Gazamy saw the redhead's gaze fixate on the orange parasite's crown. He knew well this man had no intention of letting it escape his grasp once things would come to blows - when one lived and fought to the death as long as he had, one tends to pick up the subtle tells that give away a victim's fixation on their target or avenues of escape. The Evil Spook noted that when his work with his target was finished, whoever had that crown in their hands would be next on his list.

There can only be one.

Robin felt a searing bloodthirst pinpoint between his shoulderblade's for but a moment. Robin allowed a bloodthirsty grin to etch itself across his face for a moment, before he concealed it expertly with the ease of long experience. So, he's attracted the attention of one of the people behind him, likely the Man, unless the child was stupider than he thought.

Maybe this world would be more fun than he expected.

The redhaired Ushiromiya turned to the new arrival with a wry grin, "Yo! And who might you be, my good man?"

Robin allowed his instincts take over; he'd had experience with a wide variety of people. He loosened his drenched clothes a little, relaxed his shoulders, body open, palms forward. His features relaxed, and he gave the Redhead an easy grin and offered him a friendly handshake. "Robin Tern. I was washed up with some of the other fellows, when our boat was destroyed. I'm a self-made entrepreneur, and I was travelling to scope out a business. Nice to meet you!"
@Silvan Eldar @Mortifer

"Well," George said, having waited long enough, "If you two don't have anything else to say I suppose you'll be able to say it to ones in charge here." His face turns hard, eyes narrowing into a glare.

"Come with me." He opened the door to the small shack once again, and directed a finger towards the path up the hill, "Now."

@God and the Snake @Bladestar123

Robin felt a searing bloodthirst pinpoint between his shoulderblade's for but a moment. Robin allowed a bloodthirsty grin to etch itself across his face for a moment, before he concealed it expertly with the ease of long experience. So, he's attracted the attention of one of the people behind him, likely the Man, unless the child was stupider than he thought.

Maybe this world would be more fun than he expected.

Robin allowed his instincts take over; he'd had experience with a wide variety of people. He loosened his drenched clothes a little, relaxed his shoulders, body open, palms forward. His features relaxed, and he gave the Redhead an easy grin and offered him a friendly handshake. "Robin Tern. I was washed up with some of the other fellows, when our boat was destroyed. I'm a self-made entrepreneur, and I was travelling to scope out a business. Nice to meet you!"
"Yeah, I saw some of 'em! A shame about your boat, I'll need to ask that story later! Ihihihihi." He paused, turning thoughtful for a moment.

"Hmm..." Battler hummed to himself, "Well, it's about time we started heading back anyway." He placed his hands into his pockets, "Yo, Kanon, mind showing our new friends to the mansion along with Jessica? I'm gonna go ahead and grab your knight in shining pecs." The redhaired boy gives the more subdued one a wink before trotting back to the yacht.

Jessica gives one more attempt at a lunge before going still, and Kanon releases her.

"If you gentlemen will accompany me."

"Uu! Will Fujino Onee-san follow Maria up to the house? Rains about to come down and Maria wants to show you the rose garden, Uuu~!"

@Illusion @The Out Of World

They had moments before Battler arrived on the yacht to collect them. What did they do in the mean time?
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"Well," George said, having waited long enough, "If you two don't have anything else to say I suppose you'll be able to say it to ones in charge here." His face turns hard, eyes narrowing into a glare.

"Come with me." He opened the door to the small shack once again, and directed a finger towards the path up the hill, "Now."
On one hand, she'd very clearly misjudged the man when she thought silence was the best tactic. On the other, she could've actually enraged the fellow if she'd actually just shrugged the matter off. No way to know now, so she'd just have to live with the results.

With that in mind Kuroko stepped back over towards Kirie, asking quietly "Would you prefer I drag you again, or do you think you can try and get to your feet with my help?"
With that in mind Kuroko stepped back over towards Kirie, asking quietly "Would you prefer I drag you again, or do you think you can try and get to your feet with my help?"

Kirie looked down.

"Sorry, Kuroko." She began. "I... Don't think I can. It's been so long since I tried, I can't even remember..."
@God and the Snake @Bladestar123

"Yeah, I saw some of 'em! A shame about your boat, I'll need to ask that story later! Ihihihihi." He paused, turning thoughtful for a moment.

