Only Metal Endures - A Tech Priest Survival Quest

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You wake up. Alone. Unsure who you are. Your memory banks are damaged. The blessed steel that comprises your body is compromised. Around you is wreckage as far as you can see. You don't immediately recall how you got here or where here is.
Character Creation - A Painful Start
Somewhere North. It's cold here.
I keep trying to get this to the level of refinement that I want it to be. But I've been sitting with this at about the same stage for ages, so fuck it, I'm just gonna post it.

I made a quest a bit ago about a tech priest becoming fabricator general of a forge world. It never even made it to the forge world. It was way more than I was up for doing, and I kept wanting to do more and more detail. And I still like the idea, but if I continue it, I'm gonna need to revamp my process. So in the meantime, I'm gonna try something on a bit of a smaller scale, and try to keep it a bit more structured than what I had going before. Mechanics are gonna be a little loose and a lot simpler because if I think too much about it, it stresses me out. So here's where we're starting.

You are a tech priest.


Something has gone wrong and you need to scrape things back together and try not to die in the process. Figure out what happened and get back to where you should be or go off and do your own thing or join a Rogue Trader fleet or start up your own small or not so small forge empire. Plenty of paths to go from here.

I want to start small and add in as we go, plus I like this start. It's basically Naked Brutality from Rimworld.

I like Admech. They're lunatics but oh so much fun.
You wake up. Alone. Unsure who you are. Your memory banks are damaged. The blessed steel that comprises your body is compromised. Around you is wreckage as far as you can see. You don't immediately recall how you got here or where here is.

First, you need to take stock of the situation, figure out how much you remember, and how damaged your body is.
Character Creation -

Name -

[ ] Alphathrict Tux-Cerg - Obsessive Appraiser of the Integrated Temple
[ ] Sigma-Rho 03 - Ingenious Monitor of the Radiant Cog
[ ] I-295 - Reflexive Technoshaman of the Omnissiah's Reliquary
[ ] Heldandrer Theth - Intuitive Cyclomancer of the Divine Uplink
[ ] Ismid Jei-Bahr - Emotionless Cogitator of the Virtual Reliquary
Write In -

Gender -
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Shrug. Write in pronouns -

Age -
[ ] Trainee - (less than 20) You have barely hit your physical maturity. You have years to go before completing your training and education, and years more before anyone takes you seriously.
[ ] Young but skilled - (20-30) Your training is complete, but you still have much to learn.
[ ] Magos - (30-50) You have gained experience, you have branched out in knowledge, you have proven yourself. But there are still heights to climb.
[ ] Archmagos - (50-100) You have climbed the ranks, you have trained yourself and others, you have guided your own trainees. You have sunk decades into your skill and capabilities, and you will continue to learn for as long as you remain, for the search for knowledge trudges ever on.
[ ] Archmagos Veneratori - (100+) There are many above you in skill and knowledge, for the Mechancus is vast. But there are far more below you, for you have ever honed your craft. And you will never cease to do so, for you are of the machine, and the machine is immortal.

[ ] Basic two
[ ] Four
[ ] More - Write in -
ARM QUALITY - (feel free to mix and match, ie one industrial arm and two precision arms)
[ ] Flesh Enhanced - Still mostly flesh, but somewhat improved
[ ] Basic Steel - You have replaced your arms with blessed steel, but nothing of particular quality
[ ] Advanced Steel - You have replaced your crude flesh limbs with much improved mechanical ones
[ ] Industrial - Your limbs were built for power and strength, for moving the heavy components of the forge.
[ ] Precision - You've replaced your arms with machines focused on precision work, capable of manipulating the most minute of devices with delicacy.
[ ] Write In -
[ ] Flesh Enhanced - Still mostly flesh, but somewhat improved
[ ] Basic Steel - You have replaced your legs with blessed steel, but nothing of particular quality
[ ] Advanced Steel - You have replaced your crude flesh limbs with much improved mechanical ones
You are not bound by the constraints of biology, so why should the shape of your body be constrained as well? -
[ ] Digitigrade - With two opposite joints on your legs, your speed and ability to jump are far higher than they might be at the base shape of your bioform.
[ ] Spiderlike - You have replaced your legs with a series of spiderlike limbs, allowing you much greater balance and speed.
[ ] Centipede - Your lower body is a long and winding thing with dozens of small limbs to move it along.
[ ] Snakelike - Who needs legs? Your lower body is long and powerful and can slither along the ground at great speed and allows you to rise to great heights.
[ ] Mechadendrites - Mechadendrites are more flexible and have more use than conventional limbs, so why not just use those?
[ ] Write In -
How many mechadendrites -
[ ] One
[ ] Two
[ ] Four
[ ] More…?
Weapons (select ranged and melee) -
[ ] Omnissian Axe - A cog shaped power weapon, a holy icon of the Machine God
[ ] Plasma Weapon (write in)
[ ] Las Weapon (write in)
[ ] Xeno Weapon (write in)
[ ] Chain Weapon (write in)
[ ] Power Weapon (write in)
[ ] Write In -
Armor -
[ ] None
[ ] Plate Armor - your armor is sturdy and powerful, solid plates of plasteel and adamantine cover your body
[ ] Energy Shield - rather than metals, your body is protected by ancient archeotech and faith, allowing for great protection so long as your power supply remains undamaged.
[ ] Ablative Armor - you body is covered in dozens of layers of interlocking plate which dissipate force and shatter and crumble before you come to harm. Requires more maintenance after battle, but you can survive almost anything if only once.
[ ] Write In -
Item/gift/relic -
[X] Servo Skull - [provided regardless] a small drone used by tech adepts. Extremely customizable, often used for recording, scouting, medical care or as an additional set of manipulators. (Provides one additional Action Point per turn for a simple action, such as scouting, scanning or similar)
[ ] Schematics (write in, within reason) - detailed records of the construction of some form of technology. This will allow the production/creation of the technology when a workshop or production facilities are available.
[ ] Small scale personal fabricator - a device that will consume raw materials and a large amount of power to create small to medium sized components. (Removes the requirement of taking the action Create Components once per turn.)
[ ] Heretek Device (write in, within reason) - a heretekal device that you had been investigating.
[ ] Advanced Auspex - Information is power. You have integrated a complex series of sensors, detectors, and recording devices throughout your body.
[ ] Unknown Device - An unknown piece of technology with unclear capabilities. You had been slowly learning its capabilities in your spare time. This device will need to be researched to discover what it is and what it does. (Quality and what exactly the unknown device is will be rolled for, but by QM fiat is guaranteed to be something at least decent)
[ ] Small Scale Plasma Power Cell - a power cell using the same technology that the Imperium's plasma weapons are based on. It produces sufficient power to keep yourself running indefinitely as well as nearly any man portable devices you might have access to. (Provides additional power (when power becomes relevant and I figure out the mechanics for power. I'm not sure if I want to bother tracking it right now) Also allows overcharge of most powered devices, increased ability and use at the cost of requiring later repairs)
[ ] Write In -

