Wait a second...were these the guys that fired him at us? They seemed to be friendly to him so why did they fire him? Man, whatever, I just needed to get out of the water. So I shouted as well.


Probably not, the grey haired guy didn't seem to like me. EVEN THOUGH I SAVED HIM AND HE BROKE OUR BOAT, the fucking bitch.

The boat powered through the now calm and empty waters towards the unlikely pair, stopping just long enough to toss a rope ladder over the side of the modest yacht.

"I DON'T SEE WHY NOT!" The red-haired boy shouted, "CLIMB ON!"

"Jeez, Battler." A gruff, feminine voice muttered in response from beyond their range of vision, "Why not make yourself useful and actually lend them a hand?"

"Aye aye, captain." Gazamy jokingly saluted the girl. "You can trust me to keep you clean." Kids these days, too afraid to get their hands dirty elbows deep in an arthropod's chest cavity but so unhappy that they haven't mastered the secrets of the universe. If Solomon the King of Magecraft had lived until this era, he'd probably be infuriated with mankind to the point of exterminating it all to wipe the slate clean. Gazamy knew he would if he had successors that were such utter letdowns. Still, that Crowley kid turned out alright. Mostly.

Gazamy did not hesitate to take the man up on his offer. "Thanks for the help with that crab. This thing is going to be downright delicious when we get to land and cook it up properly. Might even come back next year around with some scuba gear and see if I can catch any big ones like that down in these waters."

"Oh my, it seems we have some potential help. Your luck is finally on an upswing, Miss Fujino."
Robin eyed the girl curiously, but shrugged. Grabbing the rope strapped to the buoy, he tied it to the ones the girl and man sat in, while gesturing to them to protect it.

He'd need his energy for this.

He began swimming strongly, occasionally using the smart floor his feet occasionally scraped against for leverage as they neared the beach. The waves grew stronger as they got closer to the beach, tidal currents beginning to form as the land grew closer. They were fortunate; the beach was gentle and no rich formations existed about them to form pools or riptides.

Eventually the waves grew strong enough with the sand beneath his feet, that he stopped and thurned to them.

Smiling charmingly, he looked to th two behind him. The girls exhaustion looked severe, so it was good that they were near to land right? "We've arrived, and the land is at a stainable depth." He untied the buoys. "I suppose that this is to be our new home now."

Squinting, he looked back. A powered boat had approached their previous wreckage. They appeared to be boarding the erstwhile missile.

Robin's smile sharpened, and his blood began to simmer, as a desire that had failed to be sated resurfaced.
So not only did she dislike fleshy stuff, but it seems her condition fostered regrets of being a burden in her mind. Probably came with feelings of worthlessness and inferiority; those things tended to be a package deal with these kinds of people. The Evil Spook added those thoughts to his mental notebook for later.

"Ah, uh, right." Gazamy stammered. "Best not to dawdle." The man approached the boat and issued his own call for help: "HELLO THERE! WE HAVE A PARAPLEGIC AND BLIND GIRL IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE! COULD YOU PLEASE HELP OUT HERE?"
"Okaaaaay!" A voice carried back, reaching Gazamy's ears, "Just give us a second!"


For some reason Kuroko couldn't quite put into words, the seemingly empty room put her on edge.

Still, she and Kirie were going to get soaked if they stayed out in the open, and neither of the could afford to get sick. At the same time though, a few seconds more wasn't going to hurt her.

"Hello?! Is anyone here?!" She shouted, hoping against hope that someone would come to the door.

If nothing else, it'd make disabling them if they were belligerent much simpler.
The radio crackled to life, "Hello?" A youthful voice burst through the silence, "Is there anyone in there? Or was it just the three of you on the dock?"
The boat powered through the now calm and empty waters towards the unlikely pair, stopping just long enough to toss a rope ladder over the side of the modest yacht.

"I DON'T SEE WHY NOT!" The red-haired boy shouted, "CLIMB ON!"

"Jeez, Battler." A gruff, feminine voice muttered in response from beyond their range of vision, "Why not make yourself useful and actually lend them a hand?"

Wow, they were actually nice people? Then why the hell did they break our boat? Or was it someone else who fired Bondo? I hated mysteries.


