Of Flesh, Might, and Mutations, The Red Queen provides (Warhammer 40k SI Amalgamate)

Nay you left enough hits that she loved her, Just wandering what in the wrap the snake is though.
My guess is a minor daemon of Tzeentch possessing some poor bastard, or empowering them because either it progresses some plan or the uncharacteristically coherent reason of 'it amused me.'
My reasoning for such is that I'm fairly sure that:
A . Fucking with someone's head in such a specific and initially subtle way takes a significant amount of time or skill, making the odds of this being a independent fairly low.
B. Khornite daemons and cultists still hate sorcery, and are far from subtle.
C. This type of initially subtle dickery that ruins peoples lives is entirely up tzeentchian cultists and daemons alley.
Oh, and sorry for being less than coherent I got something like 10 hours sleep in the past 3 days.
Omake 1: Genetor Brawnslaught's Slightly Less Normal Day
Behold an omake that has lived rent free in my head and I want to evict it yesterday because it is messing with the chapter I want to post for this fic. So here ya'll go and hope it amuses ya'll.

Disclaimer: This omake contains more flexing and a pic or two that might get me demonetized (get a visit from the staff) because I couldn't find any better ones. Also this omake is just one big reference.

Omake 1: Genetor Brawnslaught's Slightly Less Normal Day

It was a normal day in the workshop of Genetor Brawnslaught, the few skitarii that he obtained were those that wished to obtain the same body that he worked hard to upgrade.

One day however he was interrupted from his hourly flex at the mirror by a message that requested his presence at the lobby of his lab. When he exited he saw that not only his three skitarii were there, but the lady inquisitor Jenna and two of her recruited members were with her, a sororitas member and what seems to be another inquisitor who is very bewildered. Of what Brawnslaught didn't know, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be a kind host.

He burst into the room shirtless while flexing his muscles. "How do you do my esteemed guests! I see you've met my adorable apprentices!"

Inquisitor Jenna slowly rose a hand to her face as she sighed sufferingly, although the sister of battle was eyeing Brawnslaught's chest with less than innocent intentions, and the other inquisitor just looked even more bewildered. "I should have known you would do this Brawn." Jenna muttered loudly, although she noticed the sororitas' look. "Alicia?"

"Try not to faint from looking at my awesome genetically perfect body!" Brawnslaught then saw the other inquisitor shudder a bit with a unsettled look on his face, and the sister who is named Alicia seemed to focus more on said body, while inquisitor Jenna just shook her head.

"Anyway, we are here looking for the new weapon to help against the Amalgamate and Crimson Lotus forces." Inquisitor Jenna chose to try and change the subject and thankfully for the both inquisitors and the silent dismay of the sister, Brawnslaught understood what they were looking for.

"Ah of course Inquisitor, you may gaze upon my body for another time then. SIR FLEXALOT!" At the end of his sentence, Brawnslaught yelled while pointedly flexing to his right.

His 1st Skitarii, a male with blonde hair and a small mustache and muscles of an average bodybuilder, who was idly pumping iron with a combi-bolter then set the unloaded weapon carefully before standing straight up. "YES LORD OF FLEX!"

"The what?"

Upon hearing his first skitarii answer his call, Brawnslaught then pointedly flexed to his left and called out his second skitarii. "THICCLENCIA!"

His 2nd Skitarii, a female with black hair and was well on her way to getting gains, with abs and thighs so thicc they could crush an astartes head with but a simple flex. She was idly checking on a servitor when she turned around in her chair and looked at Brawnslaught with devotion in her eyes. "Yes Muscle Man?"

When he heard the second one answer his call as well, Brawnslaught flexed to the ceiling before looking down at his third skitarii. "626!"

His 3rd Skitarii was unique, no voice of any kind, he has a working voice it is just that he has a vow of silence and Brawnslaught respects it. Especially since the black haired man with a full face of facial hair, mustache, beard, and all was a direct competitor to Flexalot with his own muscles, though his belly was bit more... 'encompassing' compared to Flexalot's abs. Regardless, 626 turned to face Brawnslaught and nodded his head at him with a sharp gaze.

As he received the last of the confirmations, he began rapidly flexing and showing off his muscles while speaking. "Show our esteemed guests to the weapon workshop! I have to cover my BEAUTIFUL SELF in my Sacred Oils! HUAH! HOOH! HOAH!" As he started grunting, he flexed his way out of the room.

All in all, it was a rather normal day for Genetor Brawnslaught. Well minus the not normal part of someone coming in to disturb him from scheduled flexing time. At least it was for something important like what Jenna said about the weapon and not some mundanely simple task that even the simple servitors could perform.

PS: Here are pics of the Flexers of this Omake.

