George frowned, raising an eyebrow at the...He assumed it was a girl, given the skirt and twintails. He had no idea why, but he had grown more cautious of such things as of late.

"No, I'm 'the man'..." And at this he smiled at the unintended joke, "Himself. Who's your friend?"

"Ah, Fujou Kirie, sir." The blind woman replied. "A pleasure to meet you."

She gave a sort of half bow from her seated position, and smiled faintly.

"Is it still raining outside?" She asked, as an afterthought.
"Ah, Fujou Kirie, sir." The blind woman replied. "A pleasure to meet you."

She gave a sort of half bow from her seated position, and smiled faintly.

"Is it still raining outside?" She asked, as an afterthought.
"It actually hasn't started raining yet, Miss." George said, looking at Kirie, "We were heading back because of the oncoming typhoon..." He stared, "I think you better tell me how you got here."
The globule of sea water impacted the buxom blonde girl directly, drenching her as she opened her mouth with a sputter.

"D-do you have any idea how much this dress cost, you asshole?!"

The Servant grabbed her from behind around the waist, "My lady! You can't! You're supposed to be acting more feminine, remember?!"

Lyon bowed and said sincerely,"I'm sorry, madame, that my drowning has inconvenienced you so. I am in your debt."
Lyon bowed and said sincerely,"I'm sorry, madame, that my drowning has inconvenienced you so. I am in your debt."
"Now, now," Battler said gregariously, patting the slighter man on the back with his freakish teenager strength, "No need for any of that! Jessica over there was just getting a bit upset over the shock is all, right?"

"..." Jessica merely glared at her cousin bitterly, even as Kanon visibly strained behind her.

"...By the way," The redhead continued, nonplussed, "The names Ushiromiya Battler!" He jerked a thumb towards himself, "That perfect example of femininity over there is my cousin, Ushiromiya Jessica!" An index finger is leveled at the blonde, "And right behind her is our Servant, Kanon!" The finger shifts towards the grey-haired boy behind her.

"So!" His expression widens into a blossoming smirk, all teeth, "What brings you to Rokkenjima, pal?"
"Now, now," Battler said gregariously, patting the slighter man on the back with his freakish teenager strength, "No need for any of that! Jessica over there was just getting a bit upset over the shock is all, right?"

"..." Jessica merely glared at her cousin bitterly, even as Kanon visibly strained behind her.

"...By the way," The redhead continued, nonplussed, "The names Ushiromiya Battler!" He jerked a thumb towards himself, "That perfect example of femininity over there is my cousin, Ushiromiya Jessica!" An index finger is leveled at the blonde, "And right behind her is our Servant, Kanon!" The finger shifts towards the grey-haired boy behind her.

"So!" His expression widens into a blossoming smirk, all teeth, "What brings you to Rokkenjima, pal?"

Lyon stumbled in the sand, just so, from Battler's patronizing back pat. Between him and the near frothing girl, he was beginning to wonder what kind of nightmare island he'd wound up on. "I-I was," he said, quickly hunting for a lie before settling on a half truth,"on a boat that happened to be passing nearby - we broke our hull against... something, and I made to swim ashore."

Wait. He paused.

"Sir Ushiromiya, where would Rokkenjima... be, exactly?"
Lyon stumbled in the sand, just so, from Battler's patronizing back pat. Between him and the near frothing girl, he was beginning to wonder what kind of nightmare island he'd wound up on. "I-I was," he said, quickly hunting for a lie before settling on a half truth,"on a boat that happened to be passing nearby - we broke our hull against... something, and I made to swim ashore."

Wait. He paused.

"Sir Ushiromiya, where would Rokkenjima... be, exactly?"
"No need to worry buddy, you didn't drift too far! We're still a bit past Okinawa!" Battler replied easily, even as his eyes narrowed, "Good thing you didnt need to swim too far, am I right? Ihihihihi."
"No need to worry buddy, you didn't drift too far! We're still a bit past Okinawa!" Battler replied easily, even as his eyes narrowed, "Good thing you didnt need to swim too far, am I right? Ihihihihi."

That... didn't help at all.

