Of Flesh, Might, and Mutations, The Red Queen provides (Warhammer 40k SI Amalgamate)

Chapter 4: Plans and Ideas
Chapter 4: Plans and Ideas

My Potato was sitting on a scrapworked table that seems fused to the wall as I watch from across the room, Evelynn was being put to bed and rest by Raeri and Vhuji. The poor thing was tuckered out after all that has happened, it is very understandable that she would be tired now that she is a position of relative safety.

Vhuji and Raeri looked at each other before back at the now sleeping Evelynn, her face still had the marks from her tears, and a few bandages from when the lady checked her for wounds. I was kind of surprised that Evelynn wasn't all that hurt for traversing multiple floors to get to me. In fact, the worst she seemed to have gotten was a rather nasty claw mark on her leg that has long since been bandaged up even before she arrived at my pool, she must have had a run in with a predator and escaped somehow. This kid is really good at surviving, which is an unfortunate skill requirement if one continues to live in a hive city, especially the underhive.

"It's surprising just how strong Eri- I mean Evelynn is." Raeri said to Vhuji as she gently ran her fingers through the little one's white hair.

"Yeah, that damned woman hasn't been feeding Er-Evelynn properly, if she ever had done so in the first place. But, E-Evelynn is strong. She survived underneath the wing of Usura for a long time, in both body and mind." Vhuji said as he took off his scrap armor and placed it on the table.

"But she is still a child brother." I could see Raeri's eyes narrow as she inches a little closer to the sleeping little one.

"I know sister. But the best thing we can do now is just be there for her, soon we will be her guardians after chieftain Posir gives her whatever inane task. We should be able to help her now." That is blindly optimistic of him, and it would seem Raeri feels the same with how she slowly turned to him.

"What makes you think that he will even allow us to help? He's just going to make up a pile of flunox shit, and the council of which Usura is a part of is going to agree with what he says just to make it harder for Eri!"

Vhuji walked over to Raeri and gave her a hug, patting her head. Comparing sizes, the brother was a good head taller than the sister. "I know. But even if we cannot help Evelynn, she has a new... friend to look out for her."

Alright, now I know he is addressing me now. The Shardkirr siblings turned their heads to look at my Potato and I'm surprised he's putting trust in me when he knows or rather doesn't exactly know what I am. Raeri stared at me before she turned her head to look at Evelynn's sleeping form. "What makes you so sure that the piece will protect her?"

The brother stared directly in my Potato's eyes without flinching. Respectable. "Because if it wanted to harm her, then she would never have returned in the first place as she would have been lost and drowned."

You know? That is a really fair point. If that shitlord chieftain was telling the truth that Evelynn was the only survivor, which is most likely considering I felt all the fallen drowned. Then yes, it is absolutely fair that me not infecting her immediately and sending a piece of me with her can be seen as me being protective. I watch as Vhuji gave his sister a pat on the back before he addressed me.

"I don't know you. If you are truly a piece of The Abyss, if you are one of Many From the Abyss, or whatever. But I have to ask, for peace of mind. Will you protect Evelynn?" My four eyes twitched, looking between Vhuji, Raeri, and Evelynn for several moments before I decided to take a chance.

"How much..." It would seem that the both of them did not expect Potato to speak in a warbling otherworldly echoing voice. "Are you willing to sacrifice for her? For the little one?"

The two siblings after taking a step away from my Potato, they looked to each other before looking back at the bed where Evelynn was sleeping peacefully, with a slightly disturbed look on her little face.

When they both turned to me with serious looks on their faces, I knew their answer. To go so far for someone not of their line, they must love her as their family regardless of blood.
"Well. Do not worry, for this piece of me shall protect her with everything it has. Those who intend to harm her will be met with a most gruesome end."

Well, let it be known that I'm not exactly a liar, or that I am not helping without selfish thoughts. Regardless of our initial meeting, Evelynn is someone I will protect and give the best chances of surviving. Whether it be through her own power, or one that I can give her.

I then nodded at them and refused to speak further, Potato instead turning his head to look at Evelynn. Thanks to him not needing any rest, sleep, or even food, Potato can stay up all night and be the perfect guard dog to watch over Evelynn.

While that is happening, I connect with my now 'drowned' gnirrat. Oh it would seem it grew in size, ah that is rather nasty. The skin tore up in several places, the muscles now visible were pulsating and leaking a mixture of blood and pus. There are colonies growing underneath the skin and it is forming huge bulging growths in several places that looks like it is just about to burst open but it is barely held in. It's former worm-like tail now turned into something more like a blade.

It was also about twice it's previous size, where it initially was the size of an average dog, it was now the size of a 6ft human that is crawling on all fours. Hmm, it still hasn't reached the 'construct' stage, not even the 'partial construct stage'. Must be because it is outside of my pool, which kind of makes sense.

The Blood Bud infection may happen really quickly, there is still the thing with forming concentrated colonies. Then again the gnirrat would simply immediately form into a construct once all those colonies burst from its skin.


Hmm... I can try something else. Taking control of the Gnirrat, I had the creature look around using its multiple eyes, huh ok so that's how it feels and looks like using eyes in like five different directions. Disgusting, but still interesting.

Anyway, that is not what I am thinking. My blood buds can consume cells and bloom mimic the cells they can consume, or I can have them bloom into a mimic of a different cell. It is something that confuses me quite a bit, but maybe if I do this right... I would like it if my constructs and creatures could have the home advantage, especially outside of any pools.

So let's see if I can make like the Tyranids, Zerg, Flood, Blacklight, and other biological horrors and let's terraform my surroundings infestation style.

But to begin that? Well, a sacrifice is needed.

With myself in control, I had the drowned gnirrat essentially stab itself in multiple areas of its body with its own tail. The sounds of eerie hissing, squelching, and metal sliding into flesh echoed throughout this cavern. Combined with the sound of skin tearing and bones breaking as I forced the colony growths to burst open and leak the infectious crimson black fluid all over the floor around the gnirrat.