Cybernetics Aesthetics?
[ ] Random - your sense of aesthetics is minimal at best. You care for ergonomics only so far as is necessary for your parts to not interfere with each other. Your body has no true layout or plan. When you need a new limb, when your current components are worn or damaged, when additional weapons are required or new capabilities needed, you simply add more. Limbs and mechadendrites every which way, sensor packages wherever, everything is everywhere. It does make it harder to fingered out your weak points though
[ ] Workmanlike - you replaced your flesh over time, as practically as possible. When you were not strong enough, you strengthened your limbs. When the air choked you, you added filters to your lungs. When that was insufficient, you replaced them altogether. The flesh is weak, and you replace it as needed. Your skill in steel is ever growing, and so you upgrade your implants as you are able.
[ ] Inhuman - the flesh is weak. It is the purview of each tech priest to shed their frailty as they grow in skill. Most choose to shed the basic shape of man over time, with extra limbs, sensors, and components as needed. You have actively fled the inefficiencies of the base shape of humanity. No one could ever mistake you for a simple human. Though carefully designed, your body is as inhuman as you can make it.
[ ] Subtle - from a distance, you could be any somewhat augmented human under your robe. Your body is no less augmented, no less blessed by the true flesh, but you never felt the need to display yourself to the world, nor to deviate too far from the basic shape of humanity

Background - Where did you come from?
[ ] Death World - Numerous worlds throughout the Imperium are considered death worlds. You were skilled enough and intelligent enough that when you sought to replace your frail flesh with something more sturdy, you were allowed to join the Mechanicus and do so rather than struck down for your arrogance.
[ ] Void Born - Born aboard a voidship, your skill in repair and maintenance brought you to the attention of the chief explorator about the vessel. They took you under their wing and elevated you out to the drudgery and endless toil of a low crewman.
[ ] Forge World - You were tested for general aptitude, as was every child on your world. When the testing showed you could be useful, you were taken from your home and placed in the Forge World Schola and trained to be of use to the Omnissiah.
[ ] Hive World - As one of teeming billions, through a series of incredibly fortunate circumstances, clever planning, and lots of hard work, you were in position to provide critical assistance to a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus. When asked what you wanted in return, you asked for them to teach you everything they could. They were unwilling to teach you to that level, but it allowed you the opportunity to escape your prior circumstances.
[ ] Imperial World - Born on a non-descript Imperial world, you were taken by the Mechanicus for general labor. Your skill with machinery caught the eye of the supervising tech priest, who allowed you additional education, eventually leading to admission to the Mechanicus as a member rather than laborer.
[ ] Noble Born - Once a noble of an Imperial world, you showed aptitude for the secrets of the tech adepts. It seemed a better path to you than the danger and intrigue of the nobility and so you left to join the Martian Priesthood. You were right about it being a better path, but the danger, intrigue, and politics are no lesser here.

While everything fell apart around you, you were only able to focus on protecting so much. Of your bionics, your weapons, your equipment, what did you prioritize keeping intact?

The top two will roll Bo3 for success in keeping intact. Three through six will roll Bo2, the remainder Bo1. The idea is that the higher something is on the list, the more likely it is to remain fully intact. Head and torso will be rolled for, but are guaranteed to maintain some level of functionality. It would be a very short quest if you died immediately from head trauma. Though it could be a really funny fail state to write, then ignore and reroll.

Everything will have at least a chance of being undamaged, and the more damaged an item is, the harder it will be to repair and the longer it will take.

Multiple limbs and mechadendrites will be rolled for individually, but remain in the same dice category. Ie 5 mechadendrites at low priority will roll Bo1 5 times with each mechadendrite receiving it's own damage amount. (see example at end of chapter)

List Implants/Weapons/Equipment in order of priority
[ ] Write In -
Stats - To keep it simple, there are 5 base stats.
- Health
- Combat
- Technical Skill/Intelligence
- Insight
- Physical

Each base stat has subcategories or Skills, seen below.
- Combat (melee, ranged, vehicle)
- Tech/Int (imperial, xeno, archeo, biologis)
- Insight (perception, problem solving, social)
- Physical (speed, power, precision, stealth)

Points into Stats determine the number of dice in the dice pool (ie 3 points in Tech will be a Bo3 roll for Tech related actions). Points into Skills decrease the threshold for relevant actions by 5 per point (ie 1 point into Archeotech will change DC 20/60/100 to DC 15/55/95, and 2 points will change it to 10/50/90)

You have 10 dice to split between Combat, Technical Skill/Intelligence, Insight, and Physical. No higher than 4, no lower than 1.

[ ] Health - How much you can get hurt and not die. At 0 you are alive but in extremely poor condition. Health refers primarily to your body, ie head and torso. You can still have technically full health of 3 but have only one limb.
[ ] Combat - Your ability to damage and kill things before they do the same to you.
[ ] Technical Skill/Intelligence - Your knowledge and skill with technology as well and your intellect
[ ] Insight - Where intelligence is knowing what to do with raw information, Insight is the ability to see beyond what merely lies before you.
[ ] Physical - How capable you are at directly interfacing with the world, either through brute force or delicate touch.

Skills [specialty] - Choose a skill. All skills have the potential to be learned and upgraded as you progress.

