via a Hyperlane lasted 4h 16m on a Darien-class Freighter. Calculating the time and distance of the Darien-class Freighter's traversal through the wormhole, the ship was travelling at 156,693,359,375 km per minute or 522c (522 times faster than light).
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Lore | Life Expectancy

With medical and scientific progress reaching breakneck pace in the 2050s, the average human life expectancy increased monumentally. On average, a baby born in the North American Union in 2133 can expect to live for up to 160+ Earth years.

The colonies however lag behind significantly. Mars, for example, only has a life expectancy of 103.2 Earth years, roughly similar to Pre-FTL Japan. Asteroid belt-born inhabitants can expect a lifespan of approximately 134 Earth years.

If the necessary scientific research can be conducted, 109,000 now-dead people whose bodies werestored at extremely low temperatures in a process called cryonics can be revived once again.

Spaceship Flights to the Inner Asteroid Belt for just 35 NAU Credits

Onboard the newly designed Morgan-class Passenger Freighter designed for maximized luxury. Ares Space Travel

Ares Space Travel is a subsidiary of the Ares Corporation. Please write via digital mail to the Ares Facility near Neo-Washington, Mars for inquiries

Typos fixed - edits 1,2
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Lore | Factions | Republic of Antarctica
The Republic of Antarctica, while claiming the entire continent it is named for, in reality, has only settled Marie Byrd Land but continues to control the rest of Antarctica. A nation of approximately 720,000 people as of 2133 primarily based on a relatively minor settlement (by global 2133 standards) named McKinley Peak for the mountain of the same name where it resides, the RoA is a relatively young nation founded in 2061 after the dissolution of the Antarctic Mineral Treaty.

A representative democracy in nature consisting of a council of 100 elected members and the Antarctic President, elections are held every six years in which 680,000 of the RoA's adult population vote in the only polling station on McKinley Peak.

It is barely an outer space authority except for a few small mining stations in the Inner Asteroid Belt and a small delegation aboard Earth Station. With a mere GDP of 39 billion USD (2021) and a military strength of only 135,000 soldiers, it is a minor polity.

The RoA exerts significant power over the rest of the Antarctic continent, selling "research licenses" in exchange for monetary payment, military equipment, or diplomatic favors.

The RoA's extremely lax laws on taxes & labor mean that the country has near-universally replaced the now non-existent Panama as a registration country for ships (41%) and space stations (61%).

It is the registration country of 476 of the Fortune 500 companies of 2133. The station certification authority of the RoA was the last to be recognized by the UN Root Station Certification Authority (UNRSCA), receiving its status in 2081.

The Republic of Antarctica began as a micronation founded by Widya Mathieu. She reorganized the RoA into a "serious" nation when she discovered that she claimed territory of valuable research interest.

On May 9, 2064, she invited 23,000 researchers to the RoA and raised 32 million dollars to establish the RoA as an actual nation instead of a micronation.

The RoA military consists of equipment from the NAU, EU, Republic of Oceania, and the ASEAN Space Republic attained from sales of research licenses to those nations.

Legal disclaimer: "Widya Mathieu" is not a real person. Name generated by a random name generator, please don't sue me for transmitting personally identifying information publicly.
Lore: National Lawzones
With the advent of spaceflight, the nations of Earth found it necessary to fill in the details regarding space law and where laws could be applied.

Above the surface territory and sovereign maritime territory (12 NM off the shore), collectively defined as "Surface Territory" exists a National Lawzone. Stations and ships hovering in a National Lawzone (NL) are subject to the laws of the nation whose NL they are in.

All laws and airspace restrictions could be enforced lower than 15km above the sea level of a nation's Surface Territory, known as a Phase 1 NL. Phase 2 National Lawzones extended 15km to 60km above Surface Territory, where all laws except immigration could be enforced. Arrests are allowed in Phase 2 National Lawzones provided that the arrested person has violated a non-immigration related law.

Above 60km, stations and ships were bound to the law of the nation where they were registered.

Due to the rotation of the Earth, NLs move with the nations above them. Most stations on planets divided within several zones by national borders have complex dampener systems that account for the orbit of the Earth around Sol as well as the Earth's rotation
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Lore | The Ecological Betterment
Global warming came to a screeching mysterious halt in 2074 with no explanation. The fumes from industrial chimneys across Earth simply disappeared into thin air. Landfills mysteriously turned into new arable land, alongside a host of other unexplained environmental events.

Known as the Ecological Betterment, there have been many theories, from a benign miracle from God (whether the Christian or Islamic one), but scientists have determined it to be the work of aliens.

In light of this, a research organization known as the UFO Believers Alliance now actively scours the Trappist-7 system and others in search for non-Earth life.

Even before the Ecological Betterment, by 2060, the manufacturing output of Earth had declined 87% from 2021 levels, as hefty carbon taxes drove factories to manufacture their goods in Low-Earth Orbit instead.

