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The year is 1950 and the sun is about to set on the British Empire. But that only concerns the muggles. Magical Britain still stands firm as an example for the rest of the Wizarding World. Yet it does not know of the trouble that awaits but a decade later.

In this riot quest, you play as grassroots political organizations. Not political parties, but instead minor groups that would seek to either influence electoral politics or create change from outside of the system.
Organization Creation
The Year is 1950 in The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland more specifically its magical community is on the path of change as in 10 years one Lord Voldermort will rise into power infamy and plunge magical Britain into a war. Will your organization survive or be another page in history?

It is on the eve of the new decade that this quest starts, whether ye be Fascists, Marxists, Republicans, Monarchists, Constitutionalists and other such of all stripes, come all and enter the ring as political organizations to see if you have what it takes to reform this Magical Imperial beast and bring Magical Britain to a stable new order under the righteous rule of the Ministry of Magic, or, if you wish to dismantle it completely and replace it with something new, whether it be the under Blood Purists or the Magical Revolutionaries.

Explicitly revolutionary groups are allowed, but will be hunted down by the MoM regime. During a revolution groups are separate but can be allied (think Bolsheviks/Mensheviks/SRs/Anarchists of the Russian revolution).

If one does happen, this will turn into a nation quest in addition to still controlling your organizations.

Player organizations aren't necessarily enemies or rivals. For example multiple could join together to form/support a political party.

For this first vote, you will create any number of political organizations to play as. You may also do this in any vote afterwards.

Each turn you can vote for one or two groups, and can switch. Groups with no support will slowly lose in game support, and then disband.

The number of people who vote for a group upon its creation determines its size. The same name but different sub-votes indicates factions within the organization.

[] Name of group
-[] Circumstance of founding
This can be a short sentence or paragraph, basically just how and why it exists.

-[] Locale
Where the core base of your support is. Ex. London, Wales, North Ireland etc.

-[] Core supporters
Ex. civilians, workers, craftsmen, artists, old families, aurors, intellectuals, muggles in the know, feminists, pacifists, non-humans, etc. Can choose multiple.

-[] Ideology
Ex. Republicanism, Monarchism, Anarcho-Communism, Marxism, Blood Purism, People who belive that Muggles should be more involved with the Magical Government, etc.

Future turns:

There are two types of main turns. The first will be a general planning stage. Every group will have a plan vote where within that group they compete for what they will be doing this turn. Write-ins are allowed.

These various plans are in character what the organization is debating doing.

[][Group name] Plan name
-[] Do this thing
-[] Do this other thing

There are max of 10 Organizations in total and no you cant play as Order of the Phoenix. What you want to play in Ireland? Well you can though only 4 organizations can be from there.

To those who have already participated in @Physici's excellent American Experiment and Metamorphosis quests, most of this will be quite familiar as most of the mechanics that will be used here are taken whole cloth.
[X] Scottish Gents
-[x] A right bastard talked trash, and was ganging up on some muggle-born, and instead of accepting it. Us Scottish gents got involved and have decided to remove that kind of thinking from the country at large
-[x] Scotland
-[x] Egalitarians
-[x] To advance muggle culture and present better opportunities for those less fortunate.
[X] The Blacklight Reform League
-[X] Formed in the 1948 Ministry of Magic Elections by Muggle Born Wizard and World War Two Veteran Arthur Blacklight to reform the Ministery for a More Modern Age, one that is built to survive the Modern World. However, his failure to gain a seat of the Ministery, thanks to a massive Smeer campaign in the Part of the Pureblood Faction, has forced him to take up a more local and classical look to politics and formed his own Political Organization to distance himself from the establishment and the Purebloods that fiance them. So returning to his homeland of Wales he gathered his friends and started working towards a new era.

And get petty revenge on the men who smeared his reputation.
-[X]Wales, with a general Stronghold around Cardiff, the home of Arthur.
-[X] Workers, Craftsman, Aurors, Low and Middle-Class Wizard Familie, Low-Income Wizards. World War Two Veterans,
-[X]Anti-Establisment, Ministery Reformation, Veterans Advocacy, Pure Blood dissolution (AKA get rid of the Pure Bloods Rights and Privileges they've had for centuries.)

