One Ring to Rule them all ( LOTR/warhammer fantasy)

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It began with the forging of the Great rings

<far to close> you thought to yourself back in...
the Netherworld Dood

It began with the forging of the Great rings

<far to close> you thought to yourself back in the possession of the creature gollum mere inches from being destroyed in the fires from which you where forged. You exerted a tiny portion of your power to bring the creature the comfort it so desired now in the land of your other half it would be easy to reunite.

3 where given to the Elves Immortal wisest and the fairest of all beings

from the edge of your sense you felt the fallen ringbearer and fear griped you again as the Hobbit charged Gollum malice and hatred in his heart.

7 where given to the Dwarf lords the Great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls

You Howl in frustration and rage as they struggle . you can feel your other half straining it's power against the White wizard to move the Nazgul that much faster to your aid

and nine, nine rings where gifted to the race of men who above all else desire power

<NO NO NO> Despair fills you as Gollum falls the creature not even recognizing the doom that both you and it are in

For within these rings Bound the strength and will to govern each race but all of them where deceived

the Heat of the magma melted the flesh from the creatures lower body on contact. Desperately you will the creatureto hold you higher to survive just a bit longer hoping aginst hope to survive.

In the land of Mordor in the fires of Mount Doom the Dark lord Sauron Forged in secret a Master ring to control all others

The creature was no more and you Resisted the lava with all your power resting on a small fragment of stone

And into this Ring he poured his Malice his Cruelty and his Will to Dominate all life, One Ring to Rule them all and darkness to bind them

The fragment of stone is no more and you feel the heat melting away your body your death is near ... < NO NOT LIKE THIS> your other self burned his creations his great tower the Mountain and the Land of Mordor it's self to fuel one last spell tearing both of you away from the mountain and creation it's self. what followed could not be accurately described. Darkness took you, Countless stars wheeled over head every instant longer than an age of the earth. you fell and fell until you stoped.

You clang onto the floor greatly weakened but very much stretched out your senses around you and you saw

[] A crude mismatch building of stone and wood haphazardly thrown together and a strange muscle bound green thing looking at you
[] A Primitive structure of thatch and wood with a Malnourished and ugly human looking at you with Interest
[] A fortress of stone and a human child looking down at you curiously.
[] A Damp dark cave with mold and fungi reminding you of your time in the misty mountains , a strange ratman seems to see you
Current Host stats
Current host
Name: Unkown
Race: Ratman?

Movement 5 (max10)
Weapon Skill 4 (Max 7)
Balstic Skill 3 (Max7)
Strength 4 (Max6)
Toughness 5(Maxed)
Wounds 2 (Max4)
Initiative4 (max 8)
Attacks 4 (Maxed)
Leadership 5 (Max 10)

Special rules
Deceivers Guise: The Ring calls forth memories of a bigon age and an image of splender to aid the user in conceiving others to follow the users whims
Effect:Bonus to lying,deceit, wordplay and general Charisma
Shadows Guide: the Darkness of the One Ring can diminish the users Presence to thing to nothing make it hard for anyone to see or sense.
Effect: Bonus to both conventional and magical stealth

Iron armor:
Iron sword
The One Ring
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[X] A Damp dark cave with mold and fungi reminding you of your time in the misty mountains , a strange ratman seems to see you

Hmm, well Skaven are pretty weak-willed and cowardly.
[X] A Damp dark cave with mold and fungi reminding you of your time in the misty mountains , a strange ratman seems to see you

Staying far away from both the witchhunters and chaos should be a priority until we know how we compare with the locals. Don't want to get killed too early.
[X] A Primitive structure of thatch and wood with a Malnourished and ugly human looking at you with Interest
[X] A Damp dark cave with mold and fungi reminding you of your time in the misty mountains , a strange ratman seems to see you
[X] A Damp dark cave with mold and fungi reminding you of your time in the misty mountains , a strange ratman seems to see you
[X] A crude mismatch building of stone and wood haphazardly thrown together and a strange muscle bound green thing looking at you
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[] A Primitive structure of thatch and wood with a Malnourished and ugly human looking at you with Interest
No. of votes: 2
Silversun17, Chronic

[] A Damp dark cave with mold and fungi reminding you of your time in the misty mountains , a strange ratman seems to see you
No. of votes: 4
Derek58, yinko, EricShin, Nox

[] A fortress of stone and a human child looking down at you curiously.
No. of votes: 2
Alex pears, Zaratustra

[] A crude mismatch building of stone and wood haphazardly thrown together and a strange muscle bound green thing looking at you
No. of votes: 1
Ok, if the vote closed like 20 min ago as Cjdavis said, looks like Skaven won.
[X] A Damp dark cave with mold and fungi reminding you of your time in the misty mountains , a strange ratman seems to see you

You have seen many deprived and dark creatures in your time and as Sauron you have seen far more, but the being before you is rather impressive in sheer vindictiveness it's spirit was cruler then all but the most depraved uruk-hail an interesting host to say the least. it's beady eyes lock onto your form and you did not need to use any of your power to gain it's attention it scampered over to you and plucked your from the stone floor exploring your ring shape with it's dexterous hands. It chittered happily in whatever passed for language among such creatures and it took it's mouth and BIT YOU!

