Vote tally - Of Horrors & Overlords [Overlord Quest] [Dead]

Adhoc vote count started by rx915 on Nov 15, 2018 at 7:50 PM, finished with 76 posts and 13 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Of Horrors & Overlords [Overlord Quest] [Dead]
Post #1817
Post #1892


  • [X] - [A Needle Into The Heart of Magic]
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    [X] - [The All-Consuming Sin of Gluttony]:
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca. Bring a gift, maybe something like a cute bird or fox with a holy element attunement.
    -[X] For the trade deal proposal between Re-Estze and the Holy Kingdom have Gilmore write up the suggestions for it.
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca and the end of the trade agreements end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.
    [X] Attack on the Slane Theocracy
    -[X] Give Kenny permission to use the name Cybertron in his and Remmy's party name.
    -[X] Inform Ainz of what you found in the Bifrost experiment.
    -[X] Start a farm with those flame chickens you created a few days ago. Also have the ice fish you created around the same time breed with other fish to see if it can breed with other unaltered fish and the potential results from such a pairing.
    -[X] Attend the dinner with Calca.​
    -[X] After the dinner with Calca end the trip to Hoburn teleport to back to Re-Estize to finally begin the attack on the Slane Theocracy.​
    [X] - [The Five Dark Wishes of a Madman]