As he was considering pressing for more information, he suddenly remembered something. "Ah! Sir Ushiromiya, I had several companions with me when our ship capsized: Several of them couldn't have swam here on their own! You haven't seen any of them, have you?"

He cared little for most of them, but perhaps one of them could explain what this 'Okinawa' was.
That... didn't help at all.

As he was considering pressing for more information, he suddenly remembered something. "Ah! Sir Ushiromiya, I had several companions with me when our ship capsized: Several of them couldn't have swam here on their own! You haven't seen any of them, have you?"

He cared little for most of them, but perhaps one of them could explain what this 'Okinawa' was.
"Yeah, looks like we picked up this one super buff dude who was in the water, and George-aniki said the rest are on the dock." Battler gestured towards the nearby wooden construction, where two tallish men and two smaller figures could be seen
"Yeah, looks like we picked up this one super buff dude who was in the water, and George-aniki said the rest are on the dock." Battler gestured towards the nearby wooden construction, where two tallish men and two smaller figures could be seen
Lyon sighed in relief. "Thank you, Sir Ushiromiya. Can we perhaps go join them? Unless," he glanced at the still thrashing Jessica,"there's anything else we should take care of before then?"
George frowned, raising an eyebrow at the...He assumed it was a girl, given the skirt and twintails. He had no idea why, but he had grown more cautious of such things as of late.

"No, I'm 'the man'..." And at this he smiled at the unintended joke, "Himself. Who's your friend?"
It wasn't difficult for Kuroko to guess at the man's thoughts, his expression as clear as day to her and his reaction not that unfamiliar. Perhaps in other circumstances she would have gotten indignant at the man before them for almost mistaking her for a boy, but here she had no time for such.

The man would clearly be the one she and Kirie had to deal with if they wanted this to go well.

So instead of gritting her teeth of frowning she just nodded and state-
"Ah, Fujou Kirie, sir." The blind woman replied. "A pleasure to meet you."

She gave a sort of half bow from her seated position, and smiled faintly.

"Is it still raining outside?" She asked, as an afterthought.
"It actually hasn't started raining yet, Miss." George said, looking at Kirie, "We were heading back because of the oncoming typhoon..." He stared, "I think you better tell me how you got here."
But before she could say anything Kirie introduced herself, and unintentionally complicated the whole situation.

If Kuroko had to guess, she'd say the man was looking for inconsistencies in their story by targeting the one who'd probably be the most off-balance.
Which meant that if Kuroko wanted the man to actually believe her own telling of events, she'd just have to hope Kirie could stick to what she'd explained earlier and generally stay reasonable.
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Lyon sighed in relief. "Thank you, Sir Ushiromiya. Can we perhaps go join them? Unless," he glanced at the still thrashing Jessica,"there's anything else we should take care of before then?"

Robin's eye caught the figures down the beach, one of whom appeared to be exceedingly agitated.

He turned and caught the eye of his two companions, wordlessly nodding towards the figures down the beach and his intention to check what was going on.

@Azrael @The Out Of World

He then waved farewell at the little girl with an honest grin and jogged away. He didn't bother to give the crown a passing glance

It was seared into his memory

As he made his way to the crowd, he recognized the Human Missile visibly reatraining a rate he peeved lady. Said lady was glaring daggers at another man Robin recognized. This one was actually from the boat, one of the gentlemen.

Robin, however, had his manners yet with him. Clearing his throat, he caught their attention.
Robin smiled happily and tipped his head at the people there, even the unladylike woman.

"How are you friends? I understand that some of you came to rescue us? Very polite of you, we had some cripples with us.

Really, what had happened to manners and discretion. Gone the way of Sinatra it seemed.

The man the Boat man was speaking to also had Red hair, and seemed rather mischievous.

He now looked directly at Boat Man. "I never caught your name, but are you alright? You seemed quite caught up in the debris."

@God and the Snake
Illusion was more or less left to his own devices on the yacht while the Ushiromiya children went to round up his fellow companions for the moment.

'Huh, guess this is the best opportunity to explore the boat?'