Disclaimer: This Omake is listed as Apocrypha and as such some characters mentioned here may or may not be canon to the main story. (This is me brain trying to enforce rules)

I told you all that Brawnslaught is basically a Dr Eggman who has done all of the steroids and I've tried to find the pics that are the least cursed. (In my opinion) So hope you 'enjoy' whether ya like it or not.

Chapter 11: Unsettling Confrontation
Chapter 11: Unsettling Confrontation

I allowed Heed to take a sample of the Abyss and sent about twenty Faceless with them back to their place. With them, I'll have a set of bodies I can test on to find a way to make a 'strain' that lets the infected keep their mind and evolve from it, while the failures I can use their bodies and make either more Faceless or other things. I still haven't exactly perfected the art of taking memories from the Drowned so I have to make do with them learning from them.

Now it might sound heartless that I'm going to be using the people from the Crimson Lotus as test subjects, and you'd be right. But to be honest, there isn't really much that can be done. If I'm going to have Evelynn stay alive, then I'm going to have to find a way to make my Bloodbuds less fatal. Besides, the Crimson Lotus would probably see 'Drowning' as a form of 'Ascension' in some twisted way.

Before they left, I had brought up the other amalgamated constructs and sort of felt amused at seeing a lot of them look fearful at them. The Faceless awed them, but the others made them feel fear. The only one who didn't seem so afraid was the girl Heed, and for that my respect for her rose just a bit.

When they bring the Faceless back, I'm going to have them learn espionage and I'm going to have the Faceless hunt for certain individuals in order to spread them throughout the underhive.

Already I have some more wild elements growing in the Wild Dark, the chryssalids I bloomed made short work of those savages in that empty city. On a side note, Usura is actually not such a bitch after all. I think I'm smelling warp shenanigan fuckery around here.

Whoever this snake is she is searching for, I'm beginning to think that 9 times out of 10 it is most likely a daemon or some fuckboy possessed by a daemon. The distinction is actually rather important, which leads me to believe that IF it is something daemonic in origin, it is probably a daemonhost of sorts.

Anyway, I made sure to give clear commands for those chryssalids to follow. Which is to continue growing in numbers but find a secluded sector in the lifeless city to create an abyss infested hive, should be easy enough. It's only been like three hours and the two chryssalids I let loose on those savages turned from two to thirty chryssalids and they've been traveling in a horde pulling any dead remains with them. Makes for a rather macabre sight, especially since them pulling the bits sort of leaves a messy and bloody trail.

I should also probably start 'designing' some more construct and creature forms to aid the chryssalids in their task of creating a new hive nest and maybe a new emergence gate. I could do that later though, I should probably be both amazed and concerned about these crabler things Usura talked about.

You see when I forcefully drowned the crabler that came out to check the noise she made, I got a good look at its genetic makeup and while there are some genes that make sense, there are some that do not. The normal and 'expected' one is that it has a hard exoskeleton given that it is literally crab. What is NOT normal or expected is that the exoskeleton has tiny hooks that grow on them, these hooks are actually similar to the ones you would find on a spider's FOOT. Apparently this combination makes it so that it could anchor whatever piece of technology or resource onto their back, claws, or legs.

That's not even the weirdest part to them, they have this special gland and an entirely separate system of arteries and veins that lead to four open spots on the sides of their main body, the ones close to the legs. This gland produces a kind of viscous liquid-like mucus that functions near identically to fucking gasoline. Which means if these things find the appropriate weapon, then the Adepta Sororitas would definitely make an exception when it comes to purging xenos for them because it means they get to have giant armored crabs of faith that are walking, living, breathing heavy flamers.

They have several more weird quirks to them, and frankly I want to meet the person who thought creating this weird crustacean was a good idea because I want to know if they were drunk or did they just want to violate any other creature's living rights with these. Because their nervous system actually produces more electrical current and when combined with the primary and secondary brains they have, they can figure out technology and basically use it for their own purposes.

Case in point when I figured out the crabler I drowned was a HEAVY crabler, it strapped metal plating to its claws and legs, but on the thing's back is actually a crude heavy bolter emplacement, that it aims and fires with its tentacle feelers.

I'll just say it, this crabler 'species' is fucking weird. But they are arguably going to be very dangerous for me, because last I remember fire is a very good deterrent against infections. Why do you think it is called a Firewall against Viruses? With the whole gasoline-like analogue, I'm pretty sure we are going to run into a few crablers that have some flamers attached to them.

So might as well give my new crabler some upgrades, especially since I'm not sure if these guys will immediately recognize the difference between a 'friendly' crabler and one that is 'not of the pack', so using the arachnid toy I waved Usura over. She looked understandably nervous at the converted crabler and then back to my arachnid.

