Obito-Sensei (A Sakura-Centric Naruto AU)

Yikes, got some serious Eren chasing Annie through the city in Attack on Titan vibes from Zabuza's mauling of Gaara which was glorious by the way.

I've got a lot of positive thoughts about this chapter: it's a wonderful culmination of multiple long standing plot threads like Gaara being stuck in kill crazy mode without canon's therapy and dead Kazekage to let him heal, The Land of Waves being a powder keg, the consequences of collateral damage when high level ninja go at it plus the reality of what a trained Jinchruki unleashed can cause.

Ino body switching with Baki and trying to get Gaara to stand down is just …… ouch. It makes perfect sense as something Shikamaru would come up with and as Hinata pointed out the notion that Gaara would kill his own sensei is just utterly alien to the Leaf kids so they didn't account for it. On the Sand side of things it adds to the tragedy because judging by Gaara's almost betrayed reaction to thinking Baki would tell his father on him there was something there, some bond or connection not openly acknowledged but existing and we are explicitly told that breaking it - killing Baki pushed Gaara 110% over the edge.

Haku, compassionate, enlightened Haku just going going dead eye cold and planning to murder the surviving Sand siblings in revenge for Zabuza's was short glimpsed but actually kind of awful in a well written but painful way. It's a demonstration of the same sad truth canon Obito demonstrated so profoundly, no matter how kind-heroic-strong in ideals you are if enough pain is piled on top of someone they will break.

So this was a nightmarish, sad and awe inspiringly chapter. Thank you for producing such well written work @Ser_Serendipity .
"Got you!" Naruto cried out. He was covered in hundreds of cuts, the product of Gaara's sandstorms and several near misses, and was limping on an obviously broken ankle. He took a painful step away, almost collapsing, his whole face red. "How do you like that, you freak?!" he screamed at the destroyed corpse. "We got you!"

As Naruto screamed, some of the sand shifted, and Sakura's heart stopped.
TFW you narrowly win a boss battle only to realize that it was just the first stage.

So just to be clear, the update wasn't April Fools, only the thread title?
She raised her knife, trying to summon up her elemental blade again, but Gaara wasn't phased.
The sand closed with a terrible crunch, and blood began seeping out of it like water from a rung cloth.
... what the fuck was the sand trio actually up to? Seems like the big act of domestic terrorism was actually planned, which... jesus christ sand village chill.

Its rotten all the way down.

Now the big question is who lightning and fire are going to war with, because regardless of root, this is a hell of a friendly fire incident. Fire would likely happily bury root involvement and blame it all on sand, because airing dirty laundry like that is a big sign of weakness, compared to the more attractive alternative of dumping the hot potato, that being a nominal 'ally' (Ninjas love backstabbery) setting off the ninja equivalent of a nuke in 'neutral' terrritory, and pissing off literally every village by seemingly killing somebody from a huge number of villages. Hell Rain could even probably blame the mist killings on Gaara now, the fucking idiot.

What a mess, good job lol.
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Chapter 52: Failure
Who Can You Save

It felt to Naruto like he staggered around looking for his team for a couple hours, but in reality it likely was ten minutes at the most. When he pulled himself out of the freezing ocean and scrambled onto the new beach Gaara had turned the docks into, he looked around and found no one nearby. His body was practically paralyzed between his exhaustion and lack of chakra, but practically was good enough for him to slowly make his way east in search of other shinobi.

About halfway through his wandering, the Great Channel Bridge collapsed in the distance. Naruto watched it without comprehension as the lights lining its lengths exploded into darkness one by one, and the massive shadow shattered and crumbled into the sea with a sound so loud and low that he could feel it in his bones.

His leg was twisted and sprained, and though his arm had been hastily patched up the hole Gaara had torn in it still burned fiercely. That was all that kept Naruto from sprinting to the bridge; he had to settle for a pathetic limp as he crossed a desert full of death that had once been a stretch of residential buildings. The whole time, he was wondering what he could have done better.

There must have been something that could have kept this from happening, right? He'd fought a Bijuu and it looked like he'd lived to tell the tale, but living wasn't enough. If he'd wanted to prevent this, he would have had to win.

He didn't find anyone who was still alive in his ten minutes of searching, but eventually Sasuke found him.

"Hey!" Naruto's head jerked back, and he found Sasuke approaching from behind him. They were in the center of what had once been an apartment block, but now it was just a land of dust and corpses, with a cloud of debris thrown up which refused to be driven away by the rain and sleet and reduced visibility to less than a hundred feet. Sasuke skirted around a body that lay face-down in the dirt as he approached, his face stuck in a permanent grimace. "Naruto. Is that you? Are you okay?"

Naruto considered, took in the numbness that suffused his entire body, and then shook his head. "Nope," he said, feeling like his throat would crack open. "I don't think I am."

"Yeah, that sounds right," Sasuke muttered as he reached him. Naruto's eyes were drawn down to his friend's right arm: the entire limb was red and black, like meat that had been left on a fire for hours. The fingers were barely intact, and it sagged; there was no muscle tension in it whatsoever. Sasuke held it limp at his side, but Naruto could see that even tiny movements of his torso was causing Sasuke incredible pain. It was amazing he was even able to move.

"Have you found anyone else?" Sasuke said, pointedly ignoring his own useless limb.

Naruto couldn't look away. Could he fix that? Could anyone? "No." He could barely get the word out. "I dunno where Sakura went, or anyone else. It looks like Gaara… well, you can see."

"Okay," Sasuke said. He took a deep breath, wavering as if he were about to fall over before he caught himself. "Okay," he said, and this time it was in a jonin's voice. "We've gotta find Karin or Hinata first. They can track down everyone else for us. I think Karin was fine: I saw her heading south last, away from Gaara, but that was a while ago."

"I think we should go for the bridge," Naruto muttered. Sasuke glanced at him. "It fell. There must have been a reason."

Sasuke hesitated, and then nodded. "Yeah," he agreed. "Bridge first. Maybe others will have gone there too."

They started heading north, and Naruto could see Sasuke giving him worried looks as they went. Did he really look that bad, he wondered? Surely Sasuke looked worse. At least Naruto's bum arm still had skin.

"What was the last thing you saw?" Sasuke eventually asked. Naruto shrugged.

"I didn't see much. I got tossed into the ocean; that's how my leg got messed up," he said, gesturing to his dragging foot. "But one of my clones lasted a while longer: Zabuza showed up after Gaara went crazy, and I'm pretty sure he cut something off him. Maybe his arm. After that, he started running, and my clone ran out of chakra and couldn't follow him. I got out of the water just a little bit after that. Couldn't find anyone; went to where I saw Sakura last first." He sucked in a breath. "We're gonna get him for this, right Sasuke?"

"If he's still alive," Sasuke confirmed. "Zabuza's a bastard, but he's a strong one. He might have chased Gaara down and finished him."

"Good," Naruto muttered. "Let's hope."

"Hey!" Both their heads snapped up at the yell, which had come from atop a particularly large mound of sand about forty feet away. Shikamaru Nara was up there, waving with both arms; he seemed untouched by the world, and Naruto instantly felt odd seeing him so whole. "Naruto, Sasuke! Still alive?"

Naruto got a glimpse of Sasuke's Sharingan, but it faded as soon as it appeared. Because Sasuke was too exhausted to keep it up, or because he'd confirmed that Shikamaru was real? Naruto was sure it was both. "Close enough!" Sasuke yelled, trudging up towards Shikamaru as Naruto trailed after him. "Do you know where everyone else is?"

"I've got them, yeah," Shikamaru said as they crested the mound. Naruto wondered if there was more than rubble and sand under it. "But, Sasuke… I think Zabuza Momochi is dead."

"What?" Sasuke asked. Naruto couldn't feel anything, not even surprise or anger. If Gaara had killed Zabuza, he was just another person among hundreds or maybe thousands.


"Is Sakura okay?" he rasped, and Shikamaru gave him a double-take and then gestured for the both of them to follow him. He talked as they descended the ridge, still heading towards the ruined bridge.

"She's alive," he said, which was uncomfortably vague. "Hinata was leading her and Haku after Zabuza and Gaara, but she collapsed, even with a soldier pill. I think that poison did a number on her, even with your help Naruto. I don't know what happened after that, but Haku made it sound like the bridge fell on top of all of them. Gaara and Zabuza were both buried, and Haku dragged Sakura out of there. She…" he sighed. "She's really messed up, Naruto. Do you think you can still use any medical jutsu?"

Naruto knew the honest answer was no. He'd been beaten to the edge of death several times over the course of the night, and had only been able to fix up the most critical injuries. He'd made over a hundred Shadow Clones, splitting his chakra countless times, and was still covered in dozens of cuts and bruises that stung like razors being dragged across his skin, not to mention his messed up leg and barely working arm.

"It's Sakura," he said without hesitation. "I'll fix her up no matter what."

"Pfft." Shikamaru couldn't hold back a grin. "You'll follow her anywhere, huh?"

Naruto didn't have anything to say to that and Sasuke seemed busy processing what Shikamaru had said, so they went the rest of the way without exchanging anything of consequence. They arrived at a hollowed out building that looked to have once been a hotel and found Kurenai, Hinata, Ino, Suigetsu, Haku, and Sakura inside the wrecked lobby. Karin was still nowhere to be seen.

No one there looked particularly good. Kurenai and Ino were both laid out with obviously broken legs on a couch that had been dragged to the center of the lobby; Suigetsu and Hinata were both unresponsive and pale, barely conscious and exhausted beyond belief; Haku and Sakura were at the center of the group, Sakura lying on the ground and Haku at her side, his hand squeezing hers.

Naruto looked over everyone and found himself subconsciously categorizing them. At least his medic-brain still worked. Everyone except Sakura was exhausted, but not critical; they didn't necessarily need medical jutsu, just time and rest. But Sakura…

There was a hole in her shoulder; it would be a miracle if the joint was intact. Her bicep was shredded and coated in blood, and her neck and back had been torn up. That was the most dramatic injury, but her whole body was covered in cuts besides that, and there was a particularly nasty gash on her head just behind her ear that was still sluggishly bleeding. If Naruto had to guess, it had probably been caused by falling debris.

Haku looked up at him, his eyes empty. He didn't seem to realize Sakura's hand was still in his. "Zabuza saved me, so I saved her." He said. His normally beautiful and measured voice had no life to it. "But I couldn't…"

Naruto ignored him, falling down at Sakura's side with a painful thump and checking her pulse. It was fast and thready, her heart beating rapidly even though she was unconscious. Upon closer inspection, he could see that Haku had frozen many of Sakura's wounds shut; not enough to push her into shock, thankfully, but at least enough to keep her from bleeding out. It was probably the only reason her shoulder wound hadn't killed her yet.

"Why didn't you bandage her instead?" he asked, running flickering yellow chakra across Sakura's entire body and diagnosing her other injuries. Broken ribs, but not punctured organs by some miracle. She had to be the most stubborn person alive to still be breathing despite having a bridge dropped on her after she'd already fought Gaara beyond the edge of her endurance.

Shikamaru shrugged. "We went looking for you instead. We figured that if you or another medical ninja wasn't around…"

Naruto swallowed. He hated to think about it, but Shikamaru was right. Sakura was past the point where mundane medicine could save her. Maybe if there was a modern hospital in Fukami City, they could take her there, but those places were probably already full of wounded people. What would they do then? Push out someone else who needed help?

It had to be him.

He focused, drawing out his chakra and trying to do the same for Sakura's. They were both empty. His energy cut out and Naruto sagged, his hand sinking into Sakura's stomach.

"Naruto?" Sasuke asked, and he let out a ragged breath, trying again. He had to dig as deep as he could, past the point of no return if he needed to. The alternative was unthinkable. His chakra came out again, dancing across Sakura's shoulder, and Naruto felt an irreplaceable part of himself start to drain away with it.

"We've got to get going," Sasuke said, and Naruto looked up at him sharply. "We can't afford to do this here."

"We can't move her," Naruto said in a low voice. "She's too hurt."

"Just do the best you can then," Sasuke said. "We have to leave immediately."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Naruto muttered.

"Gaara may still be alive," Kurenai cut in. "Hinata can't verify one way or another, and your sensor is still missing. If he is, he might come for her. And besides that… most of Waves hired shinobi died, but the ones that survived probably saw that he went mad because of Sakura."

"He went mad because he's crazy," Naruto said. His voice was cold; his whole body was cold. All his warmth was pouring into Sakura, but it wasn't enough to fix her, only keep her alive.

"Of course. But they'll still be looking for someone to blame. If you are all unlucky, it could fall equally on Sand and Rain." Kurenai shifted, obviously uncomfortable, and closed her eyes. "That would be even more unjust than what's already happened here."

"She's right, Naruto," Sasuke said. "We did our best, and we accomplished the mission." He swallowed, looking like he wanted to throw the words up. "There's not much more we can do here."

"I could help," Naruto muttered. "We'll look guilty if we run, and I could help. There's a lot of dead people, but I bet even more are hurt. I could…"

"Do what?" Shikamaru cut in with a harsh tone. "You're barely able to fix up Sakura right now, let alone the rest of us. What, do you think you could make a difference like you are now?" He was pacing, and Naruto was sure he was keenly aware he was the only one of them that wasn't badly injured now.

"I'd have to try," Naruto declared, half-dead and moving steadily towards full as he did his best to stabilize Sakura, and Shikamaru snorted.

"Who can you save?" he asked. Naruto twitched. "Seriously. I'm not trying to be mean, Naruto. Just think about it. Right now, you can barely manage one person. Sasuke's arm will need help too. Beyond that…" His face fell. "I don't think you can go beyond that. You're a medic. You should know this."

Naruto did, but he couldn't accept it. His head dropped, the edges of the world going dark.

'Who can I save?'

The answer was obvious. He could save Sakura, and that would be it. After that, he'd be done.

But he was okay with that.

There was a commotion, people moving to shield him, and he glanced over as his vision started to flicker. There was a dash of red in the entry to the lobby.

"D-don't." He recognized the voice: Karin had finally found them. She stepped into the lobby shivering, rubbing violently at her arms as though she were freezing to death. "Naruto, don't. You don't h-have enough."

"Karin." Sasuke, sounding like he was miles away. "Looks like you're alright?"

"I, I'm not." Naruto's head was too heavy to lift. "That feeling… all this… I couldn't handle it. I ran a-away. I'm sorry."

"Well, you're here now. Sakura's gonna die without help." Sasuke was starting to sound frustrated.

"Naruto will too if he keeps going." Karin, on the other hand, sounded sure again. "But I can help." She staggered forward. "Listen, Gaara's run away, him and his siblings. That's the only reason I was able to come this way. I'm so sorry, but I can actually do something now."

She sank down across from Naruto, on the other side of Sakura, and he was just barely able to look up at her.

"He's alive?" Naruto said, murder obvious in his voice, and Karin nodded. At her side, Haku twitched, but he seemed to have been rendered mute.

"He is. So you and Sakura have to stay alive, okay?" she said. She stuck out her arm in front of his face. "Naruto, you've got to bite me."

"Eh?" That absurd statement managed to break through Naruto's exhaustion, and he stopped fruitlessly pouring his life into Sakura as he stared at Karin. She was earnest, terrified, her arm shaking in front of her. "Come again?"

"There's something I can do," Karin said in the tone of someone revealing a disgusting habit. "It's supposed to be a secret, but now's not the time to keep those. If you bite me, you'll take some of my life; it should get you back to a hundred percent." She smiled, still terrified. "But I've never done it with another Uzumaki before. You might take all I've got, so catch me if I fall over, alright?"

"Uh… okay," Naruto said. He tentatively leaned forward, aware that everyone present was watching them with curious eyes. The Leaf team probably didn't know Karin was an Uzumaki. Well, that didn't matter now.

"It's gotta be hard," Karin said as he opened his mouth. "Enough to draw blood, alright?"

