O.D.D: Protect the world from the unknown

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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase
You're a member of the O.D.D (the meaning behind the acronym is classified, speculation is punishable), a sorta-functional organized dedicated to protecting the world from things that just can't be explained

As a agent, go on missions, do projects back at the base, and do your best to make sure something doesn't eat your eyes, or everyones eyes
Cold Open
It was night time in the facility, I would tell you where it was but even I don't know, the alarms were blaring, multiple people were dead on the ground, torn to bits by a pale hairless creature that looks like if someone tried to stretch out a human being into the shape of a mantis, coughing out shadowy mist which obscured it's face

Whatever it was saw you, then started running at charging in your general direction recklessly, pincers raised and ready to strike
How do you deal with it?
(This will determine who you play as)

[] Shoot it in the obscured face with your bio-rifle
Sometime during the conflict in REDACTED, a small collection of special operatives discovered a mass of alien biological material, you apparently ate those soldiers in your infant stage, their collective experiences and the designs of the weapons you also ate absorbed into your body
You have 7 lives worth of American military training in your head, a humanoid body with skin mimicking the biological equivalent of bulletproof armour, and multiple removable organs designed in a manner similar to military-grade firearms and also get reloaded when you eat, alongside powerful regeneration that doesn't work well against fire
The O.D.D found you wandering a warzone shooting things with no cause, they brought you with them and gave you one
You are Agent Bio-Tactica, name Meatbag, biological monstrosity with the skill of Rambo

[] Rip it apart by infusing the thing with mana from your magically resonant soul
3 decades ago a magical owl came and brought you to a magical castle where you met other student wizards, went on adventures, and proved yourself the chosen one
Then you used your powers to break out of the magical castle that had been siphoning your mystical energies for multiple years by putting you into a illusory reality themed like a harry potter ripoff, you ran away and never looked back, wandering countryside in nothing but the shreds of your childhood clothing, with the ability to infuse a strange blue magical energy called Mana to physically manipulate said objects, you've got tons of practice, but not much knowledge on actual adult stuff
The O.D.D found you digging through a dumpster in the British countryside, then gave you food, shelter, and more fitting clothes
You are Agent Abra-Cadabra, name Lorine Stefani, master magician with the mentality of a tween

[] You make Timothy do a little dance and give the abomination a seizure
Once upon a time a lonely seamstress wished for children to raise, to care for, and on that night something heard her wish, then granted it, by the next morning she had 3 wondrous sons, but sadly the wish granting being barely understood what humans are, so the resulting sons were somewhat inhuman, terrifying, and powerful, you're one of those sons
You are a somewhat stout kid in a striped shirt and clown mask with a handpuppet over your left hand and a bunch of other puppets stuffed into your backpack, your face is so uncanny and horrific it triggers a fight or flight response in most people, you're immortal, and since you can't express things yourself, you make puppets that when used are so emotionally expressive they overstimulate those that perceive them
The O.D.D found you in Germany hiding in some old guy's closet ever since he was a young lad, pretending to be his imaginary friend, they took your closet/bedroom back to the facility and you just began working for them
You are Agent Muppet-Show, name Klowno, mysterious puppet making immortal

[] You tell it to stop running then slice it's neck open with the claw on your index
It wasn't lizard people that had secret government manipulating societies, your people, the Daughters Of Bastet pulled the strings of empires with slightest tug, the world dancing to your people's tune
But then you had a disagreement with a higher ranking member, there was a debate and you verbally humiliated her and her ideas on how to reorganize the geopolitical scene to get better catfood, in the dark of the night she tied and gagged you, cur your face with her claws, and sold you off to a secret cabal of scientists to be dissected, you barely got out with your incredibly powerful manipulation skills that border on mind control, and your cat-like reflexes
The O.D.D found you, a catgirl, bleeding, bruised, and halfway unconscious from anesthetics in a secret laboratory fighting for your life, you aren't part of the big leagues any more, but at least you're alive
You are Agent Desert-Lynx, name Meresankh, ancient egyptian cat-girl with incredible mental manipulation skills

[] Run and call your ward Kyou Chizuru so she can come in her angelic biomech and crush this monster
You're a very talented genetic engineer with a particular expertise in cloning and in the mechanics of the nervous system, a paramilitary organization called MAXIMUS approached you and let you have access to deceased alien dna, you managed to develop biomechs with incredible power, but they could only piloted if a individual with the right sort of mental patterns attuned themselves to it
Those needed patterns were nearly identical to that of a hormonal teenager with emotional issues, MAXIMUS were going to eliminate you since you outlived your usefulness and were complaining about the idea of lobotomizing the pilots after full attunement to keep them fully under control, but Kyou saved your butt and together you destroyed whatever leftover notes, alien dna, and biomechs you couldn't take and ran for the hills
The O.D.D found you being princess carried by her biomech that was running through the forests of Kansai at incredible speeds, almost rendering you comatose in the process
You are Agent Demiurge, name Dr Noriaki Atsushi, current leading expert on the creation of angelic biomechs