Alright, with a resource I can readily use. Let's get to work in making things easier for me in the future shall we?


"THAT WORTHLESS FRACKING BRAT!" A bowl was hurled at a wall and it shattered into pieces, the one who threw it huffed and heaved as she straightened her posture and took several deep breaths, running her hands through her black hair.

"Scream louder, I think the upper hives didn't hear you clearly." Another voice intoned with a drawl as he placed his cup down on the table and placed his cane to the side.

"Posir... You said that she would not survive the travel, much less survive The Abyss!" The woman calmly said as she glared at the wall where she threw her bowl.

"I thought so too Usura, I even told that child of yours that the 'only way to get a piece' is to dive into The Abyss and search for the nonexistent piece, yet she seemed to have done the impossible." Posir tilted his head to the side as he let out a faint hum.

Hearing that, Usura snapped her head to look at the chieftain of their tribe. "That THING, is no child of mine. You would do well to remember that Posir."

"You would also do well to remember to not take that tone with me elder Usura, I am still your chieftain." The man's voice went steely as he looked at the woman with a narrowed gaze. Said woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking away.

"My... apologies chieftain."

Posir's gaze softened before he stood up and made way for the door. "There is nothing else we can do now, that 'brat' as you called her has completed the farce of a quest we initially set her on. The other elders know it, the tribe knows it, and I already called in a lot of favors from the other elders to agree to send Misery out in the first place. I do not like her existence anymore than you do, but please do control yourself in public."

"I don't need YOU telling me that, I am perfectly capable of hiding my own emotions while I am out and about." Usura growled out as she walked over to one of the chairs and slumped into it, leaning backwards while staring holes into the back of Posir's head.

"As long as you remember Usura. Now, I need to prepare to give Misery and the Shardkirr siblings their Task of Holding. So until next time." The chieftain said with a long drawl at the end of his sentence before he left the room.

Usura stared at the door for a few moments before turning slightly. "Tsk. Why couldn't you just bloody die you miserable waste of space." The woman grunted as she leaned back and let her head hang backward staring at the ceiling.

She had the run of the place, silence over noise and Usura had to wrack her brain for any sort of solution she could use against her accursed spawn.

Looking to the side, the woman eyed various bits and baubles she has collected over the years during her time before and after becoming an elder of the tribe council, before the time when she gave birth to the child she named Misery.

Her eyes locked onto one accessory and it gave her an idea. "Hmm... perhaps that might be a good idea. It's not like they don't take jobs like these, I'll just need to sweeten the deal."

Usura was staring at a bloodied pendant she earned from a scrap with a member of a certain guild.
Why is she trying so hard to kill her daughter, it's going beyond simply inconvenient or even unwanted?
It dosen't seem like Eve is a blank or null and I can't put it together
I am so confused. Who was Eve father? Why the heck that woman wants her dead? I am very confused. And yay! Fleshy buildings!
Chapter 5: For Love of Family
Chapter 5: For Love of Family

Alright with the drowned gnirrat mutating back at the pool, I decided to head back into Potato to see what is happening. When I got back to Potato I could faintly hear bitch mother's scream with his hypersensitive hearing and even then it was barely heard. Also, I am honestly starting to feel a bit worried about the woman in question.

Like, that is a LOT of animosity for her own daughter. Is she mentally ill or something? Is Evelynn's birth a very sore spot for her? There is no reason for a parent to have such an adverse reaction to their own child unless they are fucked in the head or have some form of mental illness.

I may have to investigate, but to do so Potato needs to be a little less noticeable. Now looking into the genetic pool, I don't really have a lot of things I could use to be easily hidden. However, I did notice a little thing within Eve's room and hopped off the table to approach the object, it was an unsuspecting little arachnid doll made out of mechanical parts with that cover of sewed fur from some beast I don't know.

Honestly, this kind of looks like if a stressed techpriest took their old toy and gave it cybernetic 'enhancements' just for aesthetics. But... I can work with this spider doll, I just need to be a bit... careful with it.

Using Potato's tail, I dragged the spider which was smaller than potato by just a tiny bit off to the corner where no one would get hurt with any of my stuff should I be careless. The blood buds won't proliferate on their own, at least not without having multiple blood buds by their side. So, I gently slot in the tail in a gap I spotted earlier that kind of looks like a hole for a windup key and forced the buds from within Potato to flow down the tail length and concentrate around the tip.

Small bulging colonies grew at the tip until it forcefully burst and the blood buds splattered and leaked onto the gears and stuffing of the arachnid doll. I then had the tail bloom and harden the buds to prevent the substance from being infectious, and took a few steps back as I watch the doll with it's insides giving a pulsing red color like it now has a heartbeat.

Slowly the pulsing red and crimson color grew and I could see between the cracks, colonies of blood buds forming and blooming tendrils, strings, and tendons that snaked throughout the doll's insides. I watch and feel the colonies blooming and mutating within the doll until I could now see through the arachnid doll's eyes. Gears turn and legs twitch as the doll shivered before it rose up shakily, the partial construct wobbled as it got used to walking around with it's mixture of mechanical and biological legs.

Something interesting to note that I am thankful for is that there is a metal coating that separates the fur from the internals, which I am completely fine with as that prevented my blood buds from infecting and subverting the organic material.

While the arachnid has a slightly exposed red fleshy interior and glowing red eyes, it still looks harmless...ish? It IS smaller than Potato so it should be fine. This was something I learned when machines were dropped into my pool, it was weird, it isn't exactly infecting, but it can subvert the thing. More so infesting it and it is odd to say the least, it's like you take some robot and do a biological enhancement, the reverse of taking a person and doing a cybernetic enhancement.

