[X] [THE MONSTROUS BEACH] Waves an' water an' seagulls! There's all sorts of crazy stuff in and over and under the sea, and stuff about old ships wot move without any sails or rowers. Plenty of mysteries that draw people in. Sure, there's no sand, just big spiky rocks and weirdo singing caves all over the place, but everyone loves a good beachy resort!
[X] [THE INFINITE GRASSLANDS] Yes, right here is fine. There's grass, grass, rocks, and more grass, and everyone who comes by always looks exhausted. That probably has to do with the big ol' weirdo towers all over the place- some of them even reach way up past the clouds. That just means all this grass isn't a bad place for a quick lie-down!
[X] [THE RESTLESS FOREST] Trees are nice, and there're a lot of them! So many, in fact, that it gets super dark and spooky in places. It's also very loud, wot with the horrible shrieking every few hours. Always stuff that needs to be done in the forest for adventurers and mercenaries. Good thing you'll give 'em the perfect place to take refuge from the trees!
[x] [THE DREAD SWAMP] Muddy an' squelchy an' tickly! No one really likes the swamp, but there's so much stuff to find there anyway, like evil bones that keep getting back up. Dunno what an 'undead tide' or 'root of all evil' is, or why everyone's worried about the swamp sucking up the world, but it's surely a great place for a rest stop!