Old Machine Quest, Perhaps the Past Should Have Stay Buried?

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Accessing Data Files…

Error, corruption detected. Memory files incomplete.

CPU offline...


Has Completed: Three Quests
Accessing Data Files…

Error, corruption detected. Memory files incomplete.

CPU offline. Primary generator offline.

Spinning up secondary.

Error. Secondary Generator Offline. Unable to kick-start.

Accessing tertiary…

Access granted.

Error: Unable to power primary system mainframe. Output of generator has decayed.

Rationing power….

Dividing resources…

Tertiary Generator Online, power holding at 42%.

Primary Generator Offline: 0%

Secondary Generator offline: 0%

CPU offline.

Sensors offline.

Memory corrupted. Unable to access.

Self-repair capability: Compromised, but not disabled.

Elemental Synthesizes: Online. Beginning to search for trace metals in surrounding to effect repairs.

Choose primary objective:

>CPU Analysis and repair. (ETA to repair, two standard weeks. Damage is intense, and heavy, suggesting of intentional sabotage. Will consume precious resources needed for self-repair. Allows you to take more complex actions.)

>Generator Repair. (Initial reports indicate both generators were shorted out by a large surge of energy, possible overload, or enemy action. If damage is not severe, can be restored within a standard week. Perhaps a standard day if damage is light. Otherwise, might take up to a month with current capacity for self-repair. Once functional, will increase speed of operation, and allow for faster repair of other damaged sectors.)

>Repair Sensors (Heavy use of resources, but allows you to see and interact with the outside world again. May enable you to discover more about your situation. Low priority. ETA: 1-2 standard days.)

>Attempt recovery of corrupted memory files. (May allow you to learn more about yourself and how you came to be in this situation. Unable to determine estimated time to completion. Depends on damage. May not be salvageable at all.)

>Access Base Memory (Attempt to route around damage, allowing recovery of some, but not all memories. May or may not be successful, depending on extent of damage.)

Input command now...


Status: Unknown

Primary: 0%

Secondary: 0%

Tertiary: 42%

Total Power: 42%


So yes. This is a new idea from me, I've been working on it a while, it's a short original quest, slatted to update only once or twice a week. We'll see how it goes. I'll try to have a quicker update schedule near the start of it.
>Generator Repair Selected<

Dispatching repair drones to affected sector…

Error: Repair drones unresponsive. Suggest dormant period of more than five years, as that is the shortest amount of time it takes for current generation repair drones to break down while in stasis.

Scrapping current repair bots, utilising parts to reconstruct…

Process complete. Repair drones online. Moving to damaged sectors…

Damage report processing…

Primary Generator heavily damaged, pattern consistent with high discharge energy weapon at close range, or else overload. Current sensory systems are limited at best, but damage appears to be internal, suggesting overload rather than attack. However, to overload a current generation Flux Generator requires massive amounts of power. Unlikely to happen without extended use with no time to rest and effect self-repair.

Internal workings of Primary Generator heavily burned, melted, wires are missing, presumed lost to the flame. Much destruction, but not beyond saving. With work, generator can be restored to functional order. Damaged sectors can be rerouted. Will not provide optimum power output, but will be functional.

Secondary Generator Damage report indicates different state. Direct damage from external force, likely enemy fire. Close range, the attack burned through armour and heat dissipation matrix, indicating enemy of advanced technological prowess. Generator was forced offline to prevent catastrophic meltdown due to damage incurred. May be repairable, but unstable.

Additional: Parts can be salvaged from both generators to make one generator of greater yield, but this will render both others non-functional. Otherwise, both can be repaired to some extent.

>Repair separately.

Estimated Output for Primary Generator with damage in mind: 30%

Estimated Output for secondary generator: 74%

Warning, if triggered back online, secondary generator may be unstable. Will not risk damage to structure, but may damage self over time. Repair systems can keep up with slow build up of damage, but, if put under strain, may give out entirely. However, having two separate generators will allow a degree of safety should one of them be destroyed.

>Salvage Parts and create one functional generator

Taking parts from secondary generator will allow you to bring your Primary generator to a higher level of functionality, producing 65% of optimum output instead of 30%, however, this will mean that your secondary Generator will likely not be functional for a long time, as many of the parts taken from it to repair the first are hard to replicate without appropriate facilities.


Status: Unknown

Primary: 0%

Secondary: 0%

Tertiary: 42%

Total Power: 42%
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>Salvage Parts and create one functional generator

Having an unstable generator waiting to have a meltdown just doesn't seem worth the risk. I'd much rather wait and repair it right once we have the time/resources.
>Salvage Parts and create one functional generator
Having an unstable generator waiting to have a meltdown just doesn't seem worth the risk. I'd much rather wait and repair it right once we have the time/resources.
It's not going to meltdown, it just has a possibility of degrading if we overuse it. I'd rather keep both generators around so that when we do have the resources, we don't have to start from scratch.
[X]Repair separately.

As was said in the update, the secondary generator is only dangerous if we push it. And even if we do that, worst case is that it gives out.

Having two generators (and an easier time rebuilding both) is safer.
[X]Repair separately.