[]:["I'm going to bloom some addons for this crabler, while I do so. Do you mind telling me more about the crabler kind? It could provide useful insight for exterminating the nest in the entrance."]:[]

Usura's face scrunched up a bit in slight disbelief and a little bit of resignation before she sighed and sat against a wall while keeping her eyes locked on the entrance. "Sure why not, maybe you'll work your eldritch abyssal hocus pocus on these things and find a weakness. Aside from what I've told you, the crablers like to bunch up, gives them a bigger survival chance. They can also feed on anything, yes even waste and scraps like rocks and metal, I don't know how but I've seen a whole pod of them on the edge of an acid lake, drink said acid and later find them munching on a four wheeler."

Ah, right another weird quirk. Yeah for whatever reason this thing is stupidly adaptable and that just had to include its diet plan, whoever made the crabler species really wanted to cancel as many life subscriptions as possible. Not enough that this thing is smart enough to strap itself with armor and guns, but it is also an eater with a diet so varied gluttons would be jealous.

She continued as she watched the entrance and the crabler under my control now growing colonies on its back and sides. "The underside of a crabler is their most obvious weak part but the fact that they hug the floor even when they walk makes it a hard one to exploit. Doesn't help that they're so heavy an ogryn would break their back trying to flip them over. Trust me, I've seen one try." Considering all the shit they carry IN and ON their body I would expect them to be heavy, but for even ogryn to struggle? Another impressive feat.

"Oh and they grow to full maturity within two to three weeks, and that their hatchlings are about half my height and are quite frankly too cute for the crimes they commit when they grow older. We usually target the exposed bits of flesh they have on the sides and their leg joints, as you no doubt witnessed it is fast for its bulk and is why we go for the legs first." Ok to say that first bit with a straight face? I like it, and so far that is the only weakness they encountered? Why not light the- oh that's why, huh interesting. Turns out those four open holes that leak the 'fuel' actually have covers like in cars, and that they are nearly as hard as the exoskeleton itself.

So naturally I'm going to try and cheat, mainly I'm going to use the crabler as a meat shield, and on the back I'm going to make two 'spine guns' using that piece of genetic code from that dinosaur look alike. Then I'm going to replace the gland with a colony and have it produce bloodbuds instead, creating huge hollow tendrils that connect from the four open holes and combine into basically a biological pressure hose.

Now I have a crabler that looks like an infected mutated freak of nature that is strapped mechanically and biologically. Perfect. I wish I could have given it laser eyes, but I have not found any kind of genetic code for that just yet.

Looking at it through my arachnid, the crabler shape is still there, but now its got bloomed and mutated growths on its back, the leg joints were bulbous, the spine guns look like tentacles on all of the roids with how muscly and tense they are, the heavy bolter turret, and the new 'tail' that is basically a pressure hose for bloodbuds.

"You gave it more tentacles." Was the response from Usura, who looked morbidly curious about the crabler's new appearance. I couldn't help but show off a bit, no offense to Evelynn but she's a child and she probably won't get what I am saying half of the time.

[]:["The two shorter ones are actually ranged weapons, they fire sharp spines by flexing all of their muscles quickly, the bigger tentacle is a hose for my bloodbuds so I recommend that you do not touch them lest you want to get drowned."]:[]

I saw Usura look at my arachnid from the corner of her eye before standing up and dusting herself off, checking her weapons and making sure they were all loaded. "Noted, but you do know those spines won't penetrate the shell right?"

[]:["You'd be surprised. Now, shall we go?"]:[]

Basically I'm going to try and mimic the hydralisks from Starcraft when it comes to making organic guns that use biology instead of chemistry to shoot. From some books I read the hydralisks uses a lot of muscles to yeet their spines at speeds that could pierce armor plating. I'm trying to go for the same method here with these buff tentacles.

As an idle test, I aimed one of the spine guns at a random building and had the bloomed appendage flex. The sound was strange, when it was 'fired' it sounded like how a person blows through a straw but the noise was both high pitched and low toned. It is kind of hard to describe, but what is not hard to describe is the spine that is quite half-buried into the wall of the building. I'm just going to call that a success and hope that it will work against crabler shells.

With that all said and done, my arachnid began crawling up on the walls and the ceiling of the entrance while my drowned crabler took point and Usura followed from behind holding her two revolver pistols. It wasn't dark inside, there were quite a few small sources of light that decently lit up the area, it was a large corridor big enough to fit two crablers side by side with enough room to maneuver.

Venturing deeper, we started hearing faint warbling and snapping noises, and just knew that we were getting closer to the crablers. Though surprisingly, the crablers noises were coming from the left side of the corridor and judging by Usura's relieved sigh, I have a feeling I won't be testing my new death crab soon.