[] Quickly phase into the Astral Plane before the beast strikes
It was the worst case you've ever investigated, a man beheaded with a assortment of instruments growing from the bloody stump, you were trying to investigate this homicide but the music that blasted out of the body changed you and the objects in the room somehow, now you can phase in and out of the Astral Plane, where the spirits of world live in the patchwork dreams of old gods, the crime scene itself is the one anchor you have to reality, it also being a physical thing in the Astral Plane
You can walk the land unseen to reach almost anywhere in the world and talk to spirits, but it is a very treacherous place, where one can easily get lost
You're also a trained member of the F.B.I, with 5 years of experience as part of it, specializing in particularly unique and difficult homicides and serial murders
The O.D.D found you stranded in Antarctica by your own ability and lack of Astral Plane navigational skills
You are Agent Spiritquest, name Arianna Florry, homicide detective and semi-ascended walker of the Astral Plane

[] Write-In
- [] Agent description
Subject to rewrite or veto
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Get This Started!
You're Dr Noriaki Atsushi, also known as Agent Demiurge, and now you're currently holding up your emergency cellphone into your ear and screaming into it as a creature, likely inspired by some nightmare you forgot with pincers dripping the blood of your coworkers all over the floor, chasing you screeching with a voice like a shrill trumpet

"Hello Doctor! How is it go-"
She was immediately worried, luckily your phone had a tracker "OH! I-I'll be there quick sir!"

The phone beeps as it hangs up, you slip on some blood while running through the halls, sliding face first into a wall at a T-intersection hallway, then falling flat on your back and screaming in fear as the creature's shadow is cast over you in the red alarm light, pincers raised
You futilly cover your face, waiting for the inevitable, but the sound of crashing, stone and steel tearing, you open your eyes, the ceiling was torn open since the biomech couldn't fit in the halls, Kyou picked up the surprised murder-monster by it's raised pincers

The biomech was 19 feet tall, with a somewhat lanky build, resembling a body of skinless white muscle that transitions into a darker shade around the limbs, and multiple lines of light resembling veins across it's body
It's head somewhat resembled that of a bird with a long beak, and evenly dotted with glaring red eyes
Veins of light expanded from it's back, forming a unfinished halo behind the head

It tore off the arms of the beast, blood spraying onto the rubble covered floor, it dropped down right after, writhing, then the biomech's fist made contact with the beast
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit "Kyou!"
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit "Please stop!"
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit
And another hit

The mech shudders, falling over, the muscle tissue of it's arms slightly torn and steaming, you're right near the chest, you used one of the removed tissues to cut the chest of your creation open, you pull Kyou out, the pseudo embryonic-fluid pouring over you
She hits you a couple times, repeating the same actions from before over and over, but she soon stops as her actual eyes catch the light around her, the alarms have deactivated now

You hold her as she breaks down crying, the things she saw in that mech, she tries not to get snot and tears on your labcoat's shoulder but you don't really care at the moment and let her get this out of her system
Coswell, a armed operative that came to help eliminate the creature, but wasn't fact enough to get there beforehand is just waiting by the side for this emotional session, before asking for a briefing on what happened

After you explained everything you knew to Coswell, the creature just broke in, murdered a bunch of other employees, and then you asked Kyou to kill it, malfunction occured in her suit cause she activated it too fast in a rush, and Coswell knew the rest from there
There was a slight reprimand for calling Kyou for disproportionate threats but there was some verbal mercy due to the situation being life or death
As for the girl in question, she was taken to the medical wing to be quickly evaluated while the angelic biomech was once more put into storage

He sighed "Remind me to get you a knife or gun, or a gun that shoots knives, we don't have that at the moment but hopefully, one day, but now you're currently free to go, you don't have any urgent assignments but some help with something would be appreciated if you're willing" Coswell got out of his metal folding chair on the other side of the interrogation table

"Like what?"
Coswell pulled out another list with a bunch of names on it instead of what you mentioned "Lots of employees died, if you wanna, you can help evaluate potential new agent candidates that the bosses have a eye on since HR are dead, I already did"
"Wait really? All of Human Resources are gone?"
"Yep, wiped out, actually they were the first thing that monster hit, and thoroughly too, which I'm also confused by, but don't worry about it too much, I'm already investigating, your choice on what you're gonna do"

Choose 1 option

Optional Non-Urgent Missions

[] Lab Assistant
Dr Jamm is trying to enhance Agent Hilltop with a biological enhancement made with anomalous material that turns stuff into wolves, help her out

[] Pick A Profile
Help choose potential new agents for the bosses to go recruit

Choose up to 3 personal project sub-options to work on at the facility

[] Plan Name

- [] Experiment with anomalous biological samples in the lab

- [] Repair the angelic biomech's arms

- [] Check on Kyou

- [] Write-In Personal Activities