Your vision swims, and the world around you shifts.

Familiar surroundings fade into obscurity, then blackness. And in that instant of oblivion you are forced to bear witness to an infinite calming blue, an empty sea filled with Fragments of Dreams, of Worlds, of Miracles unharnessed and Certainties long since beyond your reach.

Your vision swims, and you are dragged into the abyss, darkness swallowing you once more.

A second passes, a moment, a minute, and so it drags on until an eternity seems to go by you trivially before the blackness lurches, and you stand within an elegantly decorated room, as if the abyss had never been.

The sound of a finger softly tapping wood draws your attention, and it centers upon an opened chessboard, the pieces placed haphazardly as if there was a game in progress.

"Hello." A voice cuts in, and your eyes are drawn to a pair of dark glasses.

"I am known as EMBER, Sorceror of Escalation and member of the Senate, although I doubt that means anything to you." He says, shrugging. "Well, I've more or less taken you from your previous existence on a whim of mine, although it would be more accurate to say that it's the fault of a group of old hags playing at youth."

A shadow passes through your vision, and a bead of sweat forms on the man's forehead.

"Think of this as my hazing. As a matter of fact, the two of us? We're both victims in this. We're practically comrades. Teammates, even."

His hands, gloved, fold underneath his nose as he levels a stare at you, "So I need you to play along in this. For both our sakes. You pull this off and I'll give you a wish or a bonus, along with the right to keep playing along to get more prizes or to bail out and go home. God knows I don't blame you."

He grabs a nearby glass of some amber liquid, draining it in a single, desperate gulp, "Crazy old Voyager Fruitcakes." The self-proclaimed sorceror shakes his head.

"So here's how this works: I'm going to pop you on this island in Japan called Rokkenjimma, don't worry about the language I'll take care of it with something I like to call 'Narrative Convenience', so just speak normally and I'll handle the rest." He pauses.

"Look, it's magic. I don't have to explain shit, okay? You want to know how it's done go bother Michael Blaine or something after all this is over, for now we have more important things to worry about. Here are the rules."

He picks up a pamphlet, tossing it over to you as it smacks you in the face. You are, somehow, miraculously able to read it and it's contents.

DA RULES said:

Rule #1
You must complete your objective as assigned, failure to achieve your objective will result in you being voted off the island. Via duly elected violent death which may or may not involve you being physically launched from the island.

Rule #2 Anything goes, except informing the natives of what's going on. Your presence is an aberration, and attempting to warn the animals of their impending slaughter is cause for instant death. If you want to play the hero, you're going to either have to ally with your fellow competitors or with no one at all.

Rule #3 There are three layers of reality, though for all intents and purposes there are only two for you. The "mundane" layer, the "meta" layer, and the "Player" layer. All of you are allowed to have pieces on the "mundane" and "meta" layer, but only some of you are able to act directly within both. Most are limited to one or the other, and have rules on what they can interact with in them and how. Don't worry about the last layer. We'll let you know when it's relevant.

Rule #4 Rule #2 does not apply to beings on the Meta Layer and above. They're already in on what's going on, for the most part. But if you try to tell them about anything related to the Player layer? You're done and I never met you.

Rule #5 On the mundane layer, the "Decalogue" is god. You can try to circumvent it, but if you get hit by the Red or the Blue, expect to get your shit retconned. On the Meta Layer you'll have more room due to the "Commandments" and the Gold but you won't have the authority of Red and Blue to back you up. If the little ladies catch sight of you working your mojo, expect bad things to happen in your future.

Rule #6 She Knows. She Always Does. You can try and make this Anti-Mystery, but keep in mind that The Detective is Invincible. You're going to need to be very very cautious when it comes to this. And clever to circumvent it. Best thing to hope for is a Curtain call, understand?

Rule #7 You have at least two pieces. The mundane you and the Meta you. The Meta you will know what both hands are doing, so to speak, but the mundane you will only be able to act on what you want them to do. They aren't capable of receiving information from the meta you…Barring certain exceptions.

Rule #8 If Minor Objectives come up, I'll let you know. Pull them off, and the audience might just throw some bones your way, alright? Alright. Let's work together to keep things interesting.

"So." EMBER replies, leaning back in his chair, "With that out of the way, there's something specific to you that we've gotta cover before getting started."

" @Silvan Elder you're an interesting case. Your teleportation ability is incredibly powerful if used properly on the Meta level. And if you play your hand right, you can pull it off on the mundane level as well since it's an 'Intrinsic Trait'. Just keep in mind that if anyone even gets a whiff of it, they're going to descend on you immediately to either eliminate you as a suspect, or just plain eliminate you."

" @ThePremise you got lucky, so to speak. You get to kill someone who's most notable achievement is ruining things for people and being turned into hamburger. Unfortunately, she's currently a five year old kid or something with an incredibly protective older brother and set of cousins, not to mention her parents. But if there was anyone you stood a chance of actually offing due to meta ineffectiveness? It would be this girl. You can use your aura on the meta level, but dont expect anything consistent. On the mundane level you'll just be some weirdo cosplaying in a suit of armor. You'll fit right in."

