Only Metal Endures - A Tech Priest Survival Quest

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You wake up. Alone. Unsure who you are. Your memory banks are damaged. The blessed steel that comprises your body is compromised. Around you is wreckage as far as you can see. You don't immediately recall how you got here or where here is.
Character Creation - A Painful Start
Somewhere North. It's cold here.
I keep trying to get this to the level of refinement that I want it to be. But I've been sitting with this at about the same stage for ages, so fuck it, I'm just gonna post it.

I made a quest a bit ago about a tech priest becoming fabricator general of a forge world. It never even made it to the forge world. It was way more than I was up for doing, and I kept wanting to do more and more detail. And I still like the idea, but if I continue it, I'm gonna need to revamp my process. So in the meantime, I'm gonna try something on a bit of a smaller scale, and try to keep it a bit more structured than what I had going before. Mechanics are gonna be a little loose and a lot simpler because if I think too much about it, it stresses me out. So here's where we're starting.

You are a tech priest.


Something has gone wrong and you need to scrape things back together and try not to die in the process. Figure out what happened and get back to where you should be or go off and do your own thing or join a Rogue Trader fleet or start up your own small or not so small forge empire. Plenty of paths to go from here.

I want to start small and add in as we go, plus I like this start. It's basically Naked Brutality from Rimworld.

I like Admech. They're lunatics but oh so much fun.
You wake up. Alone. Unsure who you are. Your memory banks are damaged. The blessed steel that comprises your body is compromised. Around you is wreckage as far as you can see. You don't immediately recall how you got here or where here is.

First, you need to take stock of the situation, figure out how much you remember, and how damaged your body is.
Character Creation -

Name -

[ ] Alphathrict Tux-Cerg - Obsessive Appraiser of the Integrated Temple
[ ] Sigma-Rho 03 - Ingenious Monitor of the Radiant Cog
[ ] I-295 - Reflexive Technoshaman of the Omnissiah's Reliquary
[ ] Heldandrer Theth - Intuitive Cyclomancer of the Divine Uplink
[ ] Ismid Jei-Bahr - Emotionless Cogitator of the Virtual Reliquary
Write In -

Gender -
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Shrug. Write in pronouns -

Age -
[ ] Trainee - (less than 20) You have barely hit your physical maturity. You have years to go before completing your training and education, and years more before anyone takes you seriously.
[ ] Young but skilled - (20-30) Your training is complete, but you still have much to learn.
[ ] Magos - (30-50) You have gained experience, you have branched out in knowledge, you have proven yourself. But there are still heights to climb.
[ ] Archmagos - (50-100) You have climbed the ranks, you have trained yourself and others, you have guided your own trainees. You have sunk decades into your skill and capabilities, and you will continue to learn for as long as you remain, for the search for knowledge trudges ever on.
[ ] Archmagos Veneratori - (100+) There are many above you in skill and knowledge, for the Mechancus is vast. But there are far more below you, for you have ever honed your craft. And you will never cease to do so, for you are of the machine, and the machine is immortal.

[ ] Basic two
[ ] Four
[ ] More - Write in -
ARM QUALITY - (feel free to mix and match, ie one industrial arm and two precision arms)
[ ] Flesh Enhanced - Still mostly flesh, but somewhat improved
[ ] Basic Steel - You have replaced your arms with blessed steel, but nothing of particular quality
[ ] Advanced Steel - You have replaced your crude flesh limbs with much improved mechanical ones
[ ] Industrial - Your limbs were built for power and strength, for moving the heavy components of the forge.
[ ] Precision - You've replaced your arms with machines focused on precision work, capable of manipulating the most minute of devices with delicacy.
[ ] Write In -
[ ] Flesh Enhanced - Still mostly flesh, but somewhat improved
[ ] Basic Steel - You have replaced your legs with blessed steel, but nothing of particular quality
[ ] Advanced Steel - You have replaced your crude flesh limbs with much improved mechanical ones
You are not bound by the constraints of biology, so why should the shape of your body be constrained as well? -
[ ] Digitigrade - With two opposite joints on your legs, your speed and ability to jump are far higher than they might be at the base shape of your bioform.
[ ] Spiderlike - You have replaced your legs with a series of spiderlike limbs, allowing you much greater balance and speed.
[ ] Centipede - Your lower body is a long and winding thing with dozens of small limbs to move it along.
[ ] Snakelike - Who needs legs? Your lower body is long and powerful and can slither along the ground at great speed and allows you to rise to great heights.
[ ] Mechadendrites - Mechadendrites are more flexible and have more use than conventional limbs, so why not just use those?
[ ] Write In -
How many mechadendrites -
[ ] One
[ ] Two
[ ] Four
[ ] More…?
Weapons (select ranged and melee) -
[ ] Omnissian Axe - A cog shaped power weapon, a holy icon of the Machine God
[ ] Plasma Weapon (write in)
[ ] Las Weapon (write in)
[ ] Xeno Weapon (write in)
[ ] Chain Weapon (write in)
[ ] Power Weapon (write in)
[ ] Write In -
Armor -
[ ] None
[ ] Plate Armor - your armor is sturdy and powerful, solid plates of plasteel and adamantine cover your body
[ ] Energy Shield - rather than metals, your body is protected by ancient archeotech and faith, allowing for great protection so long as your power supply remains undamaged.
[ ] Ablative Armor - you body is covered in dozens of layers of interlocking plate which dissipate force and shatter and crumble before you come to harm. Requires more maintenance after battle, but you can survive almost anything if only once.
[ ] Write In -
Item/gift/relic -
[X] Servo Skull - [provided regardless] a small drone used by tech adepts. Extremely customizable, often used for recording, scouting, medical care or as an additional set of manipulators. (Provides one additional Action Point per turn for a simple action, such as scouting, scanning or similar)
[ ] Schematics (write in, within reason) - detailed records of the construction of some form of technology. This will allow the production/creation of the technology when a workshop or production facilities are available.
[ ] Small scale personal fabricator - a device that will consume raw materials and a large amount of power to create small to medium sized components. (Removes the requirement of taking the action Create Components once per turn.)
[ ] Heretek Device (write in, within reason) - a heretekal device that you had been investigating.
[ ] Advanced Auspex - Information is power. You have integrated a complex series of sensors, detectors, and recording devices throughout your body.
[ ] Unknown Device - An unknown piece of technology with unclear capabilities. You had been slowly learning its capabilities in your spare time. This device will need to be researched to discover what it is and what it does. (Quality and what exactly the unknown device is will be rolled for, but by QM fiat is guaranteed to be something at least decent)
[ ] Small Scale Plasma Power Cell - a power cell using the same technology that the Imperium's plasma weapons are based on. It produces sufficient power to keep yourself running indefinitely as well as nearly any man portable devices you might have access to. (Provides additional power (when power becomes relevant and I figure out the mechanics for power. I'm not sure if I want to bother tracking it right now) Also allows overcharge of most powered devices, increased ability and use at the cost of requiring later repairs)
[ ] Write In -

Cybernetics Aesthetics?
[ ] Random - your sense of aesthetics is minimal at best. You care for ergonomics only so far as is necessary for your parts to not interfere with each other. Your body has no true layout or plan. When you need a new limb, when your current components are worn or damaged, when additional weapons are required or new capabilities needed, you simply add more. Limbs and mechadendrites every which way, sensor packages wherever, everything is everywhere. It does make it harder to fingered out your weak points though
[ ] Workmanlike - you replaced your flesh over time, as practically as possible. When you were not strong enough, you strengthened your limbs. When the air choked you, you added filters to your lungs. When that was insufficient, you replaced them altogether. The flesh is weak, and you replace it as needed. Your skill in steel is ever growing, and so you upgrade your implants as you are able.
[ ] Inhuman - the flesh is weak. It is the purview of each tech priest to shed their frailty as they grow in skill. Most choose to shed the basic shape of man over time, with extra limbs, sensors, and components as needed. You have actively fled the inefficiencies of the base shape of humanity. No one could ever mistake you for a simple human. Though carefully designed, your body is as inhuman as you can make it.
[ ] Subtle - from a distance, you could be any somewhat augmented human under your robe. Your body is no less augmented, no less blessed by the true flesh, but you never felt the need to display yourself to the world, nor to deviate too far from the basic shape of humanity

Background - Where did you come from?
[ ] Death World - Numerous worlds throughout the Imperium are considered death worlds. You were skilled enough and intelligent enough that when you sought to replace your frail flesh with something more sturdy, you were allowed to join the Mechanicus and do so rather than struck down for your arrogance.
[ ] Void Born - Born aboard a voidship, your skill in repair and maintenance brought you to the attention of the chief explorator about the vessel. They took you under their wing and elevated you out to the drudgery and endless toil of a low crewman.
[ ] Forge World - You were tested for general aptitude, as was every child on your world. When the testing showed you could be useful, you were taken from your home and placed in the Forge World Schola and trained to be of use to the Omnissiah.
[ ] Hive World - As one of teeming billions, through a series of incredibly fortunate circumstances, clever planning, and lots of hard work, you were in position to provide critical assistance to a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus. When asked what you wanted in return, you asked for them to teach you everything they could. They were unwilling to teach you to that level, but it allowed you the opportunity to escape your prior circumstances.
[ ] Imperial World - Born on a non-descript Imperial world, you were taken by the Mechanicus for general labor. Your skill with machinery caught the eye of the supervising tech priest, who allowed you additional education, eventually leading to admission to the Mechanicus as a member rather than laborer.
[ ] Noble Born - Once a noble of an Imperial world, you showed aptitude for the secrets of the tech adepts. It seemed a better path to you than the danger and intrigue of the nobility and so you left to join the Martian Priesthood. You were right about it being a better path, but the danger, intrigue, and politics are no lesser here.

While everything fell apart around you, you were only able to focus on protecting so much. Of your bionics, your weapons, your equipment, what did you prioritize keeping intact?

The top two will roll Bo3 for success in keeping intact. Three through six will roll Bo2, the remainder Bo1. The idea is that the higher something is on the list, the more likely it is to remain fully intact. Head and torso will be rolled for, but are guaranteed to maintain some level of functionality. It would be a very short quest if you died immediately from head trauma. Though it could be a really funny fail state to write, then ignore and reroll.

Everything will have at least a chance of being undamaged, and the more damaged an item is, the harder it will be to repair and the longer it will take.

Multiple limbs and mechadendrites will be rolled for individually, but remain in the same dice category. Ie 5 mechadendrites at low priority will roll Bo1 5 times with each mechadendrite receiving it's own damage amount. (see example at end of chapter)

List Implants/Weapons/Equipment in order of priority
[ ] Write In -
Stats - To keep it simple, there are 5 base stats.
- Health
- Combat
- Technical Skill/Intelligence
- Insight
- Physical

Each base stat has subcategories or Skills, seen below.
- Combat (melee, ranged, vehicle)
- Tech/Int (imperial, xeno, archeo, biologis)
- Insight (perception, problem solving, social)
- Physical (speed, power, precision, stealth)

Points into Stats determine the number of dice in the dice pool (ie 3 points in Tech will be a Bo3 roll for Tech related actions). Points into Skills decrease the threshold for relevant actions by 5 per point (ie 1 point into Archeotech will change DC 20/60/100 to DC 15/55/95, and 2 points will change it to 10/50/90)

You have 10 dice to split between Combat, Technical Skill/Intelligence, Insight, and Physical. No higher than 4, no lower than 1.

[ ] Health - How much you can get hurt and not die. At 0 you are alive but in extremely poor condition. Health refers primarily to your body, ie head and torso. You can still have technically full health of 3 but have only one limb.
[ ] Combat - Your ability to damage and kill things before they do the same to you.
[ ] Technical Skill/Intelligence - Your knowledge and skill with technology as well and your intellect
[ ] Insight - Where intelligence is knowing what to do with raw information, Insight is the ability to see beyond what merely lies before you.
[ ] Physical - How capable you are at directly interfacing with the world, either through brute force or delicate touch.

Skills [specialty] - Choose a skill. All skills have the potential to be learned and upgraded as you progress.

[ ] Melee (combat) - No one ever stays at range, so you have chosen to be better than them at their chosen form of attack
[ ] Ranged (combat) - If you kill your foes at a distance, you are far safer than if you allow them close.
[ ] Vehicles (combat) - There is a sublime truth in directing many tons of steel to your will, being a guiding mind behind something far greater than yourself.
[ ] Imperium Tech (tech) - The technological base of the Imperium is vast. This is your ability to interact with, repair, and understand most Imperial technology. (Will maintain a minimum level of competency even if not chosen.)
[ ] Xeno Tech (tech) - All knowledge is divinity. What does it matter where it comes from? So many of your fellows focus on mankind's past, you have sought knowledge from other sources, often at great cost and to the disapproval and hatred of your colleagues.
[ ] Archeotech (tech) - the knowledge of the ancients, the Will of the Omnissiah. Technology far beyond anything mankind is capable of now, this is your ability to interact with, repair, and understand Archeotech.
[ ] Biologis (tech) - While the surety of blessed steel is unchanging and eternal, nonetheless maintenance is required. Flesh is self repairing and self expanding, to a point, at the cost of much greater care and nuance in its creation and upgrades. Steel is cold, pure, and logical, flesh is messy, filthy, and prone to failure. Nonetheless, there is much to be done with flesh, if one takes the time to learn. This is your ability to interact with, repair, upgrade and understand the crude flesh and elevate it beyond its natural bounds.
[ ] Perception (Insight) - The ability to see and know, both what is obvious and hidden.
[ ] Problem Solving (Insight) - There are two primary methods of problem solving. One is acceptable, the application of known wisdom and solutions to problems old and new. The second is unacceptable, it is heresy, seeking to apply knowledge in new and untried ways, to find what works and doesn't without the benefit of millennia of wisdom. So really, there is only one way of problem solving
[ ] Social (Insight) - The faith of the Adeptus Mechanicus is vast and varied. There are certain tenets that must remain true else courting heresy, but outside of those core tenets, and at times even up to and including them, the arguments of the Mechanicus are fierce.
Each forge world is an entity unto itself, beholden to the Imperium, the Fabricator General of Mars, and the Fabricator General of the forge world itself. Within the forge world there are production quotas to meet, billions of tech priests, menials, and servitors to manage, and enormous logistical concerns. The actions of any one being in authority impacts the lives of trillions. To wander within this complex web is a tedious and painstaking task of bureaucracy, politics, religious dogma, and perhaps least importantly, the concerns of actual reality. Those who cannot traverse this nightmare will accomplish nothing. Those who are capable will perhaps eventually achieve some pieces of their goals. And the few who excel will make the vast network dance to their own tune, slow and groaning as the machinery of bureaucracy and faith may be.
[ ] Speed (Physical) - How quickly you can move, both in combat and in direct motion.
[ ] Power (Physical) - The amount of force you can apply to any given action. The difference between using lifts and servitors to move your projects, and simply moving them yourself.
[ ] Precision (Physical) - What use is uncontrolled speed? What use is great strength without also the ability to direct the smallest of components?
[ ] Stealth (Physical) - For a new acolyte, to remain unnoticed until called for is a useful skill. To continue to hone that skill speaks of a different mindset.

Traits/Notable characteristics - Choose one free trait. Traits can be attained throughout the quest, through actions, events, and/or training and upgrades. Traits can also generally be upgraded, though with increasing difficulty as higher tiers are reached.

For sum two highest, if you don't have two dice, the non-existent second die is treated as 0. A Trait that sums two highest for a character build that only has one die in a Stat would likely be unhelpful. Be sure to take this into account.

Note: For Traits, I'm open to discussion on some of the effects. I'm not a TTRPG designer, I don't entirely understand why or which option is better the difference in effects. Such as a bonus of Bo2 vs do an action twice vs sum a roll of 2. If anyone wants to explain, please, I welcome it.

[ ] Hard to Kill - You built redundancies into everything you are. On any roll that would kill you or permanently disable a body part or implant, roll again.
[ ] Once in a Generation - Even in the vast numbers of the Imperium of Man, there are those who stand out as exceptionally intelligent. You are one of them. Sum the two highest dice for progress when you take the research action (or similar, such as learning, teaching, etc).
[ ] Murder Blender - You focused the steel you replaced your flesh with on destroying anything that got close to you. Rather than Best of #, apply all Melee dice rolls as attacks. (ie with 3 Physical, rather than Bo3, roll three attacks with one die each)
[ ] Walking Artillery - good at massive and indiscriminate damage at range. Increases range of explosions, increases damage. Sum two highest dice for attacks involving explosives.
[ ] Reach Out and Touch Them - The ability to destroy your foes at range is shown to drastically increase survivability. They cannot injure you if they're dead long before you enter their range. But they have long since entered yours. And it is unacceptable to potentially damage holy relics and blessed technology. So you focused on long range precision damage. Increased range on single shot long range precision damage. For attacks where they are in your range but you are not in theirs, sum two highest dice. Decreases collateral.
[ ] Slow Moving Tank - You are sturdy and hard to injure but slow. Enemy damage always roll worst of two. Move at half speed. Relevant for combat and travel without vehicles.
[ ] Sneaky AF - You have honed your skill and rebuilt your body with the goal of remaining unnoticed. Sum two highest dice for sneaking actions or remaining concealed or unnoticed.
[ ] Enhanced Auspex - High perception. You have long considered the ability to see what surrounds you, to see the hidden and the obvious to be among the most important of abilities. Enables perception. Sum best two for perception actions.
[ ] Blessed by the Omnissiah - You are lucky. Very lucky. Things go your way so often that it must be the hand of the Omnissiah directly guiding you. Better chances and better potential outcomes with regards to searching or investigation actions.
[ ] Ascended Skitarii - Once a Skitarii Trooper, then Squad Captain, then Commander, you showed enough skill, ambition, and independence that is uncommon to Skitarii that a commanding tech priest took interest in you and claimed you as their personal guard and eventually apprentice. General small combat bonus, bonus to command and to forces you command.
[ ] Silvertongue - Your tongue is silver, literally and figuratively. You are good at people. Somehow. For all social, interaction, and negotiation rolls, sum the highest two rolls.
[ ] Ghost in the Machine - You whisper and they listen, often when they never would for others. Once per turn reroll a failed roll involving machine spirits.
[ ] Speedy - The world moves slowly around you. When you replace enough meat, it is truly astounding just how much more quickly you traverse the space around you than the frail flesh of base humanity. Affects combat and travel. Distance traveled on foot doubled.
[ ] Xenarite - The Machine God speaks to all, not just humanity. Your quest for knowledge expands beyond that of most of your fellows to include the revelations given even to foul Xenos. Gain three points in Xenotech.
[ ] Venerable - only available if age selected was Archmagos or Archmagos Vereratori. You have existed for decades, potentially centuries. This has left you with a wealth of practical experience. Once per turn you may choose to reroll any outcome you can effect and select the preferable option.
[ ] Bloody Minded Determination - once you have set your mind to something, it is difficult to convince you otherwise. When injured in combat, attack again. Additionally, over time, repeating the same action applies one stack of Bloody Determination per turn, decreasing the threshold by 5 per stack per stack per turn.
[ ] Write In - (If you have a Trait you find more interesting than what I have here or that covers an area I've left unexplored, feel free to write it in. I retain the right to veto or alter Traits that are outside the bounds of what I'm looking for)
What happened that got you stuck wherever here is?
[ ] Fire Fight - though you may have held the advantage at the start, the tides turned. You were unable to hold your ground and were gradually overwhelmed. Clearly you survived, but how much of your body is still intact is unclear.
[ ] The Floor Gave Way - no matter how well maintained, millennia of wear still leaves its mark. And this place was not well maintained. The ground gave way beneath you dropping you hundreds, perhaps thousands of feet below. The numerous structures, pipes, and machines you impacted on the way down did you no favors.
[ ] Explosion - there was no sign of danger before a massive conflagration consumed you. A trap, a betrayal, abandoned or faulty munitions, or simply unmaintained infrastructure, you don't know.
[ ] Unknown Archeotech - while investigating rumors of priceless archeotech, you found what you were looking for. A large device in disrepair, it must have activated despite your best efforts. Now you are damaged, in disrepair, and you do not know where you are.
[ ] Chaotic Warp Effects - you strode into the depths to confront and destroy a warp cult. Despite your preparation, they were much larger and better prepared than even your worst projections and you were overwhelmed after a brutal conflict. Alone, injured, and badly damaged, the warp spits you out in an unknown location, though fortunately firmly in the real.
[ ] Ambush - it was a well disguised and subtly hidden killzone that you walked into. Your own technological superiority, allies, and firepower matter less that you would have liked in the face of stolen heavy plasma cannons and a well prepared killbox
[ ] Dropship Crash - you hadn't even reached your destination. The journey was choppy, but the spirits of the shuttle held together until they were abruptly overwhelmed. You cried out litanies of strength and endurance to the shuttle until the failing dropship impacted your destination at speed and angle far in excess of intent and everything went black.

Who was with you?
[ ] Skitarii - You knew the danger when you went to claim a cache of technology. Unfortunately, the skitarii you brought with you wouldn't be enough.
[ ] Guardsmen - the local Mechanicus was tightly limited on manpower and resources, so you were assigned a squad of the Imperial Guard instead of servitors and skitarii.
[ ] Inquisitor - Recruited for your knowledge and skill by the authority of an Inquisitor, you didn't really have a choice in joining their entourage
[ ] Fellow tech priests - only a small part of a group of tech priests, you were with your fellows when things began to go wrong
[ ] Astartes - Bereft of their tech marine for reasons they were unwilling to divulge and tight on time, your expertise was required by a squad of Neophyte Blood Angels, the Sons of Sanguinius
[ ] Servitors - This was a routine repair and maintenance rite. Only one tech priest was needed for the rites and to direct the swarm of servitors to do the heavy lifting and grunt work. As such, you only brought a group of servitors with you because your task was simple. It should have been simple. But you were so wrong.
[ ] Alone - You strode off into the depths alone. A foolish decision perhaps, but you could not risk anyone else knowing what you were doing

Difficulty mode - So where have you found yourself, alone, injured, and lost?

