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Not in Kansas Anymore (Nasuverse/Multicrossover)

There was nothing and then there was...
Not in Kansas Anymore (Nasuverse/Multicrossover)

There was nothing and then there was something.

A infinite reflection of realities and timelines. Every world that could exist, every world that did exist was part of this great Kaleidoscope.

It started small, a single world line sifted on its metaphorical axis by a the span of an atom and nothing changed. But that one movement started a ripple of realities expanding ever outwards and growing more powerful every heartbeat.

What was and is changed. The changes were sometimes unnoticeable and sometimes very much so.

Prepare for a wild run.
Note: My deep thanks to my much appreciated beta @GardenerBriareus and to the incredible Golden Lark for helping with this project of mine. I don't own Fate Stay Night, Spoilers, Spoilers and Spoilers. I am just mucking about in the playgrounds of these settings.

Hope you enjoy.
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Index/Character Sheets

To be added

Character Sheets

Name: Shinji Matou
Aliases: Joint Master of Rider, Matou Clansmen

Occupation: Highschool Student

Classification: Human

Social: Smooth Talker
- Circuit Count: None
- Unique Abilities: None
Athletics: Fit
Personality: Shinji is a prideful fast talker, under the surface he is extremely remorseful over his past behavior towards his sister. Shinji is surprisingly charismatic and relies on/values wits, he tends to hold grudges.


- Sakura Matou: Sister by adoption, despite a extremely toxic and abusive relationship developing over the years, derived from Shinji's resentment over Sakura being named family heir, the two siblings have started to reconcile after collaborating to kill Zouken. Things are still tense/awkward between them.

- Rider (Medusa): Rider is mysterious, while she visibly identifies with Sakura more intensely than Shinji she does have some regard for the male Matou for his part in making Sakura's life better.

- Shirou Emiya: A on off friend of Shinji's and fellow survivor of the Grail War. Shinji is not sure how he feels about Shirou now, Sakura is in love with him and they survived the Grail war due to his help but he ran off with Rin on a quest to find Avalon before they could really talk.

Name: Shirou Emiya
Aliases: Former Master of Saber

Occupation: Ally of Justice

Classification: Human/Magus

Social: Blunt but friendly and helpful.
- Circuit Count: 27 Magic Circuits. Each Circuit can handle 10 units of magical energy.
- Unique Abilities: Unlimted Blade Works (Reality Marble), Avalon. Tracing.
Athletics: Extremely fit, capable of using magecraft to enhance himself to superhuman levels

Personality: Due to the trauma he suffered during the great fire, Shirou has a constant emptiness in his personality and suffers from tremendous survivor's guilt. He feels that, as the only survivor, it is unfair to the deceased to prioritize his own needs before those of others. He has a distorted sense of values where he only finds self-worth from helping people without any compensation.


- Luvia Edefelt: Shirou's girlfriend/lover, the former master of assassin works has a high compatibility with Shirou and is willingy to aid him in his long term goals. Shirou finds Luvia focus on the importance of magus family values strange but respects her commitment. He does wish she would stop trying to experiment on his Reality Marble.

- Archer (EMIYA): The mysterious future incarnation of himself summoned into the Archer class from which he gained Unlimited Blade Works. Shirou is confused by Archers personality and finds his cynicism unsettling. Still he has come to regard what Archer represents highly as after all he became a Heroic Spirit. Shirou seeks to reach the same heights as Archer did.

Name: Rin Tohsaka
Aliases: Heir of the Tohsaka, Second Owner of Fuyuki

Occupation: Highschool Student/Magus Heir/Second Owner of Fuyuki

Classification: Human/Magus

Social: Confident actress.
--- Circuit Count (High): 40 inborn Magic Circuits and subs that are 30 each. Maximum output is of 1000 units of magical energy.
--- Unique Abilities: Bears Tohsaka family Crest, adept in Gemcraft and wide spectrum magical knowledge.
Athletics: Extremely fit capable of using Magic to enhance herself to superhuman levels.
Personality: Rin is a perceptive, serious, resourceful and very competitive person. Though she is widely admired at school as a prim and proper honor student, it is a front she puts up in order to prevent others from prying into her life. In private, she is notably loud, shrewd, stingy and bossy, but usually means well for those she cares about.


