Ooh Shiny Explosions! - Space Battle RP OOC and Sign-Up

I can only imagine how badly I would of been crushed if I has used those old coalition ships I posted on GGG. You know, the Nova-Class battleships and the Pluto-Class cruisers.
The Zeroth Battle's provisional rules assumed that all fleets are roughly at equal strength so the result would've been similar.
At worst you had less nifty features to use.

On the other hand your post still mentions projected loses after second phase, a phase you are referring as your next action.
I thought this 90% or so figure applied to your fleet after the surprise volley just prior to transit.
So what the hell is going on?

Also 10km next to my ship is unwise because the shield at default stretches that far.
I'd rather not test what happens when a spacetime/gravity shield overlaps with a forming jumpgate.
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The Zeroth Battle's provisional rules assumed that all fleets are roughly at equal strength so the result would've been similar.
At worst you had less nifty features to use.

On the other hand your post still mentions projected loses after second phase, a phase you are referring as your next action.
I thought this 90% or so figure applied to your fleet after the surprise volley just prior to transit.
So what the hell is going on?

Also 10km next to my ship is unwise because the shield at default stretches that far.
I'd rather not test what happens when a spacetime/gravity shield overlaps with a forming jumpgate.
Woops. Forgot to remove that. I'll do that right now. and that 95% figure is referring to the amount of corvettes lost.

And I imagine the jump point going...boom to say the least.
Woops. Forgot to remove that. I'll do that right now. and that 95% figure is referring to the amount of corvettes lost.
Also you still left this reference to the "second phase", implying that you only lose these numbers after performing your next action.
Then how many ships were lost during my attack?
Seriously, you kinda miss the point of my question for the third time in the row.
You uncanily perform a double speech.
Say that 90-95% corvette loses and all the others happened from my preemptive attack in the OOC.
Yet your IC post refers to some kind of "second phase" which has yet to happen, thus indirectly ignoring the effects of my attack.

What's going on here?
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Also you still left this reference to the "second phase", implying that you only lose these numbers after performing your next action.
Then how many ships were lost during my attack?
Seriously, you kinda miss the point of my question for the third time in the row.
Oh right. The second phase refers to the fleet jumping back in from those two angles. And then getting utterly annihilated by the rest of your fleet. I'll change it to something that makes more sense if you want me to.
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Oh right. The second phase refers to the fleet jumping back in from those two angles. I'll change it to something that makes more sense if you want me to.
Is English your second language?
I express the issue for the fifth time, to be clear.

You mention loses.
But the said loses refer to a so-called second phase.
Which haven't even happened yet.
And you don't account for what happened after my attack.
I thought the 95% figure and such was referring to my attack but no, even after the third edit your IC post does not refer to it at all.
Is English your second language?
I express the issue for the fifth time, to be clear.

You mention loses.
But the said loses refer to a so-called second phase.
Which haven't even happened yet.
And you don't account for what happened after my attack.
I thought the 95% figure and such was referring to my attack but no, even after the third edit your IC post does not refer to it at all.
I think I should just do the IC post over.
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Fixed the word. Ipad does that sometimes where it changes the word for no reason.
I turned off the auto-correct function just because of this.
Sometimes I accidentally write gibberish but at least it won't twist out my words.

And well, you don't exactly need to do over.
But for the sixth time the issue is just that you mention loses that haven't even happened yet and fail to account for ones that did.
It's simple as that.
If you just delete the part about the second phase for the loses that fixes it.
Or if you don't wish to be crippled to such extend from my concentrated and well-timed surprise attack, just lower the numbers to what you find reasonable/acceptable.
That's all.

Also you may want to jump out a little further from my flagship, to avoid colliding with my gravity shield.
Removed the losses bit.
Also, this video best describes what the strike craft are doing with their missiles:

Lots of missiles.
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Removed the losses bit.
Shall we go over it the seventh time?
Man, this is getting really awkward.

The prime problem is that you didn't mention anything about my attack.
Do I seriously need to repeat myself over and over?

EDIT: Okay, I give you some detail.
This game is about action and reaction.
One player does something, the other reacts and writes down how effective the opponent's attack was.
You got this fine the last time.
I launched an attack.
You need to react against it.
You completely ignored it.
That's the problem.
I can look past sloppy/lazy writing but you unwittingly just no-sold my attack.
Seriously, what do you think we were talking about for almost two pages by now?
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Shall we go over it the seventh time?
Man, this is getting really awkward.

