In conclusion:

"Save me, small effeminate boy! We must stick together!"

Wasn't that small effeminate boy the one that nearly killed you by accident?

You don't save me from shit

I was safe, smothering myself in the sand while that was happening.

Crabs are amphibious. What would you do if it got on land? What then GatS?

We might as well all kill ourselves, and spare the murderous beastie the effort. Me n' Gazamy there saved us all from the terror of that aquatic monster.

What if it was hungry, eh? GatS stew, with a side of Mystery (Perfect) Meat. That's what. You'll never understand what we heroes go though... :V
I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about but while you guys were going crazy and failing to fight a fucking crab I was saving bondo's life and about to join into the fight. :V
Wasn't that small effeminate boy the one that nearly killed you by accident?

No, he nearly killed you

but Lyon knows the ancient arcane art of swimming

he was fine

Wasn't that small effeminate boy the one that nearly killed you by accident?

Crabs are amphibious. What would you do if it got on land? What then GatS?

We might as well all kill ourselves, and spare the murderous beastie the effort. Me n' Gazamy there saved us all from the terror of that aquatic monster.

Then I would breath on it

No, he nearly killed you

but Lyon knows the ancient arcane art of swimming

he was fine
Damn the gods!

Lyon's heart nearly exploded at the impact, and he was left staring at the floating bodies. One of the crippled girls, Fujino, was already being swallowed up by the sea. His chest pounded like a cavalry brigade was riding through his veins, and he could hardly move. Panic set in. What should he do? What could he do? He couldn't even mo-

Robin smiled, as he balanced on the railing of the sinking ship. The grey haired child had been launched or had launched himself at the vessel like a missile.

Terribly inefficient, but he couldn't deny that he liked its style.

He turned amused eyes on the other crewmates scrabbling to survive. Could they not swim? He had heard that swimming about sinking ships had its own dangers, notably a suction current, but if they jumped far away enough, surely it wouldn't be an issue?

He watched the strange naked man grab the impromptu missile and tuck it over his shoulder. He watched people run and try to save each other, and savored it all with a hint of nostalgia.

Really, it isn't so different after all

He snagged a rope buoy and tossed it into the water, close to one of the panicking girls (@Azrael). He then snagged the rope that had tied some of the buoys, hacking it from the boat with a swift slash of one of his hidden knives. He carefully tied one end to the railing he stood on, and measured it's length mentally. It would be pretty close. Leaping from the railing, he landed lightly on the buoy, balancing atop it with both feet, careful not to touch the water for reasons he couldn't understand. He tossed the rope at the blond child (@ThePremise) and offered his hand to the girl.

Mercy, oh, the forbidden taste of power

It felt good to take action again

"Would either of you appreciate some aid?"

Ah yes, you were the one that was fine :V
Then I would breath on it


You realize that the thing could probably teabag your head standing up, right?