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A man from Earth that found themselves lost in another world makes an attempt to return home.

Things do not go as planned. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, then.
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Chapter 1: Quantum Drift

The Bird

In that den of villains and scum, OKLAHOMA
"!qυ ɘʞɒw oɈ bɘɘn υoY !qυ ɘʞɒW"

I blinked my eyes, bleary. Oh. Hey. It was Sam. The Kartana stood on my chest, waving its arms and hopping to get my attention. "I'm up," I said, trying to move into a sitting position, even as I shielded my eyes, getting a feel for the locale. Okay, daylight: I wasn't in Ultra Megalopolis. Didn't really know where I was, to be honest. Seemed to be a beach of some kind: stretching for miles and miles of white, hot sand bordered by the blue ocean.

Immediate surroundings weren't bad at least: place looked pristine as heck and I couldn't see anything immediately apocalyptic. "Okay, looks like wherever we're at, it hasn't been Necrozma'd," I muttered. "At least not obviously. Sam, how long was I out for?" I asked as I stood up, wobbling a bit, Sam hopping off my chest and giving a quick nod.

"Sruoh wef. Dia lacidem dnif ew litnu peelsa llaf ton od :llaf dab yrev." I frowned. I didn't feel that bad, just a bit shakey, but Sam wouldn't tell me that unless I had hit my head really fucking hard. I did a quick feel, touching my scalp tentatively only to wince, pulling away a finger lightly damped by blood. Okay yeah, no wonder I had been knocked out, probably bumped my head pretty badly.

"Duly noted," I said, holding my hand out for Sam, who bent his legs and lept upward, landing in my hand and quickly rising to my shoulder. In the years the Pokemon, my 'starter' of sorts, and most reliable team member, had served with me, he had always preferred staying out of his beast ball. Once he had gotten a suitable perch, I pulled out my comms device, happy to see it had survived the fall. I pressed the button on it, emitting a crackle of static. "Hello? This is Professor Driftwood, I repeat, this is Professor Driftwood," I said into the grille of the bulky piece of equipment. Please god let this communicator work: if it didn't I was stranded. "Entry to Ultra Dimension U-21 was successful I think, but I took a pretty nasty fall: requesting immediate extraction, over."

...Static. "Really hope we're not stranded, really really hoping we're not stranded," I muttered, pocketing the communicator. At a minimum it should help them locate me. Hopefully though I could figure out how to get it working before then, though. Really, really hoped so.

"Lanrete sgnirps epoh," Sam said, deadpan, before pointing his left blade down the beach. "Retlehs dnif tsum ew," He said. Yeah, that was fair. Following the coast gave us best odds of finding people: the world didn't look wrecked so hopefully this dimension had civilization and thus someone to look at my head. It'd really blow to come this close to finding a way home just to die from a concussion because the damn portal opened higher than I thought it would.

Reaching towards my belt, I pulled out an Ultra Ball and threw it, causing unofficial team member two to emerge. A giant greenish grey lizard with a casqued head, and a large protuberance emerging from its throat that almost resembled a rubber wheel, a resemblence that increased when it got down on all fours, curling its seat like tail and puffing up the throat protuberance. And adorning the magnificent creature were the assorted bags and packs I kept with me at all times: you never knew when you needed a tent, after all. "Griaaaa?" The pokemon crooned at me both as a question, a greeting, and a sign of acknowledgement three.

"Heya, Lucy," I said, patting the Cyclizar on her back as I clambered aboard. It had been years since I visited Paldea but Lucy remained one of the best investments I had made when visiting. Several bad or questionable ones lurked in that region, sure, but the pokemon I had met and befriended there weren't one of 'em. Giant motorcycle lizards were the ONLY way to travel, I tell you what. Plus it meant saved expenses vis a vis renting ride pokemon, and while I generally didn't battle with her, she made a decent backup if any of my A-Team were out of commission and I didn't have any of my reservists on me. "I may have bumped my head," I explained to her even as she craned her head to stare at me seated in the corner of her eye, Sam perching between her shoulder blades. "We're going to go down the coast until we see signs of civilization, get it looked at."

"Grrr," She trilled, nodding, letting me get situated and grabbed on before setting off at a sprint. Now, were this a Tauros, even a harnessed one, this would be an incredibly bumpy ride, and much, much slower: Tauros had incredible stamina, sure, but Cyclizar could hit up to 70 MPH at a minimum while being without a doubt the smoothest off-road ride you've ever enjoyed: and unlike with Tesla, the autopilot WOULDN'T crash you into a tree. I grinned a little, relaxing as I felt the wind whip in my hair as the, frankly, picturesque view of the ocean and the beach passed me by, breathing deeply of the sea salt air.


Several hours later, as the sun began to dip below the sky just barely, the three of us finally found civilization, in the form of a walled village nestled by the lake, the walls stretching well into the sea for some reason. "Well, that's not concerning at all," I noted, frowning as we slowly approached, attempting to find a gate. It was, broadly speaking, never a good sign to find a walled village: it usually meant the area had some very dangerous, very aggressive pokemon.

I was confident my team could take any potential challengers, and if need be I had a few ways to augment their strength, but it was definitely something to go in the 'things to be concerned about' column. "Hcum oot yrrow uoy," Sam said from his meditative pose behind Lucy's head, spotting my pensive look and probably accurately guessing what was on my mind. Lucy gave a trill of agreement to the ultra beasts statement, and I let out a breath.

"Sorry, sorry. Whole thing has me frazzled," I muttered. "Probably just need a good nights sleep after I get my head looked at. Hopefully this dimension has its equivalent to pokecenters." We eventually managed to find our way to the gates of the town, completely across from the sea. Honestly rather unfortunate design, since it meant only one point of access or exit. I couldn't quite place the aesthetic: it was almost something you'd see out of classical period Hoenn, honestly, constructed out of a reddish stone that stretched roughly...I wanted to say two stories? Distance isn't my forte and I'm not digging my tape measure out from Lucy's pack for something as trivial as a wall.

Clearing my throat, I raised my voice. "Um, hello? Anyone here? I had an accident and need medical attention!"

Near the top of the wall, I saw someone lean over, a olive skinned, heavily mustached and goateed man who looked puzzled at first, and then surprised when he registered what he was seeing. "Is that a giant lizard?" Huh. Guess they don't have Cyclizar's here. Figured, honestly: they were exceptionally rare outside of Paldea, even with the breeding program I had been trying to set up prior.

"Howdy! The names Driftwood!" I said, jovial. "I, ah, seem to have suffered an injury and would like to get it looked at. Do you have a doctor?"

The man gave me a puzzled look. "I, uh. Y-yeah, we have a doctor. Is your lizard going to bite?" He asked in a gravely, not entirely unsuspicious voice.

"Lucy? Literally never seen her bite a person before," I said, with confidence, Lucy letting out a warble of agreement. "Cyclizar in general aren't really aggressive anyways," I noted, resisting the urge to go full professor mode and give a detailed run-down of Cyclizar behaviorology and social history. Save it for the students, Driftwood... I also didn't add that while Lucy was safe, several other members of my team...weren't.

If these people turned out to be pokemon and people eating cannibals, they were in for a very large (literally and metaphorically) surprise. A very hungry surprise, at that. The man nodded, giving a thumbs up. "Alright, I'll open the gate. Don't try anything funny," He said, sternly, before stepping away beyond my sight. Sighing, I lowered my gaze from the top of the wall, humming. Really wish I had my music player right now.




Seriously, how long did it take to open a friggen gate? "Sam, time."

"Setunim evif. Hctaw a yub ot deen uoy," He said, still in a meditative pose. I shrugged in response, not deigning to respond even if I knew he was correct and I probably did need to buy a watch. Lucy flopped onto the ground, assuming a resting pose while we continued to wait. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Arceus' tits, what was taking so long?

After several more minutes, the gate finally opened, the heavy doors swinging inward. Lucy stood up, wiggling a bit to shake the sand off her belly and back onto the ground, before plodding forward into the town. Honestly, if you ever tried to imagine a generic fishing town, were it not for the walls, this place would be it: a variety of thatched huts, wooden walkways, nets and lines, and the unmistakeable odor of freshly and not so freshly caught piscene.

Also meeting us were the crowd of gawkers who I assumed had heard the guard talking about some giant lizard pokemon, each of them leering with expressions of curiosity or distrust. At the forefront, holding a crossbow of all things, was the guard, looking me up and down warily: that definitely spelled trouble. "Uh. Sorry, I had to alert the rest of the guards. You needed to see a doctor, yeah?" He gestured. Well, at least he wasn't immediately shooting at me. "Follow me, I'll take you to old Baba. Don't let your lizard bite anyone or we'll have problems."

I nodded, before scratching Lucy on the head. "Trust me, nothing to worry about: Lucy here's an officially trained service pokemon," I said, to which the guard gave me an odd look, before sighing and turning, gesturing at me to follow through the streets. Making a clicking noise, I tapped my heels against Lucy's side, causing her to begin walking at an amiable trot, the crowd following behind us. Glancing at them out of the edge of my eye, I noted something about the people in this town I couldn't put my finger on what, though.

Ah well, probably nothing. Hopefully nothing.

..."Hey Sam," I said under my breath, glad nobody had seemed to notice him. "You wanna do a little recon?"

The old woman tsked as she examined my head. "You are fine. Small wound. Lucky you are, hmm: worse, it could have been," She said, stepping away, humming: she was definitely interesting. Visually, she had a fairly ruddy complexion and seemed to dress in muted clothing that brought to mind old Russian folktales: frankly, it was the eyes that were eyebrow raising: they were...weird. Like, you ever see a frogs eye where its all color and like a black oval as the pupil? It looked like that: big and yellow with a strange void at the heart, complete with...very uncomfortable looking bulging. "Fall, you said it was?"