[ ] Hard - Hive City - From the sparkling height of the spires inhabited by nobility which pierce the atmosphere of the world on which they reside, to the hellish existence of the underhive and the Sump, to the only somewhat less hellish conditions of the main body of the hive, untold billions call any given Hive City home.

You find yourself deep within the Underhive. The air here is poison. All around you is filth and toxic runoff. There are mutants, twisted by the chemicals and industrial waste they cannot avoid. Gangs, which run most of the industry down here, many of whom exist because unaffiliated humans almost certainly can't exist alone down here, caught in an eternal struggle for control and power. Critical infrastructure scattered around in unknown locations, potentially recorded somewhere, but the records themselves lost. Lost technology caches, utterly unknown or lost to myth and rumor. Chaos cults, genestealer cults, bizarre cults worshiping the Emperor or the Omnissiah incorrectly with strange interpretations of who they are, simple cults worshiping unshaped stone. The Omnissiah only knows what you might encounter here.

[ ] Super Hard - Space Hulk - A single combined mass of wrecked and damaged ships, drifting through space, drifting through the warp, coming and going with little to no consistency. A space hulk is profoundly dangerous. All the dangers of derelict ships, vented or poisoned atmosphere, leaky reactors, fuel, and chemicals, unstable structures, and damaged labyrinthine layout. On top of this, traveling through the warp exposes the space hulk (that isn't protected by guttering and failing Gellar Field Generators) to the raw warp. Any flesh unprotected is twisted, and anything living that manages to survive the warp must find some way to sustain themselves, breathable air and food that will likely kill or corrupt later, but at least not now. A problem for the future, should they survive to deal with it. Orks are often found, looking for a good fight, a bigger gun, or just to see where it takes them. Tyranids and genestealers often slumber for years, waiting for a new world or ship to victimize. Chaos warbands and heretic astartes have been known to make their homes aboard drifting space hulks.

But for all the danger, the potential rewards are even greater. Ships from all over the galaxy, ships from all eras of the Imperium, possibly even from the Dark Age of Technology. Data, Cogitators, weapons, vehicles, ancient patterns not seen for millenia, possibly even STC fragments make nearly any sacrifice worth delving the depths of a space hulk.

What else could you be here for? But of course it's gone horribly wrong, and now you are part of that sacrifice.

Once we know who and where you are, we'll see about voting for what to actually do next update.

A couple of points for full disclosure: whatever location is decided on, you're gonna be "stuck" there for some time. There may be votes later on where one of the goals or options is to escape, to just bail and get out, because this is a terrible place and leaving everything and everyone behind for the sake of not being here is realistically the best option.

But you're gonna be stuck there, one way or another. I'd like it if people could vote for in character stuff if possible, but I understand not wanting to waste a turn on trying an escape that won't work.

I just don't want to frustrate people off by "tricking" them into thinking certain options mean something other than they think it does.


Vote moratorium for 24 hours.

I realize there are three or potentially four votes here. I want to just run all of them at once, with Character, Stats, and Scenario all separate just to get this moving. However, I also recognize that carries the potential for a lot of messiness and frustration. So I'll open the discussion to the readers if y'all wanna just get this moving, or take the time for a couple different votes. Other options are one big plan vote or three separate votes in addition to three separate but simultaneous votes.

Different votes would be below (I can also see damage priority being a separate vote if its contentious enough):


Vote in plan format, ie:
Plan BlandTech Priest Who's Probably Kinda Doomed
Name - Tom
Gender - Male
Age - Trainee
- Basic two, Flesh Enhanced
Legs - Flesh Enhanced
Mechadendrites - One
Weapons - Omnissian Axe, Plasma Pistol
Armor - None
Item/gift/relic - Servo Skull, Schematic - slightly better than standard las pistol
Aesthetics - Workmanlike
Background - Forge World

Priority -
[0] - Head
[0] - Torso

[1] Arms - Basic two, Flesh Enhanced
[1] Arms - Basic two, Flesh Enhanced
[2] Omnissian Axe

[3] Mechadendrites x 1
[4] Plasma Pistol
[5] Servo Skull
[6] Legs - Flesh Enhanced
[6] Legs - Flesh Enhanced

[7] Schematic - slightly better than standard las pistol
[n/a] Armor - None
(numbers not necessary for priority planning. Just list your preferred order. Example is to show cutoffs)

Stats -
[3] - Health
[2] - Combat
[2] - Technical Skill/Intelligence
[2] - Insight
[1] - Physical
Skills - [X] Imperium Tech (tech)
Traits - [X] Ghost in the Machine

Scenario -
What - [X] Fire Fight
Who - [X] Servitors
Difficulty - [X] Super Hard - Space Hulk
Character Sheet
Name: Sigma-Rho 03 - Ingenious Monitor of the Radiant Cog

Gender: female
Age: Trainee (less than 20)
Arms: 2, flesh enhanced, steel threading
Legs: SpiderRig. Advanced steel. A set of six legs additional to your base two that can be swapped out for 1 AP for different bonuses. 2 AP for Exploration vs 2 AP for manufacturing/fabrication.
Weapons: Unrepairable Omnissian Axe, Las Emitters in legs
Items: SRV-SKL-01LZ (servo skull)
Armor: Plate
Aesthetic: Bilateral Symmetry
Background: Hive World
Health - 2
Combat - 1
Technical Skill/Intelligence - 3
Insight - 2
Physical - 2

Imperium Tech (tech) - lowered difficulty for Imperial Tech roll thresholds

Ghost in the Machine - You whisper and they listen, often when they never would for others. Once per turn reroll a failed roll involving machine spirits.

You have 7 AP
You have + 2 AP from SpiderRig Mobility Mode for Exploration Actions
Your SRV-SKL-01LZ has 0 AP for use in minor actions such as scouting, scanning, mapping, or patrolling. When functional, SRV-SKL-01LZ has 2 AP.

Primary Base of Operations: None
Base Defense Level: None
Base Research/Manufacture Bonus: -2 (no base, no bench)

Current Resources:
Ruined Axe
Damaged Servo Skull
Basic Tools
Basic medical supplies
Gas Mask
You have no components/parts

Workbench: None. You are capable of manufacturing at a level of CRUDE quality. Your skill allows you to manufacture at a level of IMPROVED quality if you have a workbench of IMPROVED quality.
Last edited:
Chapter 1 - Now what?
You wake up. Alone. Unsure who you are. Your memory banks are damaged. The blessed steel that comprises your body is compromised. Around you is wreckage as far as you can see. You don't immediately recall how you got here or where here is.

First, you need to take stock of the situation, figure out how much you remember, and how damaged your body is.

[ ] Plan: Cute Mecha-Drider
-[ ] Sigma-Rho 03 - Ingenious Monitor of the Radiant Cog
-[ ] Female
-[ ] Trainee - (less than 20)
-[ ] Basic two
-[ ] Flesh Enhanced - Still mostly flesh, but somewhat improved
-[ ] Advanced Steel - You have replaced your crude flesh limbs with much improved mechanical ones
-[ ] Write In
--[ ] You're quite proud of your legs honestly, you spent a great deal of your training getting them just right, even at the expense of some of your other augmentation possibilities. The equations to get the balance just right where you can move about in a bipedal configuration when space is at a bit of a premium or full mobility isn't required, allowing your hind-legs to just sort of fold up and back and double as something of a servo-harness in a pinch. It's not quite as adapative as you'd like sadly, requiring you to detach the little paws for tool-arms if you're planning to spend a lot of time in the workshop, or need to do the running around and other fiddly bits, but it's still a cohesive arrangement.
---[ ] Drider-like leg configuration that can--with at least a bit of downtime--reconfigured to a bipedal arrangement with the extra legs folding up as a servo-harness array, trading off mobility and stability for greater utility.
-[ ] Mechadendrites: Sort of, your excess legs can be reconfigured into a servo-harness that isn't quite as flexible but can still get the job done if you want to trade off mobility for utility.
-[ ] Omnissian Axe - A cog shaped power weapon, a holy icon of the Machine God
-[ ] You also have laser emitters in your forelegs, they're not really any different than a laspistol but it can be a fun surprise if you need to rear up against some gribbly, pew pew
-[ ] Plate Armor - your armor is sturdy and powerful, solid plates of plasteel and adamantine cover your body
-[ ] Unknown Device
-[ ] Aesthetic: Truthfully, bilateral symmetry and the humanoid form is mathematically ideal, and nature seems to bear this out given how even xeno races try to ape it to variable levels of success, which makes it the best form to have as your foundation. Most of your greatest efforts went to the masterpiece that are your legs--what, with all the work that was needed to get you mobile in the first place as just a hive urchin that came to your Master's attention, it just made sense to work on it. That being said, there's no need to throw out things that are still working perfectly fine and dandy. Focus on what doesn't work first, take control of evolution. Cool foldy spider legs that can make you look all steppy and also helps you do your job? Wonderful! But there's nothing wrong with your arms so far that proper PPE and tools can't make up for, you can swap those out when you have the resources and material to do a proper job of it and maintain a cohesive look. Nothing says shoddy worship than making your personal temple look shabby because you were too busy trying to put on appearances.
-[ ] Hive World
-[ ] Your primary legs for bipedal locomotion and your arms need to be in functional shape, beyond that, you'll need your a axe for it's role as a tool and a self-defense weapon, then you should probably seek to keep your body and head in one piece. Everything else can be recovered with time and effort.
-[ ] Health - 2
-[ ] Combat - 1
-[ ] Technical Skill/Intelligence - 3
-[ ] Insight - 2
-[ ] Physical - 2
-[ ] Imperium Tech (tech)
-[ ] Ghost in the Machine - You whisper and they listen, often when they never would for others. Once per turn reroll a failed roll involving machine spirits.
-[ ] The Floor Gave Way - no matter how well maintained, millennia of wear still leaves its mark. And this place was not well maintained. The ground gave way beneath you dropping you hundreds, perhaps thousands of feet below. The numerous structures, pipes, and machines you impacted on the way down did you no favors.
-[ ] Astartes - Bereft of their tech marine for reasons they were unwilling to divulge and tight on time, your expertise was required by a squad of Neophyte Blood Angels, the Sons of Sanguinius
-[ ] Super Hard - Space Hulk

Here's the finalized Plan!

Space Hulks are dangerous, but sometimes they just pop up for no reason and you have to breach and clear it with whoever can get there in time, and that's not necessarily with the forces you'd want. A squad of neophyte Astartes conscripting a trainee Tech-Priest to handle what was only a moderate-risk front, and it turned out that the lack of significant expertise meant that there wasn't anyone around who could have IDed the sinkhole waiting to happen.

It also lets me gamble with having slightly less Combat in hopes of one of them maybe surviving and teaming up with us, so we can have a bit more basic technical skill while also having some powerful Machine Spirit Empathy going on.

Blocky green text scrolls in fits and starts across your vision before the motion smooths out.

Praise the Omnissiah!
User: Sigma-Rho 03
Planetary Location: Unnamed Space Hulk
Current Location: Unknown

More information flickers across your vision but you are distracted by the pain. The meat you have not yet replaced is badly damaged. It protests as you even shift. Your arm feels warm and wet. A faint memory passes across your mind, an implant that intercepts pain signals, relaying information but removing the negative sensations. Your master had made reference to it once as an implant well worth making a priority.

You didn't. Your legs were more important. Your pride and joy. Your spider rig. There is no regret in your heart for making them first at the exclusion of all else, but that pain editor would be extremely helpful right now.

And, given the pain and damage to your meat, your spider rig is probably also in poor condition. That hurts deeply. Only in the last few months had you considered your legs complete. A thousand more tweaks, a thousand more upgrades, a thousand ways to improve, but that would come with time, knowledge, and experience.

With a wrench of focus, you redirect your attention to the text on your goggles. Much of the upgrades to your body from crude flesh to holy steel are the most simple. Machine interface, potentia coil, basic internal filters sufficient for a mildly toxic atmosphere. You've depended on external protection for what will eventually be part of you, heavy gas masks to guard your lungs, thick goggles to cover your eyes and allow for sight beyond human baseline. Bulky gloves to protect your hands and arms, thick plate armor over the rest. When your legs are converted into additional sets of arms instead of additional legs, you have all the reach/manipulation you need. Much else can wait.

The goggles seem intact, only one lens is cracked and the display still reads. You are breathing clean recycled air from your gas mask, which is a major boon. You don't know if there is oxygen here, and if there is, the Omnissiah only knows what pathogens, what poisons, what toxins are in it.

If you run everything on minimal consumption and maximal efficiency, you should have breathable air for a week, possibly as much as two or three if you sacrifice the health of your organic systems.

UserQuery: Physical condition. Status report.
Head - 97, 93, 19 - okay
Torso - 95, 27, 29 - okay
L Arm - 41, 27, 48 - nonfunctional but fixable
R Arm - 57, 70, 44 - low functioning, damaged but fixable
L Leg - 22, 31, 49 - nonfunctional but fixable
R Leg - 4, 57, 9 - low functioning, damaged but fixable
Axe - 23, 8 - broken, salvageable for parts
L S leg - 88, 24 - okay
L S leg - 28, 3 - nonfunctional but fixable
L S leg - 2, 2 - broken, salvageable for parts
R S leg - 93, 70 - okay
R S leg - 23, 57 - low functioning, damaged but fixable
R S leg - 86, 83 - okay
Laser - 61, 18 - low functioning, damaged but fixable
Plate - 60, 28 - low functioning, damaged but fixable
Unknown - 1 - completely ruined
Servo skull - 48 - nonfunctional but fixable
The machine spirits of your goggles repeat the information you missed promptly.

Primary Systems: Head, Torso.
--Composition: Low Level/Minimal replacements.
--Condition: Minor damage. Functioning. No errors.
Manipulation Systems:
--Primary Arms. Left Arm, Right Arm.
--Composition: Simple steel threading enhancements. Simple Bone Strengthening Procedures.
--Condition: Left Arm: Heavy Damage. Nonfunctional. Steel Threading shifted. Muscle lacerations. Multiple fractures. Major repairs needed.
--Condition: Right Arm: Damaged. Functional. Lowered efficiency. Bruising. Contusions. Minor fractures. Lowered efficiency, repairs needed.
--Primary Legs: Left Leg, Right Leg.
--Composition: Full Replacement Blessed Steel Composite.
--Condition: Left Leg: Heavy Damage. Nonfunctional. Multiple servos damaged. Multiple Hydraulic Struts failed. Major repairs needed.
--Condition: Right Leg: Damaged. Functional. Lowered efficiency. Multiple servo strain. Hydraulic Strut strain. Minor Hydraulic Strut failure. Lowered efficiency, repairs needed.
Secondary Locomotion/Secondary Manipulation Systems:
--SpiderRig Limbs: Left SpiderRig Limb 1, Left SpiderRig Limb 2, Left SpiderRig Limb 3, Right SpiderRig Limb 1, Right SpiderRig Limb 2 , Right SpiderRig Limb 3
--Composition: Blessed Steel Composite.
--Condition: Left SpiderRig Limb 1: Minor damage. Functioning. No errors.
--Condition: Left SpiderRig Limb 2: Heavy Damage. Nonfunctional. Major repairs needed.
--Condition: Left SpiderRig Limb 3: Extreme Damage. 57% missing. Non-repairable. Salvage for components.
--Condition: Right SpiderRig Limb 1: Minor damage. Functioning. No errors.
--Condition: Right SpiderRig Limb 2: Damaged. Functional. Lowered efficiency, repairs needed.
--Condition: Right SpiderRig Limb 3: Minor damage. Functioning. No errors.
Weapons Systems:
--SpiderRig Leg Attachments: Las Emitters
--Composition: Low Tier Las Weapon Attachment.
--Condition: Damaged. Functional. Lowered efficiency, repairs needed.
--Composition: Plasteel Composite Plating
--Condition: Armor Integrity 60%. Damaged. Functional. Repairs needed.

Which leaves… your servo skull, your axe, and the unknown device you've been dragging around with you to study in your spare time.

You shift slightly, trying to figure out how much motion you have available to you. It does not feel good. You groan as the meat shrieks when you move, before clamping down hard on the noise. You don't know what is around you.

By the Third Binary Cant that hurts.

You stagger to your feet. At least those of which remain, you realize, as you list heavily to the left. The pain spikes. Even the slightest jolt of your left arm feels like razors shifting within the muscle. You look over yourself to verify what your brief diagnostic told you and wince. Your left side clearly took the brunt of your fall. Only the foremost spider leg on your left side is working at all, though it seems in good condition. Half of your left rearmost spider leg is missing entirely past the first joint. The center left spider leg and your humanoid steel front leg are currently non-functional, though you think you can get them working again.

Your left arm is not in good condition. The steel threading you used to strengthen it has worked against you here, yanked out of place in your fall, and shredding the muscle behind it. It will be delicate work enacting the needed repairs. Delicate work, and time consuming, time which is in extremely limited supply. The flesh is slick with blood below your armor, and you are grateful that the weight of your body on the arm has slowed the bleeding enough that you are not dead. That would be an embarrassing way to die.

Your right arm is damaged, but working, (contusions and minor fractures) as are two of your right legs (spider leg 2 and your humanoid right leg). Spider legs 1 and 3 (front most and rear most) are functioning entirely, which is good, because you'll need as much as you can get.

Exposed wires scrape against rusted steel, causing you to wince.

Your poor beautiful symmetry on top of all of this. One side is near nonfunctional, the other mostly working. How hateful.

How dangerous is your landing location?
Rolled: 76: You are alone. No environmental hazards. Nothing is actively trying to kill you.

You try to figure out where you are. Things had happened very quickly. A group of five Astartes Blood Angels had approached your master and requested "tech priest assistance" in a search and potential recovery action. The first you heard of it was when the squad leader entered your workshop, presented credentials from your master. Then you were swept off into their shuttle.

No explanation was given to you.

From what little you were able to pry out of the space marines, they are neophytes soon to be officially made Scouts. They had been expecting a rendezvous with another squad. It seems that the rendezvous was some mission to prove themselves before becoming Scouts. But the second squat never arrived.

You have been recruited for a rescue and retrieval mission. They are unhappy to need you, their tech marine is on the other squad.

Some time later, the piloting marine announced touchdown on an unnamed space hulk. This is a space hulk?! They could have at least told you that much, you would have brought so much heavy weaponry!

You were escorted off the shuttle into a ruined shuttle bay. Next to the shuttle you had exited was another shuttle of the same make. Used by the other squad, you assume.

As the tech priest dragged into this mess, you imagine your role is to interface with or repair any complex technology the space marines are unable to. Especially given their lack of tech marine in the squad.

Not long into the expedition had come the abrupt sound of metal groaning and the floor gave way. From the deep note of the groans and the way the entire section of the ship shifted, it is likely an entire chunk of the ship gave way. You saw more than one of the Astartes go down with you. Several impacts against walls, pipes, and conduits rattled your skull before a particularly violent hit took you offline.

Just how far did you fall? Around you is blackness, the only sound is that of faint grinding and humming of the space hulk and the occasional ping of fragments of ancient failing vessels falling unknown distances. This doesn't appear to be anywhere you recognize. If a large section of the ship shifted, it may have flung you far afield when it stopped. With that much kinetic energy even partially transferred to your body, it's astounding you made it out with as little injury as you did.

You remain ever grateful for the Machine. Broken parts may be replaced and maintained, ruined flesh can be removed so that something better may take its place. You will likely be taking advantage of that gift of the Machine God.

A mental flick causes the lenses of your goggles to shift to low light mode, allowing you a reasonable measure of vision in the lightless area. You partially charge your las emitters, preparing rapid action if necessary, before allowing them to power back down. They charge at the expected rate, but the capacitors are shot; the charged power rapidly drains away if not used. That would be the damages your readout was referring to. Still usable, but damaged.

You look around for the rest of your things as well as for evidence of any of the Astartes ending up where you did. You appear to be alone, dust still choking the air. You can't see any actual edges to the room you are in, just piles and piles of steel plating, massive cables, and rusted structural supports that crashed down with you. Much is disturbed, but it also looks like a large amount was already down here before you fell, the vast millenia wearing away at the great ship.

Not seeing anything immediately, you try to connect with your servo skull in hopes of greater reach for sensors.

Establishing connection…
SRV-SKL-01LZ connection established.
Antigravity generators offline. Sensors offline. Location Systems offline. Power cells damaged. Power at 3% and dropping.

Not good. If it goes offline entirely it will be even harder to find with no light or signal to follow.

You ping SRV-SKL-01LZ, looking around for any response.

Some hundred meters away you see the faint red light you associate with SRV-SKL-01LZ's optics. You mark your current location in the simple map your passive sensors have begun tracing in your memory banks. This would normally be a passive job performed by SRV-SKL-01LZ around you when not given specific direction, but with its damages and low power, this will be your job. The integrated auspex within your systems is not as precise as those within your servo skull, but they will be sufficient for the task. You start to move towards SRV-SKL-01LZ but you've barely begun moving before the rough motion causes the pain in your arms to spike.

Your one working left limb is working hard to make up for its lack of fellows. It holds up well; you are proud of your workmanship, but one leg against four makes your gait lurching and uneven. You can move, but it would be smart to make repairs as soon as possible, or perhaps shuffle the limbs from one side to the other.

In the meantime, you need to deal with the pain. You pull a small medkit from a compartment within your side, then clumsily press an injector into your left arm. The powerful painkillers turn the shriek of meat into a faint throb and the coagulants turn the increased dripping into a slow trickle and gradual stop.

You take a moment to gather what loose cabling you can find around you, binding your non-functional left limbs to your frame to hold them in place and prevent dragging.

Immediate pain and damages somewhat dealt with, you move more slowly, carefully picking your way through wreckage to what you believe to be SRV-SKL-01LZ. And you are correct. You pick it up delicately from the ground, grateful that it wasn't smashed under debris. For that matter, you're grateful that you weren't smashed under debris.

You affix SRV-SKL-01LZ to your shoulder, then pull a loose power cable from below your armor. With some difficulty, you are able to connect it to your potentia coil. That won't fix the sensors, but at least it won't go offline until you've had a chance to properly diagnose and repair it.