AN: My Faction, Based Anti- Pureblood, Labor Policy Advocate Vet Support Ministry Party, in WALES!
Interesting idea. Let me give it a try!

[] S.T.R.A.W.W. (Saint Trafalgar Relief Association for Witches and Wizards)
-[] A few like-minded fellows have made a name for themselves in a multitude of fields despite being rejected by Hogwarts in their youth, and they now work hard to ensure the success of the new magical generations of Great Britain that, for one reason or another, are unable to attend the prestigious institute.
-[] Greater Cheshire
-[] Non-Hogwarts wizards and witches, muggleborn, squibs, youngsters, philanthropists.
-[] Socialism, Pro Welfare, Interventionism, Anti Blood Purism
[X] The Vermillion Union
-[x] In response to the perceived authoritarian nature of wizarding society a number of wizards along many of the so called "creatures of near human intelligence" formed the union in order to challenge the hegemony of the Pure-blood nobles and their cronies in the ministry.
-[x] London
-[x] Muggleborn, Workers, Feminists, Non humans, Anti-facists, LGBT people, Muggles in the know.
-[x] Anti-Facism, Socialism, Anarcho-communism, Gender, Race, Species, LGBT equality
[X] The Ballpoint Initiative
-[X] The Ballpoint Initiative was founded by a Muggle-born (who works as the head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office) and his Muggle brother (who works as an engineer) after their shared frustration over various various Muggle objects like the ballpoint pen being completely unheard of among much of Magical Britain finally drove them to do something about it.
-[X] Shropshire
-[X] Muggle-Borns, Half-Bloods, Muggles in the know.
-[X] Encouraging a wider use of useful Muggle objects in the magical community.
[X] The Black Swan Society
- [X] For nearly its entire existence, the Ministry of Magic has discriminated against… pretty much anything nonhuman. While in some cases this is understandable (trolls do in fact tend to try and eat people) in many cases it's just racism, coupled with admittedly rather isolationist policy's on the part of many nonhuman nations. The Black Swan Society was initially founded by a group of werwolves and their families as a support and advocacy group, and has grown over time to include a great many groups of "creatures of near human intelligence" who realize that the old ways aren't working any more and the Ministry is more or less actively hostile. They're supplemented by groups of disaffected muggleborn who also face discrimination from the blood purists, and a couple of old school wizarding families who can trace themselves back to the Druids and deeply resent most of their traditions being declared "dark magic" by some bureaucrat. While organizing is made difficult by their dispersed nature and tendency of various groups to hate each other over centuries old grudges, (with the muggleborn often playing peacemaker) they are united against the Ministry and the Blood Purists. The Society hasn't been declared an illegal organization yet, but that's mostly due to the small and dispersed nature.
- [X] The Black Swan Society tense to be centered in rural England and Scotland, often in small wizarding villages. They do have offices and outposts in several cities however (mostly through the Vermillion Union)
- [X] The supporters and members of the Black Swan Society consist of disaffected muggleborns, a plurality of magical creatures of various species, and some old school druid types. Generally also people who feel discriminated against by current magical society. Surprisingly a lot of religious minorities of the weirder bent.
- [X] Ideology is mainly focused around advocacy for the rights of nonhumans and muggleborn, preservation of tradition while adapting to the modern era, "Rational review" of dark magic (pretty much just checking if it's actually evil like the horcrux ritual or just shoved in the dark magic box because it scared some bureaucrat), religious freedom, and protecting and if possible expanding magical forests and grounds.

AN: @IroniChristian i want to connect my group to yours a bit, because we've got the same general idea. Is that ok?


With @IroniChristian permission, the Black Swan Society and the Vermillion Union are officially allied.

