Do you think a Narrative Quest is a good idea?

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Hello and welcome to my Narrative Quest!

How does it work? It's pretty simple. You just have...
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Hello and welcome to my Narrative Quest!

How does it work? It's pretty simple. You just have to vote what you want to happen and boom, it happens. There are no scripted votes (except the first one, which is chargen), no rails, and everything is possible! Every odd vote you may add one worldbuilding idea in the story, so have fun with that!

Of course, that's way too good to be true without some rules. It'd also get pretty unmanageable pretty fast. I will reward discussion much more than numerical votes, and if someone has a good reason why this or that should happen, points to them! I may also mix votes for my amusement. Also, I reserve the right to veto if trolls ever become a problem, but only in extreme cases. It'd ruin the experience otherwise.

The title is also a statement of intent. After one day, exactly 24 hours, I'll close the votes, unless there's some really good discussion going. So it should be pretty fast as far as quests go.

Basically, I want to get back into writing regularly, I only have a vague outline of a plot, and I'm ready for a trainwreck.

Let's start.

The door opened screeching softly.

A stupid sound, someone should have fixed it already. It was a hospital, damn it, how was it so rundown? It didn't make sense, but there was little that did in this part of the city.

Beyond the door was a sight she desperately didn't want to see. On a bed that might as well be a stretcher, her brother Morgan sat crooked, hand and pen flying over the notebook in front of him. His eyes were bloodshot, a coffee pot on the drawer beside the bed. The doctors told her he kept asking for it. They couldn't refuse him.

She approached him as she would a wounded animal. "Morgan?" She called. "Morgan!" But he didn't turn around. He might as well have been in another world, possessed by a demon of his own making. She delicately put one hand on his shoulder.

And he finally looked at her, for an instant his blue eyes met hers, and then he turned around, muttering under his breath. "No, no, no. No time. I can't! go away, come on. Focus, focus. Not yet, not yet." And then silence.

Every time she came here, this scene would repeat itself, down to the very words he'd mutter beneath his breath. It was eery, it didn't seem real at first. She'd start to talk then, to tell him about her day, what was happening in the Republic and what not, every single word wasted. Morgan didn't hear, he never did. She felt guilty because talking helped her more than it helped him.

"I don't want to lose you." The words came unbidden, she couldn't stop them. For the first time since she was told about his condition, Morgan reacted. He snorted.

Awake, lucid, he looked at her. "It's not about any of us, is it?"

"I've, I've talked to a mage on the Map, he told me he may have something to help. I know, it seems like a scam but..." But Morgan was already back to writing, possessed.

There was nothing more to be said that day. The day after, of hre brother she had only a mess of papers. His real body buried by the Republic. The doctors, looking at her with pity, informed her that on top of his work he left her a note:

Note said:
I want to start by saying I'm sorry. I wasn't the best brother in my last days, and I won't have time to regret that.
TIme. How much time I wasted thinking of tomorrow, of how I was going to start getting fit, to start learning magic, to improve.
Tomorrow, always tomorrow. Never today.
I failed, as a human being. I know I could have been so much more. But now, all I am is this mess of words written on shitty pages.
And there's nothing more I can do, this is the end of my story, full stop.
You know, I'd never have told you, but I sometimes forgot about you on that horrible bed. As I write this, I'm only slightly more lucid than usual, a spot of clean in the dust of my mind. I hate this, but it is what it is. There's no more time to blame the world for my troubles.
I've written a lot in these pages. Some are the rambling of a madman, some are poems, some are ideas of how to change the world, how it should be.
I want you to do with it as you see fit. I will always believe in you, yes, even once I'm dead. Don't feel bad, and please, please don't cry.
I want to write more, but if I keep going I'll be here till I die, literally. It's my last joke, I hope (for you) that you have laughed. I may haunt you if you didn't, can't go to the Void without having made you laugh at least once with a shitty joke.
You have to be okay, okay?
I'll always love you. Always. Fuck, that's cheesy.
Do whatever you want to. But open those pages only when you need them. They're a part of me, handle them with care.
Signing out,
Morgan Dust

She cried. There may have been times when she hated him, but she cried.

This is character creation. You are free to work with the material as freely as you like. The format should be something like this:

[X] (Name of the character)
-[X] (Backstory and appearance)

You also may add one worldbuilding element to this vote, totally optional of course, in the same format underneath the second [X].

