From what I understand this site is meant to SFW, with the exception of the closed sub-forum Sufficiently Sexy, which means that images showing nudity and pornographic content are not allowed. Yet this post and the seven nude images of fictional characters contained within has been allowed under the excuse of 'Artistic Merit' which I find to be quite sketchy[1] considering that they're a blatant violation of Rule 6. What exactly makes these images 'Artistic' and allowable instead of being acknowledged as pornographic and removed from the site along with the poster being infracted for posting them?
[1] For reference these images wouldn't be allowed on a 4chan blue board due to the showing of nipples. It says something that 4chan has more consistency than SV does in this matter.
[1] For reference these images wouldn't be allowed on a 4chan blue board due to the showing of nipples. It says something that 4chan has more consistency than SV does in this matter.