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Basic Information:
1. The Setting of Coalia:
This is an ancient world, one that has seen the...
i. Basic Information & Character Creation

Orion Ultor

Everything’s Got A Price.
East Coast
Basic Information:
1. The Setting of Coalia:
This is an ancient world, one that has seen the dawn and twilight of a thousand generations of a thousand empires. It witnessed the arrival of mortalkind and gave birth to many a great wonder…and many a great terror. It was in this world, unexplored and unexploited, that the mortalkin known as man became divided into four tribes; one left to travel north into the unknown, one to the mountains of the east for glory, one to the hills of plenty and one to remain in their homeland, content with its wonders. In this way, the mortals became first divided and became easy prey to the Imagined.

From each of these tribes and over a thousand-thousand
years arose new races of men. In the unknown north, the elves and orcs warred endlessly and without mercy. In the mountains of the east, the dwarves became the undisputed rulers of gold. In the hills of plenty, the gnomes and halflings grew complacent with the abundance of wheat and barley. But in the homeland of men, the harsh realities of the land made them strong and wise…until the day came that their homeland was dwindling, growing weak. On that day, the tribe of man stepped forth into the world and became great. From these men, kingdoms and empires of untold glory and wonder grew and prospered in many ways and in many creeds.

It was in one of these kingdoms that arose a child of the homeland, long separated from his kind, returned with stolen knowledge of the other races, and built an empire whose wonders yet remain; the Artificer and his Markosæn Dynasty. It was he who united the fractious tribe of man, united them with the Faith against the Beasts and Imagined. For over three centuries it has stood against the tides of woe…

2. Starting Location: The City
This ancient city has long been unnamed since it's discovery by the human tribes, it is now the cosmopolitan center of the Makosæn Dynasty's power. You begin in the Barrows, one of the more (in)famous taverns of the fair city, your childhood friend Jarek beside you.

Character Creation:
3. Player Character:
[ ] Character Name: Write-In
-[ ] Male/Female
[ ] Class 1: Write-In
[ ] Background: Write-In
[ ] Race: Write-In
[-] Alignment: Unaligned (Until Further Action)

4. The Party: (Name Pending)
[-] Jarek Markus, Fighter 1
-[*] Human Soldier aged 24
[-] Unassigned
[-] Unassigned
[-] Unassigned
[-] Unassigned

A/N: As this is going to be my first time DMing a full campaign, any corrections and advice are greatly appreciated. And or the purposes of Character Creation, the available source is the Player's Handbook 5e. For the use of other sources, roll Persuasion.

Vote Ends 1200EST Weds, Jan. 30th.
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1. Character Sheet
Character Sheet:
Name: Thrya Viden
Class (LVL): Warlock 1 (Pact of the Old Great One)
Background: Archaeologist
Race: Human (Elven Ancestry)
Alignment: Unaligned (Further Action Required)
Abilities:   mod saving
Strength 11 +0  
Dexterity 16 +3 +3
Constitution 14 +2 +2
Intelligence 11 +0  
Wisdom 09 -1 +1
Charisma 16 +3 +5
Hit Points: 10
Armor Class: 14
Acrobatics +3
Animal Handling -1
Arcana +2
Athletics +0
Deception +3
History +2
Insight -1
Intimidation +3
Investigation +2
Medicine -1
Nature +0
Perception -1
Performance +3
Persuasion +3
Religion +0
Sleight of Hand +3
Stealth +3
Survival +1
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2. The Party
The Party:
Name: Jarek Markus
Class (LVL): Fighter 1
Background: Soldier (Officer)
Race: Human Variant
Alignment: Lawful Good (?)
Abilities: score mod save
Strength 16 +3 +5
Dexterity 14 +2 +2
Constitution 13 +1 +3
Intelligence 13 +1 +1
Wisdom 10 +0 +0
Charisma 08 -1 -1

2. N/A

3. N/A

4. N/A

5. N/A

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ii. Character Creation (cont)
[X] Plan Unrestrained Curiosity
-[X] Character Name: Thyra Viden
-[X] Gender: Female
-[X] Class 1: Warlock
-[X] Background: Archaeologist
-[X] Race: Human

As Jarek leaves the table to fetch the stout, Thyra pulls out her journal to make note of the artifact [a standard enlisted officer's falchion] that he'd returned with. Surprisingly well-kept [making a personal note about his habits as a child], she made note of it for the simple fact that she wished her friend a long life, to be remembered even if it were to be a small footnote in history.