Be free.
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[X] name: Jason Lokison
-[X] Backstory and appearance: Male, silver skin, blue hair with black streaks, about 5 feet tall, 19 years old. Born a member of the Shanti tribe, a splinter blood relation to the Trillians (Trillians are decendants of stars in the sky, whom legend says, took two forms on the mortal plane, one humanoid, one animal. Once a highly magical race, the modern day Trillians are so different from historical records, few believe the records. When records say a Trillion, depending on the identity of an ancestor, could take the form of horned horses with magical healing powers, rodents with unusual agility, horned wingless serpents that could fly without wings, water-breathing cats able to alter their size at will, sheep with golden wool and a ridiculous magic affinity for plant growth. The descendants are far less extreme, divided into tribes usually distinguished by hair color, most have a silver shine to their skin, a rare few have no shine to the skin, even rarer is a golden shine. All of the descendants can change from a humanoid form to animal and vice-versa. Most tribes are dominated by a specific animal form, likely marked by their hair color. For example the Nethu tribe with green hair can almost all become red sparrows, there are a few of the Nethu that can become large brown wolves. Whereas the Zitha tribe with green hair is noted to be all capable of turning into a large grey, long nosed, furless, large two-tusked, being on four-legs. The Shanti are noted for transforminng into bears.) Entered an orphanage at age 9. Adopted into an noble family at age 11. Raised a scholar, Jason became a fortune teller to explore the world, and spy for his adoptive parents to further protect their blood related son.
-[X] World-building: Floating landmasses fly above a world covered in water.
You are giving people some leeway. I'll try not to breach the trust between player and game master. Please tell me if what I have in mind is erroneous or unwise in any way.

[X] Plan Muscled Arms and a Silver Mind

[X] Lily Dust
-[X] A short, brown haired girl. Strong and hardy, like her mother, and so unlike her brother. She wears a vibrant, pink cape wherever she goes, matching her mismatched pale pink and brown eyes. Her hands, when not covered with gloves, are charred black. She is sixteen years old.

She inherited the metalworking trade of her old and decrepit mother, who lived vicariously through her only daughter as she got on in age. She works for the Golden Guild, a once esteemed organization of artisans who's reputation was reduced to shambles after a previous leader attempted to scam the populace for easy money by selling low quality goods.

Laulos always knew that one day she would take up the family legacy, after Morgan found himself so unsuited to the task (though for all his faults she could not help but love him), but was in no way someone who acted in line with the behavior expected of someone with her lineage.

She was and still is a hooligan. Little better than a thug totally willing to steal if she can get away with it and organize gladiatorial fights between beast. She operates with a ingrained set of principles, however. Her value for human life and willingness to help anyone in need, despite her habits, has left her in a perpetual state of self confliction.

Before Morgan gained his condition, she attempted, time and time again, to prop him up, to get him to finally let go of his self imposed limits. Whenever she went to bust him, before and during his hospitalization, she would dress as nicely as possible, act as highbrow as she could, to try and get him to see that if someone like her could be put together, he could to.

As she turned of age, she moved out of her families home, renting out an apartment with the money she made, legally or otherwise. She has a toy robot called Lodestar and a garden snake named Gluttony, both of whom she cherishes deeply

[X] Their are aliens to this world, poking their way into the planet through small tears of their own creation. Some of these creatures are hostile. Others, friendly. Most, to set in their ways to ever change their natures. These 'fae', however, have worked their way into world, to the point that many allow engine fairies to live in there vehicles, and many tread lightly around bodies of water less there is kelpie about.
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As this is chargen, you have even more leeway than you'll usually have. I don't mind writing anything at this point, but still, in case of a tie, I'll reserve the right to choose what I want to write the most. Though it's possibile I'll mix it up if I like the ideas.
[x] Penelope Dust
-[x]A brunette, waif-like midget whose brown hair looks like it makes up the most of her mass with speckles of gold in her grey eyes.

She wears dark and dull colours, particularly grey and brown to help her stick to the shadows and out of people's sight, wear she feels more comfortable. She wears pants and does not wear skirts as she feels they get in the way, which is particularly problematic when climbing, which she has to do to get over the city walls and through the trees of the forest, away from the more dangerous monsters, as well as to hop between the high rooftops to avoid the crowds, the criminals, the undead and the plague-ridden.

She currently collects plants, minerals and animal parts for her parents' apothecary, but she has dreamed of travelling further, to the ruins, where her brother worked as an archaeologist, and where he developed his condition. She has developed an anger at he apothecary itself, and at the priests and doctors who have failed to save her brother, or, in some cases, to even try.