The prime problem is that you didn't mention anything about my attack.
Do I seriously need to repeat myself over and over?
So far added just how badly mauled the first half of the fleet has been when it left the jump point along with how many strike craft have been lost. Unsure if the other half is also being fired on.
So far added just how badly mauled the first half of the fleet has been when it left the jump point along with how many strike craft have been lost. Unsure if the other half is also being fired on.
Well, if the strategy was them to split up from the beginning as you implied then yes, probably are.
Because sensors predict their appearance.
Torpedoes detonating also probably added quite a number of loses for your drones/fighters even if they were shot down.
They were supposedly out in the open.
So I assume they got hit hard.
Also technically this still happened while you were in jump-space.

Anyways, you finally did mention the effects of my attack so I can get to writing my response.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been rushing to get this project for my creative writing project done, It's due tomorrow, so I will try to get something up in the afternoon.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been rushing to get this project for my creative writing project done, It's due tomorrow, so I will try to get something up in the afternoon.
No problem.
As you can see, I also took a break.
Same appears to be the thing for others. Either that or they're waiting.
But you haven't seen them complaining yet.
Anyways, I'm awaiting your post. I'll also try to finish my reply to Jack Hansan so we can get back into action.
@Jack Hansan
The Tännhauser held off valiantly but an error in their beam deflecting armor design resulted in them taking critical damage to the bridge.
The secondary bridge is still operating and trying to minimize the chance for further loses but it's questionable if they could.
On the other hand your entire fleet is basically locked in close combat thus reducing your evasion options while the rest of the fleet attacks you non-stop.
So yeah, the results aren't nice to either of us.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been rushing to get this project for my creative writing project done, It's due tomorrow, so I will try to get something up in the afternoon.
It's been almost a week since you claimed this.
Did something happen?
It's been almost a week since you claimed this.
Did something happen?
Yeah, got a job for tomorrow, I don't want to go into details, but it involves children. I've had to prepare all week, will try to get something up tonight, but here's a couple of profiles in the mean time.

Name: Rapid class
Classification: Light Carrier
Dimensions: 205 Meters
Crew size: 340
Overall Stats:
-Armor: 10
-Energy Output: 10
-Shield Power: 8
-Sensors: 40
-Acceleration: 40
-Delta-V: 42
-Maneuverability: 30


LLC-321 Missile Pod
Count: 4

Description: An array of eight Missile Tube arranged in a horizontal 2 x 4 pattern, this Missile Pod is typically the only real Anti-Ship Weapon a Light Carrier is armed with. I can fire the standard Missiles.
MPD-11 Helix Close-In Weapon System
Count: 8
Firepower: 20
Accuracy: 80

EPD-48 Guardian Laser Point Defense System
Count: 2
Firepower: 10
Accuracy: 95
Description: The Rapid class is a vessel designed for the sole purpose of being a cheap, fast carrier for a full squadron of Mobile Suits and two Squadrons of Fighters. It is almost certainly doomed should a Rapid class face direct combat, however.
Name: Helen class
Classification: Light Carrier
Dimensions: 603 Meters
Crew Size: 970
Overall Stats:
-Armor: 17
-Energy Output: 14
-Shield Power: 12
-Sensors: 22
-Acceleration: 20
-Delta-V: 30
-Maneuverability: 25


LLC-321 Missile Pod
Count: 12
Description: An array of eight Missile Tube arranged in a horizontal 2 x 4 pattern, this Missile Pod is typically the only real Anti-Ship Weapon a Light Carrier is armed with. I can fire the standard Missiles.

LPD-26 Defense Launcher
Count: 5

MPD-11 Helix Close-In Weapon System
Count: 8
Firepower: 20
Accuracy: 80

EPD-48 Guardian Laser Point Defense System
Count: 2
Firepower: 10
Accuracy: 95


Description: The Helen class is a vessel designed to be the Cruiser sized equivalent of the Rapid class. It is lightly armed and armored compared to most ships of it's size, but can carry an impressive amount of Lighter Craft, and is even a decent screening vessel.
Yeah, got a job for tomorrow, I don't want to go into details, but it involves children. I've had to prepare all week, will try to get something up tonight, but here's a couple of profiles in the mean time.