[ ] Melee (combat) - No one ever stays at range, so you have chosen to be better than them at their chosen form of attack
[ ] Ranged (combat) - If you kill your foes at a distance, you are far safer than if you allow them close.
[ ] Vehicles (combat) - There is a sublime truth in directing many tons of steel to your will, being a guiding mind behind something far greater than yourself.
[ ] Imperium Tech (tech) - The technological base of the Imperium is vast. This is your ability to interact with, repair, and understand most Imperial technology. (Will maintain a minimum level of competency even if not chosen.)
[ ] Xeno Tech (tech) - All knowledge is divinity. What does it matter where it comes from? So many of your fellows focus on mankind's past, you have sought knowledge from other sources, often at great cost and to the disapproval and hatred of your colleagues.
[ ] Archeotech (tech) - the knowledge of the ancients, the Will of the Omnissiah. Technology far beyond anything mankind is capable of now, this is your ability to interact with, repair, and understand Archeotech.
[ ] Biologis (tech) - While the surety of blessed steel is unchanging and eternal, nonetheless maintenance is required. Flesh is self repairing and self expanding, to a point, at the cost of much greater care and nuance in its creation and upgrades. Steel is cold, pure, and logical, flesh is messy, filthy, and prone to failure. Nonetheless, there is much to be done with flesh, if one takes the time to learn. This is your ability to interact with, repair, upgrade and understand the crude flesh and elevate it beyond its natural bounds.
[ ] Perception (Insight) - The ability to see and know, both what is obvious and hidden.
[ ] Problem Solving (Insight) - There are two primary methods of problem solving. One is acceptable, the application of known wisdom and solutions to problems old and new. The second is unacceptable, it is heresy, seeking to apply knowledge in new and untried ways, to find what works and doesn't without the benefit of millennia of wisdom. So really, there is only one way of problem solving
[ ] Social (Insight) - The faith of the Adeptus Mechanicus is vast and varied. There are certain tenets that must remain true else courting heresy, but outside of those core tenets, and at times even up to and including them, the arguments of the Mechanicus are fierce.
Each forge world is an entity unto itself, beholden to the Imperium, the Fabricator General of Mars, and the Fabricator General of the forge world itself. Within the forge world there are production quotas to meet, billions of tech priests, menials, and servitors to manage, and enormous logistical concerns. The actions of any one being in authority impacts the lives of trillions. To wander within this complex web is a tedious and painstaking task of bureaucracy, politics, religious dogma, and perhaps least importantly, the concerns of actual reality. Those who cannot traverse this nightmare will accomplish nothing. Those who are capable will perhaps eventually achieve some pieces of their goals. And the few who excel will make the vast network dance to their own tune, slow and groaning as the machinery of bureaucracy and faith may be.
[ ] Speed (Physical) - How quickly you can move, both in combat and in direct motion.
[ ] Power (Physical) - The amount of force you can apply to any given action. The difference between using lifts and servitors to move your projects, and simply moving them yourself.
[ ] Precision (Physical) - What use is uncontrolled speed? What use is great strength without also the ability to direct the smallest of components?
[ ] Stealth (Physical) - For a new acolyte, to remain unnoticed until called for is a useful skill. To continue to hone that skill speaks of a different mindset.

Traits/Notable characteristics - Choose one free trait. Traits can be attained throughout the quest, through actions, events, and/or training and upgrades. Traits can also generally be upgraded, though with increasing difficulty as higher tiers are reached.

For sum two highest, if you don't have two dice, the non-existent second die is treated as 0. A Trait that sums two highest for a character build that only has one die in a Stat would likely be unhelpful. Be sure to take this into account.

Note: For Traits, I'm open to discussion on some of the effects. I'm not a TTRPG designer, I don't entirely understand why or which option is better the difference in effects. Such as a bonus of Bo2 vs do an action twice vs sum a roll of 2. If anyone wants to explain, please, I welcome it.

