One Ring to Rule the Worms (Worm)(One Ring Quest)

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The world slowly fades from black, colour appearing around you. At first all you can see is a...
The Bank Job - Part 1
The world slowly fades from black, colour appearing around you. At first all you can see is a golden ring on its side, then the tiled floor it's resting on. As the rest of the world appears, people surrounding you come into focus, the closest a mousy faced brunette. She's glaring at something behind you, loathing filling her eyes, but that's not what you pay attention to.

The ring holds your entire focus, gleaming gold it stands out from everything else…and yet, its familiar. You move around, looking from different angles. You can feel it, somehow. It resonates with your body, your mind, it's almost like it's a part of you. Your thoughts halt as an uncomfortable explanation appears, one that you somehow know is true.

You realise, that it is you. Somehow you are the ring.


[ ] Panic. How the hell are you a golden ring? (+2 Per, -2 Will)

[ ] Take a deep, er, not breath. Lets think about this rationally… (+ 2 Int, - 2 Str)

[ ] Rage at the world, this isn't fair! What did you do to deserve this? (+ 2 Str, -2 Int)

[ ] Write in. (Random bonuses)

Your thoughts settle and you assess the situation, first, what state is your body in. You look down and see nothing. Absolutely brilliant, you are just a stupid ring after all.


There's a faint outline where you imagine your body is. Trying to move around does move the outline, and your perspective, but the ring stays still with you unable to get more than a meter from it.

As you can't move, you look around the room, observing the tiled floor with desks, chairs and cowering people. Clouds of darkness lurk around the edges of the room, and massive, mutant things guard a set of double doors in one wall. Five people in a mixture of costumes stand above everyone else. They are wearing; an insectoid outfit, black motorcycle gear with a skull mask, a skin-tight lavender outfit, a heavy jacket with a cheap dog mask and some kind of renaissance fair get-up. And they are definitely holding the bank hostage.

Ah, you seem to have found yourself in the middle of a super powered bank robbery.

But who are you?

[ ] You don't know. You have no memories, no recollection of events, nothing apart from a golden ring that you are somehow bound to. (No ability, +20 on learning rolls)

[ ] You have vague memories of having children, mothering them every day only for them to pass before you. (Ability: Feel My Pain, Feel My Love, +5 Cha)

[ ] You have traumatic memories of combat in the middle east, camouflage patterned gear and state of the art weapons. (Ability: A Soldiers Will, +3 Will, +2 End)

[ ] You have short memories of a harsh life on the street, frozen days and colder nights. (Ability: Beneath the Eyes of Society, +3 Agi, +2 Luck)

[ ] You have powerful memories of the hunt, the light of life fading in your prey's eyes as their lifeblood flowed away. (Ability: Hunger of the Alpha, +3 Str, +2 Per)

You shake off the memories, now is not the time for inaction. This situation… you could do something. Something tells you that you can reach out to one of them. You could help or hinder the robbery, or you could simply watch the show. Who knows how many people could be hurt, or would you just make things worse?

What do you do?

[ ] Call out to the mousy brunette.

[ ] Call out to one of the other hostages.

[ ] Call out to one of the robbers.

[ ] Wait to see what happens.

[ ] Write in.

The One Ring

Okay everyone, welcome to a One Ring Quest! If you haven't seen one before then its easy to understand, you guys are playing a version of the One Ring from Lord of the Rings. In this quest, the One Ring appears in the Wormverse, in the middle of the Undersiders' Bank Heist (Worm 3.07).

As the One Ring, you have a spectral body that can't be seen by any but the host (the wearer of the One Ring) and as such, you need a host to continue the story.

As this is the first part, there are some big decisions that will affect what you can and can't do. Gaining stats and abilities are very important to end up with a powerful host who has a lot of influence.

There are three decisions here:

  1. The Reaction to Being A Ring
  2. Your memories of your past life.
  3. What do you do about the robbery?

The One Ring and all characters are using the SPECIAL + W system.









The One Ring will grant its SPECIAL + W values to the hosts. The One Ring's stats are as a result, going to be difficult to increase. The chances above are a rare opportunity.

The One Ring has two types of relationship with its host, Trust and Control. Trust is how much the host is willing to work with you, and is a modifier to communication rolls with the host. Control is how well you can influence and control the host, and is a modifier to manipulation rolls with the host. At 100 trust, the host will always listen to the One Ring and will always believe you. At 100 control, the host is nothing but your hand in the physical realm, with no free will of their own. (Note, this does not mean you puppet them. You would need an appropriate ability for that).

The One Ring can learn Abilities and Passives over time, which it can use on, or allow the host to use. These are normally learnt from previous hosts, for example:

Superman could give toughness, flight, strength, laser eyes, x-ray vision etc.