[x] The cities of this world are all walled off to protect them from the many dangers outside, yet some dangers still manage to enter, and the large populations depend on the resources of the wilderness, and the treasures of the many ruined cities that have fallen to war, monsters, spirits, diseases or supernatural storms.
Alright. In an hour I'll close the vote, so unless there's someone weighing in or some good arguments as to which character is better written I'll weigh in myself and decide. I may do something with the worldbuilding options though (EDIT: only if it ends in a tie of course).

Giant floating cities walled to protect them from aliens? Might work. Though the walls would probably be more magical in nature than physical in that environment. And the aliens sound more like demons to me in that scenario. We'll see what'll happen.

ETA - 1 hour.
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And the aliens sound more like demons to me in that scenario

Fae are basically demons by another name. Some are good natured, sure, but a whole lot of them are man eating monsters.

Obviously, Lily Dust is the best because she doesn't look down on plague ridden criminals, she is a plague ridden criminal!

I like Morgan being an archaeologist though. I'd gladly accept that interpretation, though I'm not quite willing to get rid of my own NEET Morgan. Excited to see what ends up happening, but blacksmiths are cooler than adventurers. Why risk your life when you can hire and equip meatheads to do it for you, am I right?
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Fae are basically demons by another name. Some are good natured, sure, but a whole lot of them are man eating monsters.

Obviously, Lily Dust is the best because she doesn't look down on plague ridden criminals, she is a plague ridden criminal!

I like Morgan being an archaeologist though. I'd gladly accept that interpretation, though I'm not quite willing to get rid of my own NEET Morgan. Excited to see what ends up happening, but blacksmiths are cooler than adventurers. Why risk your life when you can hire and equip meatheads to do it for you, am I right?

I have a few questions about yours actually. Lily is the abbreviation of Laulos, right? And the charred black hands are to imply a dark skin color or do you mean literally charred? Minor things, but you know, just for clarification.
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I have a few questions about yours actually. Lily is the abbreviation of Laulos, right? And the charred black hands are to imply a dark skin color or do you mean literally charred? Minor things, but you know, just for clarification.

It is the abbreviation of Laulos. I'm glad you noticed that before I edited it out - I liked my name, but I thought that Lily would be more 'normal'.

Lily's skin color is a shade of bronze or black, because of the immense heat her family has been subjected to over generations of working with metal. Whether in a traditional or industrial capacity is up to you.

Her hands are supposed to be burned from an accident, though as a subversion of expectation I imagine it happened because she put her hands on a stove as a child. Of course, you can spin it another way if you so desire.
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Alright. Voting's over. It's a three-way tie, so you get to find out what I choose reading the update!

Thanks for voting!
Chapter 1 - Lily Dust
A year had passed since her brother's death.

Since then, so many things changed. As Lily reached her apartment at Joshua Livings Street, she briefly cursed her family. When her brother died she was left with the hospital bill, neatly hidden in his notes.

Her mother, the old crone, expected her to deal with everything herself, claiming to be too weak to sustain anyone except herself. She probably wanted to live her old age sipping tea and reminiscing, not caring about anything or anyone. Unforgivable. There was no way she could have kept living under that roof for a moment longer.

"Light please." She ordered the fae inhabiting her apartment. The little demons appeared briefly, spheres of light hanging in her view for a blink of an eye. They complied with a sound like laughter, which meant they'd do as asked. They were finicky like that. Sometimes, they would simply not appear, and she'd have to resort to her emergency light, electricity powered. Unfortunately, faes were sentient beings, they may be bought and they may help with the bills, but only of their own accord.

As she entered her little forest of solitude, she threw a look at the untouched papers her brother left her. She had had no time to read them, nor the inclination after that irritating first page.
First page said:
Why Me

I believe what I believe but my first hope hangs at the rope
There's no helping it, it seems, that all life is but a dream.
So as I struggle a lonely gargle leaves me wheezing, and a fleeing
Thought leaves me caught in death's last sought after touch.
And as I sigh, I cry, I die, my last question remains why.
But there's no time, that blue bell chime already rang and for a dime.​

Poems. So many poems, all morbid and defeated. Lily had no time for mourning, and while she really, really wanted to keep reading what her brother left her, it was impossible. She had a smithery to run, and skills to hone to make ends meet, and honestly, and she felt guilty for thinking this, but... They get stale. There's only so much poetry about death she can stomach before she would throw it all into a fire and be done with it. Hell, she didn't even particularly like reading, aside from the occasional book. She didn't dislike it, really! She just liked other things more.