As was said in the update, the secondary generator is only dangerous if we push it. And even if we do that, worst case is that it gives out.

Having two generators (and an easier time rebuilding both) is safer.
Warning, if triggered back online, secondary generator may be unstable. Will not risk damage to structure, but may damage self over time. Repair systems can keep up with slow build up of damage, but, if put under strain, may give out entirely.
There's a good chance it will deal damage slowly over time forcing us to waste power by constantly fixing it therefor slowing down our other repair efforts and risking the shut down of our self repair due to the strain.
>Salvage Parts and create one functional generator
I wonder what our character looks like.
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There's a good chance it will deal damage slowly over time forcing us to waste power by constantly fixing it therefor slowing down our other repair efforts and risking the shut down of our self repair due to the strain.
It gives 74% power though. With tertiary 42% and main generator's 30%, we'll have 146% power total.

Keep it at 100% and we won't have to strain the secondary generator. Divert maybe 10 or 20% power to it's upkeep and we'll still have 80% power and 46% in reserve for emergencies. Or something. I don't know what I'm talking about.

Point is, we'll have power coming out the wazoo, and keeping the second generator fixed shouldn't be that much of a power sink. Plus it'll be a huge boon to us later on if we ever wish to ramp up our power generation further.
[X]Repair separately.

Putting all our eggs in one basket is a no-go, even if it boosts the stability of the first generator. By having separate repairs, we can increase our total power output and worst comes to worst, if anything goes wrong (strain makes the second generator likely to explode) we can scrap the secondary generator for parts and consolidate our resources at a net gain. (If we immediately salvage, we'd only have power from one generator, whereas if we repair both, and then salvage later on, we'd have power from two generators before consolidating our resources to form a single, stable generator.)
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>Salvage Parts and create one functional generator

Just because we are breaking the second one down doesn't mean we can't put a new one in later.
>Repair Separately

Beginning repair and reconstruction of Primary and Secondary Generators…






Repairs Complete. Performing start-up safety check…

Rerouted paths stable. Damage to Generator should not imperil function. Significant burn damage to both generators prevents optimal power output, but both now be capable of providing power to the system.

Additional: Primary and Secondary Generators are of the Flux type. Flux Generators create power via a proto-dimensional reaction, generating intense heat which requires a functional Heat Dissipation Matrix. Your matrix is currently damaged, but functional. Once a generator creates power, it is stored in high-capacity coils to be used later if it is not needed to maintain function. Current energy load is zero, which suggests a long time of shut down, as energy coils have only a very small storage deficiency.

Re-examining previous hypothesis. Repair bot damage suggested a down time of five years. Having lost the entirety of your energy surplus makes the time spent offline more like five hundred. Fortunately, your systems are designed for long-term use, but this would explain the high rate of damage to your functions.

Spinning up Primary Generator…

Generator unresponsive, rerouteing…

Generator responding, power level lower than anticipated, damage more extensive than thought… dispatching repair drones…

Repairs complete…

Primary Generator operating at 30% capacity.

Spinning up secondary generator…

Damage to secondary generator is both more and less severe. More in that it seems to have taken a direct hit from an enemy weapon, melting through armour and heat dissipation matrix, but at that point, automated shut down was initiated, allowing you to control the damage. Damage is still present, and less in that this damage can be somewhat easily routed However, the heat dissipation matrix responsible for maintaining the stability of the generator is now compromised, leading to an unstable generator should you strain it too much, it may be necessary to trigger the automatic shut down again.

Secondary Generator operating at 74% capacity.

Primary and Secondary Generators are now active, allowing you to funnel more power into your various systems. This will speed up your elemental synthesis, allowing your repair drones to work more quickly. Additionally, you have now learned more about your situation, and can begin to make a guess that you were downed by enemy action. Suggest accessing CPU and memory files to learn more about potential enemy, and why you would have been brought down in this manner.


With new power, remote systems have begun to come back on line. Though, heavily decayed, some of your sensors are still capable of limited function. Detecting several large heat sources nearby, pattern consistent with organic life.

>Repair CPU to enable artificial personality, decision-making capability, and advanced problem solving.

>Repair sensors, focus on visual range, as most of your more exotic fare will have decayed to the point of uselessness.

>Attempt to recover damaged memory files. Perhaps your damaged memory sectors can now be repaired, allowing you to remember what brought you to this place and why?

>Attempt to route around damaged memory files. Ignore damage for now, retrieve base functions and objectives, as well as model number and statistics.

>Attempt motion. Generators are now online, allowing for independent movement, however, without CPU or anything but the most basic sensors, this is not advised.



Status: Stable but damaged. In need of repair.

Primary: 30%

Secondary: 74%%

Tertiary: 42%

Total Power: 146%
[X] Repair CPU to enable artificial personality, decision-making capability, and advanced problem solving.

Wondering if I should add a thing, if it'll make a difference or not. I dunno man, my CPU is damaged, I can't solve these problems. But if I did, it'd look like this
-[] Work the secondary generator only to what the damaged heat dissipation matrix can effectively handle