I nodded, seated on an examination chair in the small clinic: despite talking like Yoda and looking like some kind of ancient slavic medicine crone, her clinic was probably the most modern building I had seen in the village. It almost, ALMOST resembled the sorts of places we had back on Earth. "Yeah. Dunno how far," I said, giving a silent sigh of relief. Yeah, could have been worse: according to Sam I had fallen pretty far. If the ground had been harder or I had been a little more high up...Well, praise Ho-oh for good fortune, I suppose. I went to stand up, glad to have this whole thing over: now that I wasn't at risk of being deaded, it was time to get the lay of the land and figure out where I was.

The woman, who had to be pushing seventy at the least, shook her head, frowning, as she grasped my shoulder and forced me back down. "No. Sensing misfortune, Baba has been. Want to know who you are and how you fell before she releases you," She said, voice like steel, causing me to give a slight gulp. "Strange man comes into town with strange lizard when Baba see's trouble on the horizon? Baba get suspicious."

Crap. There were quite literally an infinity of responses I could give that could cook my goose here. "I'm a researcher," I admitted, choosing my words carefully. "I was testing a device and it didn't function as intended," I said, omitting the fact that the device had only failed by dropping me up from on high.

The old woman stared me in the eyes, her own steely grey ones not blinking, and the guard gave a skeptical scoff. Yeah I was guessing I wasn't going to like that guy. "What device?" She asked. "And reseaercher of what, hmm?"

Okay, let's see if I could bullshit my way out of this. "An experimental form of transportation. I'm not really at liberty to say more unless I'm willing to really piss off my bosses," I said, slowly, doing my best to maintain a pokerface. "As for the form of research, exotic energy phenomenon is my specialization, though I also have a degree in crypto-pokèology," I said. It had actually been why I had been chosen for this test: I knew my way around rare, strange pokemon like Ultra-Beasts and could pull out a fair amount of useful tricks in battle, like terastallization. Not that I'd mention that to Baba here...

A note of confusion entered her face and her mouth tightened into a tight line. "Crypto-pokeology, hmmm?" She queried sharply.

Ah beans. "The study of rare or unusual pokemon," I said, fidgeting, the sinking feeling that I had accidentally stepped on a landmine here and didn't realize it: worse, there were an infinity of reasons my answer could have been suspicious, especially since I had no idea how society in this world worked. "Y'know, mythical or historical critters," I intoned, tapping my fingers on the chair.

"Such as the lizard creature?" She asked, frown sharpening, a questioning look in her eyes. Shit she knew I was hiding shit. How to talk my way around this...

"Yes," I lied, relieved she had given me an out. In reality most of what I researched were the pokemon equivalent of cryptids and aliens: things like Ultra Beasts, Mythicals, and unconfirmed or historical Pokemon species, and Cyclizar were just a case of a pokemon being limited to one region, but still, it gave me a way to contextualize what I had just said in a non-cover breaking form. "Lucy is a Cyclizar: a type of pokemon that humans in the ancient past bred for travel," I said, coughing: that was the extremely truncated, pop-history version, of course. In reality anthropological evidence suggested that Cyclizar were originally raised to help hunt: their speed and stamina meant they could help their human riders chase down even the most hardy Stantler.

"Hmm," Baba said, suspicion in her voice, but it appeared she didn't want to press the issue. Which was good because I wasn't entirely sure what I had said that had made her suspicious and I really didn't want to have to expand the lie when I didn't know what would trip a red flag or not.

The guard who had escorted me cleared his voice. "You're still here?" I asked, frowning, before wincing. Definitely came out more snippy than I intended and while I was confident I could take this guy with my team, I'd still rather avoid pissing off the guy with a crossbow. "Don't you have a gate to guard?" I added weakly. Fuck, too late.

"There are other guards who can guard the gate, but we only have one Baba," He said neutrally, before looking at the old woman. "So, this guy, is he..." He said, a questioning tone in his voice, to which Baba shook her head.

"His words reek of deceit and his aura is strange, tinged with something indescribable, but the misfortune, he is not," She said, causing my frown to tighten. Right, work on deception abilities: in fairness the last time I had had to lie about my past was years ago. She stared down at me. "Have ill intentions, do you?"

"No, no I don't," I said, simultaneously puzzled and not so puzzled: on the one hand, weird guy approaches your gate on a motorcycle, that isn't too strange to be concerned about...but at the same time it implied, especially in combination with the crossbow, that things were less than peaceful and that this town had a good REASON to be walled. "Frankly, now that I've gotten a medical expert to look at my head, I'm fine leaving if it'll make you feel better," I said, tugging at my collar. It'd fucking blow, but it wouldn't be the first time I had camped in the wilderness: you did as much travelling as I used to do, you get used to sleeping outdoors.

"We are not cruel," The old healer said, a note of disgust in her voice as she poked me in the chest. "Sure death, sending a traveler out on their own, especially one who has wronged us not and means us no harm," She said, wrinkling her nose. "Smell a whiff of malice had I, different it would be, but bait for grimm, you shall not be."

Grimm? I did my best to not furrow my eyes in confusion. The term 'Grimm' had a few meanings back behind the portal. Grimmsnarl, for one, but I doubted she was talking about that unless it was one hell of a mean regional form: definitely a pokemon going by context, and the tone, the hate, disgust, fear, and dread, those all screamed 'not a nice one' either.

Could be an Absol situation, I mused, before yawning. "Alright, thanks for not kicking me out," I said, before standing up. "But it's late and I'm tired and me and my pokemon would like to go to sleep now, preferably somewhere we won't get interrogated," I said, causing the guard to scowl and take a step forward, raising his bow a bit before Baba turned and glared at him, causing him to freeze and give a sheepish look.

Wow, he had a lot of respect for this old lady, huh? She was able to terrify him with just a look: that's like, scary grandma levels of aura. "Tellah," She said, voice frosty. "Hospitality, this young man has asked for. Be courteous, you will: guest, he is," She said, slowly, before turning to me. "And you. Be polite: it costs you nothing," She scolded, and I looked away, chagrined. Yelled at by a granny: definitely not a high point.

"Yeah sorry," I said, flushing. "It, uh. It hasn't been a great day. I shouldn't take it out on you all."

"Imagine so, I would," Baba said, frown softening a bit. "Tell me, how long in town will stay you?"

I frowned. Okay, so. That was the question: I had a tracker on me that meant my colleagues in the Aether Foundation should be able to retrieve me ASAP. On the other hand, for some reason, my coms weren't working. That meant a couple things: it could mean that the device was calibrated wrong and launched me at the wrong dimensional coordinates. In theory, they should still be able to get a lock onto my signal, it would just take time.

The alternative was that there was some form of interference: certain Ultra Portals emitted exotic energy and electro-static bursts that messed with electronics and comms devices. The Communicator was supposed to be proofed against that, but there were all manner of things that could still in theory cause problems that I knew about, and who knows how many I didn't.

In that case, it could dissipate over night or in ten years, and I couldn't narrow it down unless I could figure out what was causing the interference.

"Probably a month at the very least," I said, realizing with slowly dawning dread I might be stuck here. If it was just a calibration issue, they should be able to retrieve me inside a month: we hadn't gone that far through Ultra Space. If it was longer than that...I'd have to start taking steps. Either figuring out how to amplify my signals or bypass the interference. I sighed. "Is there like, an inn or anything?"

"Do you have money to afford an inn?" The guard said drily, and I frowned. Okay, so, that was a good point: I had no money. My shoulders sagged.

"What's the weather like around here?" I asked, massaging my temples. "Further, does this town have a park or empty lot nobody cares about?"

"....Why?" Tellah said, confused.

"Because until I can secure a source of income, I'll probably be sleeping on the streets," I admitted. "And I have a tent: never leave home without one first thing I learned when I started travelling, but I still need to, y'know, have a place to hitch it up."

"Preferably in a spot large enough to house your lizard," Baba said, to which I nodded.

"Among others," I added, causing both Tellah and Baba's eyebrows to skyrocket. "What?" I asked, confused.

"You have more of those weird monsters?" Tellah asked, beard hiding an obvious confused scowl. "Did you leave them outside town or something?"

...Did this dimension not have pokeballs or something? "N-no, it's, uh, it's kind of a..." I stammered, looking for a good explanation, before giving up and sagging, reaching onto my belt, and grabbing an ultra ball. "This is a pokeball," I said dumbly. Shit, might as well use honesty here, they were probably going to figure it out sooner or later if I was stuck here a month before the Aether Foundation rescued me. "They work as a sort of...capture device for pokemon," I stumbled, trying to figure out how much was safe to tell.

"How do they fit?" Baba said, staring intently at the ball as she brought her hand to her chin, stroking it in thought. Tellah meanwhile stayed silent, staring the device down, a mix of skepticism and wariness on his face. "Such a big lizard rode in on did you, such a tiny ball to keep it in is this. Bigger on the inside is it perhaps?"

...Honestly, in fairness I'm pretty sure most trainers thought that too. The idea was nuts though if you knew anything about pokeball history and production: the original models were literally made out of rock and fruit by settlers in the Sinnoh region hundreds of years ago according to archeological evidence, well before the advent of digitization, miniaturization, or spacial folding technologies, and even today we were just scratching the surface to those technologies in regards to every day use. In truth, the real, much more rational and plausible explanation was that Pokeballs mostly just took advantage of the average pokemon's still very poorly understood ability to shrink to miniscule sizes under certain conditions.

Hell if I was gonna tell her that though. "Yeah more or less," I lied. "I'd be willing to give an in-depth explanation later if you give me some markers and a white board, but it's late and I really need to know if there's a place I can hitch up my tent."

