Of Family, Friends, And Hunting.
(New World of Darkness)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction, I don't own jack, the official setting is awesome, you should buy some of the books.
The Wolf.
The alarm blared, as it always did, gratingly, letting no slumber go undisturbed, keeping it's endless-
I was doing that thing, again, making normal shit into epic sagas. I hit the button to make it shut up, the..noise offending my tired mental state. At least I wasn't sore, gotta look at the sliver linings..even if I did only get two hours of sleep last..night, barely could even call it that. The damn thing was gone though, and it was worth it to put that bastard in the ground. Such thoughts came easy now, and no longer did they make me feel an odd sense of guilt. The morning routine was set, started, and fell into place with grace, even given my zombie-like shamble, which was gone quick enough.
Breakfast, bacon, cooked till slightly less raw, eggs, cooked hard, and..more bacon, not cooked, sneaked in bites. Damn my changing tastes, made it awkward to cook sometimes. Grumbled talk over the food, sorry about traffic, I'll try to be home sooner, I promise, I'm sorry. It all fell into place now. I wasn't lying, traffic was bad, even if we did cause that. I promised I that I'd try, and I always do try. I...was sorry, even if I was going to do it again, somebody had to keep watch, and nobody else
could..would step up to the plate.
I rushed off to the bus, glad..and aching in my heart to be away from the ones I love. There..there she was, not tired at all, smirking like she knew, which she did, she always knew, that smug bastard. I
matched her cocky grin, sitting next to her, speaking in a quiet voice.
"Before you start, you did nothing of use last night, you don't get to be smug."
Despite the harsh words, there was a smile on my lips, joy in my tone to be with someone I could trust, and talk to, openly.
"I'm sorry, person who swayed around like a mutt till it was time for a chase says what to the one who gathered the intelligence that made it all possible?"
Her smug face betrayed nothing, but her tone gave away her delight at a Hunt well done.
"You can't just throw in dog jokes, they have to relate to the action."
Now my tone was as smug as her face.
"Man, you really don't want to feel awake do you?"
She sounded just as smug right back.
My voice dropped to a mock growl.
"Awake, or torn throat."
She just had a giggle fit, before placing her hand on mine.
Jasmine's magic was always an odd thing, I could feel it in my bones, my blood, but most of all..in my head. It was like a burst of caffeine, a quick power nap, and an electric shock all at once. I stretched out my fingers, reveling in the loss of the mental fog for a second. Then, I snapped back into the moment, a less cocky grin reveling its self.
"Thanks, Jasmine, I really needed that."
Less smugness now, just genuine thanks.
"Yeah, you all need me."
Despite herself, her grin turned soft.
We spent the rest of the ride in chatter, discussing our latest victory, our faults, what we fucked up on, and what worked well enough to do again. Quit, sometimes in code, but still, it was fun. Little things like this keep us sharp, kept us alive on our Hunts. It also kept us close, and let us.. I see any tension that might need to be addressed. A pack at each others throats was easy prey, and weak hunters. Even beyond the Hunt, she was my friend, and I liked spending time with her.
The bus brakes were loud to my ears, I knew the bus would stop before it did. I stood up, backpack slung over a shoulder, looking almost faceless in the mass, force of habit, really. Crowds, swarms were easy to blend into, made things convenient. Still, it wouldn't do to blend in all the time, that would be..unfitting. This was just to practice a bit.
Jasmine, of course, had different classes than me, being fresh into high school. First hour, math, boring, useless. Still, had to keep up decent grades, or parents would worry..stop me from going out as much. Second hour, science, useful, needed to know where to hit things to make them hurt, how bleeding really worked..and it was fun, seeing people's reaction to "gory" scenes. Third hour, English, useful, exciting. I shined as always, as I needed to. Story crafting, lore telling..it was in my blood, in my bones. Fourth hour, music, improvement, fun, useful.
Daisy and I shared a lunch, even if Daisy was called Melissa here. Made sense, helped her keep a slightly lower profile, was still annoying. Still, she was bright as ever, and the brightness leaped into my heart just easy as it grew in hers. My smile was wide, and easy going.
"You did great out there, Melissa."
She opened her mouth to speak.
"Remember, speak low, and easy."
Her mouth scrunched up for a second, moving in odd ways for few more, then she spoke.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
She was low, and..mostly easy, she was doing good.
"Yeah, you kept the people at bay, kept em distracted."
My grin got even wider, somehow, when I spoke this next bit.
"I'm sure I can find the money for a new doll since you did so well."
She didn't say anything, merely embracing me in a full hug. I felt warm and fuzzy. She needed to know she did good, and she loved the things. Supporting her like this..just made sense, kept her focused on her goals, kept her an effective hunter..helped out, my friend. Even if I did have to sacrifice a little on my latest pet project, it was well worth it for that smile, for that reinforcement, for that little burst of morale, letting every take a breath and apprentice the victory.