Naruto nodded, and then he bit down.

Biting into Karin's arm was the weirdest experience of his life. She was warm, unnaturally so considering the weather, and when some of her blood trickled into his mouth, there was only one word that came to Naruto's mind.

Delicious. He wondered in an addled and absurd way if he was becoming a vampire or something. Karin's blood was sweet and thick, enough that the expected feeling of disgust didn't come. Instead, he almost felt drugged.

There was more than just blood. Karin let out a yelp as chakra, so much chakra it almost rocked Naruto back like a tide of water, poured out of her arm and into his mouth. Naruto's entire body lit on fire as foreign chakra poured over his entire being and instantly assimilated with it: like a balloon that was stuck to a tap well past the moment it should have popped, he found himself filled beyond safety by a burning golden light. His arm and leg popped, twisting back into place as hastily formed scar tissue was obliterated, and steam rose from his body as all of his injuries smoothed over at once, not even leaving behind a scab.

He breathed out, a migraine forming and disappearing just as quickly at the base of his skull, and found that he'd never felt better in his life. Karin's eyes rolled back into her head, and true to his word Naruto caught her before she could even begin to fall. He marveled at how quick he was, at the effortless strength in his hands, and gently laid her down beside Sakura.

"Jeez," Karin coughed. Naruto noticed something bizarre; golden chakra was dancing not just at the wound on her arm, but in the small of her back. It sparked once, twice, and then vanished; something in Naruto's brain skipped a beat at it, but the thought was gone long before he could grab it. Right now there was too much for him to worry about. "That was worse than I-"

She passed out before she could even finish the sentence, and Naruto blinked as he stared down at her. He felt he should scream out his thanks, but there wasn't any time for that. He'd been given a miraculous second chance and couldn't afford to waste it.

"You good?" Sasuke grunted, and Naruto looked up at him. He could feel his face stretch into a smile, but it didn't go beyond an expression.

"Yeah," he said. "I got this."

The lobby was silent as he went to work on Sakura. There was too much to fix, enough that he couldn't consciously catalog it. Weeks and months of training with Kabuto and Nono moved his hands and guided his chakra. It was like with Kagami, Naruto thought afterwards, an almost out of body experience guided by spite and desperation that wiped his mind clean and left only the work of healing, binding muscles and rebuilding tendons as he demanded that a broken body put itself back together.

When he was finished, Naruto had no concept of how much time had passed. He was sweating, tired once more despite his chakra being completely refreshed, and everyone in the room seemed speechless, staring at Sakura. She was whole again, though Naruto was sure she would be in a coma for a time. There was only so much even he could do in the face of total exhaustion and a body pushed beyond its limit by every kind of trauma and a hasty soldier pill.

But she'd wake up. He was sure of it. He collapsed back on his butt with a gasp, hands splayed in the dirt, and laughed.

"Okay," he grunted. "Who's next?

"Get Sasuke," Kurenai said, and then shot Naruto's friend a glare when he started to protest. "The rest of us can sleep this off. But that arm needs to be saved."

As Naruto worked, refreshing skin and restoring charred muscle, he finally asked what had been on his mind from the moment he'd seen Sasuke's blow a Bijuu's arm off.

"Sasuke, what the fuck was that?" he asked, and Sasuke grimaced as several of his fingers cracked back into place, the bones resetting. "I thought you'd be too smart to do something like this to yourself."

"It was this or dying," Sasuke retorted, wincing. Naruto stopped for a moment, observing the muscles redeveloping, and then got back to work. He had a sinking feeling in his chest as he went, and he tried to distract himself by listening to his friend. "And, you know, it was that thing we talked about."

"What thing?" Naruto asked, genuinely unable to recall in a moment like this, and Sasuke shrugged with one shoulder.

"You know. A Lightning Rasengan," he said, and Naruto choked on his own spit.

"Seriously?" As he asked it, Ino let out a weak laugh.

"Seriously?" she repeated. "You added an element to the Fourth Hokage's jutsu? That's amazing!"

"It's not!" Naruto shot back as Sasuke started to give a faint grin. "It's insane! The Rasengan is crazy delicate, and you shoved a bunch of lightning chakra in it? Why not fire? You're better at that!"

"Fire was too temperamental: I found Lightning easier to work with," Sasuke said with a shrug. Naruto blanched.

"Sasuke…" he started to say. He shook his head. "How long have you been working on this? You didn't tell us."

"Around six months," Sasuke said, and Naruto started to wonder if his friend was insane. "I thought it might be… I dunno, a trump card. I guess it was."

"You should have told us," Naruto said, letting his hands fall away. Sasuke's arm hung limp; it looked fixed, but Naruto knew the truth. "You really should have told us."

Sasuke tried to lift his arm, and Naruto watched, stricken, as he came to grips with reality. His arm came up, but slowly. It shook like paper in the wind. Sasuke looked at it with obvious annoyance, his eyes narrowing.

"It's weak," he said, and Naruto snorted, feeling like he was about to cry.

"Yeah, no shit it's weak," he said, trying to keep his breathing under control. "The Lightning's not just an explosion you know. You must have seen it with your Sharingan."

"Yeah," Sasuke admitted. "I just thought… well, I guess it was better than dying."

"What?" Ino asked, and Kurenai shifted. "What's up? You fixed him, right Naruto? If you could fix Sakura, an arm's nothing."

Breathe. They'd get out of here, and he still had a lot to do. With Sasuke taken care of, Naruto stood up, creating a dozen clones and feeling himself waver on his feet. He dispelled four of them, redistributing the chakra. Eight of him was less than he'd like, but it would have to do. He gave them a nod and they grimly nodded back before heading off into the city.

Fukami City was fully alive now, thrashing and screaming like a gutted animal. Law enforcement and emergency response personnel were everywhere, swarming over the desert and pulling people from shattered buildings. They'd steered clear of the group of ninja, and Naruto couldn't blame them for it. When his clones started mixing in with the response teams, most gave them a wide berth until they started assisting in moving rubble with superhuman strength and diagnosing the injured and dead they found with lightning speed.

At that point Naruto's clones might as well have been honorable citizens of the Land of Waves. There was simply too much to do and too many to save for it to be any other way.

"Medical jutsu can't fix everything," Naruto said, and Kurenai nodded with a grimace. "For the most part, it mimics natural healing. If I were a lot more experienced, I could probably do more, but like…" He fought back more tears, his whole face clenching. "Sakura was torn up, but it was all structural damage. Muscle, bone, organs, I can fix that. That Lightning Rasengan was like Sasuke's arm got hit by a lightning bolt, and then a million tiny ones. The bone almost exploded, and a lot of the blood did. All the nerves are fried, and the chakra system there got turned to paste. It's a miracle it didn't just fall off, or kill him from the shock, but…" He turned to his friend not as a friend but as a medical ninja delivering a diagnosis. "Your arm's dead, Sasuke."

Sasuke paused. Visibly considered the fact that he was down an arm for the rest of his life. Nodded.

"Alright," he said, and Naruto couldn't help but laugh.

"Goddamn it." Maybe it was crying instead of laughing. Naruto couldn't tell at this point.

"My arm for a Tailed Beast's," Sasuke said, and somehow he had a smug look on his face. "If Gaara got away, I doubt it was permanent… but I'll call that a decent trade."

"Your mom's gonna kill you," Naruto laugh-sobbed, and Ino rolled her eyes.

"She'd probably do that if she saw him again anyway," she said, and Sasuke chuckled. Naruto barely cared that he'd almost given away the game. There was just too much right now, and Haku, Karin, and Suigetsu were barely awake anyway. What did it matter at this point, in the face of such horrible destruction?

He kept himself busy as tears dripped down his face wringing himself out to fix up everyone else, determined that they all would walk away in one piece. As he did, his clones expended themselves over time as they ran dry of chakra. Through that, Naruto came to understand more about what had happened to Fukami City than anyone else in the world.

Gaara had cut a rough path north east from the docks to the bridge, and devastated a mix of residential and industrial zones as he'd gone with zero regard for life. The trail got smaller the closer it got to the bridge, which had left the buildings closest to it paradoxically unharmed even as the city to the south was torn down and buried in sand and the bridge to the north fell in on itself. Even its foundations had been devastated: Naruto wasn't anything close to an architect or engineer, but he imagined that something that big would take a tremendous amount of time and money to fix, the kind that the Land of Waves might not immediately have on hand.

The amount of casualties was devastating. Naruto's clones couldn't see everything, but between all of them Naruto could estimate that close to five-thousand people were dead, and more than twice that were injured. It was a number that he couldn't really wrap his head around: even in all his life he would probably never know the names of a thousand people, let alone five-thousand, but that was at least how many were dead now. The idea that one person, even someone in control of a Tailed Beast, could have done this was completely beyond him.

Could his mother have done this? The Kyuubi was supposed to be the strongest Tailed Beast, that's what she'd told him. If she went all out like Gaara had, would there even be a city left afterwards?

As Naruto's clones assisted in rescue and emergency efforts, his real self rested. By the time he was done with them, the Leaf shinobi were back to full strength. It might have been a dumb move to help people who'd try to kidnap Sasuke just the day before, but Naruto didn't care about that kind of stuff anymore. He just wanted people to be okay, and by his hands they were.

Kurenai and Shikamaru left Ino and Hinata behind, though Hinata was still unconscious, about an hour after Naruto had saved Sakura. They needed to clean up loose ends; they departed into the sand and ashes to retrieve the ROOT agent's body and to see if there was anything left to find of the counterfeit conspiracy. It was wordlessly agreed upon that the Leaf team would take the body back to Konoha; Rain had no business with it. When they got back hours later, the sky was becoming the dark blue that heralded and eventual dawn, though Naruto didn't feel like the sun was supposed to come back up after a night like this one.

Between the explosion and Gaara's rampage, any evidence was long buried and destroyed. They had a corpse and a story to show for their efforts: hopefully that would be enough. By this point, Naruto was almost as unconscious as Sakura.

His final clone checked the remains of the bridge on its own initiative, knowing that Karin wouldn't be wrong but hoping it would find Gaara's corpse there regardless. There was a cairn of concrete and steel that had been upended, part of it soaked in dried blood. Gaara had been buried and then dug his way out, that much was clear. Whether he'd retreated of his own initiative or been dragged away by his siblings, Naruto couldn't tell.

Of Zabuza, there was no sign. Naruto had a cold certainty that the older ninja was buried on the seafloor along with his sword. If he hadn't been, he would have shown up by now, and Karin had made no mention of him. Even though he'd been a pain in Sasuke's ass and a creep on the few missions they'd been on together, Naruto still felt something crush his heart at the idea that such an experienced ninja and someone that was so obviously important to Haku, someone that had saved him from a life of slavery, was dead, and wouldn't even have a proper grave.

He'd taken Gaara's arm though. He'd done even better than Sasuke in that respect, cutting off a real one instead of blowing apart a chakra construct. Naruto didn't think the damage you caused was the true measure of a ninja, but he thought that Zabuza probably did: maybe he'd take that thought to the afterlife, and be content.

Eventually, the sun came up, and by then Naruto had to admit he'd done all he possibly could.

There were still more injured people. It felt like there always would be, but he couldn't go on. All but asleep and struggling to breathe as his body screamed at him for pushing himself past the point of exhaustion twice in a row in one night, Naruto finally decided he'd saved who he could. He felt even worse than he had after he'd saved Kagami, like he had a body full of lifeless blood and a head made of mud.

"Time to go," Sasuke said. He was talking to everyone, not just him. Naruto wearily looked over from his sprawled position on the couch as the shinobi gathered. Haku hadn't said a word all night, still mutely holding Sakura's hand as she slept. The Leaf ninja looked speechless, but Suigetsu finally had something to say.

"Finally," he said. His bravado was buried under obvious exhaustion. "The walk back is gonna suck."

"Yeah," Sasuke said mindlessly. He looked over Kurenai, Ino, Shikamaru, and Hinata last. She was still mostly unconscious, lying back in a chair and occasionally shifting. "Thank you, all of you. We can't repay you."

"You won't need to," Kurenai said. She let a smile flit across her face for a moment. "I don't suppose you want to head back with us instead."

"No," Sasuke said. "Sorry."

"Worth a shot."

He moved to Hinata's side and bent down, taking a knee. Naruto wasn't sure what he was going to say, but whatever it was never emerged as Hinata leaned forward and wrapped her hands around him. She hugged him close as Sasuke froze, one arm dangling useless at his side, and muttered something in his ear; Naruto couldn't hear it, and he felt it wasn't any of his business anyway.

They stayed like that for a little too long for comfort, more than fifteen seconds, and then Sasuke pulled away and Hinata sank back, fully asleep.

"You good?" Naruto muttered, and Sasuke shook his head.

He moved over and hoisted Naruto over his good shoulder. "Hey!" he muttered, too weak to protest with more than his voice. Sasuke just scoffed.

"Suigetsu, you get Karin. Haku, Sakura. We're gonna get back as fast as we can." Both the other boys obeyed without a word, hoisting Sakura and Karin up. Naruto thought that as far as shinobi teams went, they must look pretty pathetic right now.

"See ya!" he called back as he was carried away from the Leaf team by Sasuke. "Make it-" He choked on his words. "Make it back safe, alright?!"

"We will!" Ino shouted back. "Good luck, Naruto, Sasuke! Tell Sakura she's a dumbass when she wakes up!"

Naruto laughed, and then they were out of sight, steadily moving towards the Land of Rain.

"That sucked," Sasuke said, and Naruto nodded, feeling like a sack of straw.

"Yeah," he couldn't think of anything else to say. "I wish we could have actually said goodbye."

"There's no need," Sasuke said. They were moving across the ocean, buffeted by wind and salt, and yet somehow Naruto felt like he could fall asleep. "We'll see them again."

Mmm. Naruto thought he'd said it, but he found that the sound hadn't left his mouth. As he looked back towards Fukami City lit both by the early morning sun and the perpetual lights of any city, he felt a spasm of anger run through his whole body. For some reason, the anger brought an old memory with it. Across a gulf of time and humiliation, Obito spoke to him.

"You'll fail sometimes, all of you," he said. He'd said it when they were signing up for the Chunin Exam, taking on something that in truth meant nothing in the grand scheme of things, though Naruto had thought it the most important event of his life so far. "That's life. If you avoid failure, you'll never improve."

Improving sucks, Naruto decided.

This was just like Waterfall, but a million times worse. There, he'd felt powerless from the start, but here, he could have changed this. If it happened again, he would change it. Gaara might have crawled away, but he was gonna make sure the Jinchuriki paid for what he'd done to the Land of Waves. Him and all the Hidden Sand for being stupid enough to unleash him on the world.

There was another thought, more urgent than ever before. It had been more than a year now that they'd been on a mission, and some days Naruto forgot the original reason. But now, maybe cause he'd seen just what a Jinchuriki could be capable of, the notion was clearer in his mind than ever.

They needed to find Fuu. They needed to find her as soon as possible. Things were going to change now, in ways Naruto couldn't even imagine, and their window might close before they knew it. This night had taught him that the future you expected could always vanish in the blink of an eye.

That was Naruto's sole thought as he was dragged back to Amegakure, and it didn't give him comfortable dreams when he finally fell asleep.
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Waiting to see the Amekage's reaction and political fallout from this. Doesn't feel like the story arc is over quite yet.
His leg was twisted and sprained, and, though his arm had been hastily patched up, the hole Gaara had torn in it still burned fiercely.
I feel like this could use some commas.
I think that poison did a number on her, even with your help, Naruto.
Vocative form is surrounded by commas.
He had to dig as deep as he, past the point of no return if he needed to.
Missing word.
The Lightning's not just an explosion, you know.
Missing comma.
How on god's green earth did he escape alive again? Jesus Christ. What a mess.