In character:

the Black Swan Society and the Vermilion union get along, but a lot of the members of the former are a bit wary about the latter's support of communism (for the muggleborn) and the perception that you're too focused on the city (the Magical beasts and druids). But they get the gist that we're on the same side. So, the Union gets outposts in the countryside and support from a more practically Focused (and occasionally militant) organization while the Society gets a foothold in the city and contacts in government/politics.
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Ok, so, the idea is that generally the Black Swan Society and the Vermilion union get along, but a lot of the members of the former are a bit wary about the latter's support of communism (for the muggleborn) and the perception that you're too focused on the city (the Magical beasts and druids). But they get the gist that we're on the same side. This means you get contacts in the countryside and I get a toehold in the city, fundamentally.
[X] Owlight News
-[X] Exposing the secret world! Owlight News is a group of journalists dissatisfied with the Statue of Secrecy and see many of the challenges that faced both the muggle world alongside the wizard world as a result of the Statue of Secrecy separating the two worlds. They seek to pull down the veil between the two in order to unite all of humanity together in a world of shared and honest knowledge!
-[X] Locale- While Owlight News is doing their best to appear on the level to the wizarding society, they have retreated to Northern Ireland to stay as out of the eye of London as they can.
-[X] Supporters: Journalists and Academics.
-[X] Ideology: Anti-Statue of Secrecy, -Pro Free Speech, Anti-Obliviate and similar spells.
[X] The Foundation for Scientific Magic
-[X] Circumstance of founding
As new generations of muggleborns have entered the Wizarding World they have brought with them questions that some may not want answered. Such as, are Science and Magic truly so contradictory to each other? Or, do we truly need to hide in the shadows in this day and age? Why must we obey magical families that have lost so much of what makes them worthy of the respect they say they deserve? And eventually all of these people slowly came together and formed F.S.M to pursue their goal of answering these questions.
-[X] Locale
London and other such highly developed cities.
-[X] Core supporters
Intellectuals, Scientists, Engineers, Magic researchers. Basically anybody in Academia.
-[X] Ideology
Technocratic, People who support the advancement of Science and Magic, People who believe that the Wizarding World should be strengthened to the point where it can be eventually reintegrated into Muggle society on equal terms through peaceful means.
[X] Parents for the Evaluation and Elevation of Verified Educational Standards
-[X] Circumstance of founding: A group of parents dissatisfied with what they perceived as a gradual degradation of the quality of Hogwarts' curriculum, they banded together to bring their concerns to the Hogwarts school board of governors, only to be brushed off. Now, they step onto the political stage in an effort to force improvements to be made.
-[X] Locale: Distributed, generally between London and the various wizard villages scattered throughout the country. Primary headquarters is in Hogsmeade.
-[X] Core supporters: Parents of Hogwarts students, recent graduates encountering difficulty in finding jobs, intellectuals.
-[X] Ideology: An odd combination of Progressive and Traditional, leaning Progressive, seeking a balance of preserving the past and future development. Dismisses the "It was good enough for me" defense. Their primary concern is Education, both the return of now abandoned classes, and the addition of new ones to fit the changing times.
Considering if I have the current brain-space to run an Irish group right now. Or a pack of angry queer kids.
Vote End
Adhoc vote count started by Martin Noctis on Mar 19, 2024 at 11:23 AM, finished with 19 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Scottish Gents
    -[x] A right bastard talked trash, and was ganging up on some muggle-born, and instead of accepting it. Us Scottish gents got involved and have decided to remove that kind of thinking from the country at large
    -[x] Scotland
    -[x] Egalitarians
    -[x] To advance muggle culture and present better opportunities for those less fortunate.
    [X] The Blacklight Reform League