OOC: There are aliens in Trappist-7. They're just good at hiding, somehow.
Lore | Factions | ASEAN Space Republic
ASEAN Space Republic

The ASEAN Space Republic (commonly abbreviated ASR) is a country occupying all of Southeast Asia, inherited from it's 10 predecessor states prior to unification in 2051.

A major regional power with a GDP of 87.5 trillion USD (2021), compared to the PRC's 134.6 trillion and NAU's 351.7 trillion, it exerts significant influence over the Inner Asteroid Belt and has close ties with the Leo Confederacy.

It is the 4th largest military in the world, with over 5.7 million soldiers and 3.6 million crew staffing the 615 spaceships under the control of the ASEAN Space Navy.
Lore: MCS1022 Bacteria
MCS1022 Bacteria
The MCS1022 Bacteria was a species of bacteria that presumably was developed in a Russian laboratory. Extremely resistant to common cleaning chemicals and the cold environment of Russia, alongside extremely high toxicity to humans and common crops alike, the bacteria's existence was confirmed on October 22, 2088.

Due to the mysterious immunity of the leadership of Russia and the descendants of it's great oligarchical billionaires, it is believed that MCS1022 was leaked out of a Russian lab intended to be a biological weapon.

Russia,Tibet, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the other insignificant "Stan" countries were consumed whole by the virus.The Russians evacuated over 14 million people to Russia Station, mostly people with connections to the rich & powerful of Russia, educated people, scientists and the simply lucky Russians that found themselves in orbit when it struck.

Russia's farmland is expected to be unfarmable for over 800 years if left untreated. The European Union, wanting the farmland and prime Earth property that Russia had abandoned, is spearheading the effort to create a cure for MCS1022 alongside a pesticide that can kill it without negative effects on the environment.

Containment efforts
The European Union immediately acted to stop the spread of MCS1022. The Volga River could not halt the spread of the bacteria, forcing the EU to hastily dig a massive network of trenches and moats over 600 meters deep across the newly defined MCS1022 Buffer Line between Europe and the MCS1022 Quarantine Zone.

With assistance from the Association of South America, both parties undertook the largest ever digging project across the MCS1022 Buffer Line and succeeded in containing the bacteria.

In return for the assistance, the territory of French Guiana was handed over to the Association of South America in 2089.

Regarding the Asian nations that bordered Russia, and consequently the MCS1022 Buffer Zone, the Eurasian Organization On Disease Control (EODC) was founded jointly by the JKU, PRC, ISU, Arab League, and the European Union itself. The EODC's operating area stretches 50 km from the borders of it's member states with the buffer zone.
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Lore | Ships: Darien-Class Freighter
Darien-class Freighter
The Darien-class Freighter is one of the most dependable ships in the Core Regions, well-balanced and cheap. The first prototype built in secret by the Jupiter Syndicate, the Darien-class's current Ares Corporation variant has a diameter of 29 meters and length of 416 meters, allowing it to transport approximately 8,000 TEUs of cargo in deep space. Despite this, the ship's cost-effectiveness, and modifiability has ensured that it will remain the backbone of most fleets.

With a maximum sublight speed of 881 km/s (dampeners on) and a very light hull allowing for fast FTL travel on hyperlanes, the ship was famously used to measure the speed of FTL travel either by wormhole or hyperlane, holding the FTL speed records for wormholes and hyperlanes alike. Since the ship can fit through wormholes, very few Darien-class freighters traverse hyperlanes.

The Darien-class is highly modifiable as a result of it's Syndicate origins, and has several weapon mounts. The ship's control software also provides support for torpedo tubes, allowing the installation of torpedo tubes when necessary.

Jupiter Syndicate
The Jupiter Syndicate initially built the ship to act as a frigate to counteract the Solar Police's Dressler class destroyer, especially it's scanner technology, which posed a large threat to the Syndicate's operations in Martian and Terran (Earth) space.

As a result, the Jupiter Syndicate variant of the Darien-class was equipped with a very complex hull structure alongside lead, tungsten, and exotic combinations of various rare earth metals to throw off the Dressler class's scanning technology and allow their ships to continue their criminal operations.

Ares Corporation
The Ares Corporation mounted an attack on the secret ME54 Shipyard operated by the Jupiter Syndicate and stole the blueprints for the Darien-class, and revised and modified them into a freighter.

Throughout the age of space exploration, many fleets, civillian and military alike have incorporated the Ares variant of the Darien-class as the essential backbone of the fleet and a supply ship respectively.

The Ares variant is usually easier to purchase than the Jupiter Syndicate variant, as most commanders often do not choose to purchase the Jupiter Syndicate variant due to it's ties to various types of organized crime across the Core Regions.

In 2021 US dollars, the purchase of an Ares variant of the Darien-class can usually cost 208 million, but prices can and have been reduced in the event of bulk orders. Relatively few background checks are required to purchase one, making it the ship of choice for those not willing to endure the bureaucratic approval process for other ships.

TEU = Twenty foot equivalent unit
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