She shook her head.

"Pah," she murmured to herself,
[ ] Write-In." {OOC: How does Thyra rationalize this behavior to herself? }.

It was as she began to finish sketching the falchion, completing the entry, Jarek returned with the black stout.

"I see you're as invested as ever into your work Thyra," Jarek replied with a teasing grin, "Still the same old girl I remember, eh?"

[ ] Write-In."

Background (Archaeologist):
1. Personality Trait (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[ ] I love a good puzzle or mystery.
[ ] I'm a pack rat who never throws anything away.
[ ] Fame is more important to me than money.
[ ] I have no qualms stealing from the dead.
[ ] I'm happier in a dusty old tomb than in the centers of civilization.
[ ] Traps don't make me nervous. Idiots who trigger traps make me nervous.
[ ] I may fail, but I don't give up.
[ ] You may think I'm a scholar, but I love a goof brawl. These fists were made for punching.

2. Ideals (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[ ] Preservation: That artifact belongs in a museum! (Inclination- Law)
[ ] Greed: I won't risk my life for nothing. (Inclination- Evil)
[ ] Death Wish: Nothing is more exhilerating than a narrow escape from the jaws of death. (Inclination- Chaotic)
[ ] Dignity: The dead and their belongings deserve to be treated with respect. (Inclination- Good)
[ ] Immortality: All my exploring is part of a plan to find the secret of everlasting life. (Inclination- ???)
[ ] Danger: With every great discovery comes grave danger. The two walk hand in hand. (Inclination- Any)

3. Bonds (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[ ] Ever since I was a child, I've heard stories about a lost city. I aim to find it, learn its secrets, and earn my place In the history books.
[ ] I want to find my mentor, who disappeared on an expedition some time ago.
[ ] I have a friendly rival. Only one of us can be the best, and I aim to prove it's me.
[ ] I won't sell an art object or other treasure that has historical significance or is one of a kind.
[ ] I'm secretly in love with the wealthy patron who sponsors my archaeological exploits.
[ ] I hope to bring prestige to a library, a museum, or a university.
-[ ] The Everscribed Library (Secular)
-[ ] The Tribunic Museum of Coalia (Religious)
-[ ] The Markosæn University of Higher Learning (Government)

4. Flaws (Archaeologist): Pick 1
[ ] I have a secret fear of some common wild animal-- and in my work, I see them everywhere.
[ ] I can't leave a room without searching it for secret doors.
[ ] When I'm not exploring dungeons or ruins, I get jittery and impatient.
[ ] I have no time for friends or family. I spend every waking moment thinking about and preparing for my next expedition.
[ ] When given the choice of going left or right, I always go left.
[ ] I can't sleep except in total darkness.

5. Personal History:
[ ] Write-In:
-[X] Ever since Thyra could remember, Jarek had been beside her, the two of them as thick as thieves and twice as fast…until eight years ago, when he volunteered to fight in the Northern Border Wars of 317 [under the Dynastic Calender].

6. Allocation:
[ ] Point Buy
[ ] Dice Roll

Vote ends January 31, 1200EST, or until the votes die down.
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iii. Character Creation (Finalize)
1. Personality Trait: [X] I love a good puzzle or mystery.
2. Ideals: Tie, Tiebreaker: d2 = 2
-[X] Preservation: That artifact belongs in a museum! (Inclination- Law) [Heads- 1]
-[X] Dignity: The dead and their belongings deserve to be treated with respect. (Inclination- Good) [Tails- 2]
3. Bonds: [X] I'm secretly in love with the wealthy patron who sponsors my archaeological exploits.
4. Flaws: [X] When I'm not exploring dungeons or ruins, I get jittery and impatient.
5. Personality History: [X] Write-In: She hated ignorance, not knowing, the stagnation of staying still. "Exploration really is the essence of the human spirit, and to pause, to falter, to turn our back on the quest for knowledge, is to perish." Every man, dwarf, elf and all the races in between; every individual who has ever turned their back upon new horizons. To Thyra, these are the eternal enemy, they who would hold civilization back from greatness. She won't let them.
-[X] Ever since Thyra could remember, Jarek had been beside her, the two of them as thick as thieves and twice as fast…until eight years ago, when he volunteered to fight in the Northern Border Wars of 317 [under the Dynastic Calender].
6. Allocation: [X] Dice Roll [Orcpub]
STR = 11 [mod +0]
DEX = 16 [mod +3]
CON = 14 [mod +2]
INT = 11 [mod +0]
WIS = 09 [mod -1]
CHA = 16 [mod +3]​

"Pah," she murmured to herself, "Expecting constant Big Discoveries is the expectations of fool's the time between is the true test."