" @Mortifer , well, holy shit. You're going to be little Miss Popular, you know that? But keep in mind that you are literally the only thing more sympathetic than the sole survivor of a shipwreck getting washed up on shore. You'll have free reign in both Meta and Mundane, and I wouldn't be surprised if you got scouted by a Player as well. But don't overreach. On the Meta level, you'll be all too helpless."

" @The Out Of World , hmm…You're in an interesting position. On the meta level, you're strong. Very strong. But you're going to make a number of enemies, quickly, and these guys can put you down permanently. That strength won't carry on over into the mundane, either. Hope you're good at dodging bullets."

" @Bladestar123 , well, well, well. Even that person needs some allies, am I right? And I honestly can't think of anyone better suited. Unfortunately, you're also going to be trying to off the person who is the hardest to kill on the gameboard who isn't a Player themselves. Your powers won't carry over into the mundane, but on the meta you'll be quite the support for your friend. Just, uh…Mind the Gaap."

" @God and the Snake , you are a literal godsend for the fantasy side of things. Thankfully, your powers work effectively on the meta and have a very interesting interaction with the mundane. Once you find your niche you'll be a powerhouse in this setting, and will likely get recruited by that person. Good luck."

" @Illusion , well my friend, you are precisely as effective on the mundane level as you are on the meta level. Except for the ability to extend your Light Blades and absorb living creatures. That's meta-only. Thankfully, however, you'll be fairly difficult to kill. Which, combined with your musculature, should assist you greatly when it comes to dealing with Mister Fatty over there."

" @Azrael , under any other circumstances you and Erika would get along like a house on fire, most likely. Unfortunately, in this case you will literally get along like a house thats burning down around both of your ears. Your eyes can shift things, very subtly, on the mundane level. But the midget's going to have her eyes on you constantly. On the meta level you'll be able to go all out, but keep in mind that the moment you get caught on the mundane, you're finished. Subtlety is your friend, but you have a very, very bad matchup here."

"So, with all that aside." The man concludes, extending a hand out to you, "What do you think?"
"So, with all that aside." The man concludes, extending a hand out to you, "What do you think?"
"What... do I think?" Asagami Fujino echoes numbly. She doesn't know what to think, in all honesty. It was obvious that this... man, was like 'her'. Not normal.


Her hands tightening on her cane, Fujino vainly tries to get a better look at this strange person through her fuzzy vision. Not much use, she knows. She's gotten used to it by now.

"If..." She starts, then swallows, "If I do what you want... Can I...?" Thoughts come, unbidden, of him. The only man she'd ever loved. She shuts them out, swallows her words.

"...Very well." She eventually settles on. It doesn't matter why, or for what reasons. She just needs to complete the task before her, right? This man wasn't saying she had a choice in the matter either.

"What do you want me to do...?"
"What... do I think?" Asagami Fujino echoes numbly. She doesn't know what to think, in all honesty. It was obvious that this... man, was like 'her'. Not normal.


Her hands tightening on her cane, Fujino vainly tries to get a better look at this strange person through her fuzzy vision. Not much use, she knows. She's gotten used to it by now.

"If..." She starts, then swallows, "If I do what you want... Can I...?" Thoughts come, unbidden, of him. The only man she'd ever loved. She shuts them out, swallows her words.

"...Very well." She eventually settles on. It doesn't matter why, or for what reasons. She just needs to complete the task before her, right? This man wasn't saying she had a choice in the matter either.

"What do you want me to do...?"
"Simply take my hand, and shake it." EMBER replies, his arms carefully tucked behind his back.

"And your journey can begin. Just keep in mind that if theres any particular wish you have in mind, you need only ask. Beings like me are quite capable of granting any idle fantasy you can come up with, after all."
"Simply take my hand, and shake it." EMBER replies, his arms carefully tucked behind his back.

"And your journey can begin. Just keep in mind that if theres any particular wish you have in mind, you need only ask. Beings like me are quite capable of granting any idle fantasy you can come up with, after all."
Gritting her teeth, Fujino steps forward. Every step is a battle, the short distance she must hobble to the man a war, as she plants her cane heavily into the ground and drags her unresponsive left leg forward.

Soon enough, the sounds of motion stilled, and Fujino slumped against her cane.

"Are you... A Magus?" The words are quiet, uncertain, as the crippled girl reaches out with her right hand, thoughts turning to the last man she had such an encounter with.
Gritting her teeth, Fujino steps forward. Every step is a battle, the short distance she must hobble to the man a war, as she plants her cane heavily into the ground and drags her unresponsive left leg forward.

Soon enough, the sounds of motion stilled, and Fujino slumped against her cane.

"Are you... A Magus?" The words are quiet, uncertain, as the crippled girl reaches out with her right hand, thoughts turning to the last man she had such an encounter with.
EMBER shakes his head, reaching out to pat the girl on her head, his foot moving towards her cane, "I am a Sorceror, dear girl. Not some mere magus. I do not rely on mystery, but on the Impossible."

He glances to the side, "Just, uh, don't ask for any Miracles after today. Ever. Trust me on this one."
Lyon's mind was fuzzy, phantom pains dancing across his chest. Where was he? Where had he been? Two things - two absolute, contradictory truths - deep in his mind ground at each. He pushed them back, burying them behind the haze over his mind. What was before mattered more then what was behind. He stared at the figure before him and blinked.