You are grateful that this servo skull survived. Traditionally, servo skulls are fabricated from the skulls of those who have served the Omnissiah most faithfully, that they may continue their service after death. SRV-SKL-01LZ was built into the skull of the closest thing you had to a friend in the underhive, Lizbet. Common self interest is the most a person can hope for in a hive city, and you both desperately wanted something better. Together the two of you worked ceaselessly so that you could take advantage of the moment when it arrived.

But by the time that opportunity came, she was dead. You brought her with you, as best you could, so that she could see everything beyond the hell you could not escape together.

Lizbet is still with you, even in this new hell.

That leaves your Omnissian Axe, gifted to you by your mentor far earlier than most, and the unknown device you've been investigating. You return to the site of your waking to begin your search. Unfortunately, neither your axe nor the device have lights like your servo skull, which will make this more difficult.

In the dent left by the impact of your body, you see something strange. There is a two foot perfect hemi-sphere cut out of the debris. Next to it lies the other half of your missing left hind leg, a perfect smooth cut at one end. You look at the stump of your missing leg and see that same smooth cut. Within the hemi-sphere lies a marble.

What in the Name of He who sits on Terra…?

Then you realize. With the way your body was lying when you regained consciousness, that was roughly where the unknown device sat in its case on your body. You have no idea what it was or what it did. To an extent, that was the whole point. The fall must have damaged or activated the device, which compressed everything within two feet into a sphere the width of your finger. Esoteric effects of unknown technology are not unexpected, but this wasn't anything you might have anticipated. Have you been walking around with a live and unstable grenade on your waist for months? You shiver, deeply unsettled.

Unfortunately, there isn't much better news when you find your axe. It takes you much longer, but you are eventually able to see the handle of your axe sticking out from a pile of rubble nearby. The head of the axe is crushed beneath plating, the handle warped and the complex machinery badly damaged. You are not so foolish as to thumb the activation switch. It will need a full inspection; the rites of repair or salvage and the canticles of investigation will need to be performed. Were you to simply activate it for your own selfish reassurance in the vain hope that it will still function, the channels of the motive force within the axe might be damaged and ruptured. The motive force would slip its bounds within and ruin any chance you have of repairing the axe.

This is a humiliation. The Omnissian Axe is granted only to those who have proven themselves. You had not thought yourself worthy, but your master granted it to you regardless, clearly seeing something in you that you did not.

And you have broken that trust just as surely as your axe is crushed.

You continue your search, looking for anything else there is to find. But you only see wreckage, dust, and silence.

There is no sign of any of the Astartes around you, and you've recovered as much as you can.

Now what.

You know you have at least a month, possibly more, before the space hulk reenters the warp. This time frame is based on comments from the Astartes, though where their expectations came from, you don't know. Generally space hulks have some level of indication before they vanish again into the warp, so presumably some readings based on those indications. Past that, you have no idea how long you have.

You need to get out of here, and if you can't do that, preparations need to be made. You are unlikely to need food for two to three weeks, but after that your mechanical systems will not have enough to maintain the biological parts of your body. You have sufficient oxygen for a similar amount of time. Resources are extremely limited. If you fail to escape before you are dragged into the warp, you will need a defensible position, weaponry, tools, as many resources as you can get your hands on. If any of the Astartes are still alive, they would be good allies for all that they stonewalled you, but you need to find them first.


Current Location: Landing Site. Location unknown. No current known immediate threats.
Physical Status:
Head - Functioning, undamaged
Torso - Functioning, undamaged
L Arm - Nonfunctional but fixable
R Arm - Low functioning, damaged but fixable
L Leg - Nonfunctional but fixable
R Leg - Low functioning, damaged but fixable
Axe - Broken, salvageable for parts
L S leg - Functioning, undamaged
L S leg - Nonfunctional but fixable
L S leg - Broken, salvageable for parts
R S leg - Functioning, undamaged
R S leg - Low functioning, damaged but fixable
R S leg - Functioning, undamaged
Laser - Low functioning, damaged but fixable
Plate - Low functioning, damaged but fixable
Unknown device - Unsalvageable
Servo skull - Nonfunctional but fixable
Primary Base of Operations: None
Base Defense Level: None
Base Research/Manufacture Bonus: -2 (no base, no bench)
Current Resources:
Ruined Axe
Damaged Servo Skull
Basic Tools
Basic medical supplies
Gas Mask
You have no components/parts
Workbench: None. You are capable of manufacturing at a level of CRUDE quality. Your skill allows you to manufacture at a level of IMPROVED quality if you have a workbench of IMPROVED quality.

Turn 1 Vote:
Initial turns will take one week, with one action per day, resulting in 7 Action Points per turn. Later on, turns will be longer than one week, at which point the specifics will change regarding actions and AP

Actions are not exhaustive. When putting together a plan, write ins are allowed if shown actions do not cover something you want to do. QM reserves the right to approve/reject write ins on a case by case basis.

Some actions and quest mechanic connections may be shifted if they aren't working the way I'm hoping they will.I may bail on some of this if it turns out more complicated than I wanted.
Actions are currently a work in progress and will continue to be refined as things continue
I'm sure I missed something. Let me know and I'll clarify and try to update Actions/explanations for next turn.

I'm trying to not bog this down overly much with too much detail, but also be clear about requirements. Generally, you can make Imperial tech to a decent complexity. Making things requires a level of manufacturing ability to reach a level of quality. You have a level you can reach based on knowledge. Quality/Complexity is limited based on manufacturing facilities/workbench and on your knowledge. Currently, you have no work bench, quality is limited to CRUDE. You are knowledgeable about Imperial Tech. You are limited to IMPROVED quality items. Your knowledge can be improved through research actions. Making things requires parts and resources.

You get the gist. You need parts and a place to make things, and you need to know how to make them.

You have 7 AP
You have + 2 AP from SpiderRig Mobility Mode for Exploration Actions
Your SRV-SKL-01LZ has 0 AP for use in minor actions such as scouting, scanning, mapping, or patrolling. When functional, SRV-SKL-01LZ has 2 AP.

Actions that cannot currently be taken have been crossed out.

Goal - For flavor, more than anything else. This will impact how Sigma-Rho 03 is dealing with her situation.
[ ] Leave This Place - The hell with all of this. This is one of the worst places for the unprepared, and you are one of them. Get out. Get out with all speed.
[ ] No Forge World Stands Alone - You alone are insufficient. Find the Astartes, find anyone alive and sane in this hellish place. Gather allies and strength, carve out a place in this nightmare to survive until you can escape.
[ ] The Weakness of My Flesh - Let the space hulk have them. You've barely begun to better yourself as a Priestess of the Faith. Replace the crude flesh that remains and reforge yourself into something that can survive and thrive even in this forsaken place. You'll take allies if you can get them, but if not, you will survive however you must.
[ ] Bunkers and Cannons and Spikes, Oh My! - The danger and risk of a space hulk requires entire kill teams of space marines, dozens of Skitarii, multitudes of Archmagi. As much fire support as you can manage. But you are alone. You will find a defensible location and fortify it until even Rogal Dorn would find it acceptable.

The current quality/tech level goes:
CRUDE - Better than nothing, but worse than the original limb
BASIC - About as good as a flesh limb, but better because its made of metal
IMPROVED - Better than a flesh limb in almost every way
ADVANCED - Vastly superior to a flesh limb
ADVANCED + - Tech at a level only produced by highly skilled artisans and archmagi. It's not Archeotech, but might appear so to the unenlightened
ARCHEOTECH - Produced in the Dark Age of Technology, this cannot be replicated, only used, and only rarely repaired

Above ADVANCED require an example to learn from

Higher quality items typically require more AP to manufacture
Base - your base of operations. Necessary for any kind of long term survival.
[ ] Create Base (Short term) 1 AP. A short term base provides low bonus and is limited in potential upgrades and defenses. It can be built, torn down, and moved fairly quickly. Requires a location to build.
- [ ] Landing Site: a massive open room full of debris. What this place once was, who can say.
[ ] Dismantle Base (Short term) 1 AP. Dismantle your short term base for reuse or relocation. [ ] Create Base (Long term) 4 AP. A long term base provides greater bonuses as well as higher potential for upgrades and defenses, but takes longer to set up, take down, or move. quires a location to build.
- [ ] Landing Site: a massive open room full of debris. What this place once was, who can say. [ ] Dismantle Base (Long term) 4 AP. Dismantle your long term base for reuse or relocation. [ ] Increase Defenses - Increase the quality of existing defenses.
- [ ] Select Defenses to upgrade.
- [ ] Create Additional Defenses 1 AP per defense action - Construct defenses not already integrated into your base requires an existing base.
-- [ ] Steel Debris Walls
-- [ ] Steel Debris Spikes
-- [ ] Fire Zone/Chokepoints
-- [ ] Build Gate (Steel Debris)
-- [ ] Pit Traps
-- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Build Shrine 1 AP - there are many interpretations of the Machine God, many methods of worship. You must have someplace to pray. Build a shrine at which you may meditate and pray without distraction.
[ ] Build Workbench (CRUDE) 1 AP - Does not require a base. Workbench of higher quality than CRUDE requires better materials and a base. Items may be manufactured up to the quality level of the workbench they are made on.
[ ] Upgrade Workbench Quality 1 AP per level of quality - Increase the quality of your workbench by one level. Each level requires more resources than the prior level. Each level provides additional bonus to research and manufacturing options.
[ ] Make base airtight - Requires base. Requires enclosed base. AP requirements based on size and quality of base.
[ ] Write In -
Manufacture: Manufacturing from scratch requires components. Components can be created at 1 AP per 1 Component or at better ratios with better workbenches (subject to adjustment) or recovered from technology. Upgrades also require components. You are capable of manufacturing items to a level of quality and complexity of IMPROVED. Items may be manufactured up to the quality level of the workbench they are made on.

CRUDE technology can be assumed to require 1 component.

[ ] Manufacture Weapons: At Tech 3 , you can manufacture most Imperial weapons that are not considered secret by their creators, though higher complexity weapons have the chance of failure.
- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Manufacture Bionics - Build something to make your body better. You have the the knowledge and ability to manufacture bionics of IMPROVED quality. These are bionics that are better than the parts they are replacing. Higher quality bionics than IMPROVED require research first. Requires a workbench of BASIC or higher quality. With your current facilities, you can only manufacture CRUDE quality bionics. Though that may at times be better than nothing at all.
- [ ] Integrated Tools (BASIC) 2 AP - Requires BASIC quality workbench. Allows the creations of items of BASIC quality without the use of a workbench at double standard AP cost. Can be upgraded past BASIC, though research is required.
- [ ] What Bionic? (Organs, Limbs, Mechadendrites, etc.) Write in -
[ ] Upgrade Bionics - Take a special upgrade action or increase the quality of your bionics. Can only upgrade to IMPROVED level currently.
- What Bionic? Write in -
[ ] Install Bionics (requires uninstalled bionic)
- [ ] Mechadendrite(s)
- [ ] Which Bionics? Write In
- [ ] Replace Organs - (requires uninstalled bionic organ(s) You have the knowledge to replace most of your body with bionics on an IMPROVED level.
-- [ ] Which Organs? Write In
[ ] Create CRUDE air generator/extractor 1 AP - Your internal air supply and recycling will not last forever.
[ ] Create CRUDE corpse starch processor 1 AP - Corpse starch is a mainstay on hive worlds for a reason. A simple device which intakes biomass (usually corpses, hence corpse starch), processes, purifies, and refines it, and results in variable quality nutrient output.
[ ] Create CRUDE bio sludge/algae farm 1 AP - Allows the creation of nutrient output and oxygen through algae. Requires more effort to maintain than an air generator or corpse starch processor.
[ ] Create backpack/sled/cart 1 AP - Fashion a crude method with which to carry things with you. [ ] Create CRUDE Skitarii 10 AP - Requires skitarii subject for conversion. Creates a CRUDE skitarii, capable of poorly performing combat or defensive tasks. Gain 3 AP for simple combat/defensive tasks.
[ ] Create CRUDE Servitor 5 AP - Requires subject for conversion. Creates a CRUDE servitor, capable of simple tasks at a slow pace. Gain 2 AP per turn per servitor for simple tasks.

[ ] Make components 1 AP/Component - Make the more complex parts needed for technology from more base resources. Can be taken multiple times.
[ ] Write In -
Repair - 1 AP - Repair two items (bionic, weapon, device, etc) one level. Non-Functioning ->Low Functioning ->Functioning. Broken items can only be salvaged, inspected, or researched.
[ ] Repair Bionics
- [ ] Which Bionics? Write in -
[ ] Repair Las Emitters
[ ] Repair Tools - Repair which tools?
[ ] Repair Servo Skull - When functional, SRV-SKL-01LZ has 2 AP to be used in
[ ] Write In -
Salvage - bionics, item, etc - Reduce a device to its component parts for reuse.
[ ] Salvage Omnissian Axe - recover 1 x component, 1 x power weapon core.
[ ] Salvage Broken Item 1 AP - Write In -
[ ] Salvage Unbroken Device 1 AP - Write In -
[ ] Write In -

NOTE - I'm going to be locking Research for the first few turns due to in universe time constraints, unless there is sufficient desire from the readers.

Research covers long term learning projects. Each research project can have as many AP dedicated to it as you have AP. Each AP will result in 1 roll for progress using Tech/Int (in this case Bo3) with any relevant bonuses (currently Imperial Tech).

Simple or known repairs and manufacturing can be done without research actions. Things you don't know how to do will need to be researched first.
[ ] Bionics
- [ ] Improve SpiderRig swap speed - At this point, it takes a day of effort to change your SpiderRig from legs to arms. Much of that fine tuning the changes. If you fine-tuned the process, you could cut that down to half a day or even less. If you focus on upgrading the SpiderRig itself, you might even be able to change mode at will. An invaluable feature at any time, but even more so now, with danger at every moment. If only you can find the time to figure out those changes.
- [ ] Improve organs (basic) - You are no Biologis, but you know the theory. With time and effort, you could figure out ways to biologically upgrade the meat that currently keeps much of you running. Or at least, figure out how to repair it and keep it running at it's current level.
- [ ] Upgrade Bionics - You know how to make bionics that are better than flesh. Now it's time to learn to make bionics better than that. Learn to make bionics at ADVANCED quality. Allows you to make better bionics.
- [ ] Quality Upgrade - Quality Upgrade will improve the threshold of damages for the upgraded parts, ie the point at which undamaged/damaged but fixable/nonfunctioning but fixable/unrepairable change. Sturdier bionics
- [ ] Increase Modularity - If you redesign your bionics so that parts can be more easily swapped out, you can more easily repair yourself. Increases effect of repair action.
[ ] Integrated Tools (IMPROVED) - Allows the creations of items of BASIC quality without the use of a workbench. Can be upgraded
[ ] Crude Clone Vat - You need more hands, more labor, more ability to do things. You know the base theory of cloning, but you've never done it from scratch before. Apply your knowledge to create a Crude Clone Vat. Any clones grown will be low quality and prone to numerous issues. A Crude Clone has limitations on what alterations can be done with the developing clone.
[ ] Inspect/research a broken item - while it may never serve its original purpose, you might still learn from it. Advance research towards constructing a specific object as well as your general knowledge of that type of device (eg study a broken las pistol, learn how to make las pistol, las tech, and imperial tech. General knowledge gains are slow.)
[ ] Create blueprint - You need to build it. But you don't know how. Figure it out and record your notes for later reference. Allows creation of a device or item you currently do not know how to make.
- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Write In -
Personal Betterment - on a fundamental base level, you may not be enough. You are going to make yourself better. Personal Betterment involves figuring out and implementing ways to improve yourself. Personal Betterment functions like a Research action
[ ] Trait Gain - you need to change how you approach things fundamentally. Rebuild yourself, fundamentally change your view of the world, shift your methodology. Gain or upgrade a Trait. The Trait Gain research action will generally be the MC figuring out how to implement a change she wishes to make. An action will then become available to implement that change. Certain Traits, generally those involving backstory or specific events, are not possible to attain in this fashion. In the case of major events occuring over the course of the quest, it may be possible to gain an associated Trait. This availability will be noted when it occurs.
- [ ] Event Trait - Double Down - Something happened. And you have changed from it. Double down on that change, you consider it a lesson worth keeping. Gain Trait.
- [ ] See CC for traits
[ ] Skill Gain - your skills are not enough. You need to be better. Gain or upgrade a Skill.
- [ ] See CC for skills
[ ] Increase Stat - Increase a base stat by one.
- [ ] Select Base Stat -
[ ] Expedition - When going on an expedition, select how you want to tackle it: fast but loud, slow but quiet, middle approach. Normally you will also select resources to take with you, but you don't really have that right now.

Locations with have different levels of resources, sublocations, potential caches of technology, enemies, and very maybe allies. You can explore a location multiple times as you are unlikely to find everything in one expedition. When a location is fully explored, it will be marked as such. However, you can never know everything, and circumstances may change. This may or may not be marked.

How are you exploring? (If multiple expeditions are occurring, select speed for each expedition)
- [ ] Fast but loud 1 AP
- [ ] Middle ground 2 AP
- [ ] Slow but quiet 3 AP

[ ] Scouting - scout a location. Provides basic information on an area, including a general idea of resources, enemies, locations, hazards
- [ ] General Location
-- [ ] North of your current location
-- [ ] South of your current location
-- [ ] East of your current location
-- [ ] West of your current location
-- [ ] Above your current location
-- [ ] Below your current location
-- [ ] Back the way you fell
-- [ ] Write in -
- [ ] Specific Location -
-- [ ] Write in -
[ ] Mapping - like scouting, but goal of mapping location. Must be in a scouted location. Maps of an area decrease travel time and increase likelihood of finding useful items
- [ ] Write in -
[ ] Explore - look around a location for unfound resources, etc. The narrower your focus, the more likely you are to find things, but also miss out on other locations. Location - massive section, ship, deck, section of ship, room. The larger the area, the more AP required. - [ ] The room you landed in. All you know is that it's big and full of large debris.
- [ ] Write in -
[ ] Search for [SPECIFIC THING] in [GENERAL/SPECIFIC LOCATION/SPECIFIC DIRECTION] - impacts what you find. Chances of finding SPECIFIC THING is increased, chances of finding other things is decreased. Does not allow you to find SPECIFIC THING in locations where there is no SPECIFIC THING.
- [ ] Short term base
- [ ] Long term base
- [ ] Defensible location
- [ ] Seek Astartes. What happened to them. Neophytes or not, hostile or not, they'll be very helpful in not dying and getting out of here. How are you looking for them?
-- [ ] Back track. Follow the path of debris and path you fell. With luck, it won't be too convoluted and difficult a path. Though depending on luck is rarely worth it.
--- [ ] Use Astartes comm signal - You were connected to the Astartes comm network so they could relay commands. You've lost connection currently, but you can probably use that to try to track them down.
--- [ ] Use shuttle comm signal - Through the Astartes comm network, you had been briefly connected to the shuttle's machine spirit. You'd have to reverse engineer the connection, but you might be able to look for the shuttle instead. It'll be harder than using the Astartes signal, but the shuttle won't be moving. Probably. You hope.
[ ] Investigate - similar to general exploration action, this is focused on information over resources. Information can also be a result of a general expedition.
- [ ] Investigate what/where?
[ ] Flee - The situation is dire. Grab what you can and go. Hopefully its a better place than your current location. Gain bonus to speed and increase likelihood of escape from whatever you're running from.
- [ ] Flee in which direction?
Other Actions -
[ ] Cocoon 1 AP. May be taken multiple times as preparation - There's no chance of survival. No way to survive this place. Find a secret location. Fortify it as much as you can. Hide it even better. Convert your bionics for efficiency. Build the best stasis device you are capable of. Put yourself into hibernation and wait until the situation is less dire. You are unlikely to survive, but you think your chances are better this way than any other. You may set conditions on waking, at which point turns will be made based on rolls seeing if those conditions are met. You'll probably die, but at least it will be a quiet death rather than being torn apart from the horrors of the warp. Probably. You hope.
[ ] Flee 1 AP. May be taken multiple times - Run. Run and never look back. Find the shuttle that brought you here at all costs and leave this place. If failed, difficulty will shift before the next roll based on the prior roll.
[ ] Pray 1 AP. May be taken multiple times - You worship the Machine in action, thought, and deed. Spend time beseeching the Machine God for guidance and assistance. May help. May not. The Machine God helps those who help themselves, and a cog that continues its duty no matter the circumstances is worthy of emulation indeed.
- [ ] Select location for prayer or rites:
[ ] Change bionics location - the locations of your bionics on and in your body are not fixed. Change the location or attachment points of your bionics. Useful if imbalanced or hiding potential weak points.
[ ] Swap SpiderRig Mode 1 AP - Currently Mobility Mode. Ignores terrain debuffs. Grants an additional 2 AP for Exploration actions.
- [ ] Swap to Manipulation Mode. Allows the use of additional weapons in combat and an additional 2 AP for Manufacturing actions.

A/N: Not sure how I want to tackle research projects just yet. It's more intended as an over time sort of thing, and I don't know how I want to implement that for turns that are only one week long.

I'm going to leave as is for now unless there is a lot of interest in research projects the first few turns.

Let me know if there's any glaring errors and I'll get on that at some point. Also formatting issues.
Last edited:
Chapter 2 - ~where oh where has my little neophyte gone?~
A/N: Bleh. The worst part of writing is the clean up and final passes. Cuz you did all the cool stuff, now it's grammar, phrasing, punctuation, double checking continuity and information.

