[X] Plan Yule And Owlbears
-[X] [Focus] Yule Party
--[X] Specifically, invite a bunch of people to our Yule party with a specific focus on any women any of our huscarls say they'd like to invite (they're all single, giving them an opportunity to mingle is good)
--[X] All direct neighbors would also be invited, including Buri's family
--[X] Very publicly give our retainers the things we've made for them (weapons, armor, and arm-rings)
--[X] Give out Grand Forged Iron farming tools to those families in the valley most in need of good tools, picking members of the family other than the head if appropriate
---[X] Including one set Bo Burisson, former member of our crew
-[X] Talk To Buri
--[X] The idea here is to get somewhere private and recruit him to the cause of bringing down Dorri.
--[X] Taking all reasonable, and possibly some unreasonable, precautions to prevent being overheard.
-[X] Yule Divination
--[X] Take all appropriate privacy precautions, especially about vermin like ants
--[X] Ask who knows about Dorri's deal with Drysalt (using the same list of important people in the Valley for answers)
--[X] Ask who knows the truth about what happened to the Witch (again, same list)
--[X] Ask id defeating and slaying Dorri would escalate things with Drysalt in a way that speeds up the time-table on his plans? (Drawing lots for Yes, No, Likely, Unlikely, and Uncertain)
-[X] [Extended] Hunt the Owl-Fire-Bear-Thing
--[X] Taking at least Abjorn, Stigmar, and Alvis with us...possibly others depending on the situation
-[X] (Training) Hamr (511 XP to rank up)
--[X] Train Sword Stepping 9xp
--[X] Train Harvesting Sense 6xp (3xp)
--[X] Train Fire Starter 6xp (3xp)
--[X] Train Brazier Bomb 6xp (3xp)
--[X] Train Ember Stoke 6xp (3xp)
-[X] (Training) Hugr (255 XP to rank up)
--[X] Train Ignition 60xp (15xp)
--[X] Train Standstill 24xp (12xp)
--[X] Train Size Up 6xp (3xp)
--[X] Train Dancing Sparks 8xp (2xp)
-[X] (Training) Fylgja (512 XP to rank up)
--[X] Train Owl-Eye Pulse 6xp
-[X] (Work Options)
--[X] Craft 9 Grand sets of Forged Iron farming tools as presents for those most in need in the Valley, customized to what we know of their needs (9 Work)
--[X] Plant hashish in our soulscape, spending 3 Odr for a crop (and see how much that gets us and what effects it has)
-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Before gaining Odr this turn infuse 128 Odr into Hamr, afterwards infuse 6 Odr into Labor, 4 Odr into combat, 2 Odr each into Smithing and Scouting, and 3 Odr each into Housecraft and Travel.
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Asgeirr, Eyvor,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Storm Iron,
-[X] (Shapeshifting Slots)
--[X] Assign new slot to Reduced Sleep