On the shores of the Styx: A narrative quest set in Hell

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Welcome to Hell! Currently under new management.
Sin and Purpose
Raleigh, NC
The refugee camps are still full, even with the defeat of Satan and the end of the War in Heaven. Billions of souls walk the damned lands of Hell, all seeking to find…something, some new purpose now that they have been brought respite. The soldiers of Earth, of the living world, guard the camps and otherwise let the damned roam free, and why not? The damned are hard to kill, and need no food nor drink. Some are collecting together, to create new countries and societies, others to recreate what they knew on earth. Many seek revenge, some seek forgiveness.

What do you seek?

[]A new purpose, now that you have been freed from your eternal torture.

[]Forgiveness from one you wronged

[]Revenge against those who wronged you


What was your sin?







Your crime
[X]Forgiveness from one you wronged (Flipped a coin)

You were a cruel man, a beast in human flesh. Your actions were as hideous as your soul. Yet your torment in Hell and your liberation brought about a change. You wept with relief when you were rescued, a weight lifted as the horror ended. You sought redemption, a lifting of a burden from your soul. You must find your victims and seek forgiveness.

What was your great crime?

[]You were a Catholic mercenary involved in the Sack of Magdeburg. You murdered, tortured and raped in the name of your God.

[]You were a Confederate involved in the Massacre at Fort Pillow. You shot down surrendered black soldiers in cold blood.

[]You were a Conquistador. Enough said.

Opening days
[X]You were a Catholic mercenary involved in the Sack of Magdeburg. You murdered, tortured and raped in the name of your God.

You are Hieronymus Sebastian Schultz, a former mercenary in the employ of Tilly during the Thirty Years War. You helped sack Magdeburg and reveled in the violence in the name of the Lord. You took a bullet and bled out during the Battle of Breitenfeld. Your torment in Hell seemed to last an eternity, burning in a river of flaming pitch. Eventually, you were rescued by a team of people from the living world, members of a special unit of the UN.

You spent time in the camps, carefully rebuilding your mind after the trauma. It gave you time to ponder your crimes, especially as news from the living world filtered in. Hell was liberated, Satan killed, and God overthrown in a coup by Archangel Michael. There was peace on Earth, but not in Hell. It seems most of mankind for all of history ended up in Hell, so it was full of people, and they were all trying to figure out what to do.

You already had a goal: find your victims and seek forgiveness. The issue is that you know them only by sight and billions are in Hell. Still, you have time. You have all eternity to find them.

What do you do for now?

[]Stay in the camp and learn from those who are still living
[]Leave the camp and go:
-[]To Caesars Republic, a merging of people and demons. They need men who know violence.
-[]Try to find Tilly. You didn't know him personally, but he is probably in the same boat as you.
-[]Just wander around. There's always convoys of people moving about Hell.
The three R's
[X]Stay in the camp and learn from those who are still living

You decide to stay in camp and learn. You'd never been much of a thinker when you were alive, but your experiences have definitely changed you. The first thing you work on is something simple: reading. You spoke German when you were alive, but the nature of hell makes you able to understand any spoken language. This is not strictly useful when interacting with the living, who speak only one or two languages generally. Further, you never learned to read while alive and now it seems vital to everyday life. So, you look around the camp for someone who could teach you.

You end up finding a group of the living who are working to set up a sort of classroom for people in the camp to learn from both the living and each other. With your strong back, you help put together the prefab building and end up sitting in on one of the first classes. Mostly, the course focuses on reading, writing, and mathematics. For some students this is easier than others, especially those who are unfamiliar with the latin alphabet and arabic numerals. You were able to do basic sums, any mercenary is, given pay disputes. You end up learning to read German from another dead German, a fellow who claims to have died in 1917. This occupies several months, during which you also put some effort into learning how to work the technology the living bring with them.

All this culminates in you managing to get a cheap e-reader full of books in German in exchange for a discussion with some historians. You are frank and blunt with them: you were a bad person, who did bad things. You deserved to be here.

You have learned to read and write German!
You have gained an e-reader!

What is your next step?

[]Search for Tilly: Find your old commander. Surely someone so important while alive must be important while dead?

[]Find a new home: Venture to one of the new states that exist in Hell and make a home there. (Triggers a subvote)

[]Stay in the camp: This is where a majority of the living in Hell are, so if you want to learn from them, you must be here. Also, they have the internet.

[]Just wander: Hell is full of people wandering. Join them.
No Tilly
[X]Search for Tilly: Find your old commander. Surely someone so important while alive must be important while dead?

You ask around, but there seems to be no word of Tilly. You find a few people who died during the war, but it seems most are civilians, still leery of you for your deeds. While wandering the camp one day, you end up hearing a rumor. It seems someone is recruiting for a mercenary band, designed to fight in the various wars in Hell and also hire themselves to the living as protection. Now, you did horrible things while a mercenary, but it's also something you have experience with. You were an arquebusier, skilled in standing your ground and bleeding while firing away. There are likely few guns in Hell yet, but you are also good with a blade. Perhaps you can fall back on your old experience, just … not do bad things to civilians? On the other hand, you could always just…go. There's nothing holding you here, really. You don't really need food or water to survive, though you'll still feel hunger and thirst.

[]Join the mercenaries: Maybe things will be different now?
[]Just leave the camp and wander: Random encounters ahoy!