Nut or Shut Up (A Zombieland/CK2 Quest)

Nut or Shut Up (A Zombieland/CK2 Quest)
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The America as we knew it is gone. In its place stands the United States of Zombieland, populated by over 184 million zombies and growing.

And unfortunately, you're one of the poor unlucky bastards trying to survive this hellish world with a group of teens that will kill each other first before the zombies do.

With dwindling resources, no one to rely on but yourself, and an army of flesh-eating cannibals at your doorstep, all you can do at this point is either to nut
Opening: Welcome to Zombieland
The world came to an end on September 25th, 2009.

It started off simple enough, really. News anchors and radio stations warning people about a new strain of mad cow disease that had cropped up and was spreading like wildfire. Entire herds of cattle succumbed to the disease in hours, and apparently, from what reporters said, lashed out against their handlers. Pictures of cows with bulging red eyes and black blood oozing out their nostrils and mouths haunted the minds of everyone in America for days to come.

But the government assured them that everything was under control. That the pandemic was, in fact, totally under control and receiving the right amount of attention that men in the higher echelons power could afford. And the public relaxed, despite misgivings towards the government having grown in the past decade. After all, the government was still created to listen to the needs of the people, right? Even with all of its incompetence and questionable decision-making, they would at least take this crisis sweeping across the country seriously.

Well… suffice to say, they did not. They failed.


What the government forgot to tell the people was that this new strain of mad cow disease actually killed humans in the span of a day or two… before bringing them back from the dead as mutated, rage-filled zombies.

In weeks, the central authority of the United States government collapsed amidst a mass riot across the country, accompanied by the growing influx of zombies springing up around every corner. The first day saw the statistics of zombies in America at around 4%, a small but growing minority.

By the end of the first week, that number had increased by tenfold. And was still rising.

Entire cities were overrun by the dead, whose howls echo across the abandoned streets and scaring survivors back into the holes they'd dug themselves into. Small towns and communities in the countryside burned away into ashes as natural disasters were left unattended by rescue workers that had turned into mad cannibalistic beasts. And the American public, from the youngest of its children to its eldest citizens, were left scattered to their own devices as everything they once knew fell apart all around them.

And for a small group of survivors squandered away in the ruined and zombie-infested school they inhabited, they knew that their time was now.

Either get busy living or get busy dying.

Welcome, boys and girls, to the United States of Zombieland.

The world has ended and you are one of the poor unlucky bastards left alive to make something for yourself in this nightmare.

The government is gone, your family is either dead or missing, and You're currently stuck in a closed off gym with a bunch of other sweaty teenagers two seconds away from killing each other before the zombies do.

You do not know if rescue is coming for you and your… well, let's call them fellow strangers because you don't really recognize any of these people here with you. All you can do at this point is wait out the worst or try figuring things out for yourself.

And if the scores of zombies you saw in town was anything to go by, you might as well get busy living.

First things first, though. A cool refresher in the gym's bathroom should be able to calm your nerves and get your mind back in track.

As the cool sink water splashes on your face and opens up pores, you look up to the mirror to stare deep into your reflection; the physical coil of the person you are.

And you are…

[] The Optimist
[] The Rebel
[] The Loner
[] The Prodigy
[] The Juggernaut
[] The Scarred
[] The Silver Tongue
[] The Delinquent
[] The Brainiac
[] The Split Mind
[] The Investigator
[] The Introvert
[] The Hard Worker
[] The Inventor
[] The Actor

Okay, simple enough. Everybody has to know who they are, or else, you'd be the main character in some cheesy body swap B-Movie.

Right now, you're trapped inside Kirkman High School, located on the outskirts of the same town that the school is named after. Scores of zombies are haunting the land and the entire region you reside in, that being…

[] The Northwest states
[] The Southwest states
[] The Midwest states
[] The South states
[] The Southeast states
[] The Great Lakes states
[] The New England states

There are pros and cons to living here, but right now, you can focus on that later. First thing's first, mapping out a goal on what to do while trapped like rats in this concrete cage.

You know that there are zombies inside this school, but more than that, there are supplies to be found. Food and water are necessary, medical kits could be viable if one were to look around the nurse's office, and lord knows how many other trinkets and accessories could lie in the student lockers and the classrooms. It is a big school, maneuvering your way around could offer insight to things you never considered before today.

Each one holds their own risks and rewards, but ultimately, you feel it best to focus on what you think is the number one priority for surviving this hellish pandemic…

[] Food and Water (Main source: The cafeteria)
[] Medical supplies (Main source: The nurse's office)
[] Assorted goods (Main source: Lockers and classrooms)
[] Write-in option here…

QM's Notes: Yes, few things first.

No, this will not affect any other quest I have going on right now.

No, you won't be meeting the Zombieland cast here. Feel free to write Omakes about whatever they're doing, though. This Quest is centered primarily around Original Characters. Speaking of which...

Yes, you are free to write and come up with original characters for the sake of this Quest. Despite what the MC (whoever they are) may say, it is still a town at the end of the day, and who knows what other survivors or factions are vying for survival against the nonstop horde of zombies in the country.

Please note that if you come up with an original character, bring it up with me in DMs so that we can keep other readers in the dark until they come into the frame however way they do.

And finally, voting for this Quest begins now and will last until 12 AM EST tonight. Meaning you all have ten hrs to discuss and vote on what you want this person's life story to be.

[x] The Juggernaut
[x] The South states
[x] Food and Water (Main source: The cafeteria)
[X] The Investigator
[X] The Northwest states
[X] Medical supplies (Main source: The nurse's office)
[X] The Investigator
[X] The New England states
[X] Medical supplies (Main source: The nurse's office)

All of these are important, naturally. Food won't spoil before we can tally up supplies.

When we go out to get the medical supplies we should use sports equipment as makeshift armor and weaponry. This ain't the Walking Dead. People know what zombies are. Preventing bites on our resource-gathering expeditions is a priority.

Do we get to pick the name of our protagonist?

I also assume that this thread will be in the style of the Zombieland films and be more comedic and less serious than other zombie quests.
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Poll closes in twenty minutes, but I'm also throwing this out there for a friend who voted in a writing Discord server we share.

[X] The Split Mind
[X] The Southern States
[X] Food and Water
[X] The Scarred
[x] The South states
[X] Medical supplies (Main source: The nurse's office)

Food seems like it would be easier to find them more specialized items like medical supplies.
[X] The Scarred
[x] The South states
[X] Medical supplies (Main source: The nurse's office)
Adhoc vote count started by OogahBoogah on Nov 3, 2024 at 1:38 PM, finished with 15 posts and 11 votes.

After much technical difficulties, we finally have our winning vote.

You are playing as The Scarred One, located in the Southern States and with your main priority being securing some medical supplies.
Heh, knew I shouldn't have waited till tomorrow to vote. Oh well, Scarred ain't as neat sounding as Juggernaut but medical supplies are beyond valuable as a get!
shame I was late to the vote, I would have voted midwest states since those areas are sparsely populated(except the eastern states/parts of it).

Also the intro is missing on the last part:

"With dwindling resources, no one to rely on but yourself, and an army of flesh-eating cannibals at your doorstep, all you can do at this point is either to nut"

you mean nut or shut up?
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