Batman could give detective skills, stealth, gadgetry, martial arts etc.

In order to gain new abilities and passives (Traits) you must increase your relationship with the host. Your total Relationship Score(RS) = Trust + Control.

Level 1 Traits: 5 RS/1 Trait Point

Level 2 Traits: 10 RS1 Trait Point

Level 3 Traits: 20 RS/2 Trait Points

Level 4 Traits: 50 RS/2 Trait Points

Level 5 Traits: 75 RS/5 Trait Points

Level 6 Traits: 100 RS/10 Trait Points

Reaching a Relationship Score threshold will grant you one Trait Point, these can be spent on purchasable traits.

Hosts have, and can unlock, skills, abilities and passives themselves. These can manifest as parahuman abilities or simply knowledge on a subject.

These three usually do one of three effects:

Modify chance to hit

Modify critical hits

Modify effects of hits.

For example:

Weapon Proficiency (Handguns) Level 3 would add 14 to a roll to hit with a handgun (10 + 2 + 2).

Festering Wounds (Melee) Level 1 would add the <Infected> debuff to a target on a critical hit.

Marksmanship (Handguns) Level 2 would increases the critical chance by 2% when using handguns (Usual 1% chance to 3% chance).

Feel my Pain, Feel my Love: Ability allows the One Ring to control the emotions of the host. At level 1, can only control anger, sadness or affection.(Note the ring can slightly amplify or suppress emotions that are already there, this ability allows you to change the emotion they are feeling)

A Soldier's Will: Ability allows the ring or host to rid the host of emotions and boost their willpower. At level 1, can temporarily suppress emotions and give +5 Will when active.

Beneath the Eyes of Society: Ability allows the host to hide from the minds of mortals, and see that which cannot be normally seen: At level 1 causes other's eyes to slide off the host or ring, and has a chance to highlight unusual things when active.

Hunger of the Alpha: Ability allows the host to drain skills, stats or even abilities from targets when they are killed, also grants perception and endurance bonuses when pursuing or hunting a target. At level 1, 2% chance to drain skills, 1% chance to drain stats, 0.5% chance to drain abilities. +1 End, +1 Per when hunting.
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Character sheet, credits and omakes.
Name: The One Ring
Current host: Amy Dallon (Panacea)
CHR 1 + 1
LUCK 1 + 1
  • (Amy) Piss Off - You excel at making people uncomfortable and wanting to leave you alone. +15 to rolls when making people go away.
  • (Amy) Immune (Max lvl)- Your touch ranged control of biology prevents any biological toxins or diseases from affecting you.
  • (Amy) Healer (Max lvl)- Your presence bolsters the spirits of those in combat and the injured. +10 to will rolls of allies in combat, and the injured.
  • (Ring) Teacher's Pet (Max lvl)- The void in your memories yearns for new knowledge. +20 to rolls when learning or training.
  • (Amy) Healer's Touch (Max lvl) - Years of healing people allow you to quickly restore the injured or diseased to perfect health, with appropriate biomatter.
  • (Amy) Biomancy (lvl 5) - At a touch, biology yields towards your will. A lack of experience doesn't necessarily mean a lack of ideas...but there will be greater risks.
  • (Ring) Call (lvl 1)- When without a host, you can pulse a whisper of your power towards a target and bring them to you.
  • (Ring) Emotional Touch (lvl 0)- Your hosts emotions can be felt by you and sometimes manipulated. Currently able to manipulate happiness, sadness and anger.
  • (Ring) Rose Tinted Glasses (lvl 1) - You can view and sometimes force the host to view their memories. Currently only able to access memories directly relevant to the situation.
Credit for the idea from this thread: The One Ring (DC/SI/Quest) check it out!
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[X]I have become a ring,this is a thing, rhyming.Does it count a proposing if someone puts you on?Wait,wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm.
[X]You have vague memories of having children, mothering them every day only for them to pass before you. (Ability: Feel My Pain, Feel My Love, +5 Cha)
[X]Call out to one of the robbers
(Bug girl)

All charisma.
Just over from SB.
[X]I have become a ring,this is a thing, rhyming.Does it count a proposing if someone puts you on?Wait,wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm.
[X]You have vague memories of having children, mothering them every day only for them to pass before you. (Ability: Feel My Pain, Feel My Love, +5 Cha)

[X] Call out to the mousy brunette.

Because pan pan needs more things in her head
[X]I have become a ring,this is a thing, rhyming.Does it count a proposing if someone puts you on?Wait,wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm.
[X] You don't know. You have no memories, no recollection of events, nothing apart from a golden ring that you are somehow bound to. (No ability, +20 on learning rolls)

we dont start with a special power but we can learn and improve faster!