"Who... is that person?" Many of EMBER's words made little sense to the prince's ears, but he knew that there was much in the world he didn't understand. What little he could tell was that whatever was before him was powerful in a way alien to and beyond himself, and that thus he should step carefully.

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"So, with all that aside." The man concludes, extending a hand out to you, "What do you think?"

Fujou Kirie turned her head in the direction of the man. To say she looked at him would be incorrect, since it would imply she was capable of sight at all.

"This... Is confusing." She admitted. "I don't think I understand. But..."

She paused for a moment, thinking to the boy for a moment. The boy who had come to the hospital constantly, consistently, always visiting someone with a banquet of flowers in his hands.

Kirie didn't even know his name, and yet...

"...You said that there is a wish involved, if I 'Pull off' my objective." She said softly. "How much of a wish could you grant? Could you... Make someone fall in love?"

The last time a mysterious man had come to Kirie, she had benefited from his gifts. So, even if this 'Ember' was a confusing one, she should at least see if what she wants is possible...
EMBER shakes his head, reaching out to pat the girl on her head, his foot moving towards her cane, "I am a Sorceror, dear girl. Not some mere magus. I do not rely on mystery, but on the Impossible."

He glances to the side, "Just, uh, don't ask for any Miracles after today. Ever. Trust me on this one."
Fujino pauses as she feels his hand rest on her head. She resists the urge to squint at the man, knowing it's futility. Not even the increased proximity was helping her make out his features.

"Oh... Okay..." She manages, resisting the urge to object loudly at his overly-familiar treatment, "Sorry, Sorcerer-san."

As the rest of his words reached her ears, she glanced quizzically at him.

"Miracles? Why not?" Then, what about the 'prize' he'd promised her? Would that count as a 'Miracle'?
Fujou Kirie turned her head in the direction of the man. To say she looked at him would be incorrect, since it would imply she was capable of sight at all.

"This... Is confusing." She admitted. "I don't think I understand. But..."

She paused for a moment, thinking to the boy for a moment. The boy who had come to the hospital constantly, consistently, always visiting someone with a banquet of flowers in his hands.

Kirie didn't even know his name, and yet...

"...You said that there is a wish involved, if I 'Pull off' my objective." She said softly. "How much of a wish could you grant? Could you... Make someone fall in love?"

The last time a mysterious man had come to Kirie, she had benefited from his gifts. So, even if this 'Ember' was a confusing one, she should at least see if what she wants is possible...
"It wouldn't be so simple, but I am capable of creating such a Fragment, yes. But bear in mind that to take something that isn't yours places a responsibility on the one taking as well."

What was I thinking at this very moment? What was I thinking after going to bed only to wake up in a different body in front of...some fucking super magic god? What words could I come up with after all this...this...whatever the hell was happening?

The figure raises an eyebrow, "Truly, Illusion? Am I so difficult to recognize without the trappings of memes? Or perhaps you'd understand more easily if I rendered you a melted wax statue once again?"
"So, with all that aside." The man concludes, extending a hand out to you, "What do you think?"

It's a rather odd experiencing awakening in some random ass room with no idea what the hell is happening. The oddness level rose even higher when waking up as what seems to be an anime character in the web series, RWBY.

However as the man started explains what the hell is happening, and reading through the rules. He stared at the man with a hard look until he came to a conclusion.

The words that could describe his whole situation.

'Fuck me. What cosmetic bullshit landed me here?!"
Your vision swims, and the world around you shifts.

Familiar surroundings fade into obscurity, then blackness. And in that instant of oblivion you are forced to bear witness to an infinite calming blue, an empty sea filled with Fragments of Dreams, of Worlds, of Miracles unharnessed and Certainties long since beyond your reach.

Your vision swims, and you are dragged into the abyss, darkness swallowing you once more.

A second passes, a moment, a minute, and so it drags on until an eternity seems to go by you trivially before the blackness lurches, and you stand within an elegantly decorated room, as if the abyss had never been.

The sound of a finger softly tapping wood draws your attention, and it centers upon an opened chessboard, the pieces placed haphazardly as if there was a game in progress.

"Hello." A voice cuts in, and your eyes are drawn to a pair of dark glasses.

"I am known as EMBER, Sorceror of Escalation and member of the Senate, although I doubt that means anything to you." He says, shrugging. "Well, I've more or less taken you from your previous existence on a whim of mine, although it would be more accurate to say that it's the fault of a group of old hags playing at youth."

A shadow passes through your vision, and a bead of sweat forms on the man's forehead.

"Think of this as my hazing. As a matter of fact, the two of us? We're both victims in this. We're practically comrades. Teammates, even."

His hands, gloved, fold underneath his nose as he levels a stare at you, "So I need you to play along in this. For both our sakes. You pull this off and I'll give you a wish or a bonus, along with the right to keep playing along to get more prizes or to bail out and go home. God knows I don't blame you."

He grabs a nearby glass of some amber liquid, draining it in a single, desperate gulp, "Crazy old Voyager Fruitcakes." The self-proclaimed sorceror shakes his head.