Frankly I think the mechanicus and maybe even the dark mechanicum would point at these and scream heresy. Not just tech heresy, no they would just call it straight up heresy.

I then made sure to check if there were any droplets of blood buds to absorb, I don't need Eve nor her Shardkirr siblings to get infected on accident. Thankfully there weren't any other exposed blood buds, and I can have the arachnid doll begin skittering about to spy on the woman, Usura was her name I think.

Feeling and watching the doll skitter away, it's legs were coated and hardened with bloomed and mutated small pads that had the tiny hairs that allow the spider to do what spider do and climb up walls. So it went out the window and started to crawl along the walls of the cavern the tribe was in. With it's mechanical parts the thing actually blended with the walls much better than I thought, so that is a bonus.

Just as I thought that I heard a familiar voice stirring up from slumber and turned Potato before looking up at the bed where Eve was sleeping. Potato then without my prompt, decided to jump onto the bed before curling up beside Eve watching her from the corner of his eye. That's... huh, did Potato imprint on her or something? Regardless, that is really good for me.

Looking through Potato's eyes let me see Eve stir from her slumber, shaking her head slightly before she opened her eyes slightly. I was then treated to the sight of her slowly blinking a few times before her eyes widened and she sat up abruptly, Potato didn't expect that as he bounced with the movement and nearly fell.

"It wasn't a dream..." As she said that, Eve looked down as tears began forming once again. I can't really blame her, she's just a child, and to finally be out of that woman's hands after spending the majority of her life with her. It would make anyone else cry in relief too.

Potato approached, and after making sure he doesn't have anything that will immediately threaten Eve, he began nudging her side. Which brought the little one out of her impending cry and noticed the dark crimson(black) creature piece of me. Her hand hesitantly reached out before she placed it on top of Potato's smooth back. "-A-and it is all thanks to you... T-thank you, Poetaytoh, and y-you too E-Eien..."


Aight, welp now I really want to protect her. She not only thanked Potato, but she also thanked ME of all things. I'm a vast dark void of blood buds, I'm apparently a boogieman of some sorts that is seen as an execution ground. It didn't help when I have a lot of things in my 'waters' that are basically 'Terrors from the Deep', a single TOUCH of the black waters is enough to infect and transform someone.

I am something that has a natural disposition towards anything outside my 'waters', and yet this little girl thanks me for helping her. Some would say she is a fool for thanking me, a fool for trusting me, and I would agree with them, as I wanted her alone.

But now? Now, she is MY fool, and woe betide anyone who dares mess with what is mine. Her protection and her happiness will be my priority alongside my own safety.

Ah she must be waiting for our reply, to that I take partial control of the creature and have it poke her hand with Potato's tiny snoot.
"You are welcome little Eve, and Potato has taken a liking to you it would seem. He will be your companion and when it is necessary, your protector. He is far stronger than he looks."

Ooh, she is getting used to me. Evelynn didn't flinch upon hearing my warbling warped voice. That is a remarkable improvement from when she looked at Potato fearfully when I began speaking through him the first time. It is also faster than I expected, you would think that being some eldritch horror from the deep would make a person getting used to me a much slower affair. But no, Evelynn here just proves me wrong, which is surprise to be sure, but it is a welcome one.

Something that keeps grabbing my attention whenever I am near certain people, there is this annoying buzzing in the back of my head. Funnily and concerning enough, Evelynn here is one of those people. I need to figure out what is it about, and if it is connected in anyway shape or form to why that woman is so antagonistic to her own daughter.

A mental nudge from arachnid doll told me that it was now inside Evelynn's former place of residence, I then told Potato to gently play with her and protect her while I focus on the doll.

'Opening my eyes', I saw with multiple working eyeballs that the room I was in was some sort of office. I heard before that Usura was some sort of elder among the council, so this must be her workplace from home. I should not snoop around for anything for now, I need to know where she is and what she is doing.

This building was... oddly homey, like the place had this atmosphere that would make your average person feel at home... which puts it at odds with the woman who lived in it. It makes no sense, why make it feel homey and relaxed when you hate the only other person you are living with? Something's wrong with this woman, and if her animosity towards Evelynn is horribly misplaced, then I will have to change my plans a bit and FORCE her to see my perspective of things.

But if Usura simply hates her just because? Well I won't lose sleep over drowning her, hell maybe keep her coherent and just use her body. Be a prisoner of her own mind and only watch from the inside what is going on outside without any input.

Show just how much damage she dealt to her daughter while giving her no way to mend any bridges.

Regardless, all of this hinges on if I can find any discrepancies in her behavior. Either mentally or even... psychically... Hold on, is it that simple? No, it can't be. I'll have to investigate further, but for now let us see where Usura is hiding away.

Using the vents, the arachnid doll glided through the building's airways and went to each vent cover, with each one being empty, I am surprised this house was rather large and still felt relaxed. I then came across one vent and finally spotted the woman sitting by the fireplace. The whole aesthetic felt a bit futuristic steampunk, hell her dress looked like it also had some gears in them.

Slowly, I had the arachnid doll crawl closer to the vent to see with the gnirrat eyes if there is anything off about the woman or- wait she is holding something... It's a picture, of... Evelynn? She's cradling it so gently, wha? Everything the others said about her made her out to be a twisted hag of a mother in a beautiful body, yet here she is sitting by the fireplace and cradling a picture of the daughter she damaged with her 'raising'.

"Soon... Yes... Soon..." Soon? Soon for what? What the hell is this woman planning and what the hell is wrong with her? Wait, are those... tears? "She'll be safe." Usura... cares for Evelynn? She has a really fucking FUNNY way of showing she cares.

"It won't be long." Woah wait what, her voice went from being melodious to downright sinister. Despite the change in tone to her voice, she stood up and gently placed the picture of Evelynn smiling in the distance looking away from the camera back on top of the fireplace.

