One Piece: Finding The Truth Behind the WG, the Will of D, and Devil Fruits


Warrior of Light
So, I've been reading and rereading One Piece fanfiction, primarily because of @Xomniac and the rest of the Cross-brain. What can I say? This Bites! is awesome.

On top of that, I've been rewatching and rereading the anime and manga (4Kids still sucks, though. Manga's much better.) and thinking rather intently on Raftel.

What is One Piece? What might one find there, at the end of The New World? And why, why, why are the Celestial Dragons so damned dead set on preventing anyone from getting anywhere near Raftel, to the point that they established a plan that had the Marines pissing off Whitebeard, the most powerful of the Yonkou, just so they'd have an off-base chance of killing him?

So, during my rereading and rewatching, something started percolating in my brain. A theory. That's right, everyone, it's time for me to rip off of MatPat and present you all with... FAN THEORY!

So, the world of the Blue Sea, there's a lot of niggling little facts that add up to...something. We don't know what, yet, and Oda's been keeping miraculously mum.

So, here's what we do know.

1) There was a Great Kingdom that existed over 800 years ago that was overthrown by the Ancient Alliance, an alliance that would eventually become the World Government of today.

2) 900 years ago, history went blank. All records cease to exist for a hundred-year period known as the Void Century. The only details of this period are believed to be detailed on the Rio Poneglyph.

3) Devil Fruits are only mentioned as a modern occurence. No mention of any historical figure possessing Devil Fruit powers beyond 50 years before (Brook) is made. This can be construed to be because of one of two things: a) the Devil Fruits are not that old an occurence, or b) the world just does not care to think on history prior to Gol D. Roger starting the Age of Pirates. I lean more towards (a).

4) The WG wants to keep everyone the hell away from Raftel, yet they have not made the obvious decision to Buster Call Raftel to smithereens following Gol D. Roger's successful voyage. This tells us something important: they don't even want Marines near that island. Why? What is there? What are they hiding?

5) Other countries have records stretching back thousands of years, as far back as 5000, according to Nico Robin's memories of the Tree of Knowledge on Ohara. However, these records are obviously incomplete, given that even Ohara lacked complete knowledge of the Void Century, and Professor Clover was the only inhabitant of Ohara that even knew the Great Kingdom's name. Clover was murdered before he could reveal this, further cementing the idea that the WG have something significant to hide.

6) Ability-users, the name given to those who have eaten a Devil Fruit, are notoriously weakened by the Gifts of the Sea. The Sea itself is said to hate those that have eaten a Devil Fruit, and has even been said to have created Seastone, a mineral that replicates the effects of the Sea on Ability-users, as an answer to Ability-users who justifiably avoid the Sea so as to preserve their power.

7) Mariejois, the home of the Five Elder Stars, is built atop the Red other words, as far the hell away from the Sea as it is possible to get on this world. They live so high above the clouds that they have to deal with the inconvenience of wearing oxygen tanks constantly. Why are they so afraid of the Sea that they would be willing to cripple themselves so drastically?

8) The Will of D is a thing, and it terrifies the everloving fuck out of the WG. Every single D mentioned so far in the story has had something to do with pissing in the Five Elder Stars' morning cereal. Even Garp the Hero.

So, with these facts, I present my theory.

The World Government is an illegitimate government, as well as a coven of devil-worshippers.

Calm down, calm down, let me explain.

Okay, so, the Sea is the World, more or less. That would easily evolve into the Sea being worshipped as a deity, or, given the magical munchkinry of One Piece, it might actually be a deity. After Ape Concert, which may as well be a whole other dimension, the Revive-Revive Fruit and the Shadow-Shadow proving the existence of souls in this world, and the existence of Devil Fruits in general, I am fully willing to believe that there is a divine component to the world of the Blue Sea.

So, 900 years ago, there was a Great Kingdom. Then, a hundred years later, it was gone, and the WG was being set up. What the hell happened? And what do Devil Fruits and the Will of D have to do with this?

My belief? The Five Elder Stars wanted power, so they banded fifteen other like-minded kingdoms together to overthrow the Great Kingdom 900 years ago. And, for the better part of a hundred years, they failed.

That's right, they failed. The Great Kingdom lived up to the 'Great' and battled them back, time and again. Naturally, the Five Elder Stars of the time would grow desperate, and turn to anything and everything that could grant them the power they desperately desired to wield. So, they hatched a hideous, evil plan to Trojan Horse the Great Kingdom.

After the better part of a hundred years of battle, the Five Elder Stars decided, on the quiet, to sue for peace. When they went to the Great Kingdom to represent the Ancient Alliance at the peace talks, they betrayed everyone. And I do mean 'everyone'. They betrayed the Great Kingdom, the rest of the Alliance, and the entirety of the Blue Sea itself, with one, single, evil act.