Anyway. Have a chapter.
Chapter 1 Vote:

[X] Plan: Help, help! I'm being oppressed by the darkness!
-[X] No Forge World Stands Alone - You alone are insufficient. Find the Astartes, find anyone alive and sane in this hellish place. Gather allies and strength, carve out a place in this nightmare to survive until you can escape.
-[X] Create Base (Short term) 1 AP. A short term base provides low bonus and is limited in potential upgrades and defenses. It can be built, torn down, and moved fairly quickly. Requires a location to build.
--[X] Landing Site: a massive open room full of debris. What this place once was, who can say.
-[X] Create CRUDE bio sludge/algae farm 1 AP - Allows the creation of nutrient output and oxygen through algae. Requires more effort to maintain than an air generator or corpse starch processor.
-[X] Build Workbench (CRUDE) 1 AP - Does not require a base. Workbench of higher quality than CRUDE requires better materials and a base. Items may be manufactured up to the quality level of the workbench they are made on.
-[X] Repair Bionics (4 AP)
--[X] Left Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg, Servo Skull, Laser Emitters, Plate
-[X] Expedition
--[X] Middle ground 2 AP
---[X] Search for [ASTARTES] in [BACKTRACK]

You stand (sort of) in an enormous room full of junk and debris. You grabbed what you could of your stuff.

Your resources are slim.

You are alone.

You try to drown out your panic.

What you do what you do what you do.


This is fine.

It's not fine.

You aren't some Archmagos with centuries of experience, with tools and technology and weapons to get through all this.

You're just you.

An apprentice.

You aren't bad at this, but compared to where you could be, you have light years to go.

Man, you hope your master didn't just try to get rid of you…


If he did, may his carcass become a servitor and his mind remain fully aware. You'll prove him wrong and wreak vengeance upon him when you return.

And if he didn't, by the Omnissiah you're going to prove the value of his faith in teaching you.

But either way.

You need to get out of here, and not die in the process.

Breathe. The Omnissiah Protects.

First steps. You are a wreck. So much better than it could have been, but still a mess.

Get yourself fixed up. This place looks like trash, but you don't have to look the same.

You can sort of put yourself back together without a workbench, but you're likely to be here a while, so you should at least have something and somewhere to work with and work on.

You could explore to find a better spot, but you're also beat to hell, so you'll find a decent spot where you are currently before trying to expand or go other places.

Around you is junk and debris as far as your sensors can pick up. Which isn't that far, it's dark and your servo skull isn't active. What even was this place? There's a lot of nonspecific bits, girders, cables, massive pieces of machinery and armor plating. You say a brief prayer for the brave spirits of the ship and what was once technology and machinery around you.

You're going to be using their carcasses for shelter, and even if they're long gone, it's helpful to be in their good graces.

You pick your way through the piles of junk, looking for a good spot. It takes a bit. Your initial thought is to find something sturdy but with an overhang, something cavelike or something you can hollow out. Something better than just setting up in the open. Eventually you find a large curved section of plating or girder, possibly a piece of a drop ship? Was this a landing bay? You doubt much of anything here would be working, but that opens a lot of possibilities. The curved chunk of metal is mostly buried, which minimizes a lot of exposure.

Anyway. Curved section. You start dragging debris around the various openings to the start of your simple base and workshop. You want to cover exposed areas and muffle noise if possible. It won't do much, but it's something.

You keep the entrance as small as you can make it, limiting mobility for assault. You haul debris to make a tunnel to the entrance and a small second entrance for escape if you need it. The pathways around the base are covered in scattered metal that will make noise if stepped on, and a narrow path left that is not easy to notice so you can avoid it.

It's something, at least.

You spend most of the next day rigging together a rough workbench. It's not much more than scavenged material fashioned into an elevated surface. You build basic supports to hold things in place and some shelves for your tools.

While you are doing this, there is no light. The vast room is dark, and you feel no need to light a spotlight for anything that might be around.

Now that you have a simple base and workshop, you need to get yourself together.

You lay your tools and basic medical supplies out on the workbench.

You start by strapping your left arm back together. You have more repairs to make, and two arms will make it so much easier. This one takes time. It's all going to, but this is messy filthy meat, and you like metal and steel. The purity of the blessed machine, as you have heard a million times before. Meat is gross and fragile and an absolute nightmare to put back together. You have utmost respect for any Archmagos Biologis for what they have decided to study. But ew.

You have to figure out where the embedded steel cabling is currently, where it's supposed to be, and what it tore apart as it moved there. Before you locate, replace, and relocate it, you set the bones, screwing in small steel braces to hold the break in place. Then you need to move the steel wire enhancements back in place, make sure they stay there, and start on the other nightmare puzzle that is tying all the ruined flesh back into place to heal. It will heal relatively quickly, but if you don't relocate the muscle and tendons, it would have remained a mess.

There is more you could do to repair your left arm, but it will heal the rest of the way on its own and time is precious. Likewise, your right arm works and will heal, so you leave it alone.

Maybe remove those wires upgrades implanted in the tissue of your arms and replace them, because that design clearly has issues. Of course, it was never intended to carry you through an OMNISSIAH CURSED SPACE HULK! It was fine for a normal bionic implant built by an apprentice tech priest! Where you weren't expecting to be torn apart just yet.

With your left arm put back together enough to be mostly functional and to heal properly, you turn to the next repair.

Legs, armor, las emitters, servo skull, power axe. What takes priority here? The axe can only be salvaged, so at this moment that isn't the best use of your time. Repair your servo skull for scouting and patrols to head off anything that might come after you and be better prepared? Armor to take a few more hits? Las emitters to have any kind of fully functional weapon? Your legs for full mobility?

Actually that last is probably the most important. There is very little here you are likely to be able to actually hurt as you are, so fleeing should always be your first choice. You have one leg on your left working at all, so you're gonna get a second left leg to balance things out for as much mobility as you can as quickly as possible.

You work on the front left leg, the one that remains a leg when you shift your SpiderRig to function as arms. This serves the dual purpose of additional support on the left side, and allows you to make full use of manipulation mode.

It's taken quite a bit of damage. Fortunately, much can be restored to functionality by forcing the metal back into place. That said, it's much easier said than done. Several struts need to be swapped out and fully repaired, at least three supports are jammed and require material to be removed when it cannot be bent back into shape. A full third of the wiring needs to be spliced or redone. Tolerances are not what you'd like, but function is restored in full.

That takes the better part of a day as the leg was non-functional when you started. You now have one more functional left leg, which makes two on either side. You take some time to more properly secure the two busted rear legs into stable positioning out of the way. The rear most will have to be salvaged and replaced, but the other will still be repairable.

You rest, then when you have recovered, you begin work on your front right leg for the same reason (full use of both modes), as well as as much mobility as you can eke out of your damaged frame. There is less to repair here, but you need to splice wires, restore servos, and bend a lot of metal back into place.

You get the las emitters working next. It's just the capacitors, so quite a bit of fiddly electric work in directing and containing the motive force. Eventually you get those patched up and they hold their charge, allowing for it to work as intended.

You spend the rest of the day patching up your armor. Some plates are fine, some are only dented, some are cracked and badly damaged. You use your las emitters as a simple heat emitter, welding cracks together and softening plates to remove dents. You rig together a makeshift annealing oven, then put the plates into it and use the las emitters to heat the armor plates to a high temperature and slowly cool to relieve internal stresses.

Once the annealing is done, you spend time work-hardening the plates. It would be nice to have proper facilities for this, to rebuild the plate from scratch rather than this kludged together process, but you are grateful it's still something you can do.

Now it's time for more detailed work.

Lots of stuff needs to be fixed for SRV-SKL-01LZ and you settle in for the work. The skull housing is intact barring small scratches, which you smooth out. You pull out most of the internals and begin cataloging damages. Damaged wires, cracked connections, disconnected components, these can be easily repaired.

The gravity emitters, less so. It takes a good amount of clever fiddling to get them working again, and you still aren't happy with your work, but work it does.

The small arms underneath are heavily damaged, ideally requiring a full replacement, but here you reconnect broken pieces, splicing wires, and reinforce what you can.

You are finally able to return everything to its proper place and bolt it into place.

You ping the skull which issues a return ping and begins hovering around you.

A small grin passes your lips under your gas mask.

Your final task before attempting to backtrack and hopefully find the Blood Angels is to get some kind of biosludge farm running.

Your tools and materials are limited, and you get the feeling that's how things might be for a while. A proper algae farm uses gene-crafted algae in a large vat, which consumes raw biomaterials and converts it into usable material, primarily oxygen, and consumable algae. You, however, don't have access to gene-crafted algae, and so are forced to make do. Something else you feel will be how it goes for a while.

Lacking algae, you are forced to substitute simple biological processes and crude bacteria.

Several steel plates are sufficient to weld into a large drum. A rough pump and monitoring system is pulled together from various materials, wires, and a small engine you are able to find. It is filthy and corroded, but it cleans up well enough. You use various cables and tubing that you are able to scavenge to connect the pump and filtration systems.

The sensors integrated in the system will regulate chemical and gas levels, adjusting input and output, to create a somewhat stable system. The system is crude, so you will periodically need to monitor and make adjustments to ensure it doesn't go too far out of whack.

You aren't terribly thrilled with your work. You can see dozens of ways to make it better that are unavailable to you, but you have something that will allow you to eke out a slightly more sustainable existence.


No forge world stands alone. Each is the seat of creation, where untold trillions of tons of raw material are processed to feed the war machine of the Imperium, without which humanity would crumble.

The raw materials have to come from somewhere. The forge worlds have to be defended.The production output needs to be transported to its destination.

And even if it could stand alone, what worth is a forge world with nothing to forge, with no purpose?

On the more micro scale, any tech priest is capable. But even if the great work, the ultimate goal, is the consolidation and recovery of all knowledge, no Magos knows everything. No Forgemaster can craft everything that can be crafted. And even if they could, one priest is nothing on the scale required. From servitors and menials, to Archmagi and Forgemasters, all are but cogs within a vast machine.

Philosophical musings aside, the point is that you need more people to help out. Beginning with the Blood Angels Neophytes that dragged you into this mess.

You decide to start by backtracking. You could have used signals, but that requires more time and less direct effort.

You trace your way back to where your body lay, servo skull humming quietly at your side. Within the internal machinery and small databanks, processes whir and machine spirits hum, tracking paths and building maps. Sensors invisibly lance out, monitoring the space around you.

As you traverse the clutter and ruin, the smoothed motion of your legs working in tandem brings great satisfaction to your soul. Your arms will heal fully soon and as soon as you have a moment, you can patch the last damages on your legs. It would be nice if you can find enough parts to make a decent replacement for your missing legs.

At the spot where you awoke, you see that your body slid somewhat and follow the direction you must have come from.

Just past the edge of SRV-SKL-01LZ's sensors is the edge of the room. It seems you came to rest close to the edge, relative to the size of the room.

Again, what was this place? A docking bay, a salvage room, disposal and recovery, a cargo bay? Strange to have so much huge and empty.

Ten meters or so up the side of the wall is a vent or chute of some kind, presumably where you were spat out. You haul yourself up, legs giving extra contact points, and enter the chute.

Backtracking roll - 11, 20 Insight
DC (6/20/40/65/85/100)

Very shortly after, you stop and try to get your bearings. This place is an absolute mess. There are numerous intersecting pathways to begin with. Many are full of junk, and on top of that there is a lot of damage, rust, and more. Broken panels lead into gaps within the walls and structure. You can barely tell what was there originally and what wasn't.

You have to try though.

A full day later, you have to accept defeat.

You found one clear path, but that path went down, not up. Several pathways have clearly shifted from their intended orientation and lead directly into walls. In three separate instances you thought you found a way through or around, but found yourself stuck inside a wall and it took an embarrassing amount of effort to pull yourself back out.

You'll make no further progress today.

(+5 bonus to future backtracking rolls, including following comms signal)

Finding Space Marines? - 57, 54 Insight
DC (40/60/80/100)

You do have much better luck with the actual purpose of your search. Astartes. Allies in this place. You find no actual people, but you do find a blood splatter and fragments of tissue that match what you know of space marine biology. That particular path is closed right now, you'll need to dig and search, but that's much better than nothing.

On the plus side, even if you barely got anywhere with backtracking, that tells you that while you don't know how far the space marine(s) are, it can't be too far.

(+5 bonus to future searches for space marines)

Event roll - 57, 41 Stealth (2 AP balanced approach)
Something is stirring.
(+2 to next event roll)

You make your way back to your base of operations and make your plans.



I'm going to remove the COMPONENTS aspect of manufacturing and actions. I think it's going to require more tracking and balancing than I want to deal with. Instead, as long as you have parts of a quality that can reasonably be expected to create a device, you can make it, so long as you have the tools/workbench to do so. So if you have parts salvaged from a good condition high tech engine, for example, you could make an equal quality bionic if you have a high enough quality workbench. This will still provide limitations, but a lot less specific number tracking.

New Actions are in green.

Current Location: Landing Site. Location unknown. No current known immediate threats.
Physical Status:
Primary Base of Operations: Short Term Base (Landing Site)
Base Defense Level: Minimal
Base Research/Manufacture Bonus: 0 (Short Term Base, Crude Bench)
Current Resources:
Ruined Axe
Damaged Servo Skull
Basic Tools
Basic medical supplies
Gas Mask
You have no components/parts
Junk - materials for most simple devices
Workbench: Crude Bench. You are capable of manufacturing at a level of CRUDE quality. Your skill allows you to manufacture at a level of IMPROVED quality if you have a workbench of IMPROVED quality.
Biosludge/Algae Farm: CRUDE. Maintenance 2/2

ACTIONS - You have 7 AP
You have + 2 AP from SpiderRig Mobility Mode for Exploration Actions or traveling.
Your SRV-SKL-01LZ has + 2 AP for use in minor actions such as scouting, scanning, mapping, or patrolling.

Actions that cannot currently be taken have been crossed out.

Base - your base of operations. Necessary for any kind of long term survival.
[ ] Create Base (Short term) 1 AP. A short term base provides low bonus and is limited in potential upgrades and defenses. It can be built, torn down, and moved fairly quickly. Requires a location to build.
- [ ] Landing Site: a massive open room full of debris. What this place once was, who can say.
[ ] Dismantle Base (Short term) 1 AP. Dismantle your short term base for reuse or relocation.
[ ] Create Base (Long term) 4 AP. A long term base provides greater bonuses as well as higher potential for upgrades and defenses, but takes longer to set up, take down, or move. quires a location to build.
- [ ] Landing Site: a massive open room full of debris. What this place once was, who can say. [ ] Dismantle Base (Long term) 4 AP. Dismantle your long term base for reuse or relocation.
[ ] Increase Defenses - Increase the quality of existing defenses.
- [ ] Select Defenses to upgrade.
- [ ] Create Additional Defenses 1 AP per defense action - Construct defenses not already integrated into your base requires an existing base.
-- [ ] Steel Debris Walls
-- [ ] Steel Debris Spikes
-- [ ] Fire Zone/Chokepoints
-- [ ] Build Gate (Steel Debris)
-- [ ] Pit Traps
-- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Build Shrine 1 AP - there are many interpretations of the Machine God, many methods of worship. You must have someplace to pray. Build a shrine at which you may meditate and pray without distraction.
[ ] Build Workbench (CRUDE) 1 AP - Does not require a base. Workbench of higher quality than CRUDE requires better materials and a base. Items may be manufactured up to the quality level of the workbench they are made on.
[ ] Upgrade Workbench Quality 1 AP per level of quality (ie 1 AP for BASIC, 2 AP for IMPROVED, etc) - Increase the quality of your workbench by one level. Each level requires resources of the level of quality of the upgrade level (ie IMPROVED workbench required IMPROVED parts). Each level provides additional bonus to research and manufacturing options.
[ ] Make base airtight - Requires base. Requires enclosed base. AP requirements based on size and quality of base.
[ ] Write In -
Manufacture: Manufacturing from scratch is limited by general resource quality and quality of workbench. You are capable of manufacturing items to a level of quality and complexity of IMPROVED. Items may be manufactured up to the quality level of the workbench they are made on, or one level higher than the current workbench at double AP cost.
[ ] Manufacture Weapons: At Tech 3 , you can manufacture most Imperial weapons that are not considered secret by their creators, though higher complexity weapons have the chance of failure.
- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Manufacture Bionics - Build something to make your body better. You have the the knowledge and ability to manufacture bionics of IMPROVED quality. These are bionics that are better than the parts they are replacing. Higher quality bionics than IMPROVED require research first. Requires a workbench of BASIC or higher quality. With your current facilities, you can only manufacture CRUDE quality bionics. Though that may at times be better than nothing at all.
- [ ] Integrated Tools (BASIC) 2 AP - Requires BASIC quality workbench. Allows the creations of items of BASIC quality without the use of a workbench at double standard AP cost. Can be upgraded past BASIC, though research is required.
- [ ] What Bionic? (Organs, Limbs, Mechadendrites, etc.) Write in -
[ ] Upgrade Bionics - Take a special upgrade action or increase the quality of your bionics. Can only upgrade to IMPROVED level currently.
- What Bionic? Write in -
[ ] Install Bionics (requires uninstalled bionic)
- [ ] Mechadendrite(s)
- [ ] Which Bionics? Write In
- [ ] Replace Organs - (requires uninstalled bionic organ(s) You have the knowledge to replace most of your body with bionics on an IMPROVED level.
-- [ ] Which Organs? Write In
[ ] Create CRUDE air generator/extractor 1 AP - Your internal air supply and recycling will not last forever.
[ ] Create CRUDE corpse starch processor 1 AP - Corpse starch is a mainstay on hive worlds for a reason. A simple device which intakes biomass (usually corpses, hence corpse starch), processes, purifies, and refines it, and results in variable quality nutrient output.
[ ] MANUFACTURED Create CRUDE bio sludge/algae farm 1 AP - Allows the creation of nutrient output and oxygen through algae. Requires more effort to maintain than an air generator or corpse starch processor.
[ ] Create backpack/sled/cart 1 AP - Fashion a crude method with which to carry things with you.
[ ] Create CRUDE Skitarii 10 AP - Requires skitarii subject for conversion. Creates a CRUDE skitarii, capable of poorly performing combat or defensive tasks. Gain 3 AP for simple combat/defensive tasks.
[ ] Create CRUDE Servitor 5 AP - Requires subject for conversion. Creates a CRUDE servitor, capable of simple tasks at a slow pace. Gain 2 AP per turn per servitor for simple tasks.

[ ] Increase Parts Quality 1 AP/Quality Level/Amount - Make the more complex parts needed for technology from more base resources. Can be taken multiple times. Each level of quality requires parts of the quality level below it which is consumed when taking this action. Parts can be manufactured up to one level of quality above the quality of the workbench at doubled AP cost (ie with a CRUDE workbench, BASIC parts can be created at 2 AP. This will create 1 set of BASIC parts usable for any project requiring basic parts and will be consumed in the process.)
Build parts/upgrade parts - 1 AP per level of quality

[ ] Write In -
Repair - 1 AP - Repair two items (bionic, weapon, device, etc) one level. Non-Functioning ->Low Functioning ->Functioning. Broken items can only be salvaged, inspected, or researched.
[ ] Repair Bionics
- [ ] Which Bionics? Write in -
[ ] Repair Tools - Repair which tools?
[ ] Write In -
Salvage - bionics, item, etc - Reduce a device to its component parts for reuse.
[ ] Salvage Omnissian Axe - small amount of parts for up to ADVANCED technology, 1 x power weapon core.
[ ] Salvage Broken Item 1 AP - Write In -
[ ] Salvage Unbroken Device 1 AP - Write In -
[ ] Write In -

NOTE - I'm going to be locking Research for the first few turns due to in universe time constraints, unless there is sufficient desire from the readers.

Research covers long term learning projects. Each research project can have as many AP dedicated to it as you have AP. Each AP will result in 1 roll for progress using Tech/Int (in this case Bo3) with any relevant bonuses (currently Imperial Tech).

Simple or known repairs and manufacturing can be done without research actions. Things you don't know how to do will need to be researched first.

[ ] Bionics
- [ ] Improve SpiderRig swap speed - At this point, it takes a day of effort to change your SpiderRig from legs to arms. Much of that fine tuning the changes. If you fine-tuned the process, you could cut that down to half a day or even less. If you focus on upgrading the SpiderRig itself, you might even be able to change mode at will. An invaluable feature at any time, but even more so now, with danger at every moment. If only you can find the time to figure out those changes.
- [ ] Improve organs (basic) - You are no Biologis, but you know the theory. With time and effort, you could figure out ways to biologically upgrade the meat that currently keeps much of you running. Or at least, figure out how to repair it and keep it running at it's current level.
- [ ] Upgrade Bionics - You know how to make bionics that are better than flesh. Now it's time to learn to make bionics better than that. Learn to make bionics at ADVANCED quality. Allows you to make better bionics.
- [ ] Quality Upgrade - Quality Upgrade will improve the threshold of damages for the upgraded parts, ie the point at which undamaged/damaged but fixable/nonfunctioning but fixable/unrepairable change. Sturdier bionics
- [ ] Increase Modularity - If you redesign your bionics so that parts can be more easily swapped out, you can more easily repair yourself. Increases effect of repair action.
- [ ] Pain Editor - A pain editor is an extremely useful device. Capable of dulling or eliminating pain but allowing the data regarding damages to pass into your knowledge, this would eliminate any negative effects of pain. You know this exists, but do not currently know how to create it.
[ ] Integrated Tools (IMPROVED) - Allows the creations of items of BASIC quality without the use of a workbench. Can be upgraded
[ ] Crude Clone Vat - You need more hands, more labor, more ability to do things. You know the base theory of cloning, but you've never done it from scratch before. Apply your knowledge to create a Crude Clone Vat. Any clones grown will be low quality and prone to numerous issues. A Crude Clone has limitations on what alterations can be done with the developing clone.
[ ] Inspect/research a broken item - while it may never serve its original purpose, you might still learn from it. Advance research towards constructing a specific object as well as your general knowledge of that type of device (eg study a broken las pistol, learn how to make las pistol, las tech, and imperial tech. General knowledge gains are slow.)
[ ] Create blueprint - You need to build it. But you don't know how. Figure it out and record your notes for later reference. Allows creation of a device or item you currently do not know how to make.
- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Write In -
Personal Betterment - on a fundamental base level, you may not be enough. You are going to make yourself better. Personal Betterment involves figuring out and implementing ways to improve yourself. Personal Betterment functions like a Research action
[ ] Trait Gain - you need to change how you approach things fundamentally. Rebuild yourself, fundamentally change your view of the world, shift your methodology. Gain or upgrade a Trait. The Trait Gain research action will generally be the MC figuring out how to implement a change she wishes to make. An action will then become available to implement that change. Certain Traits, generally those involving backstory or specific events, are not possible to attain in this fashion. In the case of major events occuring over the course of the quest, it may be possible to gain an associated Trait. This availability will be noted when it occurs.
- [ ] Event Trait - Double Down - Something happened. And you have changed from it. Double down on that change, you consider it a lesson worth keeping. Gain Trait.
- [ ] See CC for traits
[ ] Skill Gain - your skills are not enough. You need to be better. Gain or upgrade a Skill.
- [ ] See CC for skills
[ ] Increase Stat - Increase a base stat by one.
- [ ] Select Base Stat -
[ ] Expedition - When going on an expedition, select how you want to tackle it: fast but loud, slow but quiet, middle approach. Normally you will also select resources to take with you, but you don't really have that right now.