"I'll be going out. You'll be returned to me." Ok, I don't like what she is thinking. I should pursue her and see what she is planning, and leave maybe another creature here to rifle through her stuff. I came here to investigate Usura, but now all I have are more questions and less answers.

Why is her behavior inconsistent?

I need to find out more.

Evelynn POV

Idly playing with Poetaytoh, I thought about the last few days travelling with him and his master. Eien, they seem nice. Much nicer than... mother that is for sure.

Mother. That is a topic that I hate to talk about, because I would have never thought that I would be so torn about what I should feel for her. The others would tell me that it is ok to dislike or even hate her, but I can't, I can see through her and it hurts.

It hurts for me to stay under her wing, it hurts me knowing what my mother sees me as. But I can't hate her, it didn't stop me from wanting to be out of that house though. She never went so far as to hit me, and I can see that she knows what she is doing to me, and that she may hide it, I can see it.

Not even Vhuji or Raeri can understand why I am still doing it. Why do I still love her, and frankly I don't really know the reason myself. It might be because she 'slips', and that she does so when she thinks I am not conscious. I know that she loves me, but that she also hates 'me', it is confusing. I don't really know why, but knowing that she DOES love me is enough for me.

Despite all that happened, all that she has done, I treasure the moments where whatever is holding her back slips up, and I can feel her warmth.

So it feels like I'm running away, running away from trying to help her. Others would applaud me, but I don't like this constricting feeling.


Maybe Eien can help? The Many from The Abyss is supposed to be super powerful right? Praying to the Dragon didn't help my mother, maybe asking the Red Bloom will be better?

Looking down at Poetaytoh, I scratch his back and was rewarded with a slightly disturbing warbling woowoowoo noise being emanated from his mouth. It's kind of cute in a way. "What do you think Poetaytoh? Do you think I can ask Eien?"

The dark crimson (black) creature turned up at me and tilted its head slightly, eyes darting over my face as I suppressed the urge to flinch. I was then treated to Poetaytoh shrugging his tiny shoulders before he got on his back and started playfully batting at my fingers.

I couldn't help but smile a little and played with the little thing and said out loud. "Yeah, you're right. I think I can ask, it won't hurt right?" My stutter isn't as bad when I'm not talking with people, kind of sad when you think about it.

Speaking of thinking about something... Does Eien have a gender?

Against better judgement, I stopped and looked into Poetaytoh's eyes... or at least one of them. "Say, Poetaytoh. Is Eien a guy or a girl?"

That stopped the piece from playing and looked at me, I was treated to seeing him actually close his eyes and begin thinking before he... pointed at me? He pointed at me with his snout. "Me? Eien is me?" When he shook his head, I realized what he was saying.

"Eien is a girl?" Unknown to the both of us, this was simply how all pieces of The Abyss see Eien as. When Poetaytoh nodded, I looked out the window.

"So... she's like your Mother. That's... good to know." My thoughts returned back to my own mother, hopefully Eien can help her. I can feel it, after all.

The buzzing feeling in my head never steered me wrong before.
Sooo... Evelynn is a psyker and Usura got mad between her love for her daughter and her fear of what she could grow up as?

That's all I got for now.

Thanks for sharing your story.
So you're apparently equating being 'plural' to... what, characters with multiple personalities or a variant of cyclothymia?
"Plural" is an umbrella term for a range of situations involving more than one entity per brain. What used to be called "multiple personality disorder" is pretty much the prototypical example, though not all situations of this type would qualify for it.
Interlude: A Broken Doll
Interlude: A Broken Doll

Once, there was a towering kingdom. One of many that dot a wretched toxic wasteland.

From that kingdom came a doll. One who danced to a tune heard by all but her, invisible strings tugging her along and with her none the wiser.

The doll served a purpose long forgotten, one she served dutifully. Only for her to be cast aside once she had done her duty.

A crack went through the doll as she was thrown into the dark, pieces fell off as the doll found no more tune to dance to, no strings to give her direction.

In the dark, a boy came and picked up the doll, picking her pieces up and putting the doll back together. The doll, helped by the boy, then followed him.

Dancing next to his bright visage and colorful tune, the doll had no strings and learned from the boy.

One day. The doll became a girl, and became stricken with the boy.

One day. The boy came together with the girl, a promise was made between them, and a gift was left behind.

One day. The boy left, and never came back.

The girl waited for days, and she set out to find the boy.

The boy went to the deeper dark, with disciples of a dragon, an elderly man said to the girl.

The girl, fortified by her new life, braved the deep dark.

One day, the girl found a snake. The girl did not trust the snake, but it gave her an offer. The offer of finding out what happened to the boy she made a promise with.

Desire warring with her logic, the girl asked for what was needed from her in return.

The snake worded his deception beautifully, he desired her hate. The girl found no reason for her to not get rid of her hate, and so she sealed her fate and accepted the offer.

The girl then learned what had happened to the boy she made a promise with.

Fallen. A Dark Abyss had claimed him.

The girl did not believe it, as within her black cracks began forming, she demanded more answers from the snake, only for the snake to no longer be there.

Aimless and hopeless, the girl returned back to the place the boy and herself made the promise. Black cracks grew throughout the girl as she staggered to their home.

The girl fell down and the black cracks shone and shattered the girl.

What remained of the girl was a black doll with white scars, cradling a silver girl that had the resemblance of the boy and girl that made a promise together.

The black doll saw the splendor of the girl and in the doll's broken gaze, both hated and loved her.

The black doll's pieces fell one by one as the silver girl grew.

One day, the rumors flew through the black doll. About a Dark Abyss, and memories long sunken resurfaced. The black doll's pieces tried to put themselves back together, succeeding in only one white eye.

The broken doll in her hate and love, sent the silver girl to the Dark Abyss.

The broken doll's hate and love were both at war and both at peace with each other with this decision.

Only for the silver girl to return with a piece of the Dark Abyss instead.