I say as I begin to ascend the ladder. Hopefully, they wouldn't be too bothered my lack of clothing...
Wow, they were actually nice people? Then why the hell did they break our boat? Or was it someone else who fired Bondo? I hated mysteries.


I say as I begin to ascend the ladder. Hopefully, they wouldn't be too bothered my lack of clothing...
"UU-UU!" A high pitched voice from the pits of Tartarus shrilly cried out

"Maria!? What're you doing...Oi! OI!" And in that instant, a black and orange force slammed into the railing of the yacht near the redhaired teen, causing the ship to tilt violently.

"GONNA FALL GONNA FALL!" The horrific sound cried out in sadistic glee.

"UUAAAAAAAAAH I'M GONNA FALL!" The boy shouted out in a panic, lurching even as he held onto the railing with a white knuckle grip over the rope ladder. The tone spread to his face. Which then turned a spectacular shade of green.

His eyes crossed.

And then the half-digested remains of a five-star brunch spewed forth in a liquid torrent directly towards Illusion as he climbed up the rope ladder. The spread and speed of the projectiles were superhuman, far too fast for him to have any hope of dodging.
"UU-UU!" A high pitched voice from the pits of Tartarus shrilly cried out

"Maria!? What're you doing...Oi! OI!" And in that instant, a black and orange force slammed into the railing of the yacht near the redhaired teen, causing the ship to tilt violently.

"GONNA FALL GONNA FALL!" The horrific sound cried out in sadistic glee.

"UUAAAAAAAAAH I'M GONNA FALL!" The boy shouted out in a panic, lurching even as he held onto the railing with a white knuckle grip over the rope ladder. The tone spread to his face. Which then turned a spectacular shade of green.

His eyes crossed.

And then the half-digested remains of a five-star brunch spewed forth in a liquid torrent directly towards Illusion as he climbed up the rope ladder. The spread and speed of the projectiles were superhuman, far too fast for him to have any hope of dodging.

'No please. Not like this.'

I could do nothing but watch in horror as the projectile puke splattered against my face and chest. The rancid smell, enough to make me almost gag. What did I do to deserve this?


I stare blankly at the boy who had just puked on me. I had something to say but I was scared to even speak, afraid that as soon as I opened my mouth, more puke would stream down onto me and into my mouth.

'Could this get any worst?'
'Could this get any worst?'
"UU~UU! MARIA CANNONBALL!" The terrible sound rang out again, heralding further disaster.

"Oi *oof*! Maria! YOU CAN'T JUST JUMP IN LIKE THAT!" But the red haired lad was too late, far too late to stop what was inevitably about to occur. In that moment, the orange and black figure leaped over the railing and descended like an unholy meteorite directly into Illusion's shoulder where it began to slip and thrash for traction before finally finding purchase in Illusions luxurious hair.
"UU~UU! MARIA CANNONBALL!" The terrible sound rang out again, heralding further disaster.

"Oi *oof*! Maria! YOU CAN'T JUST JUMP IN LIKE THAT!" But the red haired lad was too late, far too late to stop what was inevitably about to occur. In that moment, the orange and black figure leaped over the railing and descended like an unholy meteorite directly into Illusion's shoulder where it began to slip and thrash for traction before finally finding purchase in Illusions luxurious hair.

I never had long hair in my life but turns out, when someone jumps into it and starts thrashing, it REALLY FUCKING HURTS. After coming to this realization, I made my first mistake. Instinctively, both of my hands moved to defend my hair. These hands were what held me to the ladder, when I reached for my hair, I fell.

That's when I made my second mistake. Faced with falling, I braced myself, rather than pulling the little shit out of my hair. Turns out, suddenly falling into water makes people thrash harder. RIP my hair.


Covered in puke, water, and a girl ripping my hair from my scalp, I could do nothing but beg for salvation.
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The radio crackled to life, "Hello?" A youthful voice burst through the silence, "Is there anyone in there? Or was it just the three of you on the dock?"
While it wasn't what she'd hoped, a person on the otherside of a radio would have to be good enough.

Quickly teleporting Kirie onto the chair, Kuroko walked over to the radio and picked up the microphone.

"This is Shirai Kuroko, who am I speaking to?"
While it wasn't what she'd hoped, a person on the otherside of a radio would have to be good enough.

Quickly teleporting Kirie onto the chair, Kuroko walked over to the radio and picked up the microphone.