RIP to the main man Zabuza. He deserved better. ;;
I was bummed out that Sasuke lost an arm. Then remembered that prosthesis are a thing in this story and rain has the world's foremost expert on them.

Sasuke is Venom Snake?

Story's still brill by the way. Tried 3 times to read the previous chapter and couldn't finish because I was getting too much of a rush from the fights. Tension, violence, consequences. It's fabulous.
I was bummed out that Sasuke lost an arm. Then remembered that prosthesis are a thing in this story and rain has the world's foremost expert on them.

Sasuke is Venom Snake?

Story's still brill by the way. Tried 3 times to read the previous chapter and couldn't finish because I was getting too much of a rush from the fights. Tension, violence, consequences. It's fabulous.
It's going to be an awkward conversation to try and talk Sasuke into amputating his arm.
Waiting to see the Amekage's reaction and political fallout from this. Doesn't feel like the story arc is over quite yet.
You'd be right about that!
How on god's green earth did he escape alive again? Jesus Christ. What a mess.

RIP to the main man Zabuza. He deserved better. ;;
Gaara is like a cockroach in this fic tbh, he just keeps going no matter what. Also yeah, feel terrible about Zabuza tbh but it was meant to be. No matter what, it seems he was fated to die because of that bridge.
I was bummed out that Sasuke lost an arm. Then remembered that prosthesis are a thing in this story and rain has the world's foremost expert on them.

Sasuke is Venom Snake?

Story's still brill by the way. Tried 3 times to read the previous chapter and couldn't finish because I was getting too much of a rush from the fights. Tension, violence, consequences. It's fabulous.
Sasuke becoming the Venom to Yahiko's Big Boss would be a pretty wack, gotta say. Wish I'd come up with that myself.
It's going to be an awkward conversation to try and talk Sasuke into amputating his arm.
He's only had it for fifteen years, if he gets a new one and takes care of it it could easily last three times as long!

Thanks for the comments everyone!
Gaara is turning into a real boogeyman lol.

That death toll was rough wonder if rain can help with the whole losing his arm thing or is sasuke is gonna have to master some wild shit.

Also what happened with Haku? Is he dead? Rogue?
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Chapter 53: Miracle, Maybe
I've Got A Solution

The journey to the Land of Waves from Amegakure had taken two days, and thanks to Naruto's medical skills Sasuke and his team were able to keep the same pace heading back. It took a lot more effort though: they hadn't had to drag along three unconscious people on the way there.

Karin woke up halfway through the first day and was able to run alongside them as they skirted the forests of the Land of Fire and plunged through the Land of Rivers. She was groggy but functional, and that was more than enough for Sasuke. She offered to carry Naruto, but Sasuke refused: he felt like it was his duty to do so, and Haku never once complained about having to carry Sakura. They ended their first day most of the way through the Land of Rivers, closer to the border of Rain than to Fire, but still not quite there.

"Sasuke," Karin had said softly, and Sasuke had looked over to her, his numb arm buzzing with phantom pain. "It's time to stop."

He licked his lips, tasting sweat, and agreed. They bunkered up in a chilly fjord, high jagged cliffs covered in drooping roots and toppling trees shadowing them as they set up a campsite on cold black sand.

"Wanna fire?" Suigetsu asked. Of all of them he was the only one who looked completely fine, despite having been the most abused. "You look like you need it. More to the point," he thumbed a finger at Naruto and Sakura, who'd both been laid down on blankets on the sand, "I bet they do too."

Still asleep, Sasuke thought, suppressing a full-body shiver. It had now been about, what, eighteen hours since Sakura had lost consciousness, and a little less for Naruto? That made it a coma, he was pretty sure. It wasn't surprising considering what they had gone through, but it still concerned him. Naruto in particular had always bounced back from everything. They had to be defended, and they wouldn't be able to artificially regulate their temperature with chakra. A fire would be smart.

But a fire would draw attention, and right now, Sasuke felt the most useless he ever had in his life. He'd lost the other Jonin on the mission because of his own cockiness, his willingness to split their team. The mission had failed, utterly.

And when he ran, everytime he took a step forward, his arm bounced against his side. That was what made him feel truly hopeless as he pondered the question of fire.

With the memory of a Tailed Beast's arm exploding under his hand, he'd been able to write off the loss, especially when Naruto had already looked so desperate, tried his best, given so much for all of them, nearly killed himself saving Sakura. But now, with both his friends in a coma and an exhausting day of silent travel behind him, the memory was fading and all Sasuke could think about was the peculiar pain of his arm.

It was numb and tingled constantly, like he'd slept on it. It would feel like he'd slept on it for the rest of his life. Sasuke could barely lift it, and when he did it felt like something in shoulder might tear. It scared him. The last time he'd seen his brother, he'd felt a gulf between them, a cliff he had failed to climb despite all his growth. Now, that gulf was even more ridiculous, maybe even truly impassible. He'd given up his future for the present, and Sasuke hated it.

"A fire would be good," he finally decided, aware he'd been silent for a couple seconds. "We'll take watches. I'll get some wood. Watch them." He tried to stoke his pride like he would their campfire, to regain his hope. Even with one arm, he was more than a match for most ninja. He had a couple one-handed jutsu too, and he could learn more. He was young. This wasn't the end.

But as he broke off branches with short, sharp chops and stuck them to his body with chakra because he couldn't carry them in both hands, Sasuke wondered if he was just lying to himself.

The fire was easy enough to start with a little fiery chakra breathed into his hand, and then they sat around it as darkness fully descended. The night was cold, but there wasn't a breeze and the sound of the river lapping along the fjord was relaxing. Sasuke felt his heart start to slow down as he stared into the flame and set up his sleeping bag with one hand, wondering if he'd ever have a day like this again.

"Hey, you okay man?" Suigetsu asked, too informal to be talking to his team leader, but Sasuke found he didn't care. He shook his head, and Suigetsu grunted.

"Yeah," he said, glancing at Sasuke's limp arm. "Is it-?"

"Naruto was right," Sasuke said shortly. "It's not coming back."

"I could try to help," Karin said. Sasuke gave her a look, and she met his gaze. "You could bite me too. I could take it. I've had a day."

A day of running and stretching her senses to make sure they weren't being followed, Sasuke thought. There was no way Karin was fully recovered from healing Naruto. And besides that…

"If I cut it off and bit you, would it grow back?" he asked, his voice sour. Karin's eyes went wide and she stared at him for a couple seconds before cautiously shaking her head.

"I don't think so," she said while Suigetsu and Haku watched them both. "It would seal the wound, I'm sure, but I don't think your body could… grow another arm, Sasuke."

"Then let's not bother," Sasuke said, thumping the limb and feeling nothing. "I can feel it. Or, I guess I can't feel it. Like Naruto said, it's done for. It's just some meat shaped like an arm. When we get back, I'll probably get it removed. It's throwing me off too much."

"You'll disregard your own arm?" Haku said softly. Sasuke turned on him, noting that the beautiful boy was by Sakura's side even after laying her down and bundling her up near the fire. It was one of the only things Haku had said all day. He'd seemed to be in shock.

"It doesn't feel like my arm anymore," Sasuke said. "It's like a weight tied to my shoulder. I can't do anything with it." He lifted it to make his point, and his right arm came up shaking the whole way, stopping before it even got level with his shoulder. It hung there, trembling, before Sasuke dropped it with a grunt. "It'll only cause me trouble."

"Missing it entirely could too," Haku said, and he took a long, deep breath, like he was holding back tears. "At least give it some more thought, Sasuke." He glanced down at Sakura. "When Sakura and Naruto wake up, if they see your arm is completely gone, it might hurt them. They deserve to be part of that conversation, I think."

Haku was right, Sasuke thought with annoyance. Even on the edge of falling apart, and so obviously too, the other boy was more clear-headed than him. He swallowed and nodded, trying to pick up some of the responsibilities he was supposed to hold.

"Are you alright, Haku?" he asked, and Haku stiffened. "There wasn't time to…"

"No," Haku said. His voice was soft. "There wasn't. And no. I'm not." He stared off into the darkness beyond the fire, drawing his legs up and wrapping his arms around them. "I'm not okay. I've been with Master Zabuza my whole life. I don't feel in control of myself. I don't know what to do next."

Haku turned to Sasuke, suddenly intense. "You've lost before, Sasuke," he said. Sasuke didn't know what to say as Haku continued with obvious desperation. "You lost much of your family, your brother, your village, and now your arm. How did you keep moving forward?" Haku's face was pale. "I lost my family when I was a child. I murdered my own father after he killed my mother and turned on me. I was lost after that, and I remained lost and enslaved until Zabuza found me, freed me. He became everything for me, and now he's gone."

Haku looked like a ghost beside the fire. "I followed him to Rain, and then I followed Rain's ideals because he told me to follow something besides him. But it was always Zabuza that I was moving forward for. But you've kept going no matter what, even after abandoning your village and your family and your friends. How are you doing it?"

Sasuke blinked. He didn't know what to process first, what Haku had said about him or what Haku had revealed about himself. He didn't know if he even had an answer to the question until his arm burned and his eyes fell on his unconscious teammates, bundled and steadily breathing in the light of the fire.

"I'm the same," he said, feeling like it wasn't the complete truth the moment it came out of his mouth. "After what my brother did, I followed him. I still am. It's why I came to Rain. And when Sakura was going too, I was following her, her and Naruto both." He thumped his useless arm. "I guess that's why I'm going to get rid of this. If I'm going to keep up with them, I don't wanna slow down."

"The same, huh?" Haku muttered, trailing off. He looked back to Sakura. "Can we follow the same person?"

"She's worth it," Sasuke said. Now, he thought that was definitely too cheesy, but it didn't feel close to a lie like what he'd said before. "If that's what you need to keep going, Haku, you could pick worse."

"Did she ever tell you about our conversation in the Forest of Death?" Haku asked, and Sasuke shook his head. He knew it had happened, though he couldn't remember when and where exactly he'd learned that, but Sakura had never shared the details of that night. "We talked about the Akatsuki, and even though she knew nothing of it she was better at articulating its beliefs than I was." Haku laughed, and for the first time he seemed anything but sad and empty. "I couldn't understand it. Or, I guess it would be better to say she made me understand it better all on her own." He stared at the fire. "I'm going to recommend her for the Akatsuki when we return."

Sasuke's heart leapt, but nothing showed on his face. "Why now?" he asked. "If you were that impressed by her from the beginning, I mean."

"What she did back in Fukami City," Haku said. "Fighting Gaara like that, trying to draw him away from the city, and then…" He sighed. "When I dragged her out from under the bridge, I was determined to go back and kill Gaara's brother and sister. There wasn't a thought in my mind but murder. But even though she was dying, she grabbed me. She told me not to go. That we'd already lost too much."

He was almost too intense for Sasuke to look at. "She was smarter than me. Sakura understood then that if Gaara was still alive, he'd surely kill me too. And if he wasn't, and I did kill both his siblings, and that came to light, the Hidden Sand would have all the reason it would need to declare war on the Hidden Rain, and drag Fire and other villages into it as well. The risk wasn't worth it. And she understood all that despite her hatred for him, how hurt she was. Her will must be part of the Akatsuki."

Sasuke wondered how much of that had been Sakura's true intent and how much was Haku projecting. If it got Sakura into the Akatsuki, got them closer to achieving their mission, it didn't really matter. With a cynical distance, he wondered further if Haku's admiration of Sakura couldn't further assist with that. If they returned and brought Haku with them, who had decided to follow Sakura instead of the Akatsuki's ideals, their mission would be a success beyond their wildest dreams.

"Jeez," Suigetsu laughed and cut through the tension without trying. "You're both nuts."

"We're not as lucky as you, Suigetsu," Haku said without looking at him, and Suigetsu chuckled.

"True enough. The only thing this mission taught me is that I'm basically immortal," he said with a cocky grin. "If two nutcases in a row couldn't kill me, nothing can." The grin faded a little. "Not that I knew, to be honest. I've never had to push it that far before."

"Well, hopefully you won't have to again," Sasuke said, suddenly feeling exhausted, so exhausted he could barely keep his head up. "If you're feeling so invincible, how about you take the first watch, huh? Let the rest of us mere mortals get some sleep."

"Sounds good to me," Suigetsu grinned, and Sasuke lay down and was asleep before he could respond.


When they arrived in Amegakure and crossed the eastern bridge, it was the end of the second day and Naruto and Sakura still hadn't woken up. Sasuke had always admired the lights of Amegakure which pierced up into the sky without fear no matter the hour, but today he couldn't enjoy them at all. They were followed in by a border patrol that had picked them up an hour before, but they departed without Sasuke ever speaking a word to them; it was obvious his team had their injured well in hand, and this close to the city there was no danger.

"To the hospital first," he said, and Haku nodded. "Immaculate's closest: maybe Kabuto and Nonō are back. That'd be lucky." He doubted they had that kind of luck today. It was a nice day with only mild drizzle, and they made their way through the dense city streets at speed, shinobi and ninja clearing the way for them as they saw the people they were carrying. Sasuke saw one older woman mutter a prayer into some glittering black beads covered with red clouds as they passed.

Checking Naruto and Sakura in was simple, as it usually was. Sasuke made a report to the hospital staff with lifeless precision, listing off their injuries and the treatment they'd received. As he'd thought, Kabuto and Nonō weren't there, but the medical ninja who did meet them, a man with dark skin and a completely hairless face, seemed pleased with his teammate's condition.

"Chakra exhaustion then," he said, and Sasuke nodded. "We'll keep them here until they've recovered." He frowned. "But your arm…?"

"Don't worry about it," Sasuke said, and left before anyone could make a fuss. Suigetsu followed after him, but Haku stayed behind.

"Need me for anything?" Suigetsu asked. Sasuke shook his head.

"I'm just going to go make my report," he said, and Suigetsu shook his head in mock sympathy. Well, maybe a little bit of it was real. "You can go do whatever you want."

"I'll get some food then," Suigetsu declared. "Want anything?"

I want my arm back, Sasuke almost said, before he sighed and sent the thought away.

"Fried rice would be nice," he mused. "With diced tomatoes. And fish."

Suigetsu laughed. "Specific!" he said with a grin. He slapped Sasuke's dead arm and then flinched, though Sasuke didn't feel a thing. His friend's grin faded a little. "I'll go looking. See you at your place, alright?"

Sasuke nodded, and Suigetsu was kind enough to understand that was probably the best he'd get. He ran off, leaving Sasuke alone in the drizzle.

He started walking, intentionally not drawing attention to himself. As the remaining Jonin commander for the mission, it was his job to make his report at the central command and control center of Amegakure, in a bunker below one of the city's largest skyscrapers. The CCCC wasn't a very evocative name, he thought: the Hokage's Tower had a lot more mystery to it. But Amegakure was the center of Rain's ninja and civilian government all in one, so perhaps the demystification was intentional. As he walked, his mind was drawn back to the catalyst for the mission's catastrophe, Darui.

The Cloud shinobi had vanished after the warehouse explosion; if Sasuke recalled correctly, and he always did, he'd saved Kurenai, waited to be fixed up by Naruto, and then vanished when Gaara had arrived. That's what Karin had told him. He'd fled south, and then beyond Karin's range. Sasuke had thought about it before on the way back as he gathered the story from everyone, but now he turned his mind fully to it in preparation of his report.

Why had he run? It was obvious; Darui's job had been done. He'd led them to the counterfeiters and intentionally failed his own mission, and then when they'd been blown to pieces he'd gotten out of there, like they all should have. It wasn't to his interest or the Hidden Cloud's to pick a fight with Sand's Jinchuriki.

'If the Land of Lightning sent someone like him to protect the counterfeiters, or worse, assist them, it would be more than just standard economic posturing.'

'The Land of Lightning had something here. They lost it. I came to get it back.'