    -[X] Formed in the 1948 Ministry of Magic Elections by Muggle Born Wizard and World War Two Veteran Arthur Blacklight to reform the Ministery for a More Modern Age, one that is built to survive the Modern World. However, his failure to gain a seat of the Ministery, thanks to a massive Smeer campaign in the Part of the Pureblood Faction, has forced him to take up a more local and classical look to politics and formed his own Political Organization to distance himself from the establishment and the Purebloods that fiance them. So returning to his homeland of Wales he gathered his friends and started working towards a new era.
    -[X]Wales, with a general Stronghold around Cardiff, the home of Arthur.
    -[X] Workers, Craftsman, Aurors, Low and Middle-Class Wizard Familie, Low-Income Wizards. World War Two Veterans,
    -[X]Anti-Establisment, Ministery Reformation, Veterans Advocacy, Pure Blood dissolution (AKA get rid of the Pure Bloods Rights and Privileges they've had for centuries.)
    [X] The Vermillion Union
    -[x] In response to the perceived authoritarian nature of wizarding society a number of wizards along many of the so called "creatures of near human intelligence" formed the union in order to challenge the hegemony of the Pure-blood nobles and their cronies in the ministry.
    -[x] London
    -[x] Muggleborn, Workers, Feminists, Non humans, Anti-facists, LGBT people, Muggles in the know.
    -[x] Anti-Facism, Socialism, Anarcho-communism, Gender, Race, Species, LGBT equality
    [X] The Ballpoint Initiative
    -[X] The Ballpoint Initiative was founded by a Muggle-born (who works as the head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office) and his Muggle brother (who works as an engineer) after their shared frustration over various various Muggle objects like the ballpoint pen being completely unheard of among much of Magical Britain finally drove them to do something about it.
    -[X] Shropshire
    -[X] Muggle-Borns, Half-Bloods, Muggles in the know.
    -[X] Encouraging a wider use of useful Muggle objects in the magical community.
    [X] The Black Swan Society
    - [X] For nearly its entire existence, the Ministry of Magic has discriminated against… pretty much anything nonhuman. While in some cases this is understandable (trolls do in fact tend to try and eat people) in many cases it's just racism, coupled with admittedly rather isolationist policy's on the part of many nonhuman nations. The Black Swan Society was initially founded by a group of werwolves and their families as a support and advocacy group, and has grown over time to include a great many groups of "creatures of near human intelligence" who realize that the old ways aren't working any more and the Ministry is more or less actively hostile. They're supplemented by groups of disaffected muggleborn who also face discrimination from the blood purists, and a couple of old school wizarding families who can trace themselves back to the Druids and deeply resent most of their traditions being declared "dark magic" by some bureaucrat. While organizing is made difficult by their dispersed nature and tendency of various groups to hate each other over centuries old grudges, (with the muggleborn often playing peacemaker) they are united against the Ministry and the Blood Purists. The Society hasn't been declared an illegal organization yet, but that's mostly due to the small and dispersed nature.
    - [X] The Black Swan Society tense to be centered in rural England and Scotland, often in small wizarding villages. They do have offices and outposts in several cities however (mostly through the Vermillion Union)
    - [X] The supporters and members of the Black Swan Society consist of disaffected muggleborns, a plurality of magical creatures of various species, and some old school druid types. Generally also people who feel discriminated against by current magical society. Surprisingly a lot of religious minorities of the weirder bent.
    - [X] Ideology is mainly focused around advocacy for the rights of nonhumans and muggleborn, preservation of tradition while adapting to the modern era, "Rational review" of dark magic (pretty much just checking if it's actually evil like the horcrux ritual or just shoved in the dark magic box because it scared some bureaucrat), religious freedom, and protecting and if possible expanding magical forests and grounds.
    [X] Owlight News
    -[X] Exposing the secret world! Owlight News is a group of journalists dissatisfied with the Statue of Secrecy and see many of the challenges that faced both the muggle world alongside the wizard world as a result of the Statue of Secrecy separating the two worlds. They seek to pull down the veil between the two in order to unite all of humanity together in a world of shared and honest knowledge!
