[X] Chuckle at her antics. [X] Ask her if she wants a hug. -[X] If she says yes than hug her while smiling gently. -[X] If she says no than pat her on the shoulder reassuringly and smile doing it. [X] Ask her what Shrine Looters is. -[X] Ask her if its what gave her the idea to research the shrines in the first place. [X] Call it a night.
[X] How are you holding up so far? [X] So I guess you're the girl I used to know when I lived at the Castle with my father? [X] How did you survive what happened? [X] Ask about her time with the Shiekah? [X] Impa's the one who raised you, right? [X] What have you been doing all these years? [X] How did you leave the village? Wouldn't think the Sheikah would be keen to let you wander off. [X] So, any plans for the future? Like, what you want out of life? [X] The ruins you research, are you looking for anything specific? [X] What actually gets you about what those people were saying? [X] Chosen of the goddesses? [X] You do realise that you will have to tell Ganondorf who you are now right?