Like stealing.

In fact, tonight, the stars had aligned to give her the perfect opportunity. She had a date. Oh, but it wasn't a simple meeting between teenagers, there'd be no hand-holding nor starry eyes gazing into each other. The scion of the Gale family had invited her to a fancy restaurant, hoping to add her to his growing harem of cherry picked beauties.

"Lisa, I've finally made up my mind." He had said, striding into the smithery, dressed in all white, followed by two bodyguards. He flicked up his sunglasses into his slicked back blond hair., and then looked her straight in the eyes. His eyes were a dull brown. "I believe you. You are indeed one of the fire-touched. You must be! But I would not be Edward Gale if I didn't offer you at least dinner, before making you mine." His eyes roved across Lisa's young figure, and she had to suppress a shiver.

Nobody had yet explained to her what it meant to be fire-touched. The only thing she knew, was that people kept assuming her skin color was due to extensive artificial tanning. She had explained many times that it was all natural, but not everyone believed her. Not that it was her problem.

Until now.

"Alright." She tried to hide her discomfort through gritted teeth. The Gale family was powerful, and not disinclined to violence, she had heard. What was certain, was that they were a bunch of racist assholes, who saw people as playthings, but they were the kind of assholes you can't say no to when you're a nobody. "When do you... uh, when will we meet?"

"Wonderful! I have everything prepared. Don't you worry, it'll be a blast. The restaurant is classy, I know the owner of course, so I'll get amazing seats and everything is already set for an incredible evening. Tonight will be the best night of your life, trust me..." He went on to talk for thirty minutes, getting more and more enthused, until she had to remind him that she had a shop to run.

At the time, she had thought everything was moving too fast. Hell, it was her first date, not that those things mattered too much to her, but still! And as her brain whirled and turned, she realized that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Winner is @Space Multiply! Penelope Dust will probably make an appearance as a side character though, as they're pretty compatible, while I'm sorry Marlin but your character would not fit with the others. Also, you didn't give out a reason why his surname wouldn't be Dust, which swang the choice toward the others. But I'll do something with your worldbuilding hint, certainly.

I'll also edit out the prologue. I've decided, against convention, to use the third person. I'll also probably make a worldbuilding post sometime. Peace!

Alright, I'll leave you to it.

EDIT: You may make Lily do whatever you want, though right now she feels like rubbing the guy blind somehow. You'll have to factor that in your choice, for bonus immersion points. Those points probably count!

I​ promise nothing!​
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I'll keep this here in the threadmarks for safekeeping.

Worldbuilding up to now
  • There's alien Faes in this world.​
  • The cities have shimmering wards as walls. They are complicated. There's danger outside them, but also treasure.​
  • There's at least one floating landmass in the world.​

I had to change the walls, which evolved to deal with the threat of teleporting aliens.
[x] Lily goes to the restaurant to eat her fill and sweet talk Mr. Gale into taking her home so she can grab some of his belongings.
"Lisa, I've finally made up my mind." He had said, striding into the smithery, dressed in all white, followed by two bodyguards. He flicked up his sunglasses into his slicked back blond hair., and then looked her straight in the eyes. His eyes were a dull brown. "I believe you. You are indeed one of the fire-touched. You must be! But I would not be Edward Gale if I didn't offer you at least dinner, before making you mine." His eyes roved across Lisa's young figure, and she had to suppress a shiver.

Eeeeeeeew. This is, like, super creepy. Edward Gale is a bad sort of dude, and I am getting some intense Snow White with Red Hair vibes from this setup.

This fire-touched thing sounds important. We will figure it out later.

The Gale family was powerful, and not disinclined to violence, she had heard. What was certain, was that they were a bunch of racist assholes, who saw people as playthings, but they were the kind of assholes you can't say no to when you're a nobody

As they say, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Hell, it was her first date, not that those things mattered too much to her, but still! And as her brain whirled and turned, she realized that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Dangerous and stupid! Such brash confidence! Exactly as I imagined her. I disagree with that course of action, but still, I will support the endeavor!

Let us call the War Room into assembly!

The first thing that we need is a weapon. In all likelihood, Lily probably isn't going to be slick enough to get out of this without some scraps. As a blacksmith, we may arm ourselves to the teeth with justification!

