>Repair Separately
Beginning repair and reconstruction of Primary and Secondary Generators…
Repairs Complete. Performing start-up safety check…
Rerouted paths stable. Damage to Generator should not imperil function. Significant burn damage to both generators prevents optimal power output, but both now be capable of providing power to the system.
Additional: Primary and Secondary Generators are of the Flux type. Flux Generators create power via a proto-dimensional reaction, generating intense heat which requires a functional Heat Dissipation Matrix. Your matrix is currently damaged, but functional. Once a generator creates power, it is stored in high-capacity coils to be used later if it is not needed to maintain function. Current energy load is zero, which suggests a long time of shut down, as energy coils have only a very small storage deficiency.
Re-examining previous hypothesis. Repair bot damage suggested a down time of five years. Having lost the entirety of your energy surplus makes the time spent offline more like five hundred. Fortunately, your systems are designed for long-term use, but this would explain the high rate of damage to your functions.
Spinning up Primary Generator…
Generator unresponsive, rerouteing…
Generator responding, power level lower than anticipated, damage more extensive than thought… dispatching repair drones…
Repairs complete…
Primary Generator operating at 30% capacity.
Spinning up secondary generator…
Damage to secondary generator is both more and less severe. More in that it seems to have taken a direct hit from an enemy weapon, melting through armour and heat dissipation matrix, but at that point, automated shut down was initiated, allowing you to control the damage. Damage is still present, and less in that this damage can be somewhat easily routed However, the heat dissipation matrix responsible for maintaining the stability of the generator is now compromised, leading to an unstable generator should you strain it too much, it may be necessary to trigger the automatic shut down again.
Secondary Generator operating at 74% capacity.
Primary and Secondary Generators are now active, allowing you to funnel more power into your various systems. This will speed up your elemental synthesis, allowing your repair drones to work more quickly. Additionally, you have now learned more about your situation, and can begin to make a guess that you were downed by enemy action. Suggest accessing CPU and memory files to learn more about potential enemy, and why you would have been brought down in this manner.
With new power, remote systems have begun to come back on line. Though, heavily decayed, some of your sensors are still capable of limited function. Detecting several large heat sources nearby, pattern consistent with organic life.
>Repair CPU to enable artificial personality, decision-making capability, and advanced problem solving.
>Repair sensors, focus on visual range, as most of your more exotic fare will have decayed to the point of uselessness.
>Attempt to recover damaged memory files. Perhaps your damaged memory sectors can now be repaired, allowing you to remember what brought you to this place and why?
>Attempt to route around damaged memory files. Ignore damage for now, retrieve base functions and objectives, as well as model number and statistics.
>Attempt motion. Generators are now online, allowing for independent movement, however, without CPU or anything but the most basic sensors, this is not advised.
Status: Stable but damaged. In need of repair.
Primary: 30%
Secondary: 74%%
Tertiary: 42%
Total Power: 146%