Nine Hours and Eleven Minutes to respond before the Spider Crab makes its next move

@Mortifer gets a pass if he doesnt manage to get a post in before then, but after that the cripples will be actual targets :V
I have an Idea!

Let's see how many nerfs this character gets!
Deleted, for being shit.
I can already tell that this will never be accepted in a million years by any self-respecting GM. :V

But seriously, I don't expect this to be accepted. I just made this for fun.

@TehChron how would you nerf it? :V
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I have an Idea!

Let's see how many nerfs this character gets!
Name: Matt
Gender: Male
Age: less than 20 years of age


Superhuman: Matt is much tougher than your average human, able to tank a barrage of arrows, several extremely powerful attacks, poisonous meat, and even two extremely powerful spells cast by a true deity. He is also slightly stronger and faster than normal.

Swordsman: Matt is a capable swordfighter, easily able to wield a variety of weapons with ease. He usually carries around the holy-aligned sword Heaven's Gate wherever he goes. Note: If this gets accepted, which it won't, he will only be able to use the weapons he uses in Epic Battle Fantasy 4.

Bushido: Matt has invented a style of fighting called Bushido. in it, he channels magic through his weapons to cause effects on the world. He can do things like create sword-shaped outcroppings of rock and ice, summon poisonous plants under the opponent, create pillars of fire to blast people, increase his attacking power when hurt, manifest swords of holy energies, strike his opponents incredibly quickly, and much more.

Magic: Unlike his friends, Matt considers himself not very talented when it comes too magic. However, that makes him above average when compared to your average magician. He can increase his strength by up to 70%, create triangular barriers that stop physical attacks, send people into a blind rage, and use fear- inducing dark magic. He even has a spell that can instantly kill a target, at the cost of his own life. He has no idea where he learned this spell, and has never used it. Obviously

Limit Break: A phenomenon from his world, a Limit Break is an extremely powerful attack or spell which can only be used under extreme stress and damage. Matt has two that he can use. One, Cleaver, is a basic five-strike attack enhanced with all of his magic. The other, Ragnarok, involves him summoning gigantic copies of his beloved swords to rain down upon his target. He can only use them once he has taken a beating.

Determination: Matt is extremely stubborn. No matter how badly he gets hurt, he will keep standing up to protect his friends. This trait is what impressed the God of his homeworld into allowing humanity to live.

Juggler: Matt can juggle. How this is useful, no one knows.

Kleptomaniac: Matt has a bad habit of stealing anything he likes which isn't nailed down. This is especially prevalent when it comes to swords, as he has stolen most of the swords he owns.

Lazy: When something isn't related to fighting or food, Matt really could not care. He hates puzzles, even though he has some skill at them. He also will nap whenever someone is making any sort of long-winded speech.
I can already tell that this will never be accepted in a million years by any self-respecting GM. :V

But seriously, I don't expect this to be accepted. I just made this for fun.

@TehChron how would you nerf it? :V
I wouldn't


For being shit.
I feel like OOW is tempting fate

Or, more likely, Chron

But hey, who wants to live forever, right?

Shame I can't dreamwalk in the non-meta, this would have been so much easier

Alright, crab rangoons for dinner it is
did the crab just tank the twisty-attack

or did Fujino accidentally Gazamy's entire body?
It can

Just look it up online, lol

These things basically hide as rocks and shit and cover themselves with moss, algae, sea cucumbers, and other animals to camoflage themselves.

Its got a centuries worth of ablative armor :V
Ah, had me worried there for a second

I didn't know this until I googled it, but as a man that's been wandering the world for a long time, and eaten many
strange things along the way, would Robin know how to kill a spider crab?

I didn't know this until I googled it, but as a man that's been wandering the world for a long time, and eaten many
strange things along the way, would Robin know how to kill a spider crab?

But, uh...
These things basically hide as rocks and shit and cover themselves with moss, algae, sea cucumbers, and other animals to camoflage themselves.

Its got a centuries worth of ablative armor :V
So uh, Fujino isn't really aiming anymore.

Most of her attacks are happening in the general vicinity of the crab, but uh...

Be careful.