[X]Call out to one of the robbers
(Bug girl)
[X]I have become a ring,this is a thing, rhyming.Does it count a proposing if someone puts you on?Wait,wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm.
[X]You have vague memories of having children, mothering them every day only for them to pass before you. (Ability: Feel My Pain, Feel My Love, +5 Cha)

[X] Call out to the mousy brunette.
[X]I have become a ring,this is a thing, rhyming.Does it count a proposing if someone puts you on?Wait,wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm.
[X] You don't know. You have no memories, no recollection of events, nothing apart from a golden ring that you are somehow bound to. (No ability, +20 on learning rolls)
[X]Call out to one of the robbers
(Bug girl)
[X]I have become a ring,this is a thing, rhyming.Does it count a proposing if someone puts you on?Wait,wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm.
[X] You don't know. You have no memories, no recollection of events, nothing apart from a golden ring that you are somehow bound to. (No ability, +20 on learning rolls)
[X]Call out to one of the robbers
(Bug girl)
[X]I have become a ring,this is a thing, rhyming.Does it count a proposing if someone puts you on?Wait,wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm.
[X]You have vague memories of having children, mothering them every day only for them to pass before you. (Ability: Feel My Pain, Feel My Love, +5 Cha)

[X] Call out to the mousy brunette.
[X]I have become a ring,this is a thing, rhyming.Does it count a proposing if someone puts you on?Wait,wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm.
[X] You have powerful memories of the hunt, the light of life fading in your prey's eyes as their lifeblood flowed away. (Ability: Hunger of the Alpha, +3 Str, +2 Per)
[X]Call out to one of the robbers
-[X] Dog girl
[X]I have become a ring,this is a thing, rhyming.Does it count a proposing if someone puts you on?Wait,wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm.
[X]You have vague memories of having children, mothering them every day only for them to pass before you. (Ability: Feel My Pain, Feel My Love, +5 Cha)

[X] Call out to the mousy brunette.
Why do people want Panacea so much? I think shes one of the worse characters in worm, fanon pan is even worse just for completely different reasons
[X]I have become a ring,this is a thing, rhyming.Does it count a proposing if someone puts you on?Wait,wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm.
[X]You have vague memories of having children, mothering them every day only for them to pass before you. (Ability: Feel My Pain, Feel My Love, +5 Cha)

[X] Call out to the mousy brunette.

If only there was someone in Worm who could make Orcs, and other creatures...
[ ] Call out to the mousy brunette.
If your still looking anyway.

Also looks good, excited to see more
The Bank Job - Part 2
Reaction to Being a Ring:
15 votes! Warer gets one contribution point for his contribution being so popular! (For use at a later date!) I have become a ring, this is a thing, rhyming. Does it count a proposing, if someone puts you on? Wait, wouldn't that be cheating? Hmm. (+1 Chrm +1 Luck, - 2 Str)
6 votes. Take a deep, er, not-breath. Lets think about this rationally… (+ 2 Int, - 2 Str)
Past Memories:
10 votes! You don't know. You have no memories, no recollection of events, nothing apart from a golden ring that you are somehow bound to. (No ability, +20 on learning rolls)
8 votes. You have vague memories of having children, mothering them every day only for them to pass before you. (Ability: Feel My Pain, Feel My Love, +5 Cha)
2 votes. You have powerful memories of the hunt, the light of life fading in your prey's eyes as their lifeblood flowed away. (Ability: Hunger of the Alpha, +3 Str, +2 Per)
1 vote. You have short memories of a harsh life on the street, frozen days and colder nights. (Ability: Beneath the Eyes of Society, +3 Agi, +2 Luck)
Who do you call? Ghostbusters!
10 votes! Call to Mousey Brunette
7 votes. Call to Bug Girl.
2 votes. Call to Dog Girl
1 vote. Call to robbers.
1 vote. Call to hostages.
Name: The One Ring
Current host: Amy Dallon (Panacea)
CHR 1 + 1
LUCK 1 + 1
  • (Amy) Piss Off - You excel at making people uncomfortable and wanting to leave you alone. +15 to rolls when making people go away.
  • (Amy) Immune (Max lvl)- Your touch ranged control of biology prevents any biological toxins or diseases from affecting you.
  • (Amy) Healer (Max lvl)- Your presence bolsters the spirits of those in combat and the injured. +10 to will rolls of allies in combat, and the injured.
  • (Ring) Teacher's Pet (Max lvl)- The void in your memories yearns for new knowledge. +20 to rolls when learning or training.
  • (Amy) Healer's Touch (Max lvl) - Years of healing people allow you to quickly restore the injured or diseased to perfect health, with appropriate biomatter.
  • (Amy) Biomancy (lvl 5) - At a touch, biology yields towards your will. A lack of experience doesn't necessarily mean a lack of ideas...but there will be greater risks.
  • (Ring) Call (lvl 1)- When without a host, you can pulse a whisper of your power towards a target and bring them to you.
  • (Ring) Emotional Touch (lvl 0)- Your hosts emotions can be felt by you and sometimes manipulated. Currently able to manipulate happiness, sadness and anger.
  • (Ring) Rose Tinted Glasses (lvl 1) - You can view and sometimes force the host to view their memories. Currently only able to access memories directly relevant to the situation.