"Looks like we got lucky, the crablers' aren't blocking the shortcut to the Spires, we can ignore them altogether so as not to waste any time." With her piece said, I watch the regretful mother quietly jog away to the right side and to one of the access hatches. Mentally I sighed and had my new death crab 'mingle' with its previous family. At least I won't have to keep an eye on the woman while my crabler is doing its thing.

So my arachnid followed the woman into the access hatch and we started moving through what is probably an unused sewage pipe. Well either this is a sewage pipe or its an actual maintenance tunnel I'm not sure, I am not exactly familiar with imperial architecture which seems to enjoy making buildings far more complicated than they should be just so they can stuff like forty million human skulls and birds into the design.

We didn't really have much to say to the other and that is fine really, I asked all that I wanted for earlier when it came to Evelynn's true name and what could those crablers do. But then again there could be another thing that I could ask.

[]:["This 'Snake' individual, who are they and what do they look like? If you do not mind me asking."]:[]

Oooh that was a brief spike of killing intent before it was swiftly brought back by the woman. My arachnid was walking on the wall off to her right and I saw her turn her head to me before returning back to looking in front of her. "That Snake is someone I despise with every fiber of my being, his name is Haipar Tephpor, he looks like a bald old man with a white beard and a 'kind' face. But don't let that face fool you, behind that face is a snake who will lure you with desirable promises only to screw you over in the most miserably way possible."

It was kind of surprising how much she ranted about the snake. Then again I had to try and put myself in her shoes, going by what she said she was most likely desperate when she first met the guy, and in her desperation took the 'good' offer only to later get fucked over horribly by uncontrollably hating on her own daughter. You know what going by that I can see why she's pissed about him.

"That is why you should never listen to any of the words that come out of his disgusting mouth, they sound like sweet gold to your ears but once you listen he'll ensnare you in his web of lies and malevolence." Has she forgotten who she is talking to? Then again I can understand that as angry people can sometimes have tunnel vision when they speak about something they hate, and that they can forget who exactly they are talking to. Still though...

[]:["I understand that perfectly. But... the question is. Will YOU?"]:[]

At that she froze just as we reached the end of the tunnel, leading to a vast open landscape that is filled with rusty metal spires that stretch from the ground and into the sky, some touching the ceiling, and a few pools of acid and what I am assuming is sewage outflow. My arachnid turned to see the woman's pupils shrunk in obvious anger, but I then see her close her eyes and take deep breaths before turning her gaze to my arachnid. "I... won't. I ruined Myserica's childhood when I listened to that snake. I'll be damned if I ruin her life if I listen again."

Hmph, we will see about that, I thought to myself as we slowly scaled down the scrap mountain the tunnel was on top of and I idly left behind an eye so that I'll have a bird's eye view of the spires. Thanks to the gnirrat and echoam genes I have a rather decent ability to navigate in the darkness of this biome. I slightly turn the arachnid to look at Usura and saw her actually navigating in the darkness rather well, I can see she has her own flashlight but it looks as if she doesn't need it.

With the echoam ears I bloomed in the arachnid, I heard a voice and wondered if luck was being a little bit too generous today. Granted I don't know if this voice belongs to the man Usura is hunting but might as well check just in case.

[]:["I'm hearing a voice coming from over there, by the glowing pool of acid. Keep quiet won't you?"]:[]

I couldn't help but say as my arachnid began to scurry over in the direction of the voice, I heard a light grumble and curse behind me and couldn't help but mentally smirk at that. Regardless the two of us approached and we began to understand what exactly is being said... well, at least I can understand it dunno about Usura.

"I apologize for the delays oh venerable one, the subject is rather... strong willed." An old decrepit sounding voice called out, and at first I thought that it was just some gang when I could feel Usura's teeth grinding together and looked up to see the woman staring daggers at the guy.

I was then privy to the crackle of fire moving... unnaturally, and began using the arachnid to climb up the spire we were hiding behind silently in order to get a better look but I think I know what we are dealing with now.

"You say that, but your arrogance will be your own downfall, I have foreseen it. Just as I have foreseen you will be receiving a guest soon." Shit, judging by the 'I have foreseen it.' line, that means it is a Lord of Change and that means it already knows we are here. But wait, it just said A Guest not Guests, now I may be reading into things a little bit but does that mean it can't read me?

"Oh, it must be a gang patrol. I will simply hide myself with a ritual, it is of no consequence." As I look down from the top of the spire, I saw that indeed the old man was in some scrap armor of his own and he was looking into a cloudy acid veil that swirled into a myriad of colors. A shame that I could not confirm what kind of daemon it is.

"Now when have I ever said that it was a gang patrol?" I could hear the amusement behind the voice, and it turns out that was the time Usura decided to interrupt, going by the loud bang of her firing her revolver at the old man. Who in turn looked surprised just as a shield of energy flared up and disintegrated the bullet.