[ ] Hard to Kill - You built redundancies into everything you are. On any roll that would kill you or permanently disable a body part or implant, roll again.
[ ] Once in a Generation - Even in the vast numbers of the Imperium of Man, there are those who stand out as exceptionally intelligent. You are one of them. Sum the two highest dice for progress when you take the research action (or similar, such as learning, teaching, etc).
[ ] Murder Blender - You focused the steel you replaced your flesh with on destroying anything that got close to you. Rather than Best of #, apply all Melee dice rolls as attacks. (ie with 3 Physical, rather than Bo3, roll three attacks with one die each)
[ ] Walking Artillery - good at massive and indiscriminate damage at range. Increases range of explosions, increases damage. Sum two highest dice for attacks involving explosives.
[ ] Reach Out and Touch Them - The ability to destroy your foes at range is shown to drastically increase survivability. They cannot injure you if they're dead long before you enter their range. But they have long since entered yours. And it is unacceptable to potentially damage holy relics and blessed technology. So you focused on long range precision damage. Increased range on single shot long range precision damage. For attacks where they are in your range but you are not in theirs, sum two highest dice. Decreases collateral.
[ ] Slow Moving Tank - You are sturdy and hard to injure but slow. Enemy damage always roll worst of two. Move at half speed. Relevant for combat and travel without vehicles.
[ ] Sneaky AF - You have honed your skill and rebuilt your body with the goal of remaining unnoticed. Sum two highest dice for sneaking actions or remaining concealed or unnoticed.
[ ] Enhanced Auspex - High perception. You have long considered the ability to see what surrounds you, to see the hidden and the obvious to be among the most important of abilities. Enables perception. Sum best two for perception actions.
[ ] Blessed by the Omnissiah - You are lucky. Very lucky. Things go your way so often that it must be the hand of the Omnissiah directly guiding you. Better chances and better potential outcomes with regards to searching or investigation actions.
[ ] Ascended Skitarii - Once a Skitarii Trooper, then Squad Captain, then Commander, you showed enough skill, ambition, and independence that is uncommon to Skitarii that a commanding tech priest took interest in you and claimed you as their personal guard and eventually apprentice. General small combat bonus, bonus to command and to forces you command.
[ ] Silvertongue - Your tongue is silver, literally and figuratively. You are good at people. Somehow. For all social, interaction, and negotiation rolls, sum the highest two rolls.
[ ] Ghost in the Machine - You whisper and they listen, often when they never would for others. Once per turn reroll a failed roll involving machine spirits.
[ ] Speedy - The world moves slowly around you. When you replace enough meat, it is truly astounding just how much more quickly you traverse the space around you than the frail flesh of base humanity. Affects combat and travel. Distance traveled on foot doubled.
[ ] Xenarite - The Machine God speaks to all, not just humanity. Your quest for knowledge expands beyond that of most of your fellows to include the revelations given even to foul Xenos. Gain three points in Xenotech.
[ ] Venerable - only available if age selected was Archmagos or Archmagos Vereratori. You have existed for decades, potentially centuries. This has left you with a wealth of practical experience. Once per turn you may choose to reroll any outcome you can effect and select the preferable option.
[ ] Bloody Minded Determination - once you have set your mind to something, it is difficult to convince you otherwise. When injured in combat, attack again. Additionally, over time, repeating the same action applies one stack of Bloody Determination per turn, decreasing the threshold by 5 per stack per stack per turn.
[ ] Write In - (If you have a Trait you find more interesting than what I have here or that covers an area I've left unexplored, feel free to write it in. I retain the right to veto or alter Traits that are outside the bounds of what I'm looking for)
What happened that got you stuck wherever here is?
[ ] Fire Fight - though you may have held the advantage at the start, the tides turned. You were unable to hold your ground and were gradually overwhelmed. Clearly you survived, but how much of your body is still intact is unclear.
[ ] The Floor Gave Way - no matter how well maintained, millennia of wear still leaves its mark. And this place was not well maintained. The ground gave way beneath you dropping you hundreds, perhaps thousands of feet below. The numerous structures, pipes, and machines you impacted on the way down did you no favors.
[ ] Explosion - there was no sign of danger before a massive conflagration consumed you. A trap, a betrayal, abandoned or faulty munitions, or simply unmaintained infrastructure, you don't know.
[ ] Unknown Archeotech - while investigating rumors of priceless archeotech, you found what you were looking for. A large device in disrepair, it must have activated despite your best efforts. Now you are damaged, in disrepair, and you do not know where you are.
[ ] Chaotic Warp Effects - you strode into the depths to confront and destroy a warp cult. Despite your preparation, they were much larger and better prepared than even your worst projections and you were overwhelmed after a brutal conflict. Alone, injured, and badly damaged, the warp spits you out in an unknown location, though fortunately firmly in the real.
[ ] Ambush - it was a well disguised and subtly hidden killzone that you walked into. Your own technological superiority, allies, and firepower matter less that you would have liked in the face of stolen heavy plasma cannons and a well prepared killbox
[ ] Dropship Crash - you hadn't even reached your destination. The journey was choppy, but the spirits of the shuttle held together until they were abruptly overwhelmed. You cried out litanies of strength and endurance to the shuttle until the failing dropship impacted your destination at speed and angle far in excess of intent and everything went black.

Who was with you?
[ ] Skitarii - You knew the danger when you went to claim a cache of technology. Unfortunately, the skitarii you brought with you wouldn't be enough.
[ ] Guardsmen - the local Mechanicus was tightly limited on manpower and resources, so you were assigned a squad of the Imperial Guard instead of servitors and skitarii.
[ ] Inquisitor - Recruited for your knowledge and skill by the authority of an Inquisitor, you didn't really have a choice in joining their entourage
[ ] Fellow tech priests - only a small part of a group of tech priests, you were with your fellows when things began to go wrong
[ ] Astartes - Bereft of their tech marine for reasons they were unwilling to divulge and tight on time, your expertise was required by a squad of Neophyte Blood Angels, the Sons of Sanguinius
[ ] Servitors - This was a routine repair and maintenance rite. Only one tech priest was needed for the rites and to direct the swarm of servitors to do the heavy lifting and grunt work. As such, you only brought a group of servitors with you because your task was simple. It should have been simple. But you were so wrong.
[ ] Alone - You strode off into the depths alone. A foolish decision perhaps, but you could not risk anyone else knowing what you were doing

Difficulty mode - So where have you found yourself, alone, injured, and lost?

[ ] Hard - Hive City - From the sparkling height of the spires inhabited by nobility which pierce the atmosphere of the world on which they reside, to the hellish existence of the underhive and the Sump, to the only somewhat less hellish conditions of the main body of the hive, untold billions call any given Hive City home.

You find yourself deep within the Underhive. The air here is poison. All around you is filth and toxic runoff. There are mutants, twisted by the chemicals and industrial waste they cannot avoid. Gangs, which run most of the industry down here, many of whom exist because unaffiliated humans almost certainly can't exist alone down here, caught in an eternal struggle for control and power. Critical infrastructure scattered around in unknown locations, potentially recorded somewhere, but the records themselves lost. Lost technology caches, utterly unknown or lost to myth and rumor. Chaos cults, genestealer cults, bizarre cults worshiping the Emperor or the Omnissiah incorrectly with strange interpretations of who they are, simple cults worshiping unshaped stone. The Omnissiah only knows what you might encounter here.

[ ] Super Hard - Space Hulk - A single combined mass of wrecked and damaged ships, drifting through space, drifting through the warp, coming and going with little to no consistency. A space hulk is profoundly dangerous. All the dangers of derelict ships, vented or poisoned atmosphere, leaky reactors, fuel, and chemicals, unstable structures, and damaged labyrinthine layout. On top of this, traveling through the warp exposes the space hulk (that isn't protected by guttering and failing Gellar Field Generators) to the raw warp. Any flesh unprotected is twisted, and anything living that manages to survive the warp must find some way to sustain themselves, breathable air and food that will likely kill or corrupt later, but at least not now. A problem for the future, should they survive to deal with it. Orks are often found, looking for a good fight, a bigger gun, or just to see where it takes them. Tyranids and genestealers often slumber for years, waiting for a new world or ship to victimize. Chaos warbands and heretic astartes have been known to make their homes aboard drifting space hulks.

But for all the danger, the potential rewards are even greater. Ships from all over the galaxy, ships from all eras of the Imperium, possibly even from the Dark Age of Technology. Data, Cogitators, weapons, vehicles, ancient patterns not seen for millenia, possibly even STC fragments make nearly any sacrifice worth delving the depths of a space hulk.

What else could you be here for? But of course it's gone horribly wrong, and now you are part of that sacrifice.

Once we know who and where you are, we'll see about voting for what to actually do next update.