- Sakura Matou: Sister by birth, Rin obeyed Magus tradition and kept a polite distance from Sakura. She was horrified to discover that Sakura's foster family had abused and experimented on her driving her insane and making her into a magical weapon. Rin was forced to kill Sakura and hates herself deeply for this.

- Caster (Medea): Rin's unlikely ally when the Holy Grail war went to Hell. Rin respects Caster's knowledge of magic but is wary of her volatile temper and lose morals. She has not forgotten the people whose prana Caster drained. Currently they enjoy a loose alliance where they leave each alone except when Rin wants to talk shop about magic.
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Chapter One: You are ?
Chapter One: You are ?

The Reborn
You are Shinji Matou and its been a few months since your life changed, for the better you hope.

For years you lived with the constant reminder of what you wanted but never could have, magic, being thrust in your face. You were reminded day in and day that you were lesser in a way that could never be undone or surpassed.

And the form this torment took was your adopted sister Sakura. She has a very large number of magic circuits leaving the secrets of the Matou, secrets you had memorized but could never use, up for grabs. You blamed her for well everything in your life you couldn't control, you treated her horribly and you regret that now.

In the end you both were victims of your vile monster of a grandfather Zouken. He tortured Sakura under the pretense of training and he manipulated you into the resentful mess you were. Death was too good for the old monster.

Eventually you had the truth of your life pointed out to, not by a great hero or paragon of virtue but by a priest with empty eyes and a constant smile. Kirei Kotomine was one of the biggest monsters you have ever met and he opened your.

On one lazy afternoon you walked by a church and the man inside picked apart your life, he explained exactly how you were nothing more than Zouken's puppet dancing to his strings to torment someone who bore you no ill will. He pointed out the simple truth that once Sakura was turned into whatever grandfather wanted from her you would have no purpose and Zouken was never one to be swayed by compassion.

It was a splash of cold water to your force. His words painful direct and unbearably the truth it opened your eyes to something you had long ignored or flat out denied. Sakura was as much a victim as you were.

You think the priest only told you in the name greater pain. After all if you tried to defy to Zouken you would likely die slowly and great pain if you continued to play the part of Zoukens puppet you would do so with the knowledge that this was evil seared into your soul. Either way someone suffered.

You had no intention of dying, or suffering under your grandfathers thumb. Resentment is an old hat for you. You just changed targets it wasn't Sakura you wanted to hurt it was Zouken. So you did what Zouken would never have expect you to do, you talked to Sakura.

It was an enlightening experience. Despite years of mistreatment that would have driven anyone else past the point of caring she understood and forgave you. she indicated that she had never blamed you for your part in the hell her life had become. Which you still don't know how to deal with at all.

Talking to Sakura (really talking to her not shooting insults at her or taking her silences as by turns creepy or pathetic) made you realise that for the living paragon of the Matou's magecraft her knowledge of the family arts was patchwork at best. Grandfather didn't care about her at all didn't see her as a person much less as a student and had frankly given her the absolute basics of magical knowledge. The worms that infested her body were out of control and she had no real idea that they could be controlled.

You on the other hand could tell Sakura all about the inner workings of Matou magecraft, after all you had read the family texts inside and out. You could teach her to gain some actual control of all that power grandfather had forced into her. By giving her all the advice and tips Zouken neglected you could make her suffer less.

So you planned how to kill your grandfather. The simple truth was Zouken had to die as long as he lived you were both going to suffer one way or the other. The Holy Grail War offered the perfect solution.

Your sisters servant Rider known in life as the gorgon Medusa has the power to claim a territory. Anything within that territory can be broken down into raw prana to fuel Rider. The smaller and the more aligned with magic a given area was the easier Blood fort Andromeda is to set up.