My stomach growled, as if it was the great bearer of bad news, the one wh-...again, really, about my stomach? It just needed to eat, later, something..filling, not just tasty. Not that my lunch was either of those things, cheap bread, cheap burnt meat, cheap everything did not satisfy my cravings. Though I would be a little concerned if the lunch ladies started to serve raw meat. Daisy looked slightly concerned, I was spacing out again, dammit, needed to focus, and she was hugging too long, needed to.
"Remember, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, go."
The tone was gentle of course, she was actually being pretty aware.
"Oh, sorry My-My!"
She compiled quickly, her tone slightly nervous, but mostly still just riding that wave of excitement.
"You are fine, you are doing better and better!"
The bell sounded, much to my annoyance. Quick exchange of goodbyes, and I was off to shop class. A smile broke out, the teacher was lax, there was few kids in here..perfect for what I was going to be doing. I slung my back pack down on the ground, placing the things it contained within on my rather large workspace. Things to crave, things to decorate, things to build..and one thing, the thing it was all for. Already, the hilt of the knife looked unusual, craved with an ancient language, still spoken today..if not by human, or at least, normal humans. Lies, false attacks, all spelled in tiny, almost too tiny to be read markings, just as "He-Who-Strikes-From-Dark" would like it. Pompous name, surprisingly decent..thing for being made of lies.
What I was making was to be his home and my first attempt at a..fetish. Such a dumb name, for such a..weighty thing. Binding a spirit to an object, to make it do..something. Apparently, most didn't even ask, which was a dick move..at least in my opinion. I had already asked, already made sure this was something that benefited both of us. So, I would make him the most pleasing home I could. Which meant the blade its self also needed to be craved, etched.
That went well, hands sure and steady, practice turning into results. Not once did the teacher think to look at me, just as I hoped. He was weak, soft..he was just bored with his job, tired of watching kids just trying to get easy grades. Still, convenient for me. I had cleaned up well before the bell rang, ready and waiting when the sound pounded in my ears.
Then, of course, there was art. It was..fun, yeah. Not as fun as music, not as useful for me. Still, it distracted me enough, let my mind wander, still a bit drunk on our..my latest victory. That murderous scumbag, being jerked around by a murderous scumbag spirit...perfect. Sweet, sweet success, a prey that was Hunted so well, gave enough fight to be interesting, and nobody got hurt..badly. It was great, and I wish it could be the norm, but..life wasn't like that, life wouldn't be interesting tale if it was like that. My musings were almost strong enough to shroud me from the bell..almost.
Finally, PE..it was useful, not fun. I couldn't really push myself, not in such a..safe environment. Still, helped give me time to keep in shape, if not as..vigorously as my normal routine for this kind of thing. Still, it was nice, got some energy out, but I was still grinning when it was time to go. Today at the neighborhood watch group..we were celebrating. We had an interview with the police chief, really just an over gloried award ceremony, but damn did it feel good.
Plus, pizza. Pizza was always great. With a bonce in my step, I entered our little meeting place, indulging myself as I felt my sense of smell..shift, oh so sharper. Yeah, they remembered all the toppings. Back to normal it went, out went the plates as more people filled in. Soon enough, we all heard the so-proud-of-you-speech- from James, I mostly tuned it out.
Then there was food in my belly, taste in my mouth, and conversation on my lips, so carefree, so..secure with these people. They were my pack, even if some of them didn't really understand that. It was good, all was right. Slowly, most people trickled out, leaving just..the ones who did. Mary, so jovial, having a thumb wresting contest with Daisy. Jasmine and James having a lively debate over the merits of a representative republic. Bob..standing in a corner, yet even he was smiling gently. Me?
I was eating some of the raw meat so lovingly provided, filling that aching in my stomach.
Still, the moment couldn't last forever, we all knew it. Bob, as always, was the first to business.
"Did you get any scum showing up on the radar, James?"
Even Bob's angry tone carried a note of regret at the ceasing of the party.
James nodded carefully.
"Yeah, I did, looks to be a real big one, police haven't released the press report, 15 dead, some suicides, some murders, looks to be some kind of cult activity."
Jasmine spoke first.
"Did you get pictures, I need to know what kind of cult we are doing with..weather or no they are normal dangerous or our kind."
James got a nod in before I spoke.
"Did you get enough blood to.."
James had a quick retort.
"Maybe, still working on separating it enough to tell."
I nodded as Daisy spoke, sounded determined.
"I can talk with the police."
We all nodded, as Mary said her piece.
"I hope this cult is ready, cause they really messed up, doing something like this on our turf."
One final nod from me.
"Get the rite materials, it's time to call a Hunt."
[AN: What's this? A chapter written by a person who barely posts here? Indeed! To any fans of the WOD franchise, I do appreciate comments about various inaccuracies I might have happen, and I will address these if I feel it fits, but I will be bending canon to suit the stories needs. Apologies in advance.}