"This is Shirai Kuroko, who am I speaking to?"
"Ah, yes! Hello Ms. Shirai! My name is Ushiromiya George, and my family happens to own the island that you're all currently trespassing on!"

The air goes still as the line goes silent for a brief moment.

"Could you perhaps give me an overview of the circumstances?"
"Ah, yes! Hello Ms. Shirai! My name is Ushiromiya George, and my family happens to own the island that you're all currently trespassing on!"

The air goes still as the line goes silent for a brief moment.

"Could you perhaps give me an overview of the circumstances?"
So, the island was privately owned. The family must either be quite wealthy to afford it or extraordinarily fortunate to inherit the land. Either way, the man seemed reasonable enough, hopefully he'd accept what little information she actually had.

"Seven other people and I woke up in a lifeboat a few hundred meters off the coast of your family's island. While I cannot speak for the others, I myself have no recollection of how we arrived at that point. Regardless, once we saw the island in the distance we began rowing towards it, but an unknown party attacked with some sort of projectile weapon. I managed to get myself and one other to shore as the lifeboat sunk, the rest seemed to have been set into a panic by the presence of a giant crab, but should be coming upon the shore soon...assuming they survived."
I never had long hair in my life but turns out, when someone jumps into it and starts thrashing, it REALLY FUCKING HURTS. After coming to this realization, I made my first mistake. Instinctively, both of my hands moved to defend my hair. These hands were what held me to the ladder, when I reached for my hair, I fell.

That's when I made my second mistake. Faced with falling, I braced myself, rather than pulling the little shit out of my hair. Turns out, suddenly falling into water makes people thrash harder. RIP my hair.


Covered in puke, water, and a girl ripping my hair from my scalp, I could do nothing but beg for salvation.
A deft had reached into Illusion's hair, brushing through it with care, affection. Nay, love. Lovingly, the purple tresses were brushed back into place, and a heavy burden was lifted from them even as the weight on his head diminished...And he began to float away.


Left to his own devices, Illusion began to sink beneath the waves...

So, the island was privately owned. The family must either be quite wealthy to afford it or extraordinarily fortunate to inherit the land. Either way, the man seemed reasonable enough, hopefully he'd accept what little information she actually had.

"Seven other people and I woke up in a lifeboat a few hundred meters off the coast of your family's island. While I cannot speak for the others, I myself have no recollection of how we arrived at that point. Regardless, once we saw the island in the distance we began rowing towards it, but an unknown party attacked with some sort of projectile weapon. I managed to get myself and one other to shore as the lifeboat sunk, the rest seemed to have been set into a panic by the presence of a giant crab, but should be coming upon the shore soon...assuming they survived."
"That's...highly suspicious, Ms. Shirai. You'll have to forgive me if I find your story unlikely, and once I arrive at the dock I'll need you and your companions to come with me." The voice on the other end pauses, "You really don't have a choice in the matter."
"Oh! I didn't realize..." Kuroko trailed off, surprise evident in her tone.

A few moments of what Kuroko viewed as awkward silence later and the esper continued quietly.

"Uh, anyway...I'm an esper: a teleporter to be specific. I just moved us from the dock to the door of the watch house."

Turning back towards the door, with her hand still on the older girl's shoulder in case they needed to flee, Kuroko knocked on the door of the watch house.

"A what?" Kirie blinked. "Teleporter?"

It sounded ridiculous... But then, Kirie has a second body that could fly. She was hardly one to talk.

It was at that point that the radio blared to life, and Kirie suddenly found herself sitting on a chair. As Kuroko took charge of the conversation, she kept quiet.

"That's...highly suspicious, Ms. Shirai. You'll have to forgive me if I find your story unlikely, and once I arrive at the dock I'll need you and your companions to come with me." The voice on the other end pauses, "You really don't have a choice in the matter."

"Ah..." Kirie spoke up at last. "Do you have any wheelchairs? Forgive me, I can't walk..."
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A deft had reached into Illusion's hair, brushing through it with care, affection. Nay, love. Lovingly, the purple tresses were brushed back into place, and a heavy burden was lifted from them even as the weight on his head diminished...And he began to float away.


Left to his own devices, Illusion began to sink beneath the waves...

