[X][Prisoners] Don't recruit. You don't trust them not to rebel when underway, particularly with this cargo. You're not taking any risks of them sabotaging the ship.
[X][Destination] Or we could head to the Thousand's Waypoint. A port and town on the easternmost isle of the Thousand Needles, a sprawling archipelago of islands numbering almost 1,000 unique landmasses across a truly massive area. Best prices for goods and the latest gossip, but more chances to encounter other ships. (2 encounter rolls.)
[X][Weapon] Off the captain of the Altrisian sloop HMS Lance, your first successful hunt. A fine sabre, with a handle of black leather inlaid with gold thread alongside a polished steel knuckle guard and cross guard beneath the gentle curve of the single-edged blade of 75 centimetres. You'd ceded the captain's share of the ship for it and it was worth every penny.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, provisions and a map. They might make it to a nearby island, or they might die, but you'll give them a good chance.
[X][Weapon] A set of twin daggers of forty centimetres each. Forged by your own hands when you had to spend some time as a smithy's apprentice, the X-shaped cross-guard and skull-like pommels of the blades had always amused you. The rippled blade of one was a technique you'd picked up your master - he called it a Kris - while the other had a simple straight blade gently tapered to a point.
[X][Remainder] Send them on their way with a dinghy, but no provisions or map. You might let them live, but you're not that kind as to help them further.
[X][Prisoners] Recruit. You've not lost anyone while seizing this ship, but you'd still like to recruit. One or two of them have caught your eye, but you won't begrudge any wanting to get out of the awful conditions enlisted are put under in the name of profit.