The old man's eyes were wide as he spotted Usura and I saw his beard move in a way that suggested a smile. "Well, well, well... if it isn't the Broken Doll... How is your daughter?"

I watch as Usura grit her teeth before forcefully calming herself down, keeping her two revolvers aimed at the old man. "You keep her name out of your horrid mouth foul snake. You are going to release me from whatever foul witchcraft or else I will blow out your kneecaps and send you down a Jersek's arse!"

Hmm, judging by the cringe of the old man I'm going to assume that whatever a Jersek is, it is probably a nasty animal that probably shits a lot. Haipar then cleared his throat before replying. "Now that's just not nice."

"It's no less than what you deserve." Pretty much Usura had an immediate response before she continued on. "Now you will do it now or else there will be consequences."

"Of course, of course. But tell me my dear Doll. Did ever occur to you as to WHY did I do this?" Man this old bastard likes the sound of his voice, I had my arachnid skitter down out of Haipar's sight and approached the acid pool on the side that didn't have the bubbling ring. I haven't exactly tried this just yet, figures why not now?

Lifting the tail of my arachnid, I had it start 'bleeding' at the tip and let a few drops fall into the pool of acid. I expected little really to happen, I most definitely did not expect for a mental message to pop up saying that I can now produce a similar acid. I then saw the bloodbuds actually 'pulling' the acid instead of spreading, like... wait it is forming a shape. I idly watch it as I listen to what is going on.

"The thought did cross my mind, but I have already figured that the reason is not going to exactly be any good." Usura growled out as she slowly began stalking around Haipar, her revolvers both pointed right at the smirking old man.

"Oh you'd be right. What if I told you, your daughter is a key?" At that, the woman's face suddenly turned even more hostile. I could see the grip she had on her guns tighten.

"If you are referring to my daughter being having powers, spare your breath. I already know." Wait what, Evelynn is a psyker? My focus was now solely on the conversation, Evelynn is a psyker, that is NOT good. Psykers are prime food for the denizens of the warp, and are usually good entry points for a daemonic incursion.

"Ah, of course. You are her mother after all, how horrible of a parent you might be. But you see, your daughter is annoyingly strong willed for a child." When Haipar said that, I could definitely see Usura's eyes soften a bit and I could tell that she feels proud at that.

"So what? It's not like you'll be able to take advantage of Myserica with how far you are from her." Usura barked out, but her eyes narrowed when the old man bared his teeth forming an ugly grin.

"Now my dear doll, who said I need to be beside her in order to take advantage?" Upon hearing that, the woman grew enraged and fired another shot. But it just performed similarly to the first and was disintegrated by the shield, and the smug bastard's grin grew wider. "Temper, temper, temper my dear. Now where was I? Oh yes, your daughter is the key to bringing forth my master, if only your daughter would accept the fact you hate her, it would be but simple child's play to influence her."

Alright, I've heard enough, and turns out this universe has a lot of weird timings because the bloodbuds I left in the acid finished whatever it was they were doing and I turned to see... that is a red fleshy blob just sitting in the acid pile. But when I took control of it, I mentally smirked and had it surge.

The whole conversation was derailed when my newest creation burst from the pool causing acid to rain around the area, Usura instinctively went behind a pillar to dodge the acid, and Haipar simply raised his shield. I didn't expect to create a new creature form, but I'm not complaining.

"How interesting... I did not sense this one before." The voice from the acid pool spoke up for the first time and I'm both surprised and glad at hearing that. Because this probably meant I'm not easily influenced by warpstuff, but on the other hand that is only going to make every faction and their mother interested in me.

"Do we have a deal lord Kaso'asra?" The old man looked confident but I could feel the nervousness as my newest creature lifted itself out of the acid pool that was ever so slowly turning black and red.

I heard a snapping sound from the other side and heard a warbling chuckle. "Of course, just make sure you keep your end of the bargain, Haipar Tephpor we will be waiting. In the meantime, here is a little gift." Just as the voice finished saying that, the bubbling ring popped and a bluish purple light shone from a drawn circle at the edge of the pool. I am an idiot for not looking for that.

The ring morphed and warped itself, expanding before two daemons came out and my suspicions were confirmed on what kind of daemon we are dealing with. A servant of the indecisive mollusk. How do I know? Well the damned daemon sent three Pink Horrors out of the ring.

"Thank you very much my lord, now. Capture her, I will need that doll to complete my task." I can see the bubbling ring is no longer there, most likely the presence of the voice is gone as well. Time to get to work, I took control of my newest creation, and had it immediately attack by spitting its corrosive bio fluid at the horrors like a hose.