My pleas were answered and my hair saved. After experiencing all that, I almost wanted to just let myself drift away and disappear. That would lessen the humilation I experienced...but sadly that wasn't an option. Using all of my strength I raised myself above the waves and swam back to the ladder with the intent to climb it.

'Please God. No more puke or hair ripping. I've had more than enough shit for today...'

I don't know how I would handle more puke and hair ripping shenanigans.
"That's...highly suspicious, Ms. Shirai. You'll have to forgive me if I find your story unlikely, and once I arrive at the dock I'll need you and your companions to come with me." The voice on the other end pauses, "You really don't have a choice in the matter."
"You skepticism is understandable, and as the lawful owner of this island I will cooperate with your family to the best of my ability." Kuroko replied, tone firm as she took the man's statements in stride.

Suspicion had been the expected response after all, there was no need to get worked up just because the man didn't believe her honestly nonsensical story. Now, if he proved unreasonable...well, she'll cross that bridge when she comes to it.

As the self-inserted perfect being crawled his way back on to the rope ladder, he was boldly gripped by a shaky hand, somehow managing to lift his great bulk over on to the deck swiftly. What awaited him was the sight of four teenagers and a child.

"Yo! The name's Battler, sorry for the rough pickup, but it's not like beggars can be choosers in this situation, Ihihihihi!" The red-haired boy, Battler, introduces himself before the blond girl with the ponytail smacks him in the back of the head.

"Geez, Battler! It's not like the poor guy asked to get puked all over by you!" She crossed her arms under frankly ludicrously sized bust as she shot the boy a glare, "The least you could do is apologize for getting your breakfast all over him!"

The boy's eyes widen in shock, "Wait, seriously?!" He looks Illusion up and down with a critical eye, "Whoa, sorry man! Usually I don't share my food, but it looks like you got a little unintentional charity there, eh? Eh?"

"Battler-sama." The gray haired boy from before stands, before slapping Battler upside the back of the head as well, "You should be more accommodating, as befitting a member of the Ushiromiya family."

The blond girl nods vigorously, continuing to glare at the boy, even as he begins cracking an easygoing smile, one joined by the orange-haired monstrosity and a rather large newcomer with glasses and green hair.

"I'm assuming that the group of people on the shore are your companions?" He paused, his clothes also almost completely green as he extends a hand out in greeting.

"My name's Ushiromiya George, and you're currently at the ancestral home of the Ushiromiya family." Battler turns away to stare at a nearby para-gliding contraption, "I thank you for saving our Servant…But you and your friends will need to come with me to report to the Family Head on your presence here." His smile turned brittle.

"Welcome to Rokkenjimma."

Within moments the yacht that the children, and Illusion, had been on arrived at the makeshift dock, and the green haired fat person entered the watchhouse.

@Silvan Eldar @Mortifer

"Excuse me, which of you is Ms. Shirai?"

@Azrael @The Out Of World @Bladestar123

The orange haired demon approached the trio where they stood on the dock.

"Uu-uu! Maria thinks you walk funny, Uu-uu!"

@God and the Snake

The red haired heir, Battler, is joined by the blond girl and bishounen Servant as they proceed to poke the apparently half-drowned cosplayer
The orange haired demon approached the trio where they stood on the dock.

"Uu-uu! Maria thinks you walk funny, Uu-uu!"
Fujino turned to regard the young girl silently (well, look in her general direction at least), briefly pondering how to explain her condition to her...

"I have a spinal defect. My left leg is paralyzed. It can't move." She replied briefly, "I need a cane to walk, but I lost mine after the boat started sinking, so I'll have to make do with this." She finishes, patting her makeshift crutch lightly.

If 'Maria' didn't understand the explanation, well, that wasn't of much concern to her. It wasn't her job to educate children.

Looking around in a vain attempt to count heads, Fujino soon gives up and asks one of her companions.

@The Out Of World
"Uh, Mr Aleister. Would you please tell me how many people are here? Where did the others from the boat go?"
@God and the Snake

The red haired heir, Battler, is joined by the blond girl and bishounen Servant as they proceed to poke the apparently half-drowned cosplayer


He really hated not having the stone again: He'd forgotten how feeble he really was.

Lyon pulled himself up with half his face coated in sand, looking at the youths that had been... attempting to wake him up, he assumed. He pulled himself into a bow, his sand coat cracking and tumbling onto the shore.