Locations with have different levels of resources, sublocations, potential caches of technology, enemies, and very maybe allies. You can explore a location multiple times as you are unlikely to find everything in one expedition. When a location is fully explored, it will be marked as such. However, you can never know everything, and circumstances may change. This may or may not be marked.

How are you exploring? (If multiple expeditions are occurring, select speed for each expedition)
- [ ] Fast but loud 1 AP
- [ ] Middle ground 2 AP
- [ ] Slow but quiet 3 AP

[ ] Scouting - scout a location. Provides basic information on an area, including a general idea of resources, enemies, locations, hazards
- [ ] General Location
-- [ ] North of your current location
-- [ ] South of your current location
-- [ ] East of your current location
-- [ ] West of your current location
-- [ ] Above your current location
-- [ ] Below your current location
-- [ ] Back the way you fell
-- [ ] Write in -
- [ ] Specific Location -
-- [ ] Write in -
[ ] Mapping - like scouting, but goal of mapping location. Must be in a scouted location. Maps of an area decrease travel time and increase likelihood of finding useful items
- [ ] Write in -
[ ] Explore - look around a location for unfound resources, etc. The narrower your focus, the more likely you are to find things, but also miss out on other locations. Location - massive section, ship, deck, section of ship, room. The larger the area, the more AP required.
- [ ] The room you landed in. All you know is that it's big and full of large debris. It's full of a lot of different kinds of debris, including sections that might have come from drop ships or shuttles.
- [ ] The vents you fell through. The deck gave way and you fell some distance through the ship. Hopefully just the one ship. At some point you ended up in what is presumably a vent system of some sort which spat you out into a large room full of junk. The vents are poorly laid out, labyrinthine, and badly damaged. But vents often lead to extensive areas of a ship and you might have good fortune here, if you can find your way through.
- [ ] Write in -
[ ] Search for [SPECIFIC THING] in [GENERAL/SPECIFIC LOCATION/SPECIFIC DIRECTION] - impacts what you find. Chances of finding SPECIFIC THING is increased, chances of finding other things is decreased. Does not allow you to find SPECIFIC THING in locations where there is no SPECIFIC THING.
- [ ] Short term base
- [ ] Long term base
- [ ] Defensible location
- [ ] Seek Astartes. What happened to them. Neophytes or not, hostile or not, they'll be very helpful in not dying and getting out of here. How are you looking for them?
-- [ ] Back track (+10) - Follow the path of debris and path you fell. With luck, it won't be too convoluted and difficult a path. Though depending on luck is rarely worth it.
--- [ ] Use Astartes comm signal (+10) - You were connected to the Astartes comm network so they could relay commands. You've lost connection currently, but you can probably use that to try to track them down.
--- [ ] Use shuttle comm signal (+5) - Through the Astartes comm network, you had been briefly connected to the shuttle's machine spirit. You'd have to reverse engineer the connection, but you might be able to look for the shuttle instead. It'll be harder than using the Astartes signal, but the shuttle won't be moving. Probably. You hope.
[ ] Investigate - similar to general exploration action, this is focused on information over resources. Information can also be a result of a general expedition.
- [ ] Investigate what/where?
- [ ] Gellar Field Generator - The Warp is a nightmare hellscape and if the Space Hulk returns to the warp while you are unprotected, your body will be torn apart and your soul shredded. Who knows what remains functioning or repairable in this planet sized pile of ruined ships, but you need something to keep you alive in the Warp.
[ ] Flee - The situation is dire. Grab what you can and go. Hopefully its a better place than your current location. Gain bonus to speed and increase likelihood of escape from whatever you're running from.
- [ ] Flee in which direction?
Other Actions -
[ ] Cocoon 1 AP. May be taken multiple times as preparation - There's no chance of survival. No way to survive this place. Find a secret location. Fortify it as much as you can. Hide it even better. Convert your bionics for efficiency. Build the best stasis device you are capable of. Put yourself into hibernation and wait until the situation is less dire. You are unlikely to survive, but you think your chances are better this way than any other. You may set conditions on waking, at which point turns will be made based on rolls seeing if those conditions are met. You'll probably die, but at least it will be a quiet death rather than being torn apart from the horrors of the warp. Probably. You hope.
[ ] Flee 1 AP. May be taken multiple times - Run. Run and never look back. Find the shuttle that brought you here at all costs and leave this place. If failed, difficulty will shift before the next roll based on the prior roll.
[ ] Pray 1 AP. May be taken multiple times - You worship the Machine in action, thought, and deed. Spend time beseeching the Machine God for guidance and assistance. May help. May not. The Machine God helps those who help themselves, and a cog that continues its duty no matter the circumstances is worthy of emulation indeed.
- [ ] Select location for prayer or rites:
[ ] Change bionics location - the locations of your bionics on and in your body are not fixed. Change the location or attachment points of your bionics. Useful if imbalanced or hiding potential weak points.
[ ] Swap SpiderRig Mode 1 AP - Currently Mobility Mode. Ignores terrain debuffs. Grants an additional 2 AP for Exploration actions.
- [ ] Swap to Manipulation Mode. Allows the use of additional weapons in combat and an additional 2 AP for Manufacturing actions.

a/n: I think I got most changes for Actions, but let me know if I missed anything.

Moratorium on voting for 12 hours

Edit: made AP correction. 7 AP BaSE, +2 from skull for scouting, scanning, mapping, or patrolling, +2 from mobility mode for exploration or traveling.
Last edited:
Chapter 3: He’s just tired, it’s fine
[X] Plan: Building On Up!
-[X] Increase Defenses - Increase the quality of existing defenses.
--[X] Steel Debris Walls (1 AP)
--[X] Steel Debris Gates (1 AP)
-[X] Upgrade Workbench Quality: CRUDE to BASIC (1 AP)
-[X] Increase Parts Quality
--[X] Create BASIC Components (2 AP)
-[X] Create backpack/sled/cart (1 AP)
-[X] Repair Bionics (1 AP)
--[X] Left Leg 2, Right Leg 2
-[X] Explore - look around a location for unfound resources, etc. The narrower your focus, the more likely you are to find things, but also miss out on other locations. Location - massive section, ship, deck, section of ship, room. The larger the area, the more AP required.
--[X] The vents you fell through. The deck gave way and you fell some distance through the ship. Hopefully just the one ship. At some point you ended up in what is presumably a vent system of some sort which spat you out into a large room full of junk. The vents are poorly laid out, labyrinthine, and badly damaged. But vents often lead to extensive areas of a ship and you might have good fortune here, if you can find your way through.
---[X] Servo Skull (+2 AP)
----[X] Middle Ground (2 AP)
--[X] Search for [ASTARTES] using [COMM SIGNAL]
---[X] Middle Ground (2 AP)

In your first search for the Blood Angels, you found an extremely complicated and labyrinthine vent system of some kind and traces of Astartes blood. You have high hopes for progress this week.

While you work on things around your workshop and base, you send out SRV-SKL-01LZ to explore and map the accessible portions of the vents.

As SRV-SKL-01LZ whirs off, you turn to your current resources. You have air, and you have calories. The air smells and the food bars formed from biosludge are foul, but memories of far fouler things consumed to keep you alive in the underhive remind you of how much worse it could be, so you'll make do. At least now you have the blessings of the machine to filter and refine rather than mere fire or heating vents to burn away the worst impurities.

Now that you've dealt with the immediate concerns of suffocation and starvation, you want to build defenses of some sort. Walls and doors will do for now, proper physical defenses over minor concealment. A hollow shelter covered by junk.

The lack of protection has been weighing on you. Your best options all require more resources, technology, and processing that you have currently. Eventually you might be able to build material processors, which could feed into cloning vats for servitors which would lessen the need for your direct intervention and allow you to focus on the work only you can currently do, the tasks requiring skill and learning. You could refine materials for strong walls, build guided las cannons on mounts for an inevitable incursion. Lightning imbued rails, chemical weapons, as much firepower as you could possibly build from all this scrap, and everything you can find and repurpose. A space hulk is a treasure trove, if you can but find it.

And avoid near certain death in the process.

But right now you have scrap, only yourself for a workforce, and limited time.

You resign yourself to crude walls of scrap, reinforced with other scrap, and welded together.


To minimize trips and ease the hauling of large amounts of material, you will make a cart.

You scuttle around this vast room of junk and scrap, looking for parts that might help. You find a mostly flat piece and cut it to shape. Scraps from the cutting and some bars give the cart some sides to prevent contents from falling out. You were able to scavenge bearings from something, who knows what it once was, and use them to mount axles and wheels to your cart frame. The wheels are in rough shape, but with grease and sacred oils, they turn near silently on the bearings. You have no censure to waft incense, so this must do. The important thing is the wheels have rubber, which will muffle sound and provide an amount of shock absorption to the cart.

Cart obtained! Gain the ability to move stuff you can't just carry and a whole lot of stuff you can!

It's a simple thing, far from the gravity fed hover carts used for bulk transport. But it's sturdy, and it works. A sled might have been simpler and quicker to construct, but even your best work would still be a large object dragged across vast uneven ground, a decidedly less quiet process.

Your cart gets its first task in carting around as much flat metal as you can find. Anything with a reasonable amount of structural integrity goes into the cart, with a focus on pieces that could work as wall panels or support struts.

This place is enormous. If you dedicated some time to it, you might even find something more useful than scrap here. But you need large sturdy pieces right now.

You hear a vast groaning that you would normally associate with the superstructure of a starship, so low and deep that it is felt than heard. Is superstructure even the correct word anymore? Maybe for one ship, but not all? What would you use then?

It permeates your bones, both calcium framework and steel, almost unnoticeable and passing from your attention until something happens that reminds you.

Stacks of steel gradually form around your little workshop, sorted by quality, level of damage, plates and sheets, or salvage that could function as support struts.

One of the many advantages of steel, there is no searing of lactic acid in your legs, no aching tiredness. Your lungs burn, and your heart thumps rapidly in your chest. The mild enhancements they currently enjoy are only somewhat better than baseline.

From the salvaged metal, you begin to add walls, plating, and protection.

You focus on reinforcing your current shelter and workshop. At some point you will need to expand, but for now, you cover gaps in the walls, weld plates over weakened structures. You then build up defensive walls around the structure to provide a level of protection and force distance between yourself and the unforgiving hulk.

At the entrance you build gates to more easily pass the walls. A large winch inside and one hidden activator outside the walls allows the gate to be hauled aside.

One delightful piece of salvage is a bulkhead door, which you use as the main door to the workshop itself. The back exit has a proper hinged door now, and is hidden from both sides with debris to look like part of the wall.

You need better tools. A better workbench. And so, slightly more secure in your protection, you begin to work on turning rough pieces into better materials with which to work.

Taking this rough clay and forming it into something a little better without proper tools takes time. You take rusted, broken steel and clean it, shape it, and heat treat it, forming a small pile of steel stock of varying hardness and quality. Wires are more delicate, and you need to fashion a wire roller before you can take copper scrap and gradually draw it down into different sizes. The plastics you salvaged are filthy, all sorts of different qualities, but they serve for insulation for your wires. You make simple gears and hinge arms, nuts and bolts, whatever you can think you might need to improve your workbench. These materials are so much better than the scrap you had been working with, but with your crude tools, this takes much more time than it should. At the end of two days, you have everything you need.

You immediately turn to use them in upgrading your workbench.

The original rough surface is covered with a smoothed rectangular piece of steel. You run wires and cables around and through your for power. A generator will come later, currently it must draw from your own internal power when necessary. You add clamps and grasping arms, drawers for specific tools, and sections for custom tools as you make them.

You whisper the cants you know as you work. You don't have near enough training for this, near enough knowledge of the rituals of your order. You do the best you can, and pray that will be enough to placate the machine spirits of your creations.

You add the wire rollers, your small annealing oven, then racks for raw and processed material. The size of the workbench has nearly tripled. You have so much more space, and so much more to work with. The symbol of the mechanicus, the skull within the sacred cog, is stamped in the center of the work space. You are slightly ashamed it wasn't on the prior bench, but then, that was hardly a worthy working for the cog, was it? This barely is either, but it begins to head in the right direction.

Using your much nicer bench, you repair your last two damaged legs. Much the same as others, you bend struts back into place, repair wiring, replace what you can, and recalibrate them back to proper levels. The second left leg still has some work to do, but nothing that will impact its function. At this point, the flesh of your arms has repaired itself sufficiently, and your arms are working at full capacity. You still lack one leg, the rear left, which will need to be replaced at some point.

As you are in the process of putting the last pieces of your leg back together, you receive a ping from SRV-SKL-01LZ. It hovers near the front door, and you put your tools aside to go to the door. SRV-SKL-01LZ hovers in.

stated mission: explore and map sections of area [space hulk: vents] time period: est two days approx

mission status: current iteration complete.

additional areas unmapped. continue exploration?

mission notes: time stamp [mission time] 1:17:23:01 flagged

query: review flagged time stamp or review full mission?

awaiting orders

You smile faintly, glad that SRV-SKL-01LZ has returned unscathed.

review full mission at high speed, slowing at points of interest throughout


SRV-SKL-01LZ connects to your goggles, a thin data mechadendrite snaking out and establishing connection before recorded video footage streams rapidly across your vision.

SRV-SKL-01LZ exploring vents -
rolled Insight
Backtracking bonus (+5)
(70) (+5) = 75
(+1 to future vents exploration)

First your servo skull shows you a map of the vents and where it traveled. The direction the skull went seems to be towards the fore of this particular ship or rather, section of the space hulk. The skull notes broken places, blockages, clear paths, and other points of note. You'd send it more to map the vents than anything else, not really expecting to find value in anything other than a better understanding of the layout and potential paths to make your way through. Your exact wording had been "find your way through" and the skull seems to have done well.

As the images flicker by and a 3D map is laid out for you, the skull reaches the tagged time and slows to 1:1 speed.

You watch carefully and see the perspective of the skull as it passes along slats in the wall which would have allowed transfer of atmosphere at a point when there was more functional life support. On the other side of the slats, on the far side of the corridor, is movement. The perspective bobs slightly, moving closer to get a better look. It shows a humanoid shape stepping slowly and carefully down the corridor. Who or what is unclear. The figure is covered in what you guess to be some form of life support suit or armor, covered in junk and scrap. To blend in, you wonder? Or just poorly maintained?

As the view focuses, the figure stills, whipping its head towards the skull, before turning and sprinting back the way it came, steps oddly silent.

As the figure leaves frame, the marked time segment ends, and footage accelerates back to high speed.

Well then. That's some kind of living being. One that might not have completely lost its mind. A clever and skilled one too, to still be alive.

Who or what was unclear. It could have been an Imperium suit under the camouflage and repairs, but without a closer and clear view, it's impossible to say. You would estimate the figure to be close to two meters tall with more or less humanoid proportions. That could be anything. Human, mutant, some kind of xeno. They didn't attack though, which isn't necessarily good or bad.

Now what to do about them? Your ability to act on this information may be limited for some time, but once you can, what then? Assuming sanity, or at least a somewhat directable version of insanity, then ally and recruitment. Each set of hands at your disposal is one more set of hands to hold weaponry, to build walls, to stand guard, and to search this place. Hopefully they stay alive until you find them. There is so much to do and so many plans to make.

With your body now as repaired as you can make it and some kind of surviving sentient to consider, you put the skull on sentry mode and enter the vents yourself. Why use the vents if there are probably corridors? You're still looking for the astartes, and you have some knowledge of the vents. Traveling by corridor is new paths, new hazards. Besides, there's probably less that can get at you in the vents. Though assuming that will probably get you killed, so you stay on guard. This you know all too well from your time in the underhive.

Finding Astartes with comm signal? -
rolled Insight
Comms (+10)
(72, 56) (+10) = 82, 66
DC (40/60/80/100)
Found one

Astartes condition? - 21
DC (10/20/30/60/85/95)

You dive back into the vents using blood traces as a directional starting point and the comm signal as a refinement. To this point, you hadn't bothered with the comm signal. You were still connected, but no traffic whatsoever. Could be blocked, too far, maybe just dead or unconscious.

But with a direction, you can use the signal to narrow down stuff when you go off track, and help with navigating.

More blood, bone fragments,

A crackle, ever so slight. You're moving in the right direction.

Down you go, down and down and out. Past a certain point though, the path opens up and the blood trail is much more obvious. Either the body crashing through opening it up, or it opened up allowing the body through.

You find one of the astartes embedded in a wall, plasteel crumpled around him. Plating and girders lie on top and around him. His condition is unclear, but not good. How that applies to one of the Emperors Angels is also unclear. For a normal human, this would be a write off. Recycle the body, extract and reclaim any bionics and enhancements. For a noble or high ranking official, there would be extensive bionics required to rebuild at great cost and enormous resource consumption.

You know the astartes are made of sterner stuff. But the puddles of blood, the pieces of bone and armor do not bode well.

You approach slowly, weapons at the ready, pointed around you.

Knowledge of Astartes biology -
rolled Technical Skill/Intelligence
Skill: Imperium Tech (+5)
(8,14,93), 93+5, 98
DC (10/30/50/80/90/100)
You think you've heard of this.
(Bonus to Astartes first aid and medical treatment following stasis)

The condition of the body is strange. You are not incredibly knowledgeable of the astartes, but you've heard some things. Incredibly resilient on nearly all levels mental and physical. Insane reflexes and strength, as well as certain esoteric abilities, some dependent on their legion.

It's been nearly two weeks since things went to hell. The body doesn't appear to have moved in that time. No dragging marks to indicate crawling meaning a more recent death, which would imply he died on during the fall and shifting of the ship. But after two weeks a corpse would be in well into the process of putrefaction. There is no foul smell here beyond the air of the ship. The wounds are not healed, but the blood has clotted. The only discoloration of the skin seems to be caused by injury, not rot.

There's something… a coma? A stasis or hibernation of some kind? It requires some kind of specific treatment to recover from. You don't know the specifics in any detail. But he isn't dead. Just horribly injured and completely unmoving. Total dead weight.

But. Not dead is good. If you can get him back to your base, you can examine him, see what you can do for his wounds, and go from there.

Detangling and extracting the astartes takes time. You think one or more limbs might have to be amputated, but you don't want to have to make that decision until you've had a chance for proper examination. You don't have the ability to craft anything approaching the base flesh capacity of a space marine even if you had the parts, so any replacement would inherently be a downgrade. If you can just get him patched up, even a badly crippled astartes would be an incredible boon.

You haul away debris, you shift metal and steel. Pieces of armor are stacked in a pile to the side for reuse or salvage. You use your las emitters to weaken pieces of steel enough to bend out of the way. Eventually just a beam crushing down into the body is the only thing holding him in place. You are able to wedge it just enough that you can finally fully pull him out, though the amount of flesh left behind makes you wince.

Now to haul him back. Your spider rig makes this process much easier, though the size of the astartes does not. Much of the trip back involves hauling the astartes behind you, dragging him slowly through the vents, forcing him through tight spaces and pushing debris out of the way.

Steel does not tire, but your flesh does, and by the time you make it back to the vast open space containing your base, you are exhausted. You place the space marine on the cart and push him back to your workshop. A cursory examination shows that his condition is not worsening, so you collapse onto the rough bed in the corner and pass out.

Event roll -
Rolled Stealth
(-2 prior roll effect)
37, 59 (2 AP balanced approach) 57
DC (2/20/80/95/100)
Something is stirring.
(-2 to next event roll (compounding))
(-4 total to next event roll)

Did you notice?
Rolled Insight (71, 42)
DC (50/75/100/125/150/175)
There's something off…
(+5 to next attempt)



New Actions are in green.
Current Location: Landing Site. Location unknown. No current known immediate threats.
Physical Status:
Sigma-Rho 03 -
HEAD: 4/4
TORSO: 4/4
LEFT LEG 1: 4/4 RIGHT LEG 1: 4/4
LEFT LEG 2: 3/4 RIGHT LEG 2: 4/4
LEFT LEG 3: 1/4 RIGHT LEG 3: 4/4
LASER: 4/4
AXE: 1/4

Primary Base of Operations: Short Term Base (Landing Site)
Base Defense Level:
Steel Debris Walls
Steel Debris Gate

Base Research/Manufacture Bonus: (Short Term Base, Basic Bench) Lowered cost for BASIC manufacturing from x2 AP cost to x1 AP cost

AIR - 2/2
FOOD - 4/4

On turn 0/2, must be taken for effectiveness on that turn. Each turn after, air and food tick down. If algae fails and air hits 0, you won't immediately suffocate, but health will begin to suffer.

Current Resources:
Ruined Axe
Servo Skull - SRV-SKL-01LZ
Basic Tools
Basic medical supplies
Gas Mask
You have CRUDE components/parts. You have 0 components/parts of higher quality than CRUDE
Junk - materials for most simple devices
Workbench: Basic Bench. You are capable of manufacturing at a level of BASIC quality. Your skill allows you to manufacture at a level of IMPROVED quality if you have a workbench of IMPROVED quality or at IMPROVED quality with a BASIC bench at double AP cost.
ACTIONS - You have 7 AP
You have + 2 AP from SpiderRig Mobility Mode for Exploration Actions or traveling.
Your SRV-SKL-01LZ has 2 AP for use in minor actions such as scouting, scanning, mapping, or patrolling.
Astartes has 0 AP.