Meanwhile I had my arachnid skitter quickly to Usura and made sure the tail was not dripping bloodbuds before I started dragging her by her arm. She protested to this quite vehemently. "What are you doing?! He is right there! I don't want to hurt Myserica anymore than I already have!" The desperation in her voice made me feel pity for the woman.

[]:["Don't worry, I'm only moving you out of the way of the pink horrors. As you are, you stand no chance to them."]:[]

"THEN TOUCH ME! CHANGE ME SO I CAN MAKE THINGS RIGHT!" I felt the arachnid's tail get grabbed by the woman, and turns out I underestimated just how desperate she is.

Behoooooeld a cliffhanger!

A new challenger, and it is a Bird of Fate, and he left pink doodoos. So brain has been exhausted of thoughts for this fic so it may take a while before I get another one. (Maybe, not really sure. My brain does what it wants)

Anyway, I figured I'mma put some pics as penance, and a few tidbits of 'fun facts' native mostly to this fic.

Crabler Hatchlings are called Crablets

Long haired red head with scars, as well as armor and clothing covering up her exposed fleshy bits. Dual wields revolvers.

I'm sure a lot of you recognize this bastard.

Fun fact, that end where the tentacles are coming out from? That is not only its mouth, but it is also it's arse. So that means it eats with it's arse and it is just as disgusting as it sounds.

Anyway, this is going to be the end of it for now. At least until my brain decides to work with me again, especially since I made it a cliffhanger because brain is unsure whether to infect her now or have Eien pull back for now.

Hope ya'll enjoy this anyway! <:3
Just a little confused here, when did Eien find out she was in 40k? Maybe it's my sleep deprivation but I don't see where she learned that.
Chapter 12: Crimson Fellowship
Chapter 12: Crimson Fellowship

As much as I wanted to give this woman the red touch, I knew I couldn't. At least not yet, I had to keep Evelynn's wish in mind. So I quickly retracted the bladed tip into an inert blunt stump, this caused Usura to become even more desperate, but thankfully I was able to carefully wrap her hands together and just as carefully lead her forcefully away from the fighting.

"No! I need to kill him! Let me go!" The redheaded woman frantically screamed as she tried to pull away from me, and while it was a little difficult due to the size difference between the arachnid toy and the woman, I was able to form several more inert tentacles to help drag the toy and Usura away.

As I led her away, I focused on my newest creature doing battle with the little pink shits. Looking through the creature form's multiple eyes, I saw the golden acid being spewed by my newest creature form deal some damage to those pink horrors. One of those little daemons were actually tangled up in some of its tentacles, and it was thrashing and throwing some of that warp fire on my creature.

I noticed the old man Haipar escaped in the confusion, so that was inconvenient. But I get a front row seat to how effective this newest creature form will be, I can already think of a few ideas for the newest hemo-biological adaptation. Mentally I hummed as I witnessed the creature form vomit a torrent of the golden acid on the captive pink horror, and I couldn't help but watch in fascination as the horror let out a mix between a cackle of glee and a shriek of agony as the substance melted through the daemon.

Most interesting, I'll keep that in mind to test in the future. Acid seems to be good against nonliving creatures made out of primordial thought soup, seems to check out with how Tyranids can easily drown over Chaos forces in this universe when they get going. Gratuitous application of physical force aside, it is good to have more options against the neverborne cancer of the galaxy.

Though the warp fire was dealing rather extensive damage to my creature form, that was less than ideal to be honest. But it wasn't irreplaceable so I gave it the order to kamikaze into the rest of them, it can be a test dummy for if daemons could be infected. The first one was destroyed before I could try it.

Watching patiently through its eyes, I noticed something odd when the active bloodbuds were splattered or stabbed into the pink horrors. There wasn't exactly any biomass, but they DID have mass, that opened up some rather interesting ideas...

Was this a horrible idea? Probably.

Will this have every faction try to kill me harder? Most likely.

Is there even any chance for non hostilities in this galaxy with what I am?


None whatsoever.

Not unless I use the Crimson Lotus to form my own faction alongside my Amalgamate. Speaking of which, they could definitely be useful in helping me research a way to 'Drown' someone without subverting their mind... to a certain extent.

Ah, right, the horrible idea with the horrors. I gave the bloodbuds and creature form their orders and watched as the creature managed to snatch up one careless pinky before stabbing a tentacle into that same wound, the other pink horror bounced away.

As the bloodbuds flow into the contained pink horror, I couldn't help but mentally smile when the pink horror started thrashing about. It's hideous laughter distorting into a wet gurgling cry as the creature form extracted itself from the convulsing daemon in order to pursue the apprehensive looking pink horror.