"He-hello. I am Lyon de Grado," he stopped for a moment to hork out a glob of sea water. "It's a pleasure to make you acquaintance." His tutors had always stressed being polite, regardless of the circumstance.
@The Out Of World
"Uh, Mr Aleister. Would you please tell me how many people are here? Where did the others from the boat go?"
"I'd say about ten, including us and that fellow in the sand over there. Our acquaintance with the wardrobe malfunction is here, but I'm not sure what happened to that other woman or the strange girl. That blonde boy is nowhere to be found, sadly. I can only hope he never made it to land safely." Gazamy whispered that last bit under his breath to avoid being heard.

"The fine folks who helped us out number five in total and seem to be friends of the girl who crashed into our humble raft. I'd have to say our current waterlogged state of attire is rather embarrassing; our patrons here are a smartly dressed bunch..." A quick glance was shot at the girl in the blue dress. "...for the most part. We don't by any means look professional in comparison." The little orange monster even had a tiny crown! Gazamy noted that he should get a tiny crown one of these days. Maybe even take over England. Thoughts for another time.

"Oh, but where are my manners? I never properly thanked you for helping Miss Fujino here out. Model citizens, all of you."
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As the self-inserted perfect being crawled his way back on to the rope ladder, he was boldly gripped by a shaky hand, somehow managing to lift his great bulk over on to the deck swiftly. What awaited him was the sight of four teenagers and a child.

"Yo! The name's Battler, sorry for the rough pickup, but it's not like beggars can be choosers in this situation, Ihihihihi!" The red-haired boy, Battler, introduces himself before the blond girl with the ponytail smacks him in the back of the head.

"Geez, Battler! It's not like the poor guy asked to get puked all over by you!" She crossed her arms under frankly ludicrously sized bust as she shot the boy a glare, "The least you could do is apologize for getting your breakfast all over him!"

The boy's eyes widen in shock, "Wait, seriously?!" He looks Illusion up and down with a critical eye, "Whoa, sorry man! Usually I don't share my food, but it looks like you got a little unintentional charity there, eh? Eh?"

"Battler-sama." The gray haired boy from before stands, before slapping Battler upside the back of the head as well, "You should be more accommodating, as befitting a member of the Ushiromiya family."

The blond girl nods vigorously, continuing to glare at the boy, even as he begins cracking an easygoing smile, one joined by the orange-haired monstrosity and a rather large newcomer with glasses and green hair.
All things considered the group that picked me up didn't seem like bad people. Battler was kind of obnoxious, Bondo was ungrateful, the little girl was annoying but other than that...they weren't trying to kill me so they were alright in my book. At least for now.

"You know what, its all fine, water under the bridge. Just try and keep your breakfast to yourself in the future alright?"

"I'm assuming that the group of people on the shore are your companions?" He paused, his clothes also almost completely green as he extends a hand out in greeting.

"My name's Ushiromiya George, and you're currently at the ancestral home of the Ushiromiya family." Battler turns away to stare at a nearby para-gliding contraption, "I thank you for saving our Servant…But you and your friends will need to come with me to report to the Family Head on your presence here." His smile turned brittle.

"Welcome to Rokkenjimma."

Within moments the yacht that the children, and Illusion, had been on arrived at the makeshift dock, and the green haired fat person entered the watchhouse.

"Yeah, those people on the island are my companions although I wouldn't exactly call them friends. I'm Illusion by the way."

I was willing to follow George's orders at the moment because they weren't that unreasonable. I would be pretty suspicious if a random ragtag group came to my ancestral home for some unknown reasons. I was also highly likely to meet my target "Shannon" on the island. If I could just fulfill my goal real quick I could get home and get out of this nightmare. Still, I had to be highly cautious about this whole situation. I didn't know who the Family Head was and how reasonable he would be about strangers trespassing on his island. For all I knew he would have us executed and fed to the fishes.
Fujino turned to regard the young girl silently (well, look in her general direction at least), briefly pondering how to explain her condition to her...

"I have a spinal defect. My left leg is paralyzed. It can't move." She replied briefly, "I need a cane to walk, but I lost mine after the boat started sinking, so I'll have to make do with this." She finishes, patting her makeshift crutch lightly.
Maria tilted her head to the side, poking and kicking at the plank of wood experimentally.

This continued for several moments before the girl abruptly stopped and cast her eyes back into the water.