    -[X] Locale- While Owlight News is doing their best to appear on the level to the wizarding society, they have retreated to Northern Ireland to stay as out of the eye of London as they can.
    -[X] Supporters: Journalists and Academics.
    -[X] Ideology: Anti-Statue of Secrecy, -Pro Free Speech, Anti-Obliviate and similar spells.
    [X] The Foundation for Scientific Magic
    -[X] Circumstance of founding
    -[X] Locale
    -[X] Core supporters
    -[X] Ideology
    [X] Parents for the Evaluation and Elevation of Verified Educational Standards
    -[X] Circumstance of founding: A group of parents dissatisfied with what they perceived as a gradual degradation of the quality of Hogwarts' curriculum, they banded together to bring their concerns to the Hogwarts school board of governors, only to be brushed off. Now, they step onto the political stage in an effort to force improvements to be made.
    -[X] Locale: Distributed, generally between London and the various wizard villages scattered throughout the country. Primary headquarters is in Hogsmeade.
    -[X] Core supporters: Parents of Hogwarts students, recent graduates encountering difficulty in finding jobs, intellectuals.
    -[X] Ideology: An odd combination of Progressive and Traditional, leaning Progressive, seeking a balance of preserving the past and future development. Dismisses the "It was good enough for me" defense. Their primary concern is Education, both the return of now abandoned classes, and the addition of new ones to fit the changing times.
[X] The Gaelic Gathering
[X] Founded back in 1707 upon the Muggle union between Scotland and England, Dearg Lochrin Scottish nationalist coming from an old clan saw how the union brought Scotland firmer under the grasp of the ministry of magic which is unacceptable, he and other likeminded minds from Ireland and Wales made a promise to disolve the ministry and see the rise of independent wizard and muggle governments to forever topple London's power. The Lochrin have always been rebellious deemed "The Darlings of Scotland" they have tried since antiquity to kick out the ministry out of the land along with its supporters giving rise to different rebellions over history, now their objectives are more ambitious than ever gathering resources and support for generations. Their base is located in the Isle of Islay, on the ancient remmaints of Dun Nosebridge where the Lochrins have long kept their castle hidden away from prying eyes.
-[X] Workers, Craftsman, Aurors, Low, Middle and High class, Wizard Families,Muggles, any true patriot willing to risk all for the country's independence from London and England.
-[X]Anti-Establisment, Ministery abolition, Foundation of independent Wizarding governments for Scotland-Ireland and Wales, Closer cooperation between Muggle and Wizard, Restore Independent Muggle Governments for Scotland and Wales, Better treatment for Muggles and equality between compatriots.
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[X] The Gaelic Gathering
[X] Founded back in 1707 upon the Muggle union between Scotland and England, Dearg Lochrin Scottish nationalist coming from an old clan saw how the union brought Scotland firmer under the grasp of the ministry of magic which is unacceptable, he and other likeminded minds from Ireland and Wales made a promise to disolve the ministry and see the rise of independent wizard and muggle governments to forever topple London's power. The Lochrin have always been rebellious deemed "The Darlings of Scotland" they have tried since antiquity to kick out the ministry out of the land along with its supporters giving rise to different rebellions over history, now their objectives are more ambitious than ever gathering resources and support for generations. Their base is located in the Isle of Islay, on the ancient remmaints of Dun Nosebridge where the Lochrins have long kept their castle hidden away from prying eyes.
-[X] Workers, Craftsman, Aurors, Low, Middle and High class, Wizard Families,Muggles, any true patriot willing to risk all for the country's independence from London and England.
-[X]Anti-Establisment, Ministery abolition, Foundation of independent Wizarding governments for Scotland-Ireland and Wales, Closer cooperation between Muggle and Wizard, Restore Independent Muggle Governments for Scotland and Wales, Better treatment for Muggles and equality between compatriots.