Had the Land of Lightning been responsible for the counterfeit bills, or just recognizing an opportunity? Sasuke couldn't know, but they were both terrible options. That sort of economic warfare against Fire was a red line, and yet the Land of Lightning's government, potentially the Daimyo's own court even, had sent Darui to retrieve the means. But the operation had still been going when they arrived, fully staffed, headed by the rogue ROOT agent. That meant she was probably responsible for the "loss." The Hyuuga had come in, hijacked the operation… and then kept up the same production?

That was probably the critical point, even if there was no one they could learn the whole truth from now outside of Lightning's government. ROOT had a grudge against Fire in particular thanks to Danzo's death, being cast out and hunted down by his own sensei for refusing to disband quietly. It was only natural they would turn the counterfeits against the Land of Fire, but had that been Lightning's plan? There was no way to know now.

So, ROOT took over the operation, Lightning perhaps stopped getting updates from their own shinobi that they'd stationed in the Land of Waves, and then people on all sides noticed the issue. That would also explain why three separate groups had arrived at the same time; Sasuke's team, Hinata's, and Darui himself. By that theory, Gaara would just be bad luck, but Sasuke was willing to accept that.

Sometimes, the world was driven by cruel coincidence.

Sasuke was so buried in his thoughts that he made his way to the CCCC on autopilot, and only realized he was there when he almost bumped into another Jonin in the halls. The woman looked down at him with gentle incredulity, and he dipped his head in apology as he stepped to the side. Looking up, he found that he was in the hall leading to the mission debriefing room, which was in truth more of an auditorium. Rain was in high tempo lately, and had multiple cadres out on any given day.

The price of success, Sasuke thought with a surprising amount of bitterness. The more you succeeded, the more there was asked of you.

He slipped into the room and looked around. While it was large, that size was more to give distance between the tables spaced out at wide intervals around the room, around which was hung white cloth that obscured anyone present. It was deathly quiet: the cloth and thick brown carpet of the room absorbed most sound. There was only one other Jonin giving a report at the moment, and Sasuke made his way to the table farthest away from the other ninja.

When he stepped past the cloth into the table enclosing the table within, the man on duty inside let out a whistle.

"Wow," he said with a grin. Sasuke recognized the other ninja after a moment. Deidara, a former missing-ninja from the Hidden Stone. One of the many S-ranked ninja that Rain had snatched up over the years, and so one of the ninja Sasuke had been careful to catalog. "So I get Sasuke Uchiha, huh?"

Sasuke took a seat on the other end of the table, keeping his expression neutral. Deidara was much like his brother, a powerful ninja who'd violently abandoned his home. It was shinobi like him that kept Sasuke unsure as to whether his brother was really here or not.

"Seems like," he said. Deidara scoffed.

"So testy," he said, leaning back and crossing his arms. His eyes wandered over Sasuke's shoulder. "Where's the other one, then? It was you and Zabuza Momochi, wasn't it?"

"He died."

Deidara frowned. "Seriously?"

Sasuke wondered how his face looked. He thought he wasn't showing a thing, but Deidara's expression told him otherwise. The man seemed wary, which made Sasuke think he probably looked murderous.

Unsure of what would come out if he spoke, Sasuke nodded. Deidara blew out a breath, pushed his chair out, and stood up.

"Stay put for a second, got it?" he said, and then pushed out past the white cloth. Sasuke did just that, sitting and staring straight ahead as he tried to reign himself back in. Now that he'd stopped moving, there was nothing to distract him from his arm.

A moment later, Deidara returned. "I've got special orders for this debrief," he said. "Much as I'd like to get all the juicy details, you're supposed to make it directly to the Amekage."

"I wasn't told that when I left," Sasuke said flatly, and Deidara shrugged. He stuck out his hand and revealed a small black rod in his palm. Sasuke blinked when he realized there was a mouth beneath the rod, lipless and pressed tightly closed.

"Maybe they got the feeling things would turn out bad," he said with a hint of a sneer. "You know the drill, right? Just a little prick."

Sasuke wondered if Deidara was talking about the rod, or him. He didn't care enough to find out. He reached out and plucked the rod from Deidara's palm, and then drove it into his numb arm. He didn't even feel it puncture him; his only clue to being pierced was when his body went cold and the room whipped away in a flash of darkness.

With a jarring transition, Sasuke was in another room. It was long, obviously intended for meetings, with an equally long wood table crossing the length of it. The table was covered in maps and packets, dozens of each. The maps depicted parts of the continent in various levels of detail, from as small as a single town to as large as a country. The packets were more specific: most were closed, but Sasuke could see some documents poking out from them where they hadn't been perfectly returned. The packets, plain and manilla, each had the name of a person on it alongside a village's symbol. Sasuke had no doubt they were the names of shinobi. He saw documents marked with the symbol of Stone, Waterfall, Cloud, Rivers, Tea, Mist, and Leaf.

This was a room where important conversations were held, but if one had been going it had ended before he'd arrived. Both Yahiko and Nagato were here, standing on the other side of the table and turning towards him. It seemed like they were doing it in slow motion.

That was because one of the packets, farthest away from him, right below Yahiko's hand, unmistakably had Itachi's name on it.

For a mad second, Sasuke considered trying to leap over the table and grab it. Who knew what he would find inside? But the impulse passed after a heartbeat and sanity reasserted itself. That would be outright insubordination, at best. If he had a chance to sneak a look, he would, but otherwise it wasn't worth the potential risk to Sakura's mission. There was no way the Amekage would just leave information about what Itachi may have done for them lying around…

Unless they actually did trust him that much?

He wondered if he was in one of these packets as well, but resisted the urge to look around. Instead, he inclined his head.

"Amekage," he said. He heard a shuffle as Yahiko crossed his arms. "I was told to make my report directly to you."

"Glad you made it back!" Yahiko said, and Sasuke looked up. "And so quickly too! Grab a seat, would you?" He followed his own request, sitting down and organizing some of the documents in front of him. Nagato stayed standing, watching Sasuke with his odd purple eyes. Sasuke pulled over a chair that had been pushed aside, but hesitated to sit.

"You look tired," Nagato gently noted. "Where is Zabuza? I expected that he would accompany you."

Now, Sasuke sat, though his posture stayed rigid. "He's dead," he said, and Yahiko paused in his effort to organize. The Amekage looked up, giving Sasuke all of his attention. "We encountered some complications. Zabuza was our only casualty."

"Zabuza's dead?" Yahiko said, sounding as if he couldn't quite believe it. He watched Sasuke for a moment, and his eyes were drawn down to Sasuke's right arm. "Start from the beginning. I don't care how important you think it is; tell us everything."

When he started talking, it became difficult to stop.

Sasuke disclosed everything he could remember. Arriving in the Land of Waves, observing its economic development, making a plan to track down the counterfeiters through a black market deal, Karin tracking the other shinobi in the city, being kidnapped by the team from the Hidden Leaf, their impromptu alliance, the presence of Gaara and his team, the information gathering in the city the next day, being approached by Darui, following both that lead and the previously established black market deal. And then, the ambush, everything going wrong: the assassination and retrieval team from Mist, Zabuza's rampage, the warehouse Darui had led the rest to exploding, destroying the evidence and any witnesses, the rogue Hyuuga responsible for it committing suicide, Gaara's cataclysmic meltdown, everyone's injuries excluding his own, the collapse of the bridge, Zabuza's death, and the scramble afterwards to make sense of it all.

Yahiko and Nagato were mostly silent as Sasuke spoke at a measured pace, stopping twice to collect his thoughts before continuing. Occasionally, they asked clarifying questions, but mostly they absorbed everything he said with deadly seriousness. However, the more he spoke, the more obviously angry Yahiko became. Nagato didn't take in any of the other Kage's anger: he only grew horrified and disquieted as the debriefing continued.

When Sasuke finished, ending with them exiting the country and making their way back to Rain, the room was silent for perhaps twenty seconds. Yahiko drummed his fingers on the table, his face red. Nagato closed his eyes.

"Well," Yahiko said. He took a deep breath. "Almost all of you made it back. It could have gone much worse."

Nagato let out a pained chuckle. Sasuke stared straight ahead, not sure if he was about to be demoted or worse. "Losing Zabuza is painful, it's true," he said with a sigh. "But Sasuke, it sounds like you all did an amazing thing. It's… not ideal that Gaara of the Desert did such a thing, but you fought him off and forced him to retreat. You likely saved thousands."

How many thousands hadn't they saved? Especially when all that death had been caused by them being there in the first place? Sakura's presence had incited the rampage, after all. Sasuke's gaze didn't shift.

"You said Gaara went for the bridge," Yahiko said, narrowing his eyes. "After Zabuza cut off his arm. Had he shown any interest in it before then?"

Sasuke thought back, digging through the scraps of what he'd forgotten, or at least forgotten to mention. "Yes," he admitted. "Hinata said that he was out near the bridge earlier in the day, I believe. I suppose it's possible he had already undermined it before he brought it down on Sakura, Zabuza, and Haku."

"I would have to assume so," Nagato said, starting to pace. "His presence doesn't make sense otherwise, but it's certainly sinister either way. The Great Channel Bridge intruded on the Land of Wind's trade routes, it's true, but to send a Jinchuriki to destroy it would be extremely… rash."

"To destroy it, yes, but perhaps the intent was only to destabilize it," Yahiko pointed out. His anger was still present, but had gone cold; he had a calculating look now. "To destroy both it and trust in Wave's engineering skills. It was a massive endeavor. Plenty of people thought they couldn't pull it off."

Sasuke shrugged. Why Gaara had been there had been so much less important to him than what Gaara had done.

"This will put Sand in a terrible position," Nagato said. "Waves may not have had any allies on paper, but that sort of aggression will have the other villages wondering if they or their allies will be next." He stroked his chin. "I wonder if Namikaze will break off their military alliance."

"That's fifty-fifty, I'd say," Yahiko said with a tilt of his head. "What do you think, Sasuke?"

Sasuke blinked. "Do I think that Leaf will end its alliance with Sand?" he asked, and Yahiko nodded.

"It was your home," he said, and Sasuke pondered the lack of a clarifier such as 'until recently.' "And you're a perceptive shinobi. Would the Yondaime strike you as the type to suffer an ally's, well, insanity?"

"No." Those weren't his own words, Sasuke realized after a moment. Those were the words of the Yondaime Hokage, speaking to Sasuke and his team after the second round of the Chunin Exam. He'd told them that Gaara had killed one of Stone's teams, and even though it had been obvious the anger wasn't directed at him for a second Sasuke had still been scared for his life.

"Gaara's attacked Leaf shinobi before," he said. Yahiko gave him a curious look. "At the Chunin Exam. He also killed a team from Stone there, and it made the Yondaime furious. I think that kind of thing happening again, plus the scale of the destruction in Waves, will convince him to find better friends. Or at the very least, make an ultimatum to Sand to… I dunno. Turn Gaara over the Land of Waves? There's no way they would do that, though."

"Sand would never give up their Bijuu," Nagato confirmed. "Especially when there is already one that's well known to be missing."

The Nanabi? Sasuke stayed silent.

"Putting that aside for the moment," Yahiko continued, "the good news is that your mission was a partial success." Sasuke scoffed, and Yahiko smiled at him. "You eliminated the source of the counterfeiters, and while you weren't able to hand them over to the Land of Fire, you did one better and worked together with shinobi of the Leaf to find them in the first place. That was the secondary objective of the mission, and you accomplished it beautifully. Managing to negotiate an alliance after being captured? That's gonna leave a hell of an impression."

"Like I told you, Sasuke," Nagato said, "it's paramount that Rain be perceived as a rational and legitimate village. In that respect, your mission was a total success."

Sasuke's head dropped and he stared at the table. He had no idea what to say. Even after his most massive failure yet, everyone seemed determined to praise him.

They were trying to manipulate him. It was the most reasonable explanation. They couldn't afford to punish him, even for this, because of who he was. No, because of who his brother was, if Itachi was working for them. He didn't care that that thought didn't make sense, it was what he settled on. He had to poke a hole in their fantasy.

"I was thinking about Darui's involvement earlier," he said. Nagato perked up. "I couldn't make sense of it. Kurenai and I guessed that Darui had been hired by the Land of Lightning to keep anyone from looking into the counterfeiters, but he led us right to them. And we found a former ROOT member in charge of the operation. If they had just taken over and kept up the same production, why had Darui been sent in the first place?" Sasuke didn't look up as he spoke, an unconscious effort to be disrespectful.

"Well, obviously the production changed," Yahiko said. "If a ROOT member was responsible for all the Fire currency, it would stand to reason that beforehand, if it was an operation from the Land of Lightning, they hadn't been focused solely on Fire." He laughed. "Most likely, they were intending to target every country's currency but their own! Not to the same degree, not to impose hyperinflation, but merely to damage confidence. Just the same as Sand intended to do to Waves, perhaps, before Gaara went mad. That would be in line with everyone's little cold war."

"That lines up with everyone converging on Fukami City. Well, bar Gaara," Nagato noted. "With the influx of false Fire notes, the Leaf and us noticed at the same time, and Lightning was likely already moving." He waved his hand like he was sending off an annoying insect. "But at this point, it's just academic. It happened; we have to deal with the consequences. Speaking of which-" He pointed. "What happened to your arm, Sasuke? You didn't mention an injury."

"Oh." Sasuke looked down at the useless limb. "That was my own fault."

"I doubt that," Yahiko said. Sasuke chuckled.

"I used an untested ninjutsu on Gaara. I've been trying to create a Lightning Rasengan." At that, both Nagato and Yahiko glanced at each other, equally surprised. "I made some progress, but it wasn't ready to be used in a real fight. It blew off one of his Bijuu's arms, but I lost mine in exchange."

"You blew off a Tailed Beast's arm?" Yahiko asked incredulously. Sasuke shrugged. "That's a hell of a jutsu. Though you're certainly brave to mess with the Rasengan like that. It's a difficult jutsu to alter."

"Yeah. Well, I learned my lesson," Sasuke said, contemplating the closest place he could ask someone to cut his arm off for him. Would Yahiko do it? Did the Amekage know any medical jutsu? No, that'd be way too impertinent to ask-

"Well, that's not gonna work," Nagato said with a frown. "You're one of our most promising Jonin." Sasuke looked up ready to sneer as Nagato continued with a clap of his hands. "We need you at one-hundred percent."

He stomped down, and with a tremendous groan a devilish face erupted out of the floor behind him. It was an exaggerated leering mask like something out of a play, and it had the Rinnegan. The face opened its mouth, revealing a swirling purple darkness behind its huge rounded teeth, and Nagato crossed his arms.

Sasuke stared, not sure what the hell he was seeing.

"It's the King of Hell," Nagato explained helpfully, which didn't help one bit. "Step inside. I'll fix you up."

Yahiko stood up. "Nagato, you're sure?" he asked, and Nagato nodded.

"It's my chakra, I'll manage it how I like." He looked away from his fellow Amekage to find that Sasuke hadn't moved an inch.

"This can't be fixed," he said, gesturing at his arm. Nagato shrugged.

"That's fully possible. It looks like even your chakra system there has been destroyed." Sasuke flinched. He'd known it, but he hadn't taken a look with his Sharingan, and having someone with the Rinnegan confirm it just rubbed salt in the wound. "But fortunately for you, I'm terrible at medical jutsu."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and Nagato laughed at the look on his face. "It's true! My eyes might give me mastery over every kind of chakra out there, but you've got Naruto as a teammate: you should know that there's more to medical jutsu than just knowing how to do it. I can certainly try, but I'm an amateur at best."

"And that's good for me…?" Sasuke asked as Nagato's laugh faded to a smile.

"In this case, yeah." The smile grew serious. "Do you trust me, Sasuke?"

Sasuke thought about it, and he took his time doing so. Did he trust Nagato Uzumaki? He certainly didn't trust Amegakure, but what about the Amekage, this one in particular?