"I see you're as invested as ever into your work Thyra," Jarek replied with a teasing grin, "Still the same old girl I remember, eh?"

"Well when your works as exciting as this, only the master of this mundane present can bring me back," Thyra grinned back.

"Ugh," he leaned back, feigning chestpain as he grinned, "you don't fight fair m'lady."

"Since when have we
ever fought fair with one another?" she grinned back.

He chuckled, though its mirth did not reach his eyes.

"Never, but that does not change the facts," he said, slowly savoring his stout, "But as much as I would love to reminece about the past, that is not why I called you here Thyra."

"Indeed," Thyra says, arching her brow, "Why then?"

"In the last days of the campaign, I recieved this," he said, and pulled from his pouch a caltrop made of some…material.

"Can I get a better look?" she asks, immediately intrigued.

"It's what I called you here for," he responded deadpan, before smirking, "That is, if your skills are up to task."

[ ] Response: Write-In." {OOC: For best results, finalize build.}

Thyra Viden (Warlock Archaeologist): {OOC: Due to the sheer number of choices, this will be a [ ] Plan Vote.}
1. Thyra's Visage: {OOC: Choose her appearance.}
[ ] Thyra 1 {Default}
[ ] Thrya 2 {Ancestry, Elven}
[ ] Thyra 3 {Cultural, Druid}
[ ] Thyra 4 {Immigrant, Human Homeland}
[ ] Thyra 5 {Immigrant, 'Dwarven' Community}
[ ] Thyra 6 {Immigrant, Nomadic East}
[ ] Thyra 7 {???}: Write-In

2. Equipment: {OOC: Choose 1 from each Line.}
[ ] Light Crossbow (20 Bolts) or [ ] Simple Weapon (Any)
[ ] Component Pouch or [ ] Arcane Focus
[ ] Scholar's Pack or [ ] Dungeoneer's Pack
[-] Leather Armor, Two Daggers (Default)
-[ ] Simple Weapon (Any)

3. Otherworldly Patron (Warlock): Pick 1
[ ] The Archfey
[ ] The Celestial
[ ] The Fiend
[ ] The Great Old One

4. Cantrips (Warlock): Pick 2
[ ] Booming Blade
[ ] Chill Touch
[ ] Eldritch Blast
[ ] Mage Hand
[ ] Minor Illusion
[ ] Poison Spray
[ ] Predestination
[ ] True Strike

5. Spells (Warlock): Pick 2
[ ] 1- Charm Person
[ ] 1- Comprehend Languages
[ ] 1- Expeditious Retreat
[ ] 1- Hellish Rebruke
[ ] 1- Illusary Script
[ ] 1- Protection from Good and Evil
[ ] 1- Unseen Servant

6. Proficencies: Pick 2
[ ] Arcana
[ ] Deception
[-] History (Already Possess)
[ ] Intimidation
[ ] Investigation
[ ] Nature
[ ] Religion

7. Languages (Archaeologist): Pick 2
[ ] Abyssal.
[ ] Celestial.
[-] Common. (Already Possess)
[ ] Deep Speech.
[ ] Draconic.
[ ] Dwarvish.
[ ] Elvish.
[ ] Giant.
[ ] Gnomish.
[ ] Goblin.
[ ] Halfling.
[ ] Infernal.
[ ] Orc.
[ ] Primordial.
[ ] Sylvan.
[ ] Undercommon.

Vote ends Febuary 2, 1200EST, or until the votes die down.
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iv. Finalization
[X] Thrya 2 {Ancestry, Elven}
[X] Light Crossbow (20 Bolts)
[X] Arcane Focus
[X] Scholar's Pack
[-] Leather Armor, Two Daggers (Default)
-[X] Simple Weapon (Spear)
[X] The Great Old One
[X] Eldritch Blast
[X] Minor Illusion
[X] 1- Comprehend Languages
[X] 1- Expeditious Retreat
[X] Arcana
[-] History (Already Possess)
[X] Investigation
[-] Common. (Already Possess)
[X] Primordial.
[X] Elvish.