And so that's what I did. I looked for any rooms on the boat for me to explore. I didn't really have anything in particular to look for but who knows? Maybe I would find a diary or something that would tell me a little bit about what was on the island.
"Uu~uu, but Maria didn't see anything like that, and Maria comes by this dock all the time to visit with Jessica onee-chan, uu!" The orange haired child whined in protest, before catching herself.
"To be honest, I can't see anything like that either." Fujino replies, looking out over the blue waves and approaching storm, "Apparently we were only in sight of the island for a few minutes before we sank. Really, everything happened really quickly, I didn't think even little lifeboats like that could take on water so fast..."
"Umm, Maria is Ushiromiya Maria, nice to meet you Fujino onee-chan! Uu~uu!"
"It's nice to meet you too." Fujino replied, smiling gently. Suddenly, a thought occurred. She was sent here with a mission, right? 'Protect Ushiromiya Eva until Furudo Erika falls'. The former was certainly one of this little girl's relatives, maybe she could ask her who Furudo was?

On the other hand, asking about names like that would be suspicious, and while a young child may not question it, the adults certainly would...

Sighing slightly at what she was about to do, Fujino planted her makeshift cane firmly (moving it a bit away from Maria while she did so) and bent her right leg. Her unresponsive left followed suit, and she dropped the short distance to be in a sitting position before the girl.

"Maria-chan, can I ask you what you're doing on this island? Is it owned by your family?" She questioned gently. This could be a good chance to get a better idea of what's going on here.
"Think nothing of it." Gazamy waved a faux dismissive hand and noticed Fujino was sporting a contemplative expression. Not interesting in truth, but he'd go with anything to take his mind off the growing temptation. "Say, why the long face? Something on your mind?"
Turning to look up at Gazamy, Fujino replied.

"No, I was just thinking about how weak I felt. I'm sure you noticed, but I'm not really one to do well in situations like that..." Honestly, she felt exhausted. Her movements were even slower than normal, and she felt she needed to rest her eyes- when was the last time she had slept anyway? She honestly couldn't remember.

"Don't mind me, I'll be fine now that I'm on solid ground."
Robin ignored the rather rude conversation carrying around him in favor of casually eyeing the crown sitting on the little Gremlin's head.

Shiny it was, and elaborate. Childish shape, but it looked nice enough that Robin didn't mind.

Oh, he was listening to them speak, of course, he was a gentleman. And the Ringmaster always listened to his performers; conversation was vital to a good performance.

But that crown...

His crown...

Yes, as the little mobile trophy stand was proving, the crown went well with red hair.

How convenient...
Gazamy saw the redhead's gaze fixate on the orange parasite's crown. He knew well this man had no intention of letting it escape his grasp once things would come to blows - when one lived and fought to the death as long as he had, one tends to pick up the subtle tells that give away a victim's fixation on their target or avenues of escape. The Evil Spook noted that when his work with his target was finished, whoever had that crown in their hands would be next on his list.

There can only be one.

Speaking of only one, he was rather sure that the muscular man never left the yacht proper. Who knows what a stranger could do if left alone? Moreover, what secrets could he be hiding? That fellow was an anomaly. Out of all the people who arrived in the bizarre boat his behavior was the most unusual; rather than panicking, he reacted to the group's displacement by referencing some unknown party. Singular. Male, if memory served.

He knows.
Turning to look up at Gazamy, Fujino replied.

"No, I was just thinking about how weak I felt. I'm sure you noticed, but I'm not really one to do well in situations like that..." Honestly, she felt exhausted. Her movements were even slower than normal, and she felt she needed to rest her eyes- when was the last time she had slept anyway? She honestly couldn't remember.

"Don't mind me, I'll be fine now that I'm on solid ground."
"In that case, I'll leave you in Little Maria's capable hands." Gazamy hummed thoughtfully and departed for the boat, having in the process abandoned Fujino to the horrible tyke. His hands reached inside his pockets and thumbed his knives with excitement. He'd get his answers, one way or another.
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"It actually hasn't started raining yet, Miss." George said, looking at Kirie, "We were heading back because of the oncoming typhoon..." He stared, "I think you better tell me how you got here."