"Yeah," he decided. "I don't think you'd lie to me."

"Well, that's the baseline at least," Nagato said with a snort. "Then just step right inside. But you should know… it's going to hurt. Like nothing else you've ever felt before."

"What, getting eaten?" Sasuke grunted, and then he stepped forward and fell inside the mouth.

The teeth closed behind him with a crash, and then Sasuke tried to scream.

Nagato had been lying. The pain Sasuke was experiencing was familiar; it felt like all the pain he'd ever experienced in his life, all at once, all at an intensity that he'd never dreamed was possible. He tried to scream, but he had no mouth to let out his agony: it had been torn away by the scouring fire all around him. His body was disintegrating, being rubbed away centimeter by centimeter like he was being dragged along a wall of jagged stone at impossible speed.

He was going to die. He was absolutely going to die. He was already dead, and his body was just resisting out of habit no matter how foregone the conclusion was.

A second that lasted more than a second passed, and then Sasuke fell to his knees. He blinked, tears in his eyes. He had knees again. He had a body again. He was back in the room, and someone was placing a hand on his back. He lashed out on instinct, his brain too slow to hold him back. His arm came up and slammed to a stop as someone's hand wrapped around it.

His right arm.

Sasuke froze, reality finally crashing down on him. He looked up and found Nagato standing over him. The man's face was covered in sweat, and he was holding Sasuke's right arm in a firm grasp.

His arm was back, like it had never been destroyed. He'd almost struck Nagato in the face with it.

"Sorry," Sasuke gasped, pulling back. Nagato gently released his arm. "I didn't…"

"That's usually how it goes," Nagato said. "I used to really try to warn people, but people always underestimate it. Sorry about that."

"I feel…" Sasuke started to say, licking his lips. He couldn't put the feeling to words, not without ranting. Every lingering ache and pain from Waves was gone; he felt refreshed, like he'd just woken up after sleeping for days, and his arm was back. The lump of meat was a limb again. He ruthlessly squashed what might have been the beginning of tears as his whole body struggled with the fact that there wasn't a thing wrong with it anymore. "I feel great."

"Better than new, right?" Nagato asked, and Sasuke nodded. "Well, that's good. That's basically what you are."

"What the hell did you do?" Sasuke asked, coming to his feet. He imagined that he should have shook, but his legs were stronger and surer than ever before.

"Well, I've got no gift for medical jutsu," Nagato said with the ghost of a grin. "But for the Rinnegan, it's pretty simple to replace someone's entire body." Sasuke didn't have nearly enough time to begin unpacking that statement before his train of thought was interrupted.

"Too bad about the cost, Nagato," Yahiko said, and Sasuke realized the other Amekage was seated once more, right at his side. "Sasuke, I hope this doesn't make you think this means you can just throw away your arm again." His calculating look was back, Sasuke thought. "That's not something Nagato can do whenever he likes."

Sasuke looked back at Nagato, seeing the sweat covering his face, the minute tremble in his fingers, and frowned. "Replacing my whole body?" he asked. Nagato nodded. "That's insane."

"A little," Nagato admitted. "But I couldn't think of a better solution. Unfortunately, I can't do it piecemeal. It's all or nothing."

That just made it more insane. Sasuke's conception of what Rain was and what it was capable of turned on its head and spun off into infinity. He knew the Rinnegan was a big deal; Sakura had been told of it ahead of time for a good reason.

But this? This wasn't something a shinobi could do, no matter how amazing they were. He'd just been part of something so absurd and beyond his sense of scale that he could only look back and do his best to accept the world that had replaced the one he knew, like a bug carried to a new country by a hurricane.

And all to fix his arm?

"There's gotta be a cost," he said, trying to cling to something he could understand. Complex techniques cost a lot of chakra; dangerous techniques could demand even more. "That's what you said, right Yahiko?"

"Oh, a month or so of my life," Nagato said. Sasuke blanched. "Maybe a couple," he continued with a laugh. "But that's not such a big deal." He looked around the room at a speechless Sasuke and an unamused Yahiko, and spread his arms. "What, does anyone think that someone with the Rinnegan is going to die of old age? I lost that opportunity the day I was born."

Grim, but Sasuke had heard some people in his clan espouse a similar belief. Ninja rarely lived full lives, and especially those with valuable bloodlines.

"I assume the rest of the team can recover without these kinds of measures, Sasuke?" Yahiko asked. Sasuke nodded, his throat dry.

"Yeah. Naruto and Karin did an excellent job." He hesitated. "Though…"

Haku might need help, he thought, and even started to say. But Haku had latched onto Sakura more than ever with Zabuza gone, and that could potentially be useful. That made Sasuke close his mouth and shake his head.

"I don't know when they'll wake up," he said instead. "Naruto and Sakura, I mean."

"Well, Rain has excellent doctors from all over the world," Yahiko said with cheer. "I bet they'll be back on their feet in no time."

Sasuke sensed that the debriefing was coming to an end, and subtly looked around the room for the exit. Nagato noticed his glance. "You're excused," he said, and then, with a confirming look at Yahiko, "we'll talk more later, once you've had some time to rest. With the others too."

"Of course. Where am I?" Sasuke asked.

"Still in the CCCC," Yahiko said. "If you head out that door and down the stairs you'll find your way: we're on the 28th floor." Sasuke bowed his head and began to go. "Hey, Sasuke."

Sasuke turned, and Yahiko tossed one of the packets from off the table at him with a gentle underhand. He grabbed it out of the air on reflex, half-expecting his right arm to be unable to obey but using it anyway, and clutched it to his chest as he realized he had actually caught it. He couldn't help but grin.

Then he actually looked down at what he'd caught, and the grin faded.

He was holding in his hands the packet he'd seen the moment he'd appeared in the room. Itachi Uchiha was printed in bold lettering on a thin strip of white tape along the edge. It was stuffed full of paper and other things, bulging out to more than a handswith.

Sasuke looked up to find Yahiko watching him with obvious curiosity, and couldn't help but give him a suspicious look of his own. He felt like he had a fever; his head was pounding at the sight of his brother's name.

"My brother?" he asked. Yahiko shrugged.

"We were putting that together for you while you were gone," he said, gesturing to Nagato and an imaginary Konan. "You came here looking for your brother, but I'm sure you've noticed that you couldn't find him. That might be of some help to you."

"What?" Sasuke said, resisting the urge to tear the thing open right there. "Why…?"

"To get rid of some of your doubts," Nagato said. At times like this, he and Yahiko had the same sense of authority. "Unfortunately, some of it has been redacted, which won't help you at all. That includes some of his activity in the Land of Waterfalls. But hopefully, it'll be a start."

Sasuke, with not a single idea of what to say or think, frowned, turned, and left.


When he got back to his apartment, Sasuke gently laid the packet down on his bed and sat at the desk in the corner. He stared at it, head propped up on his hands, elbows pressing into his knees, as he wondered if it was even worth opening.

It could be full of lies. It probably was. But as Sasuke had said not a half hour before, he didn't think Nagato was the kind to lie to him. The Amekage had all been very careful about that, treating the delicate trust between them with care and never telling direct lies. But could even Rain actually track his brother? By all rights, the packet would only contain what Sasuke already knew: that there had been no sign of Itachi since the incident in the Land of Waterfalls, and his motives were unknown. It would be more useless confirmations.

Or perhaps it would say that he had actually been in Rain's employ? It was ludicrous to consider, but he couldn't help entertain the fantasy. That would be nice and easy, wouldn't it?

After a minute of staring, there came a knock at the door. Sasuke started. There was a moment when he truly had no idea who could possibly be there.

"Hey!" Suigetsu called from the hallway. "Is it unlocked? Might kick it down if it isn't!"

Right. Suigetsu. Fried rice. Sasuke's stomach rumbled. He stood up.

"It's unlocked!" Sasuke said, and Suigetsu was pushing the door open before he had even finished speaking. He looked around the room with a smirk.

"Clean as ever. I was worried you might have broken something." He turned, pushing the door shut with his foot. Both his hands were full of delicious smelling plastic bags. "You know, if you need to hit something, I'm-"

He paused, looking back at Sasuke, and then stopped completely. His whole face twisted up in confusion.

"What the hell happened to your arm?" he asked.

Sasuke looked down at the perfectly functional limb. "It got fixed," he said with a shrug.

"The fuck?" Suigetsu stepped to the side and placed one bag of food down on a cabinet by the door, next to an array of books Sasuke had never fully read and loosely organized shinobi tools. "How?"

"The Amekage did it." Sasuke spoke about the impossible with a flat face and Suigetsu chewed on his lip, considering him with disbelief.

"Okay," he said after a second. "I'll believe that." He grinned. "That's pretty fucking great, man."

"Yeah," Sasuke said. He sat back down. "I don't think it's sunk in yet. I'm still, uh…"

"Looking forward to a life as an armless wonder? Yeah, I get it." Suigetsu chucked the remaining bag in his hands at Sasuke and Sasuke caught it out of the air, once again marveling that he could do it with both hands. "Guess the Kage are even more amazing than I thought, if you could get fixed up like that."

"Guess so," Sasuke said, taking a peek inside the bag. Everything he'd asked for, and some dango. Did he even like dango? It was a stupid question, but he honestly couldn't remember that right now.

"Mmm. What's that?" Suigetsu asked. He'd already dug into whatever he'd gotten; it looked to be noodles, dripping with thick brown sauce. He gestured to Sasuke's bed with his chopsticks, dripping some of the sauce onto the carpet.

He was looking at the packet. It was facedown: the name on it wasn't glanced at it and then back at Suigetsu.

"It's…" he started to say. Nothing was going to be the answer. It's nothing, just some mission stuff. I'll take care of it later.

"It's a packet the Amekage have put together on my brother," he said, and Suigetsu stopped chewing. "I haven't taken a look at it yet.

Sasuke smiled.

"You wanna open it up?"
"Well, I've got no gift for medical jutsu," Nagato said with the ghost of a grin. "But for the Rinnegan, it's pretty simple to replace someone's entire body."
I'll admit, I'm not the most well versed in Naruto lore. Is this one of the canon powers, or is this new?

Also, the team is actually growing to become a team. They might get some extra defectors from Rain, assuming that they do eventually defect. My pet theory is that Sakura is going to eventually become the Amekage herself eventually.
Yesss, an update and it's a good one. Sasuke in the aftermath dealing with his injury and thinking through the political mess was great. Haku's growing worship/devotio/incredibly high regard for Sakura was certainly something to see as was the Hidden Rain's perspective on the whole mess.

I do love that the whole diaster was kicked off by a pitch black comedy of errors and bad luck. Root operatives taking over a Hidden Lighting counterfeinting operation that draws attention, Gaara already out for blood because Sakura escalating even further when Ino and the Leaf kids get Baki killed, the underlying political situation that laid the group work for the explosion. It really feels like the kind of tragic disaster that happens in real life, something no one planned for and which will have severe consequence.
I'll admit, I'm not the most well versed in Naruto lore. Is this one of the canon powers, or is this new?

I think it's the "Rinne Tensei" Jutsu that canon Nagato used to resurrect everyone in the Leaf village at the cost of his life? Which would imply that Nagato in this story fixed Sasuke's arm by just killing and rezzing him.
I'll admit, I'm not the most well versed in Naruto lore. Is this one of the canon powers, or is this new?

Also, the team is actually growing to become a team. They might get some extra defectors from Rain, assuming that they do eventually defect. My pet theory is that Sakura is going to eventually become the Amekage herself eventually.
It's canon, an ability used by the Naraka path. Although in Naruto, he only uses that ability on other paths of pain, so extending it to other people like he did here is more of a strong canon implication than an explicit canon ability.
So the big question is if and when the Leaf trio will defect back. Certainly the events of this chapter seem to push them closer than ever to completing their mission. At the same time their ties to Rain are getting stronger and stronger, Halu latching onto Salura, Sasuke and Suigetsu bonding and Nagato helping Sasuke.

Honestly though I'm starting to suspect that we might look at a third option happening. The story has been very open in its criticisms of the Shinobi system. While both Leaf and Rain are trying to address some of those issues both are very flawed in their attempt to do so and continue to perpetuate its worst excess. Team 7 ending up as powermakers and helping to reform either (or both) villages could certainly happen. But I could also see them go their own way (accompanied by their allies) and seeking out their own path. The Village system may be too tainted at this point and need a radical rethinking if the issue is to be solved.
Gotta love the Akatsuki. There's something very human to them, for all they're an operation of a blood-fuelled machine.

Honestly, I wasn't sure if you were going to go the "permanent wound" or have someone heal him, which I suppose is in consideration to how well you'll do damage to protagonists, which many stories shy away from.
Gotta enjoy the recurring themes that get explored: throughout this fic the profoundly screwed up effects of the ninja system on people get explored in a way that echoes what canon aimed to get across but its own way.

The Jinchruki and how they been dehumanized-fucked up by their role in the system has been a repeating motif as has the not entirely positive results of their no longer being a big sin eater moral abyss style threat (Orochimaru unchecked-Akatsuki supervillain addition) to soak up all the tension between the villages and remove quietly shady people from the board. This isn't a world where a outside context nilhistic madman is the big overreaching problem, though they do show up, here the problem is the awful status quo of Ninja civilization and that's not an easy thing to fix. Especially because most of the people trying to fix the issue (Minato, The Amekage Trio) are trying to use solutions that aren't that different from the the disease when you really get down to it.

So having Gaara go off so profoundly because of A) how he's been treated his whole life as a jinchruki B) his father the man who made him what he became doesn't get conveniently killed off by Orochimaru C) Sakura Haruno's existence makes both a great thematic statement and gives the readers a epic fight.
Chapter 54: Finally
On April 7th, three days after the disaster in the Land of Waves, Obito returned from the latest in a series of missions handpicked for him by the Hokage, the latest of which was an attempt to discover a spy in the Daimyo's court. He'd enjoyed it well enough, treating it as a sort of vacation; the capital of the Land of Fire was a luxurious place and the court had countless things to keep even a shinobi busy. It helped that he was a lot more popular there than he was in Konoha, but that was the case for most places he went.

Even after a year, the wound of his team's defection was a painful scar for the village. By this point, Obito didn't really mind anymore. His life had closed up into people he cared for and people he didn't, and he found the honesty of it truly refreshing.

In the end the spy had been found, and just earlier that day. To Obito's surprise, he'd known him, though only thanks to his sterling memory. The man's name had been Nobu: Obito had tracked him down once before, on his team's second C-Rank. Then, the man had been a dissolute drunk raging at a dead-end job, but time and motivation had changed him. He'd become a clerk in the Daimyo's court responsible for all sorts of minor duties, but the one that had been most important to him was checking over both incoming and outgoing mail.

Time and motivation had also transformed him into a spy for the Nation of Rain and anyone else who would pay enough to read the Daimyo's correspondences. Obito hadn't been surprised that people would pay tremendous amounts of money for mail, but he had been surprised by Nobu's insistence that he was doing the world a favor by sharing such sensitive communications. He was a little curious what had happened to him after he'd turned the man over to the Daimyo's police and one of the Guardian Ninja, but it wasn't any of his business.

Besides, asking questions would go against what his sensei was obviously planning with these missions. Minato had sent him off on all sorts of popular ventures over the last six months: catching spies, cleaning up criminals and mercenary groups, dismantling black markets. It had been nostalgic, Obito thought with a grin as he hopped across the rooftops of Konoha heading for his apartment. He wanted a shower, first and foremost. Probably should brush his teeth as well while he was at it.

Of course, he'd followed his own whims in between the Hokage's missions. He'd traveled back and forth from Mount Myoboku at least once a month, spending more time with the Toads and learning about them and their history. He'd trained with Gai and Kushina and Mikoto, the last a surprising salvage of a relationship he'd thought dead and buried, though it was still tentative on most days.