You don't have any memories to explain the situation or your thoughts, but these robbers, these criminals are doing something wrong. Your indecision is solved quickly as you take in the fearful gazes of the hostages; a motherly woman shaking violently, knuckles showing white as she clutches her shawl; and a balding businessman sobbing into his hands. You can't stand this, a grown man brought to tears through the fear of these…villains? Innocent women terrorised?

But that brown-haired girl, she was something different, there was no fear in her eyes. You'd smile if you had a face.

Only anger and hate can be seen on her face. That's something you can use, those emotions can be manipulated, put to good use.

So you Call to her.

<Call to Mousey Brunette.> Success at 5 or higher. Roll: 5 (Dice) + 5 (1 Chr) = 6 (Total) [BARELY you lucky people.]

<Chance Lavender Girl notices.> Success at 60 or higher. Roll: 59 (Dice) + 50 (10 Per) = 109 (Total)(CRITICAL) [Tattletale noticed Panacea's reaction]

<Chance Call reached anyone else.> Success at 95 or higher. Roll: 25 (Dice) = 25 (Total) [Your call didn't reach anyone else.]

The Mousey Brunette looks sharply to the side, eyes widening and glare lessening a fraction as she spots you glinting by her feet. She reaches down before hesitating, suspicion flashing across her eyes at the Call you just sent.

<Knowledge of Masters and Strangers make her hesitant to pick you up. She attempts to resist the Call.> Success at 80 or higher. Roll: 35 (Dice) + 5 (1 Will) = 41 (Total) [Panacea fails to resist the lure of the One Ring.]

Her eyes flicker back to the villains before her hands darts forward, grasping you before sliding you onto her ring fingers.

SUCCESS! You have a host and are tempted to dance in victory, but you only pump the air once at your irresistible power before a wave of knowledge hits you, sending stars through you vision.

Your host's name is Amy Dallon, the adopted daughter of a Heroic Team known as New Wave who fight crime in spandex.

A sense of dismay passes through you…from somewhere. Your lack of memories make it hard to work out what caused this.

This world has people with superhuman abilities, known as parahumans and your host is one such.

She is known as Panacea and despite showing the world a façade of the number one healer, her actual power is…enticing. You salivate as you realise what a good decision you made in picking this powerful host. A touch based biomancer, able to create minions and improve and being or plant with a single finger, you can surely learn a lot from her.

A silent laugh escapes you as you quickly learn about her relationships. Your Host's incestuous infatuation with her sister is simply a potent method to control her, or a way to gain her trust by successfully resolving the issue.

Enough filtering through the information for now! You have a bank robbery to stop, names to take and hostages to free.

Focusing on your host, you realise you can't pick out any coherent thoughts, but strong sensory details, memories and emotions come through just fine. You also understand that you can subtly nudge these, moving them to the forefront of her mind and amplifying them, or attempting to supress them.

Right now, your dear Host is in a very malleable state, anger and hate bubbling throughout her mind. You look through her eyes to gather some information on how to act, only to see Amy has locked gazes with the blonde girl in the lavender, skin-tight costume you now realise. The girl tenses, seemingly having reached a decision, and raises her gun, aiming it at the chest of your Host.

"Amy Dallon? I know you're one of our hostages, but I strongly advise you to drop whatever you just picked up."

Oh shit. She knows something.


[ ] Push your Host's rage up to one hundred, directing her to charge at the villain threatening you.

[ ] Push your Host's rage up and direct her at the villain, but prompt her to be mindful of the Hostages with images of them.

[ ] Suppress the Host's rage in the attempt to start a conversation with the villain. (Warning! Will reveal the presence of the One Ring to those in the Bank Lobby.)

[ ] Push the Host to use her power on a hostage, give them toughness and strength to fight back.

[ ] Write in.
[X] turn all that adrenaline into excitement! she always wanted to get away from hey home and work. Why not join them?

Fuck yeah, Undersider!Panacea, rebranding as Biohazard ftw.
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[x] turn all that adrenaline into excitement! she always wanted to get away from hey home and work. Why not join them?
[X] Push your Host's rage up and direct her at the villain, but prompt her to be mindful of the Hostages with images of them.