Vote tally - On the Road to Elspar [Book 1] (Dryad Mercenary Schoolgirl Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Jrin on May 1, 2019 at 2:53 AM, finished with 2624 posts and 49 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
On the Road to Elspar [Book 1] (Dryad Mercenary Schoolgirl Quest)
Post #1
Post #2624


  • [X] ...share the view of woodland dryads in their respect for societies that cannot yet fully integrate with the broader Caldran public.
    [x] ...don't really know what you feel about the knight orders.
    -[x] But you wonder, what is the reason they spend so much time training and practicing, but not use their skills? They aren't interested in fighting in wars or protecting people, but devote their lives to skills that they almost never use?
    [X] Your name is Neianne of Caelon and you are a mercenary in training. Ever since you came to Faulkren Academy you have slowly learned to stand on your own two feet and chase after the you that you wish you could be. You'd like to think, even, that you've made progress. You have learned to rely both on yourself and others. You have stood up for yourself and others. You have made friends and... not friends. You have experienced grief and anger. You have started to learn politics, strategy, and magic. You have learned the art of the blade. You even thought that maybe you were getting good at it. That is, until today, when you saw beauty in motion, the truth of steel. Being honest with yourself, you still struggle with politics and philosophy. You have no idea if what the Knights do is right or not and asking Sieglinde for her opinion feels like the... best way to make it make sense. But, but, you would really really like to be as good with your sword as the knight is with hers.
    [x] ...share similar frustrations over how the knight orders can turn a blind eye while the Confederacy is under threat.
    [x] ...don't really know what you feel about the knight orders.
    [x] ...see a beauty to such a transcendent pursuit, but know that the peace it depends upon is bough in Confederacy lives. You hope some day, some of their teachings will be shared with worthy candidates, to help defend their neighbors and countrymens homes before it is too late, and the enemy comes to their doors.
    [X] ...share the view of woodland dryads in their respect for societies that cannot yet fully integrate with the broader Caldran public.
    -[x] But you wonder, what is the reason they spend so much time training and practicing, but not use their skills? They aren't interested in fighting in wars or protecting people, but devote their lives to skills that they almost never use?
    -[x] And your also a bit jealous of her skill, honestly.
    [x] ...share similar frustrations over how the knight orders can turn a blind eye while the Confederacy is under threat.
    -[x] But you wonder, what is the reason they spend so much time training and practicing, but not use their skills? They aren't interested in fighting in wars or protecting people, but devote their lives to skills that they almost never use?
    [x] ...are in awe of their prowess and wish you could also learn from the knight orders.