And he'd started spending much, much more time with Rin. They had meals together almost once a week now, sometimes twice. It made Obito's heart sing; he was hoping she'd have time for dinner tonight.

He had also been spending more time with his other teammate. It felt to Obito that once he'd had his team, he'd neglected visiting Kakashi more and more. With them gone for now and his real self reawakened, he'd taken to dropping by the memorial stone more as well. It was a place of peace for him, even if that was a bit morbid. In the last moments of his life, Kakashi had trusted him completely; Obito felt that it was the least he could do to repay that by visiting him regularly.

So, for some time Obito had lived a regular and somewhat narrow life, with few people visiting him and much of his time devoted to himself instead of the village.

That was probably why he was so surprised when he jumped down off a nearby roof, landed in front of his apartment, and found a group of teenagers waiting for him with sour expressions.

"Uh, hey," he said with a little wave. Shikamaru Naru, Ino Yamanaka, and Hinata Hyuuga gave him equally unimpressed looks. "Haven't seen you all for a bit."

"We need to talk," Shikamaru said. He looked older, even more than the last time Obito had seen him. They all did. Something had definitely happened. "Hinata has been keeping an eye out for you."

"Okay…?" Obito asked, narrowing his eyes a little. Half of one team, and a single member of another? And no team leaders? Neither Asuma nor Kurenai were here. That was strange too. "What's this about?"

"We should talk inside," Shikamaru continued, both the girls staying silent. Obito looked all of them over with a critical eye: Hinata and Ino both had healed but still noticeable injuries, Ino a limp. He felt a cold shock throughout his body. If they were coming to him, it must involve his team. Had they run into Naruto or Sakura or Sasuke out on a mission? Had there been a fight? Was someone dead? They didn't look nervous enough for that, but the idea still evaporated Obito's good mood in an instant.

"Sure," he said, keeping his cool and stepping past them. "I'll let you in."

He never kept his door locked; there wasn't much to steal in his home that he cared about, and only an idiot would steal from a shinobi anyway. He opened his door, politely allowed them inside, and then closed it behind him.

His home was as he'd left it, the living room empty and the attached kitchen a mess. Ino gave the pile of dishes an obviously disparaging look, and Obito laughed apologetically as he propped himself against the wall, watching them mill about. Shikamaru took a seat on the couch, along with Hinata; Ino remained standing, shifting on her sore leg.

"So what's this about?" he asked. "You look a little beat up. Did something happen?"

"Did you hear about what happened in the Land of Waves?" Ino asked. Obito frowned.

"You were involved?" He didn't have the full story yet: he was planning to ask Minato about it, but what he'd heard while out on his mission had made it obvious that some ninja had gone insane and rampaged in Fukami City, destroying half of it and the Great Channel Bridge that connected the country to the mainland. Something like that was rare, but not impossible, especially if a country made the wrong enemies.

"Yeah, we were involved," Ino said. She shook her head. "I don't know how much you know, so I'll make it simple. Sakura and everyone else was there: Gaara was as well. He's the one who caused it."

Obito stood still, thunderstruck. His team had been at the center of that disaster? It had been caused by Gaara? He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Why're you three telling me this?" he said after a moment. "I'm sure one of your sensei's was with you as well; why aren't they here?"

"Cause Sakura only told us about her mission, not Kurenai-sensei," Shikamaru said with a smirk.

Obito blinked. "Pardon?"

"She showed us, Obito-sensei," Hinata said quietly. "The mark on her back: the Flying Thunder God's seal. She and Naruto and Sasuke…" She paused, swallowed. "They all got orders to defect, didn't they? Sasuke told us that he was, that he was chasing his brother, but that was only half the truth, wasn't it?"

Faced with some of the last people he ever expected to have found out the truth, Obito didn't quite know what to do. He looked over the three of them, saw the raw sincerity in each of their eyes, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Shit," he chuckled, and Shikamaru stirred. "And we did such a good job of selling it too. You must have really put her in a bind if you convinced her to tell you, Hinata."

"We kidnapped Sasuke," Shikamaru said. He had a look of obvious pride about it, and Obito couldn't blame him. "He convinced us that we had to work together, but that wasn't really enough. I guess Sakura thought she needed something else: she told Ino to have Hinata check her back for the seal."

"Clever," Obito mused. "But you gotta back up. What exactly happened in Waves? Give me the whole story."

Over the next five minutes, all three of the teens gave him their perspective of what had happened in the unfortunate country: their mission to track down the counterfeits, the encounter with Team Seven, the brush with Darui, and then the explosion at the docks, the rogue Hyuuga, and Gaara's rampage. By the end Obito was sitting on the floor, head propped on his hands and deep in thought. To his surprise, Hinata was the first to speak up after the summary.

"Sakura said that she… the Hyuuga," she said. "That she'd tried to assassinate you before. In the Hidden Waterfall." Obito had noticed that there had been very few details of the woman's defeat, and Hinata had shook while talking about it. If it was the same ROOT agent, and it seemed to be, there was no way Hinata and Sakura could have taken her, no matter how much they'd improved. He knew just enough about the Hyuuga clan to make an educated guess as to how Hinata might have won, but there was no way he was bringing it up.

"It sounds like she did," he said, poking at his shoulder and arm. "I don't know of many archers, let alone Hyuuga archers, and she put a few holes in me back when Waterfall was attacked. I didn't think she'd made it out of there though." How many people could say they'd been attacked by the Yondaime and lived, he wondered? The Hyuuga had been on a very elite list before Hinata had reached her.

"She said she was a member of ROOT," Hinata said, and Obito noticed that while the phrase obviously meant nothing to Hinata, both Shikamaru and Ino had obvious reactions. He gave them a curious look, and Hinata did too.

"She was. You know about them, it seems," Obito noted, and both Shikamaru and Ino got uncomfortable looks.

"Just what I've got out of my dad," Shikamaru admitted with a shrug. "But I know… some of my older cousins and such vanished when I was very, very young. I put the pieces together: they were probably taken by ROOT, right?"

"Same for me," Ino said, and Obito wondered how many of these kid's relatives he'd killed in the course of purging the organization on his sensei's behalf. The Yamanaka who'd died in Waterfall had certainly been Ino's relation, maybe a distant uncle.

There was far too much blood on his hands. For a second, he considered saying something. But what would it help? There was way too much to unpack there in a single conversation, especially this one.

"Well, I didn't know there were any Hyuuga in ROOT before Waterfall," Obito said, trying to cap off the conversation. "I wouldn't be surprised if she was one of the only ones."

"My father said the same," Hinata said quietly. "He said her name was probably Hei. That everyone had thought she'd died a long time ago, when she was my age. But she was a member of the Branch Clan, so…" She curled in on herself, her resolve failing.

"Yeah," Obito said. "Don't think too hard about it. You did well."

He left Hinata halfway curled up in a ball and turned to Shikamaru and Ino. "You said that Sasuke injured his arm," he said, swinging back to the part of the conversation that had stuck in his head.

"He made a Lightning Rasengan," Shikamaru said. Obito couldn't help but laugh at the audacity. "But it had a bad effect on him. Naruto said that he'd might never use his arm again."

Obito winced, torn between sympathy for Sasuke and disbelief that Naruto was now apparently an extremely accomplished medical ninja. He never would have expected that, not while he was training him and certainly not after letting him run off to Rain.

"But I don't really want to talk about Waves," Shikamaru said bluntly. "We want to talk about Team Seven."

"What did you want to know?" Obito said, leaning back. Shikamaru and Ino exchanged glances, and he laughed. "I'll tell you everything I can, don't worry. If you already know, it's not like a bit of context is gonna hurt anything."

"But… I mean, it is a secret," Ino said. Obito snorted.

"Was," he said, and Ino smiled. "Was a secret."

"Why did they go?" Shikamaru asked.

"Why do you think they went?" Obito asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"To see if it was true if Itachi Uchiha was working for Rain," Shikamaru said resolutely. "And to determine the whereabouts of the Nanabi."

"Do you like asking questions you already know the answer to?"

"I like confirming my guesses." Shikamaru grinned. "But I'm surprised you allowed it, Obito-sensei, when it made you so unpopular."

Obito crossed his arms, his arm-guards clanking on each other. "I'll tell you what I told them," he said. "I've been unpopular before. It hasn't been too difficult for me."

"Well, we all at least want to apologize on our sensei's behalf," Ino said, and Hinata nodded.

"Don't," Obito said with a shake of his head. "They're adults: you're not. It's their own responsibility if they decide to apologize or not."

They went quiet at that, and Obito scratched the back of his head. "I can't believe Naruto's a medic now," he muttered. Shikamaru laughed.

"An incredible one," he said. "He saved Sakura's life." Obito wanted to feel pride at that, but pain came instead. "And even after that, he fixed the rest of us up the best he could, and sent out clones to help the Land of Waves. It was unbelievable. We were able to run back on our own because of him."

"I got shot," Hinata said quietly. "By an arrow. Naruto closed it up so well it didn't even hurt till everything was done."

Shadow Clones, ridiculous chakra reserves, an existing knowledge of jutsu shiki, and now, apparently, the raw skill and chakra control to render life-saving aid in seconds. Obito kept scratching the back of his head, not sure if he should be ecstatic at his student's progress or jealous that he'd grown so much in the Nation of Rain.

"And Sakura?" he asked. "You mentioned she got hurt. Was she doing well?"

"Yeah," Ino said, taking it on herself to answer. "She's gotten unbelievably strong. She fought Gaara head on and almost killed him. She kept fighting even after he turned into a Tailed Beast." She hesitated. "But… she also seemed like, the most… I don't know what I'm trying to say." She shook her head. "Out of all the Rain ninja we met, she seemed like the most genuine. She actually talked about Rain, about opposing the Daimyo. She was really into it."

"Well…" Obito said with mixed feelings. "That's to be expected. It was why she got picked in the first place."

"She got picked?" Ino asked. Obito shrugged.

"She got picked because she already was sympathetic to the Akatsuki," he said as Ino frowned. "And then Naruto and Sasuke went with her, for their own reasons."

"Wait," Shikamaru said. "Then they actually defected?"

Obito laughed and nodded. Shikamaru dropped his head into his hands, staring at the floor, and then apparently couldn't help but laugh along. "But that's so stupid!" he said with a chuckle. "Why the hell… what were they thinking?!"

"Obviously they didn't want her to go alone, dumbass!" Ino said, socking Shikamaru in the shoulder. "They're good friends!"

"They left us behind for her," Hinata said, as quiet as ever.

"She needed them more!" Ino declared, jumping off the couch. "I was ready to kick Sakura's ass when I saw her, but now I think it should be the Hokage's instead! Sending her off like that and not even letting her tell us: what an asshole!"

Obito pushed himself off the wall. Ino's indignation made it impossible not to grin. "It was her decision, not his," he said, and Ino gave him a frustrated look. "She didn't want to endanger the mission by making it common knowledge, and she was sure she'd be back."

Ino grimaced. "Well," she grumbled, "I get that. It's really stupid, but I get it."

"So then…" Hinata said after glancing at Ino and Shikamaru to make sure they weren't about to say something, "you don't know when they'll be back."

"No," Obito said bluntly. "It's an open-ended mission, and it all relies on Sakura becoming trusted enough to find out the truth. It could be another year, or more, or it could be tomorrow. Maybe the mission to Waves will be the final push that was needed." He allowed himself to really ponder the thought, to hope that his students would be back soon. "Fighting Gaara could impress the Amekage. It did all the way back in the Chunin Exam. That's when she was approached by Rain to defect."

"That long ago?" Hinata asked with obvious surprise. "So they…"

"Reached out to her first," Obito confirmed. "That was the main reason she was picked."

"Wow," Ino said. "Kinda jealous," she continued with a flip of her hair. "Woulda been nice to perform well enough in the exam that another village tried to poach me, instead of getting kicked out by that asshole so quickly."

"It is a little funny," Shikamaru said, finally looking up. "That we'd run into Gaara first at the Exam, and then again here, on the mission that secured our promotion."

"Oh!" Obito said. "You guys are Chunin now? Congratulations!"

"Thanks!" Ino said brightly. "But we're still behind the curve, apparently!"

Obito cocked his head with an obvious question in his eyes, and Hinata picked it up. "Sasuke made Jonin in Rain." Obito whistled as she continued. "He was the team commander, actually, and I think Sakura and that man Zabuza Momochi as his seconds."

"Naruto's still a genin then?" Obito asked. Shikamaru smirked, and Obito shook his head. "Unbelievable," he said with a grin. "If you'd told me when I got assigned to them that they'd end up in that order…"

"Sakura's just kept surprising us," Ino said, the mood dropping a little. "I guess I hope that keeps up. It would be a nice surprise if she comes home."

"Here's hoping," Obito said, sensing that the conversation was coming to an end. Shikamaru and Hinata were making subtle glances at the door. "Are you planning to tell anyone else?"

"Do you think we should?" Ino asked, surprised. Obito shrugged.

"It's your secret to keep or spill," he said, not even giving a single thought to what his sensei might think of that particular notion. "You're Chunin now: that means the village trusts you to exercise your best judgment, and if it does I will too."

They looked uncertain, and Obito felt sure at a glance that they probably wouldn't tell anyone. The weight of the secret they were carrying was a little heavy for brand new Chunin.

"If you are going to tell anyone, maybe the rest of their friends would be the best," he suggested, and Ino gave him a relieved nod. "If you trust them to keep it quiet. But it might make things easier for Sakura and, really, everyone else when she does complete the mission."

"You think she will then," Hinata said. "You're sure they'll be back?"

"I wouldn't have let them go if I wasn't," Obito said, as certain as Hinata was uncertain. "I promise you that: I have complete faith in them." He wandered towards the door, and the others rose and followed him. "Thanks for coming by," he said, opening it. "It's always nice to get news about them."

"Well, thanks for being honest with us," Shikamaru said as he slid outside. "I was wondering if you would just deny everything."

"A year ago I would have," Obito said bluntly. "But things are changing. If Sakura told the truth, it's not my place to follow it with a lie."

They filed out saying their thanks on the way, and Obito waved goodbye, sighed, and closed the door after them. He wandered back to the couch, and then remembered why he'd been heading home in the first place.

Thirty minutes later, having showered, brushed his teeth, and changed into something that wouldn't make people think he was about to go into combat, Obito was sitting on the couch and staring at the ceiling wondering how he had narrowly missed his team again. Hiyame and now Waves; it was enough to make him wonder if he should just teleport straight over to Amegakure and demand to speak to them. Would that be strange? He could probably pull it off; there was nothing weird about someone's sensei wanting to see them after a long absence. Worst came to worst, he'd look like a needy sap, not an enemy spy-

As Obito was pondering breaking into another hidden village just to say hi to his team, a knock came at his door. He glanced over, rolled off the couch, and made his way over. What next? More kids? Kurenai, come to tell him about Waves like her team had? He ran a hand through his hair and opened the door, a neutral greeting halfway out his mouth.

"Hey!" He choked as he found Rin on the other side, watching him with a curious smile. "I heard you just got back! Wanna grab something to eat?"


Obito and Rin's weekly meals had started about two months after he'd returned from Mount Myoboku, and Obito had paid for them every single time. It wasn't something that he'd done on purpose at first, but once Rin had pointed it out he'd found it too funny to not keep it up. It wasn't a strain for him: since he'd unlocked his Mangekyo, Obito had begun making more money than he knew what to do with. With well over nine-hundred missions under his belt, including a clean forty S-Ranks, he had long ago stopped actually tracking his money. Half of it went to him (and most of that went into a savings account that he would probably never use), half of it went to his clan; he hadn't bothered to change that in all his years, even after he'd learned about the coup attempt.

Maybe it was strange for someone who would soon turn thirty to think about money that way, but Obito was glad to not have yet another thing to worry about.