Actions that cannot currently be taken have been crossed out.

Base - your base of operations. Necessary for any kind of long term survival.
[ ] Create Base (Short term) 1 AP. A short term base provides low bonus and is limited in potential upgrades and defenses. It can be built, torn down, and moved fairly quickly. Requires a location to build.
- [ ] Landing Site: a massive open room full of debris. What this place once was, who can say.
[ ] Dismantle Base (Short term) 1 AP. Dismantle your short term base for reuse or relocation.
[ ] Create Base (Long term) 4 AP. A long term base provides greater bonuses as well as higher potential for upgrades and defenses, but takes longer to set up, take down, or move. quires a location to build.
- [ ] Landing Site: a massive open room full of debris. What this place once was, who can say. [ ] Dismantle Base (Long term) 4 AP. Dismantle your long term base for reuse or relocation.
[ ] Increase Defenses - Increase the quality of existing defenses.
- [ ] Select Defenses to upgrade.
- [ ] Create Additional Defenses 1 AP per defense action - Construct defenses not already integrated into your base requires an existing base.
-- [ ] Steel Debris Walls +1 (Currently 1)
-- [ ] Steel Debris Spikes
-- [ ] Fire Zone/Chokepoints
-- [ ] Build Gate (Steel Debris) +1 (Currently 1)
-- [ ] Pit Traps
-- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Build Shrine 1 AP - there are many interpretations of the Machine God, many methods of worship. You must have someplace to pray. Build a shrine at which you may meditate and pray without distraction.
[ ] Build Workbench (CRUDE) 1 AP - Does not require a base. Workbench of higher quality than CRUDE requires better materials and a base. Items may be manufactured up to the quality level of the workbench they are made on.
[ ] Upgrade Workbench Quality 1 AP per level of quality (Currently BASIC) - Increase the quality of your workbench by one level. Each level requires more resources than the prior level at the quality being upgraded to. Each level provides additional bonus to research and manufacturing options.
[ ] Make base airtight - Requires base. Requires enclosed base. AP requirements based on size and quality of base.
[ ] Write In -
Manufacture: Manufacturing from scratch is limited by general resource quality and quality of workbench.

You currently have the skill and knowledge to manufacture items and technology of up to IMPROVED quality. You have a BASIC workbench, which allows you to create items of BASIC quality at 1:1 AP cost and IMPROVED quality at 2:1 (double) AP cost.

[ ] Manufacture Weapons: At Tech 3 , you can manufacture most Imperial weapons that are not considered secret by their creators, though higher complexity weapons have the chance of failure.
- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Manufacture Bionics - Build something to make your body better. You have the knowledge and ability to manufacture bionics of IMPROVED quality. These are bionics that are better than the parts they are replacing. Higher quality bionics than IMPROVED require research first.
- [ ] Integrated Tools (BASIC) 2 AP - Allows the creations of items of BASIC quality without the use of a workbench at double standard AP cost. Can be upgraded past BASIC, though research is required.
- [ ] What Bionic? (Organs, Limbs, Mechadendrites, etc.) Write in -
[ ] Install Bionics (requires uninstalled bionic)
- [ ] Mechadendrite(s)
- [ ] Which Bionics? Write In
- [ ] Replace Organs - (requires uninstalled bionic organ(s))
-- [ ] Which Organs? Write In
[ ] Upgrade - AP and Component cost tied to upgrade level. With the necessary knowledge, components, and facilities, most technology can be upgraded. Your quest for knowledge, improvement, and personal ability will never stop, and so you must ever make your body and tools better
- Which item? (Bionics, weapons, components, armor, etc)
[ ] Create CRUDE air generator/extractor 1 AP - Your internal air supply and recycling will not last forever.
[ ] Create CRUDE corpse starch processor 1 AP - Corpse starch is a mainstay on hive worlds for a reason. A simple device which intakes biomass (usually corpses, hence corpse starch), processes, purifies, and refines it, and results in variable quality nutrient output.
[ ] Create CRUDE bio sludge/algae farm 1 AP - Allows the creation of nutrient output and oxygen through algae. Requires more effort to maintain than an air generator or corpse starch processor. (You currently have a CRUDE biosludge farm)
[ ] Create backpack/sled/cart 1 AP - Fashion a crude method with which to carry things with you
[ ] Create CRUDE Skitarii 10 AP - Requires skitarii subject for conversion. Creates a CRUDE skitarii, capable of poorly performing combat or defensive tasks. Gain 3 AP for simple combat/defensive tasks.
[ ] Create CRUDE Servitor 5 AP - Requires subject for conversion. Creates a CRUDE servitor, capable of simple tasks at a slow pace. Gain 2 AP per turn per servitor for simple tasks.

[ ] Increase Parts Quality 1 AP/amount - Make the more complex parts needed for technology from more base resources. Can be taken multiple times. BASIC Components currently take 1 AP to create per component at the workbench. IMPROVED Components take base 2 AP times 2 for 4 AP to create at a BASIC workbench.
[ ] Write In -
Repair - 1 AP - Repair two items (bionic, weapon, device, etc) one level or one item by two levels. Non-Functioning ->Low Functioning ->Functioning. Broken items can only be salvaged, inspected, or researched.
[ ] Repair Bionics
- [ ] Which Bionics? Write in -
[ ] Repair Tools - Repair which tools?
[ ] Treat Astartes - 1 AP. Without properly examining the condition of the Astartes, there's only so much you can do. Limited maximum treatment. Much higher DC thresholds. Examine Astartes action will give you a better understanding of what treatment is needed and how long it will take.

[ ] Write In -
Salvage - bionics, item, etc - Reduce a device to its component parts for reuse.
[ ] Salvage Omnissian Axe - small amount of parts for up to ADVANCED technology, 1 x power weapon core.
[ ] Salvage Broken Item 1 AP - Write In -
[ ] Salvage Unbroken Device 1 AP - Write In -
[ ] Write In -

NOTE - I'm going to be locking Research for the first few turns due to in universe time constraints, unless there is sufficient desire from the readers.

Research covers long term learning projects. Each research project can have as many AP dedicated to it as you have AP. Each AP will result in 1 roll for progress using Tech/Int (in this case Bo3) with any relevant bonuses (currently Imperial Tech).

Simple or known repairs and manufacturing can be done without research actions. Things you don't know how to do will need to be researched first.

[ ] Bionics
- [ ] Improve SpiderRig swap speed - At this point, it takes a day of effort to change your SpiderRig from legs to arms. Much of that fine tuning the changes. If you fine-tuned the process, you could cut that down to half a day or even less. If you focus on upgrading the SpiderRig itself, you might even be able to change mode at will. An invaluable feature at any time, but even more so now, with danger at every moment. If only you can find the time to figure out those changes.
- [ ] Improve organs (basic) - You are no Biologis, but you know the theory. With time and effort, you could figure out ways to biologically upgrade the meat that currently keeps much of you running. Or at least, figure out how to repair it and keep it running at it's current level.
- [ ] Upgrade Bionics - You know how to make bionics that are better than flesh. Now it's time to learn to make bionics better than that. Learn to make bionics at ADVANCED quality. Allows you to make better bionics.
- [ ] Quality Upgrade - Quality Upgrade will improve the threshold of damages for the upgraded parts, ie the point at which undamaged/damaged but fixable/nonfunctioning but fixable/unrepairable change.
- [ ] Increase Modularity - If you redesign your bionics so that parts can be more easily swapped out, you can more easily repair yourself. Increases effect of repair action.
- [ ] Pain Editor - A pain editor is an extremely useful device. Capable of dulling or eliminating pain but allowing the data regarding damages to pass into your knowledge, this would eliminate any negative effects of pain. You know this exists, but do not currently know how to create it.
[ ] Integrated Tools (IMPROVED) - Allows the creations of items of BASIC quality without the use of a workbench. Can be upgraded
[ ] Crude Clone Vat - You need more hands, more labor, more ability to do things. You know the base theory of cloning, but you've never done it from scratch before. Apply your knowledge to create a Crude Clone Vat. Any clones grown will be low quality and prone to numerous issues. A Crude Clone has limitations on what alterations can be done with the developing clone.
[ ] Inspect/research a broken item - while it may never serve its original purpose, you might still learn from it. Advance research towards constructing a specific object as well as your general knowledge of that type of device (eg study a broken las pistol, learn how to make las pistol, las tech, and imperial tech. General knowledge gains are slow.)
[ ] Create blueprint - You need to build it. But you don't know how. Figure it out and record your notes for later reference. Allows creation of a device or item you currently do not know how to make.
- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Write In -
Personal Betterment - on a fundamental base level, you may not be enough. You are going to make yourself better. Personal Betterment involves figuring out and implementing ways to improve yourself. Personal Betterment functions like a Research action
[ ] Trait Gain - you need to change how you approach things fundamentally. Rebuild yourself, fundamentally change your view of the world, shift your methodology. Gain or upgrade a Trait. The Trait Gain research action will generally be the MC figuring out how to implement a change she wishes to make. An action will then become available to implement that change. Certain Traits, generally those involving backstory or specific events, are not possible to attain in this fashion. In the case of major events occuring over the course of the quest, it may be possible to gain an associated Trait. This availability will be noted when it occurs.
- [ ] Event Trait - Double Down - Something happened. And you have changed from it. Double down on that change, you consider it a lesson worth keeping. Gain Trait.
- [ ] See CC for traits
[ ] Skill Gain - your skills are not enough. You need to be better. Gain or upgrade a Skill.
- [ ] See CC for skills
[ ] Increase Stat - Increase a base stat by one.
- [ ] Select Base Stat -
[ ] Expedition - When going on an expedition, select how you want to tackle it: fast but loud, slow but quiet, middle approach. Normally you will also select resources to take with you, but you don't really have that right now.

Locations with have different levels of resources, sublocations, potential caches of technology, enemies, and very maybe allies. You can explore a location multiple times as you are unlikely to find everything in one expedition. When a location is fully explored, it will be marked as such. However, you can never know everything, and circumstances may change. This may or may not be marked.

How are you exploring? (If multiple expeditions are occurring, select speed for each expedition)
- [ ] Fast but loud 1 AP
- [ ] Middle ground 2 AP
- [ ] Slow but quiet 3 AP
[ ] Explore - look around a location for unfound resources, etc. The narrower your focus, the more likely you are to find things, but also miss out on other locations. Location - massive section, ship, deck, section of ship, room. The larger the area, the more AP required.
- [ ] The room you landed in. All you know is that it's big and full of large debris. It's full of a lot of different kinds of debris, including sections that might have come from drop ships or shuttles.
- [ ] The vents you fell through. The deck gave way and you fell some distance through the ship. Hopefully just the one ship. At some point you ended up in what is presumably a vent system of some sort which spat you out into a large room full of junk. The vents are poorly laid out, labyrinthine, and badly damaged. But vents often lead to extensive areas of a ship and you might have good fortune here, if you can find your way through.
- [ ] Write in -
[ ] Search for [SPECIFIC THING] in [GENERAL/SPECIFIC LOCATION] - impacts what you find. Chances of finding SPECIFIC THING is increased, chances of finding other things is decreased. Does not allow you to find SPECIFIC THING in locations where there is no SPECIFIC THING.
- [ ] Short term base
- [ ] Long term base
- [ ] Defensible location
- [ ] Seek Astartes. What happened to them? Neophytes or not, hostile or not, they'll be very helpful in not dying and getting out of here. How are you looking for them? (Currently found: 1/10)
-- [ ] Back track (+10) - Follow the path of debris and path you fell. With luck, it won't be too convoluted and difficult a path. Though depending on luck is rarely worth it.
--- [ ] Use Astartes comm signal (+10) - You were connected to the Astartes comm network so they could relay commands. You've lost connection currently, but you can probably use that to try to track them down. You found one of the Astartes. You don't know the location or condition of the others. Keep looking?
--- [ ] Use shuttle comm signal (+5) - Through the Astartes comm network, you had been briefly connected to the shuttle's machine spirit. You'd have to reverse engineer the connection, but you might be able to look for the shuttle instead. It'll be harder than using the Astartes signal, but the shuttle won't be moving. Probably. You hope. You found one of the Astartes. You don't know the location or condition of the others. Keep looking?
- [ ] Search for unknown survivor/Investigate location of encounter. SRV-SKL-01LZ found some kind of living being that was not actively hostile. Another ally would be well worth having, and a known enemy is more desirable than an unknown one. That starts with finding them or finding more information about them.
- [ ] Gellar Field Generator - The Warp is a nightmare hellscape and if the Space Hulk returns to the warp while you are unprotected, your body will be torn apart and your soul shredded. Who knows what remains functioning or repairable in this planet sized pile of ruined ships, but you need something to keep you alive in the Warp.
[ ] Flee - The situation is dire. Grab what you can and go. Hopefully it's a better place than your current location. Gain bonus to speed and increase likelihood of escape from whatever you're running from.

- [ ] Flee in which direction?
Inspect/Examine - Inspect/Examine an item, location, person, wound, etc. to gain more information and deeper understanding. 1 AP per Inspect action, can be taken multiple times.
[ ] Examine Astartes - 1 AP. The Blood Angels Neophyte Astartes that you found and recovered is badly injured and in a coma of some kind. Properly examine him for a better understanding of his condition and the necessary treatment. May be taken multiple times if you believe your examination was flawed or incomplete
[ ] Write in -
Other Actions -
[ ] Cocoon 1 AP. May be taken multiple times as preparation - There's no chance of survival. No way to survive this place. Find a secret location. Fortify it as much as you can. Hide it even better. Convert your bionics for efficiency. Build the best stasis device you are capable of. Put yourself into hibernation and wait until the situation is less dire. You are unlikely to survive, but you think your chances are better this way than any other. You may set conditions on waking, at which point turns will be made based on rolls seeing if those conditions are met. You'll probably die, but at least it will be a quiet death rather than being torn apart from the horrors of the warp. Probably. You hope.
[ ] Flee 1 AP. May be taken multiple times - Run. Run and never look back. Find the shuttle that brought you here at all costs and leave this place. If failed, difficulty will shift before the next roll based on the prior roll.
[ ] Pray 1 AP. May be taken multiple times - You worship the Machine in action, thought, and deed. Spend time beseeching the Machine God for guidance and assistance. May help. May not. The Machine God helps those who help themselves, and a cog that continues its duty no matter the circumstances is worthy of emulation indeed.
- [ ] Select location for prayer or rites:
[ ] Change bionics location - the locations of your bionics on and in your body are not fixed. Change the location or attachment points of your bionics. Useful if imbalanced or hiding potential weak points.
[ ] Swap SpiderRig Mode 1 AP - Currently Mobility Mode. Ignores terrain debuffs. Grants an additional 2 AP for Exploration actions.
- [ ] Swap to Manipulation Mode. Allows the use of additional weapons in combat and an additional 2 AP for Manufacturing actions.
a/n: I think I got most changes for Actions, but let me know if I missed anything.
Changes are marked in green. I did a bunch of fiddling to hopefully clean up and streamline some actions.

Scouting action has been removed and simplified as exploring a nonspecific location, ie exploring vents, the ship, etc., or looking for a resource or location.

Because it's a space hulk with Omnissiah knows what layout and architecture, I've given up on actually planning a layout. I've got some specific locations, but specific and random locations are all on discovery tables which will be rolled on expeditions. Once found, most locations can be returned to, with a small chance of changing because space hulk bs.

Exploring also now has distances, see summary table below. Each distance has a theoretical maximum number of types locations (ie a close expedition on the current ship is unlikely to find more than one ships bridge, genetorium, or Gellar Field Generator, but may find several mess halls, armories, or hidden rooms) As locations within a distance are found, they are removed from the table of finable locations, reflecting that you would know not to go looking in those locations for something new.

Close - 1 AP current ship
Mid - 2 AP next ships over
Far - 4 AP 3-10 ships over
Very far - 8 AP more than halfway across
Extremely far - 16 AP - the other side of the space hulk

The AP cost is affected by stealth modifiers of x1, x2, or x3, and can also be affected by character speed modifiers, vehicles, or shortcuts.

I'm not going to be tracking where locations are beyond distance, mostly just here is a found location, you know how to get there. Hopefully this will simplify things.

You still have the option to repeatedly explore/search a location for unfound items. Likelihood of finding something good goes down each time.

The investigation exploration action has been removed as it was basically Explore with a slight modifier. It was less useful with the locational changes. It has been replaced with the Inspect/Examine action, which allows for looking into a thing or location. This is NOT an Explore action.

Certain actions may be taken multiple times. I will try to label these as I go, but mostly it should be things that would make sense to be able to do more than once, ie examine astartes, search location, etc. These can be done multiple times in the same turn or multiple turns in a row if the prior turn did not yield the desired results. Keep in mind, this may be a waste of AP. Or if you wanna throw 10 dice at an action, sure. Why not? (Subject to veto if it gets overdone or stops making sense in game)

I changed a little for the event roll. Everything is the same in effect, I just fucked up way effects applied were written (ie should be -2 to roll, not plus two, but same end/narrative effect)

I say I simplified this, and then have paragraphs of explanation…
A few questions that I'm curious to hear opinions on.

First, is there a better way to format Actions? It feels really clunky, but I also don't really know a better way to have this laid out.

Somewhat related, would readers be interested in a second version of the Actions list? Basically the current list and a pared down/simple list without the flavor text for somewhat easier use. That would then mean I'm having to update two Actions lists which would be a pain in the ass and also open more room for error

Should I keep the current requirement for increasing the component cost for the next level of components? Currently the Improved bench would require 2 improved components, which is 4AP, but then 8AP with basic bench. Advanced would be 3, which is 9AP, which is 18AP with an Improved bench. A+ would be 4, which is 16AP, 32AP with A bench.

That feels like an insanely high AP cost, but given the scaling levels of technology, it also seems pretty reasonable. It will also push a bit more towards exploration and salvage as well as possibly automation and servitors.
If there is any information missing or needed, let me know. If there is any kind of reference stuff you'd like, ie better layout for a type of information, let me know, I'll see what I can do.
Last edited:
Chapter 4 - a minor case of serious brain damage
Chapter 4

[X] Plan: Always more work to be done
-[X] Increase Defenses - Increase the quality of existing defenses. (1 AP)
--[X] Fire Zone/Chokepoints
---[X] And when your defense weapon is built, put it in place to take advantage of this.
-[X] Build Shrine (1 AP)
-[X] Manufacture Weapons (1 AP)
--[X] Some kind of heavy weapon we can use for base defense (Basic Heavy Gun?)
-[X] Increase Parts Quality (1 AP)
--[X] +1 BASIC Components
-[X] Examine Astartes (x2, 2 AP)
-[X] Treat Astartes (1 AP)
-[X] Expeditions
--[X] Search for...
---[X] Seek Astartes
----[X] Comm Signal
-----[X] Middle Ground (2 Personal AP)
---[X] Gellar Field Generator - The Warp is a nightmare hellscape and if the Space Hulk returns to the warp while you are unprotected, your body will be torn apart and your soul shredded. Who knows what remains functioning or repairable in this planet sized pile of ruined ships, but you need something to keep you alive in the Warp.
----[X] Middle Ground (2 Servo Skull AP)

Internal timers go off, rousing you from rest. You send SRV-SKL-01LZ to search for a Gellar Field generator while you work on additional protections.

The walls you have built so far are just passive defenses. A good start, but you need more than that. A big gun (or big guns) and choke points to focus fire to continue that start. You start sketching out plans. There won't be overlapping fire yet, but you can set up rough emplacements and locations that will later allow the full might of the Omnissiah's fury to grace any that would approach your workshop. The walls are extended to ensure overlapping fire from the platforms you construct for later emplacements. You ensure there is proper cover at all sides of the platforms and also add cover and platforms to the interior of the walls as well.

While you work on the walls, you consider your long term goals. Both the here and now (survival, leaving) and the longer term (increasing skill and serving the Omnissiah?). Your original long term goal of getting out of the hell that was the underhive has already been realized. Every piece of the focus, cunning, and determination that got you to that one shining moment to impress a tech priest enough to take you under his wing and teach you, even if for his own curiosity and gains, had then been focused on every task assigned to you by your master and mentor. But you haven't really had aims past that. You built your spider rig, which consumed your every waking moment outside of assignments. And now what? Repair your last missing leg and return to blessed symmetry. Get out of here. But then what?

The goal of the Mechanicus is the endless search for knowledge, to uncover the skill of the ancients, to read what was writ by the Machine God in steel and technology millennia ago. That has been your goal by default. Will you internalize it, making it more than simply the goal of the organization you belong to? Anything you seek and find here is for the goal of survival, for upgrades and protection. Will you seek more than what is required to get out of here? For the goals of the Mechanicus, for the furtherance of the great work? Or simply so that when you leave and make your escape, this suffering will at least have been worth it? Or is there a difference, with secrets making their way back to the Mechanicus at large?

Will you trade what you've found here for power? Will you simply upgrade yourself, rid yourself of more trappings of flesh, of weakness, so that no matter where you find yourself you will have all that you could need already as part of yourself? Or you might simply survive here, never quite dying, but never escaping, rebuilding and repairing yourself out of scraps until you are no different than the space hulk you are trapped on, a tiny microcosm of ruin and shattered pieces stuck back together.

Well the warp can have that. You will build yourself ever higher, you'll carve out a piece of something close to safety, and you will plumb this place for its secrets for your own selfish desires and for the glory of the Machine God! You have yourself, you have your skills, you will learn and study and grow, and you may very well also have allies even in this place.

With platforms and overlapping fire lanes prepared, you work on firepower to make use of it. You start with the components necessary for a heavy emplaced weapon. Now that you have a better bench, this is so much easier. You do much of the same work as last time, wires and shaped steel and small electronics, and soon you are ready to begin assembly and refinement into one of the Imperium's most used tools of war, the lasgun.

You want the heaviest firepower you can manage. You want heavy bolters, you want incendine combustors, you want heavy meltas and plasma weapons, irrad guns and heavy ordinance. You want stuff you would mount on a tank, and you want as much of it as you can fit on these walls. But you don't hold the secrets to plasma weaponry, and maintaining ammo will require more time and maintenance to keep you resupplied than you'd like. Efficiency must be king here. Thus, lasgun.