[X] Response: "Ye of little faith! Have I ever let you down? Wait, I know what you're thinking, don't say it. That time doesn't count.... Have I ever let you down when it really mattered?"

"Ye of little faith! Have I ever let you down? Wait, I know what you're thinking, don't say it. That time doesn't count.... Have I ever let you down when it really mattered?" Thyra rambles to Jarek.

He glances over and says flatly, "Not when it mattered, no. But your sister still has yet forgiven me for your error."

At the mention of her sister, Thyra–

[ ] –winces. {The relationship is loving.}
[ ] –grimaces. {The relationship is distant.}
[ ] –glowers. {The relationship is fractious.}
[ ] –looks confused. "Who?" {No Sister.}

Family History Subvote:
-[ ] Write-In

He smirks at her response and says "Can you do it or not Thyra?"

"Of course I can!" Thyra cries, grabbing her Arcane Focus, a–

[ ] Crystal
[ ] Orb
[ ] Rod
[ ] Staff
[ ] Wand

–and attempts to preform some cursory examination of the artifact.
History Check: {OOC: Whoops, fudged the roll by virtue of not being logged in; technical advantage.}
rolls d20 = 14 (12 + 2)||rolls d20 = 15 (13 + 2)
Investigation Check:
rolls d20 = 10 (8 + 2)

Silence reigns for a minutes as Thyra examines the artifact, attempting to find some signficance in its composition. While she can faintly recall something from her studies about the usage of bones as tools and the like in primitive young socities, Thyra is unable to fathom the kind of culture that would neccessitate the need of bone caltrops.

A frustrated sigh escapes her, "I'm sorry, I just don't know."

Jarek looks impassive, expressionless.

"How soon do you have to depart?" Thyra asks, "Because I can at the very least ask around the department, and research this further if you'd like."

Jarek sighs, "That's fine, thank you."

Sometime later, after a lengthy discussion about how their respective families are doing, Jarek departs for the Pitt in the side of the tavern, apparently itching for a good fight.

What do you do?
[ ] Write-In

A/N: At any point from here on out, you may indicate Ability Checks for Thyra to undertake at any point, even if there's no prompt for one.
ex. Thyra & Stranger are in discussion. Do you want to make an Insight Check when you met them, or just after they gave you pertinent information? Is that merchant attempting to swindle you? What's the significance of the building we're in? and so on.

Additionally, if Thyra's character dialogue seems off to you, such as her saying something you believe that she wouldn't say, such as "The sky is green at noon." you may discuss amongst yourselves either a reasoning as to why she might have said something

Vote ends Feb. 4th, 1200EST.
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1.1. Researching Bone
{OOC: In the interest of fairness, do you guys want me to do Tiebreaker Rolls from here on out if it's even split? Or just cast a revote?}
1 [X] –glowers. {The relationship is fractious.}
2 [X] –looks confused. "Who?" {No Sister.}
Tiebreaker Roll: rolls d2 = 1 {OOC: This will not be rerolled if you choose Tiebreakers.}

Family History Subvote:
1 -[X] Thyra's family has a very attractive maid who is almost family.
2 -[X] Thyra's family has a number of recognized half siblings on both sides.
Tiebreaker Roll: rolls d2 = 1

Focus Form
1 [X] Crystal
2 [X] Rod
Tiebreaker Roll: rolls d2 = 2

What do you do?
[X] Spend all night researching the artifact, trying to prove that she's not useless

Thyra leaves the Barrows, making her way to the–
[ ] Everscribed Library (Secular)
[ ] Tribunic Museum of Coalia (Religious)
[ ] Markosæn University of Higher Learning (Government)

–where she worked, in order to learn more about the artifact Jarek had given her. When she eventually arrives, she makes a beeline for the books with the intent to study.
Investigation Check:
rolls d20+2 = 9

As the hours slip by Thyra grows more and more frustrated, as she is unable to locate the necessary knowledge within the confines of osteology (the study of bones), as none of it is directly relevant to her search. {OOC: You get advantage on your next Medicine Check.}

Attempting to broaden her search, she finds–
History Check:
rolls d20+2 = 15

–within the history section, that the reason these caltrops are made of bone, is that as a relatively "inexpensive" material, the Elves have long used the bones of their fallen enemies against them and their warmounts.

Thrya pauses for a moment, and continues reading.

Ah, as the Orcs tend to live much further into the colder regions where horses tend not to dwell, their warmounts of choice are often various Dire Creatures and Wargs which possess relatively soft pads instead of hooves, Mountain Orcs on the other hand…

And so the hours go on, and on researching this material until long past the sun's return and into noon.