The Matou manner isn't that big and Grandfather normally existed in the form of a swarm of crest worms only taking human form to speak to others or handle delicate tasks, the worms individually lack the magic circuits of a normal human and thus are very easy to kill via magic or simply squashing.

Working together you and Sakura planned it carefully, Rider set the marks while out on a "scouting mission". You triggered the trap on the way back from school using the command seal woven into the book of false attendant to give the Noble Phantasm just that extra bit of kick and Sakura used her newly improved control of the worms to make sure he was inside the blast radius and directed a prana gorged Rider towards any survivors.

And just like that the venerable Zouken Matou died. You have never enjoyed something so much.

The rest of the Holy Grail war passed you bye mostly, the other contestants were relatively involved in fighting each other and neither of you really cared about the prize. You had to deal with a few messes like a blue clad spear man kicking down the door and trying to run you through or the fact that two of the masters were people Sakura had feelings about: her biological sister Rin and her crush/your friend Shirou.

Then there was nightmare mess when the False priest efforts caused Sakura to change becoming powerful beyond words but crazed and destructive. If Shirou hadn't pulled that magic dagger out his ass or if you hadn't managed to talk Lancer into helping hold off the corrupted Rider long enough for Sakura to be fixed.

But when the dust settled you were still here and after a command seal was spent Rider was still hanging around. Sakura's enhanced nature meant Rider could survive in the modern day without the Grail supporting her.

Today is another day without Zouken's shadow looming over you. You promised Issei that you would meet him to discuss proper allocation of resources whatever that means in a few hours.

What are you going to do until then (Pick 2)

[] Go through Zoukens notes. Vile, abusive and obsessed though he was Zouken was a genius of a mage and his personal manuscripts contain knowledge of all sorts of things. Then again you're sure Zouken's private material are not going to be pleasant reading. (Magical Lore Bonus)

[] Investigate Rider's new motorcycle. She has been rather vague about where the massively expensive piece of machinery came from and you are curious. Then again Rider is not quite a bastion of principles you might not be happy to find out where it came from. (Investigation bonus)

[] Try to talk to some of your school friends about doing something with Sakura. You have been trying to bridge things with her and catching a movie with together with some people isn't a bad start. Then again you spent a few years saying stuff you regret about your adopted sister to the people closest to you opening that can of worms might not end well. (Social Bonus)

[] Practice your archery. Your one the best at it in your club but after the Holy Grail and seeing just what heights people could reach your no longer quite happy with being simply good. You need to be great. Then again you might want to start dealing with the reality that you aren't a magus and have limits to how far you can go. (Athletics Bonus)

The Dreamer
You are Shirou Emiya and has been a few months since you began to realize your dream.

Ever since the fire that destroyed your old life you have been hollow. You have come to understand that the only way you can atone for living when so many others died was to save others. You saw the naked joy when your father pulled you from the rubble and decided that in saving others you could be happy.

You made up your mind to be an Ally of justice. Someone who saves others from misfortune. The dream your father felt he couldn't handle anymore.

You faced many hurdles on the road to this goal, your magic circuits are few in comparison to a true magus, your education in magic was spotty at best and had little actual practical application but you persevered.

You trained through pain and hardship, you did every task you could find that would aid others. You worked without complaint and never gave up.

Your true test came in the form of the Holy Grail War, a magical tournament for the chance at a wish using resurrected hero's of legend as servants, of course you had no interest in the objective but innocent people were in danger from the conflict so you participated with the goal of ending the bloodshed and making sure nothing like the Great fire happened again.

Ironically for a no name novice you managed to summon Saber the strongest servant and together with the master of Servant Assassin you won the war.

The conflict was not easy or clean and over the course of the war you saw stuff from nightmares: you faced the reborn witch of betrayal and saw in her eyes a women who only wanted to be with the man she loved and in the name of that goal caused chaos. You watched the Golden King of Uruk tear out the heart of girl who was the sister you never you knew you had and were helpless to stop it. You fought side by with the women you have come cherish at the base of tower of screaming flesh and filth.