"So here's how this works: I'm going to pop you on this island in Japan called Rokkenjimma, don't worry about the language I'll take care of it with something I like to call 'Narrative Convenience', so just speak normally and I'll handle the rest." He pauses.

"Look, it's magic. I don't have to explain shit, okay? You want to know how it's done go bother Michael Blaine or something after all this is over, for now we have more important things to worry about. Here are the rules."

He picks up a pamphlet, tossing it over to you as it smacks you in the face. You are, somehow, miraculously able to read it and it's contents.

"So." EMBER replies, leaning back in his chair, "With that out of the way, there's something specific to you that we've gotta cover before getting started."

" @Silvan Elder you're an interesting case. Your teleportation ability is incredibly powerful if used properly on the Meta level. And if you play your hand right, you can pull it off on the mundane level as well since it's an 'Intrinsic Trait'. Just keep in mind that if anyone even gets a whiff of it, they're going to descend on you immediately to either eliminate you as a suspect, or just plain eliminate you."

" @ThePremise you got lucky, so to speak. You get to kill someone who's most notable achievement is ruining things for people and being turned into hamburger. Unfortunately, she's currently a five year old kid or something with an incredibly protective older brother and set of cousins, not to mention her parents. But if there was anyone you stood a chance of actually offing due to meta ineffectiveness? It would be this girl. You can use your aura on the meta level, but dont expect anything consistent. On the mundane level you'll just be some weirdo cosplaying in a suit of armor. You'll fit right in."

" @Mortifer , well, holy shit. You're going to be little Miss Popular, you know that? But keep in mind that you are literally the only thing more sympathetic than the sole survivor of a shipwreck getting washed up on shore. You'll have free reign in both Meta and Mundane, and I wouldn't be surprised if you got scouted by a Player as well. But don't overreach. On the Meta level, you'll be all too helpless."

" @The Out Of World , hmm…You're in an interesting position. On the meta level, you're strong. Very strong. But you're going to make a number of enemies, quickly, and these guys can put you down permanently. That strength won't carry on over into the mundane, either. Hope you're good at dodging bullets."

" @Bladestar123 , well, well, well. Even that person needs some allies, am I right? And I honestly can't think of anyone better suited. Unfortunately, you're also going to be trying to off the person who is the hardest to kill on the gameboard who isn't a Player themselves. Your powers won't carry over into the mundane, but on the meta you'll be quite the support for your friend. Just, uh…Mind the Gaap."

" @God and the Snake , you are a literal godsend for the fantasy side of things. Thankfully, your powers work effectively on the meta and have a very interesting interaction with the mundane. Once you find your niche you'll be a powerhouse in this setting, and will likely get recruited by that person. Good luck."

" @Illusion , well my friend, you are precisely as effective on the mundane level as you are on the meta level. Except for the ability to extend your Light Blades and absorb living creatures. That's meta-only. Thankfully, however, you'll be fairly difficult to kill. Which, combined with your musculature, should assist you greatly when it comes to dealing with Mister Fatty over there."

" @Azrael , under any other circumstances you and Erika would get along like a house on fire, most likely. Unfortunately, in this case you will literally get along like a house thats burning down around both of your ears. Your eyes can shift things, very subtly, on the mundane level. But the midget's going to have her eyes on you constantly. On the meta level you'll be able to go all out, but keep in mind that the moment you get caught on the mundane, you're finished. Subtlety is your friend, but you have a very, very bad matchup here."

"So, with all that aside." The man concludes, extending a hand out to you, "What do you think?"

Robin opened his eyes.

And blinked.

Another dream

Really, what else could it be. A flash of blue and odd transitions later he was dumped in front of a strange old man giving him directions.

Truly, the only thing that served to disappoint him about this was how dreadfully trite his imagination could be. Moving the characters was surely important for any plot, but doing it with class was an art form. This boring transition irritated him; it abandons all pretended of a story of flow and threw it him.

His unconscious mind truly did let him down on occasion; it always made him sad to realize that. To think any part if him could be so...dull.

"What a boring dream this serves to be. Rules and guidelines; is this a story or a game?" Robin blinked dull eyes at the man before him; Ember was it? "To abandon all pretenses of a cohesive truly must be desperate." What are you playing at subconscious?

Another slow blink

'I'll play along for the moment, but I truly am curious where this dream is leading me. They say that it is difficult to question the sanity of things in a dream, and I can't say that such advice is incorrect.'

Oh, what did it matter. Robin studied himself. His body, identically preserved from the previous dream. How curious. He would have thought that this new transition would have returned him to a child again, wiped the slate clean, so to speak.

Unless it is

Robin shook his head. He wouldn't know until he woke up once more. Ever onwards to the me of his story, this must surely be an important part. He took a deep breath, and slowly girded himself for taking action.

"Very well, I shall protect this..." Thing "Girl." Red eyes narrowed at the man, as Robin brushed his red hair aside from his brow. Bloody bangs, always in the way.

"Can you tell me anything about my targets? Anything I should know, or can use?"

Ever onwards to the ending. Just one more step on that path.