They set up a summoning ritual in the Great Kingdom, and made a contract with the Lord of the Demons. The contract? They would allow Devils to inhabit the Blue Sea in return for the destruction of the Great Kingdom and the elevation of the Five Elder Stars to the new rulership. I'm also betting on immortality being thrown into the mix. Yes, I do mean to say that I believe the current Five Elder Stars in One Piece are the same ones that set up the World Government itself!

Now, hold on, hold on, put those tomatoes down, I'm not done!

What does this have to do with Devil Fruits and the Will of D, you ask? Fine. I'll tell you.

I'm of two thoughts about the Will of D, honestly.

So, the devils, set free from Hell, rampage across the Great Kingdom, slaughtering everyone and assuring victory for the Five Elder Stars. This is where the Will of D comes in. My first thought? The Devils didn't manage to kill everyone. A member of the ruling class broke free, or escaped the slaughter somehow, and went off to hide on a far-off island. For irony's sake, I like to believe that island is in the East Blue, perhaps even Loguetown itself. So, my first thought is that the Will of D is a bloodline of descent, down through the ages, with a genetic predisposition for fucking over the World Government created by the Five Elder Stars that betrayed their lineage.

Except Donquixote Doflamingo is also a D. And also a gigantic dick. I don't like the thought of him being related by blood to our favorite Strawhat or Gol D. Roger at all.

My second thought? The Sea creates the D.

The Sea, repulsed by the act of heresy propagated by the Five Elder Stars, struck back. The devils, freed to roam the Blue Seas by their contract with the Five Elder Stars, were in turn betrayed by their own contract. The Stars, in their hubris, made a contract for the whole world...a world they did not yet rule or represent. Thus, the contract was voided from its very inception, and the Sea struck back with a vengeance.

Too late to save the Great Kingdom (whose name I like to imagine began with the letter 'D'), the Blue Sea still struck down all of the Devils that dared invade Her holy waters, sealing them into tainted fruits and sending them across Her waves to hide them on Her islands. More, She grew angry, and made Herself the greatest weakness of those who would dare make such a contract with devils, now and forever. Thus does the Sea itself become the greatest weapon there is against an Ability-user.

Out of remorse for failing to save the Great Kingdom, the Blue Sea decided to honour the Great Kingdom and took the very stone of its walls, imbuing it with Her power. This turned the walls of the Great Kingdom into the great mineral known as Seastone, and made the stone that was used to build the Great Kingdom reflect that the whole world over. This had the effect of protecting what was left of the Great Kingdom from the devils and the elements themselves (for Seastone is as hard as, if not harder than, diamond), as well as causing the Five Elder Stars to run far, far away, to the only place of safety they had left: the Red Line.

There, they built Mariejois, and announced themselves as the victors to the Ancient Alliance. They became the rulers of the World illegitimate governance that began with an act of betrayal and devil-worship. The Five Elder Stars know this, and they know the Sea waits to kill them, so they cower in their ivory tower...and they keep everyone away from the last island in the Grand Line. They purged all records of their betrayal and hunger for power, they killed everyone who showed even a lick of the bloodline of the Great Kingdom, for they know....they know if their crimes are discovered, there will never be a place to hide.

Even their loyal Marines would turn on them. Even Akainu and his 'Absolute Justice' would not stand for this, for their illegitimacy would have him turn on them. All of this has them seal off just one, single island.

The last island, known as Raftel. The resting place of the One PIece....the last fragments of the Great Kingdom itself, and the location of the Rio Poneglygh, the only known stone to hold the record of the Void Century.

But the Sea will not wait. The Sea will not let this immortal heathens hide. She created the Will of D, and bestows it upon those She feels will best upset the apple-cart, and lead to the final destruction of those who betrayed Her. She sets them all to find it, that One Piece of vengeance and justice She left to destroy those who feed upon Her children for their own sick, twisted benefit.

That's right. I'm saying the Great Kingdom existed on Raftel. But that's juuuuust a theory, a FAN THEORY! Thaaaaanks for reading!

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Except Donquixote Doflamingo is also a D.

Except he's not? I think you're mistaking him for Blackbeard or something, or maybe Rosiante talking about the will of D, but Doflamingo isn't one.

That's right. I'm saying the Great Kingdom existed on Raftel.

This is actually a pretty common theory in the fandom, since images used to show Raftel and the Great Kingdom are very similar.

Overall I'd say this is an alright theory. I think it's highly likely that an act of betrayal might be the national secret of Mariejois, but you kind of lost me with the literal devils and the sea being alive (what point is there in having the sea herself be responsible for seastone? It's not really something that warrants any supernatural explanation), It's just a bit too on the nose for my tastes. Also there are a few important plot points you didn't address, namely the Ancient Weapons (which are tied to the poneglyphs), the Kozuki Clan and the Moon Civilization.
Except he's not? I think you're mistaking him for Blackbeard or something, or maybe Rosiante talking about the will of D, but Doflamingo isn't one.

