After I got set up in my car, the meeting began with why council election engagement is low. Ideas are exchanged. If you vote, you might get a spiffy custom reaction for your trouble.
We discuss Squishy takes on child mortality and helicopter parenting. "Child mortality is low." (I'm taking this out of context.)
The current generation of parents seem helicoptery AF.
Hades comes up, since it's being played by Red. (I never played it, so keep quiet which helps with the notetaking.)
A concern was raised about the cookie consent popup having not having a "reject all" option and whether it is a possible violation of GDPR. There could be an issue with the ad network. (Don't shoot the messenger. I'm writing what I'm hearing.) Assurances are given it'll be looked into.
Hades gameplay resumes. A silence descends on the voice call.
As side note, townhalls are for airing out any issues you're having on site, so if you've got some, pull up.
I asked if there was any other pressing business afoot.
We recap election suggestions, then move onto talking monetization.
Red raises the idea of a donation thermometer, where users could see how much was being donated for site operations. Bringing ribbons back is also floated. Imagehosting for fee might be an idea? Patreon is broached as a fundraising platform for the site, but we already have paid subscriptions on the site.
(The site is making expenses and no core functionality will be paywalled, so don't worry about that.)
Silence subsumes us again.
Someone asks what the purpose of townhalls is.
Basically, it's space for everyone in the community to talk about the community, and what they like or dislike about it, all while watching Red play bespoke games.
I submit my propaganda for committee approval.