The doll's broken state grew as her hate and love began their war anew.

Only for the doll to remember the snake and for a second time, her broken state is at peace once more.

Wanted to try something new for this interlude, hope you find it interesting. <:3
I'll be writing Red Queen Eien's Abyss informational after this or a next chapter. :3
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There's cryptic and then there's... that.

So, erm-

Wild mass guesstimation time*

So 'Silver girl' goes to the abyss and brings back a piece of it, meaning Silver Girl is Misery/Eri/Evelynn.

The girl/Black doll who 'loves and hates' the Silver girl is therefor the Mother/Usura. The story thus seems to say that Usura once lived further up the hive before she was forced under, where she met 'The boy' who she loved, presumably Evelynn's father, unless... There's a lot of vague stuff about Usura being 'a doll' which is probably metaphorical for living in a very constrained way and being treated like a doll, but it could mean something else idk.

Still, probably the Father seeing as Evelynn is 'resemblance of the boy and girl'.

The boy goes missing and Usura tries to find him, finds a snake instead. Snake offers an answer to the boys fate in exchange for 'the girls hate'.

The snake is probably, based on my limited 40k knowledge, a daemon/servant of Chaos. Specifically a servant of Tzeentch, who among many titles is a liar, a trickster, and has an association with snakes. Seeing as creatures of Chaos deal in soul-bearing creatures emotions, it makes sense then that the Snake would ask for her hate.

She agrees, and the snake say the abyss nom-nomed her beloved. Usura has a mental breakdown, then gives birth to 'Misery' and has Breakdown 2 electric boogaloo. This lasts until she hears about the Abyss and decides to send Eri there not expecting her to come back.

But Eri does come back, and with a piece of the abyss too, cue Breakdown 3 the breakening.

That is until Usura remembers 'the snake'. Which, assuming it is a servant of The Architect of Fate, is probably on its way to the underhive right now to continue/conclude some five hundred-pi-rsquared step plan that will be a no good very bad time for everyone involved.

*Warning! Wild mass guesstimation time may cause any of the following: Runny nose, dry eyes, conspiracy theories, flame wars, La La Fahtugan. We take no responsibility should any of these occur.
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Donno if this has been said before.

Is this a 40k/SCP foundation cross over? Because the SI is just a sentient and active(ish) SCP-354.

And Red Queen maybe a reference to a variant of the Black Queen, the interuniversal Goddess-ish thing who could have moved 354 to this 40k hive world..

Any way... Loving this fic, good work!
Donno if this has been said before.

Is this a 40k/SCP foundation cross over? Because the SI is just a sentient and active(ish) SCP-354.

And Red Queen maybe a reference to a variant of the Black Queen, the interuniversal Goddess-ish thing who could have moved 354 to this 40k hive world..

Any way... Loving this fic, good work!

Dont forget the slight elements of SCP-610. Good Ol' Flesh that Hates.
Studies of The Amalgamation
And so I have decided to try another thing new for this informational. Hope ya'll find it interesting and amusing, it isn't really a chapter as it is an informational. But I promised I would write one so here I stand and deliver.

I just hope that the way I wrote this informational is interesting to you all, I haven't written an informational like this before and I dunno if this will become a common occurrence in later informationals around my other stories.

Anyway, I'm rambling. So here you go! <:3

Studies of The Amalgamation

A woman in inquisitorial regalia came into the laboratory of one of her recruited people, a magos biologis or genetor, one of her more... eccentric recruits, but he brings great results... The woman sighed inwardly as she spotted said magos flexing his large muscles in front of a mirror before he turned to her.

"Ah! Good day to you Inquisitor Jenna! I am sure you are here to gaze upon me longingly once again!" Inquisitor Jenna's face didn't even twitch, not showing that she was bothered at that joke if she ever was.

"I'm afraid not Brawnslaught. I am here to compile all of your studies about whatever this Amalgamation is, along with the studies made by this 'Grandmaster' written in that book of his 'Crimson Lotus' it was called." Upon hearing that, Inquisitor Jenna was far more worried at seeing the usually jovial magos turn completely serious and if not a little stressed.

"Ah yes, the Crimson Lotus. I have studied the texts, and quite frankly, most of what is written there can be backed up by my studies of the entities." That was most concerning to the ordo xenos inquisitor.

"So all that rambling about The Abyss, Horrors from the Deep, and the Drowned afflictions are true?" She had to make sure that is what Brawnslaught was confirming.

"While I cannot say for the Abyss personally, several tests which included containers of different liquids, the entity proliferated to a disturbingly rapid degree, with water being 'corrupted' the fastest. As for the Horrors and Drowned? I am inclined to say that these are no ravings of madmen, this amalgamation is incredibly potent." As he said that, he waved for the inquisitor to follow him as he walked down the laboratory to a set up that has several flamethrower based countermeasures.

Following the magos, the inquisitor was urged by the magos to stay behind the red line and sat on a chair provided by Brawnslaught. She watched as he pulled up a larger pict-screen while mechadendrites extended from a servitor that began to use the machines surrounded by the fire-based defense systems.

-=-=-=-=-=- STUDIES OF THE AMALGAMATION -=-=-=-=-=-

Inquisitor Jenna: "You're going to show me firsthand? You know I can just read the compiled data yes?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Of course inquisitor, however it is my duty to explain to you just how dangerous this thing is."

Inquisitor Jenna: "Very well. I do not have anything major planned for the afternoon, please begin your presentation."

Genetor Brawnslaught: *Clears throat*

The Amalgamation
An apt name for this entity. From all tests and experiments, the Amalgamation is a combination of countless numbers of biological cells that function similarly to viral pathogens. Latching onto organic and even inorganic cells and contaminating them, subverting the cell and corrupting it in order to have the cell produce more of itself. The infection then spreads throughout the host body in several stages with varying degrees of severity and type of infected they can become, the infected individual will then mutate in some way shape or form under the control of the virus, as an infected form used for combat and as a carrier for new cells.