"Sure thing, just remind me."

"Hmm..." Battler hummed to himself, "Well, it's about time we started heading back anyway." He placed his hands into his pockets, "Yo, Kanon, mind showing our new friends to the mansion along with Jessica? I'm gonna go ahead and grab your knight in shining pecs." The redhaired boy gives the more subdued one a wink before trotting back to the yacht.

Jessica gives one more attempt at a lunge before going still, and Kanon releases her.

"If you gentlemen will accompany me."

Robin quirked an eyebrow at the retreating mans back. He must've been referring to the naked man with the fantastic pectorals.
He shook his head with a chuckle, and turned to the pair. "Lead on sir - I'm sure the young lady would also appreciate the chance to change."

He raised an eyebrow at Boat Man. Subdued wasn't he? Robin wondered if the man was alright. He looked quite dead on his feet.
Kirie looked down.

"Sorry, Kuroko." She began. "I... Don't think I can. It's been so long since I tried, I can't even remember..."
"It's fine Kirie, I just wanted to spare you the pain." She replied, hooking her arms under Kirie's own and lifting her out of the chair. With that done, Kuroko would begin dragging the girl out of the building and up the hill.

If nothing else, all those hours keeping herself in tip-top shape wouldn't go to waste.

I jump back and raise my hands as an instinctual defensive maneuver. I was so focused on investigating the wallet that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. My mind was working in overdrive to come up with an explanation when I see who snuck up on me.

"Oh, its just you...uh, how's it going man?"

As I'm speaking I quickly slide the wallet back to where I found it. I was fortunate that it wasn't one of the Uroshimiyas but, I had a feeling that dealing with the guy in front of me might even be more troublesome.
"Oh, you know. Just checking up on my fellow wayward voyagers." Gazamy replied with an acidic grin. "Speaking of wayward, those hands of yours seem to be roaming where they don't belong. I don't think that was your wallet, given your current state bereft of clothing with pockets, so..." He let the obvious implication hang in the air.

"Now don't worry yourself, I won't speak of this unfortunate mistake on your behalf to our good hosts. Apropos of nothing, it's astonishing just how vindictive aristocrats and rich families can get when slighted, especially when on their own property. Their private, secluded property in the middle of the ocean. Far away from prying eyes. With lots of places to dispose of unwanted garbage. Why, I imagine if it were convenient for such a family if someone they disliked were to vanish under mysterious circumstances, that person would never be heard from again. I expect you to repay my generous discretion by answering a few harmless questions of mine in the near future." Having spoken all that needed to be said, the greenette departed from the yacht back onto the docks while whistling a jaunty tune.
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Robin's eye caught the figures down the beach, one of whom appeared to be exceedingly agitated.

He turned and caught the eye of his two companions, wordlessly nodding towards the figures down the beach and his intention to check what was going on.

@Azrael @The Out Of World

He then waved farewell at the little girl with an honest grin and jogged away. He didn't bother to give the crown a passing glance

It was seared into his memory

As he made his way to the crowd, he recognized the Human Missile visibly reatraining a rate he peeved lady. Said lady was glaring daggers at another man Robin recognized. This one was actually from the boat, one of the gentlemen.

Robin, however, had his manners yet with him. Clearing his throat, he caught their attention.
Robin smiled happily and tipped his head at the people there, even the unladylike woman.

"How are you friends? I understand that some of you came to rescue us? Very polite of you, we had some cripples with us.

Really, what had happened to manners and discretion. Gone the way of Sinatra it seemed.

The man the Boat man was speaking to also had Red hair, and seemed rather mischievous.

He now looked directly at Boat Man. "I never caught your name, but are you alright? You seemed quite caught up in the debris."

@God and the Snake

Lyon watched the other man warily. He did not trust this man - something about his continuance was wrong. "Lyon," he supplied simply.

"Yeah, I saw some of 'em! A shame about your boat, I'll need to ask that story later! Ihihihihi." He paused, turning thoughtful for a moment.