What Now?
[ ] Find Jarek and give him the good news?
[ ] Write-In
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1.2. Researching Bone
1- [ ] Everscribed Library (Secular)
2- [X] Markosæn University of Higher Learning (Government)
Tiebreaker: rolls d2 = 2

[X] Find Jarek and give him the good news?

While Thyra certainly found that crack about a 'sister' intriguing, she had results and as all knew, results were all that mattered! Immensely smug about her discovery, she stood up to go and find Jarek and–
No Sleep, Constitution Save: rolls d20+2 = 3
–immediately toppled over, exhausted.

When she next awoke, she found herself in Nurse Stonerun's office, the massive she-Orc examining her.

This isn't the first time Thyra had found herself in Nurse Stonerun's office; at this point, there's a plaque above one of the beds with Thyra's name on it. Nurse Stonerun (seems to possess no first name), is practically an institution in this building, having been here as long as any can remember and has somehow witnessed more bloodshed than a Combat Medic in this position…which, as rumor goes, is what happens when you test her patience.

"Ah," Nurse Stonerun spoke aloud, making Thyra's head throb, "not sleeping again, have we?"

Thyra groans, "But I had res–"

"–earch, yes, I know," Nurse Stonerun deadpans, passing a small glass of potion to Thyra.

Taking it and taking a swig, Thyra grimaces.

"Bleh. Can't you–"

"–make it taste better? No, or you researchfolk would never learn your lesson," grumbles Nurse Stonerun, before turning her back to Thyra.

Perception, Nurse's Office: rolls d20-1 = 18

As Nurse Stonerun's back is turned, you see the door cracked open and just as the plan begins to form–
Nurse Stonerun, Insight: rolls d20+8 = 15
–she crushes it.

"Now don't go thinking about leaving, you and I need to go over your…Paperwork," she states, her back still turned.

Thyra shivers, having somehow managed to hear the sheer menace associated with that word.

What To Do?:
[ ] Duck out. Duck out now.
[ ] Fill Out the Paperwork.
[ ] Attempt seduction? /jk…?
[ ] Write-In

Much later, somehow sore (despite the relatively short amount of time spent in that office), Thyra–
Investigation, Jarek's Location: rolls d20+2 = 15
–manages to locate Jarek in his temporary room in the Barrows, right above the bar.

Pounding on the door, excited by her findings, Thyra attempts to convey her message–when a strange man opens the door.

"What?!" the man grumbles, rubbing his eyes.

What Do You Do:
[ ] "I apologize, I…I thought this was my friend's room…" (Apologetic)
[ ] "I'm sorry, I was looking for…is Jarek here?" (…conclusions?)
[ ] Write-In
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1.3 Researching Bone
[X] Fill Out the Paperwork.
[X] "I apologize, I…I thought this was my friend's room…" (Apologetic)

"My apologies, I…I was led to believe this was my friends room?" Thyra stuttered apologetically.

He squints for a moment at the admission, before stepping aside, grunting.

"If you're friends with the guy, and–it's Jarek you're looking fer, right?" the man asks, Thyra nodding, "Kay–he's been kind enough to crash in his room after the pummeling he gave me last night."

She's halfway inside before she stops midstride and blinks, "What?"

"Exactly what I said," the stranger chuckles, "But I was in no position to argue…lost my last bit of cash on that fight, so I'm mighty thankful."

At this point, he sags down to the floor next to the bed and promptly falls asleep…again, apparently.

Thyra blinks for a moment, before noticing the stirring lump of Jarek rise from the bed, having apparently slept in his armor from the night before. He stretches for a moment before turning to Thyra, quirking an eyebrow when he notices her.

"Missed the fight," he grunts noncommittal, gathering the bedding and making it.

"I gathered. I wanted to do research on–" she began, getting cut off.

"You could have at the very least said good-night," he says quietly.

"I…" she stutters.

"I'm not bothered by the disappearance," he says, "I'm disappointed in the lack of courtesy from one of my oldest friends."

"I…I…" she stutters, before noticing the teasing lilt to his voice, "I…you ass!"

"Good to know I can still put you on the backfoot," he says teasingly, flopping down on the now made bed, "Now, did you discover something during your research into the late night?"

"How'd you–"

"Thyra, come on…I've known you for'ver,"

[ ] Write-In."