Tellah snorted. "There's an open lot near the gate travellers who come by sometimes use," He said, gesturing. "C'mon, I'll take you and your lizard there."


...Well, it was big enough for my tent at least. The barren patch of soil even came with a few cinderblocks around a small pit that was, presumably, for fire. Thankfully, I never went anywhere without camping gear. I'd need some extra hands for this, though. Reaching to my belt, I grabbed two balls, palming them together as I threw them out to reveal two more members of my team.

"Sire!" Faust said, bowing, even as Salty made the strange low, rumbly synthesiser sounding noise that roughly translated to 'HELLO I AM HERE' for his species. The Galarian Slowking and the Garganacl were my best stone walls and status afflictors and, more importantly, each of my best non-Lucy utility 'mons. "Do you require our service?" The Hexpert Pokemon purred, and I sighed, knowing what would come next. "Potion brewed? Circle of protection drawn? Perhaps a ritual to bring misfortune to your foes!" He said, hope and anticipation in his incredibly Vincent Price-esque voice and a gleeful grin. Every time. Every time I brought Faust out...

Salty meanwhile purred out a brief noise that I knew roughly translated to 'NEED SALT?'. Good old Salty. Always willing to help, and without promising threats of violence I neither wanted or needed aimed against my foes and rivals (read: friends and colleagues). Wish more of my team was like that: simple, friendly, helpful, and without any homicidal tendencies. "Nah, just need help setting up a tent." I said, slowly, eyes sliding over to Tellah, whose jaw was currently hanging open. "No uh. No curses."

"Very well! Shall I summon forth the spirits of the ghost realm to aid us in this labour, my king? Perhaps the brew to give the brute the strength and stamina of ten Machokes! Or-"

"Faust," I said, slowly, feeling a headache coming on. "I just need the tent set up," I said, calmly as possible. "No magic rituals, please. Afterwards, if you want, THEN you can set up a salt circle IF Salty agrees," I explained, to which Salty made a sort of revving noise that sounded like a chainsaw but was actually a laugh.

"Ah, well," Faust said, tail drooping a bit. "That can be done, I suppose, if his Majesty wishes it." His shift in attitude was brief, however, and he instantly perked up. "Come along, Sir Salty! Our king has demanded we prepare his abode for the evening!" He said, turning and approaching Lucy, who only snorted as the short pokemon struggled to get into the bag. "Confounded...Sir Salty! I require the STEP STOOL!"

"Y'know what, they, uh. They probably have that handled," I drawled, before turning to Tellah. "For the record, Faust is mostly harmless," I said, scratching at my light stubble. "He just has this thing..." I trailed off, trying to figure out how to phrase 'he's a weird chuuni monarchist' in a way that was respectful of my teams poison expert.

"You uh. You weren't kiddin' about those pokeballs being bigger on the inside," Tellah said, cutting through the silence as he kept gazing at the three pokemon in charge of tent set up. "The big one is, uh. In particular they're..." He let out a grunt of frustration. "Y'know what, no. I'm not engaging with this. This is nonsense and I'm sure that any questions I ask are going to be answered with nonsense." He scowled, turning to look right at me. "I'm going to go drink myself to sleep. Don't cause trouble because I am a VERY light sleeper and I will not hesitate to put a bolt in your ass, rock monster or no rock monster," He said, before turning around. "Weird ass human," He muttered as he stomped off to, presumably, his home.

Yeesh, some people. Walking over to Lucy, I lowered myself to the ground before leaning back on her side, watching my team work. "Good job, guys!" I said, giving Salty and Faust a thumbs up as they hammered in the last stake, which was reciprocated by the former, who let out a happy noise as he moved to setting up the canvas. "So Sam," I whispered. "What are we looking at?"

"⸮nɿυɈɘɿ ɘm bɿɒɘʜ υoY," He asked from atop Lucy, just beyond my area of sight.

"Nah, just figured you'd be back by now," I said. One of the nifty things about small pokemon? They were very, very stealthy. Hence why when I was getting my head checked out, I had Sam on recon duty. "So, what are we looking at?" I asked, reaching into the food pack I kept on Lucy, pulling out a handful of assorted berries, some of which I held out to my right side, to which Lucy craned her head and started eating. Another I flicked in the air, watching Sam leap to grab it, spinning in a short arc as he gripped onto it with a folded blade-arm before returning to Lucy in the same swift motion.

Stealth was made easy if the pokemon was as nimble as Sam, obviously. "γɿɿɘd ɘʜɈ ɿoʇ υoγ ʞnɒʜT," He said, before bringing the Oran to his eight fold face and taking a small bite. "nomɘʞoq γnɒ ɘɘƨ Ɉon bib I," He continued, and I furrowed my brow.

"No pokemon?" I mumbled, thinking to myself. That...wasn't good. Archeological data was hard to come by, but there had existed periods throughout history where Pokemon living among humans was rare. Classical Period in Pre-Colonization Sinnoh, off the top of my head, we had direct evidence supporting the idea. Thing was...

The evidence also suggested that those were probably very bad to live in. Yeah, I was...probably in for a bad time these next few months. Thank Christ I had my A Team on me. A few days earlier and I'd be stuck with just my reservists, and that would not be a very fun time. "...ɘɿɒ γɘʜɈ ,ɘlqoɘq ɘƨɘʜɈ ,oƨlA," Sam continued next to me, trailing off at the end as he puzzled over what to say.

"...Well, at least we know we could probably take em in a fight if they decide they want to eat us," I said. "Y'know, on account of them not having any pokemon. What about geography?"

Sam was silent for a moment. "Keahou. On the continent of...Menagerie," He said, grindingly in Universal. ",ɈɒʜɈ ɘʞil ϱniʞlɒɈ ɘɈɒʜ I" He grumbled in annoyance.

"Sire, we have finished assembling THE TENT!" Faust said, waving, the finished tent behind him, a tall and wide thing shaped and colored after a pokecenter, with two large zip up flaps leading to the interior. "I will now begin the creation of the Salt Circle!"

I let out a slow breath. "Alright, time to retire for the evening, I guess, explain this to the rest of the team and the reservists." That'd be fun. Clambering up, I stretched for a moment: work out all the kinks before I settled down for the night. Slapping Lucy on the haunches to let her know it was time to settle in for the night, I felt Sam land on my shoulder as I began walking inside the tent, Lucy giving a snoft gnarr and rising behind me, her soft footfalls following as we entered into the tent. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a flashlight. Flicking it at Sam, who grabbed it and pressed the button on the end, providing me some shoulder light as I began digging out the bedding. Each of my team (that I'd be letting out tonight: I wasn't near dumb enough to think it'd be a good idea to let Destroyorah out in a populated town) had specialized needs when it came to sleep material. At least if they wanted to stay at top performance: you'd be surprised how finnicky Pokemon could be when it came to getting full performance. Lot of trainers thought it was just a matter of training and diet, but there were dozens of small lifestyle choices you had to make to get your absolute max.

For instance, for one of my reservists I had back home was a Slugma who, to get his best nights rest, usually needed a pile of rocks they could sleep on. Said rocks needed to have a very high melt point and, for obvious reasons, this also required I bring a non-flammable heat proof tarp unless I wanted to turn my tent into a death trap. Yeah, glad I had my A Team. Salty usually needed something to lift his feet onto, which I used some snap up blocks for, quickly and carefully assembling several heavy metal bars into a cube, each 'face' having an extra bar going through the middle, before retrieving some lightweight titanium plates and snapping them on: there, that should let him kick his feet up tonight. Sam liked large pillows, so I set his up not far from the tent entrance: he usually woke up first and he liked to do his morning kata outdoors. And Lucy...

Was already asleep. I chuckled. Yeah, some pokemon are easier than others. After a moment, I had everyones beds set up, just in time for Salty and Faust to finally enter. "Sire, the Salt Circle is set up and sanctified! Now should any foolish spirits of evil try to cross it, they shall meet their TERRIBLE DOOM!" He proclaimed, to which I resisted rolling my eyes.

"Thank you," I said, slowly, before letting out a sigh, gesturing to his sleeping arrangements: a warm, absol-furred (he insisted that any fur products he used be Absol for some reason) lined sleeping bag and pillow. "Set up your bed. Grab and distribute berries and travel bars then get comfortable, I need to talk to the team."

"As your majesty commands!" Faust said, waddling to Lucy and reaching into the (much lower, thankfully) berry bag, retrieving an assortment of orans, rawsts, and sitrus's as well as an assortment of travel bars: my own recipe, had everything you needed to keep your pokemon happy and healthy on the road. Protein, vitamins, carbs, the works. The secret ingredient was nuts!

...Right, time to get this over with. Reaching onto my belt, one by one I sent out my pokemon (except for Destroyorah because I wasn't an actual insane person). Ten in total: my standard team, Lucy my ride pokemon, and my three reservists. "Alright everyone, dinner time," I said, signalling for them to start getting comfortable and dig in. "And then..." I let out a breath. "And then we need to talk."

"I, uh. I may have fucked up a little bit."

Many hours later, I was awoken by the sound of...

Were those screams? Jolting up, I grabbed my belt from next to me, slapping it on my waste, recalling my team: they'd probably be pissed at being woken up like that but they'd get over it if this was an emergency. Quickly, I hustled out of the tent to figure out what was going on, only for the sight of what was waiting on me to hit like a giant pile of bricks.

Embers and smoke filled the air along with the sounds and sight of the village being under assault.