You beheld wonders: You watched the golden radiance of Excalibur level a mountain top and take Caster with it, you watched the child killer Gilgamesh be dragged roaring into oblivion by Assassin and Saber, You felt the rush of victory when together you and Luvia beat back the last of the filth spawn that crawled from the tower of flesh.

And through the gauntlet of horror and wonder, you gained something, a world of your own, a forge of the soul in which any blade you have traced was remade as yours. Your magic is no longer a joke. With the power of Unlimited Blade Works at your command you are at last able to pursue your dream to its fullest extent.

You still wonder about the servant of Rin who you deduced to be your future self, much as that stings as he was annoying beyond words, he seemed by turns malicious and noble. He had the strangest look on his face whenever he looked at Luvia, some mix of longing, regret, amusement and fondness that you can't begin to untangle. You don't bring him up much around Luvia, she' still a little touchy about all the teasing and snark he sent her way.

Ever since the Grail War ended you have been working with your ........ girlfriend you suppose, Luvia Edefelt heir of the Edefelt family, her patronage of you opens doors that you could never get through on your own allowing you the chance to stop events that would cause great harm and act without the constrains of a Japanese high schoolers budget.

Your current situation is a perfect example of this, around you American teenagers eat, drink and dance beneath flashing lights and to the blast of music. It's the local high schools formal and the school has put out a standing invitation to anyone wanting to attend.

You don't really care about all this, you do care that five bodies have turned up drained of blood in a cross country path leading to this town. Probably the work of a serial killer but maybe it's the work of a Dead Apostle. Either way further deaths are something you plan to stop. And since the Edefelt's American estates are close by Luvia had grounds to investigate.

You don't actually speak English that well, but Luvia's fluent in quite a few languages so while she asks questions of the guests you ....

What is your approach? (Pick 2)

[] Start structurally grasping guests who draw your eye. If a dead apostle is on the prowl in the crowd you will identify them. On the other hand there are lot of people here the target may not arrived yet or be waiting outside for its prey (Structural Grasp/Observation practice)

[] Meet up with Luvia and play the part of her boyfriend. You might catch something she missed or if things go bad you will closer to her. More able to protect her and strike back at any attacker. On the other hand Luvia looks like she knows what she's doing and you don't want to ruin her approach. (Social/Teamwork practice)

[] Set Rudimentary boundary fields around at the entrances. They aren't your area of specialty but you can set a basic one that reacts to an inhuman presence and sound the alarm. But if the killer is already inside or is human then your preparation will wasted. (Magical theory/Defensive practice)

[] Run through your inventory of weapons stored in Unlimited Blade Works that would be effective against a Dead Apostle. Apostles are difficult to kill and knowing what weapon you need to call up could make all the difference. (Unlimited Blade Works/Offensive practice)


The Survivor

You are Rin Tohsaka, and it's been a few months since your world came tumbling down in a storm of fire and pain.

The Holy Grail War: a contest of the highest quality, fought by the worthy with the resurrected spirits of humanity's greatest heroes as their soldiers. The thing that killed your father, left your mother a brain-damaged wreck, and burned down part of the city. The thing you spent most of your life preparing for.

Preparing - ha! What an utter joke. All your effort, all your preparations, and they simply couldn't measure up to the disaster that ensued.

The game was rigged from the start, with secrets and investments galore. That damned priest of an Overseer had been playing his own games and had a leftover servant from the last war waiting in the wings. The prize wasn't as advertised, and worst of all a rival house had been tampering with the ritual's very nature to create a weapon to destroy all competitors and claim victory.

The prize wasn't as advertised, and worst of all a rival house had been tampering with the rituals very nature to create a weapon to destroy all competitors and claim victory.

A weapon in the shape of a person - a person who, once upon a time, you had played with and called 'sister'.