This is actually a pretty common theory in the fandom, since images used to show Raftel and the Great Kingdom are very similar.

Overall I'd say this is an alright theory. I think it's highly likely that an act of betrayal might be the national secret of Mariejois, but you kind of lost me with the literal devils and the sea being alive (what point is there in having the sea herself be responsible for seastone? It's not really something that warrants any supernatural explanation), It's just a bit too on the nose for my tastes. Also there are a few important plot points you didn't address, namely the Ancient Weapons (which are tied to the poneglyphs), the Kozuki Clan and the Moon Civilization.

If Doflamingo's not a D, and I'm going to have to go back and reread Dressrosa again to figure out where I got the thought that he was, then all the more power to the Sea.

Regarding the Sea and Devils, it's as much an attempt to try an explain Devil Fruits and their one weakness being literally 95% of the planet's surface as much as anything. It's even in the legend about Devil Fruits, that the Sea hates Devils. It's a bit reachy, but then, anything dealing with Divinity usually is. That's why faith is faith.

As to the Ancient Weapons, I left those out because I figured they were obvious. The Great Kingdom built them and used them to fend off the Ancient Alliance, until the Five Elder Stars stabbed everybody in the back, and the poneglyphs are, of course, inscribed by the Great Kingdom's largest surviving clan of craftsmen, the Kozuki Clan.

As to the Moon Civilization, given that's solely connected to Skypeia, I don't really think it matters. They've got their heads in the clouds, and rarely think of the Blue Sea below them. They left the moon, came to the White-White Sea, and let that be their world until Eneru got it into his head to go to 'Heaven'. Like I said in my previous post, they didn't much follow history down below.
If Doflamingo's not a D, and I'm going to have to go back and reread Dressrosa again to figure out where I got the thought that he was, then all the more power to the Sea.

Regarding the Sea and Devils, it's as much an attempt to try an explain Devil Fruits and their one weakness being literally 95% of the planet's surface as much as anything. It's even in the legend about Devil Fruits, that the Sea hates Devils. It's a bit reachy, but then, anything dealing with Divinity usually is. That's why faith is faith.

As to the Ancient Weapons, I left those out because I figured they were obvious. The Great Kingdom built them and used them to fend off the Ancient Alliance, until the Five Elder Stars stabbed everybody in the back, and the poneglyphs are, of course, inscribed by the Great Kingdom's largest surviving clan of craftsmen, the Kozuki Clan.

As to the Moon Civilization, given that's solely connected to Skypeia, I don't really think it matters. They've got their heads in the clouds, and rarely think of the Blue Sea below them. They left the moon, came to the White-White Sea, and let that be their world until Eneru got it into his head to go to 'Heaven'. Like I said in my previous post, they didn't much follow history down below.

Well I don't think you should completely discount the Moon Civilzation considering the presence of the automatons which implies that they were extremely advanced, and that their decendants the shandians were tasked with gaurding a poneglyph.
Well I don't think you should completely discount the Moon Civilzation considering the presence of the automatons which implies that they were extremely advanced, and that their decendants the shandians were tasked with gaurding a poneglyph.

Except...they weren't? The Shandians are from Shandora, also known as the half of Jaya that got blown up into the White-White Sea by the Knock-Up Stream 400 years ago. Those are Blue Sea dweller-descendants. They got kicked off their land, which had become the Upper Yard, by the Skypeians shortly after they appeared in Skypeia, hence why Wiper was so berserker-pissed until he realised that Luffy and his crew knew Montblanc Cricket.

The Skypeians are descended from the Moon Civilization, not the Shandians. Considering the poneglyph was in the Upper Yard, it stands more to reason that the Skypeians just sort of adopted it as a sacred text and assumed guardianship over it, rather than be charged with its guardianship outright.
Except...they weren't? The Shandians are from Shandora, also known as the half of Jaya that got blown up into the White-White Sea by the Knock-Up Stream 400 years ago. Those are Blue Sea dweller-descendants. They got kicked off their land, which had become the Upper Yard, by the Skypeians shortly after they appeared in Skypeia, hence why Wiper was so berserker-pissed until he realised that Luffy and his crew knew Montblanc Cricket.

The Skypeians are descended from the Moon Civilization, not the Shandians. Considering the poneglyph was in the Upper Yard, it stands more to reason that the Skypeians just sort of adopted it as a sacred text and assumed guardianship over it, rather than be charged with its guardianship outright.

The Shandians, Birkans and the Skypiens are all revealed to be from the Moon. The Shandians ended up on the Blue sea, then eventually to the White Sea but they originally came from the Moon.