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The figure raises an eyebrow, "Truly, Illusion? Am I so difficult to recognize without the trappings of memes? Or perhaps you'd understand more easily if I rendered you a melted wax statue once again?"
The frozen confusion on my face slowly turned into one of recognition. No fucking way. This couldn't be real.

"Holy...TEHCHRON!? You're a fucking GOD now!? How does that even happen!? Were you always a fucking magic God!? Man, why did you bring me here!? What is this place!? I...just...WHAT THE HELL MAN!?"
Fujino pauses as she feels his hand rest on her head. She resists the urge to squint at the man, knowing it's futility. Not even the increased proximity was helping her make out his features.

"Oh... Okay..." She manages, resisting the urge to object loudly at his overly-familiar treatment, "Sorry, Sorcerer-san."

As the rest of his words reached her ears, she glanced quizzically at him.

"Miracles? Why not?" Then, what about the 'prize' he'd promised her? Would that count as a 'Miracle'?
"Hmmm, well, I wouldn't be opposed." A dulled, monotonous tone drolled as a purple haired figure appeared next to her, sitting on her shoulder.

"One can never have too many pieces, I suppose."

EMBER groaned, rubbing his forehead, "This is why. You don't want what she's selling."

"Oh?" The girl replied, a cats tail curling behind her, "Don't be a spoilsport, newbie. Let her decide for herself."

It's a rather odd experiencing awakening in some random ass room with no idea what the hell is happening. The oddness level rose even higher when waking up as what seems to be an anime character in the web series, RWBY.

However as the man started explains what the hell is happening, and reading through the rules. He stared at the man with a hard look until he came to a conclusion.

The words that could describe his whole situation.

'Fuck me. What cosmetic bullshit landed me here?!"
"Cosmetics tincture and weapons, do I look like a scapegoat to you, boy?"
"Cosmetics tincture and weapons, do I look like a scapegoat to you, boy?"

He gave him the look until sighing. Whatever, He needed to kill what a little girl...

As he thought about it he started to pale until grimacing. The thought about killing a little girl is rather hard to picture, even more so when considering ones morals.

He released a breath he didn't know he was holding and said, "Alright, I have to kill a little girl who could either be a sadistic bitch who could be hated or a loveable princess..."

A moment passed in silence until he continued, "Naw, Let's get this shit over with. You have advice or tips on how to kill this girl when one doesn't even know what this place is about?"

He hummed as he scratched his chin, "I don't want to end up dead, ya know? Like just laying there unresponsive, cold and alone. Huh, That actually sounds like every night..."
Robin opened his eyes.

And blinked.

Another dream

Really, what else could it be. A flash of blue and odd transitions later he was dumped in front of a strange old man giving him directions.

Truly, the only thing that served to disappoint him about this was how dreadfully trite his imagination could be. Moving the characters was surely important for any plot, but doing it with class was an art form. This boring transition irritated him; it abandons all pretended of a story of flow and threw it him.

His unconscious mind truly did let him down on occasion; it always made him sad to realize that. To think any part if him could be so...dull.

"What a boring dream this serves to be. Rules and guidelines; is this a story or a game?" Robin blinked dull eyes at the man before him; Ember was it? "To abandon all pretenses of a cohesive truly must be desperate." What are you playing at subconscious?

Another slow blink

'I'll play along for the moment, but I truly am curious where this dream is leading me. They say that it is difficult to question the sanity of things in a dream, and I can't say that such advice is incorrect.'

Oh, what did it matter. Robin studied himself. His body, identically preserved from the previous dream. How curious. He would have thought that this new transition would have returned him to a child again, wiped the slate clean, so to speak.

Unless it is

Robin shook his head. He wouldn't know until he woke up once more. Ever onwards to the me of his story, this must surely be an important part. He took a deep breath, and slowly girded himself for taking action.

"Very well, I shall protect this..." Thing "Girl." Red eyes narrowed at the man, as Robin brushed his red hair aside from his brow. Bloody bangs, always in the way.

"Can you tell me anything about my targets? Anything I should know, or can use?"

Eve onwards to the ending. Just one more step on that path.

"A game, actually. Unfortunately neither of us seem to have a choice but to deal with these rather tasteless trappings. Were I the one handling the ascetic there would be more things on fire." The Sorceror shrugged, "Your targets hair is blue, she'll be the one making things interesting. Which I'm sure you can appreciate. You'll have a number of enemies in,your way, so although the setting may be trite I assure you that the game should prove quite the challenge regardless. As for the one to kill if you wish to end things early, her hair is Orange. Her name is Maria. And everyone and their mother will want to protect her in spite of how blatantly creepy she is."

The frozen confusion on my face slowly turned into one of recognition. No fucking way. This couldn't be real.

"Holy...TEHCHRON!? You're a fucking GOD now!? How does that even happen!? Were you always a fucking magic God!? Man, why did you bring me here!? What is this place!? I...just...WHAT THE HELL MAN!?"
"Blame recursive Time Loops and the ending of Standing Proud. Basically Gilgamesh fucked up and I hijacked the Counter Force through sheer spite. Then I wound up here."