"Maria doesn't see a boat, Uu!"


Turning to face the man as he entered, Kuroko placed her hand on Kirie's shoulder in what she hoped was a reassuring gesture before stepping forward.

"That would be me Sir. I take it the man on the radio sent you?"

Best to keep things simple for now, give their hosts less to potentially get offended by.
George frowned, raising an eyebrow at the...He assumed it was a girl, given the skirt and twintails. He had no idea why, but he had grown more cautious of such things as of late.

"No, I'm 'the man'..." And at this he smiled at the unintended joke, "Himself. Who's your friend?"


He really hated not having the stone again: He'd forgotten how feeble he really was.

Lyon pulled himself up with half his face coated in sand, looking at the youths that had been... attempting to wake him up, he assumed. He pulled himself into a bow, his sand coat cracking and tumbling onto the shore.

"He-hello. I am Lyon de Grado," he stopped for a moment to hork out a glob of sea water. "It's a pleasure to make you acquaintance." His tutors had always stressed being polite, regardless of the circumstance.
The globule of sea water impacted the buxom blonde girl directly, drenching her as she opened her mouth with a sputter.

"D-do you have any idea how much this dress cost, you asshole?!"

The Servant grabbed her from behind around the waist, "My lady! You can't! You're supposed to be acting more feminine, remember?!"

"Yeah, those people on the island are my companions although I wouldn't exactly call them friends. I'm Illusion by the way."

I was willing to follow George's orders at the moment because they weren't that unreasonable. I would be pretty suspicious if a random ragtag group came to my ancestral home for some unknown reasons. I was also highly likely to meet my target "Shannon" on the island. If I could just fulfill my goal real quick I could get home and get out of this nightmare. Still, I had to be highly cautious about this whole situation. I didn't know who the Family Head was and how reasonable he would be about strangers trespassing on his island. For all I knew he would have us executed and fed to the fishes.
Illusion was more or less left to his own devices on the yacht while the Ushiromiya children went to round up his fellow companions for the moment.
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Maria tilted her head to the side, poking and kicking at the plank of wood experimentally.

This continued for several moments before the girl abruptly stopped and cast her eyes back into the water.

"Maria doesn't see a boat, Uu!"
"It sank." Is Fujino's reply, "Something (one) hit it and broke it."

It is at this point that her attention is drawn towards the fuss being made by a blonde girl.

On the one hand, Fujino sympathized with her. She didn't want to be covered in sea water and crab viscera either. At least she was just wearing a uniform... On the other hand, she felt that the general atmosphere here was a tad more hostile than she'd hoped.

'Being wet may end up being the least of her problems...'

Turning back to the general direction of the little girl, Fujino smiled.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I've introduced myself. My name is Asagami Fujino."
"I'd say about ten, including us and that fellow in the sand over there. Our acquaintance with the wardrobe malfunction is here, but I'm not sure what happened to that other woman or the strange girl. That blonde boy is nowhere to be found, sadly. I can only hope he never made it to land safely." Gazamy whispered that last bit under his breath to avoid being heard.

"The fine folks who helped us out number five in total and seem to be friends of the girl who crashed into our humble raft. I'd have to say our current waterlogged state of attire is rather embarrassing; our patrons here are a smartly dressed bunch..." A quick glance was shot at the girl in the blue dress. "...for the most part. We don't by any means look professional in comparison." The little orange monster even had a tiny crown! Gazamy noted that he should get a tiny crown one of these days. Maybe even take over England. Thoughts for another time.

"Oh, but where are my manners? I never properly thanked you for helping Miss Fujino here out. Model citizens, all of you."
"I see... thank you, Mr. Aleister."

On the off chance she had to kill everyone... She was doomed. She didn't know why, but her power was extremely weakened. Not even able to kill one little crab, let alone nearly a dozen people...
Maria tilted her head to the side, poking and kicking at the plank of wood experimentally.

This continued for several moments before the girl abruptly stopped and cast her eyes back into the water.