"I'm afraid I can't tell you much." Kirie replied sadly. "I just woke up on a boat without knowing how I got there. Then the others started rowing, the boat started sinking, and Miss Shirai helped me get to the shore..."

The woman sighed, and hung her head. "I'm afraid I can't be more specific. It happened so fast, and I'm blind. I don't really know what happened myself."
"I'm afraid I can't tell you much." Kirie replied sadly. "I just woke up on a boat without knowing how I got there. Then the others started rowing, the boat started sinking, and Miss Shirai helped me get to the shore..."

The woman sighed, and hung her head. "I'm afraid I can't be more specific. It happened so fast, and I'm blind. I don't really know what happened myself."
George nodded thoughtfully, "That must have been quite the swim." He said, directing the statement more at Kuroko than Kirie.

'Huh, guess this is the best opportunity to explore the boat?'

And so that's what I did. I looked for any rooms on the boat for me to explore. I didn't really have anything in particular to look for but who knows? Maybe I would find a diary or something that would tell me a little bit about what was on the island.
The only real spaces were a somewhat spacious below deck cabin with a single closed off space within that. The larger, immediate space had all the furnishings of a place for relaxation, such as a refrigerator, bedding, sofa, and also what appeared to be a small kitchenette
Lyon sighed in relief. "Thank you, Sir Ushiromiya. Can we perhaps go join them? Unless," he glanced at the still thrashing Jessica,"there's anything else we should take care of before then?"
Robin's eye caught the figures down the beach, one of whom appeared to be exceedingly agitated.

He turned and caught the eye of his two companions, wordlessly nodding towards the figures down the beach and his intention to check what was going on.

@Azrael @The Out Of World

He then waved farewell at the little girl with an honest grin and jogged away. He didn't bother to give the crown a passing glance

It was seared into his memory

As he made his way to the crowd, he recognized the Human Missile visibly reatraining a rate he peeved lady. Said lady was glaring daggers at another man Robin recognized. This one was actually from the boat, one of the gentlemen.

Robin, however, had his manners yet with him. Clearing his throat, he caught their attention.
Robin smiled happily and tipped his head at the people there, even the unladylike woman.

"How are you friends? I understand that some of you came to rescue us? Very polite of you, we had some cripples with us.

Really, what had happened to manners and discretion. Gone the way of Sinatra it seemed.

The man the Boat man was speaking to also had Red hair, and seemed rather mischievous.

He now looked directly at Boat Man. "I never caught your name, but are you alright? You seemed quite caught up in the debris."

@God and the Snake
The redhaired Ushiromiya turned to the new arrival with a wry grin, "Yo! And who might you be, my good man?"

"Maria-chan, can I ask you what you're doing on this island? Is it owned by your family?" She questioned gently. This could be a good chance to get a better idea of what's going on here.
"Uu! Kinzo-Ojiisan built the house but the eeeeveryone knows the real owner is Beatrice! Uu~uu!"

Gazamy saw the redhead's gaze fixate on the orange parasite's crown. He knew well this man had no intention of letting it escape his grasp once things would come to blows - when one lived and fought to the death as long as he had, one tends to pick up the subtle tells that give away a victim's fixation on their target or avenues of escape. The Evil Spook noted that when his work with his target was finished, whoever had that crown in their hands would be next on his list.

There can only be one.

Speaking of only one, he was rather sure that the muscular man never left the yacht proper. Who knows what a stranger could do if left alone? Moreover, what secrets could he be hiding? That fellow was an anomaly. Out of all the people who arrived in the bizarre boat his behavior was the most unusual; rather than panicking, he reacted to the group's displacement by referencing some unknown party. Singular. Male, if memory served.

He knows.

"In that case, I'll leave you in Little Maria's capable hands." Gazamy hummed thoughtfully and departed for the boat, having in the process abandoned Fujino to the horrible tyke. His hands reached inside his pockets and thumbed his knives with excitement. He'd get his answers, one way or another.
Maria watched him leave through crinkled eyes and a thin smile.