Ignoring the creature form and lone pink horror flinging acid and eldritch fire around, I allocated a bit more of my focus on the pink horror that's flooded with bloodbuds. It isn't going to be able to drown it normally, so I'm wondering how my little cells are going to handle it?

Watching the event, I saw the bloodbuds surging from the stab wound and flowing towards the mouth. I mentally raised an eyebrow at their actions as the crimson inky blackness gathered into the pink horror's gaping maw, forming the beginnings of a colony as tendrils started snaking out of any and every orifice it had. Intriguing, it's almost like watching a colony interface with some machines.

Though I was disappointed when the drowning didn't exactly mean I now had the ability to control it to do warp fuckery. I impassively stare through the now red horror trying to smile with its mouth full of colonies, wheezing laughter mixed with gurgling chortles full of agonized elation and tears of blackest crimson running down its eyes. Hmm, interesting that the pink horror is still trying to cackle and laugh despite its situation.

This wasn't a drowning, thanks to daemon's lack of biological mass, but I suppose this can be seen as me puppeteering a daemon, even if it is a lesser one... I wonder if I can puppeteer greater daemons given enough bloodbuds? Though I could see the pink horror was trying to fight the stranglehold the growing colony used to cage it.

The pink/red horror twitched as I gave the colony an order for it to move normally, hmm it makes for a rather macabre sight with how the bloodbuds are slowly forming pulsating growths on it. Then again, the image of a daemon combined with a biological supervirus is sure to give people nightmare fuel by itself.

Oh, the other pink horror was accidentally destroyed, and it managed to burn the creature form into giblet shreds with its warp fire. A shame, but not unrecoverable, I already have the genetic adaptations so I can make another one if I wish. So I just had the infected horror gather the bloodbuds to have it grow even more colonies, and I'll have it wander around even.

With that done, I need to have a little chat with the idiot woman who nearly got herself killed carelessly. My focus returned to the arachnid toy and turned to see Usura still struggling to break free of the bonds I wrapped around her wrists.

[]:["Cease your struggling! That wrinkled human escaped long ago when the fighting started."]:[]

Those words seemed to cut through her desperation and Usura snapped her head towards me with tears of anger and frustration running down her cheeks. "Why?! Why did you stop me?! I HAD HIM!"

[]:["Even if you did, you would have died, and Evelynn will have suffered for nothing. I thought you wanted to make it up to her?"]:[]

I shamelessly threw these words at the redheaded mother, watching as she flinched as if she was struck before she looked down with gritted teeth. Nodding the arachnid toy's head, I unwrapped her hands off of the tail and saw her slowly rub her wrists.

"...So what now? Who knows when and where that damn snake will pop up again. I'll have to start looking for him from scratch." The woman grumbled as she turned to look off into the distance, the dark underground with spires that stretch from the bottom to the ceiling, barely lit up by pools of glowing acid, lava, and molten scrap metal.

Hmm, perhaps they could help. Especially since I gave them some faceless to work with, that's not even counting the fact I'm slowly sending faceless throughout the upper floors. Yes... They could help, and Usura will be kept in my vision while doing so. Right.

[]:["My little followers in the Order of the Crimson Lotus should be able to assist."]:[]

Usura slowly turned her head to look at me with a complicated expression, but I could clearly see suspicion in her eyes and I had to explain. If only to show her that I wasn't doing it for her.

[]:["Do not give me that look. The sooner that we can kill that man, the sooner you can make it up to Evelynn. My promise to her will be complete and I can continue watching over her as her protection. Even from you."]:[]

That did the trick, the suspicion left the woman's eyes and were replaced with grim understanding. It was only because of Evelynn that I'm even contemplating giving her the chance and benefit of doubt. If Evelynn cared less about her own mother, then Usura would have been drowned slowly, and the both of us know it.

"Fine then. Where will I meet them?

[]:["They will meet you at the little tavern you went to before coming here."]:[]

My answer caused the woman to cringe for a brief second. "So you followed me all the way from there as well."

[]:["Of course. Did you expect me not to? That was a rhetorical question, don't answer that."]:[]

Slightly bristling at me snobbing her like so, Usura took a deep breath before giving my arachnid a pointed look. One that made me turn the toy to look at her better, I was about to ask why she was giving me such a look when she spoke an admittedly fair fear. "What if they don't show?"

[]:["They will. Especially when I am the one asking."]:[]

Raehllast Heed POV

Ever since returning to the Crimson Complex from the expedition with the Red Queen's minions in tow and her blessing to take a piece of her sacred waters to the upper levels. I have been praised, thanked, and even given the position of [Speaker], most likely to be the one the Amalgamate speaks to mostly.

I don't really know what the Head Cleric even wants with the piece of the Abyss, but the priests and priestesses have been given the order to watch him whenever he works on it.

