Of Nightmares and Hunters

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So this is my first attempt at a story, please be gentle.

I closed my eyes hugging my legs as...
So, been a while not gonna lie things have been more then a little hectic lately, not exactly happy with this chapter but i am sick to death of rewriting it. Hope you enjoy.

I lay there my heart a flurry of activity as I attempted to process what I had just seen, what I had just felt. It felt so real, so very real. Almost like a memory of something old and dark and terrifying. But it always feels real, it always feels like I am there like I am getting torn apart as the monster descends on me in its hunger.

Honestly even my subconscious is trying to make my life miserable now, yay me.

These nightmares had been plaguing me for weeks now, vivid dreaming people called it and many people wanted to experience them, something about escapism? About how they could be free and do whatever with no consequences. Well they could have mine and I could take their nice full sleep. Win win right? But noooo they had I had to get the bloody dreams and they get to sleep nice and peacefully and complain about not remembering there bloody dreams. Not like I was bitter or anything, I just thought that these dreams should go to someone who would appreciate them more.

Well I was awake now and not getting back to sleep May as well get ready for the first day back to hell and face the music.

I could almost imagine how I knew I looked, my eyes blackened with tears streaming down from my bloodshot eyes. As if I needed to give Emma more ammunition on my looks. Hopefully the bitch and her hanger-on's weren't there, too much to hope for isn't it?

Hopefully I could get out before wakes up and sees me, worrying him is the last thing he needs right now.

I quietly opened the door and left.


I ran quickly down the darkened streets, it helped to clear my head for the nightmares, just find a point get to the point, repeat until you have reached your destination simple right? No need to think or remember what I saw and experienced in those dreams just mindless movement, a time to relax.

Honestly this was probably the highlight of my day now, escapism at its most basic. No Bully's ruining my day, no depressed father making me worry, no lost assessments, no Winslow and no stress. Just me and the simple sound of my feet hitting the ground alongside the sound of my breath coming in short controlled gasps and the rhythm of my heartbeat.

Suddenly I felt a hand grasp my arm and pull me from behind, three men in red and green. ABB, no no no NO NO I screamed in my mind. I knew what they did to girls, had heard about what happened but I never thought that it could happen to me! Panic set in and I just froze unable to move as my mind processed what was happening for just an instant but that was all they needed as they pulled me off the side walk and into the dark of the ally.

Coming back to my senses I screamed, or tried to at least as a hand covered my mouth before I could make a noise. Panicked I thrashed and hit trying to get away but there were more of them and though a combination of numbers and strength I could feel my struggles grow weaker and weaker as they slowly managed to pin me down.

The largest of the three approached me and barked some orders in a language I couldn't understand while pulling a small syringe from one of his pockets. I did the one thing I could think of as he approached me, I lashed out with my leg hitting the leader as he doubled over dropping the syringe in the process and unleashing an unearthly howl followed by what I assumed where curses. My victory was short lived however as I felt something impact the side of my head and everything went black.

When I woke up they were still holding me and the leader had once up once again, a hand holding my neck as he aimed something at my neck in the corner of my eye. The drugs I knew. I tried to thrash once again but I could barely move and there grips had become painful. Should I just give in and accept what was going to happen? Would it be easier if I did? Mabey they would let me go if they got what they wanted? It was a hopeful thought in such a situation and one I knew was never going to happen.

The ABB never let their women go after all, there was no profit in that. So I the one thing I could do struggled and fought, wasn't this the time the hero was meant to sweep in and save me?

"Hold the bitch still" growled the one holding my left as my head was unceremoniously pulled to the right by my hair. "Little whore needs to learn her place" the same one spoke as I felt a sharp pain enter my neck and everything became blurry and I knew it was over.

"Who wants a go before we take her to stitches?" where the last words I heard before the world faded to black.