When he and Rin ate out, they almost always had dinner together. They tried both casual venues and fancy places that prepared special tables for Jonin of their reputation; Obito found that he liked it all, so long as Rin was there with him. Today, they'd decided to try out a steakhouse that had opened recently in the south end of the village. Obito wasn't usually a fan of dishes that were mainly meat, but 2000 Ryo steak definitely made him curious. Especially when you didn't even order it; there wasn't a menu, just a price tag.

After they'd ordered drinks, they sat facing each other with shared amusement.

"Fancy," Rin noted.

"Even more than I figured," Obito noted. He didn't have a lot of formal clothes, so he'd just gone with a plain black shirt with long sleeves and matching pants. Dark colors suited him, at least. Rin was a little more expensive, with a short purple dress, but they were still far and away the most casually dressed people in the whole place. It didn't seem to matter though; their fame kept anyone from openly judging them.

"I had some visitors before you came by," he continued. Rin cocked her head. "Did you know some of Team Eight and Ten were in Waves when everything went down?"

"I did, yeah," she said. "They came by one of the hospitals when they got back. They visited you?"

"They ran into my team," Obito said, noticing that some other patrons at the widely spaced tables were glancing over at them. Rude to eavesdrop on a shinobi, he thought, but maybe they were just that interested. Rin made a small surprised noise. "They were there in Waves too, and ran into Gaara. Apparently it caused some trouble."

"I'd bet," Rin said. Their waiter returned and gently deposited their drinks on the cloth covering the varnished wood table, a very pink cocktail for Rin, and water for Obito, before leaving with a small bow. "It's a real mess down there. Actually, the Daimyo contacted us about it yesterday."

"Us?" Obito asked, taking a sip. Too much ice, but the water was high quality, not just basic filtered stuff. At least they were paying for a good experience in general. There was soft music playing from a live band in the corner, just enough to enhance conversation instead of drowning it out. "The medical division?"

"Yeah," Rin said, taking a sip of her drink. Her eyes went wide. "Wow, sweet!" she said, taking another sip before setting it down. "Yeah," she repeated. "The Daimyo has requested that Konoha send a contingent of medical ninja down to Waves, and specifically to Fukami City, to render aid to anyone injured by the attack, and free of charge too. The Land of Fire is going to cover any expenses incurred."

"Wow. That's generous." Obito sat back. "I guess it's a good idea. Waves needs all the help it can get right now, and it'll be free press for both Fire and the Leaf." He frowned a little. "The magnanimous saviors, coming in to clean up the mess their allies made."

"You haven't talked to sensei yet about that, have you?" Rin asked, and Obito shook his head. "He's furious. I don't think I've ever seen him so angry." Her lips twitched into a half smile. "Even when I thought you guys were about to kill each other that day you came back without them."

"Do you think he's going to do anything about it?" Obito asked. Rin shook her head.

"I don't know," she said. "I feel like, if Gaara really was responsible, we'll have to do something. We can't have a murderer like that as our ally; it's just embarrassing. Not to mention… he keeps trying to kill our kids." She laughed. "And the same one, both times! Wasn't it Shikamaru, Ino, and Hinata who confronted him during the Chunin Exams?"

"Their teams, and mine too," Obito confirmed. "I'd call it fate, but it feels a hell of a lot more like bad luck."

"Your team's always had plenty of that," Rin said with a laugh. "Hell, you have too, Obito."

Obito leaned forward and grinned. "I've thought about that," he said conspiratorially, and Rin raised her eyebrows at him. "But the way I see it, we've had bad luck that's put us in bad places, and good luck that's gotten us out of it." He tapped his temple. "We keep getting a rough deal, but we also keep coming out in one piece."

"You do," Rin noted. "But not always everyone else. Sasuke got hurt this time, apparently. I hope Rain has some good medical ninja to take a look at his arm."

"Yeah," Obito said, getting more somber. "That's true too. That's always been my problem, after all."

"The ghost thing?"

"Yeah," Obito said, frowning. "The ghost thing."

The first course of their steak meal arrived, and Obito and Rin ate mostly in silence, taking moments to compliment the food or ask other questions. Obito learned more about what Rin had learned from being visited by Hinata, Shikamaru, and Ino, and Rin what they'd told Obito.

"Well, I hope they do spread it around a little," she said quietly before she let out a polite laugh. "Hope it's not treason to say that."

"We'll find out," Obito said with a shrug. "I told them to exercise their best judgment." The music changed tempo a little, something more upbeat but still quiet, and Obito shifted as well. "Here's a question."

"Shoot," Rin said, mixing up her last slice of her peppers in some gravy.

"Would you mind if I came along to Waves with you guys?" he asked, before amending himself. "Assuming the medical division is going, and assuming you're going, I guess."

"We are going," Rin said, popping the peppers in her mouth. "And so am I, yeah. I'll be leading the operation. We're leaving tomorrow, in fact. I was gonna tell you later if it didn't come up."

"Is that a yes?" Obito asked. Rin rolled her eyes.

"Could I stop you?" she laughed.

"With just a word," Obito said, deadly serious, and Rin glanced at him, picking up her half-full glass.

"So serious," she said with a grin. "Your medical jutsu might be a little help, but if you wanna pull your weight, you'd be a lot more helpful with body retrieval." Her grin soured a little. "Would you be okay with that? It's not exactly fun work."

Pulling bodies from wreckage? Obito barely thought about it. If it was helping Rin, he'd do it without hesitation.

"It'll be important," he said, and found that he had a bit of sneer. "To see what our allies have done."

"Alright," she said with a lilt. "But don't say I didn't warn you."

Their main course came, and Obito decided that the very least he could do was enjoy the steak. It seemed like tomorrow wasn't going to be much fun.

"Thanks, Obito." Rin smiled at him from behind her glass. "For your help. And for the meal."

But then, Rin's smile made him think that maybe he was wrong.


About thirteen hours later, Obito was in the Land of Waves, and the steakhouse was a distant pleasant memory.

Fukami City had been an incredible place, he thought. So full of industry and commerce, springing right up out of the sea and joined to the land by its grand bridge.

Had, though. Past tense. A demon had ripped out the city's heart, cut a path of destruction through it, and left behind sand, ash, and bodies. Obito had arrived with the medical team, eight shinobi in all including Rin, about two hours ago, and spent that time familiarizing himself with the ravaged city and assisting the team with whatever they needed. There had been more than ten thousand casualties, and thanks to the city's own services being stretched to the limit (especially due to Gaara leveling a hospital on his way out) only about a third of them had been properly treated. Most of the rest were lined up in emergency shelters, crowding the halls of the remaining hospitals, or left out on the street if they had no one to look after them.

The entire city was still in pandemonium four days after the attack. Obito couldn't blame them. No matter what kind of disaster response you could put together, there just wasn't much anyone could do when a fourth of the city, including a chunk of both major industrial, commercial, and residential sectors, were wiped off the map and buried in sand, along with the main highway to and from the place.

"Under there next," his companion said. Tanjiro, one of Rin's assistants, a little guy with brown hair and extremely blue eyes. He was constantly fidgeting, but Obito had seen for himself that his medical jutsu was second to none. Tanjiro was gesturing to a partially collapsed hotel; they were steadily working their way west along the docks, clearing buildings like this as they went. "That's one of the last."

"Yeah, just a minute," Obito said. He took a deep breath and walked into the rubble, stooping down. Opening his eyes when he was phasing through something was strange but doable, but no matter how many times he practiced his body always rebelled at breathing in the air from the Kamui when his mouth was immersed in matter; his instincts always screamed that he was going to get a throat full of dirt or stone.

Parts of the building had already been cleared, but there were patches of destruction too thick for previous rescuers to have reached. After a minute of careful searching, Obito still hadn't found anyone. He was ready to breathe out a sigh of relief and exit the rubble when he heard a faint voice.

"Hey," it was a man, hoarse and soft. "Someone there?"

Obito cursed under his breath and doubled back towards the voice. He bent, searching the ground, and his face poked out a piece of rebar and found a miraculous pocket amidst the destruction.

There was a ninja in there, to Obito's surprise, a man with long black hair and a green vest under his flak jacket. He had a hitai-ate wrapped around his neck like a scarf: for a second, Obito mistook the symbol on the headband for Rain's and his heart skipped a beat, but after a moment he noticed the angle. It was three diagonal lines instead of three straight ones: the symbol of the Village of Springs. The shinobi was buried in concrete, one arm crushed and another leg pinned by bent steel. That shouldn't have been enough to immobilize most ninja, but his free leg had been crushed flat by something unknown, probably before he had been buried.

"Oh what the fuck?" the ninja asked, and Obito grimaced at him. "That's a hell of a hallucination…"

"I'm not a hallucination," Obito said, wondering how he looked. The man could probably only see the front of his head popping out of the rubble above him. There was barely any light in here either, which must not have helped. "I'm here to get you out."

"A shinigami?" the man coughed, and Obito couldn't keep a chuckle from escaping. "Well, it's been long enough. Lazy bastard."

"Hold on," Obito said. "This is gonna feel strange, alright?" He bent down, examining the pocket. There was just barely enough space for him to lay himself out on top of the crushed shinobi, though he'd have to curl up a little.

"Yeah, do whatever you want," the man said. "It's not like I'm-"

In a fraction of a second, Obito dropped his intangibility, settled on top of the man, pulled him into the Kamui, and then shuffled a couple feet to his right, popping them both out into the real world at Tanjiro's feet. The medical ninja jumped back in shock, and the ninja started screaming, attracting attention from a couple of people passing by and digging through the rubble themselves. Obito rolled away and back to his feet.

"What?! What??!!" the ninja from Springs shouted as Tanjiro recovered his composure.

"Crush wounds," Obito said, trying his best to be helpful. "It seems like he's been in there since the attack, so he's probably got a whole lot of issues."

"Yeah," Tanjiro said as he bent down. The ninja from Springs went silent, staring at him with wide eyes as the medical ninja ran glowing red hands over the injured man's body. "Well, it's a miracle you're alive, sir. What's your name? Do you know where you are?"

"Uh-!" The man coughed, licked his lips. "Kuro! Of the Hidden Springs. I'm in…" he looked around, blinked. "Gods, is this still Fukami? I can't…"

"Okay," Tanjiro said in the soothing tone that Obito could never manage. "Try to calm down. You've lost a tremendous amount of blood, not to mention everything else. I'm going to call for a transport group, alright? I'll stay here and do my best to fix you up until they get here."

Kuro coughed again and nodded his head, apparently unable to believe that he was still alive. "You're Hidden Leaf?" His eyes grew a bit sharper. "Like those kids… are they alright?"

"I think so," Tanjiro said, flawlessly lying. Obito was sure he had no idea what the man was talking about, but Obito had a clue.

"Good. Gods, I thought…" The man twisted, wincing, his whole body shaking with pain. "Those damn Rain-ninja… I can't believe they provoked that monster."

At that, Obito stayed silent, peering down at the man and wondering who he was talking about. As he did, Tanjiro looked up at him.

"Obito," he said, and Kuro jerked at the name, eliciting another groan of pain. "Lady Nohara called while you were in there." He tapped his headset. "She wanted you back at the shelter as soon as we were done here. There's just a couple more buildings, alright?"

Obito nodded, noticing that Kuro's gaze was fixed on him. "You alright?" he asked, irrationally wondering if this man somehow knew about his team's connection to Gaara.

"You're Obito Uchiha," the man breathed out in obvious shock. "The Ghost." He closed his eyes. "In case I die-"

"You're not going to die," Tanjiro said patiently, but Kuro ignored him.

"In case I die, I have to give you my village's thanks," he said, and Obito cocked his head. Thanks weren't usually what foreign ninja gave him. "You're the one who took down Hidan the Bloodletter. You cleansed an embarrassment to us all." He closed his eyes. "Our sincere thanks, and our shameful apology for not doing it ourselves.

Obito blinked. Hidan? Right, that C-Rank at Paper Hill. Almost a full two years ago. When Sakura had swam through a well of blood and brought him the immortal ninja's heart.

"It was my pleasure," he said with a grin, kneeling down. When the man opened his eyes, he flinched back at finding Obito so close. "Repay it to me by not dying, huh? We don't need any more bodies here."

Kuro sucked in a breath and nodded, and Obito stood back up. "I'll get the rest," he told Tanjiro. "I'll bring anything I find to you."

Tanjiro nodded, and Obito set off.

There were five buildings left for him on the docks. In three, thankfully, he found nothing. In two, he found bodies. There were twenty-one all told, men and women of all ages. Obito mentally marked the bodies he couldn't pull out with the Kamui, retrieved the ones he could, and laid them out as respectfully as he could beside their respective structures. At the beginning of the day he'd wanted to take anybody he found straight to the morgues, but they were all overflowing; this was the best he could settle for. It only took him about ten minutes to physically pull out those he couldn't reach with the Kamui. By the time he was done, Tanjiro was making his way over.

"Kuro's been picked up," he said with a frown, his piercing blue eyes looking over the bodies Obito had found, lingering on a child. It was a boy, maybe four or five years old. His chest was completely crushed: Obito hadn't found any other corpses with it. Did that mean he'd died alone, or been left behind? He didn't want to speculate. "He'll probably make it. I doubt he'll be a ninja again."

"Not with those legs," Obito said. He wondered what Katasuke was up to in that moment, and how simple it would be to steal prosthetic limbs from the Hidden Cloud. "But I guess it's like you said. It's a miracle he's alive at all."

"Yeah," Tanjiro said, and then laughed. "It's a day like this that makes me wonder if I should start smoking. Maybe it'd make things easier."

"It's bad for you," Obito noted with a smile. Tanjiro returned it.

"Life's short anyway," he responded, looking around at the destruction. "You can go on ahead without me. There's still plenty to do here."

"Good luck," Obito said, sticking his hand out.

Tanjiro took it. "Thanks," he said. "You know, all those rumors about you, they're way off base."

"Rumors usually are," Obito said with a bit of bite, and then he swirled out of existence, leaving Tanjiro behind. He jogged to the east and reappeared in the ad-hoc medical headquarters that Rin had set up in the largest shelter near the bridge. The first sound to greet him was a baby screaming: displaced people were lining up for examinations at a large white tent beneath a scrap iron roof, police, civilian doctors, and medical ninja all running around in a scene of directed chaos.

"Oh!" He heard Rin's voice and turned around to find her stomping up to him, hands gesturing wildly at someone. "Obito! Perfect!"

"What's going on?" he asked, and Rin huffed, her face red.

"I've had three idiots in a row now refuse help," she said, like it was a personal insult or a cardinal sin, "and I'm sick of it! You've gotta go take care of it!"

"Refuse help?" Obito asked, perplexed. "Why? Because we're from the Leaf?"

"No!" Rin declared, pacing in front of him. Her hands were clean, but there were bits of blood marking her arms and shirt; she must have just washed up. "Because we're doing it for free!"


"Right?! It's ridiculous!" She finally came to a stop, her chest heaving, and Obito felt an entirely inappropriate emotion for all the death they were surrounded by. "There's some idiot out there charging out the ass for medical service, and for some reason that's making some people trust them more than us! People are saying they've saved a hundred casualties by themselves in less than a day, but it's nonsense! They don't even have a name to put to them!" She pointed at Obito violently, and he mocked surrender, raising his hands and backing up. "I hate scammers, you know! And I hate people who'd take advantage of something like this even more!"

"So you want me to…?" Obito asked, and Rin's face twitched into a smile for just a moment before her anger reasserted itself.

"Go figure out who they are, and tell them to either get with the program or get out!" she said, before reconsidering. "Actually, you know what, you're loaded. If they really do have some skill, could you pay them off, if it comes to that? Is that asking too much? We need all the help we can get."

"I don't have a problem with that," Obito confirmed. "I'll go find them, alright? You just focus on your work."