EMBERs expression turns bitter, "Fucking lolis."
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Lyon's mind was fuzzy, phantom pains dancing across his chest. Where was he? Where had he been? Two things - two absolute, contradictory truths - deep in his mind ground at each. He pushed them back, burying them behind the haze over his mind. What was before mattered more then what was behind. He stared at the figure before him and blinked.

"Who... is that person?" Many of EMBER's words made little sense to the prince's ears, but he knew that there was much in the world he didn't understand. What little he could tell was that whatever was before him was powerful in a way alien to and beyond himself, and that thus he should step carefully.

"An absolute madman who will take great joy in using your talents were he to discover them."
He gave him the look until sighing. Whatever, He needed to kill what a little girl...

As he thought about it he started to pale until grimacing. The thought about killing a little girl is rather hard to picture, even more so when considering ones morals.

He released a breath he didn't know he was holding and said, "Alright, I have to kill a little girl who could either be a sadistic bitch who could be hated or a loveable princess..."

A moment passed in silence until he continued, "Naw, Let's get this shit over with. You have advice or tips on how to kill this girl when one doesn't even know what this place is about?"

He hummed as he scratched his chin, "I don't want to end up dead, ya know? Like just laying there unresponsive, cold and alone. Huh, That actually sounds like every night..."
"She's just an annoying moeblob on the mundane level. On the meta level you'll likely take great pleasure in accomplishing your objective."
"Blame recursive Time Loops and the ending of Standing Proud. Basically Gilgamesh fucked up and I hijacked the Counter Force through sheer spite. Then I wound up here."

EMBERs expression turns bitter, "Fucking lolis."

"Oh wow okay. Well uh, I assume you can't just send me back home and I can pretend that this was all just a weird dream so...what do I need to do to get back home?"

If I was lucky, it would be something simple like run a lap around the island or do 10 push ups. But I wasn't lucky, so I was probably going to be doing something crazy. Gods didn't teleport people to do 10 push ups.

"Also, you mentioned light blades and absorption....this is Kars's body I'm in right? I feel pretty natural in here, like I was living my life in this body since I was born, so thanks I guess? Will I be vaporized if I step into the sun in this body?"
"Oh wow okay. Well uh, I assume you can't just send me back home and I can pretend that this was all just a weird dream so...what do I need to do to get back home?"

If I was lucky, it would be something simple like run a lap around the island or do 10 push ups. But I wasn't lucky, so I was probably going to be doing something crazy. Gods didn't teleport people to do 10 push ups.

"Also, you mentioned light blades and absorption....this is Kars's body I'm in right? I feel pretty natural in here, like I was living my life in this body since I was born, so thanks I guess? Will I be vaporized if I step into the sun in this body?"
"Like I said," EMBER shrugged, "This is pretty much my hazing ritual. We're both stuck doing this."

The Sorceror paused, considering, "You've just got to beat a designated Cinnamon Bun waifu to death. It's nothing too difficult, Illusion. As far the power of the Sun goes, it isn't anything. Vampires don't exist normally, after all. If you had such a glaring weakness, you'd be even more screwed than you normally are."
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A droplet of water shimmers and grows in a vast void of emptiness, growing fat on the moisture of its own autochthonic self-assertions until the mass splits into two droplets, the smaller ejecting itself through the rippling fabric of nowhere like pressurized fluid through a straw. It breaks free of the lonely isolation save for a sandstorm of fleeting delusion, flowing out through a spiraling font of ideas and shimmers before vanishing to places unknown along currents of dementia.

Choronzon said:














As soon as his materialization finally completed and he congealed into the realm of the physical, Gazamy found himself experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. Confusion, Fear, Anxiety, Relief, Confusion and finally Bewilderment as he took in the sight of a luxuriously decorated room. The fact that the latest proxy did not manifest in the vacuum of space and spontanously explode inside-out or immediately get ossified into alien crystals was a small relief in the face of his mounting uncertainty; attempting to hitch a ride back to physicality on an unknown gradient was bad when you realized just how utterly specified humans were toward their native Grand Reality Marble.
"Hello." A voice cuts in, and your eyes are drawn to a pair of dark glasses.

"I am known as EMBER, Sorceror of Escalation and member of the Senate, although I doubt that means anything to you." He says, shrugging.
And mean something it did. The moment the being that proclaimed itself EMBER uttered the word "Sorceror," bullets of cold sweat began to run down the back of Gazamy's neck. A wielder of the True Magics had coaxed him out of the Abyss? Had the Clock Tower finally grown tired of locking him up and decided to cut out his cancerous soul at the root? The Evil Spook did not let his apprehension show, even if this may have been one of the few people capable of putting him down for good - maintaining an air of inflappability and apparent amusement at even the surprises that seemed to be disadvantageous to him had aided Gazamy more than once in the past.

"Heya." The Evil Spook shot the man, no the creature, before him a devil-may-care grin. The First had been long dead, so he was either dealing with that man's heir or the user of the Fourth. Couldn't have been the Third; those German snowflakes would already have their own scheme crashing down around their heads at this point, no matter how competent they thought themselves to be.