Seriously, we need knives, blades, hell, if I thought we could get away with it, even a gun. If things go south, the only people we can really rely on to get us out of the situation is ourselves. Now, now. Lily is someone who isn't comfortable with the thought of killing someone, but, there's a whole world of difference between murder and self defense if the situation would warrant it.

Also! Support. We have some faeries/aliens/demons living in our apartment. Maybe we could recruit them to help us? It's not a certain thing, but worth a shot, I'd say.

But, this is a narrative quest. Are options are functionally endless, right? Perhaps nothing so crude as teleportation or ascendant social skills, but perhaps...allies? A shadow to oversee our operations. A scout to see the Gale estate. Anything that makes this not a suicidal goal. Im not sure how...detailed, per say, this is supposed to be, but I'll go for red alert just in case.

But please. Argue with me, help me edit the plan, cause I'm not infallible, and I'd like some criticism to make this go well, you know?

[X] Plan Pissing of the Montagues With No Capulets Behind Me
- [X] Lily wasn't the type to think about long term consequences. What she knows is that Edward Gale will probably find some way of making her life a lot more difficult than it really should be if she disagrees, and that he has stuff she wants. Wise? No. She never said she was.
- [X] The first order of business was to give something to defend herself. No matter what, she wasn't going to let Edward things to her. That just wasn't how she rolled. So she was going to get some concealed blades. A particularly sharp ring. A garrote...(she admitted that it sounded like she was going to kill the guy, which she really didn't want to, but she was a paranoid type, you know?). She could hide it in her dress, and maybe her hair? She was pretty sure she could kill someone with one of her hairclips...
- [X] Maybe the minded, she'll say, demons would be open to helping her in this endeavor? She was sure that potentially having a story told about them would tickle the fancy of at least one of the vain creatures, who already knew of her illicit activities. She wouldn't push it, didn't want to pay the electric bill that much, but it could only help, right?
- [X] You should...close the shop. Finish some commissions if you had enough time.
- [X] Find something pretty to wear. Edward Gale made your skin crawl, but you probably weren't supposed to show up in your smock and armor. But...he's never seen you in anything else. This situation was freaking weird, but for you to get anything at all out of it, you need to get the Gale estate, when the bodyguards weren't watching you...
- [X] Feed and play with Lodestar and Gluttony. If anything happened to you...well, you were going to make a friend babysit them at his house for now. But you would try your best to come back to the little guys.

-[jk] Recruit your evil twin sister Penelope to watch your back.

The general plan is to get to the estate, knock out Edward...when he wants us to do the thing, say 'rough [that word]' as an excuse, than skulk around, finding narrative important items and plot bunnies before booking it.

It's stupid, but Lily is stupid.
[X] Plan Pissing of the Montagues With No Capulets Behind Me

Pure narrative quests rarely get many voters. The only other pure narrative quests I'm aware of are @Space Jawa's 'In a far away land of a mystic nature...', and pretty much all of @Fletcher's quests are fueled by pure narrative choice.

I am not counting @TPK, while TPK has written narrative quests they tend to write... I'm not sure how to explain this. TPK doesn't write original ideas while writing original ideas!?

The best narrative quests, in my opinion, use a die and narrative like @Moronis' guardian shadow quest, the long and extensive RWBY quest following eldritch fox-faunus/solus Mordin on spacebattles, or @Chandagnac's quests.
[X] Plan Pissing of the Montagues With No Capulets Behind Me​
Allowing only write-ins, I'm not expecting too many players right off the bat. I'd like to have more, sure, but I don't believe it's necessary to have more than 2/3 players voting.

Still, I'll probably involve myself more if I see a lack of discussion. It's no huge deal.
I do not believe that I have ever written what you are calling a narrative quest
My mistake then, I thought your current Ozpin quest counts as a narrative quest. There seemed to be no rolls made, write-ins don't seem to be allowed, but you occasionally gave snippets of the futuure that would sometimes change the future narrative. Your players believe 'bad endings' are possible, if a bad ending is possible you probably have a narrative quest. The narrative quest, in my opinion, usually follows one character travelling through a timeline of events. The players explore the character of the PC, pieces of the world, and mostly make informed decisions with any rolls or stats being a extra mechanic thing, and can be written without them. You don't currently seem to have a quest that uses rolls.

If the Ozpin, Blake, and Bleach quest are not semi-rigid narrative quests, what are they?