"Hmm..." Battler hummed to himself, "Well, it's about time we started heading back anyway." He placed his hands into his pockets, "Yo, Kanon, mind showing our new friends to the mansion along with Jessica? I'm gonna go ahead and grab your knight in shining pecs." The redhaired boy gives the more subdued one a wink before trotting back to the yacht.

Jessica gives one more attempt at a lunge before going still, and Kanon releases her.

"If you gentlemen will accompany me."

"Thank you, my good man." As they went, Lyon was careful to keep the silver haired boy between him and the blonde at all times. His spindly arms had already saved him once today, but he wasn't sure if they were up to the task of stopping the girl from choking him to death.

"So... what will happen once we reach the mansion?" Their arrival had been... highly irregular. "I do hope we wont cause you to much trouble."
"Oh, you know. Just checking up on my fellow wayward voyagers." Gazamy replied with an acidic grin. "Speaking of wayward, those hands of yours seem to be roaming where they don't belong. I don't think that was your wallet, given your current state bereft of clothing with pockets, so..." He let the obvious implication hang in the air.

"Now don't worry yourself, I won't speak of this unfortunate mistake on your behalf to our good hosts. Apropos of nothing, it's astonishing just how vindictive aristocrats and rich families can get when slighted, especially when on their own property. Their private, secluded property in the middle of the ocean. Far away from prying eyes. With lots of places to dispose of unwanted garbage. Why, I imagine if it were convenient for such a family if someone they disliked were to vanish under mysterious circumstances, that person would never be heard from again. I expect you to repay my generous discretion by answering a few harmless questions of mine in the near future." Having spoken all that needed to be said, the greenette departed from the yacht back onto the docks while whistling a jaunty tune.
'This fucker is really trying to blackmail me.'

My fists twists into a snarl as I think of what to do...what if I pull an Isaac? Memories flashed back to the days when I read Rebuild of Apocrypha. When Moira dubstep tried to blackmail Isaac, what did he do? He confessed his crime while downplaying the severity of what he was doing. Doing this screwed over Moira's plan to blackmail our lovable protagonist. So why couldn't I do the same? I could confess to George that I sat on the sofa and found a wallet and decided to look through it. George seemed like a reasonable guy, at least more reasonable than fucking Terumi and it would make me seem more honest in his eyes.

It would also take away all blackmail material that Terumi had over me. That was the important part, fuck that whistling son of a bitch.
'This fucker is really trying to blackmail me.'

My fists twists into a snarl as I think of what to do...what if I pull an Isaac? Memories flashed back to the days when I read Rebuild of Apocrypha. When Moira dubstep tried to blackmail Isaac, what did he do? He confessed his crime while downplaying the severity of what he was doing. Doing this screwed over Moira's plan to blackmail our lovable protagonist. So why couldn't I do the same? I could confess to George that I sat on the sofa and found a wallet and decided to look through it. George seemed like a reasonable guy, at least more reasonable than fucking Terumi and it would make me seem more honest in his eyes.

It would also take away all blackmail material that Terumi had over me. That was the important part, fuck that whistling son of a bitch.
Illusion's mind goes unnaturally still

I'll allow it!
"Uu! Kinzo-Ojiisan built the house but the eeeeveryone knows the real owner is Beatrice! Uu~uu!"
"Is that so?" Fujino replied after a moment's pause. She didn't know who 'Beatrice' was, but she supposed she had gotten her answer.

A private island then. Chances were everyone here knew who everyone else was, with the exception of the group of new arrivals. Judging by the approaching storm, it was unlikely that they could just leave...
"Uu! Will Fujino Onee-san follow Maria up to the house? Rains about to come down and Maria wants to show you the rose garden, Uuu~!"
Fujino was interrupted in her musings by Maria's energetic suggestion. Smiling at the girl, Fujino nodded.

"All right. I suppose we can't sit here on the dock in the rain, can we?" Looking down at herself, Fujino remembered why she hadn't wanted to sit down. Frowning slightly, she placed one hand on the ground and planted her cane with the other. An attempt was then made to lift herself off the ground and place her good leg under her. An attempt made harder by her general frailty and current exhaustion.

After a moment, Fujino sighed and stopped. Looking up at Maria, she asked the little girl, "Maria-chan, can you please go get one of the older men to help me up? I'm afraid I can't do it myself..."