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Hmm difficult
Given that Bill-Jaune's social problems come from a lack of understanding when it comes to humans/mortals/life in general I don't think being able to sense lies or thought would be good for him, even if it would be good for the Questers on a meta level
Seeing the future might be a good one, since Bill cares about his family
Seeing all might be very useful if we get involved with Ozpin and it also sounds like the 'most Bill-like' ability to be honest, which makes it very tempting
But I think the combination of looking at a soul and looking at the past would be the best to get Bill empathize with other people
It would also mark Ozpin as obviously supernatural, allowing us to get drawn into the plot without being caught unaware
[X] See souls
[X] Eyes from the past
Going to have to disagree with this kind of reasoning. First off the main reason that Bill had issues empathizing with people was due to his shit childhood and having a relationship with his first family that was so bad it was implied to have been worse than Stan's relationship with his own family at it's worst. Here Bill is being raised by a loving family and the QM themselves pointed out that Bill was going to turn out much better because of it. So don't think Bill is going to much issues empathizing with people this time around.
Second getting a power just for a specific situaitons seems like it's just setting ourselves up to be shot in the foot long term. I mean there are probably several ways we can learn about the plot without being caught unaware. Like say getting the powers that let's us see souls and semblances which would let us see Ozpin's soul is abnormlan including being made of multiple people.
It's important for people to remember that we are playing hard mode so getting powers that we are going to be using a lot and is helpful in multiple situations seems like it would be better for helping us out in the long term.
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