Got inspired by Pokemon Scarlet. Basic idea is, MC (who despite the title is only loosely based on me: I guess the term for that is OC insert?) wound up becoming a Pokemon Prof. working for the Aether Society after being yeeted to Poke-Earth, only to then accidentally yeet themselves to Remnant while working with ultra portal technology. I'm going to go ahead and note that there'll be spoilers for the upcoming pokemon games dex because the majority of the MC's team is Paldean or Alolan, though if I wind up having spoilery stuff for the plot I'll mark it above each chapter.

With that in mind, some official thread policy: If during discussion you wind up talking about major scarlet plot details and twists, please spoil it: the game was released very recently and people are still playing it.
I havent touched the pokemon series since diamond so the mons are definitely new to me. Looking forward to how this Poke native survives in Remnant
I noticed that partway through Sams dialog switches from backwards order to backward order and backwards letters.
Also on the topic of Sam, I full expect him to quote Jetstream Sam at some point.
I get what you were going for with Sam but it just made it a massive pain in the ass trying to read his dialogue.

Thankfully our MC learned that things are far more different here, but hopefully the Aether foundation will actually end up finding him. Anyways, I wonder how his scientific speciality can even help him on Remnant. Grim don't tend too well to experimentation imo.
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Yeah, the thing with the backwards text is a pain to read, maybe add a hidden text with the normal text next it?
Well, what seems pretty interesting so far.
The MC being an established pokemon professor is a new one for si scenarios, and allows to skip much of build-up, starting at the "fun" point.

Just gotta hope team dynamics will be a heavy aspect of the story and that pokemon will have their distinct personalities and/or development. Half the fun, ye know?
That some can speak and be clearly understood is major help with that already.

But, yes, echoing everyone else commenting, Jesus fuck away with that backward text!

You can write it in cursive if needs be to distinguish an unusual sort of speech, but not that.
Huh. Yeah, you/MC are probably in for a bad time here; even beyond Remnant being a deathworld, your mons are gonna attract a lot of attention.

Good luck!
Chapter 2: Driftwood on Fire
My mouth was on the floor as I watched the chaos unfold. In the distance, towards the docks, I could see flames, and throughout the street I could see people running in terror, strange black creatures nipping at their heels. Bipedal monsters, they almost looked like squat little fishmen or gremlins of some sort: pitch black fish-gremlins, with white, boney plates on their head designed to resemble a mask.

They were chasing after the people with incredibly obvious intent to do harm. A few of the villagers were trying to fight them off: I could see Tellah on the roof sniping them, and a few of them had grabbed spears and shields to try and make a barrier to slow them down, but there were too many coming too fast: each creature they stabbed would fall to the ground, evaporating into a fine black mist, only to be replaced by two more, and there weren't enough people to cover the entire street.

"Aaah, ahhh!" Oh god. Down the street I could see Baba, running from a particularly large creature: it kept letting the old, short woman get into a run before knocking her over and biting. "Help me! Someone help me!" She screamed, trying to scramble away from the monster that was playing with her.

The creature lept...

"IAZИAઘ!" Only to be cut to ribbons by Sam, who had descended from above. Taking a single step forward, the creature fell to its knees, before coming unravelled. "!Ɉɔɒ oɈ bɘɘn υoY !ɿɘɈƨɒM!" He said, jolting me from my furor just in time to notice one of the little bastarts swarming the town leaping at me...

Only to be set on fire, skin crackling and blazing, with it falling over and thrashing as white hot flame immolated it. The Salt Circle! "Sam, get Baba to the Salt Circle!" I commanded, reaching to my belt, doing some quick calculations in my head. Okay. It was go time: optimal strategy and level of force decided on.

I threw two balls. Salty and Faust. "You two, emergency! Wild pokemon attack! Faust, I want you to expand the circle and reinforce it. Salty, tank duty: get as many of those things on you as you can: I want you running Iron Defense and Rock Slide. See if you can make a few barriers to slow them down."

"Yes, my liege!" Faust proclaimed, quicky retrieving a bag of nacl salt from his pack and moving to widen the circle. Meanwhile, Salty quickly started moving, his aura already shifting as he began applying his combat buff. Slamming into one of the creatures trying to make its way up the street, the impact literally caused the creature to burst like a grape.

Okay, vicious but fragile. Felt kinda shitty about murdering them but they didn't exactly leave me a choice. Protected by Sam, Baba finally made her way to us, stumbling inside the salt circle. "The Grimm, the Grimm," She cried, shaking as she fell exhausted.

"The salt circle will protect you," I said, reassuring her. "Now, I need you to tell me what's going on now," I said, closing my eyes and calming myself: this wasn't time to panic. Time to enter Pokemon Professor mode.

"The Sea Gate, it was broken. A Dagon breached it, allowing rest of the Grimm into the town," She said, horrified, her breaths interspersed by sobs, no longer talking like she had in her office. Okay. So the source of these monsters was the sea gate then? Good. I knew where to go to solve this problem. "By the docks, so many trapped!"

I let out a breath. "Okay. Rest. I'll handle this."

She looked at me, unbelieving, still dazed and terrified. "A huntsman, are you?" She whispered, to which I shrugged. I was going to assume that was how they referred to their Ranger equivalents for now.

"Probably not," I admitted, drawing two more pokeballs from my waste and sending them out. On the right, Lucy, who cocked her head and let out a growl when she was what was happening. "Lucy, you're my ride," I said, snapping to get her attention as I rapidly clambered up her, getting into position. "Any of those creepy crawlies try to get me, chomp em," I said, before turning to the next pokemon, a reservist I kept in store for disasters.

"E-LEC-TRODE," Came the synthetic voice of the pokemon, carved elegantly from wood to resemble an monochrome pokeball from the days when they were made from the hard fruit of the apricorn tree, red and brown orb easily half my size borne from antiquity, the lucky discovery of an archeological dig in the ruins of a sunken pre-antiquity Sinnoh fishing village, and probably my most monetarily expensive pokemon. Mostly by dint of how much it cost to revive it from the petrified form it had been found in.

One of the perks of being one of the foremost experts on Crypto-Pokeology: I largely used it during lectures illustrating the effect human society and culture can have on the development of Pokemon. Also occasionally breeding when I needed money: you'd be surprised at how many people loved to collect rare species of fossil pokemon. "Thundaga, I want you clearing mobs: give the defenders more time to rally."

"E-LEC-TRODE?" He asked, grinning, which I matched with one of my own.

"Yeah. Gyroball," I answered, to which the pokemon let out a huge belly laugh, sparks of electricity dancing in the air with the smell of pollen and ozone as Thundaga began to rotate, faster and faster and faster, until its features were an indistinguishable blur, just a giant spinning orb...That burst outward, flattening entire rows of the creatures as it buzzed through them down the street.

"E-LEC-TRODE!" It crowed as it began to wreak havoc. Between it and Salty, the critters were on the back foot: a large group of them were trying to dogpile Salty, crawling all over him and trying to chip at the rock pokemon with their tiny claws, which only bounced off of the Garganacl's iron defence, their weight doing little to stop the rock pokemon as it sent volley after volley of rock after its foes, each boulder reducing the monster it struct to mist from impact. I winced as I watched him pick one of them off of his body and throw it hard enough to knock a winged, flying fishman into the sky. Together with the hole left behind by Thundaga, the defenders were finally getting their act together: I could see them quickly filling the gaps left by the two pokemon and blocking the tide of monsters surging down the street.

Right. "Sam, you're with me!" I shouted, spurring Lucy's haunches as we began to speed down the street down one of the corridors Thundaga had left in the creatures line. "Make sure they stay off of me long enough to reach the big one!" It was a gamble, but these seemed to be...dark types, maybe? And when you had a bunch of aggressive but weak dark types, you usually had one big and strong dark type egging them on.

Take out the leader, morale collapsed, and most Dark Types fled. Some of the more vengeful ones you had to stay on the look out for sneaky stuff after, but I was confident. As we moved, I felt sweat bead on my brow from the increased heat from the much closer and nearer flames. To my left, I saw one of the creatures try to leap at me, only for it to slam into the ground, not being able to identify the cause. Probably Sam. Right, counting him and Lucy, I had three 'mons plus my last two reservists.

(And Destroyorah, but he didn't count because I wasn't dumb enough to unleash him unless things had really gotten dire.)

Lucy wasn't a battler and I needed her for personal defence and transportation, and neither of my reservists were battle ready, so that left Sam, who was weak the the fire that currently covered the town, meaning he had to play it very carefully, and...

Oh. Oh this was going to be FUN. I leaned forward as we raced through the fire, keeping my head low to not breath in smoke as we finally reached the apex of the inferno at the docks where I saw a vast behemoth standing in the wrecked, smoldering rubble of the docks, feet planted in the boiling surf. Every inch of the almost draconic titan was covered in white armored plates, a single, fin like one rising from its back, which combined with the shark like face gave it an almost piscine appearance. I could feel the heat billowing off it in extremely hot waves even as I watched it rampage, a claw swipe from the monster slamming into a building and caving the wooden wall and most of the roof.

And darting between its heavy but powerful blows was a girl. Teenager, I thought, probably around 16: she was putting up a good fight, but it was clear she was flagging, dashing quickly from wooden walkway to wooden walkway. Didn't look like she had a weapon, just her fists, and I doubted you could get in close enough to punch that thing without burning yourself pretty badly, let alone generate enough force to so much as make it budge-

The girl slammed into the monster, kicking it hard in the chest with a spinning kick, causing it to get pushed back by at least a foot, feet skidding in the shore. Okay, statement revised. Didn't look like it did any damage but apparently they feed kids in this dimension the good spinach. Roaring, the creature opened its mouth to unleast a torrent of black mist...

Which reformed into more of those fish-men things. Okay. That simplified things. I drew my next pokeball. Alright Driftwood. Time to enter Professor Mode, because you were about to start schooling these critters.