A couple of points for full disclosure: whatever location is decided on, you're gonna be "stuck" there for some time. There may be votes later on where one of the goals or options is to escape, to just bail and get out, because this is a terrible place and leaving everything and everyone behind for the sake of not being here is realistically the best option.

But you're gonna be stuck there, one way or another. I'd like it if people could vote for in character stuff if possible, but I understand not wanting to waste a turn on trying an escape that won't work.

I just don't want to frustrate people off by "tricking" them into thinking certain options mean something other than they think it does.


Vote moratorium for 24 hours.

I realize there are three or potentially four votes here. I want to just run all of them at once, with Character, Stats, and Scenario all separate just to get this moving. However, I also recognize that carries the potential for a lot of messiness and frustration. So I'll open the discussion to the readers if y'all wanna just get this moving, or take the time for a couple different votes. Other options are one big plan vote or three separate votes in addition to three separate but simultaneous votes.

Different votes would be below (I can also see damage priority being a separate vote if its contentious enough):


Vote in plan format, ie:
Plan BlandTech Priest Who's Probably Kinda Doomed
Name - Tom
Gender - Male
Age - Trainee
- Basic two, Flesh Enhanced
Legs - Flesh Enhanced
Mechadendrites - One
Weapons - Omnissian Axe, Plasma Pistol
Armor - None
Item/gift/relic - Servo Skull, Schematic - slightly better than standard las pistol
Aesthetics - Workmanlike
Background - Forge World

Priority -
[0] - Head
[0] - Torso

[1] Arms - Basic two, Flesh Enhanced
[1] Arms - Basic two, Flesh Enhanced
[2] Omnissian Axe

[3] Mechadendrites x 1
[4] Plasma Pistol
[5] Servo Skull
[6] Legs - Flesh Enhanced
[6] Legs - Flesh Enhanced

[7] Schematic - slightly better than standard las pistol
[n/a] Armor - None
(numbers not necessary for priority planning. Just list your preferred order. Example is to show cutoffs)

Stats -
[3] - Health
[2] - Combat
[2] - Technical Skill/Intelligence
[2] - Insight
[1] - Physical
Skills - [X] Imperium Tech (tech)
Traits - [X] Ghost in the Machine

Scenario -
What - [X] Fire Fight
Who - [X] Servitors
Difficulty - [X] Super Hard - Space Hulk
Character Sheet
Name: Sigma-Rho 03 - Ingenious Monitor of the Radiant Cog

Gender: female
Age: Trainee (less than 20)
Arms: 2, flesh enhanced, steel threading
Legs: SpiderRig. Advanced steel. A set of six legs additional to your base two that can be swapped out for 1 AP for different bonuses. 2 AP for Exploration vs 2 AP for manufacturing/fabrication.
Weapons: Unrepairable Omnissian Axe, Las Emitters in legs
Items: SRV-SKL-01LZ (servo skull)
Armor: Plate
Aesthetic: Bilateral Symmetry
Background: Hive World
Health - 2
Combat - 1
Technical Skill/Intelligence - 3
Insight - 2
Physical - 2

Imperium Tech (tech) - lowered difficulty for Imperial Tech roll thresholds

Ghost in the Machine - You whisper and they listen, often when they never would for others. Once per turn reroll a failed roll involving machine spirits.

You have 7 AP
You have + 2 AP from SpiderRig Mobility Mode for Exploration Actions
Your SRV-SKL-01LZ has 0 AP for use in minor actions such as scouting, scanning, mapping, or patrolling. When functional, SRV-SKL-01LZ has 2 AP.

Primary Base of Operations: None
Base Defense Level: None
Base Research/Manufacture Bonus: -2 (no base, no bench)

Current Resources:
Ruined Axe
Damaged Servo Skull
Basic Tools
Basic medical supplies
Gas Mask
You have no components/parts

Workbench: None. You are capable of manufacturing at a level of CRUDE quality. Your skill allows you to manufacture at a level of IMPROVED quality if you have a workbench of IMPROVED quality.
Last edited:
Okay, I'll give this a go, see what hapens.

[ ] Plan: Cute Mecha-Drider
-[ ] Sigma-Rho 03 - Ingenious Monitor of the Radiant Cog
-[ ] Female
-[ ] Trainee - (less than 20)
-[ ] Basic two
-[ ] Flesh Enhanced - Still mostly flesh, but somewhat improved
-[ ] Advanced Steel - You have replaced your crude flesh limbs with much improved mechanical ones
-[ ] Write In
--[ ] You're quite proud of your legs honestly, you spent a great deal of your training getting them just right, even at the expense of some of your other augmentation possibilities. The equations to get the balance just right where you can move about in a bipedal configuration when space is at a bit of a premium or full mobility isn't required, allowing your hind-legs to just sort of fold up and back and double as something of a servo-harness in a pinch. It's not quite as adapative as you'd like sadly, requiring you to detach the little paws for tool-arms if you're planning to spend a lot of time in the workshop, or need to do the running around and other fiddly bits, but it's still a cohesive arrangement.
---[ ] Drider-like leg configuration that can--with at least a bit of downtime--reconfigured to a bipedal arrangement with the extra legs folding up as a servo-harness array, trading off mobility and stability for greater utility.
-[ ] Mechadendrites: Sort of, your excess legs can be reconfigured into a servo-harness that isn't quite as flexible but can still get the job done if you want to trade off mobility for utility.
-[ ] Omnissian Axe - A cog shaped power weapon, a holy icon of the Machine God
-[ ] You also have laser emitters in your forelegs, they're not really any different than a laspistol but it can be a fun surprise if you need to rear up against some gribbly, pew pew
-[ ] Plate Armor - your armor is sturdy and powerful, solid plates of plasteel and adamantine cover your body
-[ ] Unknown Device
-[ ] Aesthetic: Truthfully bilateral symmetry and the humanoid form is mathematically ideal, and nature seems to bear this out given how even xeno races try to ape it to variable levels of success, which makes it the best form to have as your foundation. Most of your greatest efforts went to the masterpiece that are your legs--what, with all the work that was needed to get you mobile in the first place as just a hive urchin that came to your Master's attention, it just made sense to work on it. That being said, there's no need to throw out things that are still working perfectly fine and dandy. Focus on what doesn't work first, take control of evolution. Cool foldy spider legs that can make you look all steppy and also helps you do your job? Wonderful! But there's nothing wrong with your arms so far that proper PPE and tools can't make up for, you can swap those out when you have the resources and material to do a proper job of it and maintain a cohesive look. Nothing says shoddy worship than making your personal temple look shabby because you were too busy trying to put on appearances.
-[ ] Hive World
-[ ] Your primary legs for bipedal locomotion and your arms need to be in functional shape, beyond that, you'll need your a axe for it's role as a tool and a self-defense weapon, then you should probably seek to keep your body and head in one piece. Everything else can be recovered with time and effort.