"Good!" Rin huffed, before brightening up. "Thanks! You're the best!" She stormed off back to one of the medical tents, and Obito wondered if he was twenty-nine or twelve from the way her words made him feel.

He noticed a couple people watching him as Rin left, including a man with a salt-and-pepper mustache holding his teenage son by the shoulder. The both of them were standing in line, waiting to be checked. The man looked away as Obito's eyes fell on him, and Obito made his way over with a neutral look. The closer he got, the wider the teenager's eyes got; he began elbowing his father, more and more desperately as Obito drew closer.

"Hey," Obito said casually, and the older man's gaze was drawn back to him. "How's it going?"

"Terrible," the man said after a moment of consideration. "But thanks for asking, I guess."

'You were giving us a look," he said, and the man's eyes went wide with faux-surprise. "Do you know something about that? The person who's 'charging out the ass,' as my friend put it?"

The man started shaking his head, but the teenager he was holding onto spoke up. "We went and saw her first," he said as the person Obito presumed was his father gave him a dirty look. "But we couldn't afford it." He gestured to his arm, which was covered in many small cuts and one large one that ran from the back of his hand up to his elbow. It wasn't bleeding any longer, but it had probably hurt like hell. "And I'm not that beat up, so I don't have a problem waiting in line. Some other people…" He sucked in a breath. "Yeah, I can wait."

"A woman?" Obito said, bending down a little to bring himself level with the teen. He smiled. "Where was she?"

"It was two women, and a pig," the teen said. Obito tilted his head, and the teen shrugged. "I'm not kidding. The pig was just for show I think, but they were both doctors. Ninja doctors, like you guys." He pointed his thumb back over his shoulder. "They were set up at the Main Street B&B, near the city center."

"Thanks," Obito said. He reached back into his hip pouch and, as the kid's father flinched in obvious fear of what he might be pulling out, dumped twenty hundred-Ryo notes in the teen's uninjured hand. "Good luck to the both of you."

The father did a double-take at the money, and then his face hardened. "We'll need more than luck," he grumbled.

"Yeah," Obito said in a deadpan tone. "That's what the money's for."

He left the pair to their own devices, heading south towards the center of the city. The chaos he saw along the way was nothing new, but the farther in he got the less destroyed the city was, and the more ordered everything was. Still out of control, but in an understandable way.

When he found the main street and followed it it delivered him straight to his destination with impressive speed. Well, that was what streets were for, he figured. The Main Street Bed and Breakfast was a medium-sized building set in between two much larger commercial ones: if Obito had to guess, it had probably been here before them, part of the city's original architecture before the Bridge had brought it new prosperity.

There was a long line outside, about forty people long. At a glance, Obito didn't see any critical injuries among them. Well, that was something.

"Is this the line for medical treatment?" he asked the person at the back, an older blonde woman.

"Yes?" she asked, giving him a suspicious look. "No cutting, it's first come first serve."

"Huh." Obito walked ahead, moving towards the building.

The woman let out a huff, shouting after him. "Hey, didn't you hear what I said?! No cutting! Who do you think you-!?"

Her voice abruptly cut off when Obito walked through the wall of the building. He stepped into the B&B's lobby and looked around.

A couple things became obvious to Obito right away. There had been an impromptu clinic set up in the lobby, complete with several beds, a bevy of medical equipment, and some foldout tables and chairs. Some of the beds were occupied, and both the tables were. There was indeed a pig trotting around on one of them, oinking authoritatively, and a woman seated at both.

He knew both these women, one by sight and the other by reputation. Obito sighed, pinching his nose as they both looked over at his impromptu entrance.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"Are you here to get treated?" Tsunade of the Sannin asked with a sneer. "If not, get out. You're taking up space."

She turned back to the man in front of her, a wealthy looking fellow nursing an obviously broken arm. "Thirty-thousand," she said, and he gaped. "Lowest bid."

"Thirty-thousand!" he said in shock. "You must be joking!"

"That's a nasty break," Tsunade observed with a smile. "The joint is shattered. Even in the hands of an expert, you'd probably be in pain for the rest of your life, not to mention the reduced mobility. I'd be surprised if you could get past forty-five degrees with a treatment that would cost you a hundred-thousand. But hey, you don't look like you do real work for a living. Maybe you won't need to move your arm to get by?"

The man's face went red. Fuming, he reached into his pocket and whipped out a checkbook.

"Local?" Tsunade asked, and he grunted in fury.

"Of course!" he said, and Tsunade laughed.

"Then I'd prefer cash," she said. The patient looked like he was going to have a heart attack.

"You… woman," he said, apparently unable to find a better insult. He dug through his suit's pocket, pulling out a mass of crumpled thousand-ryo bills, and began counting them out. "You're a thief," he muttered as he sorted. "A charlatan. You should be strung up-"

"That's thirty," Tsunade said abruptly. She swept aside the bills and then reached over, grasped the man with one hand, and lifted him up and pressed him down on the table. He let out a scream of fear and she rolled her eyes, making two quick movements and slamming her glowing hand into his shattered joint as the other pressed deeply into his core shining with blinding green light.

"Stop! No! I-!" The man paused, blinked, and Tsunade released him. He sat up, staring at his arm, extending and curling it in. "It's…"

"Yes, totally fixed. No pain?' Tsunade asked. The man stared at her.

"No, none at all." He teared up. "It's a miracle!"

"It's not a miracle," Tsunade said, sounding bored. "It's me. Now get out of here. You're wasting my time."

The man ran for the exit, and at Tsunade's side Shizune let out a long-suffering. "Next!" She called to one of the B&B staff who was manning the entrance, who nodded and rushed outside to attend to the line.

"You're still here," Tsunade noted as Obito watched from the corner. "Would you like to be one of the injured?"

"Not particularly," Obito said.

"Then leave."

"I can't quite do that yet," he said. Another patient entered, this one with a deep cut on her scalp. Her face was covered in dried blood. Tsunade went white, turning away.

"Shizune, you handle this one," she whispered, and as she turned Obito stepped with her, coming up behind the table. Tsunade stared up at him with obvious disdain.

"The Leaf has come to offer help to the Land of Waves," he said. The sneer only deepened. 'Including medical assistance. But we've had some people refuse help; apparently they're convinced you are offering better treatment."

"They're right. I am," Tsunade said, glowering. "It's Rin who's here, isn't it?"

"She's in charge of the medical division," Obito said.

"She was always sloppy," Tsunade said, which Obito knew was a bitter lie. "If people want to pay me for my skills, that's their business."

"It is," Obito admitted. He had to navigate this carefully, especially for Rin's sake. "But we don't want people keeping themselves in pain."

"It's been four days," Tsunade said, crossing her arms. "At this point, it's all dead or walking wounded. There's no one coming here who can't afford it."

"Also true," Obito said, trying to stay neutral. "Which is probably why Rin sent me here to pay you off."

"Oh? She knew it was me?" Tsunade smirked. "And she didn't come herself?"

"She didn't know it was you," Obito clarified. He smiled. "She probably would have handled things differently if she had."

"So, one of the Hokage's chief killers has been sent to pay a doctor to do the village's work for it." Tsunade laughed. "I couldn't have set it up better myself."

"That's…" Obito shook his head. "Nevermind. How much do you want?" Shizune was treating the scalp wound next to them, Tsunade steadfastly refusing to look over to even check her apprentice's progress the whole time. Even to Obito's amateur eyes it was obvious that the younger woman was almost as good as her teacher.

"Were you going to contest it, Obito Uchiha?" Tsunade asked.

"I'm trying not to be that person anymore. How much?" Obito said shortly.

"Old dogs can't learn new tricks," Tsunade continued. "And you've always been Minato's perfect dog…"

Obito placed his hand on the table. "Tsunade," he said, taking a deep breath. "How much?"

She scowled at him. "Five-hundred thousand." He could detect a bit of surprise in her face; even two years ago, that needling would have gotten to him. She didn't know what to do with the new him.

"Done," Obito responded without hesitation. "In cash?"

"Of course. I'm not an idiot," she snapped.

"Okay." He stepped back. "I'll be back in ten minutes. Please don't charge anyone before I return."

It turned out he was using that savings account today. A quick trip to a bank on the mainland later, and Obito returned carrying a duffel bag full of Ryo. He stepped back into the room and found that Tsunade was still there, still scowling.

"Here," he said, setting the bag down behind the table. "I hope that'll satisfy you. We truly appreciate your help."

"So polite," Tsunade spat. Shizune still seemed to be tending to the injured and studiously avoiding the conversation; Obito noticed the current patient had an open wound as well. It was obvious that Tsunade still had a fear of blood: a fact he filed away, just in case. "You know who caused this, right?"

"From everything I've heard, it was the Hidden Sand," he said.

"The Leaf's allies," Tsunade spat. "And yet here you come, here to clean up this inconvenient mess. If you think people are going to forget the truth of what the village really is, you're all gravely mistaken."

"Hopefully not for long," Obito said, and Tsunade gave him a funny look.

"Now that's different," she muttered. "Do I detect an independent thought, Obito Uchiha?"

"It's been a long time since we last met, Tsunade," he said mildly. Tsunade scoffed. "Allies like this are worse than most enemies. It's easier to replace ninja than it is to rebuild a reputation."

"Hmm." The woman dropped her head, tapping her finger against her arm. "I heard a story," she said after a moment. "That there was a ninja here on that night who fought the demon, and then went around rendering medical assistance afterwards." She sighed. "I'm disappointed he's left. I've seen some of his work; it was rough, but competent stuff. Better to have had him than the rest of you."

Obito felt a shock from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. 'Competent.' Coming from Tsunade, that might as well have been a gold medal.

"A blond kid from the Nation of Rain?" he asked, and Tsunade gave him a suspicious look.

"You've heard the same story," she said. Her suspicion deepened to a frown. "And you've got a smug look on that stupid fat face of yours."

"Sorry," Obito said, waving her off. "I just thought it was funny. I'm pretty sure that was Naruto Namikaze. Sensei's son."

"Huh!" Tsunade grunted. "Guess the Yondaime made at least one good thing then." She paused. "But he was a shinobi from Rain."

"He is, right now," Obito admitted. "He ran off."

"Well, he's halfway to a smart kid," Tsunade said. "If only he hadn't gone to a bunch of lunatics like Rain."

"He's working on it. On himself," Obito said. He paused, waiting for a response, and then spoke again when nothing came. "Do you need anything else, or will the money do?"

"The money will be fine," Tsunade said. As Obito turned to leave, she clicked her tongue.

"Hey, Obito," she said. "I'll give you one free bit of advice." She gestured around. "All this is a sign that things are about to change for the worse. You know that, right? If Konoha doesn't get its shit together, this isn't going to be the last city that'll be destroyed."

Obito narrowed his eyes. "Yeah," he said. "I'll do my best to keep us on the right path."

"Your best won't be enough," Tsunade said, and for a second she sounded like the legendary ninja she really was. "If you wanna avoid it, be better than your best."

He stood there, seeing the sincerity in her face, and then bowed after a moment. "Thank you, Lady Tsunade," he said, and then the world and her grim face swirled away beyond the Kamui.

Obito stood in the Kamui, wondering why he was so unsettled. Tsunade was a wanderer, a rogue ninja in all but name, but she still spoke with authority that embedded her words in his mind.

"Better than my best, huh?" he muttered to himself. "Guess I'll try."

He walked a little and popped back out of the Kamui, back at the medical headquarters. Things had calmed down, but only a little; down from one-hundred percent crazy to only ninety-five percent. Rin was nowhere in sight. He kept himself busy organizing the injured and carrying equipment for medical ninja until she appeared.

"Hey, Obito! You're back!" she said, jogging up with a brilliant grin. There was more blood on her shirt than before. "Everything figured out?"

"It was Tsunade," he said, and Rin froze.


"Yeah. I gave her a half-million, and she promised to treat people without charge. So I guess there's two clinics now."

"That's good," Rin said distantly. "I mean, if it's sensei, at least people will be getting good treatment. I never thought…" She shook her head. "Well, she always was a magnet for tragedy. I guess it goes both ways."

"Yeah," Obito said with a little chuckle.

He looked around the destroyed city with a funny feeling in his gut, and his mouth started moving before he gave it any instructions.

"You know, Rin, when we get back…"

"Yeah?" She looked at him with curious chocolate-brown eyes.

"We should have dinner again."

"Oh, yeah, that'd be nice. That steak was great," Rin said with a smile.

Obito fiddled with his pant leg. "I mean like, dinner dinner."

Rin just looked confused, so Obito pressed ahead, trying to be as explicit as possible.

"Like, a dinner date," he said. Rin blinked. "A date. A date with dinner. A date where we have dinner. Together."

"Uh…" Rin started to laugh, and then smirked. Obito felt his heart seize up at the smug look.

"That would be good," she said, holding back laughter. "But Obito, what the hell were we doing for the last couple months then?"

Obito stared ahead, not sure if he should be ecstatic or curl up into a ball and never show his face to the world again.

He realized in a permanent and unforgettable way in that moment that while he might have been a pretty smart guy, when it came to Rin he was a complete and total idiot.

"Uh, practice, I guess," he muttered.

To his infinite relief…

Rin laughed.


AN: Alright, well that was a little faster! So sorry about the sporadic update rate, but hopefully now that we're more back on track things will speed up a little. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with this story so far!
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It's nice to see this story's version of Tsunade. I wonder if Naruto will be able to poach her for Rain, since she's so disillusioned with Fire.
Always a pleasure to see an update from this story, it's a treat to read and I do love the character beats and nuanced take on the Elemental Nations we get with each chapter.

Showing the fallout of what Gaara did in Wave is a good narrative choice, it helps convey that this wasn't just a big fight there were consequences and damages with relatively mundane things like the relief effort, Tsunade turning up to charge for her services and acknowledgement of the political situation (Minato furious, Leaf's relief effort atleast partly motivated by the desire to get good PR and the open question of how they and the everyone else is going to do about Hidden Sand-Gaara).

Tsunade was fun, its interesting that in a story where Konoha's flaws and the screwed up nature of the Shinobi system are front and centre Tsunade's bitterness and distaste for the Village and position of Hokage is more ....... well its hard to frame but it comes across less like a problem for a sufficient determined Shonen protagonist to inspire her out off and more like a not entirely wrong perspective to take on things. Plus the hints at the not friendly or mutual dynamic between Tsunade - Rin was great both as a foil to how the Slug Sanin - canon!Sakura got along and another demonstration of the off centre value system the Shinobi system advocates.

Obito continues to display his character growth, also now that he's started to stepping out of his role as Minato's hound and adopting his own path in life (with the knowledge he's doing things his Sensei might not approve of and or at all agree with) he's actually seeing some perks. Ino-Shikamaru-Hinata connect with him because he trusted them with the truth instead of sticking to the lie, Tanjiro genuinely respects him for volunteering to help with the relief in Wave, Tsunade's needling isn't as effective as it once would be because he's grown and central to this chapter he's finally been pushed out of his perpetual stasis towards Rin and started exploring an actual relationship with her.

It's good storytelling that yes Obito suffers for making the right choice but by sticking to his rediscovered principles and making an effort to be a better person he gets something back from the world for that choice. I'm really digging the apparently Vinnland Saga inspired evolution of this Obito's character.

To be honest given the way Obito was framed in the earlier part of the story: this legendary fighter who acts as mentor/role model to the younger protagonists, is devoted to a blonde haired leader characterized by their brilliance - ruthlessness and the author's stated desire to homage Attack on Titan I thinking Obito as this world's equivalent to Levi with Rin equaling Hange.

I mean I still think/fear that Obito is this stories Levi which probably means he's going to see Rin die when Sakura pulls an Eren and merges with Kaguya/Hagoromo to purge the Shinobi World with fire because @Ser Serendipity loves pushing characters to their breaking point and beyond. Well only time will tell.