Vladdi grunted as she hit the ground, sliding back several feet into a standing stop, quickly shaking her hands. "Hot, hot, hot!" She said, grimacing in pain, feeling the heat drain her aura. Even if it wasn't causing physical damage (yet), it still really fucking hurt. And worse, she didn't have a huge amount of aura left.

"Alright, just gotta stay alive, stay alive and keep its attention," She said, trying to psych herself up. "You can do this Vladdi. Just keep moving, just keep hitting," She muttered to her self, beginning to bounce as she prepared for the creatures counter-attack. Thankfully the Dagon didn't seem very fast: keep it from building up steam and she should be able to hold on long enough for everyone to get to safety...

But she wasn't going to lie, the deathglare the giant grimm was giving her didn't make the bat faunus feel any more confident. "Really hope you hurry Dad," she muttered, bracing herself as she raised her dukes, still bouncing on the ball of her heels. It was then that the Grimm opened its massive maw, breathing out a wave of black, sticky mist.

Reacting quickly, Vladdi dashed under, barely avoiding being coated in the disgusting oil which instead found itself sprayed on the area where she had once been standing, coating it and the surrounding several feet in a layer of thick black tar. Skidding through the sand and water that had once been the underside of the pier, Vladi danced past the descending foot that came down in an attempt to stomp her on approach, dashing into a sweep of her legs, impacting the Grimm and altering her momentum so that when she kicked off its stumbling leg with her other free foot, she shot forward, skidding over the water and then the oil to reach dry sand, the entire sequence done in a single, fluid motion. Really glad I wore shoes today, she thought.

Shaking, Vladdi let out a breath, grinning even as she felt the pain in her legs from both hitting the hard, jagged bone armor as well as the raw heat. "H-heh," she said, not dropping her fighting stance, keeping both fists up. "That it? B-bit of armor, a little fire, and now you toss some gunk at me?" She boasted, waiting for the Grimm to make it's next move even as she kept her guard up. "Starting to think you don't know how to show a girl a good time!"

The Grimm grinned. Ah crap. The oil that it had sprayed began to bubble, a thick, grimy carpet coating the sand, surf, and splintered wood, boiling and congealing, before moving, forming fat, black spheres with moist, rubbery looking membranes that soon punctured, and Vladdi felt her jaw drop as she watched tiny but quickly growing version of those fish-men grimm chew their way out of the black eggs.

Okay. She might need to retreat. Doing a quick spin, Vladdi began sprinting, plotting her escape route...

Only to get clotheslined in the stomach by a fishman that leaped up from under a pile of debris, ambushing her. The air exiting her lung, she stumbled, knocked to her knees as she skidded through the sand, tumbling before correcting into a stop and continuing her run. The blow had surprised her, but it hadn't meaningfully managed to halt her momentum or even lower her aura. Up ahead, she saw an alley between two houses.

That way. Too narrow for the Dagon to fit, and it'll take him some time to go around or demolish his way through. I'll regroup with Dad and then we can figure out what to do next. She continued sprinting, turning to enter the alley, sidestepping each piece of debris in between her and her avenue of escape...

Only to be knocked back when a massive flaming boat landed at the alley entrance, splintering and crashing into a giant pile of smoking wreckage. Crap! Springing up back with a spin, Vladdi saw the Dagon approaching, roaring as it began to accelerate towards her. On her right and left, the fishmen grimm had moved to flank her. They might not be strong, but they're a goddamn pain in the ass, Vladdi thought. Okay. Can't go back, can't go forward, so she'd have to punch through.

I pick...left. Dashing, she quickly bent her knee and launched herself into the air, spinning around to deliver a powerful spinning kick to the mob of Fishmen grimm, causing several of them to explode on impact, before grabbing two more in one fluid motion as she exited her kick, flinging them into their fellows with sufficient force to poof the fishmen used as projectile weapons and knock several others flat on their ass.

Not missing a beat or staying still long enough to observe this, however, Vladdi instead continued her motion through the air, skidding into a full run as she landed...

Only to get several fishmen who she hadn't manage to knock down to tackle her, causing her to stumble. "Maiden's Piss, you things are really starting to annoy me!" Vladdi shouted as she corrected, barely managing to avoid getting knocked over even as she grabbed the Fishmen, launching them one by one into their fellows in extremely rapid procession. "Hope you guys like Vladdi's fastball special!" She said, grinning...

Before more of them launched themselves at her. Quickly she tried to get them off, but while Vladdi was quick, there were too many of them, and to her sinking realization, she was surrounded. "Okay, Vladdi. You can handle this. You can handle this," she said, grimacing as she swung one that had tried to grab her ears free, slamming it against the ground even as she kicked another one that had launched itself at her, using the momentum to duck the pounce of another one by swinging her body to the side, taking the oppurtunity to scoop some rocks up from the ground, launching them at the fishmen, each one landing with enough force to knock the Pelagians on their ass, one of them getting dusted from the force of the rock impacting their mask hard enough to crack through it.

Okay. These little guys aren't tough. Just gotta keep my cool and-

One of the Fishmen used the opening she had left to tackle her, ramming into her midsection hard enough to knock her off balance. At the same time, another impacted her legs, which, combined with the one hitting her stomach, was enough to cause Vladdi to seriously stumble...right into an uppercut that sent her spinning.

Shit, it was a big fish man. She needed to buy some space: reaching into her pack, Vladdi grabbed two capsules, drawing them out and, pressing a button on the dark pill shaped devices, tossed them onto the ground to create a powerful shockwave, one large enough to knock both her and the Grimm away.

Between the two, though, Vladi had better balance, turning and spinning into a skidding halt, breathing heavily. Okay. Aura was starting to run low. Still, she had put a bit more distance between her and the Dagon, which found itself a street down from her, roaring as it continued to charge after her.

...Only problem was, she didn't have an exit: the shockwave capsules had spooked the pelagics and gotten them off her back, but they were still surrounding her, keeping her hemmed in, each of them glaring and hissing at her even as they maintained their distance: either she tried to punch through again and got stuck in and bogged down until the Dagon reached her, or she waited until the Dagon reached her and she got fried.

Okay. I don't think I can handle this. Still, if the Grimm thought she'd just lie down and die, they had another thing coming. Reaching into her pocket, Vladdi grabbed more shockwave capsules. I have four more capsules. If I hit the Dagon's face with all of them at once, I might be able to stun it long enough to dash between its legs. Probably burn up the last of my aura, but the Pelagics won't be able to stop me: once they hatch they shouldn't be any more resistant to the Dagon's heat than any other Grimm.

It was unlikely to work, had all sorts of flaws, but it was the best plan she could think of...

Until a flash of light appeared, pink and searing, forcing Vladdi to avert her eyes even as she felt something grab her and yank her by her back collar, dragging her by the scruff at high speeds, with Vladdi occasionally feeling her body brushing past the grimm. Flailing, she felt her vision slowly return to reveal she was in the jaws of...a...lizard? Who seemed to be charging through the Grimm, who were also reeling and blinded, stumbling as their eyesight returned even slower. The lizard punched through the crowd before leaping in the air, landing past the edge of the hoard of grimm and skidding to a halt before dropping Vladdi. "Griiii~" The Lizard warbled at her even as Vladdi sprung back up to her feet.

Okay, rescue by giant lizard. Dunno what that's about but I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Vladdi prepared to continue running, noting the Grimm were starting to have their eyesight adjust and were begining to stalk towards her...

Only for a small explosion to come from where she had been standing, Vladdi's head jerking in that direction along with the Fish Grimm to see...

"Behold! An unarmed civilian!" Said the man casually standing where she had once been, pink and white fireworks going off behind him, his voice amplified by a microphone. On the shorter side, the portly man was dressed in a white longcoat over what appeared to be a plain looking suit. Giving a wave, he continued to speak, the fireworks going off behind him as he continued talking. "Yeah, that's right, look over here: look at me, completely unarmed, totally harmless. Behold, me showing I have nothing up my sleeve," He said, shifting his microphone to his other hand to allow him to lower the sleeve of his shirt, causing the Pelagics to look at him in...confusion, still not willing to breach the circle before the Dagon reached them, but unable to look away from the loud, distracting man acting like literally grimm bait.

The heck is he-

The lizard headbumped her, grabbing Vladdi's attention, the bat faunus's eyes shifting as the Lizard made a gesture with her head. Oh. Ohhh, it was a distraction. Taking advantage, Vladdi moved, dashing to the nearest wall and leaping, rapidly scaling it until she reached the roof, quickly moving to cover where the Dagon couldn't see her, turning to see the man let out a soft sigh.

"Okay, the goal here was for you to run away, not play lookie loo," He said, and with a jolt Vladdi realized he could see her. "Fine though: congratulations, kiddo, you get to see a spectacle you've never beheld before," The man said, holding out a hand before snapping, his entire demeanor shifting.

"Hello Boys and Girls! Welcome to the Professor Driftwood Show!" He cheerily roared, a huge, toothy grin on his face as he pulled a blue and white orb from his belt. "Today we'll be showcasing what may be the first pokemon battle this world has ever seen and demonstrating the principles of that hallowed sport, Pokemon Battling, with an exhibition match between my shows reigning battle champion and the resident locals, the Big Meanie Gang! In one corner, standing at several tonnes, we have big meanie and his hoard of meaninlings! They're big! They're Tough! They burn and can spit minions! But can they beat the reigning champ and their explosive entrance?!" He said, raising his arms and tossing the ball lazily into the air before catching it and throwing it hard into the crowd of Pelagics, with the ball exploding into a roaring, blazing shockwave, incinerating a chunk of the outright and knocking the rest back even as a figure emerged from the flame.