Then, in a final disaster, Zouken Matou had lost control of his prized weapon, and more people had died: innocents with no knowledge of the secret war raging around their homes. You did everything possible to mitigate the disaster, to get through to the maddened, corrupted shell of your sister.

It wasn't enough.

She had been abused for to long and that which she loved she had been made to destroy. Was it any wonder she broke beyond fixing. So she killed and killed and killed. She corrupted the Servants into abominations bound to her will.

She left you no choice.

You allied with the only players left in the game, you fought past horrors that had been heroes, you stood in a chamber under the earth, looked into Sakura's eyes, and saw...

... While your allies' mage fire and minions beat back the shadowed monsters your sister called up, you, you - you did what you had to.

The War ended. You won, but funnily enough you didn't feel like basking in the victory while you stared down at your sister's bloodied corpse.

Now things are less raw: you're eating again, you've started studying the infinite mysteries of magic again, you've started attending school again. There's a stability, even enjoyment in this dance, balancing the expectations of the model student persona and the duties and knowledge of the magus heir of the Tohsaka.

Today is an important day. Today, the Magus Association's representative will arrive to make a formal inquiry about the vents of the Holy Grail War. To be honest, if Japan wasn't such a backwater and a member of the Church hadn't been overseeing the Event, they would have been here much earlier, what with all the people dead.

However, the universe gave you a break, gave you time to get yourself together, get your story straight, and plan for the future.

You aren't planning to lie - just present a modified version of events. The Grail had spare power left from the last war, so the Servants summoned were of higher-than-usual quality and less dependent on their masters. The conflict flared out of control, but you stopped it before the city was leveled.

The Grail is no more; the vile thing squirming in its heart starved without the influx of power from the leylines to feed it. As for the Servants...

Well your snarky, disobedient, annoyance off an Archer is gone. At least he went down doing something important, he took on the attack dog Sakura made of Saber and the Golden King that sought to slay her for the crime of existing like that. He died to kill the King of Heroes and that was as good as ending as any.

Berserker, Lancer and Saber had all died at the battle of Einzbern castle. The Shadow devoured Berserker even as he raged and beat at it, Lancer and the corrupted Saber had killed each. The sight of that is something you're likely to never forget: Lancer's flesh spasming with Kotomine's command seal given strength, Saber like oncoming thunderstorm. The Collison of legends had shaken the world.

The monstrous thing that must have been Rider once was gone. It had joined its mistress in death.

Only Caster and her master/lover are still around. You allied with them when the severity of the situation became clear, and have maintained an uneasy truce ever since. Turning on allies that saved your hide was never a play in your book, and Medea seems truly happy being domestic with Kuzuki-sensei.

Besides, you have to admit that the chance to pick the brain of a magus from the Age of Gods every now and then is enough to make you drool.

In any case, you still have a few hours before the representative arrives. Might as well do something...

What do you do for the next couple of hours (Pick 2)?

[] Check your lab and various experiments. You don't have anything really pressing on the boil right now, but there is a certain peace to losing yourself in work and magic has always been your passion. And making sure all your magical artifacts are in good condition is never a bad idea. (Magical Inventory bonus)

[] Go through Kotomine's stuff. The fake priest is dead and considering what he implied before he died you aren't exactly mourning him. But he did watch over you for most of your life. And left some personal affects you should probably go through at some point. Who knows? there might be something useful in there. (Church Sacraments/Executioner Gear bonus)

[] Visit the Einzbern Castle. The site of the biggest battle of the Holy Grail War, with nearly all the servants in a bloody free for all. This is where Saber, Berserker and Lancer fell. This is where the Shadow fed and hunted. The place is deserted now but you should check if the Einzberns left anything behind. ( Lore of the Holy Grail War Bonus)

[] Visit Medea and Kozuki. You should probably make sure Medea isn't going to try and kidnap the Associations representative and run through your story/preparations with them. You don't trust them a hundred percent a feeling that is apparently mutual but you are neighbors now and should make an effort to be civil. (Social Caster/Master bonus)
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