Inquisitor Jenna: "Well, I can tell this is going to be the start of something 'great' soon."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Oh trust me inquisitor, this gets better."

Inquisitor Jenna: "From the first paragraph I can already see this thing is like a tyranid if it was originally made as a virus. How can this get any better at all?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Because this thing is remarkably the most genetically STABLE pathogen I have ever seen."

Inquisitor Jenna: "Genetically Stable? Explain."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "The Amalgamate has one primary cell, it is something of a building block or a precursor cell, one where other cells will originate from. This precursor cell is the most dominant, most infectious, and most plentiful of all their cells. The 'Abyss' black 'waters' are comprised entirely of these cells."

Initial studies of the strange black-ish liquid substance extracted from captured specimens yielded extremely mixed results. But after an experiment on testing infectivity of extracted cells, one cell is dominant and is most likely considered to be the precursor cell, the viral pathogen in its purest form. Listed here is the Precursor Cell and the other information pertaining to it.

Precursor Cell - Designated as Bloodbud

Pict Figure A (Two bloodbud cells, one behind another)

The Precursor Cell which has been given the designation of Bloodbud, is a microscopic infectious agent that is structured and functions like a virus if one gives it all the enhancements possible. It is VERY DANGEROUS, with experiments on death row subjects show that even TOUCHING the cell will result in infection. From studying the texts of the Crimson Lotus, it was written that a person infected rapidly transforms and mutates, however that is not the case, the reason why individuals are said to turn quickly is most likely due to the amount of Bloodbud cells touching the individual. As such, the infection is notably slower, if the infected part is an arm or a leg, the individual can be saved by immediately cutting off said limb.

Inquisitor Jenna: "Is it really that easy?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "On paper yes, but in reality it is far more difficult, and we aren't even into the worse parts."

The cell when simply touching on the outer skin starts with contaminating and subverting the cells on the outer layer, as such the infected individual can be saved around 75% of the time as it hasn't gotten into their bloodstream yet. However should the individual be bitten, scratched, or given a laceration from an infected on their limbs then the chances are reduced to 60%, and the limb needs to be immediately amputated within 5 hours or else the chances of survival are further reduced to 45%. The individual's survival chances lower faster and faster the longer the infected limb is attached to the main body.

Inquisitor Jenna: "I am almost afraid to ask how long until chance of survival is nonexistent?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "From my studies, a mere 24 hours after the initial infection will leave the patient with less than 3% of a chance for survival left. Faster if the point of infection is on a part of the limb closer to the body and no chance at all if the infected wound is around the chest area. Once the brain or heart is compromised, then there is no saving them from becoming fully infected except burning them."

Inquisitor Jenna: "I'm surprised there is still a chance. You managed to save one test subject?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Yes, but the procedure to do so is incredibly difficult, and so far the only way I could 'save' the inmate was to turn him into a servitor only saving the head while purging the body. The servitor is kept in containment since yesterday under surveillance."

Inquisitor Jenna: "Only a day before the infection converts enough of the body that the owner inside cannot be saved..."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "There's still more, I still haven't gone over WHAT else it does."

The Precursor Cell begins with latching onto one of the host's cells, the Bloodbud then begins parasitizing the selected cell, infiltrating the cell and subverting it. Mimicking the cell in some macabre imitation that is disturbingly structurally and functionally accurate to the initial cell it latched onto as it consumes the cell to proliferate. It initially is a slow start as the Bloodbud first gets used to the makeup of the cells it is infecting, but a common occurrence is that once it has infected a few cells, it begins speeding up in infecting the other cells of the body.

Bloodbud cells are semi-sentient, as several tests and observations show Bloodbuds coming together in concentrations that can be called Colonies. These colonies form major production centers that create more Bloodbud cells that is then circulated throughout the body, like how the human bone marrow generates the blood cells for the body.

Inquisitor Jenna: "So how long until an infected person grows one of these 'Colonies' on their body?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "As early as 5 hours to a late 10 hours, here's the insidious bit. These colonies initially come in the form of 'itchy' fragile boils, these are extremely fragile where a mere idle scratch is enough to 'pop' them and let loose their contents, infecting more of the patient's body or worse leave an unchecked puddle of these cells."

Inquisitor Jenna: "So a lesser man will simply scratch it and think they just accidentally hurt themselves, when in reality they are either speeding up their own infection or leave a hazard that could potentially infect another person.

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Indeed. For the average citizen of the imperium, they would not think twice about it and will most likely attempt to either use bandages or their local remedies.

A Bloodbud Cell in order to mimic the cell it is parasitizing will mutate in order to do so. In appearance, the cell's black outer 'shell' or 'capsule' will unfold like a flower while the red core grows and 'blooms' into the an imitation of the cell. This process has such been named as 'Bloom' and it is not restricted to individual bloodbud cells, but entire colonies can violently bloom and mutate into entirely new limbs among other things.

There are several cells that can come from the Precursor Cell, they have been categorized into several types. These are as follows:
Invader Cells = Is a type of cell that works with the precursor cell, these are cells whose purposes vary with creating pathways and damage cell walls in order to allow either themselves or the Precursor Cell easy passage and as such a faster way to contaminate and subvert the host body's cells. These are also present on an infected person's teeth, nails, bones, and other combat focused appendages, they are used to easily 'invade' another body through their wounds.

Defender Cells = A type of cell has lost its potent infectivity in exchange for being a protector, almost considered mimic cells due to the fact they function almost identically to an organic immune response defense. The major difference is that these Defender Cells ironically are made to combat the body's immune responses. This type also includes cells that toughened the skin and the external body functions.