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@Heimdall1342 , quick question, is Health one of the things I need to split dice to a s well?

It is indeed. Ten dice to split between five things. Even split at two each. I thought about more, but I felt this was a reasonable balance without making stuff too broken and leaving room to advance.

[ ] Plan: Cute Mecha-Drider

Oh that's fun as hell. This is why I leave write ins for character creation. Never would have thought of spider legs that swap to extra arms. And the bilateral symmetry is a neat idea.
It is indeed. Ten dice to split between five things. Even split at two each. I thought about more, but I felt this was a reasonable balance without making stuff too broken and leaving room to advance.

Oh that's fun as hell. This is why I leave write ins for character creation. Never would have thought of spider legs that swap to extra arms. And the bilateral symmetry is a neat idea.

Yeah, it's absically "Yeah, the humanoid form is the optimal one for tool-users, but there's no reason we can't improve on that as long as care is taken not to surrender those starting advantages." That being said, definitely going with a plucky polyanna cyborg-nun-in-training rather than your more standard hard-bitten clunker. Like the whole "Mecha-drider legs when going out and about because I spent a while not being able to use them and more is always good for redundancy, and being able to have them just sort of pivot up to act as a servo-harness is just good sense."

And then, you know, being a plucky youngster who spent way too much of their starting credit and genius working on what amounted to being a single replacement, kind of... Well, lacks most of the other stuff--though there are good plans for later! ("I've got enough manipulators, so what could my arm replacements focus on?") Definitely someone who's going full transhumanist, but doesn't forget that the humanoid form is generally the optimum one and isn't too keen on diverging further from that without a damn good reason.

Plus, you know, steppy high-heel cyber-legs because fancy, no reason you have to be a hideous rusted pile of badly done iron and pipes if a bit more effort and energy put on it can make something that much better and have a body you're comfortable with in the long run, she's still young and the numbers are on her side to Do It Right over Do It Fast just to get the icky fleshy bets gone.

I'm still wondering though if someone got a knack for advanced bionics would best be described as Imperial tech or Archaeotech though. Could you clarify so I can put the Skill in the right place?
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I'm still wondering though if someone got a knack for advanced bionics would best be described as Imperial tech or Archaeotech though. Could you clarify so I can put the Skill in the right place?

The distinction I'm making between Imperial tech and Archeotech is a level of understanding and reproducibility. Imperial tech is something that has been made a trillion times before or something that isn't made, but could be if one has the resources even if it isn't understood.

Archeotech I'm treating as basically Clarktech for 40k, nigh indistinguishable from magic. An energy gun that never needs to be recharged, with no mechanism for drawing power. A truly indestructible blade that can't be damaged. A plasma cannon that hits three times as hard as it should. Archeotech can only be recovered, it cannot be built. It can be repaired or made functional, but rarely to the same level of its original functioning. It can be reverse engineered, but never reproduced. Reverse engineering could lead to other usable Imperial tech if done well.

Skill with Archeotech determines whether or not our intrepid tech priest even understands the function of a piece of Archeotech, if the MC can make it functional, and how close they can get it to its original capacity. For Archeotech implants and cybernetics, this determines how well integrated it might be into the MCs systems. Though being Archeotech, it would probably still be pretty damn good.

In a much shorter answer to your question, if it can be built from scratch, regardless of the complexity or how advanced the tech is, that's Imperial tech. If you have no idea how to make it and barely any idea how to repair it, that's Archeotech.

Edit: and it does something super cool. Archeotech has to do things beyond what Imperial tech can do in some capacity
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In a much shorter answer to your question, if it can be built from scratch, regardless of the complexity or how advanced the tech is, that's Imperial tech. If you have no idea how to make it and barely any idea how to repair it, that's Archeotech.

Obviously, we'll get a chance to learn the other stuff too over time, right?

Imperial Tech makes the most sense right now, I think, as a start.
Obviously, we'll get a chance to learn the other stuff too over time, right?

Imperial Tech makes the most sense right now, I think, as a start.

Absolutely. Anything can be learned and any knowledge can be increased. Sometimes specific situations or certain thresholds may be necessary, but worship of the Machine God is the pursuit of knowledge, the belief that all knowledge can and will eventually be acquired. You personally may not hit the "will" part of that, but you certainly are capable of "can".
Absolutely. Anything can be learned and any knowledge can be increased. Sometimes specific situations or certain thresholds may be necessary, but worship of the Machine God is the pursuit of knowledge, the belief that all knowledge can and will eventually be acquired. You personally may not hit the "will" part of that, but you certainly are capable of "can".


Are there any, you know, upsides to being the plucky youth here? Or is it pure Difficulty Problems?

Are there any, you know, upsides to being the plucky youth here? Or is it pure Difficulty Problems?

Age is/was intended more as flavor than actual mechanical effects. I thought about it, but knew that if I put mechanics and effects for everything I'd wanted to this would be ten times more mechanically complicated and I'd end up bailing on the messy monstrosity I'd created and feel very sad about it.

So no real mechanical upsides or downsides to being the plucky youth or being older than dirt.
Age is/was intended more as flavor than actual mechanical effects. I thought about it, but knew that if I put mechanics and effects for everything I'd wanted to this would be ten times more mechanically complicated and I'd end up bailing on the messy monstrosity I'd created and feel very sad about it.

So no real mechanical upsides or downsides to being the plucky youth or being older than dirt.