"Well, I've more or less taken you from your previous existence on a whim of mine, although it would be more accurate to say that it's the fault of a group of old hags playing at youth."
Oh. Oh, that was bad. If this EMBER really had pulled his entire ass out of the Abyss and not just a proxy, Gazamy was in some deep shit. The Magus cocked his hip to the side, sliding his thumbs into his pockets as a casual gesture while getting his hands within sufficient distance of his concealed butterfly knives to withdraw them on a moment's notice. The moment this Sorceror stopped being amused by small talk, the Evil Spook would be in for the fight of his life. He kept his vision on the man but noticed no exits in his peripheral vision - the way out was most likely behind him, so he'd need to distract the bastard so he could turn tail and run like hell.

Still, the mention of old hags playing at youth got the gears in his head turning. Other Magi were definitely involved in this, no doubt the ones who gave the execution ordes. Unless they were going to cut him up for a Sealing Designation again, only more thoroughly now that they had a Sorceror on hand, in which case he was downright screwed.
A shadow passes through your vision, and a bead of sweat forms on the man's forehead.

"Think of this as my hazing. As a matter of fact, the two of us? We're both victims in this. We're practically comrades. Teammates, even."

His hands, gloved, fold underneath his nose as he levels a stare at you, "So I need you to play along in this. For both our sakes. You pull this off and I'll give you a wish or a bonus, along with the right to keep playing along to get more prizes or to bail out and go home. God knows I don't blame you."
Finally, some good news. So it wasn't a Sealing Designation, but this guy was in the same boat as Gazamy, which raised even more discomforting questions in his mind. The Evil Spook's grin widened to shit-eating proportions at the Magician's proclamation of misfortune. If there was one rule Gazamy lived by, it was that nobody should get to enjoy their lives while he suffered. That policy actually had done good for him over the years, both in body and spirit.
He grabs a nearby glass of some amber liquid, draining it in a single, desperate gulp, "Crazy old Voyager Fruitcakes." The self-proclaimed sorceror shakes his head.

"So here's how this works: I'm going to pop you on this island in Japan called Rokkenjimma, don't worry about the language I'll take care of it with something I like to call 'Narrative Convenience', so just speak normally and I'll handle the rest." He pauses.

"Look, it's magic. I don't have to explain shit, okay? You want to know how it's done go bother Michael Blaine or something after all this is over, for now we have more important things to worry about. Here are the rules."

He picks up a pamphlet, tossing it over to you as it smacks you in the face. You are, somehow, miraculously able to read it and it's contents.
"My oh my, this is quite a predicament indeed." Gazamy airily noted as he peeled the pamphlet from his face with a small moue of distaste at the offending article. He parsed it briefly, absorbing the information like a sponge. Definitely not the usual flavor of unusual (an oxymoron if there ever was one) he was accustomed to.
"So, with all that aside." The man concludes, extending a hand out to you, "What do you think?"
"I think…" Gazamy rested one finger against his chin ponderously. "...I think I would a appreciate a little context. What are the Red, Blue, Gold and Commandments?" There was only one 'Blue' that came to mind, but the Spook was fairly certain this didn't have anything to do with the geezer's heiress. "And just who are these important people I'll be looking after? I'm not familiar with any of them, and it's rather hard to make heads or tails of what I should expect of them using only these Easterner names - never can quite figure out the gender and such." Even if he was a self-assuredly drop-dead sexy adept of the ancient ways of at least three different divine magical systems and their extant languages, he had never seen a need to immerse himself in the more subtle nuances of the tongues of the Far East.
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And mean something it did. The moment the being that proclaimed itself EMBER uttered the word "Sorceror," bullets of cold sweat began to run down the back of Gazamy's neck. A wielder of the True Magics had coaxed him out of the Abyss? Had the Clock Tower finally grown tired of locking him up and decided to cut out his cancerous soul at the root? The Evil Spook did not let his apprehension show, even if this may have been one of the few people capable of putting him down for good - maintaining an air of inflappability and apparent amusement at even the surprises that seemed to be disadvantageous to him had aided Gazamy more than once in the past.

"Heya." The Evil Spook shot the man, no the creature, before him a devil-may-care grin. The First had been long dead, so he was either dealing with that man's heir or the user of the Fourth. Couldn't have been the Third; those German snowflakes would already have their own scheme crashing down around their heads at this point, no matter how competent they thought themselves to be.
"There's no need to fret, Gazamy. I am a user of the Sixth. Or something like it, if you want specifics."

Oh. Oh, that was bad. If this EMBER really had pulled his entire ass out of the Abyss and not just a proxy, Gazamy was in some deep shit. The Magus cocked his hip to the side, sliding his thumbs into his pockets as a casual gesture while getting his hands within sufficient distance of his concealed butterfly knives to withdraw them on a moment's notice. The moment this Sorceror stopped being amused by small talk, the Evil Spook would be in for the fight of his life. He kept his vision on the man but noticed no exits in his peripheral vision - the way out was most likely behind him, so he'd need to distract the bastard so he could turn tail and run like hell.

Still, the mention of old hags playing at youth got the gears in his head turning. Other Magi were definitely involved in this, no doubt the ones who gave the execution ordes. Unless they were going to cut him up for a Sealing Designation again, only more thoroughly now that they had a Sorceror on hand, in which case he was downright screwed.
EMBER quirked an eyebrow in quiet amusement.