But more than just a lasgun, you build a Hellgun, functionally a beefed up las rifle capable of higher maximum power than a base pattern las rifle. This comes at the cost of much higher power consumption. Normally this is dealt with through higher quality power packs, portable reactors, or backpack sized power packs.

You opt for the last option, as this will be an emplaced weapon. It will also keep the resource cost down. You keep it portable, though it will be clunky at best. You carefully grind out the focus lenses fitting them into the barrels, which you then attach to the receiver. The humble lasgun is not really a complicated weapon. Power pack, capacitors, emitters, and focusing lenses. A shoddy lasgun can be slapped together in minutes if you have the components.

You built those components yourself, and you assemble them yourself, resulting in a BASIC level Hellgun.

You charge the power pack with your own internal potentia coil, which takes time over the following week. You expect it will have enough charge for any single engagement, but for more than that or with more weaponry, you will need a proper power source.

(You have acquired a hellgun! This is a more powerful variant of the standard lasgun, requiring a much larger or more advanced power pack. It currently has 1/1 battery capacity. It charges based on your internal power source at a rate of 1 power per turn. It is capable of one engagement per point of power. If you upgrade the battery, each upgrade will represent an additional point of power, ie 2/2, 3/3, etc. It will still only charge at a rate of 1 point per turn unless you are able to find an external power source or upgrade your own power.)

Once the Hellgun is built, it is placed where it has the most coverage on the exterior wall. Given just the one, you set it up with a quick release so you can reposition it quickly if you need to retreat further in.

Now something you've been neglecting. A shrine to the Machine God. He understands, you think, after all you can't exactly contribute to the great work if you are dead. Worship through work, through study and discovery, but the Omnissiah deserves all you can offer. And you've been neglecting many of your basic rites.

There are rites and rituals to be observed as you work, but many more of those are centered in the vast cathedrals of forge worlds, built by millions of hands over hundreds or thousands of years, one room of which is worth the tithe of a hundred worlds. You certainly can't do that and even if you had the the resources and the menials, don't know the secrets involved.

So you build a shrine, invoking the sacred numbers of eight and sixteen in the structures, inscribing the holy skull and cog into the supports. You craft censures for incense and flasks for sacred oils. You beat out sheets of steel and carve in the sacred prayers you know, the rites of creation and ignition, prayers to praise the Machine God and sooth the machine spirits that do his work. You place sconces for candles, mounts for skulls, charging ports for servo skulls. Though your tools are simple, you are proud of this site of worship you have made. You kneel, begging forgiveness that you can't do more, and thanking the Machine God for his gifts of technology and more specifically for what has kept you alive. You promise that if you remain alive, you will reclaim what has been lost here for the great work.

The Omnissiah does not speak to you. There is no bright light or holy inspiration. But for the briefest of moments, you feel lighter. Your conviction ever so slightly strengthened.

When SRV-SKL-01LZ returns from its search for a Gellar Field Generator, it comes with a small data pad dangling beneath it. It shows you its path, focusing on paths not taken to expand your existing map of the ship. The map it shows you is much of the same, labyrinthine vents, blockages, branches, and ruin.

SRV-SKL-01LZ searching vents for Gellar Field Generator -
Rolled Insight
Backtracking bonus (+5)
(4) (+5) = 10
Found vents and corridors

Loot roll?
Rolled 50
Minor Loot - Starship's Archives (minor) - Datapad
Contains - Rites of the Cult of the Machine

Data condition/repair roll
Imperium Tech Bonus (+10)
(70) (+10) = 80
Used reroll - Ghost in the Machine
(91) (+10) = 101

(a/n: when I was editing this chapter, I noticed that I think I should've rolled three times for repair rolls? I don't recall if I did, but didn't write it down, or if I decided not to for some reason. Probably as I wasn't treating it as a proper character action, more a condition roll, using "repair" as flavor. Regardless, you got the highest threshold, so it doesn't really matter.)

(Note: your servo skull is small with extremely limited carrying capacity. You were fortunate here, but generally your servo skull will find and map locations and alert you to what it finds there, it won't be able to bring it back to you. You can upgrade it, but even at best it will still be fairly limited in that respect)

You hold out your hand for the data slate, and the skull hovers over and drops it in your waiting palm. The view rapidly flashes through paths taken to a nonspecific piece of vent where the data slate had rested undisturbed for unknown lengths of time.

Somehow it remained nearly undamaged. You turn it on, flicking through data and menus. The files themselves are nearly entirely intact, and with some work you are able rebuild the damaged files.

Delight fills you at the contents of the files themselves. What you find is the records and instructions for a handful of Mechanicus Rites. Your knowledge of many rites is foundational in nature only, the Litany of Ignition, the Rite of Reconstitution, the basic awareness of the Rite of Clear Thought. You know the Rite of Cleansing, variants Alpha-Phi through Gamma. You know the litanies to start and repair numerous simple things, you know how to sooth machine spirits which have always worked with you well. Litanies of small focus, requests for the Omnissiah to bless your studies or research. In time, as your knowledge grew and you proved yourself, you would eventually be educated on the deeper mysteries.

What this data slate holds is the full rituals that you know in part, as well as one of the many Litanies of Consecration which you had not known at all. It details the rituals, actions, and chants involved in consecrating new construction to the Machine God.

These are rites previously unknown to you. You can now better bless the machine as you work and repair, show proper veneration to the machine spirits as you work on the steel they inhabit.

(You've found Mechanicus Lore! I'm not entirely certain how I want to treat this overall. My current idea is that Rites/Litanies/Lore will be a potential loot roll for most locations and each one you find will be a stacking +1 to tech rolls with no upper limit. This allows for it to have an effect, but not too quickly. I may also have it as an exponential requirement, ie 1 Lore for +1, 2 for +2, 4 for +3, 8 for +4, and so on.)

Praise to the Omnissiah, for his blessings are great!

You take the datapad and the new rites you have learned and begin to carve them into a new sheet of steel to place at the center of your shrine. A gift like this must have a place of veneration and honor. Once complete, the datapad goes into a reliquary at the side of the shrine.

Examine Astartes x2 -
Rolled Technology/Intelligence
Imperium Technology Focus Bonus (+5)
Rolled (97, 20, 74, 48, 17, 12) (+5) = (102)
DC (25/50/90/100)
Critical Success! You know exactly what is wrong

You drag the space marine to your workbench, which is now large enough to fit the full length of an astartes. Even with the strength of steel there is effort involved in moving an astartes in full power armor. You pull off the astartes armor, a complex process usually done while standing and with a team. Your tools attach to fix points, loosening and disconnecting plating and underlying substructure and exoskeleton. Each piece removed exposes more and more damaged flesh. Where you would expect to see musculature, you see no underlying shape. The process is made easier and more difficult by the damage to the armor; broken pieces come off with ease while other seams and connections are broken such that they can't be removed or disconnected. Sometimes pieces get in the way of others.

Ceramite armor wasn't meant to shatter like this, but it also wasn't meant to have a ship cave in on it either.

Your master was once called on to handle augmentation repairs for an astartes of the Sons of Dorn. You served as assistant, passing tools, recording information, minor tasks where error would cause no egregious harm. At that point, the knowledge of anatomy that you possessed covered basic human anatomy, common minor mutations, some sanctioned mutants, and the threshold at which mutation became Mutant, to be killed and purged or captured and studied.

The body of a space marine was beyond your knowledge. It was flesh elevated beyond weakness, flesh that stood on par with steel. Masterfully crafted, a beautifully sculpted and designed machine. A perpetuating machine that self assembled through millennia. Steel is purity, but there is a purity in fleshcraft of this level.

What lies before you bears little resemblance to that glorious masterpiece. It is a shattered artifact, ruined equipment, master crafted artiface broken before you.

And you grimace. This is familiar. This is the flesh of a man caught in the gears, a man trampled by hundreds of fleeing menials, a fool who couldn't get out of the way of an oncoming tank. This is a man whose body has been crushed, almost beyond recognition. You knew that already, but knowing and seeing are not the same.

The lenses are cracked, yet the helmet itself, dented and gashed, is intact.

The brain is still squishy and is the seat of consciousness. If damaged enough, who knows how much you can actually do here. There would be no point in repairing the body with a ruined brain to pilot it.

But the intact helmet indicates the head inside is likely intact as well. Your suspicions are confirmed as the pale and beautiful face of the sons of Sanguinius is revealed. This you had heard of, but to see it in person is something else. His eyes are closed in almost gentle repose despite his ravaged body.

The rest of the day and into the next, you examine the ruined body in front of you. You make notes of what you see and find, make use of SRV-SKL-01LZ's scans, and write notes of any and every scrap of knowledge you recall from your mentor to compare to what you see. It is two days trying desperately to understand what the body of a space marine is intended to look like, based only on vague prior knowledge and a broken example before you. though by the grace of the Omnissiah, this is what every tech priest does when faced with the artiface of the ancients. You're in good company then. Prove your worth.

At the end of the second day your flesh is flagging and you need rest.

But you're pretty sure you know everything that's wrong, everything that's damaged in this space marine. There's the general crush damage, which will be incredibly difficult to treat. You can put broken bones together or stitch together cut or torn muscle, but a crush injury is more or less damage all the way through. For a baseline human, there are several issues with crushed muscle. At the highest levels of severity the fluid paths and circulatory system are near ruin. There will be swelling from fluids unable to leave and additional damage from nutrients unable to reach intended destinations. This leads swiftly to necrosis furthering complications. There is nerve damage, both from the initial injury and compounded by swelling and necrosis. The damaged muscle begins to break down, flooding the functioning circulatory system with byproducts of breakdown, placing incredible stress on the kidneys.

Generally the treatment is replacement of limbs and damaged tissues with bionics or vat grown or menial donated tissue. Some amount of aggressive blood filtering takes care of the rest. You also know a couple of less effective methods which you assume will have more success on someone with a space marines constitution.

He also has an enormous amount of shattered and crushed bone. Bones can be reset, fragments can be put back into place, regeneration of missing osteomaterial can be induced. Given the amount of bone fragments though, getting all the fragments back together will be a nightmare puzzle. And you don't know the composition of the chemicals and compounds that make up the bone growth induction compound, and you don't have the materials even if you did.

Organ damage will also be difficult to deal with. You can stitch lacerated organs and put things into place, but you aren't able to induce healing or any of the incredible things you've seen genetors do. Though with a space marines healing, it might cover a multitude of your own failings in that respect. From your examination at least, you believe you know which organs can be salvaged, which are a loss, and which are okay enough that you don't need to do any work getting them back together.

You're also fairly sure that after the operations are done, you'll know when he's waking up. As regards the astartes stasis, you know that it can be induced in the case of great injury or mortal wounds. It is theoretically indefinite. And there is a complicated procedure to wake a space marine in a coma.

But you have also heard of instances of marines waking on their own. If injury put him into a coma, repairing and healing those injuries should take him out. But. If he's in the full and true coma, his biological processes are entirely suspended. And you're going to need to find some way to stimulate his body into healing itself. That'll be tricky.

Treat Astartes
Rolled Technology/Intelligence
Imperium Technology Focus Bonus (+5)
Knowledge of Astartes Biology Bonus (+5)
Examination Bonus 100 Threshold (Critical Success) (+10)
Space Marine Durability (+10)
Space Marine Condition 20 Threshold (Terrible Condition/Stasis Coma) (-30)
Rolled (42, 31, 30) (+5) = (42)
DC (25/50/90/100)
Partial Success/Success with Malus

Knowledge is not as good as practice. That is something you will understand much better after today.

After resting in order to allow your flesh components to function at peak capacity, you begin. To the side of your workbench you set up another table and lay out all your tools and implements. The marine is still laid out fully on the workbench and you have placed his armor to the side, shattered and intact pieces laid out so that you may salvage as much as possible.

One benefit of a patient in stasis is no concern for exsanguination leading to death.

You start with the bones. Personal preference, really. You would prefer repairing the base structural components before repairing and reassembling everything that goes on top. In a living patient, or rather a patient you were concerned about needing to keep them that way, you would focus on blood, on heartbeat, on brain function. But that's all on hold for now, so you start with base structure to build the rest onto. You have an entire bucket of bone fragments, both from trying to find the space marine and from peeling him out of his armor. Next to your tools, you lay out the bone fragments in a grid. You do a couple of passes through, working to match any pieces that you can. You don't find many, but what you do will save some time later.

You have some bone paste in your small medical kit, but not nearly enough for this. Earlier, you worked some careful chemical processes to extend the bone paste you have, using the existing bone paste, some of the biosludge, and your limited antiseptics. This is an instance of quantity mattering more than quality. It won't work nearly as well, but you should have enough to keep all of these pieces together. You'll add metal braces as well against the bone to give support until the bone can support itself.

You cut open the red mush that was once muscle and begin your work. The ultra dense flesh and muscle of the astartes does not easily part before your blade, but it parts far easier than it should.

SRV-SKL-01LZ's scanners are invaluable, showing you full dimensional views of the bones as you work on them. Something else to add to your goggles, replace one of your eyes with, or just build a full sensor array and attach it somewhere. Possibly mechadendrites or the sides of your head? Maybe expand your existing visual sensors rather than replacements.

Potential future upgrades aside, what you currently have access to is not enough. Some pieces go back where they should, but more are missing, and there are many that you simply can't match.

More metal than intended is needed to reinforce the bones until they can heal properly. Bone should grow to fill the gaps over time.

You do your best to lay out the muscle mush to give it the best chance of healing, but it doesn't feel nearly enough. You simply don't have the tools, the chemicals, the serums, and machinery needed to repair this.

The left leg though. The left leg is a smear. The bone is indifferentiable from the red that was once muscle. That's not something you can even try to fix. At best you'll have to build a replacement, which will be functional, but certainly not to the standards of an astartes. For now, you amputate the unrecoverable leg and dress the wound.

The organs are patched up as best you are able. You very much overestimated your ability to translate knowledge into action in this instance. Were he slightly less injured, were you slightly more skilled, perhaps, but he isn't, and you aren't.

All that's left is to bandage the wounds, which is most of the body, and you do. Then you need to find a way to stimulate healing. You'd like to say you did some clever and brilliant biological working with extremely limited tools.

But you didn't.

You cut his skull open and poked around until his wounds started to bleed again.

You left more damage than you meant. That's not good.

You hope there's nothing permanent from that.

You don't want or need a brain damaged astartes. I mean. Maybe. If you could control or manipulate him. That's probably not worth it. If it backfires you'd be torn apart for sure. And manipulation of individuals is far from your strong suit.

If worst comes to it, you are of the Adeptus Mechanicus. It is your duty to replace the frail flesh and while the flesh here is less frail than most, you can do that. Though probably no need to tell him about the cause of any potential brain damage.

With blood flowing again, that means healing should follow shortly. Maybe two weeks before the space marine awakens and you can talk? There will be some kind of confrontation there you are sure. You were dragged into this position through poor planning and recklessness and offered no explanation. You deserve at least that much.

(The space marine is stasis will wake up in two weeks. This is Turn 4, he will wake up at the end of Turn 6, and be available for Actions Turn 7)

One last thing before you are finished. The waste products of damaged muscle will flood the circulatory system and overwhelm the kidneys in typical subjects. While an astartes is far from typical, the organ damage complicates things and you'd prefer to remove as many factors as possible. You set up a simple blood filter system and leave it running. The filter system does need to be modified to account for the thicker hyper-oxygenated blood or an astartes, but you make it work.

You move the astartes as carefully as you are able from your workbench to a makeshift cot and make ready to leave the confines of thin safety and head back into danger once more. SRV-SKL-01LZ will observe, patrol, and stand watch while you are gone. Perhaps you should upgrade and partially reconfigure SRV-SKL-01LZ for targeting so it can operate defences if necessary? That could come in handy?

Search for Astartes
Rolled Insight
Rolled (75, 40) (+5) = (85)
Found one!

Astartes Condition
Rolled (4) (-5) = (-1)
That's… not good

Rolled 48 - Minor Location
Rolled 32 - Ships Augury (Minor)
Loot Rolled (1d4) - Brain in a Jar

With one astartes in a coma on your workbench, you look for more. You know some of the paths of the vent system now, both from SRV-SKL-01LZ's exploration and your own. Avoiding several pitfalls and dead ends, you make your way to a larger branching offshoot that seemed promising.

Rust dislodges as you step into this new area, your seven legs granting you firm footing even in this space.

You have the comm signal now, and though it usually stays quiet, it still provides some slight direction. Now however, you start to pick up something. A crackle and something that sounds like muttering.

You don't really get a direction, but the slight increase in clarity urges you on. You back track several times when it becomes clear you went the wrong direction and the signal begins to fade. Blockages and the occasional grating, holes and hazards, yet the signal continues to grow stronger, but the words grow no clearer. Then a closed vent that you pry open and you pull yourself out into a room.

From the cogitators and instruments, this was a subsection sensor room of some kind.

Numerous desiccated corpses around the room, the instrument panels around them decayed to near uselessness. There are several crewmen and multiple servitors, bionics just as ruined as the room their corpses lie in. Jaws hang open, unseeing eye sockets staring. One wall has rusted enough that a firm tap would cause it to crumple. Stay far back from there. Panels are twisted and warped, seeming to indicate some kind of overlocking or meltdown.

And standing in the corner, facing at an odd angle into the room, is one of the Blood Angels you've been looking for. He stands entirely still with no response to your arrival.

You raise a hand, las emitters ready, but knowing it won't be much effect if he decides you need to be dead.

"Lord Astartes," you greet.

There is no response. The muttering through the comma does not slow or increase speed. No indication that he heard you, or even noticed you. You flick the comms a couple times verifying connection and who you are connected to. Your systems are sending and receiving, his are clearly sending, but possibly not receiving.

"Lord Astartes," you say again. Still no reaction. No change in the unclear muttering.

The current situation weighs on you. You're afraid if you startle him, he will react with violence. He would not be wrong to, but you don't wish to be on the receiving end of it.

The grasper on the end of a leg reaches out to grab a fist sized piece of debris and toss it in front of the frighteningly passive space marine. You brace to flee, muscles tense and actuators ready, but nothing. The debris clatters into the toe of the power armor boot.

You try again, this time aiming for the piece of junk to fly past the eyes of the helmet. Again nothing.

Something is extremely wrong, and you don't know what. Your many feet shift uncomfortably. It could be any number of things. He could be dead or mind controlled, his armor could be somehow seized up or locked, he could be poisoned or paralyzed, it could be some kind of insane warp effect. How can you even tell?

Whatever else is happening, he's not actively hostile. You would like to avoid changing that.

You move delicately forward, occasionally calling out gently to avoid startling the space marine. "I'm coming closer. I don't want to startle you Lord Astartes."

You are now as far from him as you can be while still being able to reach to interact with his power armor.

"I'm going to attempt to remove your helmet. The air in this room is unpleasant, but sufficient. I will replace the helmet as soon as I am able to determine your condition or communicate with you."

The very tips of the manipulators of your front leg make contact with the underside of the helmet. You feel along until you make contact with the seals, then you disconnect them. There is a faint hiss, and the helmet lifts.

It reveals a face just as beautiful as the Blood Angel at your workshop. This one is awake and seemingly uninjured, but the eyes are wide, unresponsive, the mouth slack and moving rapidly but ever so slightly. The pupils do not dilate at the increase in light.

You lift your arm again in greetings, trying to catch his attention, "Lord Astartes." But not even a twitch of the eyes indicates he has seen or heard you.

You keep trying, but nothing changes.

You can catch snatches of the words now.

What little you can understand seems to be what you would expect from a deserting guardsman, mutterings about meaninglessness and lack of purpose, wondering why we even try. The vastness of the universe, the futility of any actions. From an astartes, that's terrifying. The astartes embody duty, they embody focus and action. Though there are space marines who have turned traitor and fled the light of the Emperor, it was not despair or a lack of purpose that brought them to heresy.

You shudder, but this is not something to deal with here, so you return his helmet to its place on his head.

You try push him along to see if he'll walk, but he just falls over. No reflex to catch himself, just keels straight over.

Okay then.

With no assistance from the space marine, you will have to bring him back yourself. Before you leave, you look around the room more closely.

Wired into something too ruined to know what it once was is a brain in a jar. It is surprisingly intact given how ruined everything else is, the lights on the mechanical base still blinking, so you might as well bring it with you.

So you drag the back, through way too many vents, and now you have two space marines. One literally in a coma, and one catatonic. Great.

And an unknown brain in a jar.

Event roll -
Rolled Stealth
(-4 prior roll effect)
Rolled (95, 71) (2 AP balanced approach) (-4) = 91
DC (2/20/80/95/100)
It's quiet.
(-1 to next event roll (compounding))
(-5 total to next event roll)

Did something happen anyway?
Rolled 96
Good event!

You've rolled a good event! There are two options here. I can roll for what that is, or I can offer it as a vote for the readers. I've seen that done before, and I kinda like it.

The Good Event could be any number of things. You could find something nice. It could be a random one turn bonus to a PC roll or a positive change to an event/notice roll. If you choose an event/notice roll, that could put you in an otherwise unachievable threshold, but only maybe. If you specifically choose that, it will be a lesser effect, but certain.

Pitch me ideas. Find something nice, unlock a free tech, bonus to next turn roll, fix a boo boo. On a scale of a named daemon jumping on your head to finding an intact STC, this is probably around the level of "found a low to mid tier piece of archeotech of high utility or higher tier but damaged or lower/focused utility". The vote will be closed for a bit for discussion before opening.

Vote -
[ ] QM rolls for specifics of Good Event
[ ] Players vote on Good Event
- [ ] Write in for good event.