Name: Rapid class
Classification: Light Carrier
Dimensions: 205 Meters
Crew size: 340
Overall Stats:
-Armor: 10
-Energy Output: 10
-Shield Power: 8
-Sensors: 40
-Acceleration: 40
-Delta-V: 42
-Maneuverability: 30


LLC-321 Missile Pod
Count: 4

Description: An array of eight Missile Tube arranged in a horizontal 2 x 4 pattern, this Missile Pod is typically the only real Anti-Ship Weapon a Light Carrier is armed with. I can fire the standard Missiles.
MPD-11 Helix Close-In Weapon System
Count: 8
Firepower: 20
Accuracy: 80

EPD-48 Guardian Laser Point Defense System
Count: 2
Firepower: 10
Accuracy: 95
Description: The Rapid class is a vessel designed for the sole purpose of being a cheap, fast carrier for a full squadron of Mobile Suits and two Squadrons of Fighters. It is almost certainly doomed should a Rapid class face direct combat, however.
Name: Helen class
Classification: Light Carrier
Dimensions: 603 Meters
Crew Size: 970
Overall Stats:
-Armor: 17
-Energy Output: 14
-Shield Power: 12
-Sensors: 22
-Acceleration: 20
-Delta-V: 30
-Maneuverability: 25


LLC-321 Missile Pod
Count: 12
Description: An array of eight Missile Tube arranged in a horizontal 2 x 4 pattern, this Missile Pod is typically the only real Anti-Ship Weapon a Light Carrier is armed with. I can fire the standard Missiles.

LPD-26 Defense Launcher
Count: 5

MPD-11 Helix Close-In Weapon System
Count: 8
Firepower: 20
Accuracy: 80

EPD-48 Guardian Laser Point Defense System
Count: 2
Firepower: 10
Accuracy: 95


Description: The Helen class is a vessel designed to be the Cruiser sized equivalent of the Rapid class. It is lightly armed and armored compared to most ships of it's size, but can carry an impressive amount of Lighter Craft, and is even a decent screening vessel.
No problem, that's completely understandable.
Work on your post only when your time will allow it.

As for your profiles, I think I haven't evaulated them since you remade the old ones.
Though you still confuse accuracy with hit ratio.
No, the context here is closer to "effective range".
So your point defenses don't need to be crazy accurate, unless they reach for extremely far.
No problem, that's completely understandable.
Work on your post only when your time will allow it.

As for your profiles, I think I haven't evaulated them since you remade the old ones.
Though you still confuse accuracy with hit ratio.
No, the context here is closer to "effective range".
So your point defenses don't need to be crazy accurate, unless they reach for extremely far.
Thanks, that clears things up a bit.
Hameln-class Attack Frigate

Name: Hameln-class
Classification: Fast Space Combat Vessel, Frigate
Manufacturer: Morte Empire
Standard Crew: 500
Minimum Crew: 70 (minimum combat readiness), 15 (minimum operation)
Dimensions: length:340 m, height:88 m, width:100 m
Standard Mass: 168,540 metric tons
Armor: Spaced Composite (avg. 2,500mm thick incl. empty spaces, mostly BNT layers with exomaterial ablative coating)
Powerplant: Warp Core + Backup Fusion Reactor
Propulsion: Main Impulse Engine, Antimatter Impulse Engine Nacelles x 2 (can be ejected in case of containment breach), Inertial Drive
Interstellar Drive: Warp Drive
Max Combat Speed: Warp 1.1 (3.5 times the speed of light)
Hypercruise Speed: Warp 5
Maximum Warp: 9.83
Sensors: Various sensor domes (Shared with the beam emitters. Includes various sensors, hypertelescopes and tachyon radars), backup sensors, targeting hypertelescopes
Defensive systems: Gravity Screens, Structural Integrity Fields
  • Ventral Beam Array (holding four 20cm compressed antimatter beam emitters total)
  • Port&Starboard Beam Arrays x 2 (one for each side, holding two 20cm emitters each)
  • Nacelle Beam Arrays x 4 (holding a light 12cm emitter each)
  • Anti-Starfighter Beam Arrays x 8 (holding 3 mini-emitters each)
  • Ventral Weapon Bays x 8 (in hidden armored compartments, each can hold missile pods, self-propelled torpedoes or mines)
  • Kinetic Dart Launcher CIWS x 24 (hidden all around the ship, launches a spray of countless 1.25 µm durasteel darts near lightspeed)
  • 250cm Torpedo Launcher (mounted on the prow)
  • Warp Catapult (found in the docks of the ventral area)
  • 2 Cargo Shuttles (can carry up to 1000 personnel or 3000 cubic meters of cargo)
  • 4 High-Speed Shuttles (designed for scouting and priority travels, limited passengers and cargo)
  • 6 SSV-122 Valkyrie Fighters (either SSV-122B or SSV-122C)
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