Mimic Cells = This type of cells encompass all bloomed bloodbuds that have copied and mimicked the structure and function of other cells, usually the cell they are consuming. These cells still have most of their functions from their Precursor Cell days, mostly their infectivity although of a lower potency as well as their ability to form colonies at a smaller size.

Inquisitor Jenna: "I sort of find it morbidly hilarious that these defender cells function like immune system responses, yet their primary purpose is to break said immune system down."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Your sense of humor makes me worry for your mental health sometimes Jenna."

Inquisitor Jenna: "Anyway, are there more cell types that these Bloodbuds bloom into, or is it just these three?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "There are subcategories within the three categories, as these three are just a sort of catch-all term."

Bloodbud Tests

Pict Figure B (Stages of Bloodbud Proliferation in water sample from left to right)

As shown in the figure, liquids such as water are a potent breeding ground for Bloodbuds. Turning the clear refreshing drink in the test tube into something darker in nature. Out of all liquid testing beds, bodies of water are the ones where the bloodbud proliferated quickly. This leaves water supplies extremely vulnerable to the Amalgamate, a single bloodbud cell is all that is needed to infect the water.

Inquisitor Jenna: "Right, that is an incredibly disturbing thought."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "There's a silver lining. Just wait."

Fortunately, the infected water can be cleansed via boiling it for five minutes up to an hour, in which case the water will be safe to drink once again. Several experiments with a few test subjects show that cleansed water is as safe to drink as regular water. The subjects were monitored for any infectious activity and showed no signs of Stage 1 Symptoms even after two days.

Inquisitor Jenna: "Oh, that is indeed a silver lining. That explains all the flamer based countermeasures you have all around this area."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Not as good as the testing chambers, which is a repurposed incinerator room and I had to use it quite often during experiments."

Inquisitor Jenna: "Careful there Brawn, I can already hear the Sororitas' heavy breathing from across the Imperium."

Stages of Infection and Symptoms of "Drowned" Individuals
NOTE: Not all Stages follow the exact hour.

Pict Figure C-1 (Infected Wounds)

Pict Figure C-2 ('Drowning' Individual in later Infection Stage 3 and/or Stage 4)

Stage 1 (1 Minute)
- Victim is first bitten, scratched, or slashed by a drowned individual
- No obvious effects
- Victim is now a carrier and if not careful, can spread the infection to others
- 60% - 75% Survival Chance depending on location of the wound
Stage 2 (5 Hours)
- Skin around infected area begins to darken to a black color
- Veins surrounding the infected area also turn black
- Victim's eyes begin to get itchy, irritated, and bloodshot
- Moderate chance for bloodbud filled 'boils' to begin growing
- Victim begins having a mild headache that comes and goes
- Drowning individual's strength and durability is heightened
- 45% Survival Chance
Stage 3 (15 Hours)
- Can go from Stage 1 and skip Stage 2 if the infected wound is at their lower torso around the abdominal area
- Blood vessels in the eyes burst, making the victim's vision appear red and bloody
- The black color spreads even further across the limb and visibly starts to lose fat on said limb
- Black veins grow farther and small slits begin appearing on the skin
- Boils grow in size and number, highest chance to begin boil growth
- Surrounding skin resembles the the appearance of 'clay'
- Victim's headache worsens and is more constant
- Victim begins to hear 'things'
- 20% Survival Chance
Stage 4 (24 Hours)
- Can go from Stage 1 and skip Stage 3 if the infected wound is around the upper torso area closer to the heart.
- Infected area swells to a larger degree
- The black 'color' spreads as more and more of the victim's cells are compromised
- Slits that form later 'open' up into bloodbud colonies that have bloomed into eyes
- Drowning individual loses control over the infected limb
- Victim begins experiencing slight memory loss
- Victim begins exhibiting aggressive behavior
- 3% Survival Chance
Stage 5 (48 Hours)
- Immediately considered as this Stage should the victim receive a head wound or heart wound from an infected
- The black 'color' spreads throughout the majority of the victim's body
- Victim begins to lose control over the majority of their limbs
- Victim loses most if not all memories of past life
- Victim falls in and out of consciousness
- Victim's behavior is almost constantly aggressive
- Victim's body begins to grow and mutate additional body parts, ranging from more eyes or extra limbs
- 0% Survival Chance
Stage 6 (3 days)
- Very little of the victim is not infected
- Drowned is no longer coherent and is considered feral
- Drowned is completely aggressive and will attack non-infected individuals in order to spread the infection
- Drowned will have grown additional limbs and body parts in order to aid the body's functions
- At this point burn it to put it out of its misery
Stage 7 (5 Days)
- The entire body is completely infected
- Body begins growing and mutating more visible colonies
- Limbs begin to become disfigured and reshape themselves
- Additional small masses are grown onto the infected
Stage 8 (1 Week)
- Effects vary between drowned individuals
- Either grows in size, folds into themselves and mutates into something else, or stays similar in appearance to Stage 7 drowned hosts with little difference
Stage 9 (???)
- Tests still underway

Inquisitor Jenna: "These symptoms seem obvious enough."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Indeed, we can count our small blessings."

Inquisitor Jenna: "However, I do not like how they can turn aggressive nor do I like that last part, Stage 9?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Personally, I have a theory that Stage 9 hosts are those that mutate into the amalgamated entities that were successfully captured."

Inquisitor Jenna: "Why do you still want to see this hypothetical Stage 9?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "To see what it does of course, who knows, I might find something that could help me in devising a countermeasure for this viral entity."

Constructs, Creatures, & Forms

Constructs are simple to fathom, they are basically infected individuals whose infected stage has progressed to the point their body will allow itself to mutate even further to improve upon a certain aspect of their being. Constructs come in two different types, a Partial Construct, and an Amalgamated Construct.