Speaking of the great Red Queen's minions, the Faceless. They were grouped together and were idling in a converted warehouse to be used as their training grounds, and throughout the day I have learned quite a few things about them.

One thing is that they do not eat or drink, which is understandable since they have above such creature comforts being made directly by The Many From The Abyss.

Second is that they don't are a bit uncanny, they look like humans but when one looks at them, one can't help but feel like something is off.

Thirdly is that they don't speak unless spoken to but I think that can be worked with.

Fourthly is that their facial expressions don't really change, they just give off this blank neutral look.

The great Red Queen wishes for me to teach them to be effective agents in a spy network. That is a tall order, but I'm a former Serpent's Guild member, I'm oddly the most qualified out of everyone.

Though the training is a bit slow ongoing.

"No no no, listen Grod, humans don't bend their limbs that far back, it is impossible unless they've been mutated to do so. Even then, you simply shouldn't do so because it is the opposite of discreet." I say to one of the Faceless, a 'man' with the bulk of a bodybuilder with a face full of facial hair, oh and we gave them all names so that they would be easy to distinguish. It helps them also be good infiltrators, especially if they need to mingle with the inhabitants of the underhive.

"...Inefficient... But understood. Grod will do this..." Another thing about them is the strange way they speak, hopefully I'll be able to make them sound like a normal human before sending them out. The only one that I had success with about that was Thera and 'she' is currently out of the warehouse watching how humans interact.

"This one has returned."

Ah, speaking of which. Turning my head to look at the Thera, her false appearance was that of a shapely woman with pale skin, red eyes, and short black hair that stopped just above her shoulders. Easily, this Faceless has the most beautiful form out of all the other Faceless in my humble opinion.

"Welcome back Thera, learned anything new?"

Thera tilted her head to the side, and it kind of reminded me of one of those houndlets which was kind of cute, before she slowly nodded her head awkwardly. Oh right, we were also teaching them how to give nonverbal answers, things like nodding, shaking their head, and even pointing at things. They were still a bit awkward with it though.

"Yes. This one found two males conversing loudly, talking about females that passed by them before laughing softly together. Making gestures with their hands like so." I had to fight myself to keep a straight face as I witnessed Thera bring her hands to her sizeable chest and squeezed.

Fighting the urge to sigh, I gently took her hands and pulled them down. "Ignore that interaction, they were just being pervs."

"But is it not a regular human interaction between males?"

As she asked that, I opened my mouth only to close it as I hesitantly nodded. Roughly that was pretty much what normal boys do yeah, either that or make fun of people. But then again that also happened with some girls. "Y-yes but that's not important here. You are trying to learn how to blend in, be a difficult face to pick apart from the crowd, someone that would not be seen as suspicious."

Thera slowly looked down at my hands holding hers before slowly looking back up, her dull blood red eyes locking with my own before she nodded. "Understood, this one will continue learning."

Nodding my own head with a smile, I let go of her hands and was about to speak when Thera stiffened, which confused me until I saw right behind her that some of the other Faceless stiffened as well. Thera's eyes turned completely black before red pinpricks formed within them.

[]:["Hello again little Raehllast Heed."]:[]

My eyes went wide as I heard the echoing tone, a great weight settling on my shoulders as I quickly tried to kneel. Only for Eien!Thera to stop me from doing so.

[]:["There is no need to bow."]:[]

"B-b-but you are the Red Queen! The one we pray to!" I tried to argue through my stutter, and felt my heart perform backflips as The Many From The Abyss gave me an intense look.

[]:["Then I order you to not bow. Besides, I am not going to be here for long, I have a mission for the Order. Please do pass it along will you?"]:[]

Blinking, my mind raced as the implications of the Red Queen herself giving the Order an actual mission meant that She trusts us enough to give us tasks she wishes completed! This is big! The order cannot let her down! "O-of course! Leave it to me! I'll tell the higher ups the mission! What is your bidding oh great Eien?"

[]:["I want Order Agents to be sent to a little tavern over in the Silent City, they are to meet with a redheaded woman. The Order's task is to aid this woman in her mission for it is of great importance."]:[]

"F-forgive my impudence. B-but, w-why is it so important?" My heart leaped into my throat as the gravity of the situation nearly caused me to faint.

[]:["That woman is hunting a False Prophet. That man is someone I want dead."]:[]

A person that the Red Queen personally marked for death?! This is serious, very serious indeed, I nodded at Eien!Thera before placing my hand over my heart in a sign, saluting her. "We won't let you down!"

[]:["I know you won't."]:[]
Love me some biohorror - interesting how the Red Queen has very little warp presence. I wonder if she might be like Tyranids and cast a Shadow in the warp, and if so, if she can actually hide other allies in her shadow as well.