"Maria doesn't see a boat, Uu!"
"Alas, poor child." Gazamy spoke a sickly sweet apology to the half-witted creature gazing at the ocean, then whispered an aside to Fujino where none else would hear. "I think the little thing might have tripped and broken its noggin. That crown is compensating for something, I'm sure." He clapped his hands and resumed addressing the tiny orange-haired animal, and boy oh boy he could almost see the smoke pouring out of the idiot's ears. "You see child, sometimes you can see things and sometime you can't." He crouched until he was eye level with Maria and lectured her in a tone of pure patronizing condescension. "But when you can't see a thing, that's because there's another thing in-between you and it, blocking your sight, like placing a curtain in front of a window. And that's where vision comes from."
The globule of sea water impacted the buxom blonde girl directly, drenching her as she opened her mouth with a sputter.

"D-do you have any idea how much this dress cost, you asshole?!"

The Servant grabbed her from behind around the waste, "My lady! You can't! You're supposed to be acting more feminine, remember?!"
Gazamy covered his mouth to hold back a snicker. The entertainment value of this place alone may very well be worth the inconvenience, if nothing else.
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"It sank." Is Fujino's reply, "Something (one) hit it and broke it."

It is at this point that her attention is drawn towards the fuss being made by a blonde girl.

On the one hand, Fujino sympathized with her. She didn't want to be covered in sea water and crab viscera either. At least she was just wearing a uniform... On the other hand, she felt that the general atmosphere here was a tad more hostile than she'd hoped.

'Being wet may end up being the least of her problems...'

Turning back to the general direction of the little girl, Fujino smiled.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I've introduced myself. My name is Asagami Fujino."
"Uu~uu, but Maria didn't see anything like that, and Maria comes by this dock all the time to visit with Jessica onee-chan, uu!" The orange haired child whined in protest, before catching herself.

"Umm, Maria is Ushiromiya Maria, nice to meet you Fujino onee-chan! Uu~uu!"

"Alas, poor child." Gazamy spoke a sickly sweet apology to the half-witted creature gazing at the ocean, then whispered an aside to Fujino where none else would hear. "I think the little thing might have tripped and broken its noggin. That crown is compensating for something, I'm sure." He clapped his hands and resumed addressing the tiny orange-haired animal, and boy oh boy he could almost see the smoke pouring out of the idiot's ears. "You see child, sometimes you can see things and sometime you can't." He crouched until he was eye level with Maria and lectured her in a tone of pure patronizing condescension. "But when you can't see a thing, that's because there's another thing in-between you and it, blocking your sight, like placing a curtain in front of a window. And that's where vision comes from."
She sniffed, staring at Gazamy, before scratching her nose. "Mister smells funny, Uuu!"

She then returned her attention to the far more important matter of stress testing Fujino's improvised walking stick.
She sniffed, staring at Gazamy, before scratching her nose. "Mister smells funny, Uuu!"

She then returned her attention to the far more important matter of stress testing Fujino's improvised walking stick.
'Fucking hell, it's like Crowley all over again.' Gazamy thought to himself as he stood back up, amazed at the shrill mouthbreather's observational prowess. Kid was about as sharp as a baseball bat. And so tantalizingly close. Within perfect kicking distance, even...and the oceanic horizon was so perfect, pristine and clear. The urge to punt the miserable little shit into the great blue beyond like a football and laugh at it as it drowned was rising fast. He needed something else to happen soon and take the craving off his mind before he couldn't resist anymore and ended up breaking cover.
"I see... thank you, Mr. Aleister."

On the off chance she had to kill everyone... She was doomed. She didn't know why, but her power was extremely weakened. Not even able to kill one little crab, let alone nearly a dozen people...
"Think nothing of it." Gazamy waved a faux dismissive hand and noticed Fujino was sporting a contemplative expression. Not interesting in truth, but he'd go with anything to take his mind off the growing temptation. "Say, why the long face? Something on your mind?"
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Maria tilted her head to the side, poking and kicking at the plank of wood experimentally.

This continued for several moments before the girl abruptly stopped and cast her eyes back into the water.

"Maria doesn't see a boat, Uu!"

Robin ignored the rather rude conversation carrying around him in favor of casually eyeing the crown sitting on the little Gremlin's head.

Shiny it was, and elaborate. Childish shape, but it looked nice enough that Robin didn't mind.

Oh, he was listening to them speak, of course, he was a gentleman. And the Ringmaster always listened to his performers; conversation was vital to a good performance.

But that crown...

His crown...

Yes, as the little mobile trophy stand was proving, the crown went well with red hair.

How convenient...