Vote is over you can create this org later
1950: Planning
Some actions are universal and can be included in any organization's plan, others are just for one. Funds are per turn, they don't stack or save for next turn. Any ?s are for you to write-in a number for that action. New actions as write-ins are encouraged to be suggested at any time.

Any action with a "per capita" funding cost means the future upkeep for that action is that amount per 100k people. This is opposed to a "per turn" cost which is a flat amount permanently.

Funds represent not just money, but resources an organization can put towards doing stuff in general, such as volunteer work.

When voting, put the organization acronym before the name of the plan like this:
[X][MoM] Plan do stuff

Universal Actions:

[] Require dues
--[] Small
--[] Medium
--[] Large
-[] Based on income
-[] Allow delinquent members

More dues reduces membership but increases income. Allowing delinquent members offsets the membership decrease but you also get less income.

[] Make a newspaper.
-[] Local: 5 funds, -2 per turn.
-[] National: 20 funds, -10 per turn.
-[] Many local across core region: 100 funds, -20 per turn.

Making newspapers can increase recruitment and increase the effectiveness of other actions such as putting candidates up for election. Only use an action for initial creation.

[] Stockpile muggle military equipment. ? funds.

Each unit equips 10 people. Roll 1d20 per funds. Rolling completion, decays 5% per turn representing use and action never disappears.

[] Train militia.
-[] ? muggle cadres.
-[] ? wizarding cadres.
-[] ? magical beings (Centaurs, Werewolf's) cadres.

Uses 1 funds and 10 "stockpile military equipment" progress per muggle cadre. Uses 2 funds and 5 equipment per wizarding ang magical beings cadre, but can be limited by access to wizards and magical creatures. Get 5d20 trained militia per cadre.

[] Organize protests about ?

Write-in option.

[] Attack organization building of ?
-[] ? times.
-[] Claim credit.

Write-in, can be an OTL organization or one of the other player organizations. Costs 1 wealth per building attacked. Note if it's discovered you did it, or if you claim credit, there will be consequences.

[] Make a public campaign defaming a rival person or group.
-[] Spend ? funds.

[] Send agitators to publicly speak supporting your cause.
-[] On the streets of cities and towns. ? funds.
-[] In the factories. ? funds.
-[] To mining towns. ? funds.
-[] To the rural peasantry. ? funds.
-[] At parties of the nobility. ? funds, min 20.

Scottish Gents
3800 supporters
1 action, 4 funds
[] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.

[] Educate the parents of Muggleborn on the state of Magical Britain.

The Blacklight Reform League
8000 supporters
2 actions, 7 funds
[] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.

[] Poach politicians from the three main parties. ? funds.

[] Form cross-community mutual aid groups in Cardiff out of your members. 2 funds, -1 per turn.

[] Try to infiltrate noble households, especially the biggest supporters of Purebloodism. 2 funds.

The Vermillion Union
2000 supporters
2 Action, 5 Funds
[] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.

[] Send organizers to help wizarding workers in London unionizing. ? Funds.

[] Contact various groups muggle or wizarding in London to find ones that are willing to officially support your values.

[] Help organize and encourage voting in progressive-leaning areas.

The Ballpoint Initiative
3680 supporters
1 action, 4 funds
[] Organize a book clubs in Shropshire to share Muggle Science books as well as other related scientific works. 3 funds.

[] Start teaching wizards on how to use Muggle technology. ? Funds.

[] Find politicians that may be willing to support your cause and convince them to, as well as endorsing them. ? funds.

The Black Swan Society
24000 supporters
3 actions, 9 funds
[] Bring into use protocols for long distance communication and messages, allowing membership to go into coordinated action. 5 funds, 5 per capita. +1 action.

[] Send organizers to an area to discreetly find those sympathetic to the cause and invite them to join, establishing networks. ? funds, has a funds per turn cost.
-[] Write-in area

[] Find abandoned mansions and ruins of dark wizards to retrieve any books and scrolls that have been lost. ? funds. 0/200

[] Create a group of scribes to copy and propagate books with real information about the other races and their customs. ? funds, will have a per turn cost.

Owlight News
254 supporters
1 action, 6 funds
[] Buy a permanent address and meeting place for the organization on land. 5 funds, 1 per capita. +1 action.

[] Try to find Magical Celebrities sympathetic to the movement to sponsor you wheather financialy or by giving you publicity.

The Foundation for Scientific Magic
7440 supporters
1 action, 6 funds
[] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.

[] Establish a connection with the civil state apparatus in London. ? Funds.

[] Donations to Hogwarts may come in handy to acquire it's influence. ? Funds.

[] Start teaching wizards on how to use Muggle technology. ? Funds.

Parents for the Evaluation and Elevation of Verified Educational Standards
1400 supporters
1 Action, 14 Funds
[] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.

[] Attempt to woo the favour of the Government to sponsor your organization. ? Funds.
-[] Magical Government
-[] Muggle Government

[] Have some of your members home-school magical children on topics that weren't covered in Hogwarts.
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