Did you notice?
Rolled Insight (83, 38) (+5 prior roll bonus) = 88
DC (50/75/100/125/150/175)
Something seems off… What am I missing?
(+10 to next attempt compounding)
(+15 to next attempt total)

New Actions or changes are in green.
Current Location: Landing Site. Location unknown. No current known immediate threats.
Sigma-Rho 03 -
HEAD: 4/4
TORSO: 4/4
LEFT LEG 1: 4/4 RIGHT LEG 1: 4/4
LEFT LEG 2: 3/4 RIGHT LEG 2: 4/4
LEFT LEG 3: 1/4 RIGHT LEG 3: 4/4
LASER: 4/4
AXE: 1/4

ASTARTES 1 - Recovering from stasis, currently healing. Missing left leg. Minor case of serious brain damage (currently suffering a -1 to each stat. Unknown recovery time from malus). He will awaken at the end of Turn 6 and will have AP on Turn 7 (currently unknown AP).
Overall Health: 1/3
HEAD: 2/4
TORSO: 2/4

Primary Base of Operations: Short Term Base (Landing Site)

Base Defenses:
Steel Debris Walls
Steel Debris Gate
Elevated Platforms
Overlapping Fire Lanes
(For practical purposes, you can assume to have a handful of places to place heavy guns or people)

Base Research/Manufacture Bonus: (Short Term Base, Basic Bench) Lowered cost for BASIC manufacturing from x2 AP cost to x1 AP cost

Relevant Locations within Base:
Shrine to the Machine God

AIR - 2/2
FOOD - 4/4

On turn 0/2, must be taken for effectiveness on that turn. Each turn after, air and food tick down. If algae fails and air hits 0, you won't immediately suffocate, but health will begin to suffer.
Current Resources:
Basic Tools
Basic medical supplies
Gas Mask
You have CRUDE components/parts. You have 0 components/parts of higher quality than CRUDE
Junk - materials for most simple devices
Ruined Axe
Brain in a Jar
Cart for hauling
1 x Astartes Scout Marine Armor (Badly Damaged)
1 x Astartes Scout Marine Armor (Intact)

Lore: You have [1] Lore providing a +1 bonus to Tech rolls

Servo Skull - SRV-SKL-01LZ
Stasis Astartes
Mentally Checked Out/Comatose Astartes

Las Emitters (attached to SpiderRig)
Hellgun (Currently mounted on base walls)

Workbench: Basic Bench. You are capable of manufacturing at a level of BASIC quality. Your skill allows you to manufacture at a level of IMPROVED quality if you have a workbench of IMPROVED quality or at IMPROVED quality with a BASIC bench at double AP cost.
ACTIONS - You have 7 AP
You have + 2 AP from SpiderRig Mobility Mode for Exploration Actions or traveling.
Your SRV-SKL-01LZ has 2 AP for use in minor actions such as scouting, scanning, mapping, or patrolling.
Astartes 1 has 0 AP.
Astartes 2 has 0 AP.

Actions that cannot currently be taken have been crossed out.
Certain actions may be taken multiple times. They may or may not be labeled, but generally if it makes sense that you can do it multiple times, you can do so. It may not be worth doing it multiple times, but you can. (Subject to veto if it gets overdone or stops making sense in game.)
Base - your base of operations. Necessary for any kind of long term survival.
[ ] Create Base (Short term) 1 AP. A short term base provides low bonus and is limited in potential upgrades and defenses. It can be built, torn down, and moved fairly quickly. Requires a location to build.
- [ ] Landing Site: a massive open room full of debris. What this place once was, who can say.
[ ] Dismantle Base (Short term) 1 AP. Dismantle your short term base for reuse or relocation.
[ ] Create Base (Long term) 4 AP. A long term base provides greater bonuses as well as higher potential for upgrades and defenses, but takes longer to set up, take down, or move. quires a location to build.
- [ ] Landing Site: a massive open room full of debris. What this place once was, who can say. [ ] Dismantle Base (Long term) 4 AP. Dismantle your long term base for reuse or relocation.
[ ] Increase Defenses - Increase the quality of existing defenses.
- [ ] Select Defenses to upgrade.
- [ ] Create Additional Defenses 1 AP per defense action - Construct defenses not already integrated into your base requires an existing base.
-- [ ] Steel Debris Walls +1 (Currently 1)
-- [ ] Steel Debris Spikes
-- [ ] Fire Zone/Chokepoints
-- [ ] Build Gate (Steel Debris) +1 (Currently 1)
-- [ ] Pit Traps
-- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Build/Upgrade Shrine 1 AP - there are many interpretations of the Machine God, many methods of worship. You must have someplace to pray. Build a shrine at which you may meditate and pray without distraction. If you already have a shrine, you may choose to upgrade it.
[ ] Build Workbench (CRUDE) 1 AP - (you have a BASIC workbench) Does not require a base. Workbench of higher quality than CRUDE requires better materials and a base. Items may be manufactured up to the quality level of the workbench they are made on.
[ ] Upgrade Workbench Quality 1 AP per level of quality (Currently BASIC, 2 AP to upgrade to IMPROVED) - Increase the quality of your workbench by one level. Each level requires more resources than the prior level at the quality being upgraded to (2 IMPROVED quality Components to upgrade to IMPROVED). Each level provides additional bonus to research and manufacturing options.
[ ] Make base airtight - Requires base. Requires enclosed base. AP requirements based on size and quality of base.
[ ] Write In -
Manufacture: Manufacturing from scratch is limited by general resource quality and quality of workbench.
You currently have the skill and knowledge to manufacture items and technology of up to IMPROVED quality. You have a BASIC workbench, which allows you to create items of BASIC quality at 1:1 AP cost and IMPROVED quality at 2:1 (double) AP cost.
[ ] Manufacture Weapons: At Tech 3 , you can manufacture most Imperial weapons that are not considered secret by their creators, though higher complexity weapons have the chance of failure. Generally technology requires components of the tier of quality you wish to create.
- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Manufacture Bionics - Build something to make your body better. You have the knowledge and ability to manufacture bionics of IMPROVED quality. These are bionics that are better than the parts they are replacing. Higher quality bionics than IMPROVED require research first.
- [ ] Integrated Tools (BASIC) 2 AP - Allows the creation of items of BASIC quality without the use of a workbench at double standard AP cost. Can be upgraded past BASIC, though research is required.
- [ ] Create Astartes leg bionic - that missing leg is going to cause some issues. Make a leg for the astartes. Quality - CRUDE or BASIC.
- [ ] What Bionic? (Organs, Limbs, Mechadendrites, etc.) Write in -
[ ] Install Bionics (requires uninstalled bionic)
- [ ] Install Astartes leg bionic
- [ ] Mechadendrite(s)
- [ ] Which Bionics? Write In
- [ ] Replace Organs - (requires uninstalled bionic organ(s))
-- [ ] Which Organs? Write In
[ ] Upgrade - AP and Component cost tied to upgrade level. With the necessary knowledge, components, and facilities, most technology can be upgraded. Your quest for knowledge, improvement, and personal ability will never stop, and so you must ever make your body and tools better
- Which item? (Bionics, weapons, components, armor, etc)
[ ] Upgrade Servo Skull - How? Write In -
[ ] Create CRUDE air generator/extractor 1 AP - Your internal air supply and recycling will not last forever.
[ ] Create CRUDE corpse starch processor 1 AP - Corpse starch is a mainstay on hive worlds for a reason. A simple device which intakes biomass (usually corpses, hence corpse starch), processes, purifies, and refines it, and results in variable quality nutrient output.
[ ] Create CRUDE bio sludge/algae farm 1 AP - Allows the creation of nutrient output and oxygen through algae. Requires more effort to maintain than an air generator or corpse starch processor. (You currently have a CRUDE biosludge farm)
[ ] Create backpack/sled/cart 1 AP - Fashion a crude method with which to carry things with you
[ ] Create CRUDE Skitarii 10 AP - Requires skitarii subject for conversion. Creates a CRUDE skitarii, capable of poorly performing combat or defensive tasks. Gain 3 AP for simple combat/defensive tasks.
[ ] Create CRUDE Servitor 5 AP - Requires subject for conversion. Creates a CRUDE servitor, capable of simple tasks at a slow pace. Gain 2 AP per turn per servitor for simple tasks.

[ ] Create CRUDE power source. Allows the generation of power. (This is currently running a bit more on vibes than hard numbers. Currently okay for power, as more stuff draws power, I may start adding hard numbers, but for now, it's a bit handwavy.)
[ ] Increase Parts Quality 1 AP/amount - Make the more complex parts needed for technology from more base resources. Can be taken multiple times. BASIC Components currently take 1 AP to create per component at the workbench. IMPROVED Components take base 2 AP times 2 for 4 AP to create at a BASIC workbench.
[ ] Write In -
Inspect/Examine - Inspect/Examine an item, location, person, wound, etc. to gain more information and deeper understanding. 1 AP per Inspect action, can be taken multiple times.
[ ] Examine Astartes 1 - 1 AP. - Locked. Max threshold reached. This option will be removed next turn.
[ ] Examine Astartes 2 - 1 AP. The second Blood Angels Neophyte you found is alive. How intact his mind is is another story. You've never even seen an Astartes shaken before, let alone completely unresponsive. Try to figure out what's going on.
[ ] Write in -
Repair - 1 AP - Repair two items (bionic, weapon, device, etc) one level or one item by two levels. Non-Functioning ->Low Functioning ->Functioning. Broken items can only be salvaged, inspected, or researched.
[ ] Repair Bionics
- [ ] Which Bionics? Write in -
[ ] Repair Tools - Repair which tools?

Medical - Separate treatment from direct repairs.
[ ] Treat Astartes 2 - 1 AP. Without properly examining the condition of the Astartes, there's only so much you can do. Limited maximum treatment. Much higher DC thresholds. Examine Astartes action will give you a better understanding of what treatment is needed and how long it will take.
[ ] Re-Treat Astartes 1 - 1 AP. You kinda messed that one up. He's not dead, but your methods were crude and will have negative consequences. Should you try to fix your mistakes? Prior examination bonus (+10) carries over. Additional (+5) due to learning from attempt. If successful, this may remove the maluses to stats that the astartes will have, but will not save the leg. It may decrease recovery time and/or stat malus recovery depending on success.

[ ] Write In -
Salvage - bionics, item, etc - Reduce a device to its component parts for reuse.
[ ] Salvage Omnissian Axe - small amount of parts for up to ADVANCED technology, 1 x power weapon core.
[ ] Salvage Broken Item 1 AP - Write In -
[ ] Salvage Unbroken Device 1 AP - Write In -
[ ] Write In -
Expedition - When going on an expedition, select how you want to tackle it: fast but loud, slow but quiet, middle approach. Normally you will also select resources to take with you, but you don't really have that right now.

Locations will have different levels of resources, sublocations, potential caches of technology, enemies, and very maybe allies. You can explore a location multiple times as you are unlikely to find everything in one expedition. When a location is fully explored, it will be marked as such. However, you can never know everything, and circumstances may change. This may or may not be marked.

Locations now have an associated distance with an associated AP cost modifier. These are intended to account for only traveling within the current ship vs several ships over or all the way across the space hulk. Over time, you may be able to discover methods of decreasing these costs, whether those be shortcuts, vehicles, personal upgrades, etc. Modifiers below:
- Close - x 1 AP current ship
- Mid - x 2 AP next ships over
- Far - x 4 AP 3-10 ships over
- Very far - x 8 AP more than halfway across
- Extremely far - x 16 AP - the other side of the space hulk

How are you exploring? (If multiple expeditions are occurring, select speed for each expedition)
- [ ] Fast but loud x 1 AP
- [ ] Middle ground x 2 AP
- [ ] Slow but quiet x 3 AP
Chances of finding [SPECIFIC THING] is increased, chances of finding other things is decreased.
Does not allow you to find SPECIFIC THING in locations where there is no SPECIFIC THING.
-- [ ] Explore - look around a location for unfound resources, etc. The narrower your focus, the more likely you are to find things, but also miss out on other locations. Location - massive section, ship, deck, section of ship, room. The larger the area, the more AP required.
-- [ ] Search for unknown survivor/Investigate location of encounter. SRV-SKL-01LZ found some kind of living being that was not actively hostile. Another ally would be well worth having, and a known enemy is more desirable than an unknown one. That starts with finding them or finding more information about them.
-- [ ] Gellar Field Generator - The Warp is a nightmare hellscape and if the Space Hulk returns to the warp while you are unprotected, your body will be torn apart and your soul shredded. Who knows what remains functioning or repairable in this planet sized pile of ruined ships, but you need something to keep you alive in the Warp.
-- [ ] Power Source - The only power keeping you and your base going is your internal Potentia Coil. That's working for the moment, but as you continue creating, finding, and repairing more equipment and weaponry, that will rapidly become insufficient. Look for a generator, an operating or repairable ship's plasma drive, a repairable vehicle, something.
-- [ ] Seek Astartes. What happened to them? Neophytes or not, hostile or not, they'll be very helpful in not dying and getting out of here. How are you looking for them? (Currently found: 2/10)
--- [ ] Backtrack (+10) - Follow the path of debris and path you fell. With luck, it won't be too convoluted and difficult a path. Though depending on luck is rarely worth it.
---- [ ] Use Astartes comm signal (+10) - You were connected to the Astartes comm network so they could relay commands. You've lost connection currently, but you can probably use that to try to track them down. You found one of the Astartes. You don't know the location or condition of the others. Keep looking?
---- [ ] Use shuttle comm signal (+5) - Through the Astartes comm network, you had been briefly connected to the shuttle's machine spirit. You'd have to reverse engineer the connection, but you might be able to look for the shuttle instead. It'll be harder than using the Astartes signal, but the shuttle won't be moving. Probably. You hope. You found one of the Astartes. You don't know the location or condition of the others. Keep looking?
--- [ ] Don't backtrack. There are other directions the Astartes might have fallen.
---- [ ] Use Astartes comm signal (+10)
---- [ ] Use shuttle comm signal (+5)
-- [ ] Short term base
-- [ ] Long term base
-- [ ] Defensible location
-- [ ] Write in - What specific thing are you looking for?
-- [ ] Drop ship - the drop ship you and a squad of Astartes arrived on. You have only the vaguest idea of where it is and the condition it's in.
-- [ ] Second Drop ship - the drop ship the first squad of Astartes arrived on. You assume it must exist, but have no idea of its location.
-- [ ] Unknown survivor base/bolthole - SRV-SKL-01LZ found a survivor of some kind, and they must have some kind of safe location somewhere.

- [GENERAL/SPECIFIC LOCATIONS] (Known locations that you can get to)
-- [ ] Your current base. You know what's here.
-- [ ] The room you landed in. All you know is that it's big and full of large debris. It's full of a lot of different kinds of debris, including sections that might have come from drop ships or shuttles.
-- [ ] The vents you fell through. The deck gave way and you fell some distance through the ship. Hopefully just the one ship. At some point you ended up in what is presumably a vent system of some sort which spat you out into a large room full of junk. The vents are poorly laid out, labyrinthine, and badly damaged. But vents often lead to extensive areas of a ship and you might have good fortune here, if you can find your way through.
-- [ ] The Space Hulk - The space hulk is vast. Pick a direction and go, what will you find there? Besides probable death.
-- [ ] The location of the survivor encounter - SRV-SKL-01LZ found someone still alive in the vents. This is where it found them.
-- [ ] The location where you found the first space marine (stasis) - a place in the vents. Is there anything else here to find?
-- [ ] The location where you found the second space marine (catatonic) - some kind of sensor room. Is there anything else there to find?

-- [ ] Write in - There's somewhere else you could be searching. Where?
NOTE - I'm going to be locking Research for the first few turns due to in universe time constraints, unless there is sufficient desire from the readers.
Research covers long term learning projects. Each research project can have as many AP dedicated to it as you have AP. Each AP will result in 1 roll for progress using Tech/Int (in this case Bo3) with any relevant bonuses (currently Imperial Tech).
Simple or known repairs and manufacturing can be done without research actions. Things you don't know how to do will need to be researched first.
[ ] Bionics
- [ ] Improve SpiderRig swap speed - At this point, it takes a day of effort to change your SpiderRig from legs to arms. Much of that fine tuning the changes. If you fine-tuned the process, you could cut that down to half a day or even less. If you focus on upgrading the SpiderRig itself, you might even be able to change mode at will. An invaluable feature at any time, but even more so now, with danger at every moment. If only you can find the time to figure out those changes.
- [ ] Improve organs (basic) - You are no Biologis, but you know the theory. With time and effort, you could figure out ways to biologically upgrade the meat that currently keeps much of you running. Or at least, figure out how to repair it and keep it running at it's current level.
- [ ] Upgrade Bionics - You know how to make bionics that are better than flesh. Now it's time to learn to make bionics better than that. Learn to make bionics at ADVANCED quality. Allows you to make better bionics.
- [ ] Quality Upgrade - Quality Upgrade will improve the threshold of damages for the upgraded parts, ie the point at which undamaged/damaged but fixable/nonfunctioning but fixable/unrepairable change.
- [ ] Increase Modularity - If you redesign your bionics so that parts can be more easily swapped out, you can more easily repair yourself. Increases effect of repair action.
- [ ] Pain Editor - A pain editor is an extremely useful device. Capable of dulling or eliminating pain but allowing the data regarding damages to pass into your knowledge, this would eliminate any negative effects of pain. You know this exists, but do not currently know how to create it.
[ ] Integrated Tools (IMPROVED) - Allows the creations of items of BASIC quality without the use of a workbench. Can be upgraded
[ ] Crude Clone Vat - You need more hands, more labor, more ability to do things. You know the base theory of cloning, but you've never done it from scratch before. Apply your knowledge to create a Crude Clone Vat. Any clones grown will be low quality and prone to numerous issues. A Crude Clone has limitations on what alterations can be done with the developing clone.
[ ] Inspect/research a broken item - while it may never serve its original purpose, you might still learn from it. Advance research towards constructing a specific object as well as your general knowledge of that type of device (eg study a broken las pistol, learn how to make las pistol, las tech, and imperial tech. General knowledge gains are slow.)
[ ] Create blueprint - You need to build it. But you don't know how. Figure it out and record your notes for later reference. Allows creation of a device or item you currently do not know how to make.
- [ ] Write In -
[ ] Write In -
Personal Betterment - on a fundamental base level, you may not be enough. You are going to make yourself better. Personal Betterment involves figuring out and implementing ways to improve yourself. Personal Betterment functions like a Research action
[ ] Trait Gain - you need to change how you approach things fundamentally. Rebuild yourself, fundamentally change your view of the world, shift your methodology. Gain or upgrade a Trait. The Trait Gain research action will generally be the MC figuring out how to implement a change she wishes to make. An action will then become available to implement that change. Certain Traits, generally those involving backstory or specific events, are not possible to attain in this fashion. In the case of major events occuring over the course of the quest, it may be possible to gain an associated Trait. This availability will be noted when it occurs.
- [ ] Event Trait - Double Down - Something happened. And you have changed from it. Double down on that change, you consider it a lesson worth keeping. Gain Trait.
- [ ] See CC for traits
[ ] Skill Gain - your skills are not enough. You need to be better. Gain or upgrade a Skill.
- [ ] See CC for skills
[ ] Increase Stat - Increase a base stat by one.
- [ ] Select Base Stat -
Other Actions -
[ ] Flee - The situation is dire. Grab what you can and go. Hopefully it's a better place than your current location. Gain bonus to speed and increase likelihood of escape from whatever you're running from.
- [ ] Flee in which direction?
[ ] Cocoon 1 AP. May be taken multiple times as preparation - There's no chance of survival. No way to survive this place. Find a secret location. Fortify it as much as you can. Hide it even better. Convert your bionics for efficiency. Build the best stasis device you are capable of. Put yourself into hibernation and wait until the situation is less dire. You are unlikely to survive, but you think your chances are better this way than any other. You may set conditions on waking, at which point turns will be made based on rolls seeing if those conditions are met. You'll probably die, but at least it will be a quiet death rather than being torn apart from the horrors of the warp. Probably. You hope.
[ ] Flee 1 AP. May be taken multiple times - Run. Run and never look back. Find the shuttle that brought you here at all costs and leave this place. If failed, difficulty will shift before the next roll based on the prior roll.
[ ] Pray 1 AP. May be taken multiple times - You worship the Machine in action, thought, and deed. Spend time beseeching the Machine God for guidance and assistance. May help. May not. The Machine God helps those who help themselves, and a cog that continues its duty no matter the circumstances is worthy of emulation indeed.
- [ ] Select location for prayer or rites:
[ ] Change bionics location - the locations of your bionics on and in your body are not fixed. Change the location or attachment points of your bionics. Useful if imbalanced or hiding potential weak points.
[ ] Swap SpiderRig Mode 1 AP - Currently Mobility Mode. Ignores terrain debuffs. Grants an additional 2 AP for Exploration actions.
- [ ] Swap to Manipulation Mode. Allows the use of additional weapons in combat and an additional 2 AP for Manufacturing actions.
a/n: I think I got most changes for Actions, but let me know if I missed anything.
I've shuffled the order of actions to hopefully flow a little better. I consolidated the expedition/exploration actions a bit. They're now focused with the idea of going to a place for a reason, which covers going to known locations or to unknown locations to explore. I've also added a distance modifier. It's unlikely to matter for a while, but it's there.
I'm thinking about unlocking the research action. I'm not super sure how I want to tackle it in terms of mechanics. My original thought was functional to assign a cumulative research roll which would be reached over multiple turns, with success being reflected by rolls, ie research costing 400 total, each roll would add 1d100 to x/400, and once 400/400, that research is considered complete.

Alternately, I've seen research as a degrees of success roll, with low being a failure or increasing cost and high rolls decreasing cost of later research. I do kinda like this one. In this case, I would be reflecting difficulty in research with AP cost.

Currently 1 AP is 1 day, so a simple research could take less than a week (7 AP), or a complex research could be the work of months (100+ AP) or years (1000+ AP). These costs can later be altered with created or discovered cogitators, research documents and data, etc. Research does use Tech/Int rolls, so you'd be rolling best of 3d100 +5 for success/progress. Thoughts?

Most things that you would assume a tech priest can do, Sigma-Rho 03 can do up to IMPROVED. Once you reach Advanced (ie Rank 4 Tech), you'll need to research those.
If there is any information missing or needed, let me know. If there is any kind of reference stuff you'd like, ie better layout for a type of information, let me know, I'll see what I can do.