"Some call her the Blue Knight! Some call her the Blade of Catastrophe! Some call her the Real Slim Shady!" Dust settled revealing a person clad in dark blue-ish purple and black armor sporting a fairly large chestplate, with what appeared to be a glowing violet blade in each hand, a strange, almost pony-tail like flame emerging from the back of the strange, segmented looking helmet that contained a strange, light purple dot on each of the three largest segments, just above the eyes which blazed with a yellow flame.

"Let's all give it up for MORGANA!" The man roared, flinching a bit as a Pelagic jumped at him, and Vladdi prepared to intervene...

Only for the Pelagic to have a blue sword emerge from it's chest, falling to dust. Behind it, the weird knight huntswoman glared with an absolutely pissed look in her eyes as she let out a noise that sounded like a...synthesizer, almost? A strange, warping warbling noise, emerged as the knight pirroetted to stare down the horde of Grimm, who growled and hissed, hesitant to engage with an unknown assailant before the Dagon got here. C'mon guy, don't waste time, you've got to ice them before the Dagon reaches you, your friend in the blue armor can't protect you from the fishmen and it at the same time! "See, that's just not cricket," The man said, tsk'ing. "You don't attack the announcer! There are rules, and if you can't abide by the rules, you'll get thrown out the studio. Morgana, please clear out the riff raff. Swords dance, followed by a flare blitz, please. Sam, keep them off me, please, so I can conduct strategy," He said, deceptively calm.

The blue armored huntress put her swords together, sharpening them as the rest of the fishman charged, each blade producing blue sparks as their edges were grinded together, and while Vladdi wasn't an expert at Aura stuff, she could feel a shift taking place in the woman's aura as she continued sharpening her blades. And when the first Fishman reached her...A WAVE of flame erupted as the woman charged, covered in a blue blazing inferno, any Grimm unlucky to be impacted being incinerated and burst apart from the force of the armored figure slamming into them: those that survived found a blade reducing them to ash instead. Oh that is so cool, Vladdi thought, grinning: moves like that, a flame semblance like that, she had to be a genuine huntsman! Wonder if I can get her to show me some moves...

However, this wasn't enough to prevent the Grimm encircling the professor to reach him, one of them running into a fun tackle...

Only to stumble, its head falling to the ground separate from it's body. At first, Vladdi thought it was the woman, who was ripping through the Grimm like tissue paper, but when she looked closely, she saw a tiny figure dancing among the Grimm, too small to make out any details at this distance other than the fact that whoever they were, they were kicking Grimm ass. Flame, shrinking? This Driftwood guy knows a lot of people with cool semblances.


The last of the weird fishmonsters tried to crawl away, most of its body charred, only for an armored foot to come down on its skull, crushing it. It is complete, Master, Morgana whispered in her strange not-a-voice, before turning and giving a small bow. The rabble has been dispatched. Good old AoE moves. Morgana wasn't my best for that, not by a long shot, but she had enough tools to do an adequate job in that field.

"Round One goes to MORGANA!" I said, grinning, flinging my arm in her direction as I watched the big boney bastard finally reach us, slowing down to a stop as he glared, clearly trying to size us up. "And just in time for big meanie!" I reached into my battle pouch, grabbing a pair of shades and sticking them on dramatically while I posed.


What a dork, Vladdi said, scrunching her nose in disgust.

"Nobody asked you!"

Holy crap, does he have a mind reading semblance?!

"No, I'm not telepathic, I just have the instinctual ability to tell when someones dissing me. Now! Round two! Morgana, hit em with the jazz!"


"Morgana, hit em with the Jazz!" I said, giving the fire blade pokemon the signal. Enveloping her blades in a pinkish light, she dashed forward, releasing two swings that caused the pinkish light to arc forward, cutting through the air, still shaped like the cutters that had created them, impacting the creatures snout, breaking past the plate and causing the boney shark-dragon to roar in pain, opening its mouth to spray a deluge of oil...

"Fun Professor Driftwood Science fact, kids! Did you know there's no known bacteria that can survive at 500 degree Celsius?" I said, giving the signal, with a powerful heatwave erupting from Morgana's body, frying the Fish Eggs mid-air. "Of course, most dangerous pathogens die at much lower temperatures: you can sterilize most critters at 100 degrees! Morgana, give him a haircut," I commanded, and Morgana blinked out of existence, only to pop in above his head, delivering a powerful swordblow to the creatures head, stabbing it deep into the monsters skullplate, causing it to stumble backwards, roaring as it tried to burn Morgana off, the temperature and flames of the creature skyrocketing to a degree that would flash fry any human.

"Oooh, very clever move! Were Morgana a germ, that might actually work!" I said, giving a mocking clap even as Morgana dislodged her sword, causing spurts of black gunk to bleed from the wound even as she kicked off the giant's skull just in time to avoid its palm bearing down on the forehead, twisting mid-air to drive a blade into the arm, cutting a deep gouge as the Pokemon tumbled past back onto the ground, achieving a perfect two point jump, piroetting, to once again face her foe.

"Wow, look at those moves! Smokin!" I said, pumping my fist in the air as I cheered Morgana on. "And speaking of smoke, as a fire type, it doesn't matter how hot you get: you aren't gonna melt THIS pokemon!" Morgana effortlessly dodged one of the creatures swipes, stepping back and bringing her sword down when the claw was in range, cutting off two of the three fingers the flaming boney shark dragon had on that appendage, making it let out a roar of rage as it charged, body slamming into Morgana. "And he chooses to get close!" I roared. "Let's see if he's willing to stand by that decision in the morning!" I stretching my hand out and wagging my finger, making a tsking noise. "Morgana, hit him with some DRAGON CLAW!"

Prying her blade free, another purplish aura surrounding it, Morgana slashed, each one carving out huge chunks of monster-flesh like it was butter, the gaping gouges bleeding black tar that disintegrated to mist shortly on contact with air. Huh. Guess it had a type weakness. "Now kick off!" I said, and Morgana did just that, using her legs to push herself off the creature, landing in the dirt again as it stumbled out of its charge, holding a hand to its chest where it continued to leak. It stared at us, eyes shifting between Morgana and Me, red semicircles filled with hate and rage but also uncertainty: it had realized it might not be able to win this fight.

"Last chance, man," I told it, dropping the Kayfabe, staring at it, lowering my glasses to stare the thing right in its eye and illustrate how little it intimidated me. Hopefully this thing spoke universal. "Walk away: you continue this fight, you aren't going to like where it ends up, because straight up you are not NEARLY the scariest critter I've fought in recent days, just the ugliest," I patiently explained. "You go now, that'll be the end of it, but you try to be tough, try to make a move, and I WILL beat your butt black and blue," I said, gesturing, before grinning. "Your choice. Fight or flight. Not gonna lie, really, REALLY hope you pick the option that lets Morgana beat your ass."

The creature stared, teeth grinding...before turning and moving to the seagate. I let out a sigh. Okay. That was over. The weird...whatever it was was no longer my problem...

I heard a zipping noise and saw a bolt slam into its back, exploding into a mountain of ice, causing the creature to roar in pain as it turned and flailed, opening its mouth to let out a torrent of oil, one that looked way too thick to evaporate. "Morgana, Endure and then Bitter Blade!" I cried, wincing as Morgana braced, holding the flats of the blade out crossed together to form a shield, which kept her from getting completely gunked up. The moment the torrent let up, Morgana was already sprinting, burning up the rest of it even as she jabbed at the creatures heel with her swords, jamming them into the short spaces between the bone plates, before swinging around and slashing at the creatures hamstrings (or, well, the equivalent location), draining vitality as she did so to restore the stamina that Enduring the supersoaking had taken out of her.

The creature roared in pain, kicking at Morgana, and this time, the hit connected, launching her backwards even as the creature turned to glare at me, roaring, continuing its charge, intent on stomping me flat...

Only for another bolt slam into it, exploding into another chunk of ice, causing it to stumble and trip. Ducking, I barely avoided getting decapitated as it rolled right above me before crashing into the tavern behind me. Spinning, I quickly sprinted. "Lucy, I could use a ride!" I said, spotting my cyclizar, who quickly settled into a riding stance. Gulping, I glanced behind me.

Shit, it was getting up. Speeding up, I flung myself forward, grabbing onto Lucy's back. "Prepare to move," I said, heart beating a mile a minute as I watched the giant stand, shaking itself, before letting out a near earsplitting roar...

"Eat my ass, you bastard!" Tellah roared, flying in what appeared to be an actual fucking jetpack. The big, bulky device, painted blue and white and labeled with whatever script this dimension used seemed to be attached to him by a metal harness and seat, and I could see him control it via a joystick attached to one of the long armrests attached to the device. In the other hand he held his crossbow, one I was pretty sure that was responsible for the bolts I had been seeing, and on his head he had some kind of pilots helmet, an old timey one.

"Holy shit, dad?!"

...Oh, wonderful, the kid that I rescued and was still here watching for some insane reason was Tellah's. "Kid, get out of here!" I roared, before turning to Tellah, who barely managed to maneuver his jetpack chair out of the way of the creatures claw swipe. "Tellah you ass, it was retreating!"

"It's a Dagon! Can't let em live or they'll just come back with more Grimm!" He said, firing a volley of bolts into the Grimm's chest, each of them arcing with electricity, causing the Dagon to spasm, buying time. He quickly grabbed more bolts from his quiver, a rotating mechanical cylinder attached to the side of his chair, jamming them into his crossbow to load it.