Gotcha, thanks for answering all of my questions, I'll put together my final draft now.
[ ] Plan: Cute Mecha-Drider
-[ ] Sigma-Rho 03 - Ingenious Monitor of the Radiant Cog
-[ ] Female
-[ ] Trainee - (less than 20)
-[ ] Basic two
-[ ] Flesh Enhanced - Still mostly flesh, but somewhat improved
-[ ] Advanced Steel - You have replaced your crude flesh limbs with much improved mechanical ones
-[ ] Write In
--[ ] You're quite proud of your legs honestly, you spent a great deal of your training getting them just right, even at the expense of some of your other augmentation possibilities. The equations to get the balance just right where you can move about in a bipedal configuration when space is at a bit of a premium or full mobility isn't required, allowing your hind-legs to just sort of fold up and back and double as something of a servo-harness in a pinch. It's not quite as adapative as you'd like sadly, requiring you to detach the little paws for tool-arms if you're planning to spend a lot of time in the workshop, or need to do the running around and other fiddly bits, but it's still a cohesive arrangement.
---[ ] Drider-like leg configuration that can--with at least a bit of downtime--reconfigured to a bipedal arrangement with the extra legs folding up as a servo-harness array, trading off mobility and stability for greater utility.
-[ ] Mechadendrites: Sort of, your excess legs can be reconfigured into a servo-harness that isn't quite as flexible but can still get the job done if you want to trade off mobility for utility.
-[ ] Omnissian Axe - A cog shaped power weapon, a holy icon of the Machine God
-[ ] You also have laser emitters in your forelegs, they're not really any different than a laspistol but it can be a fun surprise if you need to rear up against some gribbly, pew pew
-[ ] Plate Armor - your armor is sturdy and powerful, solid plates of plasteel and adamantine cover your body
-[ ] Unknown Device
-[ ] Aesthetic: Truthfully, bilateral symmetry and the humanoid form is mathematically ideal, and nature seems to bear this out given how even xeno races try to ape it to variable levels of success, which makes it the best form to have as your foundation. Most of your greatest efforts went to the masterpiece that are your legs--what, with all the work that was needed to get you mobile in the first place as just a hive urchin that came to your Master's attention, it just made sense to work on it. That being said, there's no need to throw out things that are still working perfectly fine and dandy. Focus on what doesn't work first, take control of evolution. Cool foldy spider legs that can make you look all steppy and also helps you do your job? Wonderful! But there's nothing wrong with your arms so far that proper PPE and tools can't make up for, you can swap those out when you have the resources and material to do a proper job of it and maintain a cohesive look. Nothing says shoddy worship than making your personal temple look shabby because you were too busy trying to put on appearances.
-[ ] Hive World
-[ ] Your primary legs for bipedal locomotion and your arms need to be in functional shape, beyond that, you'll need your a axe for it's role as a tool and a self-defense weapon, then you should probably seek to keep your body and head in one piece. Everything else can be recovered with time and effort.
-[ ] Health - 2
-[ ] Combat - 1
-[ ] Technical Skill/Intelligence - 3
-[ ] Insight - 2
-[ ] Physical - 2
-[ ] Imperium Tech (tech)
-[ ] Ghost in the Machine - You whisper and they listen, often when they never would for others. Once per turn reroll a failed roll involving machine spirits.
-[ ] The Floor Gave Way - no matter how well maintained, millennia of wear still leaves its mark. And this place was not well maintained. The ground gave way beneath you dropping you hundreds, perhaps thousands of feet below. The numerous structures, pipes, and machines you impacted on the way down did you no favors.
-[ ] Astartes - Bereft of their tech marine for reasons they were unwilling to divulge and tight on time, your expertise was required by a squad of Neophyte Blood Angels, the Sons of Sanguinius
-[ ] Super Hard - Space Hulk

Here's the finalized Plan!

Space Hulks are dangerous, but sometimes they just pop up for no reason and you have to breach and clear it with whoever can get there in time, and that's not necessarily with the forces you'd want. A squad of neophyte Astartes conscripting a trainee Tech-Priest to handle what was only a moderate-risk front, and it turned out that the lack of significant expertise meant that there wasn't anyone around who could have IDed the sinkhole waiting to happen.

It also lets me gamble with having slightly less Combat in hopes of one of them maybe surviving and teaming up with us, so we can have a bit more basic technical skill while also having some powerful Machine Spirit Empathy going on.
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I quite like Alectai's plan. Good work by him as always.

Still gonna give it a go myself, see if I can make something I like.

[ ] Plan: Antisocial Recluse thrust into the unknown
-[ ] Ismid Jei-Bahr - Emotionless Cogitator of the Virtual Reliquary
-[ ] Female
-[ ] Archmagos Veneratori - (100+)
-[ ] four arms
--[ ] 2 precision, 1 industrial, and 1 basic steel.
-[ ] Snakelike legs nevermind I don't know enough about the setting to do any real write-ins. I don't think I'd get a good plan together.
Oh I really like this and honestly I like Alectai's plan, the idea of space marine just grabing a spider child because [REDACTED] happen to their techpriest while (probably) important space hulk was nearby and they wanted to raid it now is funny to me. nevermind I don't know enough about the setting to do any real write-ins. I don't think I'd get a good plan together.

If you wanna throw a plan together, don't feel like you can't. Maybe it's terrible, maybe it's great. It may or may not gain traction. And ask as many questions as you want. I'm always perhaps a little too eager to rant about 40k, and I'm sure most people in the thread would be happy to answer stuff too.

Oh I really like this and honestly I like Alectai's plan, the idea of space marine just grabing a spider child because [REDACTED] happen to their techpriest while (probably) important space hulk was nearby and they wanted to raid it now is funny to me.

One of the things I really enjoy about character and scenario creation is seeing the ways that characters backgrounds and situations that are relatively bare bones can be woven into a really interesting start. From "she's young", "they're young" and "space hulk", you get a really interesting narrative of limited time, high risks, high rewards, and inexperience. I love it.
From "she's young", "they're young" and "space hulk", you get a really interesting narrative of limited time, high risks, high rewards, and inexperience. I love it
Agree but I wonder why Marines felt the need to go there, like does the space hulk contains flagship of glorious hawkboi?
Was it now or never kinda deal, were they forced to do it as a peanance because said techmarine turned traitor and our girl was de facto sent to her death because she was replaceable?