<Stop it> a quick burst of your diminished power was enough to convince it that puting you in it's mouth was a bad idea and it took even less power to convince it to wear you, your form changed as you shrunk to fit the rat's paw. the moment you where worn you could tell that shapeing this mind to your purpose was easy. this creature desired power, Power to rule to dominate to kill it's foes and lay low anyone who would challenge it. A perfect host for you as you learned more about where you are.

Channeling your dimeniushed power the Ratman would grow more powerful but question remains how would you do this.

Current host.
Name: Unkown
Race: Ratman?

Allocate 8 points for the One ring to boost
Movement 5 (max10)
Weapon Skill 3 (Max 7)
Balstic Skill 3 (Max7)
Strength 3 (Max6)
Toughness 3(Max5)
Wounds 1 (Max4)
Initiative4 (max 8)
Attacks 1 (Max4)
Leadership 5 (Max 10)

Special rules ( pick 2 for the ring to grant)
Wraith Sight: The Ring Allows the user to see into the Spirit world to see the true nature of things and the world
Effect: can see magic, if someone is hostile or not, and can see though walls up to 10 Meters away from the user
Shadows Guide: the Darkness of the One Ring can diminish the users Presence to thing to nothing make it hard for anyone to see or sense.
Effect: Bonus to both conventional and magical stealth
Precious Secret: The One ring is the users most precious item and they have learned to keep it scret and hidden
Effect: The one ring is all but invisible unless it wants to be seen
Deceivers Guise: The Ring calls forth memories of a bigon age and an image of splender to aid the user in conceiving others to follow the users whims
Effect:Bonus to lying,deceit, wordplay and general Charisma
[X] A Damp dark cave with mold and fungi reminding you of your time in the misty mountains , a strange ratman seems to see you
Skaven politics sounds like FUN TM to me.
[x] Wraith Sight
[x] Shadows Guide
[x] Stats
-[x] Attacks +3 (max)
-[x] Toughness +2 (max)
-[x] Weapon Skill +3

Seeing magic will be super useful here, and stuff like charisma probably isn't too important among the Skaven.
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Well your in luck that already won :p
Yea, just a bit too late. are we voting by plan or by line?

[x] Plan sly fighter
[x] Stats
-[x] Attacks +3 (max)
-[x] Toughness +2 (max)
-[x] Weapon Skill +3
[x] Shadows Guide
[x] Deceivers Guise

Serious boost to combat, silver tongue, and stealth. It is a winning combination. While the ring itself is not hidden, that is not necessarily such a bad thing. If someone is actually so much better than our current host as to claim us, we get an upgraded host.
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Yea, just a bit too late. are we voting by plan or by line?

[x] Stats
-[x] Attacks +3 (max)
-[x] Toughness +2 (max)
-[x] Weapon Skill +3
[x] Shadows Guide
[x] Deceivers Guise

Serious boost to combat, silver tongue, and stealth. It is a winning combination. While the ring itself is not hidden, that is not necessarily such a bad thing. If someone is actually so much better than our current host as to claim us, we get an upgraded host.
By plan.
[X] Plan Survival

Wow, our host is going to get pretty bullshit if it lasts long enough :p
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Yea, just a bit too late. are we voting by plan or by line?

[x] Plan sly fighter
[x] Stats
-[x] Attacks +3 (max)
-[x] Toughness +2 (max)
-[x] Weapon Skill +3
[x] Shadows Guide
[x] Deceivers Guise

Serious boost to combat, silver tongue, and stealth. It is a winning combination. While the ring itself is not hidden, that is not necessarily such a bad thing. If someone is actually so much better than our current host as to claim us, we get an upgraded host.
Maybe you can add some wound to this?Skaven only have one wound that mean one good hit and we dead.
Maybe you can add some wound to this?Skaven only have one wound that mean one good hit and we dead.
I knew I was forgetting something...
well, since I have 0 votes so far I see no problems changing the plan

[x] Plan sly fighter
[x] Stats
-[x] Attacks +3 (max)
-[x] Toughness +2 (max)
-[x] Weapon Skill +1
-[x] Wounds +1
-[x] Strength +1
[x] Shadows Guide
[x] Deceivers Guise
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