"Do you have a plan?" I said, deciding to not question his logic for now, but if he was lying or wrong I'd kick his ass for this. Taking advantage of Tellah distracting the creature, I scanned for Morgana, spotting her in the rubble of what I was pretty sure was a boat, looking very dazed, but not particularly hurt. Reaching into my satchel, I drew an awakening, tossing it, the medicine arcing through the air until it got in range, where it floated for a moment, releasing a thick mist.

"Keep whaling on it!" The older man said, the rockets on his jetpack deactivating long enough to let him duck under the Dagon's swings before he hit it with a bolt aimed at its knees which on impact began encrusting them in a thick layer of rock. "It's heavy as hell! Don't let it tag you, and with enough force we should be able to take it down, armor or no!"

Morgana came to, jolting up and quickly scanning our surroundings. "Morgana! Bulk Up and then use Ally Switch with Tellah!" I commanded, and Morgana responded immediately, channeling power to her muscles as she flexed, before...

"Wait wha- WHOAH," Tellah cried, having been transposed back to near the ground while Morgana fell through the air where he had used to be. "Give me some warning next time you pull that kind of stunt!" He cried, rapidly rising back through the air.

"That was your warning!" I cried, already moving onto part two. "Morgana, Dragon Claw on the armor!" Morgana sharpened her blades, and as she desceneded, stabbed them through the Dagon's armor on its back, rending through it like butter, creating huge gouges as she fell, until finally she hit the ground with a bow, the creature stumbling before giving a pissed off roar, more black gunk oozing out its back...and creating more fishmen eggs, the eggs congealing around the creatures feet and hatching the rapidly growing dagon-spawn. Shit. "Tellah!" I yelled, "Try and hit it in the spine! Morgana, cover him while I deal with company down here!"

I turned my head, gazing at the rapidly approaching hoard of creatures. "Okay Lucy, let's play stomp the fishies," I said, my Cyclizar letting out a growl as she ran, sidestepping the foot that descended to stop us to leap onto the emerging batch of fishmen. "Rapid spin!" I yelled, bracing myself as Lucy gave a wide sweep as she landed, knocking most of the fishmen away. One of them leaped at us...

Only to bounce off the water as Sam slammed into them from above. "!ʜƨɒɿɈ ,ɘɔɒlq ɿυoγ wonﻼ" He cried, bouncing off of one fishman and into another, his arm blades reducing them to to mist even as he slid through the air on the breeze his attacks had made to his next target, cutting through them like a wheat through slice, never relenting and never letting his momentum stop as he weaponized the very currents in the air.

"Sam, not that I don't- SHIFT GEAR AND DRAGON RUSH!" I shouted, barely avoiding having a fishman clamp around my next by dint of Lucy massively increasing in the cost of it getting really hard to stay on even as she began ploughing through fishmen...and also kicking up a lot of water. "Not that I don't appreciate the assist, but maybe you shouldn't be fighting in the burning piers! Things are getting hectic and there's a lot of fire and water being thrown around and no offense you don't exactly do well with either!"

"!ɈɒɘɿɈɘɿ oɈ ϱnioϱ Ɉon m'I" He said, indignant, refusing to back down.

"I'm not telling you to retreat, I'm telling you to go tag one of the others in!" I said, nearly getting knocked off by a hard bump in the road consisting of Lucy launching off a Fishman, barely managing to keep my grip. Don't get sweaty fingers, don't get sweaty fingers. "Besides, no offense, we could probably use a blunt object right now!"

"...llɒɔ ɿυoγ ,ɘniᆿ" He relented, altering his angle in order to ride the breeze away from the battle. "I will fetch the rock," He said in extremely halting universal. "Do not die," He commanded, before riding a thermal over a building. I took a deep breath. Right, didn't intend on it, buddy. Looking up, I saw Tellah successfully manage to hit the creatures back, causing it to stumble and roar as it whipped its head in his direction, breathing in, clearly aiming to knock Tellah out of the skies with its gunk...

And having it's head knocked sizeways from the impact of the kid dropkicking it in the face. "Get dunked on!" She cried as the creature spewed a torrent of sludge in the completely wrong direction even as the momentum of the impact sent her spinning through the air, at least a little on fire. "Ow, ow, ow, hot, hot, hot!" She cried, patting herself down as she landed on the ground, wincing in obvious pain.

"Vladdi, what are you doing!" Tellah roared, quickly nailing the still spewing Dagon in the jaw as he arc'd under the Grimm's head, slamming it shut like a tight clamp as his bolt expanded into a jagged metal skewer, locking the creatures mouth shut tight. The dagon clawed at it, and I could see the black ooze bubble from between its clenched teeth. Wait, didn't its sludge-

The red eyes of the creature bulged in did its throat, the boney armor buckling and warping as pressure began to build...until finally it popped, disgorging a flood of dagon ooze from the hole where its throat used to be.

"Sorry Dad! Just wanted to help!" The girl yelled, waving even as she dashed away. Nimble kid, huh?

"You can help by not getting in the way!" Tellah yelled, getting clipped by the Dagon's claw and sent spinning through the air, his rockets activating and deactivating rapidly as he attempted to regain control, finally manage to stabilize long enough to fire another bolt into the things arm even as Morgana cut through another chunk of back plating.

We needed to end this soon: I could feel the temperature rising, and if it got hot enough, this fire WOULD spread to the rest of the town. "Lucy!" I cried, "We're ending this!" I pulled my sleeve up, revealing a band on my wrist containing a cerulean crystal that I could feel emanating draconic energies. Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh, calming myself even as I reached out with my spirit, seizing on my desire to win to activate the crystal. "Z-Power Move," I said, moving my hands rhythmically as I began to channel the exotic energy to Lucy: it looked stupid, but the thing was... "Devestating Drake!" I yelled, Lucy being surrounded by an aura of Z-Power, raging throughout her body. Roaring, she rushed forward, and I barely managed to unseat myself in time to leap off right before she unleashed it, attacking with no physical or mystical move or technique. No, instead, she simply unleased the power of her aura, amplified by the Z-Power to create a massive energy vortex, a heatless inferno that demolished anything inside with pure unrelenting draconic force.

And when it faded, Lucy skidded through the surf, breathing heavily. And when the smoke settled, I gave a grim grin at what I saw. The Dagon's entire front had melted off, dripping drop after drop after drop, its jawless head staring at us as it stumbled once, twice, and then falling. The thing was, Z-Moves might have looked stupid and involve way too much actual magic for me to be comfortable with, but they were one hell of a way to finish a fight. Especially if you could hit a type weakness: all of Morgana's dragon attacks had cut through this guy like butter, and simply coming into contact with the little ones when Lucy was using Dragon Rush caused them to poof. Whatever these things were, they did NOT like dragon type moves.

...So I figured, why not hit em with the widest hitting, hardest hitting dragon move I knew? Walking up to Lucy to make she she was alright, I noticed the big meanie seemed to be dissolving too. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tellah land, the man removing his helmet as he undid his harness, and way up the street I could see Faust and Salty fast approaching. I'll probably have to find Thundaga later. Raising Lucy's ball, I recalled her, letting her rest, before turning to Morgana, who was approaching rapidly, staring at the dissolving Dagon (or whatever Tellah had called it) earlier. "Okay, so, any ideas on what that was?" I asked, and Morgana paused, clearly recognizing what I was asking. not know, she admitted. It had energy and I could feel a mind, but it was NOT a pokemon: it was...empty. Soulless. A husk.

"An evil spirit made flesh," Faust whispered, having reached us, the Hexpert pokemon examining the corpse, which had almost entirely disappeared. "There ARE legends about such things, My Liege: creatures born without hearts, possessing naught but malice, weaving bodies from shadow and the evils of man and pokemon," He continued, leaning down and scooping into a vial some of the gunk pouring from the decomposing body and corking it, the vial giving a slight glow. "A bit of mystical preservative in the vial: should keep it from decomposing long enough for me to give it a good once over, my lord," He said, stepping back, a scowl of disgust on his face. "At any rate, that explains why the weak ones could not breach the salt circle: with no soul, such weak spirits would find their grip on the material realm completely severed," He said, and I rubbed my chin.

Alright, most of that was probably bullshit, but Morgana had confirmed that whatever these creatures were, they were really weird, so I was provisionally considering the possibility that Faust was correct and this dimension had evil spirits. "Okay," I said, opening my mouth-

"Driftwood," Tellah said, reaching us, staring at me with his steely eyes. "I was willing to let your business be, but that was before you set off some kind of aura nuke in my home," He growled, and I winced, finally noticing that the Devestating Drake had done a lot of damage: the entire area it had been set off in had been reduced to a crater. "Who are you, why are you here, what are those things, and what the HELL did you do?"

"I already answered most of those questions," I muttered, annoyed. "I'm a researcher. I'm here because a device I was testing misfired, and these 'creatures'-"

"Stop," Tellah growled. "Do you realize how absurd your story sounds? A human researcher just so HAPPENS to blast themselves to Menagerie with a belt full of magic shrinking creatures that are capable of taking down Grimm, taking refuge in a faunus village the night before a major Grimm tries to level the place? None of your story makes any damn sense, and right now I'd really appreciate some honesty!"

...I sighed, rubbing my temples: yeah this was a right mess. I hadn't opted for subtlety here: I made the right call but it meant my cover was blown like a can of sardines attached to a lit stick of dynamite. "Okay so, before I explain, do me a solid and, assuming I'm a cretin who lives under a rock, could you explain some of the terms you just used?" I asked, blandly. Yeah might as well try to bite the bullet on this. I hadn't been subtle.

Tellah looked at me with confusion. "What terms?" He said, and I took a breath.

"Grimm, Menagerie, Faunus," I said, expression neutral, causing Tellah's jaw to drop: the terms were...familiar, but only vaguely, and from the way Tellah was acting the fact I didn't recognize them would be a massive hole in any covers I spun anyways. "Assume I'm an idiot whose never heard those terms before, because I am and I haven't."