I really wish all of them survive if only to see other reactions to Big E "saving/protecting them".
Alright, I'll give it a go.

I'll edit this as my questions are answered

[ ] Plan: Antisocial Recluse thrust into the unknown
-[ ] Name - Ariethe Ve
-[ ] Gender - Female
-[ ] Age - Archmagos Veneratori
-[ ] Implants/Weapons/Equipment
-[ ] Arms - 2 precision, 1 industrial, and 1 basic steel.
-[ ] Legs - Snakelike, with lots of space for stowing tools and parts built in.
-[ ] Mechadendrites - Three
-[ ] Weapons - An easy to use lasgun. a power knife that's more intended as a tool than as a weapon, but could be used as one in a pinch.
-[ ] Armor - Energy Shield
-[ ] Item/gift/relic - Servo Skull, Advanced Auspex, Small Scale Plasma Power Cell
-[ ] Aesthetics - Workmanlike
-[ ] Background - Imperial World
-[ ] Priority
--[ ] Legs
--[ ] Advanced Auspex
--[ ] Arms
--[ ] Energy Shield
--[ ] Small Scale Plasma Power Cell
--[ ] Servo Skull
--[ ] Mechadendrites
--[ ] lasgun
--[ ] power knife
-[ ] Stats
--[ ] Health 1
--[ ] Combat 2
--[ ] Technical Skill/Intelligence 4
--[ ] Insight 1
--[ ] Physical 2
--[ ] Skill: Precision (Physical)
--[ ] Trait: Venerable
-[ ] Scenario
--[ ] Unknown Archaeotech
--[ ] Skitarii
--[ ] Hard - Hive City

What's the difference between the weapon types. Like, I have a vague idea of how a chain or power weapon would look but I have no idea of what the benefits of each are. What's the difference between las and plasma?
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Agree but I wonder why Marines felt the need to go there, like does the space hulk contains flagship of glorious hawkboi?
Was it now or never kinda deal, were they forced to do it as a peanance because said techmarine turned traitor and our girl was de facto sent to her death because she was replaceable?

The reason Admech in general are obsessed with space hulks is the potential for what's there. You have a giant conglomeration of ships from all over the galaxy from all eras, potentially even the dark age of technology. You might find relics, salvageable ships, ancient weapons, archeotech, STC fragments, almost literally anything. Thus you drown the thing in bodies and blood if you have to because while it sucks to lose a platoon of marines or Skitarii or whatever, if you get an STC fragment or something it was well worth it.

Space marines usually/often end up doing the space hulk delves because they're the most likely to not die horribly.

Space hulks are usually on a pretty random trajectory and time frame, so if you see one, it might hang around for days, weeks, or be gone tomorrow. So it's almost always a tight time crunch with limited resources and personnel.

In this case it could be neophytes who happened to be around and are jumping on the opportunity. Could be a penance thing for a fuckup. Could be a trial by fire from their trainer/commander.

I didn't want to plan too far ahead or too specifically so that there would be the opportunity to see how character creation played out and what worked well together. So it could be any of these, depending on a few factors, but honestly "what I find interesting" is the biggest chunk 🤣

Whether our MC was sent or grabbed, and whether anyone is actually expecting her back, who knows. It'll be fun to find out.

What's the difference between the weapon types. Like, I have a vague idea of how a chain or power weapon would look but I have no idea of what the benefits of each are. What's the difference between las and plasma?

A chain weapon, such as an axe, sword, or dagger, is basically "what if instead of a blade, it was a chainsaw?" Is this stupid? Yes. Is this cool as hell? Also yes. Which is 40k in a nutshell. Chain weapons are usually best against flesh or lightly armored opponents.

Power weapons are usually rare and held by the powerful, rich, and/or important. They have a power field around the blade that messes with structure on the tiniest level, allowing them to cut through almost anything. They are good against almost any target.

Las weapons are kind of your stereotypical laser weapon. They are incredibly wide spread and sturdy, but not particularly powerful. By modern standards, you could probably kill a tank with a lasgun, but there's a reason they are often referred to as flashlights. They're biggest advantages is low maintenance, ease of use, ease of access, and ability to charge from almost any energy source including sunlight and putting the power pack in a fire (which isn't good for the lifespan of the power pack, but does work)

Plasma weapons in 40k are extremely powerful and extremely dangerous to the user. They use some kind of high energy gas reaction cell to launch superheated plasma that impacts the target and causes extreme damage. However, plasma weapons are fiddly and can easily backfire or explode if great care isn't taken, and sometimes even if great care is taken.

Edit: and xeno weapons are anything that is taken from a non-human faction like eldar wraithbone weapons, necron gauss weapons (which flay molecules or something), tau weaponry (which I'm not super familiar with), or Ork junk which fires a million bullets and shouldn't work but does for some reason.
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Thank you for explaining. It was kind of fun coming up with my own plan but I think Alectai's would be more interesting to play.
Vote is open.

Though given discussion, things seems to be moving in a pretty clear direction.

That said, voting will remain open for at least 24 hours.
On a related note, as I'm someone who can't find satisfaction until I've gotten a visual reference of a character due to my lack of ability to see things myself, and my utter lack of more than a budget of--at best--ten dollars a month to fuel my habits, I ran to NovelAI and hit it with my remaining cache of points to try and get at least some vague idea.

As ever with an AI, you can't get it to give you everything you want, but I did manage to get something I was mostly happy with for Rho here--at least with regards to nailing the vibe for her mecha-legs and her general features underneath all the PPE and robes.

I dunno what she's carrying and the clothing isn't remotely right, but the "short-medium brown hair and strong Nerdy Girl Next Door vibes and then once you get below the waist she's industrial equipment." I figure when it goes bipedal, the back section sort of swivels up to serve as a proper anchorage point for heavy lifting, while the legs reconfigure to be a bunch of servo-arms, which can be further customized as long as she's got some time and the right tools to put on them. They're not as dexterous as a traditional mechadendrite, but the ability to move heavy equipment if it's busted while you ask the Machine Spirit why it's being fussy is a pretty good setup, and sheer power accounts for a whole lot too. She's currently leaning towards the idea of her finalized arms being intended for fine detail work, but she's still exploring her options and building up the favors to get the facilities, schematics, and materials she needs.
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