Pict Figure D-1 (A Creature Type turning a guardsman into a Partial Construct)

The Partial Construct can be likened to being an earlier version of an Amalgamated Construct, and is not normally made by drowning an individual, it is when a certain [Creature] or [Form] type works like a parasite and latches onto an unfortunate soul. Most of the time these parasites do not infect their victim and use them as sustenance to produce something or use them as an incubator.

Pict Figure D-2 (An Amalgamated Construct)

On the other hand, the Amalgamated Construct is the final stage of an infected individual. It is when all organic matter that originally made up the individual is eaten by the infection. What is normally left are few remains, like some bones, and a few organs, usually of which is their brain. Amalgamated Constructs or Amalgams have some structure to them, in which there are several defined shapes they can follow, and are the most common entities fielded by The Amalgamation. They are the most sophisticated type of colonies arrayed in large complicated and intelligent formations around the victim's bodily remains.


Pict Figure E (A Flying Creature Type)

Creatures are among the rarer (not by much) of the forces fielded by The Amalgamation, they require no host or 'core' and are comprised entirely out of mutated bloodbud cells. Constructs are made through infection, while Creatures are made through mutagenesis, one can in-fact call them living mutations.

The Crimson Lotus texts have been updated several times, and they have called the Creature Type a 'Pure Form', which is apt considering that there is nothing foreign added to its structure. The entire entity would be made out of bloomed bloodbuds and only those cells alone, there would be no need of infection. There are a few Creature Types that are considered just as dangerous as outright infection, one must be careful upon encountering such.


Pict Figure F (A local firearm turned into a Form Type entity)

Common and not in the way one thinks, the Form Type are simply entities that were made from converting nonliving objects. This is by far one of the most devastating due to how common it is, this type of entity is something of a 'Force of Nature' in which it simply is. The most famous of these Form Types are the Tumors or going via Crimson Lotus it is known as The Black Spot, these are organic colonies that are responsible for the proliferation of a living superorganism form type known as The Creeping Red, shortened to Creep by the common guard.

Other such infamous Form Types are the ones that any user of machines absolutely despises are machines that have been taken over by organo-tech colonies that have fused themselves with the machine's parts and gears. Out in combat, tech priests are thrown into panic as they say they feel the pain and the anguish of the machine spirit being puppeted by the colonies infesting them.

Inquisitor Jenna: "Partial Constructs sound like nightmare fuel for the average guardsman."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Indeed. Remember those reports about some guardsman who went to a pier that was savaged by the Amalgamation?"

Inquisitor Jenna: "I've not had the chance to read it due to being completely buried in reports. Why?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Since you so gracefully ordered that copies of reports on the Amalgamation should be sent to myself as well my friend, I have gotten a read of them, and quite frankly. I think the hospitallers may need to care for those men and women for a little while longer."

Inquisitor Jenna: "Is it that bad?"

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Yes, it is indeed THAT bad."

Inquisitor Jenna: "I should read it then, if it is as bad as you will say. Maybe drafting a recommendation to that guardsman's commander for some time off would be a good idea."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "There is still more but I think I can talk about one more thing before I compile the rest for you to read at your leisure some other time."

Studies of Crimson Lotus 'Lore'
The 'Abyss' and Horrors of the Deep

Pict Figure G (Page Extracted from Crimson Lotus Text)

It was said that should one fall into The Abyss, unless one is anchored or attached to the outside world then they would never get out. Initially the way to test this was inconclusive as The Abyss as they called it was down at the very deep areas of the underhive. Then the texts explain on how to 'Create' their 'Familiar', it was something like a ritual but not.

At first the thought that it was a chaos focused ritual, but there was no use of psyker or rituals made by the four. All that was needed was a bowl filled with whatever liquid (water was the best) and a single drop of The Abyss in order to create a localized 'Entry Point' if the archaic explanation was correct. So initial test was to fill a bowl with water and take a piece of an entity's cell before dropping into it.

Once the black color spread throughout the waters and it was extremely dark, the first experiment was to drop a painted ball into it. The ball was buoyant enough that the fluid should let it float up, yet it fell into the blackness and never returned up. Another test was to get a chain as long as possible before slowly lowering it into the bowl, much to initial surprise and against all logic the chain just kept lowering, and lowering, and lowering, and lowering, and lowering even further until the chain ran out.

It was here the test 'confirmed' something else, when the chain started to move on it's own and the machine it was tied to began getting thrashed around, it was at that point the incinerator was fired and the whole testing chamber was flash burned. The blackness was burnt away and the waters evaporated, the chain was red hot but it was cut off where it touched the 'waters'. Later tests concerning 'The Abyss' are always confined to incinerator build testing chambers and never with too large a body of liquid, lest whatever these 'Horrors' decide to leave through the created entry point.

Inquisitor Jenna: "Please tell me this is a joke."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "I'm sorry, but it isn't. The experiments still weigh heavily on my mind. I will require a lot more protective features if I want to continue tests on 'The Abyss', in case if these 'Horrors' or whatever else is down there decides to come through this entry point. This... this would need further exploration, perhaps send someone down there."

Inquisitor Jenna: "Have you taken leave of your senses? You just confirmed that these 'Horrors of the Deep' are in fact real. No single explorer should go through this Abyss, an exploration vessel will need to be built just for this."

Genetor Brawnslaught: "Indeed, the first Crimson Lotus book was made by one man who briefly explored the Abyss. It is most unfortunate that the man is no longer easily reachable now that the Amalgamate surfaced."

-=-=-=-=-=- STUDIES OF THE AMALGAMATION -=-=-=-=-=-

The inquisitor placed a finger to her chin as she began thinking about this, exterminatus may be an option, but with the fact these things are susceptible to fire makes it somewhat easier to deal with. But who knows, maybe this weakness to fire is temporary and the Amalgamate is going to find a way to deal with it somehow.

One thing is for certain. With this new enemy, the Imperium will have to be more prepared than ever. As she stood up and thanked the magos biologis, she walked off deep in thought while said magos finished up compiling the data.