"...How do you not know what Grimm are?!" He said, eye twitching. "Or...or faunus? They're...they're Grimm! And Faunus! I don't- Who ARE you?!" He asked, to which I took a deep breath. Calming thoughts, calming thoughts.

"Tellah," I said, folding my hands together and dipping them slightly. "I want you to think now: is there any answer I could give to that question that wouldn't seem absurd?" I asked softly. "Even if I answered with the absolute truth, you and I both probably recognize that it'd be impossible to take at face value simply because of how implausible verging on nonsensical it would have to sound to make sense of what you've both observed and been told."

Tellah let out a grunt of frustration. Yeah, I could tell it was gonna be a fun...

Evening? Day? What time was it anyways? I glanced up, looking at the moon...

"The fuck happened to your moon?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows as I gazed at the shattered wreckage, not realizing the words that came out my mouth until it was too late.

"Long talk think we should have, I do," I heard a voice say, turning to see Baba, covered in bandages and pushed along in a chair, giving me a raised eyebrow ...and several other members of the village, all holding weapons, staring at my dumbass who just up and admitted he didn't recognize this worlds moon.


Authors Note: I'm not used to writing fight scenes, so I imagine the ones that comprise most of this chapter probably need work. Feel free to suggest ways to improve them! Also since people complained about Sam's dialogue, here's the unmirrored versions of what he says:

Sam Speak:


"Master, you need to act!"

"Know your place, trash!"

"I'm not going to retreat!"

"Fine, your call."
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Okay so can we get an Informational segment on what Pokemon our proffesor has? Cause I don't actually recognize Morganna. I don't think he even mentioned what species that was in his monologues. Please note that I havnt played the games since Black2 or watched the anime after Diamond and Pearl.
This fic has me very excited.
Okay so guessing his pokemon team
He has a Kartana (steel/grass) named Sam as his starter Pokemon.
He brought his 'A-Team' with him which is a team of 6.
We can presume that Lucy his Cyclizar (normal/dragon) as his utility mon, may be an additional pokemon, so he may have 7 in total (You can totally do that, the MC in Scarlet/Violet have 7 pokemon with them. Only when Koraidon/Miraidon aren't battling though)

He has Salty the Garganacl (rock) on his team along with Faust the Galarian Slowking (poison/psychic).
He is also confirmed to have Thundaga the Ancient Hisuin/Sinnohan Electrode (electric/grass)
From Paldea along with Lucy is Morgana the Ceruledge (fire/ghost).
That is 6 pokemon including his starter. Though both Salty and Faust are noted 'Ultility mons' so I don't know if they are part of his 'A-Team', or not or are included as a full team of 6.
We also have a named 'Destroyorah'. from the little description we've gotten, It's most likely the Ultra Beast Guzzlord (Dark Dragon) Also known as UB-05 Glutton. Or it might be a paradox pokemon, though UB-05 fits more due to the professor's specialisation.
So that's 7 pokemon in total mentioned so far. He may have more for utility purposes , or battle purposes but we wouldn't know.

One of my favourite characters so far is Faust, the chunni slowking is hilarious. But the salt circle is believable in this context and why the people of Remnant wouldnt know about it. In this hostile world, the occult probably isnt really a thing, and if it is, it definitely isn't well known. and Things like salt circles.. Salt is very expensive, especially in a world that is hard to transverse thanks to grim, and how would someone waste so much salt and be able to safetly even test it? Not to mention if someone did discover it, the knowledge would be easy to lose, and it would be in Salem's best interest to make sure it stays lost.
Making a salt circle around a whole town is an insane waste of expensives and it only takes a day of bad weather or one idiot to break it.

With how long the professor has been in the pokemon world, and last been on Earth.... who would remember 1 random series of many? Can't blame the poor guy from not knowing what is going on. Why remember when only pokemon knowledge is relevant?
And the fact that dragon is super effective.. I wonder if there's any ineffective (0.5x) or other super effective moves? or if any types are resistant against the grim? Maybe Dark types? would be interesting to try out. If Destroyorah is actually a Guzzlord it would be an insane trump card.

With Kartana's speech, its consistant with the series with how he speaks backwards. However while I could read the earlier backwards text, I can't do the backwards letters and they dont match 1-1, but flipped. I'm like 'what the heck is that letter suppose to be?'. The Prof must have a lot of practice to understand...

For reference I'm including pictures of the pokemon below;
And here's a Guzzlord
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I can't believe that in the middle of an attack the man does a fucking skit! That's completely insane behavior. Also dude you've gotta tell us what is pokemon are as well. Like for some of them you never mention the species name.
Yeah, that was badass. And he's now clued onto the fact he's very far from home. Good thing Salty and Thundaga are right behind the done that hostile crowd because that's great to dissuade unwise actions.

Faust is great and Morgan's was MVP.

For reference I'm including pictures of the pokemon below;
And here's a Guzzlord
Most of those images are broken.
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Most of those images are broken.
Odd, They're broken on my phone, but I can see them just fine on my laptop. I'll see if I can fix it..

Edit: after some time has passed I can see them? Not broken anymore
I added on the pic from another source for the first two just in case...
The pics are from Bulbapedia and Pokemondb
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Hmmm. Here's a weird thought: Are Faunus supposed to be the pokemon equivalents on Remnant (for the purposes of this fic)? Grimm are arguably Shadow Pokemon, and both series have Aura, and as time goes on, there are more and more humanoid pokemon being release (see how Vladdi thinks Ceruledge is straight up a person.)
"Driftwood," Tellah said, reaching us, staring at me with his steely eyes. "I was willing to let your business be, but that was before you set off some kind of aura nuke in my home," He growled, and I winced, finally noticing that the Devestating Drake had done a lot of damage: the entire area it had been set off in had been reduced to a crater. "Who are you, why are you here, what are those things, and what the HELL did you do?"
Oh, sorry. I guess he should just have left you to die. the RWBY-verse is apocalyptic and towns getting razed is a common situation, without him none of them would have survived and they all know that. So I find it weird that rather than thanking their savior they are blaming him for the destruction of their homes.

"Assume I'm an idiot whose never heard those terms before, because I am and I haven't."
Calling oneself an idiot mean giving the other strength over you.
Oh no. The chapter was amazing, but please please please go back to writing Sam's dialogue siht ekiL. That was a small impediment to reading comprehension, but I could at least read it by starting at the last letter in the dialogue tag and reading backwards letter by letter. Using a mirrortext online character replacement thing is so much worse, because a lot of the characters it replaces letters with, like ᆿ, ɿ, Ɉ, and ઘ, don't at all recognizably resemble backwards forms of the letters they're replacing, depending on what browser the reader is using, whether or not they're reading the fic in the same font you're writing it in, and how their platform is set up to display random exotic unicode characters, so I have to decipher those first one by one and then read it backwards while also mentally substituting in the letters that they're supposed to be like I'm decoding an alphabetic cipher. (Not to mention how confusing it is to keep p/q/d/b straight when they're mirrored!)

(Also, FYI, putting the dialogue in an endnote doesn't really help when the update isn't small enough to be displayed fully on a single screen of the device your reader is viewing it on, because scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the post -- typically some unmarked point in the middle of the page, since this is a forum thread -- to read a single line of dialogue from the middle of a paragraph and then back up to a different unmarked midpoint of the page to find your place again is exceedingly nonconducive to a smooth reading experience. Flipping back to consult endnotes is already a pain even when they're in a physical book, but when it's online, the reader can't even keep a finger pressed against the right page and paragraph to mark their approximate place while they flip forward in the book hunting for the end of the chapter.)

EDIT: I hope I don't come across as particularly negative -- I just have a fear of underexplaining myself or coming off as hostile and I get wordy when I'm anxious or when I'm sleep deprived, and so... whoops. This is a really, really small complaint on my part and I honestly would be absolutely hyped about this fic and jazzed for more even if Sam spoke exclusively in strings of poop emojis. This fic fucking rocks, man.
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This story is hilarious, interesting, and well written so far! Can't wait for more! And while on the topic of speculating, I think Destroyah might be one of the new spoiler Pokémon that came out in SV.
Odd, They're broken on my phone, but I can see them just fine on my laptop. I'll see if I can fix it..

Edit: after some time has passed I can see them? Not broken anymore
I added on the pic from another source for the first two just in case...
The pics are from Bulbapedia and Pokemondb
I'm on my laptop and some of them are still broken, if I right click on them and open the image in a new tab they go to a Error 403 Forbidden page.
Bulbapedia can be a little weird about its images, can work if every thing else fails. Try these:
Hisuin Electrode
Galarian Slowking
This looks very interesting. I always like a good pokemon/rwby cross, and I really like the team here. Kartana is an incredible ultra beast, so great to see him here.
Oh, sorry. I guess he should just have left you to die. the RWBY-verse is apocalyptic and towns getting razed is a common situation, without him none of them would have survived and they all know that. So I find it weird that rather than thanking their savior they are blaming him for the destruction of their homes.

Same. I get why he's suspicious, I think it's in-character and even expected; I still think it's a dick move. No thank-yous, not berating his daughter first, who was told by someone clearly more experienced than her to get out of there and not only ignored him, but got in the thick of the combat, hindering said fighter. (Friendly fire, anyone? Specially with her being so low on aura??) (and yeah buddy, maybe deal with your own daughter first.)

Ah, but that's just me venting. I don't think this is bad writing-wise, it's just that when a character is... let's say mean, to the one character I like/am invested in, we readers tend to get mad. Witch again, isn't a bad thing. It just goes to show how likeable you've made the professor already.