"Ojii-San is funny! Ihihihihi!"
The only real spaces were a somewhat spacious below deck cabin with a single closed off space within that. The larger, immediate space had all the furnishings of a place for relaxation, such as a refrigerator, bedding, sofa, and also what appeared to be a small kitchenette

Looking upon my immediate surroundings, I begin my search. I take a quick look under the bedding and in between the sofa cushions. One might ask "Illusion, what the fuck are you gonna find between sofa cushions? Loose change?" in which I would reply "Hey man, it never hurts to be safe. Who knows what gets lost in there?"
Looking upon my immediate surroundings, I begin my search. I take a quick look under the bedding and in between the sofa cushions. One might ask "Illusion, what the fuck are you gonna find between sofa cushions? Loose change?" in which I would reply "Hey man, it never hurts to be safe. Who knows what gets lost in there?"
He found a wallet nestled within the cushions of a sofa. It was stuffed quite full and would take some time to inspect. He could also use that time to inspect the rest of the cabin, or search the wallets full contents.

He had only minutes.
He found a wallet nestled within the cushions of a sofa. It was stuffed quite full and would take some time to inspect. He could also use that time to inspect the rest of the cabin, or search the wallets full contents.

He had only minutes.

Knowing that my time was short I made a decision. I decided to search the wallet's contents. Hopefully it was filled with actually useful things and not just crumpled old receipts like my wallet was.
He found several receipts, a taped together credit card, and a piece of paper that looked like a folded up piece of stationary

I quickly unfold the piece of paper to see if there was anything to read. Maybe it was a letter or a note about something on the island?

'Please let there be something useful written.'

If there wasn't I wasted my time like an idiot.
Maria watched him leave through crinkled eyes and a thin smile.

"Ojii-San is funny! Ihihihihi!"
Oji-san? Didn't that mean she was calling him an old man or something? The Japanese and their language was confusing as all hell. Being called old made Gazamy feel old. Well, he was old to be sure, but he the act of feeling old was neither a regular experience nor a welcome one. He made a mental note to punch the child in the face should he get the chance. She probably deserved it anyway.
I quickly unfold the piece of paper to see if there was anything to read. Maybe it was a letter or a note about something on the island?

'Please let there be something useful written.'

If there wasn't I wasted my time like an idiot.
It was at this point Gazamy had crept onto the deck cabin with catlike tread and noticed the purple-haired fellow rifling through a wallet. Given his state bereft of clothing from earlier, it didn't take a genius to figure out who it didn't belong to. Ergo, he quietly snuck up behind the oversized pilferer and looked over his shoulder at what he was reading. After getting a quick glimpse, the Evil Spook did what an Evil Spook does best.

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I quickly unfold the piece of paper to see if there was anything to read. Maybe it was a letter or a note about something on the island?

'Please let there be something useful written.'

If there wasn't I wasted my time like an idiot.
The note appeared to be a printout from some kind of Japanese bank

Along with a number of abbreviated terms and long strings of numbers was the following information

Account Holder: Ushiromiya Rudolf

Current Balance: 11,312
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The note appeared to be a printout from some kind of Japanese bank

Along with a number of abbreviated terms of long strings of numbers was the following information

Account Holder: Ushiromiya Rudolf

Current Balance: 11,312
I look at the paper in disappointment. This was a huge disappointment. God dammit, at least no one caught me snooping...

It was at this point Gazamy had crept onto the deck cabin with catlike tread and noticed the purple-haired fellow rifling through a wallet. Given his state bereft of clothing from earlier, it didn't take a genius to figure out who it didn't belong to. Ergo, he quietly snuck up behind the oversized looter and looked over his shoulder at what he was reading. After getting a quick glimpse, the Evil Spook did what an Evil Spook does best.



I jump back and raise my hands as an instinctual defensive maneuver. I was so focused on investigating the wallet that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. My mind was working in overdrive to come up with an explanation when I see who snuck up on me.

"Oh, its just you...uh, how's it going man?"

As I'm speaking I quickly slide the wallet back to where I found it. I was fortunate that it wasn't one of the Uroshimiyas but, I had a feeling that dealing with the guy in front of me might even be more troublesome.