Finally, some good news. So it wasn't a Sealing Designation, but this guy was in the same boat as Gazamy, which raised even more discomforting questions in his mind. The Evil Spook's grin widened to shit-eating proportions at the Magician's proclamation of misfortune. If there was one rule Gazamy lived by, it was that nobody should get to enjoy their lives while he suffered. That policy actually had done good for him over the years, both in body and spirit.
"Hmph, had I known you were just lonely I'd have opened with that instead."

"I think…" Gazamy rested one finger against his chin ponderously. "...I think I would a appreciate a little context. What are the Red, Blue, Gold and Commandments?" There was only one 'Blue' that came to mind, but the Spook was fairly certain this didn't have anything to do with the geezer's heiress. "And just who are these important people I'll be looking after? I'm not familiar with any of them, and it's rather hard to make heads or tails of what I should expect of them using only these Easterner names - never can quite figure out the gender and such." Even if he was a self-assuredly drop-dead sexy adept of the ancient ways of at least three different divine magical systems and their extant languages, he had never seen a need to immerse himself in the more subtle nuances of the tongues of the Far East.
"The Colored Truths and Decalogue are the underpinnings of this particular world, and they can be weaponized on a conceptual level completely unmatched by anything else in your world. I suppose the closest thing to it would be if someone were to somehow verbalize a Reality Marble and then fling it at another to overwrite their own personal Truth. Unfortunately, there isn't much to tell you. Be wary of Furudo Erika, as she is the one most capable of killing you through both her skills and connections. And you'll find reacting in kind to be exceedingly difficult. Just try your best to keep your charge alive, refrain from getting yourself investigated, and your "Piece" should be fine. You'll do well above ground, but not even you can survive Dlanor A. Knox alone. Spook or no."
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"It wouldn't be so simple, but I am capable of creating such a Fragment, yes. But bear in mind that to take something that isn't yours places a responsibility on the one taking as well."

Kirie smiled.

"Responsibility... It doesn't matter. If I had him, then it doesn't matter. If I had him..."

The woman trailed off, unable to put to words what she wanted to say next.

There was no happiness for her in this life. She was simply floating, existing without purpose. Even with the other body that Araya had given to her, there was not much for her in this world.

But someone like him... Someone like him had meaning. Someone like him could fly, a more try flight than what her other body had.

In her heart, Fujou Kirie wanted the young man to take him with her, to find more of a reason for a worthless cripple like her to exist.

"...It doesn't matter." Kirie said eventually. "If I can get what I want out of this, then I'll accept."
Kirie smiled.

"Responsibility... It doesn't matter. If I had him, then it doesn't matter. If I had him..."

The woman trailed off, unable to put to words what she wanted to say next.

There was no happiness for her in this life. She was simply floating, existing without purpose. Even with the other body that Araya had given to her, there was not much for her in this world.

But someone like him... Someone like him had meaning. Someone like him could fly, a more try flight than what her other body had.

In her heart, Fujou Kirie wanted the young man to take him with her, to find more of a reason for a worthless cripple like her to exist.

"...It doesn't matter." Kirie said eventually. "If I can get what I want out of this, then I'll accept."
"Hmm." EMBER pursed his lips, "Is that resolve, or is it desperation?" His gaze fixed upon the girl, for a brief moment ignoring the other seven in their own meeting tea rooms.

He exhaled, lifting a cigarette to his lips before taking a deep drag from it. All the girl felt was the rush of warm air brushing against her chest.

"Very well." A hand brushed Kiries shoulder.

"Take my hand. And your chance with it. " His eyes narrowed, "How many shall you trample in pursuit of that desire, I wonder?"
"There's no need to fret, Gazamy. I am a user of the Sixth. Or something like it, if you want specifics."

EMBER quirked an eyebrow in quiet amusement.

"Hmph, had I known you were just lonely I'd have opened with that instead."
"Tch." Gazamy clucked his tongue in irritation. EMBER's response just produced more questions than answers. While as a Magus he was by no means familiar with anything that could be called the Sixth True Magic, he was in no position to complain; his crowning accomplishment in Magecraft could be considered to exist on the threshold of Sorcery. Nonetheless, he bit back his rising frustration and returned to his earlier facade of civility. "Aren't we all lonely, when you get right down to the heart of the matter? Just little souls drifting through the world in search of someone who understands us..." Gazamy knew this well, as he simply wanted people to understand that he was a terrible person. "Right, so just keep my head down, keep the doctor alive, keep magecraft to a minimum and don't draw attention to myself?" He had to admit he was better at that last one than most would think, inured as he was to acts of escapism and trading secrets behind the scenes. "Seems easy enough. I doubt I'll even register as a blip on the radar for Furudo Erika or Dlanor Dlanodcm!" Even as he said it, he knew he was tempting fate.

Gazamy grinned his trademark cocky grin and extended his own hand to meet EMBER's.

It should be easy enough, all things considered. Get in, wait for some scrub to get themselves killed, irreversibly ruin a couple of lives, win his objective and nab a scrap of that Sixth Magic on his way out the door.

He had this in the bag.